5        IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
8            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
9        VlanId
10            FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB
11        LastCreateTime
12                FROM RMON2-MIB
13        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, TimeStamp, MacAddress
14            FROM SNMPv2-TC
15        hpSwitch
16            FROM HP-ICF-OID
17        ;
20        LAST-UPDATED "200508050000Z" -- Aug 5, 2005
21        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
22                      ProCurve Networking Business"
23        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
24                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
25                      Roseville, CA 95747"
26        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module contains the definitions of Managed
27                      Objects for the XRRP router - the device running HP
28                      proprietory version of the Virtual Router Redundancy
29                      Protocol (VRRP)."
30        REVISION     "200508050000Z" -- Aug 5, 2005
31        DESCRIPTION  "Added import objects."
33        REVISION      "200410200000Z"  -- October 20, 2004
34        DESCRIPTION   "Revision to add objects to support controlled
35                       failback feature for XRRP."
37        REVISION      "200208190000Z"  -- August 19, 2002
38        DESCRIPTION   "Initial revision."
41        ::= { hpSwitch 18 }
43-- *******************************************************************
44--  Textual Conventions
45-- *******************************************************************
47    XrrpRouterId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
48        STATUS       current
49        DESCRIPTION  "A number which serves to uniquely identify a XRRP router
50                      within a domain."
51        SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..255)
53-- **********************************************************************
54--  XRRP MIB Groups
55-- **********************************************************************
57    hpicfXrrpOperations      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpMIB 2 }
58    hpicfXrrpStatistics      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpMIB 3 }
59    hpicfXrrpConformance     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpMIB 4 }
61-- **********************************************************************
62--  Start of MIB objects
63-- **********************************************************************
65    hpicfXrrpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
66        SYNTAX       Integer32
67        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
68        STATUS       current
69        DESCRIPTION  "This value identifies the particular version of the XRRP
70                      supported by this device."
71     ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 1 }
73    hpicfXrrpAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
74        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
75                         enable(1),
76                         disable(2)
77                     }
78        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
79        STATUS       current
80        DESCRIPTION  "The administrative state of the XRRP protocol
81                      on the box."
82        DEFVAL { 2 }
83        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 2 }
85    hpicfXrrpDomain OBJECT-TYPE
86        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..255)
87        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
88        STATUS      current
89        DESCRIPTION "Domain that this router is in. The router can only be in
90                     one domain. Routers in the same domain can fail-over for
91                     each other. Up to 2 routers that have common VLANs can use
92                     the same XRRP Domain."
93        DEFVAL { 1 }
94        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 3 }
96    hpicfXrrpRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
97        SYNTAX      XrrpRouterId
98        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
99        STATUS      current
100        DESCRIPTION "Unique number for this router within a given domain.
101                     The router number (in combination with a VLAN ID) is
102                     used as an identifier for an XRRP instance within a
103                     domain. Along with 'hpicfXrrpDomain' it is used to
104                     create the XRRP MAC address for the XRRP instance this
105                     router owns. No two routers in the same domain can have
106                     the same router number in the same level 2 switching
107                     fabric."
108        DEFVAL { 1 }
109        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 4 }
111    hpicfXrrpFailback OBJECT-TYPE
112        SYNTAX      Integer32 (10..999)
113        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
114        STATUS      current
115        DESCRIPTION "Delay a router must wait before it can reclaim control
116   	             for the virtual router it owns after its VLANs have come
117                     back up. This prevents any crashing for intermittent
118                     failures."
119        DEFVAL { 10 }
120        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 5 }
122    hpicfXrrpTrapCntl OBJECT-TYPE
123        SYNTAX       BITS {
124                         stateChange(0),
125                         masterState(1),
126                         authFailure(2)
127                     }
128        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
129        STATUS       current
130        DESCRIPTION  "Indicates whether the XRRP-enabled router will generate
131                      SNMP traps for events defined in this MIB. The set bit
132                      means 'enabled'.
134                      - stateChange(0)
135                        This bit controls whether the notification trap is
136                        allowed to be send when virtual router changes the state.
