2# vim:ts=4
3# nagios: -epn
5# check_vmware.pl
6# Version 0.1 : Steve Shipway, The University of Auckland
7#         0.2 : Change syntax, and generation of configs, better error traps
8#         0.3 : Persistent sessions
9#         0.4 : Correct for later versions of VI API
10#         0.5 : Perfparse stats, NSCA
11#         0.6, 0.7 : NSCA for CPU and Memory
12#         0.8 : Parameterise all the thresholds
13#         0.9 : Fix percentages for multi-CPUs, fix memactive output,
14#               add helpful suggestions on critical messages
15#         0.10 : Memory private usage was incorrect, active was redundant
16#         0.11 : Check $totspace to prevent /0 error
18# This script performs general checks and data extractions for monitoring
19# ESX servers via the Virtual Centre API.  Output can be for MRTG or Nagios
21# You will need to install:
22#    VI Perl Toolkit (download from VMWare website)
23#    Class::MethodMaker
24#    SOAP::Lite
25#    XML::LibXML
26#     ... and all dependent modules
27#    You need the latest version of HTTP::Message!
29# TO DO:
30#    swap statistics
31#    network statistics (lvl 3)
32#    disk activity statistics (lvl 3)
33#    query tools
36use strict;
37use VMware::VIRuntime;
38use VMware::VILib;
39my($VERSION) = "0.12";
42# Default thresholds for Nagios checks
43my($WARNSPACE,$CRITSPACE) = ( 5, 3); # in GB
44my($WARNCPU,$CRITCPU)     = (80,90); # percent max (VC defaults)
45my($WARNMEM,$CRITMEM)     = (80,90); # percent max (VC defaults)
46my($WARNFAIR,$CRITFAIR)   = (90,80); # percent min
47#my($WARNACTIVE,$CRITACTIVE)=(70,80); # percent max
48my($WARNREADY,$CRITREADY) = ( 5,10); # percent max (VMware recommended level)
50# Other configurable options
51my($TIMEOUT) = 5;    # response time in secods
52my($DEBUG) = 0;      # set to 1 for extra output
53my($SESSIONFILE)=""; # default place to save session file
54# if these 2 are set, and --nsca is given, then the external send_nsca
55# will be used instead of the internal code.
56my($NSCA)    = "/usr/local/nrpe/send_nsca";
57my($NSCACFG) = "/usr/local/nrpe/send_nsca.cfg";
58my($MAXNSCA) = 10;
59my($MAXGUESTCPUS) = 4; # guests cant have more than this many CPUs
60my($NEWLINE) = "<BR>"; # use \\n for nag3, <BR> for nag2
63$Util::script_version = $VERSION;
65my($isnagios) = 1; # default reporting mode
67my($mode) = 0; # different Nagios/MRTG modes
68my( $havensca ) = 0;
71my(%perfkeys) = ();
73my(@queries) = ();
74my(@metricids) = ();
76my($interval) = 0;
79my($MSG,$A,$B,$STATUS,$PERF) = ("","UNKNOWN","UNKNOWN",3,"|");
81# Format for perfdata:
82# |[<name>=<value><unit>;<warn>;<crit>;<min>;<max> ]+
83# where all but name and value can be blank, and name must be quoted if it
84# contains embedded spaces or symbols.
