1-- *********************************************************************
2-- CISCO-NS-MIB.my: Name Server Mib
4-- September 2002, H K Vivek
6-- Copyright (c) 2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
7-- All rights reserved.
9-- *********************************************************************
16        Counter32,Integer32              FROM    SNMPv2-SMI
18        OBJECT-GROUP,
19        NOTIFICATION-GROUP               FROM    SNMPv2-CONF
20        SnmpAdminString                  FROM    SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
21        TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION,
22        TimeStamp                        FROM    SNMPv2-TC
23        ciscoMgmt                        FROM    CISCO-SMI
24        FcNameId, FcAddressId,
25        FcClassOfServices,
26        FcNameIdOrZero                   FROM    CISCO-ST-TC
27        vsanIndex, notifyVsanIndex       FROM    CISCO-VSAN-MIB;
31        LAST-UPDATED "200408300000Z"
32        ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc."
33        CONTACT-INFO
34                "     Cisco Systems
35                      Customer Service
36                Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
37                      San Jose, CA  95134
38                      USA
39                Tel: +1 800 553 -NETS
40                E-mail: cs-san@cisco.com"
42                "The MIB module for the management of the Cisco
43                 Name Server which realizes the FC-GS3
44                 requirements for Name Server (NS)."
45        REVISION "200408300000Z"
47                "Added fcNameServerPermanentPortName object to
48                 fcNameServerTable."
49        REVISION "200402190000Z"
51                "Added notifications fcNameServerEntryAdd,
52                 fcNameServerEntryDelete."
53        REVISION "200303060000Z"
55                "Added fcNameServerPortFunction object."
56        REVISION "200210030000Z"
58                "Initial version of this MIB."
59        ::= { ciscoMgmt 293 }
62ciscoNameServerMIBObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoNsMIB 1 }
63fcNameServerMIBConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoNsMIB 2 }
64fcNameServerConfiguration    OBJECT IDENTIFIER
65                             ::= { ciscoNameServerMIBObjects 1 }
66fcNameServerStats            OBJECT IDENTIFIER
67                             ::= { ciscoNameServerMIBObjects 2 }
68fcNameServerInformation      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
69                             ::= { ciscoNameServerMIBObjects 3 }
70fcNameServerNotification     OBJECT IDENTIFIER
71                             ::= { ciscoNameServerMIBObjects 4 }
72fcNameServerNotifications    OBJECT IDENTIFIER
73                             ::= { fcNameServerNotification 0 }
75-- Textual Conventions
77FcGs3RejectReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
78        STATUS    current
80            "The GS-3 reject reason code for a request.
81             none(1)  - no error.
82             invalidCmdCode(2) - req contains an invalid
83                                 command code.
84             invalidVerLevel(3) - req contains an invalid
85                                  version number.
86             logicalError(4) - there is a logical error.
87             invalidIUSize(5) - Information Unit (IU) size
88                                is invalid.
89             logicalBusy(6) - the module is busy.
90             protocolError(7) - there is a protocol error.
91             unableToPerformCmdReq(8) - the command specified
92                                        in the req could not be
93                                        executed. The details
94                                        of exactly what failed
95                                        will be in the
96                                        corresponding reason
97                                        code explanation.
98             cmdNotSupported(9) - the command is not
99                                  supported.
100             vendorError(10) - specific vendor error."
101        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
102                  none(1),
103                  invalidCmdCode(2),
104                  invalidVerLevel(3),
105                  logicalError(4),
106                  invalidIUSize(5),
107                  logicalBusy(6),
108                  protocolError(7),
109                  unableToPerformCmdReq(8),
110                  cmdNotSupported(9),
111                  vendorError(10)
112                }
114FcNameServerRejReasonExpl ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
115        STATUS    current
116        DESCRIPTION
117            "The reject reason code explanation.
118             noAdditionalExplanation(1) - no additional
119                                          explanation.
120             portIdentifierNotRegistered(2) - port Id not
121                                              registered.
