1   -- CISCO-IETF-VDSL-LINE-MIB.my : Description of managed objects for VDSL
2   -- line interfaces.
3   --
4   -- February 2002, Kalyan R. Dharanipragada
5   --
6   -- Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
7   -- All rights reserved.
9   -- This MIB module is based on the Internet Draft
10   -- draft-ietf-adslmib-vdsl-00.txt.  In terms of object syntax and
11   -- semantics, the content of this Cisco MIB is the same as
12   -- the corresponding Internet Draft revision except for the fact that
13   -- several tables in the internet draft which were based on the draft
14   -- High capacity MIB textual conventions have been left out.
15   -- This Cisco MIB was created due to the "subject to change" nature
16   -- of Internet Drafts. This Cisco MIB may later be deprecated, and
17   -- the stable RFC, which may replace the Internet Draft, may be
18   -- implemented in its place.
26    Gauge32,
27    Integer32,
28    NOTIFICATION-TYPE                    FROM SNMPv2-SMI
30    RowStatus,
31    TruthValue                      FROM SNMPv2-TC
35    ifIndex                         FROM IF-MIB
36    SnmpAdminString                 FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
37    ciscoExperiment                 FROM CISCO-SMI;
39    ciscoIetfVdslMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
40    LAST-UPDATED "200204180000Z" -- April 18, 2002
41    ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems"
42    CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems
43                    Customer Service
45                    Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
46                    San Jose, CA 95134
48                    Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
50                    E-mail: cs-2900lre@cisco.com"
52        "The MIB module defining objects for the management of a pair of
53        VDSL modems at each end of the VDSL line.  Each VDSL line has
54        an entry in an ifTable.
56        An agent may reside at either end of the VDSL line however the
57        MIB is designed to require no management communication between
58        them beyond that inherent in the low-level VDSL line protocol.
59        The agent may monitor and control this protocol for its needs.
61        VDSL lines may support optional Fast or Interleaved channels.
62        If these are supported, additional entries corresponding to the
63        supported channels must be created in the ifTable. Thus a VDSL
64        line that supports both channels will have three entries in the
65        ifTable, one for each physical, fast, and interleaved, whose
66        ifType values are equal to vdsl(97), fast(125), and
67        interleaved(124), respectively. The ifStackTable is used to
68        represent the relationship between the entries.
70        Naming Conventions:
71            Vtuc -- (VTUC) modem at near (Central) end of line
72            Vtur -- (VTUR) modem at Remote end of line
73            Vtu  -- One of either Vtuc or Vtur
74            Curr -- Current
75            Prev -- Previous
76            Atn  -- Attenuation
77            ES   -- Errored Second.
78            LCS  -- Line Code Specific
79            Lof  -- Loss of Frame
80            Lol  -- Loss of Link
81            Los  -- Loss of Signal
82            Lpr  -- Loss of Power
83            xyzs -- interval of Seconds in which xyz occurs
84                    (e.g., xyz=Lof, Los, Lpr)
85            Max  -- Maximum
86            Mgn  -- Margin
87            Min  -- Minimum
88            Psd  -- Power Spectral Density
89            Snr  -- Signal to Noise Ratio
90            Tx   -- Transmit
91            Blks -- Blocks, a data unit, see cvdslVtuXChanCrcBlockLength
92            "
95    REVISION "200204180000Z" -- April 18, 2002
96    DESCRIPTION "This is a cisco version of the Internet draft"
98    ::= { ciscoExperiment 87 }
100    cvdslLineMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIetfVdslMIB 1 }
101    cvdslMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cvdslLineMib 1 }
103    --
104    -- textual conventions used in this MIB
105    --
107    CVdslLineCodingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
108        STATUS       current
109        DESCRIPTION
110            "This data type is used as the syntax for the VDSL
111             Line Code."
112        SYNTAX  INTEGER
113            {
114            other(1), -- none of the following
115            mcm(2),   -- Multiple Carrier Modulation
116            scm(3)    -- Single Carrier Modulation
117            }
119    CVdslLineEntity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
120        STATUS       current
121        DESCRIPTION
122            "Identifies a modem as being either Vtuc or Vtur.  A
123            VDSL line consists of two modems, a Vtuc and a Vtur."
124        SYNTAX  INTEGER
125            {
126            vtuc(1), -- central site modem
127            vtur(2)  -- remote site modem
128            }
130    --
131    -- objects
132    --
134    cvdslLineTable OBJECT-TYPE
135        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineEntry
136        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
137        STATUS       current
138        DESCRIPTION
139            "This table includes common attributes describing
140            both ends of the line.  It is required for all VDSL
141            physical interfaces.  VDSL physical interfaces are
142            those ifEntries where ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
143        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 1 }
145    cvdslLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE
146        SYNTAX       CvdslLineEntry
147        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
148        STATUS       current
149        DESCRIPTION  "An entry in the cvdslLineTable."
150        INDEX        { ifIndex }
151        ::= { cvdslLineTable 1 }
153    CvdslLineEntry ::=
154        SEQUENCE
155            {
156            cvdslLineCoding                         CVdslLineCodingType,
157            cvdslLineType                           INTEGER,
158            cvdslLineConfProfile                    Integer32,
159            cvdslLineAlarmConfProfile               Integer32
160            }
162    cvdslLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE
163        SYNTAX       CVdslLineCodingType
164        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
165        STATUS       current
166        DESCRIPTION
167            "Specifies the VDSL coding type used on this line."
