1-- *********************************************************************
2-- CISCO-EXT-SCSI-MIB.my: Extension to SCSI MIB
4-- October 2002, H K Vivek
6-- Copyright (c) 2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
7-- All rights reserved.
9-- *********************************************************************
14   Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
15   TimeStamp, TestAndIncr, TruthValue,
16   RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION             FROM SNMPv2-TC
18   NOTIFICATION-GROUP                        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
19   ciscoMgmt                                 FROM CISCO-SMI
20   VsanIndex, DomainId, FcAddressId          FROM CISCO-ST-TC
21   vsanIndex                                 FROM CISCO-VSAN-MIB
22   ciscoScsiInstanceEntry,
23   ciscoScsiDscTgtEntry,
24   ciscoScsiDscLunEntry,
25   ScsiIndexValue                            FROM CISCO-SCSI-MIB;
30   LAST-UPDATED "200403140000Z"
31   ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc."
33                "     Cisco Systems
34                      Customer Service
35                Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
36                      San Jose, CA  95134
37                      USA
38                Tel: +1 800 553 -NETS
39                E-mail: cs-san@cisco.com"
40   DESCRIPTION  "The Cisco extension to CISCO-SCSI-MIB
41                 which is a copy of the Internet draft,
42                 the SCSI-MIB, from the IETF.
44                 Glossary of terms used in this MIB:
46                 VSAN - Virtual Storage Area Network, similar to
47                        a VLAN.
49                 WWN  - World Wide Name. Mechanism of identifying
50                        devices in Fibre Channel Networks. It is
51                        8 bytes long.
53                 pWWN - port World Wide Name.
55                 nWWN - node World Wide Name.
57                 LUN  - Logical Unit Number is a 64-bit identifier for
58                        a logical unit."
60   REVISION     "200403140000Z"
61   DESCRIPTION  "Added ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunPortId object
62                 to ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable.
63                 Changed the DEFVAL of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs
64                 object to 'windows' from 'all'.
65                 Added ciscoExtScsiDiscType object."
67   REVISION     "200311280000Z"
68   DESCRIPTION  "Added ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs,
69                 ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanId,
70                 ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId,
71                 ciscoExtScsiLunCacheScsiIndex,
72                 ciscoExtScsiLunCacheDevIndex,
73                 ciscoExtScsiLunCachePortIndex,
74                 ciscoExtScsiLunCacheTgtIndex scalar objects.
75                 Added ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunOs object to
76                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable."
78   REVISION     "200301280000Z"
79   DESCRIPTION  "Added ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscTable to
80                 facilitate partial LUN discovery on a
81                 fabric wide basis."
83   REVISION     "200210100000Z"
84   DESCRIPTION  "Added ciscoExtScsiNotificationCntl object
85                 and ciscoExtScsiLunDiscDoneNotify
86                 notification."
88   REVISION     "200210050000Z"
89   DESCRIPTION  "Initial version of this MIB."
90   ::= { ciscoMgmt 299 }
92ciscoExtScsiMIBObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIB 1 }
93ciscoExtScsiMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
94                           ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIB 2 }
95ciscoExtScsiConfiguration  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
96                           ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBObjects 1 }
97ciscoExtScsiNotification   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
98                           ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBObjects 2 }
99ciscoExtScsiNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
100                           ::= { ciscoExtScsiNotification 0 }
101ciscoExtScsiStats          OBJECT IDENTIFIER
102                           ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBObjects 3 }
104-- Textual Conventions
106        STATUS     current
107        DESCRIPTION
108           "Represents a set of Operating Systems on which LUN
109            discovery is to be done."
110        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
111                      windows(1),
112                      aix(2),
113                      solaris(3),
114                      linux(4),
115                      hpux(5),
116                      all(6)
117                   }
119-- Extensions to the ciscoScsiGenInstanceTable
122ciscoExtScsiGenInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE
123        SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF CiscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry
124        MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
125        STATUS         current
126        DESCRIPTION
127                "This table is an extension to the
128                 ciscoScsiInstanceTable defined in
129                 the CISCO-SCSI-MIB.
