4 * Observium Network Management and Monitoring System
5 *
6 * @package    observium
7 * @subpackage config
8 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2019 Observium Limited
9 *
10 */
14 _________________________________________________________
15(  ____   ___    _   _  ___ _____   _____ ____ ___ _____  )
16( |  _ \ / _ \  | \ | |/ _ \_   _| | ____|  _ \_ _|_   _| )
17( | | | | | | | |  \| | | | || |   |  _| | | | | |  | |   )
18( | |_| | |_| | | |\  | |_| || |   | |___| |_| | |  | |   )
19( |____/ \___/  |_| \_|\___/ |_|   |_____|____/___| |_|   )
20(                                                         )
21(  _____ _   _ ___ ____    _____ ___ _     _____          )
22( |_   _| | | |_ _/ ___|  |  ___|_ _| |   | ____|         )
23(   | | | |_| || |\___ \  | |_   | || |   |  _|           )
24(   | | |  _  || | ___) | |  _|  | || |___| |___          )
25(   |_| |_| |_|___|____/  |_|   |___|_____|_____|         )
26(                                                         )
27 ---------------------------------------------------------
28        o   ^__^
29         o  (oo)\_______
30            (__)\       )\/\
31                ||----w |
32                ||     ||
35*** DO NOT edit this file -- make changes to the configuration array in config.php
36*** Also, DO NOT copy simply this file to config.php.
37*** Only place the configuration options you are changing into config.php
41error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR);
43// Database settings
45// FIXME. Migrate to $config['db']['option']
46#$config['db_extension']     = 'mysqli';    // The PHP MySQL extension to use ('mysql' or 'mysqli')
47#$config['db_port']          = '';          // MySQL port (leave blank for default port: 3306)
48#$config['db_socket']        = '';          // Path to the socket (leave blank for default socket)
49#$config['db_persistent']    = FALSE;       // Whether persistent connections should be used or not. WARNING use at own risk!
50#$config['db_compress']      = FALSE;       // Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection
51$config['db']['debug']      = TRUE;        // If TRUE store errors in DB queries into logs/db.log
53#$config['db_host']          = 'localhost'; // DB hostname (default: localhost)
54#$config['db_user']          = 'USERNAME';
55#$config['db_pass']          = 'PASSWORD';
56#$config['db_name']          = 'observium'; // DB base name (default: observium)
58// Default directories
60$config['install_dir']   = "/usr/local/www/observium";
61#$config['html_dir']      = $config['install_dir'] . "/html";
62#$config['rrd_dir']       = $config['install_dir'] . "/rrd";
63#$config['template_dir']  = $config['install_dir'] . "/templates";
64#$config['log_file']      = $config['install_dir'] . "/observium.log";
65#$config['log_dir']       = $config['install_dir'] . "/logs";
66#$config['temp_dir']      = "/tmp";
67#$config['cache_dir']     = $config['temp_dir']    . "/observium_cache";
69// What is my own hostname (used so observium can identify its host in its own database)
70#$config['own_hostname'] = "localhost"; // By default equals `hostname -f`
72// Location of executables
74$config['rrdtool']        = "/usr/local/bin/rrdtool";
75$config['fping']          = "/usr/local/sbin/fping";
76$config['fping6']         = "/usr/local/sbin/fping6";
77$config['snmpwalk']       = "/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk";
78$config['snmpget']        = "/usr/local/bin/snmpget";
79$config['snmpgetnext']    = "/usr/local/bin/snmpgetnext";
80$config['snmpbulkget']    = "/usr/local/bin/snmpbulkget";
81$config['snmpbulkwalk']   = "/usr/local/bin/snmpbulkwalk";
82$config['snmptranslate']  = "/usr/local/bin/snmptranslate";
83$config['whois']          = "/usr/bin/whois";
84$config['mtr']            = "/usr/local/sbin/mtr";
85$config['nmap']           = "/usr/local/bin/nmap";
86$config['ipmitool']       = "/usr/local/bin/ipmitool";
87$config['virsh']          = "/usr/local/bin/virsh";
88$config['dot']            = "/usr/local/bin/dot";
89$config['unflatten']      = "/usr/local/bin/unflatten";
90$config['neato']          = "/usr/local/bin/neato";
91$config['sfdp']           = "/usr/local/bin/sfdp";
92$config['svn']            = "/usr/local/bin/svn";
93$config['git']            = "/usr/local/bin/git"; // Used in show device config feature for git-enabled repos and rancid >= 3.2
94$config['wmic']           = "/usr/local/bin/wmic";
95$config['file']           = "/usr/bin/file";
96$config['wc']             = "/usr/bin/wc";
97$config['sudo']           = "/usr/local/bin/sudo";
98$config['tail']           = "/usr/bin/tail";
99$config['cut']            = "/usr/bin/cut";
100$config['tr']             = "/usr/bin/tr";
104// RRD Format Settings
106// NOTE: These should not normally be changed
107// Though one could conceivably increase or decrease the size of each RRA if one had performance problems
108// Or if one had a very fast I/O subsystem with no performance worries.
110// These settings make quite large RRDs.
111// They store 4 years of 1-day resolution data.
113// Default Poller Interval (in seconds)
114$config['rrd']['step'] = 300;
115//                           7 days of 5 min         62 days of 30 min       120 days of 2 hour       4 years of 1 day
116$config['rrd']['rra']  = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:2976  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:1440  RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:1440 ";
117$config['rrd']['rra'] .= "                        RRA:MIN:0.5:6:1440      RRA:MIN:0.5:96:360       RRA:MIN:0.5:288:1440 ";
118$config['rrd']['rra'] .= "                        RRA:MAX:0.5:6:1440      RRA:MAX:0.5:96:360       RRA:MAX:0.5:288:1440 ";
120// RRDCacheD - Make sure it can write to your RRD dir!
122#$config['rrdcached']    = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";
124$config['rrd_override'] = TRUE;         // Allow adding of devices if RRD directory already exists.
126// Debugging / Profiling Settings
128$config['profile_sql']            = FALSE;   // Store MySQL queries and performance data.
129$config['snmp']['hide_auth']      = TRUE;    // If TRUE hide SNMPv1/2 community and SNMPv3 auth from debug and web output
130//$config['ping']['debug']        = TRUE;    // If TRUE store ping errors into logs/debug.log file
131//$config['syslog']['debug']      = TRUE;    // If TRUE store RAW syslog lines into logs/debug.log file
132//$config['rrd']['debug']         = TRUE;    // If TRUE store RRD errors in logs/rrd.log
133//$config['debug_port'][0]        = TRUE;    // List of port IDs for debug (each port ID as key), written to /tmp/port_debug_ID.txt
134$config['debug_port']['spikes']   = FALSE;   // Additional only spikes debug, written to /tmp/port_debug_spikes.txt
135$config['web_debug_unprivileged'] = FALSE;   // Allow show debug information for Unprivileged (userlevel < 7) users in Web UI
137$config['require_hostname']       = FALSE;   // If TRUE, devices must have valid resolvable hostname (in DNS or /etc/hosts)
139// Web Interface Settings
141#$config['base_url']        = "http://localhost/";    // Not recomend change this, only if autodetect wrong. Used in WUI
142#$config['web_url']         = "http://localhost:80/"; // This same as base_url but used only in cli for example in alerts
144$config['mono_font']         = "DroidSansMono,DejaVuSansMono";
145$config['favicon']           = "images/observium-icon.png";
146$config['page_refresh']      = "300";     // Refresh the page every xx seconds, 0 to disable
147$config['front_page']        = "pages/front/default.php";
148$config['page_title_prefix'] = "Observium";
149$config['page_title_suffix'] = "";
150$config['page_title_separator'] = ' - ';
151$config['timestamp_format']  = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
152$config['date_format']       = 'Y-m-d';
153$config['login_message']     = "Unauthorised access or use shall render the user liable to criminal and/or civil prosecution.";
154$config['login_remember_me'] = TRUE;        // Enable or disable the remember me feature.
