3        IMPORTS
4            MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks, Integer32
5                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
6			riverdelta
8            DisplayString
9			    FROM RFC1213-MIB;
12		-- chassis module definitions
14        rdnChassis MODULE-IDENTITY
15            LAST-UPDATED "200206250000Z" -- 25th June 2002
16            ORGANIZATION "Motorola"
17            CONTACT-INFO "Motorola
18                          3 Highwood Drive
19                          Tewksbury, MA 01867
20                          Tel: +1 978 858 2000
21                          Fax: +1 978 858 2399
22                          E-mail:  BSRSNMP@maillist2001.mot.com
24                          Tom Keske
25                          Motorola BCS
26                          20 Cabot Blvd. MA07 M2-330
27                          Mansfield, MA 02048
28                          Tel: 1-508-851-8325
29                          Fax: 1-508-851-8510
30                          E-mail: Tom.Keske@motorola.com"
31            DESCRIPTION
32                    "MIB module for Motorola
33                     Chassis."
34            REVISION     "0004040000Z"
35            DESCRIPTION
36                    "Initial creation."
37            REVISION     "0005230000Z"
38            DESCRIPTION
39                    "Moved 'riverdelta' definition into a separate
40                     file; this allows an external module to
41                     not include the entire riverdelta chassis mib
42                     when needing only the 'riverdelta' definition."
43            REVISION     "0101150000Z"
44            DESCRIPTION
45                    "Added option 'unknown' to variable chassisPartner."
46            REVISION     "0105080000Z"
47            DESCRIPTION
48                    "Changed rdnCardSerial to DisplayString;
49                     removed rdnCardSlots, rdnConfigReg, rdnConfigRegNext,
50                     and rdnChassisPartner; added options bsr1000 and
51                     bsr2000 to rdnChassisType; plus other syntax changes."
52            ::= { riverdelta 1 }
55          --
56          -- chassis group should be present in all products.
57          --
59               rdnChassisType OBJECT-TYPE
60                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
61                        unknown(1),
62                        bsr64000(2),
63                        bsr1000(3),
64                        osr2000(4)
65                        }
66                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
67                   STATUS  current
68                   DESCRIPTION
69                           "Chassis type."
70                   ::= { rdnChassis 1 }
72               rdnChassisVersion OBJECT-TYPE
73                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
74                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
75                   STATUS  current
76                   DESCRIPTION
77                           "Chassis hardware revision level, or an empty
78                           string if unavailable."
79                   ::= { rdnChassis 2 }
81               rdnChassisId OBJECT-TYPE
82                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
83                   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
84                   STATUS  current
85                   DESCRIPTION
86                           "Unique ID string. Defaults to chassis serial
87                           number if available, otherwise empty. Can
88                           also be set with 'snmp-server chassis-id'."
89                   ::= { rdnChassis 3 }
91               rdnProcessorRam OBJECT-TYPE
92                   SYNTAX  Integer32
93                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
94                   STATUS  current
95                   DESCRIPTION
96                           "Bytes of RAM available to CPU."
97                   ::= { rdnChassis 4 }
99               rdnNvRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE
100                   SYNTAX  Integer32
101                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
102                   STATUS  current
103                   DESCRIPTION
104                           "Bytes of non-volatile configuration memory."
105                   ::= { rdnChassis 5 }
107               rdnNvRAMUsed OBJECT-TYPE
108                   SYNTAX  Integer32
109                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
110                   STATUS  current
111                   DESCRIPTION
112                           "Bytes of non-volatile configuration memory
113                           in use."
114                   ::= { rdnChassis 6 }
116               rdnFlashSize OBJECT-TYPE
117                   SYNTAX  Integer32
118                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
119                   STATUS  current
120                   DESCRIPTION
121                           "Bytes flash memory."
122                   ::= { rdnChassis 7 }
124               rdnCardTable OBJECT-TYPE
125                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF RdnCardEntry
126                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
127                   STATUS  current
128                   DESCRIPTION
129                            "Chassis card table."
130                   ::= { rdnChassis 8 }
132               rdnCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE
133                   SYNTAX RdnCardEntry
134                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
135                   STATUS  current
136                   DESCRIPTION
137                            "Chassis card table."
138                   INDEX { rdnCardIndex }
139               ::= { rdnCardTable 1 }
141               RdnCardEntry ::=
142                   SEQUENCE {
143                       rdnCardIndex
144                           Integer32,
145                       rdnCardType
146                           INTEGER,
147                       rdnCardDescr
148                           DisplayString,
149                       rdnCardSerial
150                           DisplayString,
151                       rdnCardHwVersion
152                           DisplayString,
153                       rdnCardSwVersion
154                           DisplayString,
155                       rdnCardSlotNumber
156                           Integer32,
157                       rdnCardContainedByIndex
158                           Integer32,
159                       rdnCardOperStatus
160                           INTEGER
161                   }
163               --
164               -- start of card table
165               --
167               rdnCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE
168                   SYNTAX  Integer32
169                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
170                   STATUS  current
171                   DESCRIPTION
172                           "Index into cardTable (not physical chassis
173                           slot number)."