131                 The ciscoScsiInstIndex values are
132                 assigned as follows:
134                 1. there is one ciscoScsiInstIndex value
135                    defined per disk group associated with the
136                    system.
138                 2. there is one ciscoScsiInstIndex value
139                    defined per line-card.
141                 3. there is one ciscoScsiInstIndex value
142                    defined for the supervisor as a whole.
144                 All ciscoScsiInstIndex values defined
145                 for type 1 above have a disk group
146                 ID associated with them, which is that
147                 of the corresponding disk group. This
148                 value is present in the corresponding
149                 instance of ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId object.
150                 The corresponding instance of
151                 ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup object will
152                 contain the entity physical index of
153                 the line card to which it is associated.
155                 For ciscoScsiInstIndex values defined
156                 for type 2, the ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId
157                 object is not meaningful and will be
158                 empty. The corresponding instance of
159                 ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup object will
160                 contain the entity physical index value
161                 of that line card.
163                 For the ciscoScsiInstIndex value defined
164                 for type 3, the ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId
165                 object is not meaningful and will be empty.
166                 The corresponding instance of
167                 ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup object will
168                 contain the entity physical index value
169                 of the supervisor."
170        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 1 }
172ciscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
173        SYNTAX         CiscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry
174        MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
175        STATUS         current
176        DESCRIPTION
177                "An entry contains disk group ID and/or entity
178                 physical index of a disk group/line card/supervisor
179                 depending on the ciscoScsiInstIndex value
180                 assignment as defined above. There is a one-to-one
181                 mapping between an entry here and
182                 ciscoScsiInstanceEntry."
183        AUGMENTS { ciscoScsiInstanceEntry }
184        ::= { ciscoExtScsiGenInstanceTable 1 }
186CiscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
187        ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId              OCTET STRING,
188        ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup          Unsigned32
192ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId OBJECT-TYPE
193        SYNTAX          OCTET STRING ( SIZE(0 | 64))
194        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
195        STATUS          current
196        DESCRIPTION
197                "This object contains the disk group
198                 ID of a disk group if the
199                 value of the ciscoScsiInstIndex
200                 corresponds to that of a disk
201                 group. Otherwise, this object will
202                 contain a null string."
203        ::= {ciscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry 1}
205ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup OBJECT-TYPE
206        SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
207        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
208        STATUS          current
209        DESCRIPTION
210                "This object contains the entity
211                 physical index of a line card
212                 if the ciscoScsiInstIndex value
213                 corresponds to that of a disk
214                 group or a line card.
216                 Otherwise, this object contains the
217                 entity physical index value of the
218                 supervisor of the system."
219        ::= { ciscoExtScsiGenInstanceEntry 2 }
222ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
223        SYNTAX           TestAndIncr
224        MAX-ACCESS       read-write
225        STATUS           current
226        DESCRIPTION
227                "This object is used to facilitate triggerring
228                 the LUN/target discovery by multiple managers.
230                 The procedure for triggering LUN/target discovery
231                 is as follows:
233                 1. Retrieve the value of
234                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock and determine the
235                    value for ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc,
236                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs, ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanID,
237                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId and
238                    ciscoExtScsiDiscType objects.
240                 2. Set the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock
241                    to the retrieved value, and in the same PDU,
242                    the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs
243                    to the determined value. If the set fails for
244                    the ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock object, go back
245                    to step 1.
247                 3. Set the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock
248                    to the retrieved value plus 1, and in the same
249                    PDU, the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanID to
250                    the determined value. If the set fails for
251                    the ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock object, go back
252                    to step 1.
254                 4. Set the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock
255                    to the retrieved value plus 2, and in the same
256                    PDU, the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId to
257                    the determined value. If the set fails for the
258                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock object, go back to
259                    step 1.
261                 5. Set the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock
262                    to the retrieved value plus 3, and in the same
263                    PDU, the value of ciscoExtScsiDiscType to
264                    the determined value. If the set fails for
265                    the ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock object, go
266                    back to step 1.