122             portNameNotRegistered(3) - port name not registered.
123             nodeNameNotRegistered(4) - node name not registered.
124             classOfServiceNotRegistered(5) - class of service
125                                              not registered.
126             nodeIpAddressNotRegistered(6) - node IP address not
127                                             registered.
128             ipaNotRegistered(7) - Initial Process Associator (IPA)
129                                   not registered.
130             fc4TypeNotRegistered(8) - FC4 type not registered.
131             symbolicPortNameNotRegistered(9) - symbolic port name
132                                                not registered.
133             symbolicNodeNameNotRegistered(10) - symbolic node name
134                                                not registered.
135             portTypeNotRegistered(11) - type of port not registered.
136             portIpAddressNotRegistered(12) - port IP address not
137                                              registered.
138             fabricPortNameNotRegistered(13) - fabric port name not
139                                               registered.
140             hardAddressNotRegistered(14) - hard address not
141                                            registered
142             fc4DescriptorNotRegistered(15) - FC4 descriptor not
143                                              registered.
144             fc4FeaturesNotRegistered(16) - FC4 features not
145                                            registered.
146             accessDenied(17) - access is denied.
147             unacceptablePortIdentifier(18) - port Id is invalid.
148             databaseEmpty(19) - database is empty.
149             noObjectRegInSpecifiedScope(20) - no object has been
150                                               registered in the
151                                               specified scope."
152        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
153                  noAdditionalExplanation(1),
154                  portIdentifierNotRegistered(2),
155                  portNameNotRegistered(3),
156                  nodeNameNotRegistered(4),
157                  classOfServiceNotRegistered(5),
158                  nodeIpAddressNotRegistered(6),
159                  ipaNotRegistered(7),
160                  fc4TypeNotRegistered(8),
161                  symbolicPortNameNotRegistered(9),
162                  symbolicNodeNameNotRegistered(10),
163                  portTypeNotRegistered(11),
164                  portIpAddressNotRegistered(12),
165                  fabricPortNameNotRegistered(13),
166                  hardAddressNotRegistered(14),
167                  fc4DescriptorNotRegistered(15),
168                  fc4FeaturesNotRegistered(16),
169                  accessDenied(17),
170                  unacceptablePortIdentifier(18),
171                  databaseEmpty(19),
172                  noObjectRegInSpecifiedScope(20)
173                }
176-- Proxy Port Table
179fcNameServerProxyPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
180        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF FcNameServerProxyPortEntry
181        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
182        STATUS        current
183        DESCRIPTION
184                "This table contains a list of proxy ports on
185                 all configured VSANs on the local switch. Only
186                 one proxy port is allowed on a VSAN."
187        ::= { fcNameServerConfiguration 1 }
189fcNameServerProxyPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
190        SYNTAX        FcNameServerProxyPortEntry
191        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
192        STATUS        current
193        DESCRIPTION
194                "An entry (conceptual row) in this table."
195        INDEX { vsanIndex }
196        ::= { fcNameServerProxyPortTable 1 }
198FcNameServerProxyPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
199        fcNameServerProxyPortName   FcNameIdOrZero
202fcNameServerProxyPortName OBJECT-TYPE
203        SYNTAX        FcNameIdOrZero
204        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
205        STATUS        current
206        DESCRIPTION
207                "Name of the proxy port which can register/deregister
208                 for other ports on this VSAN. Users can enable
209                 third party registrations by setting this object.
210                 In order to disable third party registrations, this
211                 object should be set to ''H."
212        DEFVAL {''H}
213        ::= { fcNameServerProxyPortEntry 1 }
215fcNameServerTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
216        SYNTAX        TimeStamp
217        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
218        STATUS        current
219        DESCRIPTION
220                "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last update
221                 to the fcNameServerTable. This includes creation of an
222                 entry, deletion of an entry and modification of an
223                 existing entry. If no updates have taken place since
224                 the last re-initialization of the local network
225                 management subsystem, then this object contains a zero
226                 value."
