4        OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, IpAddress
5            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
8        RowStatus, MacAddress
9            FROM SNMPv2-TC
10        hpSwitch
11            FROM HP-ICF-OID;
13    hpSwitchVirtualStackMib MODULE-IDENTITY
14        LAST-UPDATED "200011032344Z"  -- November 3, 2000
15        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
16                      Network Infrastructure Solutions"
17        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company
18                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
19                      Roseville, CA 95747"
20        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module describes objects for managing
21                     the Stacking features of devices in the HP
22                     Integrated Communication Facility product line."
24        REVISION     "200011032344Z"  -- November 3, 2000
25        DESCRIPTION  "Initial version of this MIB module."
27        ::= { hpSwitch 10 }
30    -- Configuration support for Stacking
32    hpSwitchStackConfig  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 1 }
34    hpSwitchStackAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
35        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
36                        candidate(1),
37                        disabled(2),
38                        member(3),
39                        command(4),
40                        pending(5)
41                    }
42        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
43        STATUS      current
44        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the stacking feature."
45         ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 1 }
47    hpSwitchStackCommandAddr OBJECT-TYPE
48        SYNTAX      MacAddress
49        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
50        STATUS      current
51        DESCRIPTION "This variable is only valid if
52                    'hpSwitchStackAdminStatus' has been set 'member'.
53                    This is the MAC address of the command switch for
54                    this member."
55         ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 2 }
57    hpSwitchStackName OBJECT-TYPE
58        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20))
59        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
60        STATUS      current
61        DESCRIPTION "This variable is only valid if
62                    'hpSwitchStackAdminStatus' has been set
63                    'command-switch'. This is the name of the stack for
64                    which this switch is serving as the command switch
65                    (maximum length of 20 characters)."
66        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 3 }
68    hpSwitchStackPropagate OBJECT-TYPE
69        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
70                        enable(1),
71                        disable(2)
72                    }
73        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
74        STATUS      current
75        DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable SNMP community propagation. This
76                    variable is only valid if 'hpSwitchStackAdminStatus'
77                    has been set to 'command-switch'."
78        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 4 }
80    hpSwitchStackAutoJoin OBJECT-TYPE
81        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
82                        enable(1),
83                        disable(2)
84                    }
85        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
86        STATUS      current
87        DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable auto join on stack. This variable
88                    is only valid for candidate switch."
89        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 5 }
91    hpSwitchStackAutoGrab OBJECT-TYPE
92        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
93                        enable(1),
94                        disable(2)
95                    }
96        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
97        STATUS      current
98        DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable auto grab on stack. This variable
99                    is only valid if 'hpSwitchStackAdminStatus' has been
100                    set to 'command-switch'."
101        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfig 6 }
104    hpSwitchStackConfigMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
105        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry
106        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
107        STATUS      current
108        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains a group of member switches
109                    configured to be in this switch's stack."
110        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 2 }
112    hpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
113        SYNTAX      HpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry
114        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
115        STATUS      current
116        DESCRIPTION "A group of member switches configured to be in this
117                    switch's stack."
118        INDEX       { hpSwitchStackMemberSwitchNum }
119        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfigMemberTable 1 }
121    HpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry ::=
122        SEQUENCE {
123            hpSwitchStackMemberSwitchNum            Integer32,
124            hpSwitchStackMemberMacAddr              MacAddress,
125            hpSwitchStackMemberPassword             OCTET STRING,
126            hpSwitchStackMemberEntryStatus          RowStatus
127        }
129    hpSwitchStackMemberSwitchNum OBJECT-TYPE
130        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..15)
131        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
132        STATUS      current
133        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the member switch
134                    associated with this row entry."
135        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry 1 }
137    hpSwitchStackMemberMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
138        SYNTAX      MacAddress
139        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
140        STATUS	    current
141        DESCRIPTION "The MAC Address that identifies the member switch."
142        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry 2 }
144    hpSwitchStackMemberPassword OBJECT-TYPE
145        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17))
146        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
147        STATUS      current
148        DESCRIPTION "The manager password configured on the member switch.
149                    This object always returns a 0 length octet string
150                    when read."