155$config['web_mouseover']     = TRUE;        // Enable or disable mouseover popups.
156$config['web_mouseover_mobile'] = FALSE;    // Enable mouseover popups on Mobile phones and tablets. Disabled by default.
157$config['web_show_disabled'] = TRUE;        // Show or not disabled devices on major pages.
158$config['web_pagesize']      = 100;         // Default pagesize for tables (items per page)
160$config['web_session_lifetime'] = 86400;    // Default user sessions lifetime in seconds (86400 - one day). This lifetime actual for sessions without "remember me" checkbox.
161$config['web_session_ip']       = TRUE;     // Bind user sessions to his IP address
162$config['web_session_cidr']     = array();  // Allow user authorisation from certain IP ranges (if empty allow from any)
163$config['web_session_ip_by_header'] = FALSE;     // Allow to use alternative Remote Address header for Session Auth (DANGEROUS)
164$config['web_remote_addr_header']   = 'default'; // Remote Address header for Web session logging (CF-Connecting-IP, X-Real-IP, Client-IP, X-Forwarded-For)
166$config['web_enable_showtech']	= FALSE;    // Enable display of 'show tech' menu option. Currently only for device entries.
168$config['web_show_bgp_asdot']   = FALSE;    // Display BGP 32bit ASNs in asdot format (ie 5.20 instead 327700)
170$config['show_overview_tab']    = TRUE;     // FIXME. Not sure, still required?
171$config['overview_show_sysDescr'] = TRUE;   // FIXME. Not sure, still required?
174// Graphs Settings
176$config['old_graphs']                     = 0;         // RRDfiles from before the great rra reform. Set this to 1 if you have old RRDs.
177$config['rrdgraph_real_95th']             = FALSE;     // Set to TRUE if you want to display the 95% based on the highest value. (aka real 95%)
178$config['graphs']['style']                = "default"; // Possible values: default, mrtg
179$config['graphs']['ports_scale_force']    = 1;         // Force scale also if real data more than selected scale
180$config['graphs']['ports_scale_default']  = "auto";    // Possible values: auto, speed, scales from $config['graphs']['ports_scale_list']
181$config['graphs']['ports_scale_list']     = array('10Gbit', '1Gbit', '100Mbit', '10Mbit');
182$config['graphs']['stacked_processors']   = TRUE;
183$config['graphs']['always_draw_max']      = FALSE;     // Allow suppression of MAX region for aesthetic reasons on graphs < 1 week long
185$config['int_customers']           = 1;  // Enable Customer Port Parsing
186$config['int_customers_graphs' ]   = 1;  // Enable Customer Port List Graphs
187$config['int_transit']             = 1;  // Enable Transit Types
188$config['int_peering']             = 1;  // Enable Peering Types
189$config['int_core']                = 1;  // Enable Core Port Types
190$config['int_l2tp']                = 0;  // Enable L2TP Port Types
191$config['int_groups']              = array();  // Custom Interface Types
193$config['show_locations']          = 1;  // Enable Locations on menu
194$config['ports_page_default']      = "details"; // eg "details" or "basic"
196// PING Settings - Retries/Timeouts (default timeout same as for fping)
197$config['ping']['retries'] = 3;             // How many times to retry ping (1 - 10)
198$config['ping']['timeout'] = 500;           // Timeout in milliseconds (50 - 2000)
200// SNMP Settings - Timeouts/Retries disabled by default (this is same as in net-snmp)
201#$config['snmp']['timeout']    = 1;          // timeout in seconds
202#$config['snmp']['retries']    = 5;          // how many times to retry the query
203$config['snmp']['max-rep']    = FALSE;      // allow use of -Cr in snmpbulkwalk vastly increasing walk speed
204$config['snmp']['version']    = "v2c";      // Default version to use
206// SNMPv1/2c default settings
207$config['snmp']['community'][0] = "public"; // Communities to try during adding hosts and discovery
209// SNMPv3 default settings
210// The array can be expanded to give another set of parameters
211$config['snmp']['v3'] = array();
212// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authlevel']  = "noAuthNoPriv"; // noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv
213// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authname']   = "observium";    // User Name (required even for noAuthNoPriv)
214// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authpass']   = "";             // Auth Passphrase
215// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authalgo']   = "MD5";          // MD5 | SHA
216// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['cryptopass'] = "";             // Privacy (Encryption) Passphrase
217// $config['snmp']['v3'][0]['cryptoalgo'] = "AES";          // AES | DES
219// Also ask devices for their supported MIBs
220$config['snmp']['snmp_sysorid']   = TRUE;
222// Autodiscovery Settings
224$config['autodiscovery']['xdp']            = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts via discovery protocols (CDP, LLDP, FDP, AMAP and other)
225$config['autodiscovery']['ospf']           = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts via OSPF
226$config['autodiscovery']['bgp']            = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts via iBGP
227$config['autodiscovery']['bgp_as_private'] = FALSE; //Autodiscovery hosts via eBGP a Private AS (64512 - 65535)
228$config['autodiscovery']['bgp_as_whitelist'] = array(); // Array of ASNs we will try to auto-discover hosts for. (eg for confederations).
229$config['autodiscovery']['snmp_scan']      = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts via SNMP scanning - currently not implemented. (FIXME)
230$config['autodiscovery']['libvirt']        = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts found via libvirt
231$config['autodiscovery']['vmware']         = TRUE; // Autodiscover hosts found via vmware
232$config['autodiscovery']['proxmox']        = FALSE; // Autodiscover hosts found via Proxmox VE agent app (beware timeouts during poller!)
233$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets']        = array("", "", "", "");  // Networks to permit autodiscovery
234$config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']      = FALSE; // Skip icmp echo checks during autodiscovery (beware timeouts during discovery!)
235$config['autodiscovery']['require_hostname']  = TRUE;   // If TRUE, devices must have valid resolvable hostname (in DNS or /etc/hosts)
237// Mailer backend Settings
239$config['email']['enable']          = TRUE;                 // Enable/Disable email globally
240$config['email']['from']            = NULL;                 // Mail from. Default: "Observium" <observium@`hostname`>
241$config['email']['default']         = NULL;                 // Default alert recipient
242$config['email']['default_only']    = FALSE;                // Only use default recipient (all alerts send to default recipient)
243$config['email']['graphs']                = TRUE;                 // Allow graphs in mail body
244$config['email']['backend']         = 'mail';               // Mail backend. Allowed: "mail" (PHP's built-in), "sendmail", "smtp".
245// sendmail backend specific options
246$config['email']['sendmail_path']   = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; // The location of the sendmail program.
247// smtp backend specific options
248$config['email']['smtp_host']       = 'localhost';          // Outgoing SMTP server name.
249$config['email']['smtp_port']       = 25;                   // The port to connect.
250$config['email']['smtp_timeout']    = 10;                   // SMTP connection timeout in seconds.
251$config['email']['smtp_secure']     = NULL;                 // Enable encryption. Use 'tls' or 'ssl'
252$config['email']['smtp_auth']       = FALSE;                // Whether or not to use SMTP authentication.
253$config['email']['smtp_username']   = NULL;                 // SMTP username.
254$config['email']['smtp_password']   = NULL;                 // Password for SMTP authentication.