168        ::= { cvdslLineEntry 1 }
170    cvdslLineType OBJECT-TYPE
171        SYNTAX       INTEGER
172            {
173            noChannel(1),         -- no channels exist
174            fastOnly(2),          -- fast channel only
175            slowOnly(3),          -- slow channel only
176            either(4),            -- either fast or slow channel exist
177            both(5)               -- both fast and slow channels exist
178            }
179        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
180        STATUS       current
181        DESCRIPTION
182            "Defines the type of VDSL physical line
183            entity that exists, by defining whether and how
184            the line is channelized.  If the line is channelized,
185            the value will be other than noChannel(1).  This
186            object defines which channel type(s) are supported.
188            In the case that the line is channelized, the manager
189            can use the ifStackTable to determine the ifIndex for
190            the associated channel(s)."
191        ::= { cvdslLineEntry 2 }
193    cvdslLineConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
194        SYNTAX       Integer32
195        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
196        STATUS       current
197        DESCRIPTION
198            "The value of this object identifies the rows
199            in the VDSL Line Configuration Profile Table,
200            ( cvdslLineConfProfileTable ), which apply for this
201            VDSL line, and channels if applicable."
202        ::= { cvdslLineEntry 3 }
204    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
205        SYNTAX       Integer32
206        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
207        STATUS       current
208        DESCRIPTION
209            "The value of this object identifies the rows in the VDSL
210            Line Alarm Configuration Profile Table,
211            ( cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileTable ), which apply to this
212            VDSL line, and channels if applicable."
213        ::= { cvdslLineEntry 4 }
215    cvdslPhysTable OBJECT-TYPE
216        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslPhysEntry
217        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
218        STATUS       current
219        DESCRIPTION
220            "This table provides one row for each Vtu.  Each row
221            contains the Physical Layer Parameters table for that
222            Vtu.  VDSL physical interfaces are those ifEntries where
223            ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
224        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 2 }
226    cvdslPhysEntry OBJECT-TYPE
227        SYNTAX       CvdslPhysEntry
228        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
229        STATUS       current
230        DESCRIPTION  "An entry in the cvdslPhysTable."
231        INDEX        { ifIndex, cvdslPhysSide }
232        ::= { cvdslPhysTable 1 }
234    CvdslPhysEntry ::=
235        SEQUENCE
236            {
237            cvdslPhysSide                           CVdslLineEntity,
238            cvdslInvSerialNumber                    SnmpAdminString,
239            cvdslInvVendorID                        SnmpAdminString,
240            cvdslInvVersionNumber                   SnmpAdminString,
241            cvdslCurrSnrMgn                         INTEGER,
242            cvdslCurrAtn                            Gauge32,
243            cvdslCurrStatus                         BITS,
244            cvdslCurrOutputPwr                      INTEGER,
245            cvdslCurrAttainableRate                 Gauge32
246            }
248    cvdslPhysSide OBJECT-TYPE
249        SYNTAX       CVdslLineEntity
250        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
251        STATUS       current
252        DESCRIPTION
253            "Identifies whether the modem is the Vtuc or Vtur."
254        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 1 }
256    cvdslInvSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
257        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString(SIZE (0..32))
258        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
259        STATUS       current
260        DESCRIPTION
261            "The vendor specific string that identifies the
262            vendor equipment."
263        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 2 }
265    cvdslInvVendorID OBJECT-TYPE
266        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
267        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
268        STATUS       current
269        DESCRIPTION
270            "The vendor ID code is a copy of the binary vendor
271            identification field defined by the PHY[10] and
272            expressed as readable characters."
273        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 3 }
275    cvdslInvVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
276        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
277        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
278        STATUS       current
279        DESCRIPTION
280            "The vendor specific version number sent by this Vtu
281            as part of the initialization messages.  It is a copy
282            of the binary version number field defined by the
283            PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters."
284        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 4 }
286    cvdslCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
287        SYNTAX       INTEGER(-640..640)
288        UNITS        "tenth dB"
289        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
290        STATUS       current
291        DESCRIPTION
292            "Noise Margin as seen by this Vtu with respect to its
293            received signal in tenth dB."
294         ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 5 }
296    cvdslCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE
297        SYNTAX       Gauge32(0..630)
298        UNITS        "tenth dB"
299        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
300        STATUS       current
301        DESCRIPTION
302            "Measured difference in the total power transmitted by
303            the peer Vtu and the total power received by this Vtu."