151        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry 3 }
153    hpSwitchStackMemberEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
154        SYNTAX      RowStatus
155        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
156        STATUS      current
157        DESCRIPTION "The status of a stack member entry."
158        ::= { hpSwitchStackConfigMemberEntry 4 }
160    -- Status support for Stacking
162    hpStackStats   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 3 }
164    hpStackStatsName OBJECT-TYPE
165        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..20))
166        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
167        STATUS      current
168        DESCRIPTION "The stack name of this switch."
169        ::= { hpStackStats 1 }
171    hpStackStatsMembersNum OBJECT-TYPE
172        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32)
173        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
174        STATUS      current
175        DESCRIPTION "Number of members switches that have joined this
176                    switch's stack.  This variable is only valid if this
177                    switch has been set as a 'command-switch'."
178        ::= { hpStackStats 2 }
180    hpStackStatsMembersUnreachable OBJECT-TYPE
181        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32)
182        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
183        STATUS      current
184        DESCRIPTION "The number of unreachable member switches. This
185                    variable is only valid if this switch has been set as
186                    a 'command-switch'."
187        ::= { hpStackStats 3 }
189    hpStackStatsMemberID OBJECT-TYPE
190        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32)
191        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
192        STATUS      current
193        DESCRIPTION "The number by which member switch is known on the
194                    stack."
195        ::= { hpStackStats 4 }
197    hpStackStatsMgmtIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
198        SYNTAX      IpAddress
199        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
200        STATUS      current
201        DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the Stack manager switch (command
202                    switch).  This variable is only valid if this switch
203                    has been set as a 'member-switch'."
204        ::= { hpStackStats 5 }
206    hpStackStatsStackingStatus OBJECT-TYPE
207        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
208                        joined(1),         -- joined successfully
209                        pending(2),        -- join pending
210                        noReponse(3),      -- No response from command switch
211                        notCommand(4),     -- Not a command switch
212                        stackFull(5),      -- Stack full on command switch
213                        remoteFailure(6),  -- Unknown remote failure
214                        unknownFailure(7), -- Unknown failure
215                        evicted(8),        -- Evicted by command switch
216                        commandUp(9),      -- command switch is up
217                        commandDown(10),   -- command switch is down
218                        unusedStatus(11),  -- Status not currently used
219                        undiscovered(12)   -- Undiscovered switch
220                    }
221        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
222        STATUS      current
223        DESCRIPTION "The status of this switch. This variable is only
224                    valid if this switch has been set as a 'member-switch'."
225        ::= { hpStackStats 6 }
228    hpStackStatsMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE
229        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpStackStatsMemberEntry
230        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
231        STATUS      current
232        DESCRIPTION "A table containing the member switches that have
233                    joined this switch's stack."
234        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 4 }
236    hpStackStatsMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
237        SYNTAX      HpStackStatsMemberEntry
238        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
239        STATUS      current
240        DESCRIPTION "The information assosiated with each row in the
241                    member table."
242        INDEX       { hpStackStatsMemberSwitchIndx }
243        ::= { hpStackStatsMembersTable 1 }
245    HpStackStatsMemberEntry ::=
246        SEQUENCE {
247            hpStackStatsMemberSwitchIndx      Integer32,
248            hpStackStatsMemberMacAddr         MacAddress,
249            hpStackStatsMemberSystemName      OCTET STRING,
250            hpStackStatsMemberDeviceType      OCTET STRING,
251            hpStackStatsMemberOperStatus      INTEGER
252        }
254    hpStackStatsMemberSwitchIndx OBJECT-TYPE
255        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32)