256// Kannel SMSBox settings
258$config['smsbox']['scheme']   = 'http';                 // URL scheme, http or https.
259$config['smsbox']['host']     = 'localhost';            // Name of host on which SMSBox is running.
260$config['smsbox']['port']     = '13013';                // Port number on which SMSBox host receives requests.
261$config['smsbox']['user']     = 'kannel';               // SMSBox username.
262$config['smsbox']['password'] = '';                     // SMSBox password.
263$config['smsbox']['from']     = '';                     // Phone number of sender, usually overridden by SMSC.
265// Alerting Settings
267$config['alerts']['bgp']['whitelist']      = NULL;      // Populate as an array() with ASNs to alert on.
269$config['alerts']['interval']              = 86400;     // How frequently to re-send a notification for a continuing alert condition
270                                                        // In seconds. Default is 1 day.
272$config['alerts']['suppress']              = FALSE;     // Suppress all notifications.
273$config['alerts']['disable']['all']        = FALSE;     // Disable all notifications.
275// Poller wrapper settings
276#$config['poller-wrapper']['threads']       = 0;         // The number of poller threads that should run simultaneously. Default: CPU count x 2
277$config['poller-wrapper']['max_running']   = 4;         // The number of maximum allowed simultaneously running wrapper processes. This prevents race and too high LA on server
278$config['poller-wrapper']['max_la']        = 10;        // Maximum allowed server Load Average for run wrapper processes. This prevents race and too high LA on server
279$config['poller-wrapper']['alerter']       = TRUE;      // Execute alerter.php after poller.php
280$config['poller-wrapper']['stats']         = TRUE;      // Enable poller wrapper statistics in RRD (can be seen at page http://your_observium/pollerlog/)
282$config['uptime_warning']                  = "86400";   // Time in seconds to display a "Device Rebooted" Alert. 0 to disable warnings.
284// Proxy
285// FIXME - make sure this doens't break if it's set to FALSE, and set it to false, rather than commenting it.
286#$config['http_proxy'] = "yourproxy:80";                // Proxy for HTTP/HTTPS requests (e.g. for geocoding)
287#$config['proxy_user'] = '';                            // Proxy username (basic auth)
288#$config['proxy_password'] = '';                        // Proxy password
290// Carbon/Ceres/StatsD configuration
292$config['statsd']['enable']                = FALSE;
293$config['statsd']['host']                  = '';
294$config['statsd']['port']                  = '8125';
296// Data caching
297$config['cache']['enable']                 = FALSE;     // Can enable/disable caching (currently only in WUI)
298$config['cache']['ttl']                    = 300;       // Default time to live for cache objects (5 min)
299$config['cache']['driver']                 = 'auto';    // Driver for use caching (auto, zendshm, apcu, xcache, sqlite, files)
301// amqp Configuration
302// This is very alpha, please do not use it unless you want it to eat your children
304$config['amqp']['enable']                  = FALSE;
305$config['amqp']['conn']['host']            = "localhost";
306$config['amqp']['conn']['port']            = "5672";
307$config['amqp']['conn']['user']            = "guest";
308$config['amqp']['conn']['pass']            = "guest";
309$config['amqp']['conn']['vhost']           = "/";
310$config['amqp']['conn']['debug']           = FALSE;
311$config['amqp']['proxy']['host']           = "localhost";
312$config['amqp']['proxy']['port']           = "36603";
314$config['amqp']['modules']['ports']        = TRUE;
315$config['amqp']['modules']['sensors']      = TRUE;
316$config['amqp']['modules']['processor']    = TRUE;
317$config['amqp']['modules']['mempools']     = TRUE;
319// Geocoding Configuration
321$config['geocoding']['enable']             = TRUE;                  // Enable Geocoding
322$config['geocoding']['api']                = 'geocodefarm';         // Which GEO API use ('geocodefarm', 'google', 'mapquest', 'openstreetmap', 'yandex')
323#$config['geocoding']['api_key']            = '';                   // API KEY if required
324$config['geocoding']['dns']                = FALSE;                 // Use DNS LOC records for geolocation
325$config['geocoding']['default']['lat']     =  "37.7463058";         // Default latitude
326$config['geocoding']['default']['lon']     =  "-25.6668573";        // Default longitude
328// GEO API keys (this options in definitions, here just copied for know which user editable)
330//$config['geo_api']['geocodefarm']['enable']    = TRUE;
331//$config['geo_api']['geocodefarm']['key']       = '';
333//$config['geo_api']['google']['enable']         = TRUE;
334//$config['geo_api']['google']['key']            = '';
336//$config['geo_api']['yandex']['enable']         = TRUE;
337//$config['geo_api']['yandex']['key']            = '';
339//$config['geo_api']['mapquest']['enable']       = TRUE;
340//$config['geo_api']['mapquest']['key']          = '';
342// Location
343$config['location']['menu']['type'] = 'geocoded'; // geocoded, nested, plain
344$config['location']['menu']['nested_reversed'] = FALSE; // set to TRUE if your locations are most-to-least significant
345$config['location']['menu']['nested_split_char'] = ','; // splitting character for nested location hierarchy
346$config['location']['menu']['nested_max_depth'] = 4; // maximum levels in nested location hierarchy
348// Location Mapping
349// Use this feature to map ugly locations to pretty locations
350// Here KEY must exactly match to device sysLocation
351//$config['location']['map']['Under the Sink']          = "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK";
352// Here KEY is regular expression
353//$config['location']['map_regexp']['/Under the Sink/'] = "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK";
354//$config['location']['map_regexp']['/^$/']             = "Some Empty Location Rewrite";
357// Cosmetics
359$config['rrdgraph_def_text']  = "-c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c FONT#000000 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF00 -c GRID#a5a5a5";
360$config['rrdgraph_def_text'] .= " -c MGRID#FF9999 -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e -R normal";
361$config['overlib_defaults']   = ",FGCOLOR,'#ffffff', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BORDER, 0, CELLPAD, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#555555', TEXTCOLOR, '#3e3e3e'";
363// FIXME, we still use this somewhere? :O
364$list_colour_a = "#ffffff";
365$list_colour_b = "#eeeeee";
366$list_colour_b_b = "#e3e3e3";
367$list_highlight  = "#ffcccc";
368$warn_colour_a = "#ffeeee";
369$warn_colour_b = "#ffcccc";
371#$config['graph_colours'] = array("000066","330066","990066","990066","CC0033","FF0000"); // Purple to Red
372#$config['graph_colours'] = array("006600","336600","996600","996600","CC3300","FF0000"); // Green to Red
