1package testutil
3// TestServer is a test helper. It uses a fork/exec model to create
4// a test Consul server instance in the background and initialize it
5// with some data and/or services. The test server can then be used
6// to run a unit test, and offers an easy API to tear itself down
7// when the test has completed. The only prerequisite is to have a consul
8// binary available on the $PATH.
10// This package does not use Consul's official API client. This is
11// because we use TestServer to test the API client, which would
12// otherwise cause an import cycle.
14import (
15	"context"
16	"encoding/json"
17	"fmt"
18	"io"
19	"io/ioutil"
20	"net"
21	"net/http"
22	"os"
23	"os/exec"
24	"path/filepath"
25	"runtime"
26	"strconv"
27	"strings"
28	"syscall"
29	"testing"
30	"time"
32	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport"
33	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry"
34	"github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp"
35	"github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid"
36	"github.com/pkg/errors"
39// TestPerformanceConfig configures the performance parameters.
40type TestPerformanceConfig struct {
41	RaftMultiplier uint `json:"raft_multiplier,omitempty"`
44// TestPortConfig configures the various ports used for services
45// provided by the Consul server.
46type TestPortConfig struct {
47	DNS          int `json:"dns,omitempty"`
48	HTTP         int `json:"http,omitempty"`
49	HTTPS        int `json:"https,omitempty"`
50	SerfLan      int `json:"serf_lan,omitempty"`
51	SerfWan      int `json:"serf_wan,omitempty"`
52	Server       int `json:"server,omitempty"`
53	ProxyMinPort int `json:"proxy_min_port,omitempty"`
54	ProxyMaxPort int `json:"proxy_max_port,omitempty"`
57// TestAddressConfig contains the bind addresses for various
58// components of the Consul server.
59type TestAddressConfig struct {
60	HTTP string `json:"http,omitempty"`
63// TestNetworkSegment contains the configuration for a network segment.
64type TestNetworkSegment struct {
65	Name      string `json:"name"`
66	Bind      string `json:"bind"`
67	Port      int    `json:"port"`
68	Advertise string `json:"advertise"`
71// TestServerConfig is the main server configuration struct.
72type TestServerConfig struct {
73	NodeName            string                 `json:"node_name"`
74	NodeID              string                 `json:"node_id"`
75	NodeMeta            map[string]string      `json:"node_meta,omitempty"`
76	Performance         *TestPerformanceConfig `json:"performance,omitempty"`
77	Bootstrap           bool                   `json:"bootstrap,omitempty"`
78	Server              bool                   `json:"server,omitempty"`
79	DataDir             string                 `json:"data_dir,omitempty"`
80	Datacenter          string                 `json:"datacenter,omitempty"`
81	Segments            []TestNetworkSegment   `json:"segments"`
82	DisableCheckpoint   bool                   `json:"disable_update_check"`
83	LogLevel            string                 `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
84	Bind                string                 `json:"bind_addr,omitempty"`
85	Addresses           *TestAddressConfig     `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
86	Ports               *TestPortConfig        `json:"ports,omitempty"`
87	RaftProtocol        int                    `json:"raft_protocol,omitempty"`
88	ACLMasterToken      string                 `json:"acl_master_token,omitempty"`
89	ACLDatacenter       string                 `json:"acl_datacenter,omitempty"`
90	PrimaryDatacenter   string                 `json:"primary_datacenter,omitempty"`
91	ACLDefaultPolicy    string                 `json:"acl_default_policy,omitempty"`
92	ACL                 TestACLs               `json:"acl,omitempty"`
93	Encrypt             string                 `json:"encrypt,omitempty"`
94	CAFile              string                 `json:"ca_file,omitempty"`
95	CertFile            string                 `json:"cert_file,omitempty"`
96	KeyFile             string                 `json:"key_file,omitempty"`
97	VerifyIncoming      bool                   `json:"verify_incoming,omitempty"`
98	VerifyIncomingRPC   bool                   `json:"verify_incoming_rpc,omitempty"`
99	VerifyIncomingHTTPS bool                   `json:"verify_incoming_https,omitempty"`
100	VerifyOutgoing      bool                   `json:"verify_outgoing,omitempty"`
101	EnableScriptChecks  bool                   `json:"enable_script_checks,omitempty"`
102	Connect             map[string]interface{} `json:"connect,omitempty"`
103	EnableDebug         bool                   `json:"enable_debug,omitempty"`
104	ReadyTimeout        time.Duration          `json:"-"`
105	Stdout              io.Writer              `json:"-"`
106	Stderr              io.Writer              `json:"-"`
107	Args                []string               `json:"-"`
108	ReturnPorts         func()                 `json:"-"`
111type TestACLs struct {
112	Enabled             bool       `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
113	TokenReplication    bool       `json:"enable_token_replication,omitempty"`
114	PolicyTTL           string     `json:"policy_ttl,omitempty"`
115	TokenTTL            string     `json:"token_ttl,omitempty"`
116	DownPolicy          string     `json:"down_policy,omitempty"`
117	DefaultPolicy       string     `json:"default_policy,omitempty"`
118	EnableKeyListPolicy bool       `json:"enable_key_list_policy,omitempty"`
119	Tokens              TestTokens `json:"tokens,omitempty"`
120	DisabledTTL         string     `json:"disabled_ttl,omitempty"`
123type TestTokens struct {
124	Master      string `json:"master,omitempty"`
125	Replication string `json:"replication,omitempty"`
126	AgentMaster string `json:"agent_master,omitempty"`
127	Default     string `json:"default,omitempty"`
128	Agent       string `json:"agent,omitempty"`
131// ServerConfigCallback is a function interface which can be
132// passed to NewTestServerConfig to modify the server config.
