3# /* ******** netUstad: Network Ustadi (Network Master) *********/
4# /* This software is Copyright (C) 2004 by Ozkan KIRIK.        */
5# /* Permission is granted to redistribute and modify this      */
6# /* software under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
7# /* available at http://www.gnu.org/                           */
8# /**************************************************************/
10cd $work_path
12action=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $1}'`
13if test "x$action" = "xapply"; then
14	olddest=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $2}' | $sed_cmd s/olddest=//`
15	dest=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $3}' | $sed_cmd s/dest=//`
16	gw=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $4}' | $sed_cmd s/gw=//`
17	netmask=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $5}' | $sed_cmd s/netmask=//`
18	oldnetmask=`$netstat_cmd -rn -A inet | $grep_cmd $olddest | $awk_cmd '{print $3}'`
19	# deleting old route
20	echo $netmask | $grep_cmd '255\.255\.255\.255' > /dev/null
21	if test $? -eq 0; then
22		$route_cmd del -host $olddest > /dev/null
23	else
24		$route_cmd del -net $olddest netmask $oldnetmask > /dev/null
25	fi
26	# adding new route
27	echo $netmask | $grep_cmd '255\.255\.255\.255' > /dev/null
28	if test $? -eq 0; then
29		$route_cmd add -host $dest gw $gw 2>&1
30	else
31		$route_cmd add -net $dest gw $gw netmask $netmask 2>&1
32	fi
33	./rt_table
35	route=`echo $QUERY_STRING | $awk_cmd -F\& '{print $2}' | $sed_cmd s/route=//`
36	export route
38	#==================
39	#== Send headers ==
40	#==================
41	./header
43	#================
44	#== Print Data ==
45	#================
46	echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'
47	echo "function rt_del(dest) {"
48	echo "  if (confirm('`$gettext_cmd "Route"`: '+dest+' `$gettext_cmd "will be deleted. Is it Okay?"`')) window.location='rt_del?'+dest+'"'$'$server_sid"'"
49	echo "}"
50	echo "function apply(olddest) {"
51	echo "  destination= document.getElementById('dest').value;"
52	echo "  gateway=document.getElementById('gw').value;"
53	echo "  netmask=document.getElementById('genmask').value;"
54	echo "  if (destination!='' && gateway!='' && olddest!='') {"
55	echo "     window.location='rt_edit?apply&olddest='+olddest+'&dest='+destination+'&gw='+gateway+'&netmask='+netmask+'"'$'$server_sid"';"
56	echo "  } else {"
57	echo "     alert('`$gettext_cmd "Destination and Gateway fields cannot be empty."`'); }"
58	echo "}"
59	echo "</script>"
60	echo " "
61	echo "<h5>`$gettext_cmd "Routing Table"`</h5>"
62	echo "<table cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>"
63	echo "  <tr align=center class=header>"
64	echo "  <td class=editdelete><b>v</b></td>"
65	echo "  <td class=std><b>`$gettext_cmd "Destination"`</b></td>"
66	echo "  <td class=std><b>`$gettext_cmd "Gateway"`</b></td>"
67	echo "  <td class=std><b>`$gettext_cmd "Genmask"`</b></td>"
68	echo "  <td class=std><b>`$gettext_cmd "Flags"`</b></td>"
69	echo "  <td class=std><b>`$gettext_cmd "NetIf"`</b></td>"
70	echo "  <td class=editdelete><b>v</b></td></tr>"
71	$netstat_cmd -rn -A inet | $awk_cmd -f rt-edit
72	echo "</table><br>"
74	#=================
75	#== Send footer ==
76	#=================
77	./footer