373#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00CC00"); // Green
374#$config['graph_colours'] = array("220000","440000","660000","880000","AA0000","CC0000"); // Red
375#$config['graph_colours'] = array("001122","002244","003366","004488","0055AA","0066CC"); // Blue
376#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002233","004466","006699","0088CC","0099FF");          // Sky-Blue
377#$config['graph_colours'] = array("110022","330066","440088","6600AA","8800FF");          // Purple
378#$config['graph_colours'] = array("002200","004400","006600","008800","00AA00","00AA00","00CC00"); // Forest Greens
380$config['graph_colours']['mixed']     = array('CC0000','008C00','4096EE','73880A','F03F5C','36393D','FF0084');
381$config['graph_colours']['mixed-10']  = array('a6cee3', '1f78b4', 'b2df8a', '33a02c', 'fb9a99', 'e31a1c', 'fdbf6f', 'ff7f00', 'cab2d6', '6a3d9a');
382$config['graph_colours']['mixed-10b'] = array('a6cee3', 'b2df8a', 'fb9a99', 'fdbf6f', 'cab2d6', '1f78b4', '33a02c', 'e31a1c', 'ff7f00', '6a3d9a');
383$config['graph_colours']['mixed-10c'] = array('1f78b4', '33a02c', 'e31a1c', 'ff7f00', '6a3d9a', 'a6cee3', 'b2df8a', 'fb9a99', 'fdbf6f', 'cab2d6');
384$config['graph_colours']['mixed-5']   = array('1f78b4', '33a02c', 'e31a1c', 'ff7f00', '6a3d9a');
385$config['graph_colours']['mixed-6']   = array('1f78b4', '33a02c', 'e31a1c', 'ff7f00', '6a3d9a', 'b15928');
386$config['graph_colours']['mixed-q12'] = array('8DD3C7','FFFFB3','BEBADA','FB8072','80B1D3','FDB462','B3DE69','FCCDE5','D9D9D9','BC80BD','CCEBC5','FFED6F');
388$config['graph_colours']['mixed-18']  = array('365C81', 'D8929F', 'A99DCB', '6CA4D5', '8BA15F', 'E9CA5D', 'DF9933', 'D33627', '881C45', 'C74379', '9B2F82', '345AA8', '88C3C9', '519466', 'A7C662', 'BA723D', '864A23', '253371');
390$config['graph_colours']['mixed']     = $config['graph_colours']['mixed-18'];
392$config['graph_colours']['oranges'] = array('FFC344', 'FCB53D', 'F9A836', 'F69A2F', 'F48D28', 'F17F22', 'EE721B', 'EC6414', 'E9570D', 'E64906', 'E43C00');
393$config['graph_colours']['greens']  = array('B6D14B', 'A4C445', '92B73F', '80AA39', '6E9D33', '5C902E', '4A8328', '387622', '26691C', '145C16', '034F11');
394$config['graph_colours']['reds']    = array('FF7373', 'F66767', 'ED5C5C', 'E45050', 'DB4545', 'D23939', 'C92E2E', 'C02222', 'B71616', 'AE0B0B', 'A60000');
395$config['graph_colours']['pinks']   = array('E881B1', 'DE76A7', 'D46C9D', 'CA6293', 'C15889', 'B74E7F', 'AD4475', 'A43A6B', '9A3061', '902657', '871C4E');
396$config['graph_colours']['blues']   = array('A0A0E5', '9090D3', '8080C1', '7070AF', '60609D', '50508C', '40407A', '303068', '1F1F56', '0F0F44', '000033');
397$config['graph_colours']['purples'] = array('CC7CCC', 'BD6FBD', 'AF63AF', 'A156A1', '934A93', '853E85', '773177', '692569', '5B185B', '4D0C4D', '3F003F');
398$config['graph_colours']['peach']   = array('FC998C', 'F38E81', 'EA8476', 'E1796B', 'D86F61', 'CF6456', 'C65A4B', 'BD4F41', 'B44536', 'AB3A2B', 'A23021');
399$config['graph_colours']['yellow']  = array('FFD683', 'FACF79', 'F5C970', 'F0C267', 'EBBC5D', 'E6B554', 'E1AF4B', 'DCA841', 'D7A238', 'D29B2F', 'CD9526');
400$config['graph_colours']['red2']    = array('FD627A', 'F05870', 'E34E66', 'D7455C', 'CA3B52', 'BE3248', 'B1283E', 'A41E34', '98152A', '8B0B20', '7F0216');
401$config['graph_colours']['bluegrey']= array('CFD8DC','B0BEC5', '90A4AE', '78909C', '607D8B', '546E7A', '455A64', '37474F', '263238');
402$config['graph_colours']['lgreen']  = array('C5E1A5', '33691E');
404// Uniform "data" graph colours
406$config['colours']['graphs']['data'] = ['in_area'  => '84BB5C', 'in_line'  => '357F44', 'in_max'  => 'C4E5AC',
407                                        'out_area' => '7394CB', 'out_line' => '284C7F', 'out_max' => 'ACC2E5'];
409$config['colours']['graphs']['pkts'] = ['in_area'  => 'AA66AA', 'in_line'  => '553355', 'in_max'  => 'CC88CC',
410                                        'out_area' => 'FFDD88', 'out_line' => 'FF6600', 'out_max' => 'FFefaa'];
413$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'blues',  'out' => 'purples');
414$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'greens', 'out' => 'greens');
415$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'reds',   'out' => 'oranges');
416$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'blues',  'out' => 'purples');
417$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'greens', 'out' => 'greens');
418$config['group_colours'][] = array('in' => 'reds',   'out' => 'oranges');
420$config['graph_colours']['reds_8']  = array('fee0d2','fcbba1','fc9272','fb6a4a','ef3b2c','cb181d','a50f15','67000d');
422$config['graph_colours']['default'] = $config['graph_colours']['blues'];
423$config['graph_colours']['juniperive']  = array('F7C729','52A6EF');
424$config['graph_colours']['percents'] = array('55FF00', '00FFD5', '00D5FF', '00AAFF', '0080FF', '0055FF', '0000FF', '8000FF', 'D400FF', 'FF00D4', 'FF0080', 'FF0000');
426// Front page settings
428// General settings
429$config['frontpage']['eventlog']['items']          = 15;           // Only show the last XX items of the eventlog view
430$config['frontpage']['syslog']['items']            = 25;           // Only show the last XX items of the syslog view
431$config['frontpage']['syslog']['priority']         = array('emerg','alert','crit','err','warning','notice'); // Show syslog entries only with this priorities (default: Notification)
433// Map overview settings
434$config['frontpage']['map']['api']                 = "carto";      // Set to google-mc if you have a lot of devices. (Allowed: carto, google, google-mc)
435// Options common for any map apis.
436$config['frontpage']['map']['center']['lat']       = "auto";       // Latitude center of map, default 'auto'
437$config['frontpage']['map']['center']['lng']       = "auto";       // Longitude center of map, default 'auto'
438$config['frontpage']['map']['zoom']                = "auto";       // Initial zoom level (2: min zoom, 10: max zoom),
439$config['frontpage']['map']['zooms_per_click']     = 1;            // The google-mc map is optimized for a big touchscreen. Set this higher to zoom more aggressively.
440// Options for old google map api.
441$config['frontpage']['map']['region']              = "world";      // See https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart for region settings
442$config['frontpage']['map']['resolution']          = "countries";  // Some region types such as US States (US-NY) require this to be changed to "provinces"
443$config['frontpage']['map']['dotsize']             = 10;           // Set the dotsize you want
444$config['frontpage']['map']['realworld']           = false;        // Enable/Disable the realworld view (blue/green), if disabled default map view
445$config['frontpage']['map']['height']              = 400;          // Default Google map height
446$config['frontpage']['map']['clouds']              = false;         // Enable the clouds layer
447// Options for carto and other leaflet map api providers.
