2layout: docs
3page_title: Helm Chart Configuration
4description: Configuration for the Consul Helm chart.
7# Helm Chart Configuration
9## Configuration (Values)
11The chart is highly customizable using
12[Helm configuration values](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing).
13Each value has a sane default tuned for an optimal getting started experience
14with Consul. Before going into production, please review the parameters below
15and consider if they're appropriate for your deployment.
17<!-- DO NOT EDIT. The docs below are generated automatically. To change, edit
18                  the consul-helm repo's values.yaml file -->
19<!-- codegen: start -->
21### global
23- `global` ((#v-global)) - Holds values that affect multiple components of the chart.
25  - `enabled` ((#v-global-enabled)) (`boolean: true`) - The main enabled/disabled setting. If true, servers,
26    clients, Consul DNS and the Consul UI will be enabled. Each component can override
27    this default via its component-specific "enabled" config. If false, no components
28    will be installed by default and per-component opt-in is required, such as by
29    setting `server.enabled` to true.
31  - `name` ((#v-global-name)) (`string: null`) - Set the prefix used for all resources in the Helm chart. If not set,
32    the prefix will be `<helm release name>-consul`.
34  - `domain` ((#v-global-domain)) (`string: consul`) - The domain Consul will answer DNS queries for
35    (see `-domain` (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options#_domain)) and the domain services synced from
36    Consul into Kubernetes will have, e.g. `service-name.service.consul`.
38  - `image` ((#v-global-image)) (`string: hashicorp/consul:<latest version>`) - The name (and tag) of the Consul Docker image for clients and servers.
39    This can be overridden per component. This should be pinned to a specific
40    version tag, otherwise you may inadvertently upgrade your Consul version.
42    Examples:
44    ```yaml
45    # Consul 1.10.0
46    image: "consul:1.10.0"
47    # Consul Enterprise 1.10.0
48    image: "hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.10.0-ent"
49    ```
51  - `imagePullSecrets` ((#v-global-imagepullsecrets)) (`array<map>`) - Array of objects containing image pull secret names that will be applied to each service account.
52    This can be used to reference image pull secrets if using a custom consul or consul-k8s Docker image.
53    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#using-a-private-registry for reference.
55    Example:
57    ```yaml
58    imagePullSecrets:
59      - name: pull-secret-name
60      - name: pull-secret-name-2
61    ```
63  - `imageK8S` ((#v-global-imagek8s)) (`string: hashicorp/consul-k8s:<latest version>`) - The name (and tag) of the consul-k8s (https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s)
64    Docker image that is used for functionality such the catalog sync.
65    This can be overridden per component.
67  - `datacenter` ((#v-global-datacenter)) (`string: dc1`) - The name of the datacenter that the agents should
68    register as. This can't be changed once the Consul cluster is up and running
69    since Consul doesn't support an automatic way to change this value currently:
70    https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/1858.
72  - `enablePodSecurityPolicies` ((#v-global-enablepodsecuritypolicies)) (`boolean: false`) - Controls whether pod security policies are created for the Consul components
73    created by this chart. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/.
75  - `gossipEncryption` ((#v-global-gossipencryption)) - Configures which Kubernetes secret to retrieve Consul's
76    gossip encryption key from (see `-encrypt` (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options#_encrypt)). If secretName or
77    secretKey are not set, gossip encryption will not be enabled. The secret must
78    be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
80    The secret can be created by running:
82    ```shell
83    $ kubectl create secret generic consul-gossip-encryption-key --from-literal=key=$(consul keygen)
84    ```
86    To reference, use:
88    ```yaml
89    global:
90      gossipEncryption:
91        secretName: consul-gossip-encryption-key
92        secretKey: key
93    ```
95    - `secretName` ((#v-global-gossipencryption-secretname)) (`string: ""`) - secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip
96      encryption key. The secret must be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
98    - `secretKey` ((#v-global-gossipencryption-secretkey)) (`string: ""`) - secretKey is the key within the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip
99      encryption key.
101  - `recursors` ((#v-global-recursors)) (`array<string>: []`) - A list of addresses of upstream DNS servers that are used to recursively resolve DNS queries.
102    These values are given as `-recursor` flags to Consul servers and clients.
103    See https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options#_recursor for more details.
104    If this is an empty array (the default), then Consul DNS will only resolve queries for the Consul top level domain (by default `.consul`).
106  - `tls` ((#v-global-tls)) - Enables TLS (https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/tls-encryption-secure)
107    across the cluster to verify authenticity of the Consul servers and clients.
108    Requires Consul v1.4.1+ and consul-k8s v0.16.2+
110    - `enabled` ((#v-global-tls-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the Helm chart will enable TLS for Consul
111      servers and clients and all consul-k8s components, as well as generate certificate
112      authority (optional) and server and client certificates.
114    - `enableAutoEncrypt` ((#v-global-tls-enableautoencrypt)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, turns on the auto-encrypt feature on clients and servers.
115      It also switches consul-k8s components to retrieve the CA from the servers
116      via the API. Requires Consul 1.7.1+ and consul-k8s 0.13.0
118    - `serverAdditionalDNSSANs` ((#v-global-tls-serveradditionaldnssans)) (`array<string>: []`) - A list of additional DNS names to set as Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
119      in the server certificate. This is useful when you need to access the
120      Consul server(s) externally, for example, if you're using the UI.
122    - `serverAdditionalIPSANs` ((#v-global-tls-serveradditionalipsans)) (`array<string>: []`) - A list of additional IP addresses to set as Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
123      in the server certificate. This is useful when you need to access the
124      Consul server(s) externally, for example, if you're using the UI.
126    - `verify` ((#v-global-tls-verify)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, `verify_outgoing`, `verify_server_hostname`,
127      and `verify_incoming_rpc` will be set to `true` for Consul servers and clients.
128      Set this to false to incrementally roll out TLS on an existing Consul cluster.
129      Please see https://consul.io/docs/k8s/operations/tls-on-existing-cluster
130      for more details.
132    - `httpsOnly` ((#v-global-tls-httpsonly)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, the Helm chart will configure Consul to disable the HTTP port on
133      both clients and servers and to only accept HTTPS connections.
135    - `caCert` ((#v-global-tls-cacert)) - A Kubernetes secret containing the certificate of the CA to use for
136      TLS communication within the Consul cluster. If you have generated the CA yourself
137      with the consul CLI, you could use the following command to create the secret
138      in Kubernetes:
140      ```bash
141      kubectl create secret generic consul-ca-cert \
142          --from-file='tls.crt=./consul-agent-ca.pem'
143      ```
145      - `secretName` ((#v-global-tls-cacert-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
147      - `secretKey` ((#v-global-tls-cacert-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
149    - `caKey` ((#v-global-tls-cakey)) - A Kubernetes secret containing the private key of the CA to use for
150      TLS communication within the Consul cluster. If you have generated the CA yourself
151      with the consul CLI, you could use the following command to create the secret
152      in Kubernetes:
154      ```bash
155      kubectl create secret generic consul-ca-key \
156          --from-file='tls.key=./consul-agent-ca-key.pem'
157      ```
159      Note that we need the CA key so that we can generate server and client certificates.
160      It is particularly important for the client certificates since they need to have host IPs
161      as Subject Alternative Names. In the future, we may support bringing your own server
162      certificates.
164      - `secretName` ((#v-global-tls-cakey-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
166      - `secretKey` ((#v-global-tls-cakey-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
168  - `enableConsulNamespaces` ((#v-global-enableconsulnamespaces)) (`boolean: false`) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> `enableConsulNamespaces` indicates that you are running
169    Consul Enterprise v1.7+ with a valid Consul Enterprise license and would
170    like to make use of configuration beyond registering everything into
171    the `default` Consul namespace. Requires consul-k8s v0.12+. Additional configuration
172    options are found in the `consulNamespaces` section of both the catalog sync
173    and connect injector.
175  - `acls` ((#v-global-acls)) - Configure ACLs.
177    - `manageSystemACLs` ((#v-global-acls-managesystemacls)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the Helm chart will automatically manage ACL tokens and policies
178      for all Consul and consul-k8s components.
179      This requires Consul >= 1.4 and consul-k8s >= 0.14.0.
181    - `bootstrapToken` ((#v-global-acls-bootstraptoken)) - A Kubernetes secret containing the bootstrap token to use for
182      creating policies and tokens for all Consul and consul-k8s components.
183      If set, we will skip ACL bootstrapping of the servers and will only
184      initialize ACLs for the Consul clients and consul-k8s system components.
185      Requires consul-k8s >= 0.14.0.
187      - `secretName` ((#v-global-acls-bootstraptoken-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
189      - `secretKey` ((#v-global-acls-bootstraptoken-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
191    - `createReplicationToken` ((#v-global-acls-createreplicationtoken)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, an ACL token will be created that can be used in secondary
192      datacenters for replication. This should only be set to true in the
193      primary datacenter since the replication token must be created from that
194      datacenter.
195      In secondary datacenters, the secret needs to be imported from the primary
196      datacenter and referenced via `global.acls.replicationToken`.
197      Requires consul-k8s >= 0.13.0.
199    - `replicationToken` ((#v-global-acls-replicationtoken)) - replicationToken references a secret containing the replication ACL token.
200      This token will be used by secondary datacenters to perform ACL replication
201      and create ACL tokens and policies.
202      This value is ignored if `bootstrapToken` is also set.
203      Requires consul-k8s >= 0.13.0.
205      - `secretName` ((#v-global-acls-replicationtoken-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
207      - `secretKey` ((#v-global-acls-replicationtoken-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
209  - `federation` ((#v-global-federation)) - Configure federation.