268                 6. Set the value of ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock
269                    to the retrieved value plus 4, and in the same
270                    PDU, the value of ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc to
271                    the determined value. If the set fails for
272                    the ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock object, go
273                    back to step 1.
275                    Note that if it is possible to include
276                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanID,
277                    ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId, ciscoExtScsiDiscType
278                    and/or ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc in the
279                    (Set Request) PDU of an earlier step, then steps
280                    3, 4 and/or 5 can be eliminated."
281        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 2 }
284ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc OBJECT-TYPE
285        SYNTAX           INTEGER {
286                            startDiscovery(1),
287                            startLocalDiscovery(2),
288                            startRemoteDiscovery(3),
289                            noop(4),
290                            startPartialDiscovery(5),
291                            startPortBasedDiscovery(6)
292                         }
293        MAX-ACCESS       read-write
294        STATUS           current
295        DESCRIPTION
296                "If this object is set to 'startLocalDiscovery',
297                 then only the directly attached SCSI target
298                 devices/ports and/or LUNs associated with them
299                 on all VSANs will be discovered.
301                 If this object is set to 'startRemoteDiscovery',
302                 then all SCSI target devices/ports and/or LUNs
303                 associated with them on all VSANs in the whole
304                 fabric, except the directly attached ones, will
305                 be discovered.
307                 If this object is set to 'startDiscovery', then
308                 both the above discoveries will be carried out.
310                 If this object is set to 'startPartialDiscovery',
311                 then all SCSI target devices/ports and/or LUNs
312                 associated with them on the domain IDs and VSANs
313                 specified in the ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscTable,
314                 will be discovered. If the
315                 ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscTable is empty, then
316                 no SCSI target devices/ports will be discovered.
318                 If this object is set to 'startPortBasedDiscovery',
319                 then all LUNs/targets associated with the port
320                 specified by ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId object will
321                 be discovered. If the ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId
322                 object is not set to a valid value, then no
323                 LUNs/targets will be discovered. The value of
324                 ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanId object should be set to
325                 the value of the VSAN on which the port based
326                 discovery is to be carried out.
328                 No action is taken if this object is set
329                 to 'noop'.
331                 The value of this object when read is
332                 always 'noop'.
334                 After a discovery has been triggered, this
335                 object cannot be set again to trigger
336                 another discovery, when the value of
337                 ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus is 'inProgress'.
339                 In all the above cases, if the
340                 ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs object is set to a
341                 particular Operating System, then the discovery
342                 of the LUNs will take place only for that
343                 Operating System."
344        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 3 }
346ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus OBJECT-TYPE
347        SYNTAX           INTEGER {
348                            inProgress(1),
349                            completed(2),
350                            failure(3)
351                         }
352        MAX-ACCESS       read-only
353        STATUS           current
354        DESCRIPTION
355                "This object indicates the outcome of the
356                 LUN/target discovery on the local switch.
358                 This object contains the status of the most
359                 recent discovery.
361                 inProgress(1) - indicates that the discovery is
362                                 still in progress.
363                 completed(2)  - indicates that the discovery is
364                                 complete.
365                 failure(3)    - indicates that the discovery
366                                 encountered a failure."
367        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 4 }
369ciscoExtScsiLunDiscCompleteTime OBJECT-TYPE
370        SYNTAX           TimeStamp
371        MAX-ACCESS       read-only
372        STATUS           current
373        DESCRIPTION
374                "This object contains the value of sysUpTime
375                 when the last discovery was completed.
376                 The value of this object will be zero, if
377                 discovery has not been performed since the
378                 last system restart."
379        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 5 }
383ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtTable OBJECT-TYPE
384        SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry
385        MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
386        STATUS           current
387        DESCRIPTION
388                "This table is an extension to the
389                 ciscoScsiDscTgtTable."
390        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 6 }
392ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
393        SYNTAX           CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry
394        MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
395        STATUS           current
396        DESCRIPTION
397                "An entry (conceptual row) in this table."