138                      - masterState(1)
139                        This bit controls whether the notification trap is
140                        allowed to be send when virtual router transitions
141                        to the Master state.
143                      - authFailure(2)
144                        This bit controls whether the notification trap is
145                        allowed to be send when virtual router detects an
146                        authentication error."
147        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 6 }
149-- **********************************************************************
150--  XRRP Virtual Router (XRRP Instance) Operations Table
151-- **********************************************************************
153    hpicfXrrpInstancesTable OBJECT-TYPE
154        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfXrrpInstanceEntry
155        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
156        STATUS      current
157        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains operational characteristics of the
158                     virtual routers (XRRP instances) configured on this routing
159                     device. Currently on a given router for a given VLAN up to
160                     2 instances can be supported (i.e. router can be the owner
161                     of one XRRP instance and backup up to one other). The
162                     theoretical maximum of XRRP instances on the router can
163                     be MAX_VLAN*2, currently it is limited to 512."
164        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 7 }
166    hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
167        SYNTAX      HpicfXrrpInstanceEntry
168        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
169        STATUS      current
170        DESCRIPTION "An entry (row) in the 'hpicfXrrpInstancesTable' containing
171                     the operational characteristics of the specific virtual
172                     router (XRRP instance) configured on this device."
173        INDEX       { hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId, hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId }
174        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstancesTable 1 }
176    HpicfXrrpInstanceEntry ::=
177        SEQUENCE {
178            hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId              XrrpRouterId,
179            hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId                VlanId,
180            hpicfXrrpInstanceOperState             INTEGER,
181            hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthType              INTEGER,
182            hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthKey               OCTET STRING,
183            hpicfXrrpInstanceAdvertiseInterval     Integer32,
184            hpicfXrrpInstanceUpTime                TimeStamp,
185            hpicfXrrpInstanceRowStatus             RowStatus
186        }
188    hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
189        SYNTAX      XrrpRouterId
190        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
191        STATUS      current
192        DESCRIPTION "The router number which owns the virtual router interface
193                     (XRRP instance). In combination with
194                     'hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId' used as an index value to
195                      uniquely identify a row in the
196                     'hpicfXrrpInstancesTable' table."
197        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 1 }
199    hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
200        SYNTAX      VlanId
201        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
202        STATUS      current
203        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID where the virtual router (XRRP instance) is
204                     running on. In combination with 'hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId'
205                     is used as an index value to uniquely identify a row in the
206                     'hpicfXrrpInstancesTable' table."
207        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 2 }
209    hpicfXrrpInstanceOperState OBJECT-TYPE
210        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
211                         initialize(1),
212                         backup(2),
213                         master(3),
214                         vlandown(4)
215                     }
216        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
217        STATUS       current
218        DESCRIPTION  "The current state of the virtual router (XRRP instance)
219                      configured on this device. This object has the following
220                      defined values:
222                      - `initialize', which indicates that the virtual router
223                        (XRRP instance) is waiting for a startup event.
225                      - `backup', which indicates that virtual router (XRRP
226                        instance) is monitoring the availability of the Master.
228                      - `master', which indicates that the given virtual router
229                        (XRRP instance) is forwarding packets for the IP
230                        addresses associated with it, i.e. is in the Master
231                        state.
233                      - 'vlandown', which indicates that the VLAN associated
234                        with this virtual router (XRRP instance) is in down
235                        state."
237        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 3 }
239    hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthType OBJECT-TYPE
240        SYNTAX            INTEGER {
241                              noAuthentication(1),
242                              simpleTextPassword(2)
243                     }
244        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
245        STATUS       current
246        DESCRIPTION  "Authentication type used for VRRP protocol exchanges
247                      between virtual routers.
248                      - 'noAuthentication' means that VRRP protocol exchanges
249                        are notauthenticated.
251                      - 'simpleTextPassword' means that exchanges are
252                        authenticated by a clear text password."
