2   Copyright The containerd Authors.
4   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   limitations under the License.
17package config
19import (
20	"context"
21	"net/url"
22	"time"
24	"github.com/BurntSushi/toml"
25	"github.com/containerd/containerd/log"
26	"github.com/containerd/containerd/plugin"
27	"github.com/pkg/errors"
30// Runtime struct to contain the type(ID), engine, and root variables for a default runtime
31// and a runtime for untrusted worload.
32type Runtime struct {
33	// Type is the runtime type to use in containerd e.g. io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
34	Type string `toml:"runtime_type" json:"runtimeType"`
35	// Engine is the name of the runtime engine used by containerd.
36	// This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
37	// DEPRECATED: use Options instead. Remove when shim v1 is deprecated.
38	Engine string `toml:"runtime_engine" json:"runtimeEngine"`
39	// PodAnnotations is a list of pod annotations passed to both pod sandbox as well as
40	// container OCI annotations.
41	PodAnnotations []string `toml:"pod_annotations" json:"PodAnnotations"`
42	// ContainerAnnotations is a list of container annotations passed through to the OCI config of the containers.
43	// Container annotations in CRI are usually generated by other Kubernetes node components (i.e., not users).
44	// Currently, only device plugins populate the annotations.
45	ContainerAnnotations []string `toml:"container_annotations" json:"ContainerAnnotations"`
46	// Root is the directory used by containerd for runtime state.
47	// DEPRECATED: use Options instead. Remove when shim v1 is deprecated.
48	// This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
49	Root string `toml:"runtime_root" json:"runtimeRoot"`
50	// Options are config options for the runtime. If options is loaded
51	// from toml config, it will be toml.Primitive.
52	Options *toml.Primitive `toml:"options" json:"options"`
53	// PrivilegedWithoutHostDevices overloads the default behaviour for adding host devices to the
54	// runtime spec when the container is privileged. Defaults to false.
55	PrivilegedWithoutHostDevices bool `toml:"privileged_without_host_devices" json:"privileged_without_host_devices"`
56	// BaseRuntimeSpec is a json file with OCI spec to use as base spec that all container's will be created from.
57	BaseRuntimeSpec string `toml:"base_runtime_spec" json:"baseRuntimeSpec"`
60// ContainerdConfig contains toml config related to containerd
61type ContainerdConfig struct {
62	// Snapshotter is the snapshotter used by containerd.
63	Snapshotter string `toml:"snapshotter" json:"snapshotter"`
64	// DefaultRuntimeName is the default runtime name to use from the runtimes table.
65	DefaultRuntimeName string `toml:"default_runtime_name" json:"defaultRuntimeName"`
66	// DefaultRuntime is the default runtime to use in containerd.
67	// This runtime is used when no runtime handler (or the empty string) is provided.
68	// DEPRECATED: use DefaultRuntimeName instead. Remove in containerd 1.4.
69	DefaultRuntime Runtime `toml:"default_runtime" json:"defaultRuntime"`
70	// UntrustedWorkloadRuntime is a runtime to run untrusted workloads on it.
71	// DEPRECATED: use `untrusted` runtime in Runtimes instead. Remove in containerd 1.4.
72	UntrustedWorkloadRuntime Runtime `toml:"untrusted_workload_runtime" json:"untrustedWorkloadRuntime"`
73	// Runtimes is a map from CRI RuntimeHandler strings, which specify types of runtime
74	// configurations, to the matching configurations.
75	Runtimes map[string]Runtime `toml:"runtimes" json:"runtimes"`
76	// NoPivot disables pivot-root (linux only), required when running a container in a RamDisk with runc
77	// This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
78	NoPivot bool `toml:"no_pivot" json:"noPivot"`
80	// DisableSnapshotAnnotations disables to pass additional annotations (image
81	// related information) to snapshotters. These annotations are required by
82	// stargz snapshotter (https://github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter).