398        AUGMENTS { ciscoScsiDscTgtEntry }
399        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtTable 1 }
401CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
402        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVsanId      VsanIndex,
403        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtDevType     Unsigned32,
404        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVendorId    OCTET STRING,
405        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtProductId   OCTET STRING,
406        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtRevLevel    OCTET STRING,
407        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtOtherInfo   OCTET STRING
411ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVsanId OBJECT-TYPE
412        SYNTAX           VsanIndex
413        MAX-ACCESS       read-only
414        STATUS           current
415        DESCRIPTION
416                "The VSAN to which this target belongs to."
417        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 1 }
419ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtDevType OBJECT-TYPE
420        SYNTAX           Unsigned32
421        MAX-ACCESS       read-only
422        STATUS           current
423        DESCRIPTION
424                "The device type of the SCSI target."
425        REFERENCE  "Section 7.3.2 Standard INQUIRY Data.
426                    SCSI Primary Commands- 2 (SPC-2)"
427        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 2 }
429ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVendorId OBJECT-TYPE
430        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
431        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
432        STATUS      current
433        DESCRIPTION
434                "The vendor Id of the SCSI target."
435        REFERENCE   "Section 7.3.2 Standard INQUIRY Data.
436                     SCSI Primary Commands- 2 (SPC-2)"
437        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 3 }
439ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtProductId OBJECT-TYPE
440        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
441        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
442        STATUS      current
443        DESCRIPTION
444                "The product Id of the SCSI target."
445        REFERENCE   "Section 7.3.2 Standard INQUIRY Data.
446                     SCSI Primary Commands- 2 (SPC-2)"
447        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 4 }
449ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtRevLevel OBJECT-TYPE
450        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
451        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
452        STATUS      current
453        DESCRIPTION
454                "The product revision level of the SCSI target."
455        REFERENCE   "Section 7.3.2 Standard INQUIRY Data.
456                     SCSI Primary Commands- 2 (SPC-2)"
457        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 5 }
459ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtOtherInfo OBJECT-TYPE
460        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
461        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
462        STATUS      current
463        DESCRIPTION
464                "The bytes from 0 to 7 in the INQUIRY command
465                 response data."
466        REFERENCE   "Section 7.3.2 Standard INQUIRY Data.
467                     SCSI Primary Commands- 2 (SPC-2)"
468        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtEntry 6 }
472ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable OBJECT-TYPE
473        SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry
474        MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
475        STATUS           current
476        DESCRIPTION
477                "This table is an extension to the
478                 ciscoScsiDscLunTable."
479        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 7 }
481ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
482        SYNTAX           CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry
483        MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
484        STATUS           current
485        DESCRIPTION
486                "An entry (conceptual row) in this table."
487        AUGMENTS { ciscoScsiDscLunEntry }
488        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable 1 }
490CiscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
491        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunCapacity    Unsigned32,
492        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunNumber      OCTET STRING,
493        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunSerialNum   OCTET STRING,
494        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunOs          LunDiscOS,
495        ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunPortId      FcAddressId
498ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
499        SYNTAX            Unsigned32
500        UNITS             "MBytes"
501        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
502        STATUS            current
503        DESCRIPTION
504                "The capacity of this Lun."
505        ::={ ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry 1 }
507ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunNumber OBJECT-TYPE
508        SYNTAX            OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
509        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
510        STATUS            current
511        DESCRIPTION
512                "The number of this LUN."
513        REFERENCE   "Section 4.8 (Logical Units) and Section 3.1.63
514                     in SCSI Architecture Model-2 (SAM-2)."
515        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry 2 }
517ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE
518        SYNTAX            OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32))
519        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
520        STATUS            current
521        DESCRIPTION
522                "The serial number of this LUN."
523        REFERENCE   "Section 8.4.6 (Unit Serial Number Page)
524                     in SCSI Primary Commands-2 (SPC-2)."
525        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry 3 }
527ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunOs OBJECT-TYPE
528        SYNTAX            LunDiscOS
529        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
530        STATUS            current
531        DESCRIPTION
532                "The Operating System for which this LUN was
533                 discovered."