254        DEFVAL       { noAuthentication }
255        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 4 }
257    hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE
258        SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))
259        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
260        STATUS       current
261        DESCRIPTION  "This is an authentication string that is used to
262                      authenticate encapsulated VRRP packets received from
263                      other routers the XRRP instance is composed. This value
264                      must be consistently defined across the routers that
265                      form this XRRP instance. When read, it always returns an
266                      Octet String of length zero."
267        DEFVAL { NULL }
268        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 5 }
270    hpicfXrrpInstanceAdvertiseInterval OBJECT-TYPE
271        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..60)
272        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
273        STATUS      current
274        DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines the advertisement interval in
275                     seconds for XRRP packets sent out by the Master of the
276                     XRRP instance."
277        DEFVAL { 5 }
278        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 6 }
280    hpicfXrrpInstanceUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
281        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
282        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
283        STATUS      current
284        DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the `sysUpTime' object when
285                     the XRRP instance transitioned out of `initialized'
286                     state."
287        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 7 }
289    hpicfXrrpInstanceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
290        SYNTAX      RowStatus
291        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
292        STATUS      current
293        DESCRIPTION "Status of the row in the 'hpicfXrrpInstancesTable'."
294        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceEntry 8 }
296-- **********************************************************************
297--  XRRP Virtual Routers (XRRP Instances) Associated IP addresses Table
298-- **********************************************************************
300    hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
301        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF HpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry
302        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
303        STATUS       current
304        DESCRIPTION  "This table contains IP addresses associated with
305                      virtual routers (XRRP instances) configured on
306                      this device."
307    ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 8 }
309    hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
310        SYNTAX       HpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry
311        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
312        STATUS       current
313        DESCRIPTION  "An entry in the 'hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrTable'.
314                      The number of rows will be equal the number of IP
315                      addresses backed up by the all XRRP instances on this
316                      device."
317        INDEX    { hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId,
318                   hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId,
319                   hpicfXrrpAssoIpAddr }
320        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrTable 1 }
322    HpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry ::=
323        SEQUENCE {
324            hpicfXrrpAssoIpAddr         IpAddress,
325            hpicfXrrpAssoIpMask         IpAddress,
326            hpicfXrrpAssoRowStatus      RowStatus
327        }
329    hpicfXrrpAssoIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
330        SYNTAX       IpAddress
331        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
332        STATUS       current
333        DESCRIPTION  "The backed up IP address configured on the VLAN
334                     'hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId' of the router
335                     'hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId'."
336     ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry 1 }
338    hpicfXrrpAssoIpMask OBJECT-TYPE
339        SYNTAX       IpAddress
340        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
341        STATUS       current
342        DESCRIPTION  "The subnet mask for the IP address."
343     ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry 2 }
345    hpicfXrrpAssoRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
346        SYNTAX       RowStatus
347        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
348        STATUS       current
349        DESCRIPTION  "The status of the row in
350                      'hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrTable'."
351        ::= { hpicfXrrpInstanceAssoIpAddrEntry 3 }
353-- **********************************************************************
354--  XRRP Transfer Control Object
355-- **********************************************************************
357    hpicfXrrpTransferControl OBJECT-TYPE
358        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
359                        transferCtrl (1),
360                        notransferCtrl (2)
361                        }
362        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
363        STATUS       current
364        DESCRIPTION  "When this object is set to transferCtrl (1), it acts
365                     as a trigger to intimate XRRP of the transfer of control
366                     from one router to another.
367                     When read, this object always returns
368                     notransferCtrl (2)."
370        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 9 }
372 -- **********************************************************************
373--  XRRP Infinite Failback object
374-- **********************************************************************
376    hpicfXrrpInfiniteFailback OBJECT-TYPE
377        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
378                        enable (1),
379                        disable (2)
380                        }
381        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
382        STATUS       current
383        DESCRIPTION  "When this object is set to enable (1), it sets the
384                      XRRP router on infinite failback. On initialization,
385                      the default value is disable (2)."
387        ::= { hpicfXrrpOperations 10 }
389-- **********************************************************************
390--  XRRP Global Statistics (Read only objects)
391-- **********************************************************************
393    hpicfXrrpStatsXrrpMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
394        SYNTAX       MacAddress
395        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
396        STATUS       current
397        DESCRIPTION  "MAC Address used for XRRP instances for which this
398                      router is the owner. Value is determined by XRRP
399                      domain and unique router number."