256        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
257        STATUS      current
258        DESCRIPTION "The index identifying the member switch."
259        ::= { hpStackStatsMemberEntry 1 }
261    hpStackStatsMemberMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
262        SYNTAX      MacAddress
263        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
264        STATUS      current
265        DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the member switch."
266        ::= { hpStackStatsMemberEntry 2 }
268    hpStackStatsMemberSystemName OBJECT-TYPE
269        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
270        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
271        STATUS      current
272        DESCRIPTION "The system name of the member switch."
273        ::= { hpStackStatsMemberEntry 3 }
275    hpStackStatsMemberDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
276        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
277        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
278        STATUS      current
279        DESCRIPTION "The device type of the member switch."
280        ::= { hpStackStatsMemberEntry 4 }
282    hpStackStatsMemberOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
283        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
284                        pending(1),               -- join pending
285                        joined(2),                -- joined
286                        noReponse(3),             -- No response from
287                                                  -- member switch
288                        stackingDisabled(4),      -- Stacking disabled
289                        invalidPassword(5),       -- Invalid password
290                        commanderAnotherStack(6), -- Commander of another
291                                                  -- stack
292                        remoteFailure(7),         -- Remote failure
293                        unknownFailure(8),        -- Unknown failure
294                        rejected(9),              -- rejected by command
295                                                  -- switch
296                        memberUp(10),             -- member switch is up
297                        memberDown(11),           -- member switch is down
298                        commanderThisStack(12),   -- Commander of this stack
299                        unusedStatus(13),         -- Status not currently
300                                                  -- being used
301                        undiscovered(14)          -- Undiscovered switch
302                    }
303        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
304        STATUS      current
305        DESCRIPTION "The current state of the member switch."
306        ::= { hpStackStatsMemberEntry 5 }
308    -- Configuration support for Discovery Protocol
309    hpSwitchDiscoveryConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
310        { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 5 }
312    hpSwitchDiscoveryAdminStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
313        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
314                        enable(1),
315                        disable(2)
316                    }
317        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
318        STATUS      current
319        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the discovery protocol."
320        ::= { hpSwitchDiscoveryConfig 1 }
322    hpSwitchDiscoveryTransmissionInterval OBJECT-TYPE
323        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..300)
324        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
325        STATUS      current
326        DESCRIPTION "The interval between the sending out of new
327                    discovery packets."
328        ::= { hpSwitchDiscoveryConfig 2 }
331    -- Status support for Discovery Protocol
333    hpDiscoverStatsCandidatesTable OBJECT-TYPE
334        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry
335        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
336        STATUS      current
337        DESCRIPTION "A table containing the switches that have been
338                    discovered as a candidates to form a stack."
339        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 6 }
341    hpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
342        SYNTAX      HpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry
343        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
344        STATUS      current
345        DESCRIPTION "The information assosiated with each row in the
346                    candidate table."
347        INDEX       { hpDiscoverStatsCandidateMacAddr }
348        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsCandidatesTable 1 }
350    HpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry ::=
351        SEQUENCE {
352            hpDiscoverStatsCandidateMacAddr         MacAddress,
353            hpDiscoverStatsCandidateSystemName      OCTET STRING,
354            hpDiscoverStatsCandidateDeviceType      OCTET STRING
355        }
357    hpDiscoverStatsCandidateMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
358        SYNTAX      MacAddress
359        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
360        STATUS      current
361        DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the candidate switch.  Used as
362                    an index identifying row in the table."
363        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry 1 }
365    hpDiscoverStatsCandidateSystemName OBJECT-TYPE
366        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
367        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
368        STATUS      current
369        DESCRIPTION "The system name of the candidate switch."
370        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry 2 }
372    hpDiscoverStatsCandidateDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
373        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
374        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
375        STATUS      current
376        DESCRIPTION "The device type of the candidate switch."
377        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsCandidateEntry 3 }
379    hpDiscoverStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
380        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpDiscoverStatsEntry
381        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
382        STATUS      current
383        DESCRIPTION "A table containing the switches that have been
384                    discovered on the network."
385        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 7 }
387    hpDiscoverStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
388        SYNTAX      HpDiscoverStatsEntry
389        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
390        STATUS      current
391        DESCRIPTION "The information assosiated with each row in the
392                    discover table."