534        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry 4 }
536ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunPortId OBJECT-TYPE
537        SYNTAX            FcAddressId
538        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
539        STATUS            current
540        DESCRIPTION
541                "The port on which this LUN was discovered.
542                 LUNs are present on SCSI target ports. This object
543                 represents the FC-ID (Fibre Channel Identifier) of
544                 the target port on which this LUN was discovered."
545        ::= { ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsEntry 5 }
547-- Notification control object
549ciscoExtScsiNotificationCntl OBJECT-TYPE
550        SYNTAX            TruthValue
551        MAX-ACCESS        read-write
552        STATUS            current
553        DESCRIPTION
554                "This object specifies if the
555                 'ciscoExtScsiLunDiscDoneNotify' notification
556                 should be generated or not.
558                 If the value of this object is 'true', then
559                 the notification is generated when a
560                 discovery is completed.
562                 If the value of this object is 'false', then
563                 the notification is not generated."
564        DEFVAL { false }
565        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 8 }
567-- Partial LUN discovery table
569ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscTable OBJECT-TYPE
570        SYNTAX            SEQUENCE OF CiscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry
571        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
572        STATUS            current
573        DESCRIPTION
574                "This table contains a set of domain IDs on VSAN, on
575                 which the fabric-wide LUN/target discovery needs to
576                 be carried out. It is a mechanism to limit the fabric
577                 wide discovery of SCSI targets and LUNs to the
578                 domains and VSANs specified in this table.
579                 If this table is populated with some domain IDs on
580                 some VSANs and a discovery is started by setting
581                 ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc object to
582                 'startPartialDiscovery', then
583                 discovery of SCSI targets and LUNs is limited only
584                 to those domains on those VSANs."
585        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 9 }
587ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry OBJECT-TYPE
588        SYNTAX            CiscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry
589        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
590        STATUS            current
591        DESCRIPTION
592                "An entry (conceptual row) in this table."
593        INDEX { vsanIndex, ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDomId }
594        ::= { ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscTable 1 }
596CiscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
597        ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDomId           DomainId,
598        ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus       RowStatus
602ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDomId OBJECT-TYPE
603        SYNTAX            DomainId
604        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
605        STATUS            current
606        DESCRIPTION
607                "The Domain Id on which the lun discovery needs
608                 to be carried out."
609        ::= { ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry 1 }
611ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
612        SYNTAX            RowStatus
613        MAX-ACCESS        read-create
614        STATUS            current
615        DESCRIPTION
616                "The status of this conceptual row."
617        ::= { ciscoExtScsiPartialLunDiscEntry 2 }
619ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs OBJECT-TYPE
620        SYNTAX            LunDiscOS
621        MAX-ACCESS        read-write
622        STATUS            current
623        DESCRIPTION
624                "This object specifies the Operating System on
625                 which the LUNs/targets need to be discovered."
626        DEFVAL { windows }
627        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 10 }
629ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanId OBJECT-TYPE
630        SYNTAX            VsanIndex
631        MAX-ACCESS        read-write
632        STATUS            current
633        DESCRIPTION
634                "This object specifies the VSAN on which the LUNs/
635                 targets need to be discovered, in the case of
636                 port-based discovery. If a port-based discovery is
637                 not being initiated, then the value of this object
638                 will be ignored."
639        DEFVAL { 1 }
640        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 11 }
642ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId OBJECT-TYPE
643        SYNTAX            FcAddressId
644        MAX-ACCESS        read-write
645        STATUS            current
646        DESCRIPTION
647                "This object specifies the FCID of the port for
648                 which the LUNs/targets need to be discovered, in
649                 the case of port-based discovery. If a port-based
650                 discovery is not being initiated, then the value
651                 of this object will be ignored and should be set
652                 to all zeros."
653        DEFVAL { '000000'h }
654        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 12 }
656ciscoExtScsiLunCacheScsiIndex OBJECT-TYPE
657        SYNTAX            ScsiIndexValue
658        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
659        STATUS            current
660        DESCRIPTION
661                "This object specifies the first index into the
662                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable. It is populated
663                 by the agent on the completion of a successful
664                 port based discovery of LUNs. It helps the
665                 management station to directly access the
666                 discovered LUN entry."