133type ServerConfigCallback func(c *TestServerConfig)
135// defaultServerConfig returns a new TestServerConfig struct
136// with all of the listen ports incremented by one.
137func defaultServerConfig(t TestingTB) *TestServerConfig {
138	nodeID, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
139	if err != nil {
140		panic(err)
141	}
143	ports := freeport.MustTake(6)
144	logBuffer := NewLogBuffer(t)
146	return &TestServerConfig{
147		NodeName:          "node-" + nodeID,
148		NodeID:            nodeID,
149		DisableCheckpoint: true,
150		Performance: &TestPerformanceConfig{
151			RaftMultiplier: 1,
152		},
153		Bootstrap: true,
154		Server:    true,
155		LogLevel:  "debug",
156		Bind:      "",
157		Addresses: &TestAddressConfig{},
158		Ports: &TestPortConfig{
159			DNS:     ports[0],
160			HTTP:    ports[1],
161			HTTPS:   ports[2],
162			SerfLan: ports[3],
163			SerfWan: ports[4],
164			Server:  ports[5],
165		},
166		ReadyTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
167		Connect: map[string]interface{}{
168			"enabled": true,
169			"ca_config": map[string]interface{}{
170				// const TestClusterID causes import cycle so hard code it here.
171				"cluster_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
172			},
173		},
174		ReturnPorts: func() {
175			freeport.Return(ports)
176		},
177		Stdout: logBuffer,
178		Stderr: logBuffer,
179	}
182// TestService is used to serialize a service definition.
183type TestService struct {
184	ID      string   `json:",omitempty"`
185	Name    string   `json:",omitempty"`
186	Tags    []string `json:",omitempty"`
187	Address string   `json:",omitempty"`
188	Port    int      `json:",omitempty"`
191// TestCheck is used to serialize a check definition.
192type TestCheck struct {
193	ID        string `json:",omitempty"`
194	Name      string `json:",omitempty"`
195	ServiceID string `json:",omitempty"`
196	TTL       string `json:",omitempty"`
199// TestKVResponse is what we use to decode KV data.
200type TestKVResponse struct {
201	Value string
204// TestServer is the main server wrapper struct.
205type TestServer struct {
206	cmd    *exec.Cmd
207	Config *TestServerConfig
209	HTTPAddr  string
210	HTTPSAddr string
211	LANAddr   string
212	WANAddr   string
214	HTTPClient *http.Client
216	tmpdir string
219// NewTestServerConfigT creates a new TestServer, and makes a call to an optional
220// callback function to modify the configuration. If there is an error
221// configuring or starting the server, the server will NOT be running when the
222// function returns (thus you do not need to stop it).
223func NewTestServerConfigT(t TestingTB, cb ServerConfigCallback) (*TestServer, error) {
224	path, err := exec.LookPath("consul")
225	if err != nil || path == "" {
226		return nil, fmt.Errorf("consul not found on $PATH - download and install " +
227			"consul or skip this test")
228	}
230	prefix := "consul"
231	if t != nil {
232		// Use test name for tmpdir if available
233		prefix = strings.Replace(t.Name(), "/", "_", -1)
234	}
235	tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", prefix)
236	if err != nil {
237		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tempdir")
238	}
240	cfg := defaultServerConfig(t)
241	cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(tmpdir, "data")
242	if cb != nil {
243		cb(cfg)
244	}
246	b, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
247	if err != nil {
248		cfg.ReturnPorts()
249		os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
250		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed marshaling json")
251	}
253	t.Logf("CONFIG JSON: %s", string(b))
254	configFile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "config.json")
255	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile, b, 0644); err != nil {
256		cfg.ReturnPorts()
257		os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
258		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed writing config content")
259	}
261	// Start the server
262	args := []string{"agent", "-config-file", configFile}
263	args = append(args, cfg.Args...)