400        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 1 }
402    hpicfXrrpStatsMacAndMask OBJECT-TYPE
403        SYNTAX       MacAddress
404        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
405        STATUS       current
406        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the current AND mask used by XRRP to
407                      determine which MAC addresses can be received for
408                      routing."
409        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 2 }
411    hpicfXrrpStatsPktsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
412        SYNTAX       Counter32
413        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
414        STATUS       current
415        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets received
416                      by the router."
417        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 3 }
419    hpicfXrrpStatsNotDomainPktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
420        SYNTAX       Counter32
421        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
422        STATUS       current
423        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets
424                      received from the other domains."
425        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 4 }
427    hpicfXrrpStatsCheckSumPktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
428        SYNTAX       Counter32
429        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
430        STATUS       current
431        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets rejected
432                      due to checksum errors."
433        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 5 }
435    hpicfXrrpStatsBadValuePktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
436        SYNTAX       Counter32
437        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
438        STATUS       current
439        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of received XRRP packets
440                      with bad values."
441        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 6 }
443    hpicfXrrpStatsCorruptedPktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
444        SYNTAX       Counter32
445        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
446        STATUS       current
447        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of received XRRP packets
448                      that are too short."
449        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 7 }
451    hpicfXrrpStatsVersionErrorPktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
452        SYNTAX       Counter32
453        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
454        STATUS       current
455        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of received XRRP packets
456                      with wrong version number."
457        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 8 }
459    hpicfXrrpStatsBcastArpsXmtd OBJECT-TYPE
460        SYNTAX       Counter32
461        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
462        STATUS       current
463        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of broacast arps sent."
464        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 9 }
466    hpicfXrrpStatsUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
467        SYNTAX       TimeStamp
468        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
469        STATUS       current
470        DESCRIPTION  "This is the value of the `sysUpTime' object when
471                      the XRRP protocol has been last enabled. Used to count
472                      elapsed time since last XRRP enable action."
473        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 10 }
475    hpicfXrrpStatsProtocolCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
476        SYNTAX       LastCreateTime
477        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
478        STATUS       current
479        DESCRIPTION  "The value of sysUpTime when XRRP protocol was last
480                      activated (initialized). This can be used for polling
481                      applications to detect discontinuity in the above
482                      statistics counters if protocol has been reinitialized
483                      between polls."
484        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 11 }
486-- **********************************************************************
487--  XRRP Virtual Routers Statistics (Read only objects)
488-- **********************************************************************
490    hpicfXrrpStatsInstancesTable OBJECT-TYPE
491        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF HpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry
492        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
493        STATUS       current
494        DESCRIPTION  "A table that contains statistics information for
495                      the XRRP instances on the router."
496        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 12 }
498    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
499        SYNTAX       HpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry
500        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
501        STATUS       current
502        DESCRIPTION  "Information about a specific XRRP instance."
503        INDEX       { hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId,
504                      hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId }
505        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstancesTable 1 }
507    HpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry ::=
508        SEQUENCE {
509            hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId                  XrrpRouterId,
510            hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId                    VlanId,
511            hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsRcvd             Counter32,
512            hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsXmtd             Counter32,
513            hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceVersionErrPkts       Counter32,
514            hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsRcvd Counter32,
515            hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsXmtd Counter32,
516            hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceMismatchedIpPkts     Counter32,
517            hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceAuthFailPktsReject   Counter32,
518            hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceIntervalMismatchPkts Counter32,
519            hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceCreateTime           LastCreateTime
520        }
522    hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
523        SYNTAX      Counter32
524        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
525        STATUS      current
526        DESCRIPTION "This value contains the number of XRRP packets received
527                     by the virtual router (XRRP instance)."
528        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 1 }
530    hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsXmtd OBJECT-TYPE
531        SYNTAX      Counter32
532        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
533        STATUS      current
534        DESCRIPTION "This value contains the number of XRRP packets transmitted
535                     by the virtual router (XRRP instance)."