448$config['frontpage']['map']['tiles']               = 'carto-base-light';
450$config['frontpage']['map']['okmarkersize']             = 24;           // Set the dotsize you want
451$config['frontpage']['map']['alertmarkersize']          = 32;           // Set the dotsize you want
454// Device status settings
455// Show the status messages you want
456$config['frontpage']['device_status']['max']['interval'] = 24;     // Maximal interval for which to display devices status (in hours)
457$config['frontpage']['device_status']['max']['count'] = 200;       // Maximal count for which to display devices status (in items)
458$config['frontpage']['device_status']['devices']   = true;         // Show the down devices
459$config['frontpage']['device_status']['ports']     = true;         // Show the down ports
460$config['frontpage']['device_status']['neighbours'] = true;        // Show the down inter-device neighbours (with CDP/LLDP linked devices)
461$config['frontpage']['device_status']['errors']    = true;         // Show the ports with interface errors
462$config['frontpage']['device_status']['services']  = false;        // Show the down services
463$config['frontpage']['device_status']['bgp']       = true;         // Show the bgp status
464$config['frontpage']['device_status']['uptime']    = true;         // Show the uptime status
466// Custom traffic graphs
467$config['frontpage']['custom_traffic']['ids']      = "";           // COMMA SEPARATED PORT ID FOR EXAMPLE: "1,2,3,4,5"
468$config['frontpage']['custom_traffic']['title']    = "";           // Your own title for the custom traffic graphs
470// Custom mini graphs
471$config['frontpage']['minigraphs']['ids']          = "";           // Comma and semicolon separated array list, first the device id or graph id followed by the image type and the text header you want (example: "2,device_processor,CPU Usage;10,diskio_bits,IOPS")
472$config['frontpage']['minigraphs']['legend']       = false;        // Enable/Disable the legend on custom mini graph view
473$config['frontpage']['minigraphs']['title']        = "Mini Graphs Overview";
474$config['frontpage']['minigraphs']['width']        = 210;
475$config['frontpage']['minigraphs']['height']       = 100;
477// Custom micro graphs
478//$config['frontpage']['micrographs']['GROUPNAME']['ids']        = "";             // Comma and semicolon separated array list, first the device id or graph id followed by the image type and the text header you want (example: "2,device_processor,CPU Usage;10,diskio_bits,IOPS"); text header may be empty
479//$config['frontpage']['micrographs']['GROUPNAME']['legend']     = false;          // Enable/Disable the legend on custom micro graph view; not used unless you make the size quite large
480//$config['frontpage']['micrographs']['GROUPNAME']['title']      = "GROUP TITLE";  // may be empty string
481$config['frontpage']['micrograph_settings']['width']           = 125;
482$config['frontpage']['micrograph_settings']['height']          = 30;
484// Frontpage order you can use: status_summary, map, device_status_boxes, overall_traffic, custom_traffic, minigraphs, splitlog, syslog, eventlog
485$config['frontpage']['order']           = array('status_summary', 'map', 'device_status_boxes', 'device_status', 'eventlog');
488// Enable version checker & stats
489$config['version_check']                = 1; // Enable checking of version in discovery
490                                             // and submittal of basic stats used
491                                             // to prioritise development effort :)
493$config['version_check_revs']           = 100; // How many revisions to wait before we notify about new releases
495$config['version_check_days']           = 30;  // How many days to wait before we notify about new releases
497// Poller/Discovery Modules
499$config['enable_bgp']                   = 1; // Enable BGP session collection and display
500$config['enable_rip']                   = 1; // Enable RIP session collection and display
501$config['enable_ospf']                  = 1; // Enable OSPF session collection and display
502$config['enable_isis']                  = 1; // Enable ISIS session collection and display
503$config['enable_eigrp']                 = 1; // Enable EIGRP session collection and display
504$config['enable_syslog']                = 0; // Enable Syslog
505$config['enable_vrfs']                  = 1; // Enable VRFs
506$config['enable_sla']                   = 1; // Enable SLA/RPM collection and display
507$config['enable_pseudowires']           = 1; // Enable Pseudowires
509// Billing System Configuration
511$config['enable_billing']               = 0; // Enable Billing
512$config['billing']['customer_autoadd']  = 0; // Enable Auto-add bill per customer
513$config['billing']['circuit_autoadd']   = 0; // Enable Auto-add bill per circuit_id
514$config['billing']['bill_autoadd']      = 0; // Enable Auto-add bill per bill_id
515$config['billing']['base']              = 1000; // Set the base to divider bytes to kB, MB, GB ,... (1000|1024)
517// External Integration
519#$config['rancid_version']               = '2'; // In generate-rancid.php use delimeter ':' (by default) and ';' for v3
520#$config['rancid_configs']               = array('/var/lib/rancid/network/configs/');
521#$config['rancid_suffix']                = 'yourdomain.com'; // Domain suffix for non-FQDN device names
522$config['rancid_ignorecomments']        = 0; // Ignore lines starting with #
523$config['rancid_revisions']             = 10; // Show such last count revisions in device page
524#$config['collectd_dir']                 = '/var/lib/collectd/rrd';
526// Smokeping
527#$config['smokeping']['dir']             = '/var/lib/smokeping/';
528$config['smokeping']['split_char']      = '_';
529#$config['smokeping']['master_hostname'] = 'smokeping.yourdomain.com';
530#$config['smokeping']['suffix']          = '.yourdomain.com';
531#$config['smokeping']['slaves'][] = 'slave01'; // Used in the generate-smokeping script only
533// NFSen RRD dir.
534$config['nfsen_enable'] = 0;
535#$config['nfsen_split_char']   = "_";
536#$config['nfsen_rrds']   = "/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/live/";
537#$config['nfsen_prefix']   = "";
538#$config['nfsen_suffix']   = "_yourdomain_com";
540// Entities specific config options
542$config['devices']['serverscheck']['temp_f'] = FALSE; // Specifies that any ServersCheck devices will return temperature sensors in Fahrenheit.
544$config['sensors']['port']['power_to_dbm']   = FALSE; // Convert power Port DOM sensors to dBm
547// Ignores & Allows
548// Has to be lowercase
550// FIXME. Rename to $config['ports']['ignore_name']
551$config['bad_if'][] = "voip-null";
552$config['bad_if'][] = "virtual-";
553$config['bad_if'][] = "unrouted";
554$config['bad_if'][] = "eobc";
555$config['bad_if'][] = "lp0";
556$config['bad_if'][] = "-atm";
557$config['bad_if'][] = "faith0";
558$config['bad_if'][] = "container";
559$config['bad_if'][] = "async";
560$config['bad_if'][] = "plip";
561$config['bad_if'][] = "-physical";
562$config['bad_if'][] = "bluetooth";
563$config['bad_if'][] = "isatap";
564$config['bad_if'][] = "ras";
565$config['bad_if'][] = "qos";
566$config['bad_if'][] = "span rp";
567$config['bad_if'][] = "span sp";
568$config['bad_if'][] = "sslvpn";
569$config['bad_if'][] = "pppoe-";
570$config['bad_if'][] = "ovs-system";
571$config['bad_if'][] = "BRG-ET"; // Bridged Ethernet on Juniper
572#$config['bad_if'][] = "control plane";  // Example for cisco control plane
574// FIXME. Rename to $config['ports']['ignore_name_regexp']
575$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = "/^ng[0-9]+$/";
576$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = "/^sl[0-9]/";
577$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = "/^<(none|invalid)>$/";              // calix: <none>, <invalid>
578$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = "/^<(invalid|ethportany):[\d-]+>$/"; // calix: <INVALID:0-0-0-1-0-0-0-4-91-219>, <EthPortAny:0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0>
579$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = "/^(ZTPCONFIG|TopoNode|SYSLOG)=/";   // iqnos: ZTPCONFIG=ZTPCFG, TopoNode=, SYSLOG=SYSLOG-1
581// Ignore ports based on ifType. Case-sensitive.