83	DisableSnapshotAnnotations bool `toml:"disable_snapshot_annotations" json:"disableSnapshotAnnotations"`
85	// DiscardUnpackedLayers is a boolean flag to specify whether to allow GC to
86	// remove layers from the content store after successfully unpacking these
87	// layers to the snapshotter.
88	DiscardUnpackedLayers bool `toml:"discard_unpacked_layers" json:"discardUnpackedLayers"`
91// CniConfig contains toml config related to cni
92type CniConfig struct {
93	// NetworkPluginBinDir is the directory in which the binaries for the plugin is kept.
94	NetworkPluginBinDir string `toml:"bin_dir" json:"binDir"`
95	// NetworkPluginConfDir is the directory in which the admin places a CNI conf.
96	NetworkPluginConfDir string `toml:"conf_dir" json:"confDir"`
97	// NetworkPluginMaxConfNum is the max number of plugin config files that will
98	// be loaded from the cni config directory by go-cni. Set the value to 0 to
99	// load all config files (no arbitrary limit). The legacy default value is 1.
100	NetworkPluginMaxConfNum int `toml:"max_conf_num" json:"maxConfNum"`
101	// NetworkPluginConfTemplate is the file path of golang template used to generate
102	// cni config.
103	// When it is set, containerd will get cidr(s) from kubelet to replace {{.PodCIDR}},
104	// {{.PodCIDRRanges}} or {{.Routes}} in the template, and write the config into
105	// NetworkPluginConfDir.
106	// Ideally the cni config should be placed by system admin or cni daemon like calico,
107	// weaveworks etc. However, there are still users using kubenet
108	// (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/network-plugins/#kubenet)
109	// today, who don't have a cni daemonset in production. NetworkPluginConfTemplate is
110	// a temporary backward-compatible solution for them.
111	// TODO(random-liu): Deprecate this option when kubenet is deprecated.
112	NetworkPluginConfTemplate string `toml:"conf_template" json:"confTemplate"`
115// Mirror contains the config related to the registry mirror
116type Mirror struct {
117	// Endpoints are endpoints for a namespace. CRI plugin will try the endpoints
118	// one by one until a working one is found. The endpoint must be a valid url
119	// with host specified.
120	// The scheme, host and path from the endpoint URL will be used.
121	Endpoints []string `toml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`
124// AuthConfig contains the config related to authentication to a specific registry
125type AuthConfig struct {
126	// Username is the username to login the registry.
127	Username string `toml:"username" json:"username"`
128	// Password is the password to login the registry.
129	Password string `toml:"password" json:"password"`
130	// Auth is a base64 encoded string from the concatenation of the username,
131	// a colon, and the password.
132	Auth string `toml:"auth" json:"auth"`
133	// IdentityToken is used to authenticate the user and get
134	// an access token for the registry.
135	IdentityToken string `toml:"identitytoken" json:"identitytoken"`
138// TLSConfig contains the CA/Cert/Key used for a registry
139type TLSConfig struct {
140	InsecureSkipVerify bool   `toml:"insecure_skip_verify" json:"insecure_skip_verify"`
141	CAFile             string `toml:"ca_file" json:"caFile"`
142	CertFile           string `toml:"cert_file" json:"certFile"`
143	KeyFile            string `toml:"key_file" json:"keyFile"`
146// Registry is registry settings configured
147type Registry struct {
148	// Mirrors are namespace to mirror mapping for all namespaces.
149	Mirrors map[string]Mirror `toml:"mirrors" json:"mirrors"`
150	// Configs are configs for each registry.
151	// The key is the domain name or IP of the registry.
152	Configs map[string]RegistryConfig `toml:"configs" json:"configs"`
154	// Auths are registry endpoint to auth config mapping. The registry endpoint must
155	// be a valid url with host specified.
156	// DEPRECATED: Use Configs instead. Remove in containerd 1.4.