304         ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 6 }
306    cvdslCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
307        SYNTAX       BITS
308            {
309            noDefect(0),
310            lossOfFraming(1),
311            lossOfSignal(2),
312            lossOfPower(3),
313            lossOfSignalQuality(4),
314            lossOfLink(5),
315            dataInitFailure(6),
316            configInitFailure(7),
317            protocolInitFailure(8),
318            noPeerVtuPresent(9)
319            }
320        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
321        STATUS      current
322        DESCRIPTION
323            "Indicates current state of the Vtu line.  This is a
324            bit-map of possible conditions.  The various bit
325            positions are:
327            0   noDefect             There no defects on the line
329            1   lossOfFraming        Vtu failure due to not receiving
330                                     valid frame.
332            2   lossOfSignal         Vtu failure due to not receiving
333                                     signal.
335            3   lossOfPower          Vtu failure due to loss of power.
337            4   lossOfSignalQuality  Loss of Signal Quality is declared
338                                     when the Noise Margin falls below
339                                     the Minimum Noise Margin, or the
340                                     bit-error-rate exceeds 10^-7.
342            5   lossOfLink           Vtu failure due to inability to
343                                     link with peer Vtu.
345            6   dataInitFailure      Vtu failure during initialization
346                                     due to bit errors corrupting
347                                     startup exchange data.
349            7   configInitFailure    Vtu failure during initialization
350                                     due to peer Vtu not able to support
351                                     requested configuration.
353            8   protocolInitFailure  Vtu failure during initialization
354                                     due to incompatible protocol used
355                                     by the peer Vtu.
357            9   noPeerVtuPresent     Vtu failure during initialization
358                                     due to no activation sequence
359                                     detected from peer Vtu.
361            This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus."
362         ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 7 }
364    cvdslCurrOutputPwr OBJECT-TYPE
365        SYNTAX       INTEGER (-310..310)
366        UNITS        "tenth dBm"
367        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
368        STATUS       current
369        DESCRIPTION
370            "Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU.
371            This is the measurement that was reported during
372            the last activation sequence."
373        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 8 }
375    cvdslCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE
376        SYNTAX       Gauge32
377        UNITS        "bps"
378        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
379        STATUS       current
380        DESCRIPTION
381            "Indicates the maximum currently attainable data rate
382            by the Vtu.  This value will be equal or greater than
383            the current line rate."
384        ::= { cvdslPhysEntry 9 }
386    cvdslChanTable OBJECT-TYPE
387        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslChanEntry
388        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
389        STATUS       current
390        DESCRIPTION
391            "This table provides one row for each Vtu channel.
392            VDSL channel interfaces are those ifEntries where
393            ifType is equal to interleave(124) or fast(125)."
394        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 3 }
396    cvdslChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
397        SYNTAX       CvdslChanEntry
398        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
399        STATUS       current
400        DESCRIPTION
401            "An entry in the cvdslChanTable."
402        INDEX        { ifIndex, cvdslPhysSide }
403        ::= { cvdslChanTable 1 }
405    CvdslChanEntry ::=
406        SEQUENCE
407            {
408            cvdslChanInterleaveDelay                Gauge32,
409            cvdslChanCrcBlockLength                 Gauge32
410            }
412    cvdslChanInterleaveDelay OBJECT-TYPE
413        SYNTAX       Gauge32
414        UNITS        "milli-seconds"
415        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
416        STATUS       current
417        DESCRIPTION
418            "Interleave Delay for this channel.
420            Interleave delay applies only to the interleave
421            (slow) channel and defines the mapping (relative
422            spacing) between subsequent input bytes at the
423            interleaver input and their placement in the bit
424            stream at the interleaver output.  Larger numbers
425            provide greater separation between consecutive
426            input bytes in the output bit stream allowing for
427            improved impulse noise immunity at the expense of
428            payload latency.
430            In the case where the ifType is fast(125), the
431            object is not instantiated."
432        ::= { cvdslChanEntry 1 }
434    cvdslChanCrcBlockLength OBJECT-TYPE
435        SYNTAX       Gauge32
436        UNITS        "byte"
437        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
438        STATUS       current
439        DESCRIPTION
440            "Indicates the length of the channel data-block
441            on which the CRC operates."
442        ::= { cvdslChanEntry 2 }
445-- ::= { cvdslMibObjects 4 } not used, cvdslPerfDataTable removed
446-- ::= { cvdslMibObjects 5 } not used, cvdslPerfIntervalTable removed
447-- ::= { cvdslMibObjects 6 } not used, cvdslChanPerfDataTable removed
448-- ::= { cvdslMibObjects 7 } not used, cvdslChanIntervalTable removed
451    cvdslLineConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
452        SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineConfProfileEntry
453        MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
454        STATUS         current
455        DESCRIPTION
456            "This table contains information on the VDSL line
457            configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a
458            profile defined by a manager which can be used to
459            configure the VDSL line."
