1package api
3import (
4	"strings"
5	"testing"
6	"time"
8	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry"
10	"github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid"
12	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
15func TestAPI_ClientTxn(t *testing.T) {
16	t.Parallel()
17	c, s := makeClient(t)
18	defer s.Stop()
20	s.WaitForSerfCheck(t)
22	session := c.Session()
23	txn := c.Txn()
25	// Set up a test service and health check.
26	nodeID, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
27	require.NoError(t, err)
29	catalog := c.Catalog()
30	reg := &CatalogRegistration{
31		ID:      nodeID,
32		Node:    "foo",
33		Address: "",
34		Service: &AgentService{
35			ID:      "foo1",
36			Service: "foo",
37		},
38		Checks: HealthChecks{
39			{
40				CheckID: "bar",
41				Status:  "critical",
42				Definition: HealthCheckDefinition{
43					TCP:                                    "",
44					IntervalDuration:                       5 * time.Second,
45					TimeoutDuration:                        10 * time.Second,
46					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfterDuration: 20 * time.Second,
47				},
48			},
49			{
50				CheckID: "baz",
51				Status:  "passing",
52				Definition: HealthCheckDefinition{
53					TCP:                            "",
54					Interval:                       ReadableDuration(40 * time.Second),
55					Timeout:                        ReadableDuration(80 * time.Second),
56					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: ReadableDuration(160 * time.Second),
57				},
58			},
59		},
60	}
61	_, err = catalog.Register(reg, nil)
62	require.NoError(t, err)
64	node, _, err := catalog.Node("foo", nil)
65	require.NoError(t, err)
66	require.Equal(t, nodeID, node.Node.ID)
68	// Make a session.
69	id, _, err := session.CreateNoChecks(nil, nil)
70	if err != nil {
71		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
72	}
73	defer session.Destroy(id, nil)
75	// Acquire and get the key via a transaction, but don't supply a valid
76	// session.
77	key := testKey()
78	value := []byte("test")
79	ops := TxnOps{
80		&TxnOp{
81			KV: &KVTxnOp{
82				Verb:  KVLock,
83				Key:   key,
84				Value: value,
85			},
86		},
87		&TxnOp{
88			KV: &KVTxnOp{
89				Verb: KVGet,
90				Key:  key,
91			},
92		},
93		&TxnOp{
94			Node: &NodeTxnOp{
95				Verb: NodeGet,
96				Node: Node{Node: "foo"},
97			},
98		},
99		&TxnOp{
100			Service: &ServiceTxnOp{
101				Verb:    ServiceGet,
102				Node:    "foo",
103				Service: AgentService{ID: "foo1"},
104			},
105		},
106		&TxnOp{
107			Check: &CheckTxnOp{
108				Verb:  CheckGet,
109				Check: HealthCheck{Node: "foo", CheckID: "bar"},
110			},
111		},
112		&TxnOp{
113			Check: &CheckTxnOp{
114				Verb:  CheckGet,
115				Check: HealthCheck{Node: "foo", CheckID: "baz"},
116			},
117		},
118	}
119	ok, ret, _, err := txn.Txn(ops, nil)
120	if err != nil {
121		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
122	} else if ok {
123		t.Fatalf("transaction should have failed")
124	}
126	if ret == nil || len(ret.Errors) != 2 || len(ret.Results) != 0 {
127		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", ret.Errors[2])
128	}
129	if ret.Errors[0].OpIndex != 0 ||
130		!strings.Contains(ret.Errors[0].What, "missing session") ||
131		!strings.Contains(ret.Errors[1].What, "doesn't exist") {
132		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", ret.Errors[0])
133	}
135	// Now poke in a real session and try again.