86$Util::script_version = "1.0";
88$SIG{CHLD} = sub { print "SIGCHLD\n" if($DEBUG); };
90my( %opts ) = (
91   guest => { type => "=s",
92      help => "Name, hostname, or IP address of the Guest, if reporting for a specific guest rather than for a datacentre, cluster or host",
93      required => 0,
94   },
95   host => { type => "=s",
96      help => "Hostname of the ESX Server (optional).  Default is all.",
97      required => 0,
98   },
99   datacenter => { type => "=s",
100      help => "Name of the Datacenter (optional).  Default is all.",
101      required => 0,
102   },
103   cluster => { type => "=s",
104      help => "Name of the Cluster (optional).  Default is all.",
105      required => 0,
106   },
107   debug => { type => ":i",
108      help => "Debug level.",
109      required => 0,
110   },
111   generate => { type => "",
112      help => "Set this flag to attempt to generate configuration files for the active type",
113      required => 0,
114   },
115   mode => { type => "=s",
116      help => "Nagios (default) or MRTG",
117      required => 0,
118   },
119   report => { type => "=s",
120      help => "Report type: state (default), cpu, memory, disk, net.  With optional numerical suffix for different MRTG reports.  The suffix is only meaningful for 'cpu' and 'memory' report types.  EG: state, memory, memory2, memory3, etc.",
121      required => 0,
122   },
123   instance => { type => "=s",
124      help => "Disk or Network device name if required.  This is similar to include but more efficient if you have a single instance to select.  This only has an effect if the report is 'net' or 'disk'.",
125      required => 0,
126   },
127   include => { type => "=s",
128      help => "Exclude Disk or Network device names. Regexp, default all.  Excludes are processed after Includes.  This only has an effect if the report is 'net' or 'disk'.",
129      required => 0,
130   },
131   exclude => { type => "=s",
132      help => "Include Disk or Network device names. Regexp, default none.  Excludes are processed after Includes.  This only has an effect if the report is 'net' or 'disk'.",
133      required => 0,
134   },
135   timeout => { type => "=i",
136       help => "Maximum number of seconds for response from VirtualCentre(defined $TIMEOUT).",
137	  required => 0,
138   },
139   nscaserver => { type => "=s",
140       help => "Specify NSCA server name.  Default localhost",
141	  required => 0,
142   },
143   nscastrip => { type => "=s",
144       help => "Regular expression to strip from extracted hostname before submitting to NSCA.  This is how to convert a FQDN to the Nagios hostname.  For example, this could be your site's domain name.  Default is nothing.",
145	  required => 0,
146   },
147   tolower => { type => "",
148       help => "Force guest hostnames to all lower case before sending to NSCA.",
149	  required => 0,
150   },
151   canon => { type => "",
152       help => "Canonicalise guest hostname before using nscastrip, tolower and sending to NSCA.",
153	  required => 0,
154   },
155   nsca => { type => "",
156       help => "Enable NSCA mode",
157	  required => 0,
158   },
159   warn => { type => "=i",
160       help => "Warning threshold (Currently: CPU=$WARNCPU\%, MEM=$WARNMEM\%, DISKSPACE=$WARNSPACE GB).",
161	  required => 0,
162   },
163   crit => { type => "=i",
164       help => "Critical threshold (Currently: CPU=$CRITCPU\%, MEM=$CRITMEM\%, DISKSPACE=$CRITSPACE GB).",
165	  required => 0,
166   },
167   warnready => { type => "=i",
168       help => "Warning threshold for CPU Ready time (Currently $WARNREADY\%).",
169	  required => 0,
170   },
171   critready => { type => "=i",
172       help => "Critical threshold for CPU Ready time (Currently $CRITREADY\%).",
173	  required => 0,
174   },
175#   warnactive=> { type => "=i",
176#       help => "Warning threshold for Active memory (Currently $WARNACTIVE\%).",
177#	  required => 0,
178#   },
179#   critactive=> { type => "=i",
180#       help => "Critical threshold for Active memory (Currently $CRITACTIVE\%).",
181#	  required => 0,
182#   },
187# Error handler
188sub dounknown($) {
189	my($msg) = $_[0];
190	Util::trace(1, "$msg\n");
191	Util::disconnect();
192	if($isnagios) {
193		print "UNKNOWN: $msg$PERF\n";
194		exit 3;
195	}
196	print "UNKNOWN\nUNKNOWN\n\nERROR: $msg\n";
197	close NSCAPROC if($havensca);
198	exit 0;
200sub doerror($) {
201	my($msg) = $_[0];
202	Util::trace(1, "$msg\n");
203	Util::disconnect();
204	if($isnagios) {
205		print "ERROR: $msg$PERF\n";
206		exit 2;
207	}