460        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 8 }
462    cvdslLineConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
463        SYNTAX         CvdslLineConfProfileEntry
464        MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
465        STATUS         current
466        DESCRIPTION
467            "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
468            represents the configuration of a VDSL modem.  A
469            default profile with an index of 1 will always exist
470            and its parameters will be set to vendor specific
471            values, unless otherwise specified in this document."
472        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex }
473        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileTable 1 }
475    CvdslLineConfProfileEntry ::=
476        SEQUENCE
477            {
478            cvdslLineConfProfileIndex               Integer32,
479            cvdslLineConfProfileName                SnmpAdminString,
480            cvdslLineConfTargetSnrMgn               INTEGER,
481            cvdslLineConfTxSpeed                    INTEGER,
482            cvdslLineConfRxSpeed                    INTEGER,
483            cvdslLineConfProfileRowStatus           RowStatus
484            }
486    cvdslLineConfProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
487        SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
488        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
489        STATUS       current
490        DESCRIPTION
491            "This object is used by the line configuration table
492            in order to identify a row in that table.  The system
493            will always provide a default profile whose value is 1."
494        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 1 }
497    cvdslLineConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
498        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
499        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
500        STATUS       current
501        DESCRIPTION
502            "The name for this profile as specified by a user."
503        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 2 }
505    cvdslLineConfTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
506        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..310)
507        UNITS        "tenth dB"
508        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
509        STATUS       current
510        DESCRIPTION
511            "Configured Target Signal/Noise Margin.  This is the
512            Noise Margin the modem must achieve with a BER of 10-7
513            or better to successfully complete initialization."
514        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 3 }
516    cvdslLineConfTxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
517        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
518        UNITS        "bits per second"
519        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
520        STATUS       current
521        DESCRIPTION
522            "Transmit speed for this modem.  The corresponding modem
523            on the other end of the VDSL line will have an equal
524            cvdslLineConfRxSpeed value."
525        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 4 }
527    cvdslLineConfRxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
528        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
529        UNITS        "bits per second"
530        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
531        STATUS       current
532        DESCRIPTION
533            "Receive speed for this modem.  The corresponding modem
534            on the other end of the VDSL line will have an equal
535            cvdslLineConfTxSpeed value."
536        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 5 }
538    cvdslLineConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
539        SYNTAX       RowStatus
540        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
541        STATUS       current
542        DESCRIPTION
543            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
544            delete an existing row in this table.
546            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
547            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
549            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
550            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
551            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
552            from all associated lines.
553            The DEFVAL profile cannot be deleted."
554        ::= { cvdslLineConfProfileEntry 6 }
556    --
557    -- Multiple carrier modulation (MCM) configuration profile tables
558    --
560    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
561        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry
562        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
563        STATUS       current
564        DESCRIPTION
565            "This table contains information on the VDSL line
566            configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a
567            profile defined by a manager which can be used to
568            configure the VDSL line."
569        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 9 }
571    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
572        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry
573        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
574        STATUS       current
575        DESCRIPTION
576            "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
577            represents the configuration of a multiple carrier
578            modulation VDSL modem.    A default profile with an
579            index of 1 will always exist and its parameters will
580            be set to vendor specific values, unless otherwise
581            specified in this document."
582        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex }
583        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTable 1 }
585    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry ::=
586        SEQUENCE
587            {
588            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxWindowLength       INTEGER,
589            cvdslMCMConfProfileRowStatus            RowStatus
590            }
592    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxWindowLength OBJECT-TYPE
593        SYNTAX       INTEGER(1..255)
594        UNITS        "samples"
595        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
596        STATUS       current
597        DESCRIPTION
598            "Specifies the length of the transmit window, counted
599            in samples at the sampling rate corresponding to the
600            negotiated value of N."
601        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry 1 }
603    cvdslMCMConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
604        SYNTAX       RowStatus
605        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
606        STATUS       current
607        DESCRIPTION
608            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
609            delete an existing row in this table.
611            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
612            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
614            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
615            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
616            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
617            from all associated lines."
618        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileEntry 2 }
620    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandTable OBJECT-TYPE
621        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry
622        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
623        STATUS       current
624        DESCRIPTION
625            "This table contains transmit band descriptor configuration
626            information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in this table
627            reflects the configuration for one of possibly many bands
628            with a multiple carrier modulation (MCM) VDSL line.
629            These entries are defined by a manager and can be used to
630            configure the VDSL line."
631        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 10 }
633    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry OBJECT-TYPE
634        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry
635        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
636        STATUS       current
637        DESCRIPTION
638            "Each entry consists of a transmit band descriptor, which
639            is defined by a start and a stop tone index.
641            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
642            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
643            unless otherwise specified in this document."