227        ::= { fcNameServerConfiguration 2 }
229fcNameServerNumRows OBJECT-TYPE
230        SYNTAX        Integer32 (0..2147483647)
231        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
232        STATUS        current
233        DESCRIPTION
234               "The number of Nx_Ports currently registered with this
235               device fabric wide."
236        ::= { fcNameServerConfiguration 3 }
240-- fcNameServerTable
242fcNameServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
243        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FcNameServerEntry
244        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
245        STATUS        current
246        DESCRIPTION
247               "This table contains entries for all Nx_Ports
248               registered with Fx_Ports on all the VSANs configured
249               on the local switch."
250        ::= { fcNameServerConfiguration 4 }
252fcNameServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
253        SYNTAX FcNameServerEntry
254        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
255        STATUS        current
256        DESCRIPTION
257               "An entry (conceptual row) in the fcNameServerTable.
258               This contains information about an Nx_Port represented
259               by fcNameServerPortIdentifier for a particular VSAN
260               identified by vsanIndex."
261        INDEX { vsanIndex, fcNameServerPortIdentifier }
262        ::= { fcNameServerTable 1 }
264FcNameServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
265        fcNameServerPortIdentifier         FcAddressId,
266        fcNameServerPortName               FcNameId,
267        fcNameServerNodeName               FcNameId,
268        fcNameServerClassOfSvc             FcClassOfServices,
269        fcNameServerNodeIpAddress          OCTET STRING,
270        fcNameServerProcAssoc              OCTET STRING,
271        fcNameServerFC4Type                OCTET STRING,
272        fcNameServerPortType               INTEGER,
273        fcNameServerPortIpAddress          OCTET STRING,
274        fcNameServerFabricPortName         FcNameId,
275        fcNameServerHardAddress            FcAddressId,
276        fcNameServerSymbolicPortName       SnmpAdminString,
277        fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName       SnmpAdminString,
278        fcNameServerFC4Features            OCTET STRING,
279        fcNameServerPortFunction           BITS,
280        fcNameServerPermanentPortName      FcNameId
281        }
283fcNameServerPortIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
284        SYNTAX               FcAddressId
285        MAX-ACCESS           not-accessible
286        STATUS               current
287        DESCRIPTION
288               "The Fibre Channel Identifier (FC-ID) of this
289               Nx_Port."
290        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 1 }
292fcNameServerPortName OBJECT-TYPE
293        SYNTAX        FcNameId
294        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
295        STATUS        current
296        DESCRIPTION
297               "The fibre channel Port_Name (WWN) of this Nx_port.
298               If this object is not set, then it will contain the
299               null value '0000000000000000'h."
300        DEFVAL {'0000000000000000'h}
301        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 2 }
303fcNameServerNodeName OBJECT-TYPE
304        SYNTAX        FcNameId
305        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
306        STATUS        current
307        DESCRIPTION
308               "The fibre channel Node_Name (WWN) of this Nx_port.
309               If this object is not set, then it will contain the
310               null value '0000000000000000'h."
311        DEFVAL {'0000000000000000'h}
312        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 3 }
314fcNameServerClassOfSvc OBJECT-TYPE
315        SYNTAX        FcClassOfServices
316        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
317        STATUS        current
318        DESCRIPTION
319               "The class of service indicator. This object is a
320               array of bits that contain a bit map of the classes of
321               service supported by the associated port. If a bit in
322               this object is 1, it indicates that the class of
323               service is supported by the associated port. When a
324               bit is set to 0, it indicates that no class of service
325               is supported by this Nx_port."