264	cmd := exec.Command("consul", args...)
265	cmd.Stdout = cfg.Stdout
266	cmd.Stderr = cfg.Stderr
267	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
268		cfg.ReturnPorts()
269		os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
270		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed starting command")
271	}
273	httpAddr := fmt.Sprintf("", cfg.Ports.HTTP)
274	client := cleanhttp.DefaultClient()
275	if strings.HasPrefix(cfg.Addresses.HTTP, "unix://") {
276		httpAddr = cfg.Addresses.HTTP
277		tr := cleanhttp.DefaultTransport()
278		tr.DialContext = func(_ context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
279			return net.Dial("unix", httpAddr[len("unix://"):])
280		}
281		client = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
282	}
284	server := &TestServer{
285		Config: cfg,
286		cmd:    cmd,
288		HTTPAddr:  httpAddr,
289		HTTPSAddr: fmt.Sprintf("", cfg.Ports.HTTPS),
290		LANAddr:   fmt.Sprintf("", cfg.Ports.SerfLan),
291		WANAddr:   fmt.Sprintf("", cfg.Ports.SerfWan),
293		HTTPClient: client,
295		tmpdir: tmpdir,
296	}
298	// Wait for the server to be ready
299	if err := server.waitForAPI(); err != nil {
300		if err := server.Stop(); err != nil {
301			t.Logf("server stop failed with: %v", err)
302		}
303		return nil, err
304	}
306	return server, nil
309// Stop stops the test Consul server, and removes the Consul data
310// directory once we are done.
311func (s *TestServer) Stop() error {
312	defer s.Config.ReturnPorts()
313	defer os.RemoveAll(s.tmpdir)
315	// There was no process
316	if s.cmd == nil {
317		return nil
318	}
320	if s.cmd.Process != nil {
321		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
322			if err := s.cmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
323				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill consul server")
324			}
325		} else { // interrupt is not supported in windows
326			if err := s.cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt); err != nil {
327				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill consul server")
328			}
329		}
330	}
332	waitDone := make(chan error)
333	go func() {
334		waitDone <- s.cmd.Wait()
335		close(waitDone)
336	}()
338	// wait for the process to exit to be sure that the data dir can be
339	// deleted on all platforms.
340	select {
341	case err := <-waitDone:
342		return err
343	case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
344		s.cmd.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGABRT)
345		s.cmd.Wait()
346		return fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for server to stop gracefully")
347	}
350// waitForAPI waits for the /status/leader HTTP endpoint to start
351// responding. This is an indication that the agent has started,
352// but will likely return before a leader is elected.
353// Note: We do not check for a successful response status because
354// we want this function to return without error even when
355// there's no leader elected.
356func (s *TestServer) waitForAPI() error {
357	var failed bool
359	// This retry replicates the logic of retry.Run to allow for nested retries.
360	// By returning an error we can wrap TestServer creation with retry.Run
361	// in makeClientWithConfig.
362	timer := retry.TwoSeconds()
363	deadline := time.Now().Add(timer.Timeout)
364	for !time.Now().After(deadline) {
365		time.Sleep(timer.Wait)
367		url := s.url("/v1/status/leader")
368		resp, err := s.masterGet(url)
369		if err != nil {
370			failed = true
371			continue
372		}
373		resp.Body.Close()
375		failed = false
376	}
377	if failed {
378		return fmt.Errorf("api unavailable")
379	}
380	return nil
383// waitForLeader waits for the Consul server's HTTP API to become
384// available, and then waits for a known leader and an index of
385// 2 or more to be observed to confirm leader election is done.
386func (s *TestServer) WaitForLeader(t testing.TB) {
387	retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
388		// Query the API and check the status code.
389		url := s.url("/v1/catalog/nodes")
390		resp, err := s.masterGet(url)
391		if err != nil {
392			r.Fatalf("failed http get '%s': %v", url, err)
393		}
394		defer resp.Body.Close()
395		if err := s.requireOK(resp); err != nil {
396			r.Fatalf("failed OK response: %v", err)
397		}
399		// Ensure we have a leader and a node registration.
400		if leader := resp.Header.Get("X-Consul-KnownLeader"); leader != "true" {
401			r.Fatalf("Consul leader status: %#v", leader)
402		}
403		index, err := strconv.ParseInt(resp.Header.Get("X-Consul-Index"), 10, 64)
404		if err != nil {
405			r.Fatalf("bad consul index: %v", err)
406		}
407		if index < 2 {
408			r.Fatal("consul index should be at least 2")
409		}
410	})
413// WaitForActiveCARoot waits until the server can return a Connect CA meaning
414// connect has completed bootstrapping and is ready to use.