582// FIXME. Rename to $config['ports']['ignore_type']
583$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceEncap";
584$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceEM";
585#$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceFXO";  // show Voice Foreign Exchange Office
586#$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceFXS";  // show Voice Foreign Exchange Station
587$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceOverAtm";
588$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceOverFrameRelay";
589$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceOverIp";
590$config['bad_iftype'][] = "ds0";
591$config['bad_iftype'][] = "ds1";
592$config['bad_iftype'][] = "ds3";
593#$config['bad_iftype'][] = "isdn";       //show signaling traffic
594#$config['bad_iftype'][] = "lapd";       //show signaling traffic
595#$config['bad_iftype'][] = "sonet";      //show sonet interfaces
596$config['bad_iftype'][] = "atmSubInterface";
597$config['bad_iftype'][] = "aal5";
598$config['bad_iftype'][] = "shdsl";
599$config['bad_iftype'][] = "mpls";
600$config['bad_iftype'][] = "usb";        // Ignore USB pseudo interface (BSD)
602// Ignore ports based on ifAlias
603// FIXME. Rename to $config['ports']['ignore_alias_regexp']
604$config['bad_ifalias_regexp'] = array();
606$config['ports']['ignore_errors_iftype'] = ['ieee80211'];
608// Ignore discover remote devices via discovery protocols (CDP, LLDP, FDP, AMAP and other)
609// FIXME. Rename to $config['xdp']['ignore_name']
610// FIXME. Rename to $config['xdp']['ignore_name_regexp']
611// FIXME. Rename to $config['xdp']['ignore_platform']
612#$config['bad_xdp'][] = "badhost.donotwant";      // by hostname
613#$config['bad_xdp_regexp'][] = "/^SIP.*/";        // by hostname regex
614#$config['bad_xdp_regexp'][] = "/^$/";
615$config['bad_xdp_platform'][] = "Cisco IP Phone"; // by platform (not case sensitive)
616#$config['bad_xdp_platform'][] = "Cisco AIR-CAP";
617#$config['bad_xdp_platform'][] = "Cisco AIR-LAP";
619// Filesystems ignore
620// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_removable']
621// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_network']
622// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_optical']
623$config['ignore_mount_removable']  = 1; // Ignore removable disk storage
624$config['ignore_mount_network']    = 1; // Ignore network mounted storage
625$config['ignore_mount_optical']    = 1; // Ignore mounted optical discs
627// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_mount']
628$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/kern";
629$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/mnt/cdrom";
630$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/proc";
631$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/dev";
632$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/dev/shm";
633$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/run";
635// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_mount_string']
636$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = "packages";
637$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = "devfs";
638$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = "procfs";
639$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = "UMA";
640$config['ignore_mount_string'][] = "MALLOC";
642// FIXME. Rename to $config['storages']['ignore_mount_regexp']
643$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: (\/\.mount)?\/packages/';  // /dev/md5.uzip, mounted on: /.mount/packages/mnt/py-base32-26e85274
644$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/dev/';                   // devfs: dev file system, mounted on: /dev
645$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: (\/\.mount)?\/proc/';      // procfs: process file system, mounted on: /.mount/proc
646$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: (\/\.mount)?\/tmp/';       // tmpfs, mounted on: /.mount/tmp
647$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/junos^/';
648$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/junos\/dev/';
649$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/on: \/jail\/dev/';
650$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^(dev|proc)fs/';               // devfs: dev file system, mounted on: /.mount/dev
651$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/dev\/md0/';
652$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/var\/dhcpd\/dev,/';
653$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/UMA/';
654$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '!/\.snapshot!';         // Netapp: dfFileSys.10:-->/vol/volssg2/.snapshot
655$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/dfc#\d+\-bootflash/';  // Cisco DFC bootflash is used for the crash files, always free
656$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^DFC/';
657$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/run\//';
658$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = '/^\/sys\//';
661// Mempools ignore
662// FIXME. Rename to $config['mempools']['ignore_name']
663// FIXME. Rename to $config['mempools']['ignore_name_string']
664// FIXME. Rename to $config['mempools']['ignore_name_regexp']
665#$config['ignore_mempool'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
666#$config['ignore_mempool'][] = 'Cached Memory';
667#$config['ignore_mempool'][] = 'Shared Memory';
668#$config['ignore_mempool'][] = 'Physical Memory';
669#$config['ignore_mempool_string'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
670$config['ignore_mempool_regexp'][] = '/ - (reserved|image)$/';
671$config['ignore_mempool_regexp'][] = '/ \((reserved|image)\)$/';
674// Processors ignore
675// FIXME. Rename to $config['processors']['ignore_name']
676// FIXME. Rename to $config['processors']['ignore_name_string']
677// FIXME. Rename to $config['processors']['ignore_name_regexp']
678#$config['ignore_processor'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
679#$config['ignore_processor_string'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
680#$config['ignore_processor_regexp'][] = '/^ExampleCPU$/';
682// Sensors ignore
683// FIXME. Rename to $config['sensors']['ignore_name']
684// FIXME. Rename to $config['sensors']['ignore_name_string']
685// FIXME. Rename to $config['sensors']['ignore_name_regexp']
686#$config['ignore_sensor'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
687#$config['ignore_sensor_string'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
688$config['ignore_sensor_regexp'][] = '/(OSR-7600|C6K)\ Clock\ FRU\ 2/'; // Always ignore Cisco Clock 2 sensors
690// Toner ignore
691// FIXME. Rename to $config['toners']['ignore_name']
692// FIXME. Rename to $config['toners']['ignore_name_string']
693// FIXME. Rename to $config['toners']['ignore_name_regexp']
694#$config['ignore_toner'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
695#$config['ignore_toner_string'][] = 'EXAMPLE';
696#$config['ignore_toner_regexp'][] = '/^Fuchsia$/';
698// Common subnet ignore
699$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = '';   // Common on Juniper
700$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = '';    // Common on Linux
701$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = '';   // Common on ZyXEL
702$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = ''; // DHCP fallback range
703#$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = '';  // Common on Juniper
704#$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = ''; // Common on Juniper
705$config['ignore_common_subnet'][] = '::1/128';        // Common on Linux
707// Per-device interface graph filters
709$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/loopback/';
710$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/tunnel/';
711$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/virtual/';
712$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/mpls/';
713$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ieee8023adLag/';
714$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/l2vlan/';
715$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/ppp/';
716$config['device_traffic_iftype'][] = '/propMultiplexor/';
718$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/loopback/';
719$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/vlan/';
720$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/tunnel/';
721#$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/:\d+/';   #// this breaks on xos (ifName = 1:1)
722$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/bond/';
723$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/null/';
724$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/dummy/';
725$config['device_traffic_descr'][]  = '/^dwdm/';
727// IP address options
728// Ignore IP address discovery by type
729$config['ip-address']['ignore_type'][] = 'unspecified'; // ::,
730$config['ip-address']['ignore_type'][] = 'broadcast';   // IPv4 Broadcasts
731$config['ip-address']['ignore_type'][] = 'link-local';  // IPv6 Link Local fe80::200:5aee:feaa:20a2
733// IRC Bot configuration
735$config['irc_host'] = "irc.oftc.net";
736$config['irc_port'] = 6667;
737$config['irc_nick'] = "Observium".rand(99999);
738$config['irc_chan'][] = "";
739$config['irc_chankey'] = "";
740$config['irc_ssl'] = FALSE;
742// Authentication
744$config['allow_unauth_graphs']      = 0;       // Allow graphs to be viewed by anyone
745$config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] = array(); // Allow graphs to be viewed without authorisation from certain IP ranges
746$config['auth_mechanism']           = "mysql"; // Available mechanisms: mysql (default), ldap, radius, http-auth
748$config['auth']['remote_user'] = FALSE;        // Trust Apache server to authenticate user, READ DOCUMENTATION FIRST!!