326        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 4 }
328fcNameServerNodeIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
329        SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
330        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
331        STATUS        current
332        DESCRIPTION
333  	           "The IP address of the node of this Nx_port, as
334		   indicated by the Nx_Port in a GS3 message that it
335		   transmitted.  The GS3 format specifies a 32-bit
336                   IPv4 address or a 128-bit IPv6 address.  For the
337                   former, the leftmost 96 bits (12 bytes) are set to
338                   x'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF' and the
339                   rightmost 32 bits are supposed to contain the
340                   IPv4 address."
341        REFERENCE
342              "ANSI NCITS xxx-200x, Fibre Channel - Generic
343               Services-3 (FC-GS-3), T11/Project 1356D/Rev 7.01
344               Section and Section"
345        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 5 }
347fcNameServerProcAssoc OBJECT-TYPE
348        SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
349        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
350        STATUS current
351        DESCRIPTION
352                "The Fibre Channel initial process associator (IPA)."
353        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 6 }
355fcNameServerFC4Type OBJECT-TYPE
356        SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32))
357        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
358        STATUS        current
359        DESCRIPTION
360               "The FC-4 protocol types supported by this Nx_port.
361               This is an array of 256-bits. Each bit in the array
362               corresponds to a Type value as defined by the fibre
363               channel standards and contained in the Type field of
364               the frame header."
365        REFERENCE
366               "ANSI NCITS xxx-200x, Fibre Channel - Generic
367               Services-3 (FC-GS-3), T11/Project 1356D/Rev 7.01
368               Section"
369        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 7 }
371fcNameServerPortType OBJECT-TYPE
372        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
373                          unknown(1), -- port type unknown
374                          nPort(2), -- port is N_Port
375                          nlPort(3) -- port is NL_Port
376                      }
377        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
378        STATUS        current
379        DESCRIPTION
380               "The port type of this port."
381        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 8 }
383fcNameServerPortIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
384        SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
385        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
386        STATUS        current
387        DESCRIPTION
388               "This object contains the IP address of the associated
389               port in either 32-bit IPv4 format or 128-bit IPv6
390               format.
391               When this object contains a IPv4 address, the leftmost
392               96 bits (12 bytes) should contain
393               x'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF'. The IPv4
394               address should be present in the rightmost 32 bits.
395               Note that the value of this object is the IP address
396               value that is received in the GS3 message Register
397               IP address (Port) RIPP_ID. It is not validated against
398               any IP address format."
399        REFERENCE
400               "ANSI NCITS xxx-200x, Fibre Channel - Generic
401               Services-3, (FC-GS-3), T11/Project 1356D/Rev 7.01
402               Section and Section"
403        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 9 }
405fcNameServerFabricPortName OBJECT-TYPE
406        SYNTAX        FcNameId
407        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
408        STATUS        current
409        DESCRIPTION
410               "The Fabric Port Name (WWN) of the Fx_port to which
411               this Nx_port is attached. If this object is not set,
412               then it will contain the null value
413               '0000000000000000'h."
414        DEFVAL {'0000000000000000'h}
415        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 10 }
417fcNameServerHardAddress OBJECT-TYPE
418        SYNTAX        FcAddressId
419        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
420        STATUS        current
421        DESCRIPTION
422               "The format of this object is identical to the format
423               of Hard Address defined in the Discover Address (ADISC)
424               Extended Link Service (FC-PH-2).
425               Hard Address is the 24-bit NL_Port identifier which
426               consists of
427                 - the 8-bit Domain Id in the most significant byte
428                 - the 8-bit Area Id in the next most significant
429                   byte
430                 - the 8-bit AL-PA(Arbitrated Loop Physical Address)
431                   which an NL_port attempts acquire during FC-AL
432                   initialization in the least significant byte.
434               If the port is not an NL_Port, or if it is an NL_Port
435               but does not have a hard address, then all bits are
436               reported as 0s."
437        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 11 }
439fcNameServerSymbolicPortName OBJECT-TYPE
440        SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
441        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
442        STATUS        current
443        DESCRIPTION
444               "The user-defined name of this port. If this object
445               has not been set, then the value of this object is
446               the zero length string."
447        DEFVAL {''H}
448        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 12 }
450fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName OBJECT-TYPE
451        SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
452        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
453        STATUS        current
454        DESCRIPTION
455               "The user-defined name of the node of this port. If
456               this object has not been set, then the value of this
457               object is the zero length string."
