2# PySNMP MIB module ATM-TC-MIB (http://pysnmp.sf.net)
3# ASN.1 source http://mibs.snmplabs.com:80/asn1/ATM-TC-MIB
4# Produced by pysmi-0.0.7 at Sun Feb 14 00:06:16 2016
5# On host bldfarm platform Linux version 4.1.13-100.fc21.x86_64 by user goose
6# Using Python version 3.5.0 (default, Jan  5 2016, 17:11:52)
8( ObjectIdentifier, Integer, OctetString, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "ObjectIdentifier", "Integer", "OctetString")
9( NamedValues, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
10( SingleValueConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection, ValueRangeConstraint, ConstraintsUnion, ValueSizeConstraint, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "SingleValueConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ConstraintsUnion", "ValueSizeConstraint")
11( NotificationGroup, ModuleCompliance, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "NotificationGroup", "ModuleCompliance")
12( ObjectIdentity, MibIdentifier, Gauge32, Counter32, ModuleIdentity, Integer32, Bits, Counter64, mib_2, iso, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, NotificationType, IpAddress, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "ObjectIdentity", "MibIdentifier", "Gauge32", "Counter32", "ModuleIdentity", "Integer32", "Bits", "Counter64", "mib-2", "iso", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "NotificationType", "IpAddress", "Unsigned32", "TimeTicks")
13( TextualConvention, DisplayString, ) = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "TextualConvention", "DisplayString")
14atmTCMIB = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 3))
15if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmTCMIB.setLastUpdated('9810190200Z')
16if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmTCMIB.setOrganization('IETF AToMMIB Working Group')
17if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmTCMIB.setContactInfo('          Michael Noto\n              Postal:  3Com Corporation\n                       5400 Bayfront Plaza, M/S 3109\n                       Santa Clara, CA 95052\n                       USA\n              Tel:     +1 408 326 2218\n              E-mail:  mike_noto@3com.com\n            \n                       Ethan Mickey Spiegel\n            \n              Postal:  Cisco Systems\n                       170 W. Tasman Dr.\n                       San Jose, CA 95134\n                       USA\n              Tel:     +1 408 526 6408\n              E-mail:  mspiegel@cisco.com\n            \n                       Kaj Tesink\n              Postal:  Bellcore\n                       331 Newman Springs Road\n                       Red Bank, NJ 07701\n                       USA\n              Tel:     +1 732 758 5254\n              Fax:     +1 732 758 4177\n              E-mail:  kaj@bellcore.com')
18if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmTCMIB.setDescription('This MIB Module provides Textual Conventions\n            and OBJECT-IDENTITY Objects to be used by\n            ATM systems.')
19class AtmAddr(OctetString, TextualConvention):
20    displayHint = '1x'
21    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec+ValueSizeConstraint(0,40)
23class AtmConnCastType(Integer32, TextualConvention):
24    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3,))
25    namedValues = NamedValues(("p2p", 1), ("p2mpRoot", 2), ("p2mpLeaf", 3),)
27class AtmConnKind(Integer32, TextualConvention):
28    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,))
29    namedValues = NamedValues(("pvc", 1), ("svcIncoming", 2), ("svcOutgoing", 3), ("spvcInitiator", 4), ("spvcTarget", 5),)
31class AtmIlmiNetworkPrefix(OctetString, TextualConvention):
32    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(ValueSizeConstraint(8,8),ValueSizeConstraint(13,13),)
33class AtmInterfaceType(Integer32, TextualConvention):
34    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,))
35    namedValues = NamedValues(("other", 1), ("autoConfig", 2), ("ituDss2", 3), ("atmfUni3Dot0", 4), ("atmfUni3Dot1", 5), ("atmfUni4Dot0", 6), ("atmfIispUni3Dot0", 7), ("atmfIispUni3Dot1", 8), ("atmfIispUni4Dot0", 9), ("atmfPnni1Dot0", 10), ("atmfBici2Dot0", 11), ("atmfUniPvcOnly", 12), ("atmfNniPvcOnly", 13),)
37class AtmServiceCategory(Integer32, TextualConvention):
38    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,))
39    namedValues = NamedValues(("other", 1), ("cbr", 2), ("rtVbr", 3), ("nrtVbr", 4), ("abr", 5), ("ubr", 6),)
41class AtmSigDescrParamIndex(Integer32, TextualConvention):
42    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ValueRangeConstraint(0,2147483647)
44class AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex(Integer32, TextualConvention):
45    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ValueRangeConstraint(0,2147483647)
47class AtmVcIdentifier(Integer32, TextualConvention):
48    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ValueRangeConstraint(0,65535)
50class AtmVpIdentifier(Integer32, TextualConvention):
51    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ValueRangeConstraint(0,4095)
53class AtmVorXAdminStatus(Integer32, TextualConvention):
54    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2,))
55    namedValues = NamedValues(("up", 1), ("down", 2),)
57class AtmVorXLastChange(TimeTicks, TextualConvention):
58    pass
60class AtmVorXOperStatus(Integer32, TextualConvention):
61    subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec+ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3,))
62    namedValues = NamedValues(("up", 1), ("down", 2), ("unknown", 3),)
64atmTrafficDescriptorTypes = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1))
65atmObjectIdentities = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 3, 1))
66atmNoTrafficDescriptor = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 1))
67if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoTrafficDescriptor.setDescription('This identifies the no ATM traffic\n            descriptor type.  Parameters 1, 2, 3, 4,\n            and 5 are not used.  This traffic descriptor\n            type can be used for best effort traffic.')
68atmNoClpNoScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 2))
69if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoClpNoScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP\n            and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the\n            parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: not used\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
70atmClpNoTaggingNoScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 3))
71if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpNoTaggingNoScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor is for CLP without\n            tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use\n            of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
72atmClpTaggingNoScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 4))
73if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpTaggingNoScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor is for CLP with\n            tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use\n            of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic, excess\n                             tagged as CLP=1\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
74atmNoClpScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 5))
75if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoClpScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP\n            with Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the\n            parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
76atmClpNoTaggingScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 6))
77if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpNoTaggingScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with\n            Sustained Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use\n            of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
78atmClpTaggingScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 7))
79if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpTaggingScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with\n            tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of\n            the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic, excess tagged as\n                             CLP=1\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.')
80atmClpNoTaggingMcr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 8))
81if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpNoTaggingMcr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with\n            Minimum Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use of\n            the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 3: minimum cell rate in cells/second\n                Parameter 4: unused\n                Parameter 5: unused.')
82atmClpTransparentNoScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 9))
83if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpTransparentNoScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for the CLP-\n            transparent model and no Sustained Cell Rate.\n            The use of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            connections following the CBR.1 conformance\n            definition.\n            \n            Connections specifying this traffic descriptor\n            type will be rejected at UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1\n            interfaces.  For a similar traffic descriptor\n            type that can be accepted at UNI 3.0 and\n            UNI 3.1 interfaces, see atmNoClpNoScr.')
84atmClpTransparentScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 10))
85if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpTransparentScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for the CLP-\n            transparent model with Sustained Cell Rate.\n            The use of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            connections following the VBR.1 conformance\n            definition.\n            Connections specifying this traffic descriptor\n            type will be rejected at UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1\n            interfaces.  For a similar traffic descriptor\n            type that can be accepted at UNI 3.0 and\n            UNI 3.1 interfaces, see atmNoClpScr.')
86atmNoClpTaggingNoScr = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 11))
87if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoClpTaggingNoScr.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP\n            with tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The\n            use of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            connections following the UBR.2 conformance\n            definition .')
88atmNoClpNoScrCdvt = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 12))
89if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoClpNoScrCdvt.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP\n            and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the\n            parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 3: not used\n                Parameter 4: not used\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n        \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            CBR connections following the UNI 3.0/3.1\n            conformance definition for PCR CLP=0+1.\n            These CBR connections differ from CBR.1\n            connections in that the CLR objective\n            applies only to the CLP=0 cell flow.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is also\n            applicable to connections following the UBR.1\n            conformance definition.')
90atmNoClpScrCdvt = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 13))
91if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmNoClpScrCdvt.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP\n            with Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the\n            parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable\n            to VBR connections following the UNI 3.0/3.1\n            conformance definition for PCR CLP=0+1 and\n            SCR CLP=0+1.  These VBR connections\n            differ from VBR.1 connections in that\n            the CLR objective applies only to the CLP=0\n            cell flow.')
92atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 14))
93if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with\n            Sustained Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use\n            of the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            connections following the VBR.2 conformance\n            definition.')
94atmClpTaggingScrCdvt = ObjectIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 37, 1, 1, 15))
95if mibBuilder.loadTexts: atmClpTaggingScrCdvt.setDescription('This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with\n            tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of\n            the parameter vector for this type:\n                Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0+1 traffic\n                Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second\n                             for CLP=0 traffic, excess tagged as\n                             CLP=1\n                Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells\n                Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds\n                Parameter 5: not used.\n            \n            This traffic descriptor type is applicable to\n            connections following the VBR.3 conformance\n            definition.')
96mibBuilder.exportSymbols("ATM-TC-MIB", atmNoClpNoScr=atmNoClpNoScr, atmTrafficDescriptorTypes=atmTrafficDescriptorTypes, atmObjectIdentities=atmObjectIdentities, AtmVorXAdminStatus=AtmVorXAdminStatus, atmNoClpScr=atmNoClpScr, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=atmTCMIB, AtmAddr=AtmAddr, atmClpNoTaggingNoScr=atmClpNoTaggingNoScr, AtmIlmiNetworkPrefix=AtmIlmiNetworkPrefix, atmClpTaggingNoScr=atmClpTaggingNoScr, atmClpNoTaggingMcr=atmClpNoTaggingMcr, atmNoClpTaggingNoScr=atmNoClpTaggingNoScr, atmClpTaggingScrCdvt=atmClpTaggingScrCdvt, AtmVcIdentifier=AtmVcIdentifier, atmNoClpScrCdvt=atmNoClpScrCdvt, atmTCMIB=atmTCMIB, atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt=atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt, atmClpTransparentScr=atmClpTransparentScr, AtmSigDescrParamIndex=AtmSigDescrParamIndex, AtmServiceCategory=AtmServiceCategory, AtmConnCastType=AtmConnCastType, AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex=AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, AtmVorXLastChange=AtmVorXLastChange, atmClpNoTaggingScr=atmClpNoTaggingScr, AtmVorXOperStatus=AtmVorXOperStatus, AtmVpIdentifier=AtmVpIdentifier, atmNoTrafficDescriptor=atmNoTrafficDescriptor, atmNoClpNoScrCdvt=atmNoClpNoScrCdvt, atmClpTransparentNoScr=atmClpTransparentNoScr, AtmConnKind=AtmConnKind, atmClpTaggingScr=atmClpTaggingScr, AtmInterfaceType=AtmInterfaceType)