644        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex,
645                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandNumber  }
646        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandTable 1 }
648    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry ::=
649        SEQUENCE
650            {
651            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandNumber           INTEGER,
652            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStart            INTEGER,
653            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStop             INTEGER,
654            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandRowStatus        RowStatus
655            }
657    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandNumber OBJECT-TYPE
658        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
659        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
660        STATUS       current
661        DESCRIPTION
662            "The index for this band descriptor entry."
663        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry 1 }
665    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStart OBJECT-TYPE
666        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
667        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
668        STATUS       current
669        DESCRIPTION
670            "Start tone index for this band."
671        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry 2 }
673    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStop OBJECT-TYPE
674        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
675        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
676        STATUS       current
677        DESCRIPTION
678            "Stop tone index for this band."
679        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry 3 }
681    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
682        SYNTAX       RowStatus
683        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
684        STATUS       current
685        DESCRIPTION
686            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
687            delete an existing row in this table.
689            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
690            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
692            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
693            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
694            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
695            from all associated lines."
696        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxBandEntry 4 }
698    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandTable OBJECT-TYPE
699        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry
700        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
701        STATUS       current
702        DESCRIPTION
703            "This table contains receive band descriptor configuration
704            information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in this table
705            reflects the configuration for one of possibly many bands
706            with a multiple carrier modulation (MCM) VDSL line.
707            These entries are defined by a manager and can be used to
708            configure the VDSL line."
709        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 11 }
711    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry OBJECT-TYPE
712        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry
713        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
714        STATUS       current
715        DESCRIPTION
716            "Each entry consists of a transmit band descriptor, which
717            defines the start and stop bands and the power spectral
718            density (PSD) for that band.
720            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
721            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
722            unless otherwise specified in this document."
723        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex,
724                cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandNumber }
725        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandTable 1 }
727    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry ::=
728        SEQUENCE
729            {
730            cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandNumber           INTEGER,
731            cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStart            INTEGER,
732            cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStop             INTEGER,
733            cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandRowStatus        RowStatus
734            }
736    cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandNumber OBJECT-TYPE
737        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
738        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
739        STATUS       current
740        DESCRIPTION
741            "The index for this band descriptor entry."
742        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry 1 }
744    cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStart OBJECT-TYPE
745        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
746        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
747        STATUS       current
748        DESCRIPTION
749            "Start tone index for this band."
750        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry 2 }
752    cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStop OBJECT-TYPE
753        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
754        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
755        STATUS       current
756        DESCRIPTION
757            "Stop tone index for this band."
758        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry 3 }
760    cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
761        SYNTAX       RowStatus
762        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
763        STATUS       current
764        DESCRIPTION
765            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
766            delete an existing row in this table.
768            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
769            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
771            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
772            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
773            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
774            from all associated lines."
775        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileRxBandEntry 4 }
777    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDTable OBJECT-TYPE
778        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry
779        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
780        STATUS       current
781        DESCRIPTION
782            "This table contains transmit PSD mask descriptor
783            configuration information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in
784            this table reflects the configuration for one tone within
785            a multiple carrier modulation (MCM) VDSL line.  These
786            entries are defined by a manager and can be used to
787            configure the VDSL line."
788        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 12 }
790    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
791        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry
792        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
793        STATUS       current
794        DESCRIPTION
795            "Each entry consists of a transmit PSD mask descriptor,
796            which defines the power spectral density (PSD) for a tone.
798            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
799            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
800            unless otherwise specified in this document."
801        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex,
802                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDNumber  }
803        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDTable 1 }
805    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry ::=
806        SEQUENCE
807            {
808            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDNumber            INTEGER,
809            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDTone              INTEGER,
810            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDPSD               INTEGER,
811            cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDRowStatus         RowStatus
812            }
814    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDNumber OBJECT-TYPE
815        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
816        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
817        STATUS       current
818        DESCRIPTION
819            "The index for this mask descriptor entry."
820        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry 1 }
822    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDTone OBJECT-TYPE
823        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
824        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
825        STATUS       current
826        DESCRIPTION
827            "The tone index for which the PSD is being specified."
828        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry 2 }
830    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDPSD OBJECT-TYPE
831        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
832        UNITS        "0.5dB"
833        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
834        STATUS       current
835        DESCRIPTION
836            "Power Spectral Density level in steps of 0.5dB with
837            an offset of -140dbm/Hz."
838        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry 3 }
840    cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
841        SYNTAX       RowStatus
842        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
843        STATUS       current
844        DESCRIPTION
845            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
846            delete an existing row in this table.
848            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
849            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
851            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
852            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
853            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
854            from all associated lines."
855        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileTxPSDEntry 4 }
857    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDTable OBJECT-TYPE
858        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry
859        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
860        STATUS       current
861        DESCRIPTION
862            "This table contains transmit maximum PSD mask descriptor
863            configuration information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in
864            this table reflects the configuration for one tone within
865            a multiple carrier modulation (MCM) VDSL modem.  These
866            entries are defined by a manager and can be used to
867            configure the VDSL line."