458        DEFVAL {''H}
459        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 13 }
462fcNameServerFC4Features OBJECT-TYPE
463        SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
464        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
465        STATUS        current
466        DESCRIPTION
467               "The FC-4 Features associated with this port and the
468               FC-4 Type. Refer to FC-GS3 specification for the
469               format of this object.
470               This object is an array of 4-bit values, one for each
471               TYPE code value.
472               The 5 most significant bits of the TYPE field will be
473               used to identify the word for the FC-4 Features object.
474                     - Word 0 contains information related to TYPE
475                       code '00' thru' '07';
476                     - Word 1 contains information related to TYPE
477                       code '08' thru' 0F';
478                     - and so forth to Word 31 that contains
479                       information related to TYPE code 'F8'
480                       thru' 'FF'.
481               The 3 least significant bits of the TYPE field will be
482               used to identify the position within the word for the
483               4-bit FC-4 Features value."
484        REFERENCE
485               "ANSI NCITS xxx-200x, Fibre Channel - Generic
486               Services-3 (FC-GS-3), T11/Project 1356D/Rev 7.01
487               Section"
488        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 14 }
490fcNameServerPortFunction OBJECT-TYPE
491        SYNTAX        BITS {
492                        trapPort(0),
493                        vep(1),
494                        volOwner(2),
495                        ipfcPort(3),
496                        intPort(4)
497                      }
498        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
499        STATUS        deprecated
500        DESCRIPTION
501                "The function of this port.
503                 trapPort(0) indicates that this port is
504                 functioning as a Trap Port.
506                 vep(1) indicates that this port is
507                 functioning as a Virtual Enclosure Port
508                 (VEP).
510                 volOwner(2) indicates that this port is
511                 functioning as a Volume Owner.
513                 ipfcPort(3) indicates that this port is
514                 functioning as a IP-FC port.
516                 intPort(4) indicates that this port is
517                 functioning as an internal port."
519        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 15 }
521fcNameServerPermanentPortName OBJECT-TYPE
522        SYNTAX        FcNameId
523        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
524        STATUS        current
525        DESCRIPTION
526               "The Permanent Port Name of this Nx_port.
527                If multiple Port_Name(s) are associated with this
528                Nx_port via FDISC (Discover F_Port Service Parameters),
529                the Permanent Port Name is the original Port_Name
530                associated with this Nx_port at login.
531                If this object is not set, then it will contain the
532                null value '0000000000000000'h."
533        REFERENCE "Fibre-Channel - Generic Services - 4 T11/
534                   Project 1505-D/Rev 7.91 Section"
535        ::= { fcNameServerEntry 16 }
537-- Name Server Statistics
539fcNameServerTotalRejects OBJECT-TYPE
540        SYNTAX        Counter32
541        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
542        STATUS        current
543        DESCRIPTION
544                "The total number of requests rejected by the
545                local switch across all VSANs."
546        ::= { fcNameServerStats 1 }
548fcNameServerStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
549        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FcNameServerStatsEntry
550        MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
551        STATUS             current
552        DESCRIPTION
553                "This table contains statistic counters which are
554                maintained by the Name Server. These counters are
555                maintained per VSAN."
556        ::= { fcNameServerStats 2 }
558fcNameServerStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
559       SYNTAX        FcNameServerStatsEntry
560       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
561       STATUS        current
563               "An entry (conceptual row) in this table."
564       INDEX { vsanIndex }
565       ::= { fcNameServerStatsTable 1 }
567FcNameServerStatsEntry ::=  SEQUENCE {
569-- Counters for Name Server's GS3 interactions
571       fcNameServerInGetReqs                Counter32,
572       fcNameServerOutGetReqs               Counter32,
573       fcNameServerInRegReqs                Counter32,
574       fcNameServerInDeRegReqs              Counter32,
575       fcNameServerInRscns                  Counter32,
576       fcNameServerOutRscns                 Counter32,
578-- Rejected Requests
580       fcNameServerRejects                  Counter32
581       }
583fcNameServerInGetReqs OBJECT-TYPE
584       SYNTAX        Counter32
585       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
586       STATUS        current
588               "The total number of Get Requests received by the
589               local switch on this VSAN."