211    - `enabled` ((#v-global-federation-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If enabled, this datacenter will be federation-capable. Only federation
212      via mesh gateways is supported.
213      Mesh gateways and servers will be configured to allow federation.
214      Requires `global.tls.enabled`, `meshGateway.enabled` and `connectInject.enabled`
215      to be true. Requires Consul 1.8+.
217    - `createFederationSecret` ((#v-global-federation-createfederationsecret)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the chart will create a Kubernetes secret that can be imported
218      into secondary datacenters so they can federate with this datacenter. The
219      secret contains all the information secondary datacenters need to contact
220      and authenticate with this datacenter. This should only be set to true
221      in your primary datacenter. The secret name is
222      `<global.name>-federation` (if setting `global.name`), otherwise
223      `<helm-release-name>-consul-federation`. Requires consul-k8s 0.15.0+.
225  - `metrics` ((#v-global-metrics)) - Configures metrics for Consul service mesh
227    - `enabled` ((#v-global-metrics-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures the Helm chart’s components
228      to expose Prometheus metrics for the Consul service mesh. By default
229      this includes gateway metrics and sidecar metrics.
231    - `enableAgentMetrics` ((#v-global-metrics-enableagentmetrics)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures consul agent metrics. Only applicable if
232      `global.metrics.enabled` is true.
234    - `agentMetricsRetentionTime` ((#v-global-metrics-agentmetricsretentiontime)) (`string: 1m`) - Configures the retention time for metrics in Consul clients and
235      servers. This must be greater than 0 for Consul clients and servers
236      to expose any metrics at all.
237      Only applicable if `global.metrics.enabled` is true.
239    - `enableGatewayMetrics` ((#v-global-metrics-enablegatewaymetrics)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, mesh, terminating, and ingress gateways will expose their
240      Envoy metrics on port `20200` at the `/metrics` path and all gateway pods
241      will have Prometheus scrape annotations. Only applicable if `global.metrics.enabled` is true.
243  - `consulSidecarContainer` ((#v-global-consulsidecarcontainer)) (`map`) - The consul sidecar ensures the Consul services
244    are always registered with their local Consul clients and is used by the
245    ingress/terminating/mesh gateways as well as with every Connect-injected service.
247  - `imageEnvoy` ((#v-global-imageenvoy)) (`string: envoyproxy/envoy-alpine:<latest supported version>`) - The name (and tag) of the Envoy Docker image used for the
248    connect-injected sidecar proxies and mesh, terminating, and ingress gateways.
249    See https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/proxies/envoy for full compatibility matrix between Consul and Envoy.
251  - `openshift` ((#v-global-openshift)) - Configuration for running this Helm chart on the Red Hat OpenShift platform.
252    This Helm chart currently supports OpenShift v4.x+.
254    - `enabled` ((#v-global-openshift-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the Helm chart will create necessary configuration for running
255      its components on OpenShift.
257### server
259- `server` ((#v-server)) - Server, when enabled, configures a server cluster to run. This should
260  be disabled if you plan on connecting to a Consul cluster external to
261  the Kube cluster.
263  - `enabled` ((#v-server-enabled)) (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for a
264    Consul server cluster. If you're running Consul externally and want agents
265    within Kubernetes to join that cluster, this should probably be false.
267  - `image` ((#v-server-image)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running
268    Consul server agents.
270  - `replicas` ((#v-server-replicas)) (`integer: 3`) - The number of server agents to run. This determines the fault tolerance of
271    the cluster. Please see the deployment table (https://consul.io/docs/internals/consensus#deployment-table)
272    for more information.
274  - `bootstrapExpect` ((#v-server-bootstrapexpect)) (`int: null`) - The number of servers that are expected to be running.
275    It defaults to server.replicas.
276    In most cases the default should be used, however if there are more
277    servers in this datacenter than server.replicas it might make sense
278    to override the default. This would be the case if two kube clusters
279    were joined into the same datacenter and each cluster ran a certain number
280    of servers.
282  - `enterpriseLicense` ((#v-server-enterpriselicense)) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> This value refers to a Kubernetes secret that you have created
283    that contains your enterprise license. It is required if you are using an
284    enterprise binary. Defining it here applies it to your cluster once a leader
285    has been elected. If you are not using an enterprise image or if you plan to
286    introduce the license key via another route, then set these fields to null.
287    Note: the job to apply license runs on both Helm installs and upgrades.
289    - `secretName` ((#v-server-enterpriselicense-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret that holds the enterprise license.
290      The secret must be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
292    - `secretKey` ((#v-server-enterpriselicense-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key within the Kubernetes secret that holds the enterprise license.
294    - `enableLicenseAutoload` ((#v-server-enterpriselicense-enablelicenseautoload)) (`boolean: true`) - Manages license autoload. Required in Consul 1.10.0+, 1.9.7+ and 1.8.12+.
296  - `exposeGossipAndRPCPorts` ((#v-server-exposegossipandrpcports)) (`boolean: false`) - Exposes the servers' gossip and RPC ports as hostPorts. To enable a client
297    agent outside of the k8s cluster to join the datacenter, you would need to
298    enable `server.exposeGossipAndRPCPorts`, `client.exposeGossipPorts`, and
299    set `server.ports.serflan.port` to a port not being used on the host. Since
300    `client.exposeGossipPorts` uses the hostPort 8301,
301    `server.ports.serflan.port` must be set to something other than 8301.
303  - `ports` ((#v-server-ports)) - Configures ports for the consul servers.
305    - `serflan` ((#v-server-ports-serflan)) - Configures the LAN gossip port for the consul servers. If you choose to
306      enable `server.exposeGossipAndRPCPorts` and `client.exposeGossipPorts`,
307      that will configure the LAN gossip ports on the servers and clients to be
308      hostPorts, so if you are running clients and servers on the same node the
309      ports will conflict if they are both 8301. When you enable
310      `server.exposeGossipAndRPCPorts` and `client.exposeGossipPorts`, you must
311      change this from the default to an unused port on the host, e.g. 9301. By
312      default the LAN gossip port is 8301 and configured as a containerPort on
313      the consul server Pods.
315      - `port` ((#v-server-ports-serflan-port)) (`integer: 8301`)
317  - `storage` ((#v-server-storage)) (`string: 10Gi`) - This defines the disk size for configuring the
318    servers' StatefulSet storage. For dynamically provisioned storage classes, this is the
319    desired size. For manually defined persistent volumes, this should be set to
320    the disk size of the attached volume.
322  - `storageClass` ((#v-server-storageclass)) (`string: null`) - The StorageClass to use for the servers' StatefulSet storage. It must be
323    able to be dynamically provisioned if you want the storage
324    to be automatically created. For example, to use local
325    (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/#local)
326    storage classes, the PersistentVolumeClaims would need to be manually created.
327    A `null` value will use the Kubernetes cluster's default StorageClass. If a default
328    StorageClass does not exist, you will need to create one.
330  - `connect` ((#v-server-connect)) (`boolean: true`) - This will enable/disable Connect (https://consul.io/docs/connect). Setting this to true
331    _will not_ automatically secure pod communication, this
332    setting will only enable usage of the feature. Consul will automatically initialize
333    a new CA and set of certificates. Additional Connect settings can be configured
334    by setting the `server.extraConfig` value.
336  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-server-serviceaccount))
338    - `annotations` ((#v-server-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the server service account. This should be formatted as a multi-line
339      string.
341      ```yaml
342      annotations: |
343        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
344        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
345      ```
347  - `resources` ((#v-server-resources)) (`map`) - The resource requests (CPU, memory, etc.)
348    for each of the server agents. This should be a YAML map corresponding to a Kubernetes
349    ResourceRequirements (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.11/#resourcerequirements-v1-core)
350    object. NOTE: The use of a YAML string is deprecated.
352    Example:
354    ```yaml
355    resources:
356      requests:
357        memory: '100Mi'
358        cpu: '100m'
359      limits:
360        memory: '100Mi'
361        cpu: '100m'
362    ```
364  - `securityContext` ((#v-server-securitycontext)) (`map`) - The security context for the server pods. This should be a YAML map corresponding to a
365    Kubernetes [SecurityContext](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) object.
366    By default, servers will run as non-root, with user ID `100` and group ID `1000`,
367    which correspond to the consul user and group created by the Consul docker image.
368    Note: if running on OpenShift, this setting is ignored because the user and group are set automatically
369    by the OpenShift platform.
371  - `updatePartition` ((#v-server-updatepartition)) (`integer: 0`) - This value is used to carefully
372    control a rolling update of Consul server agents. This value specifies the
373    partition (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#partitions)
374    for performing a rolling update. Please read the linked Kubernetes documentation
375    and https://www.consul.io/docs/k8s/upgrade#upgrading-consul-servers for more information.
377  - `disruptionBudget` ((#v-server-disruptionbudget)) - This configures the PodDisruptionBudget (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/)
378    for the server cluster.
380    - `enabled` ((#v-server-disruptionbudget-enabled)) (`boolean: true`) - This will enable/disable registering a PodDisruptionBudget for the server
381      cluster. If this is enabled, it will only register the budget so long as
382      the server cluster is enabled.
384    - `maxUnavailable` ((#v-server-disruptionbudget-maxunavailable)) (`integer: null`) - The maximum number of unavailable pods. By default, this will be
385      automatically computed based on the `server.replicas` value to be `(n/2)-1`.
386      If you need to set this to `0`, you will need to add a
387      --set 'server.disruptionBudget.maxUnavailable=0'` flag to the helm chart installation
388      command because of a limitation in the Helm templating language.