667        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 13 }
669ciscoExtScsiLunCacheDevIndex OBJECT-TYPE
670        SYNTAX            ScsiIndexValue
671        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
672        STATUS            current
673        DESCRIPTION
674                "This object specifies the second index into the
675                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable. It is populated
676                 by the agent on the completion of a successful
677                 port based discovery of LUNs. It helps the
678                 management station to directly access the
679                 discovered LUN entry."
680        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 14 }
682ciscoExtScsiLunCachePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
683        SYNTAX            ScsiIndexValue
684        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
685        STATUS            current
686        DESCRIPTION
687                "This object specifies the third index into the
688                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable. It is populated
689                 by the agent on the completion of a successful
690                 port based discovery of LUNs. It helps the
691                 management station to directly access the
692                 discovered LUN entry."
693        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 15 }
695ciscoExtScsiLunCacheTgtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
696        SYNTAX            ScsiIndexValue
697        MAX-ACCESS        read-only
698        STATUS            current
699        DESCRIPTION
700                "This object specifies the fourth index into the
701                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable. It is populated
702                 by the agent on the completion of a successful
703                 port based discovery of LUNs. It helps the
704                 management station to directly access the
705                 discovered LUN entry."
706        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 16 }
708ciscoExtScsiDiscType OBJECT-TYPE
709        SYNTAX            INTEGER {
710                            targets(1),
711                            luns(2)
712                          }
713        MAX-ACCESS        read-write
714        STATUS            current
715        DESCRIPTION
716                "This object specifies the type of discovery
717                 desired.
719                 Setting this object to 'targets(1), results in
720                 only targets being discovered and the
721                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtTable being populated
722                 with them. The corresponding LUNs are not
723                 discovered.
725                 Setting this object to 'luns(2)', results in
726                 targets and LUNs being discovered and the
727                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtTable and
728                 ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunsTable are populated."
729        DEFVAL { luns }
730        ::= { ciscoExtScsiConfiguration 17 }
733-- Notification
735ciscoExtScsiLunDiscDoneNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE
736        OBJECTS {ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus}
737        STATUS  current
738        DESCRIPTION
739                "This notification is generated whenever a
740                 Lun discovery cycle is completed."
741        ::= { ciscoExtScsiNotifications 1 }
744ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
745                         ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBConformance 1 }
746ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
747                         ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBConformance 2 }
749ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
750        STATUS   deprecated
751        DESCRIPTION
752                "The compliance statement for entities that
753                 implement the Cisco extension to the
754                 CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
755        MODULE  MANDATORY-GROUPS {ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup,
756                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyControlGroup,
757                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyGroup}
759        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliances 1 }
761ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
762        STATUS   deprecated
763             -- superceded by ciscoExtScsiMIBComplianceRev3
764        DESCRIPTION
765                "The compliance statement for entities that
766                 implement the Cisco extension to the
767                 CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
768        MODULE  MANDATORY-GROUPS {ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup,
769                                  ciscoExtScsiPartialDiscGroup,
770                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyControlGroup,
771                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyGroup}
772        OBJECT     ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus
773        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
774                     active(1),
775                     createAndGo(4),
776                     destroy(6)}
777        DESCRIPTION
778                "Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and
779                'active' out of the six enumerated values need to be
780                supported."
781        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliances 2 }
783ciscoExtScsiMIBComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
784        STATUS   deprecated
785             -- superceded by ciscoExtScsiMIBComplianceRev4
786        DESCRIPTION
787                "The compliance statement for entities that
788                 implement the Cisco extension to the
789                 CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
790        MODULE  MANDATORY-GROUPS {ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup1,
791                                  ciscoExtScsiPartialDiscGroup,
792                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyControlGroup,
793                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyGroup}
794        OBJECT     ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus
795        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
796                     active(1),
797                     createAndGo(4),
798                     destroy(6)}
799        DESCRIPTION
800                "Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and
801                'active' out of the six enumerated values need to be
802                supported."