590       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 1 }
592fcNameServerOutGetReqs OBJECT-TYPE
593       SYNTAX        Counter32
594       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
595       STATUS        current
597               "The total number of Get Requests sent by the local
598               switch on this VSAN."
599       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 2 }
601fcNameServerInRegReqs OBJECT-TYPE
602       SYNTAX        Counter32
603       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
604       STATUS        current
606               "The total number of Registration Requests received
607               by the local switch on this VSAN."
608       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 3 }
610fcNameServerInDeRegReqs OBJECT-TYPE
611       SYNTAX        Counter32
612       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
613       STATUS        current
615               "The total number of De-registration Requests
616               received by the local switch on this VSAN."
617       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 4 }
619fcNameServerInRscns OBJECT-TYPE
620       SYNTAX        Counter32
621       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
622       STATUS        current
624               "The total number of RSCN commands received by the
625               local switch on this VSAN."
626       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 5 }
628fcNameServerOutRscns OBJECT-TYPE
629       SYNTAX        Counter32
630       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
631       STATUS        current
633               "The total number of RSCN commands sent by the local
634               switch on this VSAN."
635       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 6 }
637fcNameServerRejects OBJECT-TYPE
638       SYNTAX        Counter32
639       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
640       STATUS        current
642               "The total number of requests rejected by the local
643               switch on this VSAN."
644       ::= { fcNameServerStatsEntry 7 }
647-- Notification information objects
649fcNameServerRejectReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE
650        SYNTAX        FcGs3RejectReasonCode
651        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
652        STATUS        current
653        DESCRIPTION
654               "The registration reject reason code. This object
655               contains the reason code corresponding to the most
656               recent Name Server Registration request failure."
657        ::= { fcNameServerInformation 1 }
659fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp OBJECT-TYPE
660        SYNTAX        FcNameServerRejReasonExpl
661        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
662        STATUS        current
663        DESCRIPTION
664               "The registration reject reason code explanation. This
665               object contains the reason code explanation if the
666               above object has a reason code corresponding to
667               'Unable to perform command request'. This object like
668               the one above, corresponds to the most recent  Name
669               Server Registration request rejection."
670        ::= { fcNameServerInformation 2 }
672-- Notification control objects
674fcNameServerRejReqNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
675        SYNTAX        TruthValue
676        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
677        STATUS        current
678        DESCRIPTION
679               "This object specifies if the Name Server should
680               generate 'fcNameServerRejectRegNotify' notifications.
682               If value of this object is 'true', then the
683               notification is generated when a request is rejected.
684               If it is 'false', the notification is not generated."
685        DEFVAL { false }
686        ::= { fcNameServerConfiguration 5 }
689-- Notifications
691fcNameServerRejectRegNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE
692        OBJECTS   {fcNameServerPortName,
693                   fcNameServerRejectReasonCode,
694                   fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp}
695        STATUS    current
696        DESCRIPTION
697                "This notification is generated by the Name Server
698                whenever it rejects a registration request. The Name
699                Server should update the
700                'fcNameServerRejectReasonCode' and
701                'fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp' objects with
702                the corresponding reason code and reason code
703                explanation before sending the notification. These
704                two objects are also included along with the
705                notification to provide the reason for the reject."
706    ::= { fcNameServerNotifications 1 }
708fcNameServerDatabaseFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
709        OBJECTS {notifyVsanIndex}
710        STATUS current
711        DESCRIPTION
712                "This notification is generated by the Name Server
713                when the Name Server cannot allocate space for
714                a new entry."