390  - `extraConfig` ((#v-server-extraconfig)) (`string: {}`) - A raw string of extra JSON configuration (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options) for Consul
391    servers. This will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul
392    server agents. This can be used to add additional configuration that
393    isn't directly exposed by the chart.
395    Example:
397    ```yaml
398    extraConfig: |
399      {
400        "log_level": "DEBUG"
401      }
402    ```
404    This can also be set using Helm's `--set` flag using the following syntax:
406    ```shell
407    --set 'server.extraConfig="{"log_level": "DEBUG"}"'
408    ```
410  - `extraVolumes` ((#v-server-extravolumes)) (`array<map>`) - A list of extra volumes to mount for server agents. This
411    is useful for bringing in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations
412    at a well known path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys. The
413    value of this should be a list of objects.
415    Example:
417    ```yaml
418    extraVolumes:
419      - type: secret
420        name: consul-certs
421        load: false
422    ```
424    Each object supports the following keys:
426    - `type` - Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
428    - `name` - Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls
429      the path that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/consul/userconfig/<name>`.
431    - `load` - If true, then the agent will be
432      configured to automatically load HCL/JSON configuration files from this volume
433      with `-config-dir`. This defaults to false.
435  - `affinity` ((#v-server-affinity)) (`string`) - This value defines the affinity (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity)
436    for server pods. It defaults to allowing only a single server pod on each node, which
437    minimizes risk of the cluster becoming unusable if a node is lost. If you need
438    to run more pods per node (for example, testing on Minikube), set this value
439    to `null`.
441    Example:
443    ```yaml
444    affinity: |
445      podAntiAffinity:
446        requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
447          - labelSelector:
448              matchLabels:
449                app: {{ template "consul.name" . }}
450                release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
451                component: server
452          topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
453    ```
455  - `tolerations` ((#v-server-tolerations)) (`string: ""`) - Toleration settings for server pods. This
456    should be a multi-line string matching the Tolerations
457    (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/) array in a Pod spec.
459  - `topologySpreadConstraints` ((#v-server-topologyspreadconstraints)) (`string: ""`) - Pod topology spread constraints for server pods.
460    This should be a multi-line YAML string matching the `topologySpreadConstraints` array
461    (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/) in a Pod Spec.
463    This requires K8S >= 1.18 (beta) or 1.19 (stable).
465    Example:
467    ```yaml
468    topologySpreadConstraints: |
469      - maxSkew: 1
470        topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
471        whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
472        labelSelector:
473          matchLabels:
474            app: {{ template "consul.name" . }}
475            release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
476            component: server
477    ```
479  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-server-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - This value defines `nodeSelector` (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector)
480    labels for server pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string.
482    Example:
484    ```yaml
485    nodeSelector: |
486      beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
487    ```
489  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-server-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - This value references an existing
490    Kubernetes `priorityClassName` (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#pod-priority)
491    that can be assigned to server pods.
493  - `extraLabels` ((#v-server-extralabels)) (`map`) - Extra labels to attach to the server pods. This should be a YAML map.
495    Example:
497    ```yaml
498    extraLabels:
499      labelKey: label-value
500      anotherLabelKey: another-label-value
501    ```
503  - `annotations` ((#v-server-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for
504    server pods. This should be formatted as a multi-line string.
506    ```yaml
507    annotations: |
508      "sample/annotation1": "foo"
509      "sample/annotation2": "bar"
510    ```
512  - `service` ((#v-server-service)) - Server service properties.
514    - `annotations` ((#v-server-service-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the server service.
516      ```yaml
517      annotations: |
518        "annotation-key": "annotation-value"
519      ```
521  - `extraEnvironmentVars` ((#v-server-extraenvironmentvars)) (`map`) - A list of extra environment variables to set within the stateful set.
522    These could be used to include proxy settings required for cloud auto-join
523    feature, in case kubernetes cluster is behind egress http proxies. Additionally,
524    it could be used to configure custom consul parameters.
526### externalServers
528- `externalServers` ((#v-externalservers)) - Configuration for Consul servers when the servers are running outside of Kubernetes.
529  When running external servers, configuring these values is recommended
530  if setting `global.tls.enableAutoEncrypt` to true (requires consul-k8s >= 0.13.0)
531  or `global.acls.manageSystemACLs` to true (requires consul-k8s >= 0.14.0).
533  - `enabled` ((#v-externalservers-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the Helm chart will be configured to talk to the external servers.
534    If setting this to true, you must also set `server.enabled` to false.
536  - `hosts` ((#v-externalservers-hosts)) (`array<string>: []`) - An array of external Consul server hosts that are used to make
537    HTTPS connections from the components in this Helm chart.
538    Valid values include IPs, DNS names, or Cloud auto-join string.
539    The port must be provided separately below.
540    Note: `client.join` must also be set to the hosts that should be
541    used to join the cluster. In most cases, the `client.join` values
542    should be the same, however, they may be different if you
543    wish to use separate hosts for the HTTPS connections.
545  - `httpsPort` ((#v-externalservers-httpsport)) (`integer: 8501`) - The HTTPS port of the Consul servers.
547  - `tlsServerName` ((#v-externalservers-tlsservername)) (`string: null`) - The server name to use as the SNI host header when connecting with HTTPS.
549  - `useSystemRoots` ((#v-externalservers-usesystemroots)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, consul-k8s components will ignore the CA set in
550    `global.tls.caCert` when making HTTPS calls to Consul servers and
551    will instead use the consul-k8s image's system CAs for TLS verification.
552    If false, consul-k8s components will use `global.tls.caCert` when
553    making HTTPS calls to Consul servers.
554    **NOTE:** This does not affect Consul's internal RPC communication which will
555    always use `global.tls.caCert`.
557  - `k8sAuthMethodHost` ((#v-externalservers-k8sauthmethodhost)) (`string: null`) - If you are setting `global.acls.manageSystemACLs` and
558    `connectInject.enabled` to true, set `k8sAuthMethodHost` to the address of the Kubernetes API server.
559    This address must be reachable from the Consul servers.
560    Please see the Kubernetes Auth Method documentation (https://consul.io/docs/acl/auth-methods/kubernetes).
561    Requires consul-k8s >= 0.14.0.
563    You could retrieve this value from your `kubeconfig` by running:
565    ```shell
566    kubectl config view \
567      -o jsonpath="{.clusters[?(@.name=='<your cluster name>')].cluster.server}"
568    ```
570### client
572- `client` ((#v-client)) - Values that configure running a Consul client on Kubernetes nodes.
574  - `enabled` ((#v-client-enabled)) (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the chart will install all
575    the resources necessary for a Consul client on every Kubernetes node. This _does not_ require
576    `server.enabled`, since the agents can be configured to join an external cluster.
578  - `image` ((#v-client-image)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers
579    running Consul client agents.
581  - `join` ((#v-client-join)) (`array<string>: null`) - A list of valid `-retry-join` values (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options#retry-join).
582    If this is `null` (default), then the clients will attempt to automatically
583    join the server cluster running within Kubernetes.
584    This means that with `server.enabled` set to true, clients will automatically
585    join that cluster. If `server.enabled` is not true, then a value must be
586    specified so the clients can join a valid cluster.
588  - `dataDirectoryHostPath` ((#v-client-datadirectoryhostpath)) (`string: null`) - An absolute path to a directory on the host machine to use as the Consul
589    client data directory. If set to the empty string or null, the Consul agent
590    will store its data in the Pod's local filesystem (which will
591    be lost if the Pod is deleted). Security Warning: If setting this, Pod Security
592    Policies _must_ be enabled on your cluster and in this Helm chart (via the
593    `global.enablePodSecurityPolicies` setting) to prevent other pods from
594    mounting the same host path and gaining access to all of Consul's data.
595    Consul's data is not encrypted at rest.
597  - `grpc` ((#v-client-grpc)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, agents will enable their GRPC listener on
598    port 8502 and expose it to the host. This will use slightly more resources, but is
599    required for Connect.
601  - `exposeGossipPorts` ((#v-client-exposegossipports)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the Helm chart will expose the clients' gossip ports as hostPorts.
602    This is only necessary if pod IPs in the k8s cluster are not directly routable
603    and the Consul servers are outside of the k8s cluster.
604    This also changes the clients' advertised IP to the `hostIP` rather than `podIP`.
606  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-client-serviceaccount))
608    - `annotations` ((#v-client-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the client service account. This should be formatted as a multi-line
609      string.
611      ```yaml
612      annotations: |
613        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
614        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
615      ```
617  - `resources` ((#v-client-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for Client agents.
618    NOTE: The use of a YAML string is deprecated. Instead, set directly as a
619    YAML map.
621  - `securityContext` ((#v-client-securitycontext)) (`map`) - The security context for the client pods. This should be a YAML map corresponding to a
622    Kubernetes [SecurityContext](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) object.
623    By default, servers will run as non-root, with user ID `100` and group ID `1000`,
624    which correspond to the consul user and group created by the Consul docker image.
625    Note: if running on OpenShift, this setting is ignored because the user and group are set automatically
626    by the OpenShift platform.
628  - `extraConfig` ((#v-client-extraconfig)) (`string: {}`) - A raw string of extra JSON configuration (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options) for Consul
629    clients. This will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul
630    client agents. This can be used to add additional configuration that
631    isn't directly exposed by the chart.
633    Example:
635    ```yaml
636    extraConfig: |
637      {
638        "log_level": "DEBUG"
639      }
640    ```
642    This can also be set using Helm's `--set` flag using the following syntax:
644    ```shell
645    --set 'client.extraConfig="{"log_level": "DEBUG"}"'
646    ```
648  - `extraVolumes` ((#v-client-extravolumes)) (`array<map>`) - A list of extra volumes to mount for client agents. This
649    is useful for bringing in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations
650    at a well known path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys. The
651    value of this should be a list of objects.