868        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 13 }
870    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
871        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry
872        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
873        STATUS       current
874        DESCRIPTION
875            "Each entry consists of a transmit PSD mask descriptor,
876            which defines the maximum power spectral density (PSD)
877            for a tone.
879            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
880            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
881            unless otherwise specified in this document."
882        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex,
883                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDNumber }
884        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDTable 1 }
886    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry ::=
887        SEQUENCE
888            {
889            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDNumber            INTEGER,
890            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDTone              INTEGER,
891            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDPSD               INTEGER,
892            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDRowStatus         RowStatus
893            }
895    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDNumber OBJECT-TYPE
896        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
897        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
898        STATUS       current
899        DESCRIPTION
900            "The index for this band descriptor entry."
901        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry 1 }
903    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDTone OBJECT-TYPE
904        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
905        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
906        STATUS       current
907        DESCRIPTION
908            "The tone index for which the PSD is being specified."
909        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry 2 }
911    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDPSD OBJECT-TYPE
912        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
913        UNITS        "0.5dB"
914        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
915        STATUS       current
916        DESCRIPTION
917            "Power Spectral Density level in steps of 0.5dB with
918            an offset of -140dbm/Hz."
919        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry 3 }
921    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
922        SYNTAX       RowStatus
923        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
924        STATUS       current
925        DESCRIPTION
926            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
927            delete an existing row in this table.
929            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
930            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
932            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
933            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
934            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
935            from all associated lines."
936        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDEntry 4 }
938    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDTable OBJECT-TYPE
939        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry
940        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
941        STATUS       current
942        DESCRIPTION
943            "This table contains maximum receive PSD mask descriptor
944            configuration information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in
945            this table reflects the configuration for one tone within
946            a multiple carrier modulation (MCM) VDSL modem.  These
947            entries are defined by a manager and can be used to
948            configure the VDSL line."
949        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 14 }
951    cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
952        SYNTAX       CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry
953        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
954        STATUS       current
955        DESCRIPTION
956            "Each entry consists of a transmit PSD mask descriptor,
957            which defines the power spectral density (PSD) for a
958            tone.
960            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
961            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
962            unless otherwise specified in this document."
963        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex,
964                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDNumber }
965        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDTable 1 }
967    CvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry ::=
968        SEQUENCE
969            {
970            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDNumber            INTEGER,
971            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDTone              INTEGER,
972            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDPSD               INTEGER,
973            cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDRowStatus         RowStatus
974            }
976    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDNumber OBJECT-TYPE
977        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
978        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
979        STATUS       current
980        DESCRIPTION
981            "The index for this band descriptor entry."
982        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry 1 }
984    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDTone OBJECT-TYPE
985        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
986        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
987        STATUS       current
988        DESCRIPTION
989            "The tone index for which the PSD is being specified."
990        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry 2 }
992    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDPSD OBJECT-TYPE
993        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
994        UNITS        "0.5dB"
995        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
996        STATUS       current
997        DESCRIPTION
998            "Power Spectral Density level in steps of 0.5dB with
999            an offset of -140dbm/Hz."
1000        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry 3 }
1002    cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1003        SYNTAX       RowStatus
1004        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1005        STATUS       current
1006        DESCRIPTION
1007            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
1008            delete an existing row in this table.
1010            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
1011            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
1013            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
1014            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
1015            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
1016            from all associated lines."
1017        ::= { cvdslLineMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDEntry 4 }
1019    --
1020    -- Single carrier modulation (SCM) configuration profile table
1021    --
1023    cvdslLineSCMConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
1024        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry
1025        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1026        STATUS       current
1027        DESCRIPTION
1028            "This table contains information on the VDSL line
1029            configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a
1030            profile defined by a manager which can be used to
1031            configure the VDSL line."
1032        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 15 }
1034    cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1035        SYNTAX       CvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry
1036        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1037        STATUS       current
1038        DESCRIPTION
1039            "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
1040            represents the configuration of a single carrier
1041            modulation VDSL modem.
1043            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
1044            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
1045            unless otherwise specified in this document."
1046        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineConfProfileIndex }
1047        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileTable 1 }
1049    CvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry ::=
1050        SEQUENCE
1051            {
1052            cvdslSCMConfProfileInterleaveDepth      INTEGER,
1053            cvdslSCMConfProfileFastCodewordSize     INTEGER,
1054            cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDMask      BITS,
1055            cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDLevel     INTEGER,
1056            cvdslSCMConfProfileSymbolRateProfile    INTEGER,
1057            cvdslSCMConfProfileConstellationSize    INTEGER,
1058            cvdslSCMConfProfileCenterFrequency      INTEGER,
1059            cvdslSCMConfProfileRowStatus            RowStatus
1060            }
1062    cvdslSCMConfProfileInterleaveDepth OBJECT-TYPE
1063        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
1064        UNITS        "octets"
1065        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1066        STATUS       current
1067        DESCRIPTION
1068            "Specifies the interleaving depth."