174                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 1 }
176               rdnCardType OBJECT-TYPE
177                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
178                        unknown(1),
179                        srm(2),
180                        io(3)
181                        }
182                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
183                   STATUS  current
184                   DESCRIPTION
185                           "Functional type of this card."
186                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 2 }
188               rdnCardDescr OBJECT-TYPE
189                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
190                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
191                   STATUS  current
192                   DESCRIPTION
193                           "Text description of this card."
194                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 3 }
196               rdnCardSerial OBJECT-TYPE
197                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
198                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
199                   STATUS  current
200                   DESCRIPTION
201                           "The serial number of this card, or zero if
202                           unavailable."
203                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 4 }
205               rdnCardHwVersion OBJECT-TYPE
206                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
207                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
208                   STATUS  current
209                   DESCRIPTION
210                           "Hardware revision level of this card, or an
211                           empty string if unavailable."
212                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 5 }
214               rdnCardSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE
215                   SYNTAX  DisplayString
216                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
217                   STATUS  current
218                   DESCRIPTION
219                           "Version of the firmware or microcode
220                           installed on this card, or an empty string if
221                           unavailable."
222                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 6 }
224               rdnCardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE
225                   SYNTAX  Integer32
226                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
227                   STATUS  current
228                   DESCRIPTION
229                           "Slot number relative to the containing card or
230                           chassis, or -1 if neither applicable nor
231                           determinable."
232                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 7 }
234               rdnCardContainedByIndex OBJECT-TYPE
235                   SYNTAX  Integer32
236                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
237                   STATUS  current
238                   DESCRIPTION
239                           "cardIndex of the parent card which
240                           directly contains this card, or 0 if
241                           contained by the chassis, or -1 if not
242                           applicable nor determinable."
243                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 8 }
245               rdnCardOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
246                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
247                          not-specified(1),
248                          up(2),
249                          down(3),
250                          standby(4)
251                          }
252                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
253                   STATUS  current
254                   DESCRIPTION
255                           "The operational status of the card.
256                           cardOperStatus is up when a card is
257                           recognized by the device and is enabled for
258                           operation. cardOperStatus is down if the
259                           card is not recognized by the device, or if
260                           it is not enabled for operation.
261                           cardOperStatus is standby if the card is
262                           enabled and acting as a standby slave"
263                   ::= { rdnCardEntry 9 }
266               -- end of card table
269               rdnChassisSlots OBJECT-TYPE
270                   SYNTAX  Integer32
271                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
272                   STATUS  current
273                   DESCRIPTION
274                           "Number of slots in this chassis, or -1 if
275                           neither applicable nor determinable."
276                   ::= { rdnChassis 9 }
278               rdnSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE
279                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF RdnSlotEntry
280                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
281                   STATUS  current
282                   DESCRIPTION
283                            "Chassis slot table."
284                   ::= { rdnChassis 10 }
286               --
287               -- start of slot table
288               --
290               rdnSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE
291                   SYNTAX RdnSlotEntry
292                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
293                   STATUS  current
294                   DESCRIPTION
295                            "Chassis slot table."
296                   INDEX { rdnSlotIndex }
297               ::= { rdnSlotTable 1 }
299               RdnSlotEntry ::=
300                   SEQUENCE {
301                       rdnSlotIndex               Integer32,
302                       rdnSlotType                INTEGER,
303                       rdnSlotNumber              Integer32,
304                       rdnSlotOperStatus          INTEGER,
305                       rdnOfflineModemCount       Integer32,
306                       rdnOnlineModemCount        Integer32,
307                       rdnActiveModemCount        Integer32,
308                       rdnRegisteredModemCount    Integer32,
309                       rdnProvisionedModemCount   Integer32,
310                       rdnUnregisteredModemCount  Integer32,
311                       rdnResetSlotStats          INTEGER
312                   }
314               rdnSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE
315                   SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..2147483647)
316                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
317                   STATUS  current
318                   DESCRIPTION
319                           "Index into slotTable (not physical slot number)."
320                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 1 }
322               rdnSlotType OBJECT-TYPE
323                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
324                        unknown(1),
325                        srm(2),
326                        io(3)
327                        }
328                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
329                   STATUS  current
330                   DESCRIPTION
331                           "Functional type of this slot."
332                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 2 }
334               rdnSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE
335                   SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..2147483647)
336                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
337                   STATUS  current
338                   DESCRIPTION
339                           "Slot number relative to the containing card or
340                           chassis, or -1 if neither applicable nor
341                           determinable."
342                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 3 }
344               rdnSlotOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
345                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
346                          not-specified(1),
347                          up(2),
348                          down(3),
349                          standby(4)
350                          }
351                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
352                   STATUS  current
353                   DESCRIPTION
354                           "The operational status of the card.
355                           cardOperStatus is up when a card is
356                           recognized by the device and is enabled for
357                           operation. cardOperStatus is down if the
358                           card is not recognized by the device, or if
359                           it is not enabled for operation.