653    Example:
655    ```yaml
656    extraVolumes:
657      - type: secret
658        name: consul-certs
659        load: false
660    ```
662    Each object supports the following keys:
664    - `type` - Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
666    - `name` - Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls
667      the path that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/consul/userconfig/<name>`.
669    - `load` - If true, then the agent will be
670      configured to automatically load HCL/JSON configuration files from this volume
671      with `-config-dir`. This defaults to false.
673  - `tolerations` ((#v-client-tolerations)) (`string: ""`) - Toleration Settings for Client pods
674    This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
675    in a PodSpec.
676    The example below will allow Client pods to run on every node
677    regardless of taints
679    ```yaml
680    tolerations: |
681      - operator: Exists
682    ```
684  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-client-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - nodeSelector labels for client pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string.
685    ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
687    Example:
689    ```yaml
690    nodeSelector: |
691      beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
692    ```
694  - `affinity` ((#v-client-affinity)) (`string: null`) - Affinity Settings for Client pods, formatted as a multi-line YAML string.
695    ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
697    Example:
699    ```yaml
700    affinity: |
701      nodeAffinity:
702        requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
703          nodeSelectorTerms:
704          - matchExpressions:
705            - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
706              operator: DoesNotExist
707    ```
709  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-client-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - This value references an existing
710    Kubernetes `priorityClassName` (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#pod-priority)
711    that can be assigned to client pods.
713  - `annotations` ((#v-client-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for
714    client pods. This should be formatted as a multi-line string.
716    ```yaml
717    annotations: |
718      "sample/annotation1": "foo"
719      "sample/annotation2": "bar"
720    ```
722  - `extraLabels` ((#v-client-extralabels)) (`map`) - Extra labels to attach to the client pods. This should be a regular YAML map.
724    Example:
726    ```yaml
727    extraLabels:
728      labelKey: label-value
729      anotherLabelKey: another-label-value
730    ```
732  - `extraEnvironmentVars` ((#v-client-extraenvironmentvars)) (`map`) - A list of extra environment variables to set within the stateful set.
733    These could be used to include proxy settings required for cloud auto-join
734    feature, in case kubernetes cluster is behind egress http proxies. Additionally,
735    it could be used to configure custom consul parameters.
737  - `dnsPolicy` ((#v-client-dnspolicy)) (`string: null`) - This value defines the Pod DNS policy (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#pod-s-dns-policy)
738    for client pods to use.
740  - `hostNetwork` ((#v-client-hostnetwork)) (`boolean: false`) - hostNetwork defines whether or not we use host networking instead of hostPort in the event
741    that a CNI plugin doesn't support `hostPort`. This has security implications and is not recommended
742    as doing so gives the consul client unnecessary access to all network traffic on the host.
743    In most cases, pod network and host network are on different networks so this should be
744    combined with `dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet`
746  - `updateStrategy` ((#v-client-updatestrategy)) (`string: null`) - updateStrategy for the DaemonSet.
747    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-daemon/update-daemon-set/#daemonset-update-strategy.
748    This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to the updateStrategy
750    Example:
752    ```yaml
753    updateStrategy: |
754      rollingUpdate:
755        maxUnavailable: 5
756      type: RollingUpdate
757    ```
759  - `snapshotAgent` ((#v-client-snapshotagent)) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> Values for setting up and running snapshot agents
760    (https://consul.io/commands/snapshot/agent)
761    within the Consul clusters. They are required to be co-located with Consul clients,
762    so will inherit the clients' nodeSelector, tolerations and affinity.
764    - `enabled` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the chart will install resources necessary to run the snapshot agent.
766    - `replicas` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-replicas)) (`integer: 2`) - The number of snapshot agents to run.
768    - `configSecret` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-configsecret)) - A Kubernetes secret that should be manually created to contain the entire
769      config to be used on the snapshot agent.
770      This is the preferred method of configuration since there are usually storage
771      credentials present. Please see Snapshot agent config (https://consul.io/commands/snapshot/agent#config-file-options)
772      for details.
774      - `secretName` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-configsecret-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
776      - `secretKey` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-configsecret-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
778    - `serviceAccount` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-serviceaccount))
780      - `annotations` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the snapshot agent service account. This should be formatted as a
781        multi-line string.
783        ```yaml
784        annotations: |
785          "sample/annotation1": "foo"
786          "sample/annotation2": "bar"
787        ```
789    - `resources` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for snapshot agent pods.
791    - `caCert` ((#v-client-snapshotagent-cacert)) (`string: null`) - Optional PEM-encoded CA certificate that will be added to the trusted system CAs.
792      Useful if using an S3-compatible storage exposing a self-signed certificate.
794      Example:
796      ```yaml
797      caCert: |
798        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
799        MIIC7jCCApSgAwIBAgIRAIq2zQEVexqxvtxP6J0bXAwwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwgbkx
800        ...
801      ```
803### dns
805- `dns` ((#v-dns)) - Configuration for DNS configuration within the Kubernetes cluster.
806  This creates a service that routes to all agents (client or server)
807  for serving DNS requests. This DOES NOT automatically configure kube-dns
808  today, so you must still manually configure a `stubDomain` with kube-dns
809  for this to have any effect:
810  https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/dns-custom-nameservers/#configure-stub-domain-and-upstream-dns-servers
812  - `enabled` ((#v-dns-enabled)) (`boolean: -`)
814  - `type` ((#v-dns-type)) (`string: ClusterIP`) - Used to control the type of service created. For
815    example, setting this to "LoadBalancer" will create an external load
816    balancer (for supported K8S installations)
818  - `clusterIP` ((#v-dns-clusterip)) (`string: null`) - Set a predefined cluster IP for the DNS service.
819    Useful if you need to reference the DNS service's IP
820    address in CoreDNS config.
822  - `annotations` ((#v-dns-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Extra annotations to attach to the dns service
823    This should be a multi-line string of
824    annotations to apply to the dns Service
826  - `additionalSpec` ((#v-dns-additionalspec)) (`string: null`) - Additional ServiceSpec values
827    This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes
828    ServiceSpec object.
830### ui
832- `ui` ((#v-ui)) - Values that configure the Consul UI.
834  - `enabled` ((#v-ui-enabled)) (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the UI will be enabled. This will
835    only _enable_ the UI, it doesn't automatically register any service for external
836    access. The UI will only be enabled on server agents. If `server.enabled` is
837    false, then this setting has no effect. To expose the UI in some way, you must
838    configure `ui.service`.
840  - `service` ((#v-ui-service)) - Configure the service for the Consul UI.
842    - `enabled` ((#v-ui-service-enabled)) (`boolean: true`) - This will enable/disable registering a
843      Kubernetes Service for the Consul UI. This value only takes effect if `ui.enabled` is
844      true and taking effect.
846    - `type` ((#v-ui-service-type)) (`string: null`) - The service type to register.
848    - `nodePort` ((#v-ui-service-nodeport)) - Optionally set the nodePort value of the ui service if using a NodePort service.
849      If not set and using a NodePort service, Kubernetes will automatically assign
850      a port.
852      - `http` ((#v-ui-service-nodeport-http)) (`integer: null`) - HTTP node port
854      - `https` ((#v-ui-service-nodeport-https)) (`integer: null`) - HTTPS node port
856    - `annotations` ((#v-ui-service-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the UI service.
858      Example:
860      ```yaml
861      annotations: |
862        'annotation-key': annotation-value
863      ```
865    - `additionalSpec` ((#v-ui-service-additionalspec)) (`string: null`) - Additional ServiceSpec values
866      This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes
867      ServiceSpec object.
869  - `ingress` ((#v-ui-ingress)) - Configure Ingress for the Consul UI.
870    If `global.tls.enabled` is set to `true`, the Ingress will expose
871    the port 443 on the UI service. Please ensure the Ingress Controller
872    supports SSL pass-through and it is enabled to ensure traffic forwarded
873    to port 443 has not been TLS terminated.
875    - `enabled` ((#v-ui-ingress-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - This will create an Ingress resource for the Consul UI.
877    - `hosts` ((#v-ui-ingress-hosts)) (`array<map>`) - hosts is a list of host name to create Ingress rules.
879      ```yaml
880      hosts:
881        - host: foo.bar
882          paths:
883            - /example
884            - /test
885      ```
887    - `tls` ((#v-ui-ingress-tls)) (`array<map>`) - tls is a list of hosts and secret name in an Ingress
888      which tells the Ingress controller to secure the channel.
890      ```yaml
891      tls:
892        - hosts:
893            - chart-example.local
894          secretName: testsecret-tls
895      ```
897    - `annotations` ((#v-ui-ingress-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the UI ingress.
899      Example:
901      ```yaml
902      annotations: |
903        'annotation-key': annotation-value
904      ```
906  - `metrics` ((#v-ui-metrics)) - Configurations for displaying metrics in the UI.
908    - `enabled` ((#v-ui-metrics-enabled)) (`boolean: global.metrics.enabled`) - Enable displaying metrics in the UI. The default value of "-"
909      will inherit from `global.metrics.enabled` value.
911    - `provider` ((#v-ui-metrics-provider)) (`string: prometheus`) - Provider for metrics. See
912      https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options#ui_config_metrics_provider
913      This value is only used if `ui.enabled` is set to true.
915    - `baseURL` ((#v-ui-metrics-baseurl)) (`string: http://prometheus-server`) - baseURL is the URL of the prometheus server, usually the service URL.