715    ::= { fcNameServerNotifications 2 }
717fcNameServerEntryAdd NOTIFICATION-TYPE
718        OBJECTS { fcNameServerPortName,
719                  fcNameServerPortType }
720        STATUS current
721        DESCRIPTION
722                "This notification is generated by the Name Server
723                 when a new entry gets added to the Name Server
724                 database."
725    ::= { fcNameServerNotifications 3 }
727fcNameServerEntryDelete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
728        OBJECTS { fcNameServerPortName,
729                  fcNameServerPortType }
730        STATUS current
731        DESCRIPTION
732                "This notification is generated by the Name Server
733                 when an existing entry is deleted from the
734                 Name Server database."
735    ::= { fcNameServerNotifications 4 }
737-- Conformance
739fcNameServerMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
740                           ::= {fcNameServerMIBConformance 1}
742                           ::= {fcNameServerMIBConformance 2}
744fcNameServerMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
745        STATUS    deprecated
746          -- superceded by fcNameServerMIBComplianceRev1
747        DESCRIPTION
748                "The compliance statement for entities which
749                implement the name server."
750        MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS {fcNameServerDBGroup,
751                                 fcNameServerStatsGroup,
752                                 fcNameServerNotifyControlGroup,
753                                 fcNameServerNotifyGroup}
756        ::= { fcNameServerMIBCompliances 1 }
758fcNameServerMIBCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
759        STATUS   deprecated
760          -- superceded by fcNameServerMIBCompliance2
761        DESCRIPTION
762                "The compliance statement for entities which
763                implement the name server."
764        MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS {fcNameServerDBGroup1,
765                                 fcNameServerStatsGroup,
766                                 fcNameServerNotifyControlGroup,
767                                 fcNameServerNotifyGroup}
770        ::= { fcNameServerMIBCompliances 2 }
773fcNameServerMIBCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
774        STATUS    deprecated
775              -- superceded by fcNameServerMIBCompliance3
776        DESCRIPTION
777                "The compliance statement for entities which
778                implement the name server."
779        MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS {fcNameServerDBGroup2,
780                                 fcNameServerStatsGroup,
781                                 fcNameServerNotifyControlGroup,
782                                 fcNameServerNotifyGroupRev1}
785        ::= { fcNameServerMIBCompliances 3 }
787fcNameServerMIBCompliance3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
788        STATUS    current
789        DESCRIPTION
790                "The compliance statement for entities which
791                implement the name server."
792        MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS {fcNameServerDBGroup3,
793                                 fcNameServerStatsGroup,
794                                 fcNameServerNotifyControlGroup,
795                                 fcNameServerNotifyGroupRev1}
798        ::= { fcNameServerMIBCompliances 4 }
800-- Units of conformance
802fcNameServerDBGroup         OBJECT-GROUP
803        OBJECTS {fcNameServerProxyPortName,
804                 fcNameServerNumRows,
805                 fcNameServerTableLastChange,
806                 fcNameServerPortName,
807                 fcNameServerNodeName,
808                 fcNameServerClassOfSvc,
809                 fcNameServerNodeIpAddress,
810                 fcNameServerProcAssoc,
811                 fcNameServerFC4Type,
812                 fcNameServerPortType,
813                 fcNameServerPortIpAddress,
814                 fcNameServerFabricPortName,
815                 fcNameServerHardAddress,
816                 fcNameServerSymbolicPortName,
817                 fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName,
818                 fcNameServerFC4Features}
819        STATUS deprecated
820        DESCRIPTION
821               "A collection of objects for displaying and
822               configuring Name Server objects."
823        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 1 }
825fcNameServerStatsGroup         OBJECT-GROUP
826        OBJECTS {fcNameServerTotalRejects,
827                 fcNameServerInGetReqs,
828                 fcNameServerOutGetReqs,
829                 fcNameServerInRegReqs,
830                 fcNameServerInDeRegReqs,
831                 fcNameServerInRscns,
832                 fcNameServerOutRscns,
833                 fcNameServerRejects}
834        STATUS current
835        DESCRIPTION
836               "A collection of objects for displaying Name
837               Server statistics."
838        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 2 }
841fcNameServerNotifyControlGroup        OBJECT-GROUP
842        OBJECTS {fcNameServerRejectReasonCode,
843                 fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp,
844                 fcNameServerRejReqNotifyEnable}
845        STATUS current
846        DESCRIPTION
847               "A collection of notification control and
848               notification information objects for
849               monitoring Name Server
850               registrations/de-registrations."