136	ops[0].KV.Session = id
137	ok, ret, _, err = txn.Txn(ops, nil)
138	if err != nil {
139		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
140	} else if !ok {
141		t.Fatalf("transaction failure")
142	}
144	if ret == nil || len(ret.Errors) != 0 || len(ret.Results) != 6 {
145		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", ret)
146	}
147	expected := TxnResults{
148		&TxnResult{
149			KV: &KVPair{
150				Key:         key,
151				Session:     id,
152				LockIndex:   1,
153				CreateIndex: ret.Results[0].KV.CreateIndex,
154				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[0].KV.ModifyIndex,
155				Namespace:   ret.Results[0].KV.Namespace,
156			},
157		},
158		&TxnResult{
159			KV: &KVPair{
160				Key:         key,
161				Session:     id,
162				Value:       []byte("test"),
163				LockIndex:   1,
164				CreateIndex: ret.Results[1].KV.CreateIndex,
165				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[1].KV.ModifyIndex,
166				Namespace:   ret.Results[0].KV.Namespace,
167			},
168		},
169		&TxnResult{
170			Node: &Node{
171				ID:          nodeID,
172				Node:        "foo",
173				Address:     "",
174				Datacenter:  "dc1",
175				CreateIndex: ret.Results[2].Node.CreateIndex,
176				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[2].Node.CreateIndex,
177			},
178		},
179		&TxnResult{
180			Service: &CatalogService{
181				ID:          "foo1",
182				CreateIndex: ret.Results[3].Service.CreateIndex,
183				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[3].Service.CreateIndex,
184				Namespace:   defaultNamespace,
185			},
186		},
187		&TxnResult{
188			Check: &HealthCheck{
189				Node:    "foo",
190				CheckID: "bar",
191				Status:  "critical",
192				Definition: HealthCheckDefinition{
193					TCP:                                    "",
194					Interval:                               ReadableDuration(5 * time.Second),
195					IntervalDuration:                       5 * time.Second,
196					Timeout:                                ReadableDuration(10 * time.Second),
197					TimeoutDuration:                        10 * time.Second,
198					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter:         ReadableDuration(20 * time.Second),
199					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfterDuration: 20 * time.Second,
200				},
201				Type:        "tcp",
202				Namespace:   defaultNamespace,
203				CreateIndex: ret.Results[4].Check.CreateIndex,
204				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[4].Check.CreateIndex,
205			},
206		},
207		&TxnResult{
208			Check: &HealthCheck{
209				Node:    "foo",
210				CheckID: "baz",
211				Status:  "passing",
212				Definition: HealthCheckDefinition{
213					TCP:                                    "",
214					Interval:                               ReadableDuration(40 * time.Second),
215					IntervalDuration:                       40 * time.Second,
216					Timeout:                                ReadableDuration(80 * time.Second),
217					TimeoutDuration:                        80 * time.Second,
218					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter:         ReadableDuration(160 * time.Second),
219					DeregisterCriticalServiceAfterDuration: 160 * time.Second,
220				},
221				Type:        "tcp",
222				Namespace:   defaultNamespace,
223				CreateIndex: ret.Results[4].Check.CreateIndex,
224				ModifyIndex: ret.Results[4].Check.CreateIndex,
225			},
226		},
227	}
228	require.Equal(t, ret.Results, expected)
230	retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
231		// Run a read-only transaction.
232		ops = TxnOps{
233			&TxnOp{
234				KV: &KVTxnOp{
235					Verb: KVGet,
236					Key:  key,
237				},
238			},
239			&TxnOp{
240				Node: &NodeTxnOp{
241					Verb: NodeGet,
242					Node: Node{ID: s.Config.NodeID, Node: s.Config.NodeName},
243				},
244			},
245		}
246		ok, ret, _, err = txn.Txn(ops, nil)
247		if err != nil {
248			r.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
249		} else if !ok {
250			r.Fatalf("transaction failure")
251		}
253		expected = TxnResults{
254			&TxnResult{
255				KV: &KVPair{
256					Key:         key,
257					Session:     id,
258					Value:       []byte("test"),
259					LockIndex:   1,
260					CreateIndex: ret.Results[0].KV.CreateIndex,
261					ModifyIndex: ret.Results[0].KV.ModifyIndex,
262					Namespace:   ret.Results[0].KV.Namespace,
263				},
264			},
265			&TxnResult{
266				Node: &Node{
267					ID:         s.Config.NodeID,
268					Node:       s.Config.NodeName,
269					Address:    "",
270					Datacenter: "dc1",
271					TaggedAddresses: map[string]string{
272						"lan":      s.Config.Bind,
273						"lan_ipv4": s.Config.Bind,
274						"wan":      s.Config.Bind,
275						"wan_ipv4": s.Config.Bind,
276					},
277					Meta:        map[string]string{"consul-network-segment": ""},
278					CreateIndex: ret.Results[1].Node.CreateIndex,
279					ModifyIndex: ret.Results[1].Node.ModifyIndex,
280				},
281			},
282		}
283		require.Equal(r, ret.Results, expected)
284	})
286	// Sanity check using the regular GET API.
287	kv := c.KV()
288	pair, meta, err := kv.Get(key, nil)
289	if err != nil {
290		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
291	}
292	if pair == nil {
293		t.Fatalf("expected value: %#v", pair)
294	}
295	if pair.LockIndex != 1 {
296		t.Fatalf("Expected lock: %v", pair)
297	}
298	if pair.Session != id {
299		t.Fatalf("Expected lock: %v", pair)
300	}
301	if meta.LastIndex == 0 {
302		t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %#v", meta)
303	}