916      This value is only used if `ui.enabled` is set to true.
918### syncCatalog
920- `syncCatalog` ((#v-synccatalog)) - Configure the catalog sync process to sync K8S with Consul
921  services. This can run bidirectional (default) or unidirectionally (Consul
922  to K8S or K8S to Consul only).
924  This process assumes that a Consul agent is available on the host IP.
925  This is done automatically if clients are enabled. If clients are not
926  enabled then set the node selection so that it chooses a node with a
927  Consul agent.
929  - `enabled` ((#v-synccatalog-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - True if you want to enable the catalog sync. Set to "-" to inherit from
930    global.enabled.
932  - `image` ((#v-synccatalog-image)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for consul-k8s
933    to run the sync program.
935  - `default` ((#v-synccatalog-default)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, all valid services in K8S are
936    synced by default. If false, the service must be annotated
937    (https://consul.io/docs/k8s/service-sync#sync-enable-disable) properly to sync.
938    In either case an annotation can override the default.
940  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-synccatalog-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
942  - `toConsul` ((#v-synccatalog-toconsul)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, will sync Kubernetes services to Consul. This can be disabled to
943    have a one-way sync.
945  - `toK8S` ((#v-synccatalog-tok8s)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, will sync Consul services to Kubernetes. This can be disabled to
946    have a one-way sync.
948  - `k8sPrefix` ((#v-synccatalog-k8sprefix)) (`string: null`) - Service prefix to prepend to services before registering
949    with Kubernetes. For example "consul-" will register all services
950    prepended with "consul-". (Consul -> Kubernetes sync)
952  - `k8sAllowNamespaces` ((#v-synccatalog-k8sallownamespaces)) (`array<string>: ["*"]`) - List of k8s namespaces to sync the k8s services from.
953    If a k8s namespace is not included in this list or is listed in `k8sDenyNamespaces`,
954    services in that k8s namespace will not be synced even if they are explicitly
955    annotated. Use `["*"]` to automatically allow all k8s namespaces.
957    For example, `["namespace1", "namespace2"]` will only allow services in the k8s
958    namespaces `namespace1` and `namespace2` to be synced and registered
959    with Consul. All other k8s namespaces will be ignored.
961    To deny all namespaces, set this to `[]`.
963    Note: `k8sDenyNamespaces` takes precedence over values defined here.
964    Requires consul-k8s v0.12+
966  - `k8sDenyNamespaces` ((#v-synccatalog-k8sdenynamespaces)) (`array<string>: ["kube-system", "kube-public"]`) - List of k8s namespaces that should not have their
967    services synced. This list takes precedence over `k8sAllowNamespaces`.
968    `*` is not supported because then nothing would be allowed to sync.
969    Requires consul-k8s v0.12+.
971    For example, if `k8sAllowNamespaces` is `["*"]` and `k8sDenyNamespaces` is
972    `["namespace1", "namespace2"]`, then all k8s namespaces besides `namespace1`
973    and `namespace2` will be synced.
975  - `k8sSourceNamespace` ((#v-synccatalog-k8ssourcenamespace)) (`string: null`) - [DEPRECATED] Use k8sAllowNamespaces and k8sDenyNamespaces instead. For
976    backwards compatibility, if both this and the allow/deny lists are set,
977    the allow/deny lists will be ignored.
978    k8sSourceNamespace is the Kubernetes namespace to watch for service
979    changes and sync to Consul. If this is not set then it will default
980    to all namespaces.
982  - `consulNamespaces` ((#v-synccatalog-consulnamespaces)) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> These settings manage the catalog sync's interaction with
983    Consul namespaces (requires consul-ent v1.7+ and consul-k8s v0.12+).
984    Also, `global.enableConsulNamespaces` must be true.
986    - `consulDestinationNamespace` ((#v-synccatalog-consulnamespaces-consuldestinationnamespace)) (`string: default`) - Name of the Consul namespace to register all
987      k8s services into. If the Consul namespace does not already exist,
988      it will be created. This will be ignored if `mirroringK8S` is true.
990    - `mirroringK8S` ((#v-synccatalog-consulnamespaces-mirroringk8s)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, k8s services will be registered into a Consul namespace
991      of the same name as their k8s namespace, optionally prefixed if
992      `mirroringK8SPrefix` is set below. If the Consul namespace does not
993      already exist, it will be created. Turning this on overrides the
994      `consulDestinationNamespace` setting.
995      `addK8SNamespaceSuffix` may no longer be needed if enabling this option.
997    - `mirroringK8SPrefix` ((#v-synccatalog-consulnamespaces-mirroringk8sprefix)) (`string: ""`) - If `mirroringK8S` is set to true, `mirroringK8SPrefix` allows each Consul namespace
998      to be given a prefix. For example, if `mirroringK8SPrefix` is set to "k8s-", a
999      service in the k8s `staging` namespace will be registered into the
1000      `k8s-staging` Consul namespace.
1002  - `addK8SNamespaceSuffix` ((#v-synccatalog-addk8snamespacesuffix)) (`boolean: true`) - Appends Kubernetes namespace suffix to
1003    each service name synced to Consul, separated by a dash.
1004    For example, for a service 'foo' in the default namespace,
1005    the sync process will create a Consul service named 'foo-default'.
1006    Set this flag to true to avoid registering services with the same name
1007    but in different namespaces as instances for the same Consul service.
1008    Namespace suffix is not added if 'annotationServiceName' is provided.
1010  - `consulPrefix` ((#v-synccatalog-consulprefix)) (`string: null`) - Service prefix which prepends itself
1011    to Kubernetes services registered within Consul
1012    For example, "k8s-" will register all services prepended with "k8s-".
1013    (Kubernetes -> Consul sync)
1014    consulPrefix is ignored when 'annotationServiceName' is provided.
1015    NOTE: Updating this property to a non-null value for an existing installation will result in deregistering
1016    of existing services in Consul and registering them with a new name.
1018  - `k8sTag` ((#v-synccatalog-k8stag)) (`string: null`) - Optional tag that is applied to all of the Kubernetes services
1019    that are synced into Consul. If nothing is set, defaults to "k8s".
1020    (Kubernetes -> Consul sync)
1022  - `consulNodeName` ((#v-synccatalog-consulnodename)) (`string: k8s-sync`) - Defines the Consul synthetic node that all services
1023    will be registered to.
1024    NOTE: Changing the node name and upgrading the Helm chart will leave
1025    all of the previously sync'd services registered with Consul and
1026    register them again under the new Consul node name. The out-of-date
1027    registrations will need to be explicitly removed.
1029  - `syncClusterIPServices` ((#v-synccatalog-syncclusteripservices)) (`boolean: true`) - Syncs services of the ClusterIP type, which may
1030    or may not be broadly accessible depending on your Kubernetes cluster.
1031    Set this to false to skip syncing ClusterIP services.
1033  - `nodePortSyncType` ((#v-synccatalog-nodeportsynctype)) (`string: ExternalFirst`) - Configures the type of syncing that happens for NodePort
1034    services. The valid options are: ExternalOnly, InternalOnly, ExternalFirst.
1036    - ExternalOnly will only use a node's ExternalIP address for the sync
1037    - InternalOnly use's the node's InternalIP address
1038    - ExternalFirst will preferentially use the node's ExternalIP address, but
1039      if it doesn't exist, it will use the node's InternalIP address instead.
1041  - `aclSyncToken` ((#v-synccatalog-aclsynctoken)) - Refers to a Kubernetes secret that you have created that contains
1042    an ACL token for your Consul cluster which allows the sync process the correct
1043    permissions. This is only needed if ACLs are enabled on the Consul cluster.
1045    - `secretName` ((#v-synccatalog-aclsynctoken-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
1047    - `secretKey` ((#v-synccatalog-aclsynctoken-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
1049  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-synccatalog-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - This value defines `nodeSelector` (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector)
1050    labels for catalog sync pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string.
1052    Example:
1054    ```yaml
1055    nodeSelector: |
1056      beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
1057    ```
1059  - `affinity` ((#v-synccatalog-affinity)) (`string: null`) - Affinity Settings
1060    This should be a multi-line string matching the affinity object
1062  - `tolerations` ((#v-synccatalog-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Toleration Settings
1063    This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
1064    in a PodSpec.
1066  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-synccatalog-serviceaccount))
1068    - `annotations` ((#v-synccatalog-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the mesh gateways' service account. This should be formatted as a
1069      multi-line string.
1071      ```yaml
1072      annotations: |
1073        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1074        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1075      ```
1077  - `resources` ((#v-synccatalog-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for sync catalog pods.
1079  - `logLevel` ((#v-synccatalog-loglevel)) (`string: info`) - Log verbosity level. One of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
1081  - `consulWriteInterval` ((#v-synccatalog-consulwriteinterval)) (`string: null`) - Override the default interval to perform syncing operations creating Consul services.
1083  - `extraLabels` ((#v-synccatalog-extralabels)) (`map`) - Extra labels to attach to the sync catalog pods. This should be a YAML map.
1085    Example:
1087    ```yaml
1088    extraLabels:
1089      labelKey: label-value
1090      anotherLabelKey: another-label-value
1091    ```
1093### connectInject
1095- `connectInject` ((#v-connectinject)) - Configures the automatic Connect sidecar injector.
1097  - `enabled` ((#v-connectinject-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - True if you want to enable connect injection. Set to "-" to inherit from
1098    global.enabled.