750// LDAP Authentication
752$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3;                     // LDAP client version (2 or 3)
753$config['auth_ldap_referrals'] = 0;                   // Follow LDAP referrals
754$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "ldap.yourserver";      // LDAP server name, or array of LDAP server names tried in order.
755#$config['auth_ldap_ad_domain'] = "ad.yourcorp";      // AD domain name (fqdn form), used to determine DCs if server list is unset
756$config['auth_ldap_port']   = 389;                    // LDAP server port
757$config['auth_ldap_starttls'] = 'no';                 // Use STARTTLS ('no', 'optional' or 'require')
758$config['auth_ldap_recursive'] = TRUE;                      // Active Directory recursive lookup for nested groups
759$config['auth_ldap_recursive_maxdepth'] = 3;          // Max depth for recursive lookup
760$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = "uid=";
761$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ",ou=People,dc=example,dc=com";
762#$config['auth_ldap_group']  = array("cn=observium,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com");
763$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com";
764$config['auth_ldap_groupreverse'] = FALSE;            // Enable/disable resolving of group memberships using the 'memberOf' attribute on the user
766$config['auth_ldap_binddn'] = ""; // Initial LDAP bind dn and password, leave empty for anonymous bind
767$config['auth_ldap_bindpw'] = "";
768$config['auth_ldap_bindanonymous'] = FALSE;
770$config['auth_ldap_attr']['uid'] = "uid";             // LDAP attribute containing the user login name
771$config['auth_ldap_attr']['uidNumber'] = "uidNumber"; // LDAP attribute containing the numeric user ID
772$config['auth_ldap_attr']['cn'] = "cn";               // LDAP attribute containing the user's full name
773$config['auth_ldap_attr']['dn'] = "dn";               // LDAP attribute containing the user's DN
774$config['auth_ldap_attr']['memberOf'] = "memberOf";   // LDAP attribute containing the user's associated group DN's
776$config['auth_ldap_objectclass'] = "posixAccount";    // objectClass to filter out valid users, use * for all objects under ldap_suffix tree
778$config['auth_ldap_groupmembertype'] = "nodn";        // Available membertypes: 'nodn' (default, uses $username);
779                                                      // 'fulldn' ($config['auth_ldap_prefix'] . $username . $config['auth_ldap_suffix'])
780$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = "memberUid";   // Use your unique attribute for username, example "uniqueMember".
782// Assign user levels to certain LDAP groups
783#$config['auth_ldap_groups']['admin']['level']  = 10; // Full administrative access
784#$config['auth_ldap_groups']['cto']['level']     = 7; // Global read access with secured info (ie rancid configs)
785#$config['auth_ldap_groups']['pfy']['level']     = 5; // Global read access
786#$config['auth_ldap_groups']['support']['level'] = 1; // Only login access, for access to devices/entities require bind entity permissions
788// RADIUS Authentication
789$config['auth_radius_server']  = array(''); // RADIUS server list
790$config['auth_radius_port']    = 1812;               // Server port
791$config['auth_radius_timeout'] = 5;                  // Timeout in seconds
792$config['auth_radius_retries'] = 2;                  // Number of retries to reconnect to RADIUS server
794$config['auth_radius_id']      = '';                 // RADIUS NAS Identifier (if empty, used local hostname)
795$config['auth_radius_nas_address'] = '';             // RADIUS NAS IP Address (if empty, used server ip address)
796$config['auth_radius_secret']  = 'secret';           // RADIUS authentication secret
797$config['auth_radius_method']  = 'PAP';              // Authentication method to use: PAP (default, unencrypted), CHAP (windows radius not supported), MSCHAPv1, MSCHAPv2
799// Assign user levels to certain RADIUS groups
800$config['auth_radius_groupmemberattr'] = 'Filter-Id';  // Attribute number or name containing the name of a group. Allowed: Filter-Id (11), Reply-Message (18)
801#$config['auth_radius_groups']['admin']['level']  = 10; // Full administrative access
802#$config['auth_radius_groups']['cto']['level']     = 7; // Global read access with secured info (ie rancid configs)
803#$config['auth_radius_groups']['pfy']['level']     = 5; // Global read access
804#$config['auth_radius_groups']['support']['level'] = 1; // Only login access, for access to devices/entities require bind entity permissions
806// Syslog Settings
808$config['syslog']['unknown_hosts']    = FALSE;       // Allow collect syslog messages from unknown hosts (Work in Progress)
809// Mapping (unknown) syslog hosts to device (id or hostname)
810//$config['syslog']['host_map']['localhost'] = 'my.device.name'; // device hostname/sysname
811//$config['syslog']['host_map'][''] = 1;                // or device id
813$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = 'last message repeated';
814$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = 'Connection from UDP: [';
815$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = 'ipSystemStatsTable node ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs not implemented';
816$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = 'diskio.c';  // Ignore some crappy stuff from SNMP daemon
817$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = '/run/user/lightdm/gvfs: Permission denied';
818$config['syslog']['filter'][]         = "Could not open output pipe '/dev/xconsole'";
820$config['syslog']['fifo']             = FALSE;       // Set this to a FIFO to take input from FIFO
822// Realtime graph settings
823$config['realtime_interval'] = 2; // Default interval when not set in per-os definitions (seconds)
825// Housekeeping settings
828 * Minumum allowed age 24 hours (except 'deleted_ports')
829 * For ages you can use values such as 31d, 240h, 1.5d etc.
830 * Accepted age scales are:
831 * y (years), M (months), w (weeks), d (days), h (hours), m (minutes), s (seconds)
832 * NOTE, for month use CAPITAL 'M'
833 * By default, age in numeric value are seconds
834 */
836$config['housekeeping']['syslog']['age'] = '1M';         // Maximum age of syslog entries; 0 to disable
837$config['housekeeping']['eventlog']['age'] = '6M';       // Maximum age of event log entries; 0 to disable
838$config['housekeeping']['alertlog']['age'] = '6M';       // Maximum age of alert log entries; 0 to disable
839$config['housekeeping']['authlog']['age'] = '1Y';        // Maximum age of authlog entries; 0 to disable
840$config['housekeeping']['inventory']['age'] = '1M';      // Maximum age of deleted inventory entries; 0 to disable
841$config['housekeeping']['deleted_ports']['age'] = '1M';  // Maximum age of deleted ports before automatically purging; 0 to disable
842$config['housekeeping']['rrd']['age'] = '3M';            // Maximum age of unused rrd files before automatically purging; 0 to disable
843$config['housekeeping']['rrd']['invalid'] = TRUE;        // Delete .rrd files that are not valid RRD files (eg created with a full disk)
845// Virtualization
847$config['enable_libvirt'] = 0; // Enable Libvirt VM support
848$config['libvirt_protocols']    = array("qemu+ssh","xen+ssh"); // Mechanisms used, add or remove if not using this on any of your machines.
850// Unix Agent settings
851$config['unix-agent']['port'] = 36602; // Default agent port
853// WMI poller settings
854$config['wmi']['domain']    = "";             // Shorthand Domain/Workgroup (ie. NOT domain.local.com)
855$config['wmi']['realm']     = "";             // FQDN
856$config['wmi']['user']      = "";             // Username
857$config['wmi']['pass']      = "";             // Password
858$config['wmi']['delimiter'] = "##";           // Wouldn't change
859$config['wmi']['namespace'] = "root\CIMV2";   // Wouldn't change
861$config['wmi']['modules']['os']           = 1;
862$config['wmi']['modules']['processors']   = 1;
863$config['wmi']['modules']['storage']      = 1;
864$config['wmi']['modules']['exchange']     = 0;
865$config['wmi']['modules']['mssql']        = 0;
867// Hardcoded ASN descriptions
868$config['astext'][65332] = "Cymru FullBogon Feed";
869$config['astext'][65333] = "Cymru Bogon Feed";
871/* WIP. Base template for convert modules config
872$config['modules']['system']['description']               = 'Device system information (ie location, contact, hardware, version, others)';
873$config['modules']['system']['poller']                    = 1;
874//$config['modules']['system']['discovery']                 = 0; // Not exist
876$config['modules']['processes']['description']            = 'List of running processes on device';
877$config['modules']['processes']['poller']                 = 0;
878//$config['modules']['processes']['discovery']              = 0; // Not exist
881// List of poller modules. Need to be in the array to be
882// considered for execution.