360                           cardOperStatus is standby if the card is
361                           enabled and acting as a standby slave"
362                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 4 }
364               rdnOfflineModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
365                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
366                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
367                   STATUS      current
368                   DESCRIPTION "Number of offline modems for this slot"
369                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 5 }
371               rdnOnlineModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
372                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
373                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
374                   STATUS      current
375                   DESCRIPTION "Number of online modems for this slot"
376                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 6 }
378               rdnActiveModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
379                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
380                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
381                   STATUS      current
382                   DESCRIPTION "Number of active modems for this slot"
383                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 7 }
385               rdnRegisteredModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
386                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
387                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
388                   STATUS      current
389                   DESCRIPTION "Number of registered modems for this slot"
390                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 8 }
392               rdnProvisionedModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
393                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
394                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
395                   STATUS      current
396                   DESCRIPTION "Number of provisioned modems for this slot"
397                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 9 }
399               rdnUnregisteredModemCount OBJECT-TYPE
400                   SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
401                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
402                   STATUS      current
403                   DESCRIPTION "Number of registered modems for this slot"
404                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 10 }
406               rdnResetSlotStats OBJECT-TYPE
407                   SYNTAX      INTEGER { clear(1) }
408                   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
409                   STATUS      current
410                   DESCRIPTION "The byte and packet counters for all the cable
411                                modems for the given slot is reset by a 'set'
412                                to this object. Only the value of 'clear(1)'
413                                is allowed. On a get operation, it returns '0'"
414                   ::= { rdnSlotEntry 11 }
419               -- end of slot table
422               rdnCardIfIndexTable OBJECT-TYPE
423                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF RdnCardIfIndexEntry
424                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
425                   STATUS  current
426                   DESCRIPTION
427                            "Chassis card table."
428                   ::= { rdnChassis 11 }
430               --
431               -- start of card if table
432               --
434               rdnCardIfIndexEntry OBJECT-TYPE
435                   SYNTAX      RdnCardIfIndexEntry
436                   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
437                   STATUS      current
438                   DESCRIPTION
439                            "Chassis card table."
440                   INDEX { rdnCardIfIndex }
441               ::= { rdnCardIfIndexTable 1 }
443               RdnCardIfIndexEntry ::=
444                   SEQUENCE {
445                       rdnCardIfIndex                 Integer32,
446                       rdnCardIfSlotNumber            Integer32,
447                       rdnCardIfPortNumber            Integer32,
448                       rdnCardIfCardIndex             Integer32,
449                       rdnCardIfConnectorTypeEnabled  INTEGER
450                   }
452               rdnCardIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
453                   SYNTAX      Integer32
454                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
455                   STATUS      current
456                   DESCRIPTION
457                           "matches RFC1213 ifTable IfIndex"
458                   ::= { rdnCardIfIndexEntry 1 }
460               rdnCardIfSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE
461                   SYNTAX      Integer32
462                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
463                   STATUS      current
464                   DESCRIPTION
465                           "Chassis slot number, or -1 if neither
466                           applicable nor determinable."
467                   ::= { rdnCardIfIndexEntry 2 }
469               rdnCardIfPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE
470                   SYNTAX      Integer32
471                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
472                   STATUS      current
473                   DESCRIPTION
474                           "Chassis port number, unique per port on a
475                            given card if available."
476                   ::= { rdnCardIfIndexEntry 3 }
478               rdnCardIfCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE
479                   SYNTAX      Integer32
480                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
481                   STATUS      current
482                   DESCRIPTION
483                           "cardIndex of the card in the Chassis cardTable
484                            which contains this interface."
485                   ::= { rdnCardIfIndexEntry 4 }
487               rdnCardIfConnectorTypeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
488                   SYNTAX      INTEGER {
489                                   not-specified(1),
490                                   none (2),
491                                   rj-45 (3),
492                                   db-40 (4),
493                                   db-15 (5)
494                               }
495                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
496                   STATUS      current
497                   DESCRIPTION "Interface connector type currently enabled.
498                                Value will be 1 if not known or not used,
499                                or 2 if none of this ports' interface
500                                connectors are enabled."
501                   ::= { rdnCardIfIndexEntry 5 }
503               -- end of card if table
506               rdnSysUpTimeAtLastChassisChange OBJECT-TYPE
507                   SYNTAX  TimeTicks
508                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
509                   STATUS  current
510                   DESCRIPTION
511                           "Time in seconds/100 from the last cold
512                           start to the last change in the chassis'
513                           configuration. This value will be updated
514                           whenever the chassis experiences a change
515                           in the count, type, or slot position of
516                           a card in cardTable."
517                   ::= { rdnChassis 12 }
519               rdnSysUpTimeAtLastConfigChange OBJECT-TYPE
520                   SYNTAX  TimeTicks
521                   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
522                   STATUS  current
523                   DESCRIPTION
524                           "Time in seconds/100 from the last
525						   configuration change in the system. This
526						   value will be updated whenever the system
527						   experiences a change in the configuration."
528                   ::= { rdnChassis 13 }
531        -- traps
534        -- conformance information
537        -- compliance statements
540        -- units of conformance
542    END