157	Auths map[string]AuthConfig `toml:"auths" json:"auths"`
158	// Headers adds additional HTTP headers that get sent to all registries
159	Headers map[string][]string `toml:"headers" json:"headers"`
162// RegistryConfig contains configuration used to communicate with the registry.
163type RegistryConfig struct {
164	// Auth contains information to authenticate to the registry.
165	Auth *AuthConfig `toml:"auth" json:"auth"`
166	// TLS is a pair of CA/Cert/Key which then are used when creating the transport
167	// that communicates with the registry.
168	TLS *TLSConfig `toml:"tls" json:"tls"`
171// ImageDecryption contains configuration to handling decryption of encrypted container images.
172type ImageDecryption struct {
173	// KeyModel specifies the trust model of where keys should reside.
174	//
175	// Details of field usage can be found in:
176	// https://github.com/containerd/cri/tree/master/docs/config.md
177	//
178	// Details of key models can be found in:
179	// https://github.com/containerd/cri/tree/master/docs/decryption.md
180	KeyModel string `toml:"key_model" json:"keyModel"`
183// PluginConfig contains toml config related to CRI plugin,
184// it is a subset of Config.
185type PluginConfig struct {
186	// ContainerdConfig contains config related to containerd
187	ContainerdConfig `toml:"containerd" json:"containerd"`
188	// CniConfig contains config related to cni
189	CniConfig `toml:"cni" json:"cni"`
190	// Registry contains config related to the registry
191	Registry Registry `toml:"registry" json:"registry"`
192	// ImageDecryption contains config related to handling decryption of encrypted container images
193	ImageDecryption `toml:"image_decryption" json:"imageDecryption"`
194	// DisableTCPService disables serving CRI on the TCP server.
195	DisableTCPService bool `toml:"disable_tcp_service" json:"disableTCPService"`
196	// StreamServerAddress is the ip address streaming server is listening on.
197	StreamServerAddress string `toml:"stream_server_address" json:"streamServerAddress"`
198	// StreamServerPort is the port streaming server is listening on.
199	StreamServerPort string `toml:"stream_server_port" json:"streamServerPort"`
200	// StreamIdleTimeout is the maximum time a streaming connection
201	// can be idle before the connection is automatically closed.
202	// The string is in the golang duration format, see:
203	//   https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration
204	StreamIdleTimeout string `toml:"stream_idle_timeout" json:"streamIdleTimeout"`
205	// EnableSelinux indicates to enable the selinux support.
206	EnableSelinux bool `toml:"enable_selinux" json:"enableSelinux"`
207	// SelinuxCategoryRange allows the upper bound on the category range to be set.
208	// If not specified or set to 0, defaults to 1024 from the selinux package.
209	SelinuxCategoryRange int `toml:"selinux_category_range" json:"selinuxCategoryRange"`
210	// SandboxImage is the image used by sandbox container.
211	SandboxImage string `toml:"sandbox_image" json:"sandboxImage"`
212	// StatsCollectPeriod is the period (in seconds) of snapshots stats collection.
213	StatsCollectPeriod int `toml:"stats_collect_period" json:"statsCollectPeriod"`
214	// SystemdCgroup enables systemd cgroup support.
215	// This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
216	// DEPRECATED: config runc runtime handler instead. Remove when shim v1 is deprecated.
217	SystemdCgroup bool `toml:"systemd_cgroup" json:"systemdCgroup"`
218	// EnableTLSStreaming indicates to enable the TLS streaming support.
219	EnableTLSStreaming bool `toml:"enable_tls_streaming" json:"enableTLSStreaming"`
220	// X509KeyPairStreaming is a x509 key pair used for TLS streaming
221	X509KeyPairStreaming `toml:"x509_key_pair_streaming" json:"x509KeyPairStreaming"`
222	// MaxContainerLogLineSize is the maximum log line size in bytes for a container.
223	// Log line longer than the limit will be split into multiple lines. Non-positive
224	// value means no limit.
225	MaxContainerLogLineSize int `toml:"max_container_log_line_size" json:"maxContainerLogSize"`
226	// DisableCgroup indicates to disable the cgroup support.