415func (s *TestServer) WaitForActiveCARoot(t testing.TB) {
416	// don't need to fully decode the response
417	type rootsResponse struct {
418		ActiveRootID string
419		TrustDomain  string
420		Roots        []interface{}
421	}
423	retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
424		// Query the API and check the status code.
425		url := s.url("/v1/agent/connect/ca/roots")
426		resp, err := s.masterGet(url)
427		if err != nil {
428			r.Fatalf("failed http get '%s': %v", url, err)
429		}
430		defer resp.Body.Close()
431		// Roots will return an error status until it's been bootstrapped. We could
432		// parse the body and sanity check but that causes either import cycles
433		// since this is used in both `api` and consul test or duplication. The 200
434		// is all we really need to wait for.
435		if err := s.requireOK(resp); err != nil {
436			r.Fatalf("failed OK response: %v", err)
437		}
439		var roots rootsResponse
441		dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
442		if err := dec.Decode(&roots); err != nil {
443			r.Fatal(err)
444		}
446		if roots.ActiveRootID == "" || len(roots.Roots) < 1 {
447			r.Fatalf("/v1/agent/connect/ca/roots returned 200 but without roots: %+v", roots)
448		}
449	})
452// WaitForServiceIntentions waits until the server can accept config entry
453// kinds of service-intentions meaning any migration bootstrapping from pre-1.9
454// intentions has completed.
455func (s *TestServer) WaitForServiceIntentions(t testing.TB) {
456	const fakeConfigName = "Sa4ohw5raith4si0Ohwuqu3lowiethoh"
457	retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
458		// Try to delete a non-existent service-intentions config entry. The
459		// preflightCheck call in agent/consul/config_endpoint.go will fail if
460		// we aren't ready yet, vs just doing no work instead.
461		url := s.url("/v1/config/service-intentions/" + fakeConfigName)
462		resp, err := s.masterDelete(url)
463		if err != nil {
464			r.Fatalf("failed http get '%s': %v", url, err)
465		}
466		defer resp.Body.Close()
467		if err := s.requireOK(resp); err != nil {
468			r.Fatalf("failed OK response: %v", err)
469		}
470	})
473// WaitForSerfCheck ensures we have a node with serfHealth check registered
474// Behavior mirrors testrpc.WaitForTestAgent but avoids the dependency cycle in api pkg
475func (s *TestServer) WaitForSerfCheck(t testing.TB) {
476	retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
477		// Query the API and check the status code.
478		url := s.url("/v1/catalog/nodes?index=0")
479		resp, err := s.masterGet(url)
480		if err != nil {
481			r.Fatalf("failed http get: %v", err)
482		}
483		defer resp.Body.Close()
484		if err := s.requireOK(resp); err != nil {
485			r.Fatalf("failed OK response: %v", err)
486		}
488		// Watch for the anti-entropy sync to finish.
489		var payload []map[string]interface{}
490		dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
491		if err := dec.Decode(&payload); err != nil {
492			r.Fatal(err)
493		}
494		if len(payload) < 1 {
495			r.Fatal("No nodes")
496		}
498		// Ensure the serfHealth check is registered
499		url = s.url(fmt.Sprintf("/v1/health/node/%s", payload[0]["Node"]))
500		resp, err = s.masterGet(url)
501		if err != nil {
502			r.Fatalf("failed http get: %v", err)
503		}
504		defer resp.Body.Close()
505		if err := s.requireOK(resp); err != nil {
506			r.Fatalf("failed OK response: %v", err)
507		}
508		dec = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
509		if err = dec.Decode(&payload); err != nil {
510			r.Fatal(err)
511		}
513		var found bool
514		for _, check := range payload {
515			if check["CheckID"].(string) == "serfHealth" {
516				found = true
517				break
518			}
519		}
520		if !found {
521			r.Fatal("missing serfHealth registration")
522		}
523	})
526func (s *TestServer) masterGet(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
527	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
528	if err != nil {
529		return nil, err
530	}
531	if s.Config.ACL.Tokens.Master != "" {
532		req.Header.Set("x-consul-token", s.Config.ACL.Tokens.Master)
533	}
534	return s.HTTPClient.Do(req)
537func (s *TestServer) masterDelete(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
538	req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", url, nil)
539	if err != nil {
540		return nil, err
541	}
542	if s.Config.ACL.Tokens.Master != "" {
543		req.Header.Set("x-consul-token", s.Config.ACL.Tokens.Master)
544	}
545	return s.HTTPClient.Do(req)