1100  - `image` ((#v-connectinject-image)) (`string: null`) - Image for consul-k8s that contains the injector
1102  - `default` ((#v-connectinject-default)) (`boolean: false`) - If true, the injector will inject the
1103    Connect sidecar into all pods by default. Otherwise, pods must specify the
1104    injection annotation (https://consul.io/docs/k8s/connect#consul-hashicorp-com-connect-inject)
1105    to opt-in to Connect injection. If this is true, pods can use the same annotation
1106    to explicitly opt-out of injection.
1108  - `transparentProxy` ((#v-connectinject-transparentproxy)) - Configures Transparent Proxy for Consul Service mesh services.
1109    Using this feature requires Consul 1.10.0-beta1+ and consul-k8s 0.26.0-beta1+.
1111    - `defaultEnabled` ((#v-connectinject-transparentproxy-defaultenabled)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, then all Consul Service mesh will run with transparent proxy enabled by default,
1112      i.e. we enforce that all traffic within the pod will go through the proxy.
1113      This value is overridable via the "consul.hashicorp.com/transparent-proxy" pod annotation.
1115    - `defaultOverwriteProbes` ((#v-connectinject-transparentproxy-defaultoverwriteprobes)) (`boolean: true`) - If true, we will overwrite Kubernetes HTTP probes of the pod to point to the Envoy proxy instead.
1116      This setting is recommended because with traffic being enforced to go through the Envoy proxy,
1117      the probes on the pod will fail because kube-proxy doesn't have the right certificates
1118      to talk to Envoy.
1119      This value is also overridable via the "consul.hashicorp.com/transparent-proxy-overwrite-probes" annotation.
1120      Note: This value has no effect if transparent proxy is disabled on the pod.
1122  - `metrics` ((#v-connectinject-metrics)) - Configures metrics for Consul Connect services. All values are overridable
1123    via annotations on a per-pod basis.
1125    - `defaultEnabled` ((#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultenabled)) (`string: -`) - If true, the connect-injector will automatically
1126      add prometheus annotations to connect-injected pods. It will also
1127      add a listener on the Envoy sidecar to expose metrics. The exposed
1128      metrics will depend on whether metrics merging is enabled:
1130      - If metrics merging is enabled:
1131        the Consul sidecar will run a merged metrics server
1132        combining Envoy sidecar and Connect service metrics,
1133        i.e. if your service exposes its own Prometheus metrics.
1134      - If metrics merging is disabled:
1135        the listener will just expose Envoy sidecar metrics.
1136        This will inherit from `global.metrics.enabled`.
1138    - `defaultEnableMerging` ((#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultenablemerging)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures the Consul sidecar to run a merged metrics server
1139      to combine and serve both Envoy and Connect service metrics.
1140      This feature is available only in Consul v1.10.0 or greater.
1142    - `defaultMergedMetricsPort` ((#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultmergedmetricsport)) (`integer: 20100`) - Configures the port at which the Consul sidecar will listen on to return
1143      combined metrics. This port only needs to be changed if it conflicts with
1144      the application's ports.
1146    - `defaultPrometheusScrapePort` ((#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultprometheusscrapeport)) (`integer: 20200`) - Configures the port Prometheus will scrape metrics from, by configuring
1147      the Pod annotation `prometheus.io/port` and the corresponding listener in
1148      the Envoy sidecar.
1149      NOTE: This is _not_ the port that your application exposes metrics on.
1150      That can be configured with the
1151      `consul.hashicorp.com/service-metrics-port` annotation.
1153    - `defaultPrometheusScrapePath` ((#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultprometheusscrapepath)) (`string: /metrics`) - Configures the path Prometheus will scrape metrics from, by configuring the pod
1154      annotation `prometheus.io/path` and the corresponding handler in the Envoy
1155      sidecar.
1156      NOTE: This is _not_ the path that your application exposes metrics on.
1157      That can be configured with the
1158      `consul.hashicorp.com/service-metrics-path` annotation.
1160  - `envoyExtraArgs` ((#v-connectinject-envoyextraargs)) (`string: null`) - Used to pass arguments to the injected envoy sidecar.
1161    Valid arguments to pass to envoy can be found here: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/operations/cli
1162    e.g "--log-level debug --disable-hot-restart"
1164  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-connectinject-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
1166  - `imageConsul` ((#v-connectinject-imageconsul)) (`string: null`) - The Docker image for Consul to use when performing Connect injection.
1167    Defaults to global.image.
1169  - `logLevel` ((#v-connectinject-loglevel)) (`string: info`) - Log verbosity level. One of "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
1171  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-connectinject-serviceaccount))
1173    - `annotations` ((#v-connectinject-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the injector service account. This should be formatted as a
1174      multi-line string.
1176      ```yaml
1177      annotations: |
1178        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1179        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1180      ```
1182  - `resources` ((#v-connectinject-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for connect inject pods.
1184  - `namespaceSelector` ((#v-connectinject-namespaceselector)) (`string: null`) - Selector for restricting the webhook to only
1185    specific namespaces. This should be set to a multiline string.
1186    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#matching-requests-namespaceselector
1187    for more details.
1189    Example:
1191    ```yaml
1192    namespaceSelector: |
1193      matchLabels:
1194        namespace-label: label-value
1195    ```
1197  - `k8sAllowNamespaces` ((#v-connectinject-k8sallownamespaces)) (`array<string>: ["*"]`) - List of k8s namespaces to allow Connect sidecar
1198    injection in. If a k8s namespace is not included or is listed in `k8sDenyNamespaces`,
1199    pods in that k8s namespace will not be injected even if they are explicitly
1200    annotated. Use `["*"]` to automatically allow all k8s namespaces.
1202    For example, `["namespace1", "namespace2"]` will only allow pods in the k8s
1203    namespaces `namespace1` and `namespace2` to have Connect sidecars injected
1204    and registered with Consul. All other k8s namespaces will be ignored.
1206    To deny all namespaces, set this to `[]`.
1208    Note: `k8sDenyNamespaces` takes precedence over values defined here and
1209    `namespaceSelector` takes precedence over both since it is applied first.
1210    `kube-system` and `kube-public` are never injected, even if included here.
1211    Requires consul-k8s v0.12+
1213  - `k8sDenyNamespaces` ((#v-connectinject-k8sdenynamespaces)) (`array<string>: []`) - List of k8s namespaces that should not allow Connect
1214    sidecar injection. This list takes precedence over `k8sAllowNamespaces`.
1215    `*` is not supported because then nothing would be allowed to be injected.
1217    For example, if `k8sAllowNamespaces` is `["*"]` and k8sDenyNamespaces is
1218    `["namespace1", "namespace2"]`, then all k8s namespaces besides "namespace1"
1219    and "namespace2" will be available for injection.
1221    Note: `namespaceSelector` takes precedence over this since it is applied first.
1222    `kube-system` and `kube-public` are never injected.
1223    Requires consul-k8s v0.12+.
1225  - `consulNamespaces` ((#v-connectinject-consulnamespaces)) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> These settings manage the connect injector's interaction with
1226    Consul namespaces (requires consul-ent v1.7+ and consul-k8s v0.12+).
1227    Also, `global.enableConsulNamespaces` must be true.
1229    - `consulDestinationNamespace` ((#v-connectinject-consulnamespaces-consuldestinationnamespace)) (`string: default`) - Name of the Consul namespace to register all
1230      k8s pods into. If the Consul namespace does not already exist,
1231      it will be created. This will be ignored if `mirroringK8S` is true.
1233    - `mirroringK8S` ((#v-connectinject-consulnamespaces-mirroringk8s)) (`boolean: false`) - Causes k8s pods to be registered into a Consul namespace
1234      of the same name as their k8s namespace, optionally prefixed if
1235      `mirroringK8SPrefix` is set below. If the Consul namespace does not
1236      already exist, it will be created. Turning this on overrides the
1237      `consulDestinationNamespace` setting.
1239    - `mirroringK8SPrefix` ((#v-connectinject-consulnamespaces-mirroringk8sprefix)) (`string: ""`) - If `mirroringK8S` is set to true, `mirroringK8SPrefix` allows each Consul namespace
1240      to be given a prefix. For example, if `mirroringK8SPrefix` is set to "k8s-", a
1241      pod in the k8s `staging` namespace will be registered into the
1242      `k8s-staging` Consul namespace.
1244  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-connectinject-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - Selector labels for connectInject pod assignment, formatted as a multi-line string.
1245    ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
1247    Example:
1249    ```yaml
1250    nodeSelector: |
1251      beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
1252    ```
1254  - `affinity` ((#v-connectinject-affinity)) (`string: null`) - Affinity Settings
1255    This should be a multi-line string matching the affinity object
1257  - `tolerations` ((#v-connectinject-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Toleration Settings
1258    This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
1259    in a PodSpec.
1261  - `aclBindingRuleSelector` ((#v-connectinject-aclbindingruleselector)) (`string: serviceaccount.name!=default`) - Query that defines which Service Accounts
1262    can authenticate to Consul and receive an ACL token during Connect injection.
1263    The default setting, i.e. serviceaccount.name!=default, prevents the
1264    'default' Service Account from logging in.
1265    If set to an empty string all service accounts can log in.
1266    This only has effect if ACLs are enabled.
1268    See https://www.consul.io/docs/acl/acl-auth-methods.html#binding-rules
1269    and https://www.consul.io/docs/acl/auth-methods/kubernetes.html#trusted-identity-attributes
1270    for more details.
1271    Requires Consul >= v1.5 and consul-k8s >= v0.8.0.
1273  - `overrideAuthMethodName` ((#v-connectinject-overrideauthmethodname)) (`string: ""`) - If you are not using global.acls.manageSystemACLs and instead manually setting up an
1274    auth method for Connect inject, set this to the name of your auth method.