227	// This is useful when the containerd does not have permission to access cgroup.
228	DisableCgroup bool `toml:"disable_cgroup" json:"disableCgroup"`
229	// DisableApparmor indicates to disable the apparmor support.
230	// This is useful when the containerd does not have permission to access Apparmor.
231	DisableApparmor bool `toml:"disable_apparmor" json:"disableApparmor"`
232	// RestrictOOMScoreAdj indicates to limit the lower bound of OOMScoreAdj to the containerd's
233	// current OOMScoreADj.
234	// This is useful when the containerd does not have permission to decrease OOMScoreAdj.
235	RestrictOOMScoreAdj bool `toml:"restrict_oom_score_adj" json:"restrictOOMScoreAdj"`
236	// MaxConcurrentDownloads restricts the number of concurrent downloads for each image.
237	MaxConcurrentDownloads int `toml:"max_concurrent_downloads" json:"maxConcurrentDownloads"`
238	// DisableProcMount disables Kubernetes ProcMount support. This MUST be set to `true`
239	// when using containerd with Kubernetes <=1.11.
240	DisableProcMount bool `toml:"disable_proc_mount" json:"disableProcMount"`
241	// UnsetSeccompProfile is the profile containerd/cri will use If the provided seccomp profile is
242	// unset (`""`) for a container (default is `unconfined`)
243	UnsetSeccompProfile string `toml:"unset_seccomp_profile" json:"unsetSeccompProfile"`
244	// TolerateMissingHugetlbController if set to false will error out on create/update
245	// container requests with huge page limits if the cgroup controller for hugepages is not present.
246	// This helps with supporting Kubernetes <=1.18 out of the box. (default is `true`)
247	TolerateMissingHugetlbController bool `toml:"tolerate_missing_hugetlb_controller" json:"tolerateMissingHugetlbController"`
248	// DisableHugetlbController indicates to silently disable the hugetlb controller, even when it is
249	// present in /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers.
250	// This helps with running rootless mode + cgroup v2 + systemd but without hugetlb delegation.
251	DisableHugetlbController bool `toml:"disable_hugetlb_controller" json:"disableHugetlbController"`
252	// IgnoreImageDefinedVolumes ignores volumes defined by the image. Useful for better resource
253	// isolation, security and early detection of issues in the mount configuration when using
254	// ReadOnlyRootFilesystem since containers won't silently mount a temporary volume.
255	IgnoreImageDefinedVolumes bool `toml:"ignore_image_defined_volumes" json:"ignoreImageDefinedVolumes"`
258// X509KeyPairStreaming contains the x509 configuration for streaming
259type X509KeyPairStreaming struct {
260	// TLSCertFile is the path to a certificate file
261	TLSCertFile string `toml:"tls_cert_file" json:"tlsCertFile"`
262	// TLSKeyFile is the path to a private key file
263	TLSKeyFile string `toml:"tls_key_file" json:"tlsKeyFile"`
266// Config contains all configurations for cri server.
267type Config struct {
268	// PluginConfig is the config for CRI plugin.
269	PluginConfig
270	// ContainerdRootDir is the root directory path for containerd.
271	ContainerdRootDir string `json:"containerdRootDir"`
272	// ContainerdEndpoint is the containerd endpoint path.
273	ContainerdEndpoint string `json:"containerdEndpoint"`
274	// RootDir is the root directory path for managing cri plugin files
275	// (metadata checkpoint etc.)
276	RootDir string `json:"rootDir"`
277	// StateDir is the root directory path for managing volatile pod/container data
278	StateDir string `json:"stateDir"`
281const (
282	// RuntimeUntrusted is the implicit runtime defined for ContainerdConfig.UntrustedWorkloadRuntime
283	RuntimeUntrusted = "untrusted"
284	// RuntimeDefault is the implicit runtime defined for ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntime
285	RuntimeDefault = "default"
286	// KeyModelNode is the key model where key for encrypted images reside
287	// on the worker nodes
288	KeyModelNode = "node"
291// ValidatePluginConfig validates the given plugin configuration.