1069        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 1 }
1071    cvdslSCMConfProfileFastCodewordSize OBJECT-TYPE
1072        SYNTAX       INTEGER(0..180)
1073        UNITS        "octets"
1074        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1075        STATUS       current
1076        DESCRIPTION
1077            "Specifies the length in octets of the fast codeword.
1078            A value of 0 indicates that the single latency transport
1079            class is to be utilized."
1080        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 2 }
1082    cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDMask OBJECT-TYPE
1083        SYNTAX       BITS
1084            {
1085            vendorNotch1(0),     -- vendor specific notch
1086            vendorNotch2(1),     -- vendor specific notch
1087            amateurBand30m(2),   -- amateur radio 30m band notch
1088            amateurBand40m(3),   -- amateur radio 40m band notch
1089            amateurBand80m(4),   -- amateur radio 80m band notch
1090            amateurBand160m(5)   -- amateur radio 160m band notch
1091            }
1092        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1093        STATUS       current
1094        DESCRIPTION
1095            "The transmit power spectral density mask code."
1096        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 3 }
1098    cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDLevel OBJECT-TYPE
1099        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
1100        UNITS        "dBm/Hz"
1101        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1102        STATUS       current
1103        DESCRIPTION
1104            "The transmit power spectral density for the VDSL modem."
1105        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 4 }
1107    cvdslSCMConfProfileSymbolRateProfile OBJECT-TYPE
1108        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..2147483647)
1109        UNITS        "kbaud"
1110        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1111        STATUS       current
1112        DESCRIPTION
1113            "The symbol rate profile calculated as S = SR/BSR, where
1114            SR is the required symbol rate in kbaud, BSR  = 67.5."
1115        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 5 }
1117    cvdslSCMConfProfileConstellationSize OBJECT-TYPE
1118        SYNTAX       INTEGER(0..15)
1119        UNITS        "log2"
1120        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1121        STATUS       current
1122        DESCRIPTION
1123            "Specifies the constellation size."
1124        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 6 }
1126    cvdslSCMConfProfileCenterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
1127        SYNTAX       INTEGER(0..511)
1128        UNITS        "kHz"
1129        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1130        STATUS       current
1131        DESCRIPTION
1132            "Specifies the center frequency profile K."
1133        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 7 }
1135    cvdslSCMConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1136        SYNTAX       RowStatus
1137        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1138        STATUS       current
1139        DESCRIPTION
1140            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
1141            delete an existing row in this table.
1143            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
1144            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
1146            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
1147            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
1148            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
1149            from all associated lines."
1150        ::= { cvdslLineSCMConfProfileEntry 8 }
1152    --
1153    -- Alarm configuration profile table
1154    --
1156    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
1157        SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry
1158        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1159        STATUS       current
1160        DESCRIPTION
1161            "This table contains information on the VDSL line alarm
1162            configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a profile
1163            defined by a manager which can be used to configure the
1164            VDSL line alarm thresholds."
1165        ::= { cvdslMibObjects 16 }
1167    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1168        SYNTAX       CvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry
1169        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1170        STATUS       current
1171        DESCRIPTION
1172            "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
1173            represents the configuration of a VDSL line alarm
1174            profile.
1175            A default profile with an index of 1 will always exist and
1176            its parameters will be set to vendor specific values,
1177            unless otherwise specified in this document."
1178        INDEX { cvdslPhysSide, cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileIndex }
1179        ::= { cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileTable 1 }
1181    CvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry ::=
1182        SEQUENCE
1183            {
1184            cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileIndex        Integer32,
1185            cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileName         SnmpAdminString,
1186            cvdslInitFailureNotificationEnable    TruthValue,
1187            cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileRowStatus    RowStatus
1188            }
1189    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1190        SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
1191        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1192        STATUS       current
1193        DESCRIPTION
1194            "This object is used by the line alarm configuration table
1195            in order to identify a row in that table.  The system will
1196            always provide a default profile whose index is 1."
1197        ::= { cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry 1 }
1200    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
1201        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
1202        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1203        STATUS       current
1204        DESCRIPTION
1205            "The name for this profile as specified by a user."
1206        ::= { cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry 2 }
1208    cvdslInitFailureNotificationEnable OBJECT-TYPE
1209        SYNTAX       TruthValue
1210        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1211        STATUS       current
1212        DESCRIPTION
1213            "This object specifies if a cvdslInitFailureNotification
1214            notification will be generated if an initialization
1215            failure occurs."
1216        ::= { cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry 3 }
1218    cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1219        SYNTAX       RowStatus
1220        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
1221        STATUS       current
1222        DESCRIPTION
1223            "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
1224            delete an existing row in this table.