1276  - `aclInjectToken` ((#v-connectinject-aclinjecttoken)) - Refers to a Kubernetes secret that you have created that contains
1277    an ACL token for your Consul cluster which allows the Connect injector the correct
1278    permissions. This is only needed if Consul namespaces <EnterpriseAlert inline /> and ACLs
1279    are enabled on the Consul cluster and you are not setting
1280    `global.acls.manageSystemACLs` to `true`.
1281    This token needs to have `operator = "write"` privileges to be able to
1282    create Consul namespaces.
1284    - `secretName` ((#v-connectinject-aclinjecttoken-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
1286    - `secretKey` ((#v-connectinject-aclinjecttoken-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
1288  - `sidecarProxy` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy))
1290    - `resources` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources)) (`map`) - Set default resources for sidecar proxy. If null, that resource won't
1291      be set.
1292      These settings can be overridden on a per-pod basis via these annotations:
1294      - `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-cpu-limit`
1295      - `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-cpu-request`
1296      - `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-memory-limit`
1297      - `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-memory-request`
1299      - `requests` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-requests))
1301        - `memory` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-requests-memory)) (`string: null`) - Recommended default: 100Mi
1303        - `cpu` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-requests-cpu)) (`string: null`) - Recommended default: 100m
1305      - `limits` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-limits))
1307        - `memory` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-limits-memory)) (`string: null`) - Recommended default: 100Mi
1309        - `cpu` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources-limits-cpu)) (`string: null`) - Recommended default: 100m
1311  - `initContainer` ((#v-connectinject-initcontainer)) (`map`) - Resource settings for the Connect injected init container.
1313### controller
1315- `controller` ((#v-controller)) - Controller handles config entry custom resources.
1316  Requires consul >= 1.8.4.
1317  ServiceIntentions require consul 1.9+.
1319  - `enabled` ((#v-controller-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - Enables the controller for managing custom resources.
1321  - `replicas` ((#v-controller-replicas)) (`integer: 1`) - The number of deployment replicas.
1323  - `logLevel` ((#v-controller-loglevel)) (`string: info`) - Log verbosity level. One of "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
1325  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-controller-serviceaccount))
1327    - `annotations` ((#v-controller-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the controller service account. This should be formatted as a
1328      multi-line string.
1330      ```yaml
1331      annotations: |
1332        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1333        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1334      ```
1336  - `resources` ((#v-controller-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for controller pods.
1338  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-controller-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
1340  - `tolerations` ((#v-controller-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
1342  - `affinity` ((#v-controller-affinity)) (`string: null`) - Affinity Settings
1343    This should be a multi-line string matching the affinity object
1345  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-controller-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
1347  - `aclToken` ((#v-controller-acltoken)) - Refers to a Kubernetes secret that you have created that contains
1348    an ACL token for your Consul cluster which grants the controller process the correct
1349    permissions. This is only needed if you are managing ACLs yourself (i.e. not using
1350    `global.acls.manageSystemACLs`).
1352    If running Consul OSS, requires permissions:
1354    ```hcl
1355    operator = "write"
1356    service_prefix "" {
1357      policy = "write"
1358      intentions = "write"
1359    }
1360    ```
1362    If running Consul Enterprise, talk to your account manager for assistance.
1364    - `secretName` ((#v-controller-acltoken-secretname)) (`string: null`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret.
1366    - `secretKey` ((#v-controller-acltoken-secretkey)) (`string: null`) - The key of the Kubernetes secret.
1368### meshGateway
1370- `meshGateway` ((#v-meshgateway)) - Mesh Gateways enable Consul Connect to work across Consul datacenters.
1372  - `enabled` ((#v-meshgateway-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - If mesh gateways are enabled, a Deployment will be created that runs
1373    gateways and Consul Connect will be configured to use gateways.
1374    See https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/mesh_gateway.html
1375    Requirements: consul 1.6.0+ and consul-k8s 0.15.0+ if using
1376    global.acls.manageSystemACLs.
1378  - `replicas` ((#v-meshgateway-replicas)) (`integer: 2`) - Number of replicas for the Deployment.
1380  - `wanAddress` ((#v-meshgateway-wanaddress)) - What gets registered as WAN address for the gateway.
1382    - `source` ((#v-meshgateway-wanaddress-source)) (`string: Service`) - source configures where to retrieve the WAN address (and possibly port)
1383      for the mesh gateway from.
1384      Can be set to either: `Service`, `NodeIP`, `NodeName` or `Static`.
1386      - `Service` - Determine the address based on the service type.
1388        - If `service.type=LoadBalancer` use the external IP or hostname of
1389          the service. Use the port set by `service.port`.
1391        - If `service.type=NodePort` use the Node IP. The port will be set to
1392          `service.nodePort` so `service.nodePort` cannot be null.
1394        - If `service.type=ClusterIP` use the `ClusterIP`. The port will be set to
1395          `service.port`.
1397        - `service.type=ExternalName` is not supported.
1399      - `NodeIP` - The node IP as provided by the Kubernetes downward API.
1401      - `NodeName` - The name of the node as provided by the Kubernetes downward
1402        API. This is useful if the node names are DNS entries that
1403        are routable from other datacenters.
1405      - `Static` - Use the address hardcoded in `meshGateway.wanAddress.static`.
1407    - `port` ((#v-meshgateway-wanaddress-port)) (`integer: 443`) - Port that gets registered for WAN traffic.
1408      If source is set to "Service" then this setting will have no effect.
1409      See the documentation for source as to which port will be used in that
1410      case.
1412    - `static` ((#v-meshgateway-wanaddress-static)) (`string: ""`) - If source is set to "Static" then this value will be used as the WAN
1413      address of the mesh gateways. This is useful if you've configured a
1414      DNS entry to point to your mesh gateways.
1416  - `service` ((#v-meshgateway-service)) - The service option configures the Service that fronts the Gateway Deployment.
1418    - `enabled` ((#v-meshgateway-service-enabled)) (`boolean: true`) - Whether to create a Service or not.
1420    - `type` ((#v-meshgateway-service-type)) (`string: LoadBalancer`) - Type of service, ex. LoadBalancer, ClusterIP.
1422    - `port` ((#v-meshgateway-service-port)) (`integer: 443`) - Port that the service will be exposed on.
1423      The targetPort will be set to meshGateway.containerPort.
1425    - `nodePort` ((#v-meshgateway-service-nodeport)) (`integer: null`) - Optionally set the nodePort value of the service if using a NodePort service.
1426      If not set and using a NodePort service, Kubernetes will automatically assign
1427      a port.
1429    - `annotations` ((#v-meshgateway-service-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the mesh gateway service.
1431      Example:
1433      ```yaml
1434      annotations: |
1435        'annotation-key': annotation-value
1436      ```
1438    - `additionalSpec` ((#v-meshgateway-service-additionalspec)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
1440  - `hostNetwork` ((#v-meshgateway-hostnetwork)) (`boolean: false`) - If set to true, gateway Pods will run on the host network.
1442  - `dnsPolicy` ((#v-meshgateway-dnspolicy)) (`string: null`) - dnsPolicy to use.
1444  - `consulServiceName` ((#v-meshgateway-consulservicename)) (`string: mesh-gateway`) - Consul service name for the mesh gateways.
1445    Cannot be set to anything other than "mesh-gateway" if
1446    global.acls.manageSystemACLs is true since the ACL token
1447    generated is only for the name 'mesh-gateway'.
1449  - `containerPort` ((#v-meshgateway-containerport)) (`integer: 8443`) - Port that the gateway will run on inside the container.
1451  - `hostPort` ((#v-meshgateway-hostport)) (`integer: null`) - Optional hostPort for the gateway to be exposed on.
1452    This can be used with wanAddress.port and wanAddress.useNodeIP
1453    to expose the gateways directly from the node.
1454    If hostNetwork is true, this must be null or set to the same port as
1455    containerPort.
1456    NOTE: Cannot set to 8500 or 8502 because those are reserved for the Consul
1457    agent.
1459  - `serviceAccount` ((#v-meshgateway-serviceaccount))
1461    - `annotations` ((#v-meshgateway-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the mesh gateways' service account. This should be formatted as a
1462      multi-line string.
1464      ```yaml
1465      annotations: |
1466        "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1467        "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1468      ```
1470  - `resources` ((#v-meshgateway-resources)) (`map`) - Resource settings for mesh gateway pods.
1471    NOTE: The use of a YAML string is deprecated. Instead, set directly as a
1472    YAML map.
1474  - `initCopyConsulContainer` ((#v-meshgateway-initcopyconsulcontainer)) (`map`) - Resource settings for the `copy-consul-bin` init container.
1476  - `affinity` ((#v-meshgateway-affinity)) (`string`) - By default, we set an anti-affinity so that two gateway pods won't be
1477    on the same node. NOTE: Gateways require that Consul client agents are
1478    also running on the nodes alongside each gateway pod.
1480  - `tolerations` ((#v-meshgateway-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
1482  - `nodeSelector` ((#v-meshgateway-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
1484  - `priorityClassName` ((#v-meshgateway-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
1486  - `annotations` ((#v-meshgateway-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the mesh gateway deployment.
1488    Example:
1490    ```yaml
1491    annotations: |
1492      'annotation-key': annotation-value
1493    ```
1495### ingressGateways
1497- `ingressGateways` ((#v-ingressgateways)) - Configuration options for ingress gateways. Default values for all
1498  ingress gateways are defined in `ingressGateways.defaults`. Any of
1499  these values may be overridden in `ingressGateways.gateways` for a
1500  specific gateway with the exception of annotations. Annotations will
1501  include both the default annotations and any additional ones defined
1502  for a specific gateway.