536        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 2 }
538    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceVersionErrPkts OBJECT-TYPE
539        SYNTAX      Counter32
540        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
541        STATUS      current
542        DESCRIPTION "This value contains the number of XRRP packets received
543                     by the virtual router (XRRP instance) with incompatible
544                     version value in either the XRRP or VRRP portion of the
545                     header."
546        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 3 }
548    hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
549        SYNTAX       Counter32
550        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
551        STATUS       current
552        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets received
553                      with the priority set to 0 on the virtual router (i.e.
554                      the current master is giving up control)."
555        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 4 }
557    hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsXmtd OBJECT-TYPE
558        SYNTAX       Counter32
559        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
560        STATUS       current
561        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets
562                      transmitted by the virtual router with the priority set
563                      to 0 (i.e. the virtual router is giving up control)."
564        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 5 }
566    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceMismatchedIpPkts OBJECT-TYPE
567        SYNTAX       Counter32
568        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
569        STATUS       current
570        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets received
571                      by the virtual router with an unknown mismatched IP
572                      addresses. The Backup router will automatically accept
573                      the addresses from a router with a priority of 255 (i.e.
574                      the virtual router owner)."
575        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 6 }
577    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceAuthFailPktsReject OBJECT-TYPE
578        SYNTAX       Counter32
579        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
580        STATUS       current
581        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of rejected by this virtual
582                      router XRRP packets due to authentication failure (i.e.
583                      mismatched passwords)."
584        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 7 }
586    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceIntervalMismatchPkts OBJECT-TYPE
587        SYNTAX       Counter32
588        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
589        STATUS       current
590        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of XRRP packets with
591                      the advertisement interval is a mismatch. The receiving
592                      router will change to that of the transmitter but logs
593                      a warning."
594        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 8 }
596    hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
597        SYNTAX       LastCreateTime
598        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
599        STATUS       current
600        DESCRIPTION  "The value of sysUpTime when this virtual router
601                      entry was last activated. This object allows to a
602                      management station to detect deletion and recreation
603                      cycles between polls and thus detect discontinuity
604                      in the above statistics counters."
605        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceEntry 9 }
607-- **********************************************************************
608--  XRRP Virtual Router Coordinator Statistics (Read only objects)
609-- **********************************************************************
611    hpicfXrrpStatsRcTable OBJECT-TYPE
612        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF HpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry
613        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
614        STATUS       current
615        DESCRIPTION  "A table that contains statistics information for
616                      virtual router coordinators in the domain."
617        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatistics 13 }
619    hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
620        SYNTAX       HpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry
621        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
622        STATUS       current
623        DESCRIPTION  "Information about a specific router coordinator."
624        INDEX       { hpicfXrrpStatsRcRouterId }
625        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcTable 1 }
627    HpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry ::=
628        SEQUENCE {
629            hpicfXrrpStatsRcRouterId             XrrpRouterId,
630            hpicfXrrpStatsRcOperState            INTEGER,
631            hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsRcvd        Counter32,
632            hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsXmtd        Counter32,
633            hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsRcvd        Counter32,
634            hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsXmtd        Counter32,
635            hpicfXrrpStatsRcBecomeMaster         Counter32,
636            hpicfXrrpStatsRcMasterTime           TimeStamp,
637            hpicfXrrpStatsRcUnknownVlanId        Counter32,
638            hpicfXrrpStatsRcCreateTime           LastCreateTime
639        }
641    hpicfXrrpStatsRcRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
642        SYNTAX     XrrpRouterId
643        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
644        STATUS     current
645        DESCRIPTION "The router coordinator number."
646        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 1 }
648    hpicfXrrpStatsRcOperState OBJECT-TYPE
649        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
650                         initialize(1),
651                         backup(2),
652                         master(3),
653                         failback(4)
654                     }
655        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
656        STATUS       current
657        DESCRIPTION  "The current operational state of the router coordinator."
659        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 2 }
661    hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
662        SYNTAX       Counter32
663        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
664        STATUS       current
665        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of type 1 XRRP packets
666                      received by the router."