1226            A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
1227            When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.
1229            Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
1230            service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
1231            `outOfService') it must be first unreferenced
1232            from all associated lines."
1233        ::= { cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry 4 }
1235    -- Notification definitions
1237    cvdslNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cvdslLineMib 0 }
1239    cvdslInitFailureNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1240        OBJECTS       {
1241                      cvdslCurrStatus
1242                      }
1243        STATUS        current
1244        DESCRIPTION
1245            "Vtu initialization failed.  See cvdslCurrStatus for
1246            potential reasons."
1247        ::= { cvdslNotifications 1 }
1249    -- conformance information
1251    cvdslConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cvdslLineMib 3 }
1252    cvdslGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cvdslConformance 1 }
1253    cvdslCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cvdslConformance 2 }
1255    cvdslLineMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1256        STATUS  current
1257        DESCRIPTION
1258            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
1259            manage VDSL interfaces."
1261        MODULE  -- this module
1263            {
1264            cvdslGroup
1265            }
1267        GROUP       cvdslMCMGroup
1268        DESCRIPTION
1269            "This group is mandatory for VDSL Lines which
1270            utilize multiple carrier modulation.
1272            This group should not be implemented for VDSL lines
1273            which utilize single carrier modulation."
1275        GROUP       cvdslSCMGroup
1276        DESCRIPTION
1277            "This group is mandatory for VDSL lines which
1278            utilize single carrier modulation.
1280            This group should not be implemented for VDSL lines
1281            which utilize multiple carrier modulation"
1282        ::= { cvdslCompliances 1 }
1284    -- units of conformance
1286        cvdslGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1287            OBJECTS
1288                {
1289                cvdslLineCoding,
1290                cvdslLineType,
1291                cvdslLineConfProfile,
1292                cvdslLineAlarmConfProfile,
1293                cvdslInvSerialNumber,
1294                cvdslInvVendorID,
1295                cvdslInvVersionNumber,
1296                cvdslCurrSnrMgn,
1297                cvdslCurrAtn,
1298                cvdslCurrStatus,
1299                cvdslCurrOutputPwr,
1300                cvdslCurrAttainableRate,
1301                cvdslChanInterleaveDelay,
1302                cvdslChanCrcBlockLength,
1303                cvdslLineConfProfileName,
1304                cvdslLineConfTargetSnrMgn,
1305                cvdslLineConfTxSpeed,
1306                cvdslLineConfRxSpeed,
1307                cvdslLineConfProfileRowStatus,
1308                cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileName,
1309                cvdslInitFailureNotificationEnable,
1310                cvdslLineAlarmConfProfileRowStatus
1311                }
1312            STATUS     current
1313            DESCRIPTION
1314                "A collection of objects providing information about
1315                 a VDSL Line."
1316            ::= { cvdslGroups 1 }
1318        cvdslMCMGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1319             OBJECTS
1320                {
1321                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxWindowLength,
1322                cvdslMCMConfProfileRowStatus,
1323                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStart,
1324                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandStop,
1325                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxBandRowStatus,
1326                cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStart,
1327                cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandStop,
1328                cvdslMCMConfProfileRxBandRowStatus,
1329                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDTone,
1330                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDPSD,
1331                cvdslMCMConfProfileTxPSDRowStatus,
1332                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDTone,
1333                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDPSD,
1334                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxTxPSDRowStatus,
1335                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDTone,
1336                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDPSD,
1337                cvdslMCMConfProfileMaxRxPSDRowStatus
1338                }
1339             STATUS     current
1340             DESCRIPTION
1341                 "A collection of objects providing configuration
1342                 information for a VDSL line based upon multiple carrier
1343                 modulation modem."
1344         ::= { cvdslGroups 2 }
1346        cvdslSCMGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
1347            OBJECTS
1348                {
1349                cvdslSCMConfProfileInterleaveDepth,
1350                cvdslSCMConfProfileFastCodewordSize,
1351                cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDMask,
1352                cvdslSCMConfProfileTransmitPSDLevel,
1353                cvdslSCMConfProfileSymbolRateProfile,
1354                cvdslSCMConfProfileConstellationSize,
1355                cvdslSCMConfProfileCenterFrequency,
1356                cvdslSCMConfProfileRowStatus
1357                }
1358            STATUS      current
1359            DESCRIPTION
1360                 "A collection of objects providing configuration
1361                 information for a VDSL line based upon single carrier
1362                 modulation modem."
1363        ::= { cvdslGroups 3 }
1365        cvdslNotificationGroup    NOTIFICATION-GROUP
1366            NOTIFICATIONS
1367                {
1368                cvdslInitFailureNotification
1369                }
1370            STATUS      current
1371            DESCRIPTION
1372                 "This group supports notifications of significant
1373                 conditions associated with VDSL Lines."
1374        ::= { cvdslGroups 4 }
1376    END