292func ValidatePluginConfig(ctx context.Context, c *PluginConfig) error {
293	if c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes == nil {
294		c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes = make(map[string]Runtime)
295	}
297	// Validation for deprecated untrusted_workload_runtime.
298	if c.ContainerdConfig.UntrustedWorkloadRuntime.Type != "" {
299		log.G(ctx).Warning("`untrusted_workload_runtime` is deprecated, please use `untrusted` runtime in `runtimes` instead")
300		if _, ok := c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[RuntimeUntrusted]; ok {
301			return errors.Errorf("conflicting definitions: configuration includes both `untrusted_workload_runtime` and `runtimes[%q]`", RuntimeUntrusted)
302		}
303		c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[RuntimeUntrusted] = c.ContainerdConfig.UntrustedWorkloadRuntime
304	}
306	// Validation for deprecated default_runtime field.
307	if c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntime.Type != "" {
308		log.G(ctx).Warning("`default_runtime` is deprecated, please use `default_runtime_name` to reference the default configuration you have defined in `runtimes`")
309		c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName = RuntimeDefault
310		c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[RuntimeDefault] = c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntime
311	}
313	// Validation for default_runtime_name
314	if c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName == "" {
315		return errors.New("`default_runtime_name` is empty")
316	}
317	if _, ok := c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName]; !ok {
318		return errors.New("no corresponding runtime configured in `runtimes` for `default_runtime_name`")
319	}
321	// Validation for deprecated runtime options.
322	if c.SystemdCgroup {
323		if c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName].Type != plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1 {
324			return errors.Errorf("`systemd_cgroup` only works for runtime %s", plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1)
325		}
326		log.G(ctx).Warning("`systemd_cgroup` is deprecated, please use runtime `options` instead")
327	}
328	if c.NoPivot {
329		if c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes[c.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName].Type != plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1 {
330			return errors.Errorf("`no_pivot` only works for runtime %s", plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1)
331		}
332		// NoPivot can't be deprecated yet, because there is no alternative config option
333		// for `io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux`.
334	}
335	for _, r := range c.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes {
336		if r.Engine != "" {
337			if r.Type != plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1 {
338				return errors.Errorf("`runtime_engine` only works for runtime %s", plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1)
339			}
340			log.G(ctx).Warning("`runtime_engine` is deprecated, please use runtime `options` instead")
341		}
342		if r.Root != "" {
343			if r.Type != plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1 {
344				return errors.Errorf("`runtime_root` only works for runtime %s", plugin.RuntimeLinuxV1)
345			}
346			log.G(ctx).Warning("`runtime_root` is deprecated, please use runtime `options` instead")
347		}
348	}
350	// Validation for deprecated auths options and mapping it to configs.
351	if len(c.Registry.Auths) != 0 {
352		if c.Registry.Configs == nil {
353			c.Registry.Configs = make(map[string]RegistryConfig)
354		}
355		for endpoint, auth := range c.Registry.Auths {
356			auth := auth
357			u, err := url.Parse(endpoint)
358			if err != nil {
359				return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse registry url %q from `registry.auths`", endpoint)
360			}
361			if u.Scheme != "" {
362				// Do not include the scheme in the new registry config.
363				endpoint = u.Host
364			}
365			config := c.Registry.Configs[endpoint]
366			config.Auth = &auth
367			c.Registry.Configs[endpoint] = config
368		}
369		log.G(ctx).Warning("`auths` is deprecated, please use registry`configs` instead")
370	}
372	// Validation for stream_idle_timeout
373	if c.StreamIdleTimeout != "" {
374		if _, err := time.ParseDuration(c.StreamIdleTimeout); err != nil {
375			return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid stream idle timeout")
376		}
377	}
378	return nil