393        INDEX       { hpDiscoverStatsSwitchIndex }
394        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsTable 1 }
396    HpDiscoverStatsEntry ::=
397        SEQUENCE {
398            hpDiscoverStatsSwitchIndex          Integer32,
399            hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStackName      OCTET STRING,
400            hpDiscoverStatsSwitchMacAddr        MacAddress,
401            hpDiscoverStatsSwitchSystemName     OCTET STRING,
402            hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStatus         OCTET STRING
403        }
405    hpDiscoverStatsSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE
406        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
407        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
408        STATUS      current
409        DESCRIPTION "The index identifying the row in the table."
410        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsEntry 1 }
412    hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStackName OBJECT-TYPE
413        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
414        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
415        STATUS      current
416        DESCRIPTION "The stack name of the discovered switch."
417        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsEntry 2 }
419    hpDiscoverStatsSwitchMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
420        SYNTAX  MacAddress
421        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
422        STATUS  current
423        DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the discovered switch."
424        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsEntry 3 }
426    hpDiscoverStatsSwitchSystemName OBJECT-TYPE
427        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
428        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
429        STATUS      current
430        DESCRIPTION "The system name of the discovered switch."
431        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsEntry 4 }
433    hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
434        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..35))
435        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
436        STATUS      current
437        DESCRIPTION "The status of the discovered switch."
438        ::= { hpDiscoverStatsEntry 5 }
442    hpSwitchVirtualStackMibConformance
443        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMib 8 }
445    hpSwitchVirtualStackMibCompliances
446        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {  hpSwitchVirtualStackMibConformance 1}
448    hpSwitchVirtualStackMibGroups
449        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {  hpSwitchVirtualStackMibConformance 2}
451    hpSwitchVirtualStackMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
452        STATUS      current
453        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices implementing the
454                    HP Stack Mib."
455        MODULE
456            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpSwitchStackConfigGroup,
457                               hpSwitchStackStatsGroup,
458                               hpSwitchDiscoverConfigGroup,
459                               hpDiscoverStatsGroup }
460        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMibCompliances 1 }
464    hpSwitchStackConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
465        OBJECTS     { hpSwitchStackAdminStatus,
466		      hpSwitchStackCommandAddr,
467                      hpSwitchStackName,
468                      hpSwitchStackPropagate,
469                      hpSwitchStackAutoJoin,
470                      hpSwitchStackAutoGrab,
471                      hpSwitchStackMemberSwitchNum,
472                      hpSwitchStackMemberMacAddr,
473                      hpSwitchStackMemberPassword,
474                      hpSwitchStackMemberEntryStatus
475                    }
476        STATUS      current
477	DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring a stack."
478        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMibGroups 1 }
480    hpSwitchStackStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
481        OBJECTS     { hpStackStatsName,
482                      hpStackStatsMembersNum,
483                      hpStackStatsMembersUnreachable,
484                      hpStackStatsMemberID,
485                      hpStackStatsMgmtIpAddr,
486                      hpStackStatsStackingStatus,
487                      hpStackStatsMemberSwitchIndx,
488                      hpStackStatsMemberMacAddr,
489                      hpStackStatsMemberSystemName,
490                      hpStackStatsMemberDeviceType,
491                      hpStackStatsMemberOperStatus
492                    }
493	STATUS      current
494        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for determining state
495                    and status of a stack."
496        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMibGroups 2 }
498    hpSwitchDiscoverConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
499        OBJECTS     { hpSwitchDiscoveryAdminStatus,
500                      hpSwitchDiscoveryTransmissionInterval
501                    }
502        STATUS      current
503        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring the
504                    state of the stack discovery protocol."
505        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMibGroups 3 }
507    hpDiscoverStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
508        OBJECTS     { hpDiscoverStatsCandidateMacAddr,
509                      hpDiscoverStatsCandidateSystemName,
510                      hpDiscoverStatsCandidateDeviceType,
511                      hpDiscoverStatsSwitchIndex,
512                      hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStackName,
513                      hpDiscoverStatsSwitchMacAddr,
514                      hpDiscoverStatsSwitchSystemName,
515                      hpDiscoverStatsSwitchStatus
516                    }
517        STATUS      current
518        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for viewing the
519                    discovered devices by the stack discovery
520                    protocol."
521        ::= { hpSwitchVirtualStackMibGroups 4 }