667        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 3 }
669    hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsXmtd OBJECT-TYPE
670        SYNTAX       Counter32
671        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
672        STATUS       current
673        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of type 1 XRRP packets
674                      transmitted by the router."
675        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 4 }
677    hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
678        SYNTAX       Counter32
679        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
680        STATUS       current
681        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of type 2 XRRP packets
682                      received by the router."
683        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 5 }
685    hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsXmtd OBJECT-TYPE
686        SYNTAX       Counter32
687        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
688        STATUS       current
689        DESCRIPTION  "This value contains the number of type 2 XRRP packets
690                      transmitted by the router."
691        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 6 }
693    hpicfXrrpStatsRcBecomeMaster OBJECT-TYPE
694        SYNTAX      Counter32
695        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
696        STATUS      current
697        DESCRIPTION "The total number of times that this router has become
698                     a master."
699        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 7 }
701    hpicfXrrpStatsRcMasterTime OBJECT-TYPE
702        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
703        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
704        STATUS      current
705        DESCRIPTION "Duration as master (in seconds)."
706        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 8 }
708    hpicfXrrpStatsRcUnknownVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
709        SYNTAX      Counter32
710        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
711        STATUS      current
712        DESCRIPTION ""
713        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 9 }
715    hpicfXrrpStatsRcCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
716        SYNTAX       LastCreateTime
717        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
718        STATUS       current
719        DESCRIPTION  "The value of sysUpTime when this router coordinator
720                      entry was last activated. This object allows to a
721                      management station to detect deletion and recreation
722                      cycles between polls and thus detect discontinuity
723                      in the above statistics counters."
724        ::= { hpicfXrrpStatsRcEntry 10 }
726-- **********************************************************************
727--   XRRP Notifications Trap Definitions
728-- **********************************************************************
730    hpicfXrrpNotifications   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpMIB 1 }
732    hpicfXrrpNotificationsPrefix
733                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpNotifications 0 }
735    hpicfXrrpNotificationsObjects
736                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpNotifications 1 }
738    hpicfXrrpTrapAuthErrorType OBJECT-TYPE
739        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
740                         invalidAuthType (1),
741                         authTypeMismatch (2),
742                         authFailure (3)
743                     }
744        MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
745        STATUS       current
746        DESCRIPTION  "Potential types of configuration conflicts.
747                      Used by hpicfXrrpTrapAuthFailure trap."
748        ::= { hpicfXrrpNotificationsObjects 1 }
750    hpicfXrrpTrapStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
751        OBJECTS {
752            hpicfXrrpDomain,
753            hpicfXrrpStatsRcRouterId,
754            hpicfXrrpStatsRcOperState
755        }
756        STATUS       current
757        DESCRIPTION  "This trap indicates that a XRRP router has changed
758                      state. The trap contains the domain number, the router
759                      coordinator number and state value for the change.
760                      This trap is being controled by the state of
761                      'hpicfXrrpTrapCntl' object."
762        ::= { hpicfXrrpNotificationsPrefix 1 }
764    hpicfXrrpTrapAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
765        OBJECTS {
766            hpicfXrrpDomain,
767            hpicfXrrpRouterId,          -- The originator of the trap
768            hpicfXrrpInstanceRouterId,
769            hpicfXrrpInstanceVlanId,
770            hpicfXrrpTrapAuthErrorType
771        }
772        STATUS       current
773        DESCRIPTION  "This trap indicates that the authentication error occured
774                      on a XRRP VLAN. The trap contains the domain number, this
775                      router number, instance id (owner router number and
776                      VLAN ID) that detected the error and type of the
777                      authentication error. This trap is being controled by the
778                      state of 'hpicfXrrpTrapCntl' object."
779        ::= { hpicfXrrpNotificationsPrefix 2 }
781-- **********************************************************************
782--  Conformance Information
783-- **********************************************************************
785    hpicfXrrpMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpConformance 1 }
786    hpicfXrrpMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXrrpConformance 2 }
788-- ...................................................................
789-- Compliance Statements
790-- ...................................................................