883// NOTE. Modules 'os', 'system' is base and run always.
885$config['poller_modules']['system']                       = 1;
886$config['poller_modules']['os']                           = 1;
887$config['poller_modules']['unix-agent']                   = 0;
888$config['poller_modules']['ipmi']                         = 1;
889$config['poller_modules']['sensors']                      = 1;
890$config['poller_modules']['status']                       = 1;
891$config['poller_modules']['counter']                      = 1;
892$config['poller_modules']['processors']                   = 1;
893$config['poller_modules']['mempools']                     = 1;
894$config['poller_modules']['storage']                      = 1;
895$config['poller_modules']['netstats']                     = 1;
896$config['poller_modules']['ucd-mib']                      = 1;
897$config['poller_modules']['ipSystemStats']                = 1;
898$config['poller_modules']['ports']                        = 1;
899$config['poller_modules']['bgp-peers']                    = 1;
900$config['poller_modules']['junose-atm-vp']                = 1;
901$config['poller_modules']['printersupplies']              = 1;
902$config['poller_modules']['ucd-diskio']                   = 1;
903$config['poller_modules']['wifi']                         = 1;
904$config['poller_modules']['p2p-radios']                   = 1;
905$config['poller_modules']['ospf']                         = 1;
906$config['poller_modules']['cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor']     = 1;
907$config['poller_modules']['cisco-remote-access-monitor']  = 1;
908$config['poller_modules']['cisco-cef']                    = 1;
909$config['poller_modules']['sla']                          = 1;
910$config['poller_modules']['lsp']                          = 0;
911$config['poller_modules']['pseudowires']                  = 1;
912$config['poller_modules']['mac-accounting']               = 1;
913$config['poller_modules']['arista-software-ip-forwarding']= 1;
914$config['poller_modules']['cipsec-tunnels']               = 1;
915$config['poller_modules']['loadbalancer']                 = 1;
916$config['poller_modules']['cisco-cbqos']                  = 1;
917$config['poller_modules']['cisco-eigrp']                  = 1;
918//$config['poller_modules']['netscaler-vsvr']               = 1;
919$config['poller_modules']['aruba-controller']             = 1;
920$config['poller_modules']['entity-physical']              = 1;
921$config['poller_modules']['applications']                 = 1;
922$config['poller_modules']['fdb-table']                    = 1;
923$config['poller_modules']['graphs']                       = 1;
924$config['poller_modules']['oids']                         = 1;
925$config['poller_modules']['cisco-vpdn']                   = 0;
926$config['poller_modules']['wmi']                          = 0;
928// List of discovery modules. Need to be in this array to be
929// considered for execution.
931$config['discovery_modules']['os']                        = 1;
932$config['discovery_modules']['ports']                     = 1;
933$config['discovery_modules']['ports-stack']               = 1;
934$config['discovery_modules']['vlans']                     = 1;
935$config['discovery_modules']['oids']                      = 1;
936$config['discovery_modules']['ip-addresses']              = 1;
937$config['discovery_modules']['processors']                = 1;
938$config['discovery_modules']['mempools']                  = 1;
939$config['discovery_modules']['inventory']                 = 1; // Inventory should be before sensors
940$config['discovery_modules']['printersupplies']           = 1; // Printer Supplies should be before sensors
941$config['discovery_modules']['sensors']                   = 1;
942$config['discovery_modules']['storage']                   = 1;
943$config['discovery_modules']['neighbours']                = 1;
944$config['discovery_modules']['arp-table']                 = 1;
945$config['discovery_modules']['junose-atm-vp']             = 1;
946$config['discovery_modules']['bgp-peers']                 = 1;
947$config['discovery_modules']['mac-accounting']            = 1;
948$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-vrf']                 = 1;
949#$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-cef']                = 1;
950$config['discovery_modules']['sla']                       = 1;
951$config['discovery_modules']['lsp']                       = 0;
952$config['discovery_modules']['pseudowires']               = 1;
953$config['discovery_modules']['virtual-machines']          = 1;
954$config['discovery_modules']['cisco-cbqos']               = 1;
955$config['discovery_modules']['ucd-diskio']                = 1;
956$config['discovery_modules']['wifi']                      = 1;
957$config['discovery_modules']['p2p-radios']                = 1;
958$config['discovery_modules']['graphs']                    = 1;
959$config['discovery_modules']['services']                  = 0;
960$config['discovery_modules']['raid']                      = 0;
962// Ports extension modules
964$config['port_descr_parser']                              = "includes/port-descr-parser.inc.php"; // Parse port descriptions into fields
965$config['enable_ports_etherlike']                      = 0; // Enable Polling EtherLike-MIB (doubles interface processing time)
966$config['enable_ports_junoseatmvp']                    = 0; // Enable JunOSe ATM VC Discovery/Poller
967$config['enable_ports_adsl']                           = 1; // Enable ADSL-LINE-MIB
968$config['enable_ports_vlan']                           = 1; // Enable Vlan collection
969$config['enable_ports_fdbcount']                       = 0; // Enable count of FDB per-port.
970$config['enable_ports_ipifstats']                      = 1; // Enable graphing of IP-MIB::ipIfStats.
971$config['enable_ports_jnx_cos_qstat']                  = 1; // Enable graphing of CoS queues per-port.
972$config['enable_ports_sros_egress_qstat']              = 1; // Enable graphing of egress queues per-port.
973$config['enable_ports_sros_ingress_qstat']             = 1; // Enable graphing of ingress queues per-port.
974$config['enable_ports_separate_walk']                  = 0; // Walk separate IF-MIB tables instead global ifEntry, ifXEntry
976// Observium WIP API Settings
978$config['api']['enable']                        = FALSE;        // Enable or disable the API
980//$config['api']['encryption']['key']              = "I_Need_To_Change_This_Key";        // Set a random encryption/decryption key
982// InfluxDB export
984$config['influxdb']['enabled']                    = FALSE;     // Enable or disable posting data to InfluxDB
985$config['influxdb']['debug']                      = FALSE;     // If true, just write updates to /tmp
986$config['influxdb']['server']                     = 'localhost:8086'; // Where is InfluxDB listening?
987$config['influxdb']['db']                         = 'observium'; // Which InfluxDB database?
989// Unsupported settings
991$config['short_hostname']['length']   = 12; // Alter short_hostname() target length, changing this is not officially supported!
992$config['short_port_descr']['length'] = 22;
993$config['experimental'] = FALSE;  // Set to TRUE to enable experimental features
994// Max port speed in RRD; default 100Gbit. Only used upon RRD creation!
995//$config['max_port_speed'] = 12500000000; // 12,500,000,000 * 8 = 100,000,000,000 bit/s (but this is less than 100Gbit/s
996$config['max_port_speed'] = 13500000000;   // 13,421,772,800 * 8 = 107,374,182,400 bit/s = 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
998// End includes/defaults.inc.php