851        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 3 }
853fcNameServerNotifyGroup        NOTIFICATION-GROUP
854        NOTIFICATIONS {fcNameServerRejectRegNotify,
855                       fcNameServerDatabaseFull}
856        STATUS deprecated
857        DESCRIPTION
858               "A collection of notifications for monitoring
859               Name Server registrations/de-registrations."
860        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 4 }
862fcNameServerDBGroup1         OBJECT-GROUP
863        OBJECTS {fcNameServerProxyPortName,
864                 fcNameServerNumRows,
865                 fcNameServerTableLastChange,
866                 fcNameServerPortName,
867                 fcNameServerNodeName,
868                 fcNameServerClassOfSvc,
869                 fcNameServerNodeIpAddress,
870                 fcNameServerProcAssoc,
871                 fcNameServerFC4Type,
872                 fcNameServerPortType,
873                 fcNameServerPortIpAddress,
874                 fcNameServerFabricPortName,
875                 fcNameServerHardAddress,
876                 fcNameServerSymbolicPortName,
877                 fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName,
878                 fcNameServerFC4Features,
879                 fcNameServerPortFunction}
880        STATUS deprecated
881        DESCRIPTION
882               "A collection of objects for displaying and
883               configuring Name Server objects."
884        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 5 }
886fcNameServerNotifyGroupRev1        NOTIFICATION-GROUP
887        NOTIFICATIONS {fcNameServerRejectRegNotify,
888                       fcNameServerDatabaseFull,
889                       fcNameServerEntryAdd,
890                       fcNameServerEntryDelete}
891        STATUS current
892        DESCRIPTION
893               "A collection of notifications for monitoring
894               Name Server registrations/de-registrations."
895        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 6 }
897fcNameServerDBGroup2         OBJECT-GROUP
898        OBJECTS {fcNameServerProxyPortName,
899                 fcNameServerNumRows,
900                 fcNameServerTableLastChange,
901                 fcNameServerPortName,
902                 fcNameServerNodeName,
903                 fcNameServerClassOfSvc,
904                 fcNameServerNodeIpAddress,
905                 fcNameServerProcAssoc,
906                 fcNameServerFC4Type,
907                 fcNameServerPortType,
908                 fcNameServerPortIpAddress,
909                 fcNameServerFabricPortName,
910                 fcNameServerHardAddress,
911                 fcNameServerSymbolicPortName,
912                 fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName,
913                 fcNameServerFC4Features}
914        STATUS current
915        DESCRIPTION
916               "A collection of objects for displaying and
917               configuring Name Server objects."
918        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 7 }
920fcNameServerDBGroup3         OBJECT-GROUP
921        OBJECTS {fcNameServerProxyPortName,
922                 fcNameServerNumRows,
923                 fcNameServerTableLastChange,
924                 fcNameServerPortName,
925                 fcNameServerNodeName,
926                 fcNameServerClassOfSvc,
927                 fcNameServerNodeIpAddress,
928                 fcNameServerProcAssoc,
929                 fcNameServerFC4Type,
930                 fcNameServerPortType,
931                 fcNameServerPortIpAddress,
932                 fcNameServerFabricPortName,
933                 fcNameServerHardAddress,
934                 fcNameServerSymbolicPortName,
935                 fcNameServerSymbolicNodeName,
936                 fcNameServerFC4Features,
937                 fcNameServerPermanentPortName}
938        STATUS current
939        DESCRIPTION
940               "A collection of objects for displaying and
941               configuring Name Server objects."
942        ::= { fcNameServerMIBGroups 8 }