792    hpicfXrrpMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
793        STATUS      deprecated
794        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********"
795        MODULE -- this module
796            MANDATORY-GROUPS  { hpicfXrrpOperGroup,
797                                hpicfXrrpStatsGroup }
798        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBCompliances 1 }
800    hpicfXrrpMIBCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
801        STATUS      current
802        DESCRIPTION "The core compliance statement for XRRP implementation."
803        MODULE -- this module
804            MANDATORY-GROUPS  { hpicfXrrpOperGroup1,
805                                hpicfXrrpStatsGroup }
806        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBCompliances 2 }
808    hpicfXrrpOperGroup OBJECT-GROUP
809        OBJECTS     {
810                      hpicfXrrpVersion,
811                      hpicfXrrpAdminState,
812                      hpicfXrrpDomain,
813                      hpicfXrrpRouterId,
814                      hpicfXrrpTrapCntl,
816                      hpicfXrrpInstanceOperState,
817                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthType,
818                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthKey,
819                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAdvertiseInterval,
820                      hpicfXrrpInstanceUpTime,
821                      hpicfXrrpInstanceRowStatus,
823                      hpicfXrrpAssoIpMask,
824                      hpicfXrrpAssoRowStatus
825                    }
826        STATUS      deprecated
827        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********"
828        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBGroups 1 }
830    hpicfXrrpStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
831        OBJECTS     {
832                        hpicfXrrpStatsXrrpMacAddress,
833                        hpicfXrrpStatsMacAndMask,
834                        hpicfXrrpStatsPktsRcvd,
835                        hpicfXrrpStatsNotDomainPktsReject,
836                        hpicfXrrpStatsCheckSumPktsReject,
837                        hpicfXrrpStatsBadValuePktsReject,
838                        hpicfXrrpStatsCorruptedPktsReject,
839                        hpicfXrrpStatsVersionErrorPktsReject,
840                        hpicfXrrpStatsBcastArpsXmtd,
841                        hpicfXrrpStatsUpTime,
842                        hpicfXrrpStatsProtocolCreateTime,
844                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsRcvd,
845                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePktsXmtd,
846                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceVersionErrPkts,
847                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsRcvd,
848                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstancePriorityZeroPktsXmtd,
849                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceMismatchedIpPkts,
850                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceAuthFailPktsReject,
851                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceIntervalMismatchPkts,
852                        hpicfXrrpStatsInstanceCreateTime,
854                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcOperState,
855                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsRcvd,
856                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcType1PktsXmtd,
857                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsRcvd,
858                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcType2PktsXmtd,
859                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcBecomeMaster,
860                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcMasterTime,
861                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcUnknownVlanId,
862                        hpicfXrrpStatsRcCreateTime
863                    }
864        STATUS      current
865        DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for XRRP statistics."
866        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBGroups 2 }
868    hpicfXrrpTrapGroup OBJECT-GROUP
869        OBJECTS     {
870                        hpicfXrrpTrapAuthErrorType
871                    }
872        STATUS      current
873        DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for objects contained in XRRP
874                     notifications."
875        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBGroups 3 }
877    hpicfXrrpNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
878        NOTIFICATIONS {
879                        hpicfXrrpTrapStateChange,
880                        hpicfXrrpTrapAuthFailure
881                      }
882        STATUS      current
883        DESCRIPTION "The XRRP MIB Notification Group."
884        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBGroups 4 }
886     hpicfXrrpOperGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP
887        OBJECTS     {
888                      hpicfXrrpVersion,
889                      hpicfXrrpAdminState,
890                      hpicfXrrpDomain,
891                      hpicfXrrpRouterId,
892                      hpicfXrrpTrapCntl,
894                      hpicfXrrpInstanceOperState,
895                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthType,
896                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAuthKey,
897                      hpicfXrrpInstanceAdvertiseInterval,
898                      hpicfXrrpInstanceUpTime,
899                      hpicfXrrpInstanceRowStatus,
901                      hpicfXrrpAssoIpMask,
902                      hpicfXrrpAssoRowStatus,
904                      hpicfXrrpTransferControl,
905                      hpicfXrrpInfiniteFailback
906                    }
907        STATUS      current
908        DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for XRRP operations."
909        ::= { hpicfXrrpMIBGroups 5 }