1503  Requirements: consul >= 1.8.0 and consul-k8s >= 0.16.0 if using
1504  global.acls.manageSystemACLs and consul-k8s >= 0.10.0 if not.
1506  - `enabled` ((#v-ingressgateways-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - Enable ingress gateway deployment. Requires `connectInject.enabled=true`
1507    and `client.enabled=true`.
1509  - `defaults` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults)) - Defaults sets default values for all gateway fields. With the exception
1510    of annotations, defining any of these values in the `gateways` list
1511    will override the default values provided here. Annotations will
1512    include both the default annotations and any additional ones defined
1513    for a specific gateway.
1515    - `replicas` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-replicas)) (`integer: 2`) - Number of replicas for each ingress gateway defined.
1517    - `service` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-service)) - The service options configure the Service that fronts the gateway Deployment.
1519      - `type` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-service-type)) (`string: ClusterIP`) - Type of service: LoadBalancer, ClusterIP or NodePort. If using NodePort service
1520        type, you must set the desired nodePorts in the `ports` setting below.
1522      - `ports` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-service-ports)) (`array<map>: [{port: 8080, port: 8443}]`) - Ports that will be exposed on the service and gateway container. Any
1523        ports defined as ingress listeners on the gateway's Consul configuration
1524        entry should be included here. The first port will be used as part of
1525        the Consul service registration for the gateway and be listed in its
1526        SRV record. If using a NodePort service type, you must specify the
1527        desired nodePort for each exposed port.
1529      - `annotations` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-service-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the ingress gateway service. Annotations defined
1530        here will be applied to all ingress gateway services in addition to any
1531        service annotations defined for a specific gateway in `ingressGateways.gateways`.
1533        Example:
1535        ```yaml
1536        annotations: |
1537          'annotation-key': annotation-value
1538        ```
1540      - `additionalSpec` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-service-additionalspec)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string that will be appended to the Service spec.
1542    - `serviceAccount` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-serviceaccount))
1544      - `annotations` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the ingress gateways' service account. This should be formatted
1545        as a multi-line string.
1547        ```yaml
1548        annotations: |
1549          "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1550          "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1551        ```
1553    - `resources` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-resources)) (`map`) - Resource limits for all ingress gateway pods
1555    - `initCopyConsulContainer` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-initcopyconsulcontainer)) (`map`) - Resource settings for the `copy-consul-bin` init container.
1557    - `affinity` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-affinity)) (`string`) - By default, we set an anti-affinity so that two of the same gateway pods
1558      won't be on the same node. NOTE: Gateways require that Consul client agents are
1559      also running on the nodes alongside each gateway pod.
1561    - `tolerations` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
1563    - `nodeSelector` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
1565    - `priorityClassName` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
1567    - `annotations` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the ingress gateway deployment. Annotations defined
1568      here will be applied to all ingress gateway deployments in addition to any
1569      annotations defined for a specific gateway in `ingressGateways.gateways`.
1571      Example:
1573      ```yaml
1574      annotations: |
1575        "annotation-key": 'annotation-value'
1576      ```
1578    - `consulNamespace` ((#v-ingressgateways-defaults-consulnamespace)) (`string: default`) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> `consulNamespace` defines the Consul namespace to register
1579      the gateway into. Requires `global.enableConsulNamespaces` to be true and
1580      Consul Enterprise v1.7+ with a valid Consul Enterprise license.
1581      Note: The Consul namespace MUST exist before the gateway is deployed.
1583  - `gateways` ((#v-ingressgateways-gateways)) (`array<map>`) - Gateways is a list of gateway objects. The only required field for
1584    each is `name`, though they can also contain any of the fields in
1585    `defaults`. Values defined here override the defaults except in the
1586    case of annotations where both will be applied.
1588    - `name` ((#v-ingressgateways-gateways-name)) (`string: ingress-gateway`)
1590### terminatingGateways
1592- `terminatingGateways` ((#v-terminatinggateways)) - Configuration options for terminating gateways. Default values for all
1593  terminating gateways are defined in `terminatingGateways.defaults`. Any of
1594  these values may be overridden in `terminatingGateways.gateways` for a
1595  specific gateway with the exception of annotations. Annotations will
1596  include both the default annotations and any additional ones defined
1597  for a specific gateway.
1598  Requirements: consul >= 1.8.0 and consul-k8s >= 0.16.0 if using
1599  global.acls.manageSystemACLs and consul-k8s >= 0.10.0 if not.
1601  - `enabled` ((#v-terminatinggateways-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - Enable terminating gateway deployment. Requires `connectInject.enabled=true`
1602    and `client.enabled=true`.
1604  - `defaults` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults)) - Defaults sets default values for all gateway fields. With the exception
1605    of annotations, defining any of these values in the `gateways` list
1606    will override the default values provided here. Annotations will
1607    include both the default annotations and any additional ones defined
1608    for a specific gateway.
1610    - `replicas` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-replicas)) (`integer: 2`) - Number of replicas for each terminating gateway defined.
1612    - `extraVolumes` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-extravolumes)) (`array<map>`) - A list of extra volumes to mount. These will be exposed to Consul in the path `/consul/userconfig/<name>/`.
1614      Example:
1616      ```yaml
1617      extraVolumes:
1618        - type: secret
1619          name: my-secret
1620          items: # optional items array
1621            - key: key
1622              path: path # secret will now mount to /consul/userconfig/my-secret/path
1623      ```
1625    - `resources` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-resources)) (`map`) - Resource limits for all terminating gateway pods
1627    - `initCopyConsulContainer` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-initcopyconsulcontainer)) (`map`) - Resource settings for the `copy-consul-bin` init container.
1629    - `affinity` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-affinity)) (`string`) - By default, we set an anti-affinity so that two of the same gateway pods
1630      won't be on the same node. NOTE: Gateways require that Consul client agents are
1631      also running on the nodes alongside each gateway pod.
1633    - `tolerations` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-tolerations)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
1635    - `nodeSelector` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-nodeselector)) (`string: null`) - Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
1637    - `priorityClassName` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-priorityclassname)) (`string: ""`) - Optional priorityClassName.
1639    - `annotations` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-annotations)) (`string: null`) - Annotations to apply to the terminating gateway deployment. Annotations defined
1640      here will be applied to all terminating gateway deployments in addition to any
1641      annotations defined for a specific gateway in `terminatingGateways.gateways`.
1643      Example:
1645      ```yaml
1646      annotations: |
1647        'annotation-key': annotation-value
1648      ```
1650    - `serviceAccount` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-serviceaccount))
1652      - `annotations` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the terminating gateways' service account. This should be
1653        formatted as a multi-line string.
1655        ```yaml
1656        annotations: |
1657          "sample/annotation1": "foo"
1658          "sample/annotation2": "bar"
1659        ```
1661    - `consulNamespace` ((#v-terminatinggateways-defaults-consulnamespace)) (`string: default`) - <EnterpriseAlert inline /> `consulNamespace` defines the Consul namespace to register
1662      the gateway into. Requires `global.enableConsulNamespaces` to be true and
1663      Consul Enterprise v1.7+ with a valid Consul Enterprise license.
1664      Note: The Consul namespace MUST exist before the gateway is deployed.
1666  - `gateways` ((#v-terminatinggateways-gateways)) (`array<map>`) - Gateways is a list of gateway objects. The only required field for
1667    each is `name`, though they can also contain any of the fields in
1668    `defaults`. Values defined here override the defaults except in the
1669    case of annotations where both will be applied.
1671    - `name` ((#v-terminatinggateways-gateways-name)) (`string: terminating-gateway`)
1673### prometheus
1675- `prometheus` ((#v-prometheus)) - Configures a demo Prometheus installation.
1677  - `enabled` ((#v-prometheus-enabled)) (`boolean: false`) - When true, the Helm chart will install a demo Prometheus server instance
1678    alongside Consul.
1680### tests
1682- `tests` ((#v-tests)) - Control whether a test Pod manifest is generated when running helm template.
1683  When using helm install, the test Pod is not submitted to the cluster so this
1684  is only useful when running helm template.
1686  - `enabled` ((#v-tests-enabled)) (`boolean: true`)
1687  <!-- codegen: end -->
1689## Helm Chart Examples
1691The below `config.yaml` results in a single server Consul cluster with a `LoadBalancer` to allow external access to the UI and API.
1694# config.yaml
1696  replicas: 1
1697  bootstrapExpect: 1
1700  service:
1701    type: LoadBalancer
1704The below `config.yaml` results in a three server Consul Enterprise cluster with 100GB of storage and automatic Connect injection.
1706Note, this would require a secret that contains the enterprise license key.
1709# config.yaml
1711  image: 'hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.4.2-ent'
1714  replicas: 3
1715  bootstrapExpect: 3
1716  enterpriseLicense:
1717    secretName: 'consul-license'
1718    secretKey: 'key'
1719  storage: 100Gi
1720  connect: true
1723  grpc: true
1726  enabled: true
1727  default: false
1730## Customizing the Helm Chart
1732Consul within Kubernetes is highly configurable and the Helm chart contains dozens
1733of the most commonly used configuration options.
1734If you need to extend the Helm chart with additional options, we recommend using a third-party tool,
1735such as [kustomize](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize) or [ship](https://github.com/replicatedhq/ship).
1736Note that the Helm chart heavily relies on Helm lifecycle hooks, and so features like bootstrapping ACLs or TLS
1737will not work as expected. Additionally, we can make changes to the internal implementation (e.g., renaming template files) that
1738may be backward incompatible with such customizations.