803        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliances 3 }
805ciscoExtScsiMIBComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
806        STATUS   current
807        DESCRIPTION
808                "The compliance statement for entities that
809                 implement the Cisco extension to the
810                 CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
811        MODULE  MANDATORY-GROUPS {ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup2,
812                                  ciscoExtScsiPartialDiscGroup,
813                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyControlGroup,
814                                  ciscoExtScsiNotifyGroup}
815        OBJECT     ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus
816        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
817                     active(1),
818                     createAndGo(4),
819                     destroy(6)}
820        DESCRIPTION
821                "Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and
822                'active' out of the six enumerated values need to be
823                supported."
824        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBCompliances 4 }
827-- Units of conformance
828ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
829        OBJECTS  {ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId,
830                  ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup,
831                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock,
832                  ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc,
833                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus,
834                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscCompleteTime,
835                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVsanId,
836                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtDevType,
837                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVendorId,
838                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtProductId,
839                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtRevLevel,
840                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtOtherInfo,
841                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunCapacity,
842                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunNumber,
843                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunSerialNum}
844        STATUS   deprecated
845        DESCRIPTION
846                "A collection of objects for displaying and
847                 configuring Cisco extension MIB objects to
848                 the CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
849        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 1 }
851ciscoExtScsiNotifyControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
852        OBJECTS  {ciscoExtScsiNotificationCntl}
853        STATUS   current
854        DESCRIPTION
855                "A collection of notification control object(s)
856                 for controlling notification generation."
857        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 2 }
859ciscoExtScsiNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
860        NOTIFICATIONS  {ciscoExtScsiLunDiscDoneNotify}
861        STATUS   current
862        DESCRIPTION
863                "A collection of notification(s) for monitoring
864                 Lun discovery status."
865        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 3 }
867ciscoExtScsiPartialDiscGroup OBJECT-GROUP
868        OBJECTS {ciscoExtScsiPartialLunRowStatus}
869        STATUS  current
870        DESCRIPTION
871                "A collection of objects for displaying and
872                 configuring partial LUN discovery."
873        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 4 }
875ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP
876        OBJECTS  {ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId,
877                  ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup,
878                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock,
879                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs,
880                  ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc,
881                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus,
882                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscCompleteTime,
883                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVsanId,
884                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtDevType,
885                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVendorId,
886                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtProductId,
887                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtRevLevel,
888                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtOtherInfo,
889                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunCapacity,
890                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunNumber,
891                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunSerialNum,
892                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunOs,
893                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanId,
894                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId,
895                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheScsiIndex,
896                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheDevIndex,
897                  ciscoExtScsiLunCachePortIndex,
898                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheTgtIndex}
899        STATUS   deprecated
900        DESCRIPTION
901                "A collection of objects for displaying and
902                 configuring Cisco extension MIB objects to
903                 the CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
904        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 5 }
906ciscoExtScsiConfigGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
907        OBJECTS  {ciscoExtScsiDiskGrpId,
908                  ciscoExtScsiLineCardOrSup,
909                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscSpinLock,
910                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscOs,
911                  ciscoExtScsiStartLunDisc,
912                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus,
913                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscCompleteTime,
914                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVsanId,
915                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtDevType,
916                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtVendorId,
917                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtProductId,
918                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtRevLevel,
919                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscTgtOtherInfo,
920                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunCapacity,
921                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunNumber,
922                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunSerialNum,
923                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunOs,
924                  ciscoExtScsiIntrDiscLunPortId,
925                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscVsanId,
926                  ciscoExtScsiLunDiscPortId,
927                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheScsiIndex,
928                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheDevIndex,
929                  ciscoExtScsiLunCachePortIndex,
930                  ciscoExtScsiLunCacheTgtIndex,
931                  ciscoExtScsiDiscType}
932        STATUS   current
933        DESCRIPTION
934                "A collection of objects for displaying and
935                 configuring Cisco extension MIB objects to
936                 the CISCO-SCSI-MIB."
937        ::= { ciscoExtScsiMIBGroups 6 }