208	print "UNKNOWN\nUNKNOWN\n\nERROR: $msg\n";
209	close NSCAPROC if($havensca);
210	exit 0;
212sub canonical($) {
213	my($host) = $_[0];
214	my($nscastrip);
216	print "Processing [$host]\n" if($DEBUG);
218	if( Opts::option_is_set('canon') ) {
219		# DNS magic: canonicalise the hostname, if we can
220		my ( $lhname, $aliases, $addrtype, $length,  @addrs)
221            = gethostbyname( $host );
222		print "Canonicalised $host -> $lhname\n"
223			if($DEBUG and $lhname and ($host ne $lhname));
224		$host = $lhname if($lhname);
225	}
227	if( Opts::option_is_set('nscastrip') ) {
228		$nscastrip = Opts::get_option('nscastrip');
229		print "Stripping [$nscastrip]\n" if($DEBUG);
230		$host =~ s/$nscastrip//i;
231	}
232	$host =~ s/\.$//;
233	$host = lc $host if(Opts::option_is_set('tolower'));
235	return $host;
238# NSCA client
239sub sendnsca($$$$) {
240	my($h,$s,$stat,$text) = @_;
241	my($DEVNULL) = " >/dev/null 2>&1 ";
243	$DEVNULL = "" if($DEBUG or $^O=~/Win/);
245	if(!$havensca) {
246		my($NSCAHOST)="localhost";
247		if( ! -x $NSCA or ! -r $NSCACFG ) {
248			print "Cannot run $NSCA or cannot read $NSCACFG\n" if($DEBUG);
249			return;
250		}
251		if( Opts::option_is_set('nscaserver') ) {
252			$NSCAHOST = Opts::get_option('nscaserver');
253		}
255			print "Cannot run: $NSCA -H $NSCAHOST -c $NSCACFG\n" if($DEBUG);
256			return;
257		};
258	}
259	print "Sending NSCA message.\n" if($DEBUG);
260	print NSCAPROC "$h\t$s\t$stat\t$text\n";
261	$havensca += 1;
262	if($havensca > $MAXNSCA) { close NSCAPROC; $havensca = 0; }
265# Option processing
266sub validate() {
267	my($valid) = 1;
268	if (Opts::option_is_set('instance')) {
269		if (Opts::option_is_set('report')) {
270      		if(Opts::get_option('report') !~ /disk|net/ ) {
271				Util::trace(1, "You can only specify an instance if reporting on 'disk' or 'net'.\n" );
272				$valid = 0;
273				dounknown("You can only specify an instance if reporting on 'disk' or 'net'.");
274			}
275		} else {
276			Util::trace(1, "You can only specify an instance if reporting on 'disk' or 'net'.\n" );
277			$valid = 0;
278			dounknown("You can only specify an instance if reporting on 'disk' or 'net'.");
279		}
280	}
281#	if (Opts::option_is_set('guest')) {
282#		if ( Opts::option_is_set('host') or
283#			Opts::option_is_set('datacenter') or
284#			Opts::option_is_set('cluster')) {
285#			Util::trace(1, "\nYou cannot specify a guest name in conjunction with host, datacenter or cluster." );
286#			$valid = 0;
287#		}
288#	}
290	return $valid;
294sub getalarms($) {
295	my($mo) = $_[0];
296	my($rv) = "";
297	my($stat) = 0;
298	my($s);
299	my($aentity,$alarm);
300	my($tas);
301	my($withnsca) = Opts::option_is_set('nsca');
302	my($nscahost,$nscaservice) = ("","");
303	my($nscastatus) = 0;
305	$tas = $mo->triggeredAlarmState;
306	return(0,"") if(!$tas);
307	foreach my $a (@$tas) {
308		$s = $a->overallStatus->val;
309		next unless($s eq 'red' or $s eq 'yellow');
310		$stat = 1 if($s eq 'yellow' and $stat < 1);
311		$stat = 2 if($s eq 'red' and $stat < 2);
312		$aentity = Vim::get_view(mo_ref=>$a->entity);
313		$alarm  = Vim::get_view(mo_ref=>$a->alarm );
314		$rv .= " $NEWLINE " if($rv);
315		$rv .= "[".$aentity->name."] "
316			.$alarm->info->name." is ".$a->overallStatus->val;
317		if( $withnsca ) {
318			# obtain FQDN of host
319			if($DEBUG){print "Type=".(ref $aentity)."\n";}
320			$nscahost = "";
321			if( (ref $aentity) eq 'VirtualMachine' ) {
322				$nscahost = $aentity->guest->hostName;
323			}
324			$nscahost = $aentity->name if(!$nscahost);
325			$nscahost = canonical($nscahost);
326			# deduce servicedesc
327			if( $alarm->info->name =~ /\s(\S+)\s+usage/i ) {
328				$nscaservice = "VMware: Alarms: $1";
329			} else { $nscaservice = "VMware: Alarms"; }
330			# send NSCA alert
331			if($a->overallStatus->val eq 'red') { $nscastatus=2; }
332			elsif($a->overallStatus->val eq 'yellow') { $nscastatus=1; }
333			elsif($a->overallStatus->val eq 'green') { $nscastatus=0; }
334			else { $nscastatus=3; }
335			print "NSCA: [$nscahost/$nscaservice] is $nscastatus\n" if($DEBUG);
336			sendnsca($nscahost,$nscaservice,$nscastatus,
337				$alarm->info->name." is ".$a->overallStatus->val );
338		}
339	}
341	return ($stat,$rv);
345sub getcounters($) {
346	my($type) = $_[0];
347	# we need to identify which counter is which
348	my $perfCounterInfo = $perfmgr->perfCounter;
349	print "Identifying perfcounter IDs\n" if($DEBUG>1);
350	foreach ( @$perfCounterInfo ) {
351		next if($_->groupInfo->key !~ /$type/); # optimise
352		if($_->rollupType->val =~ /average|summation|latest/) {
353			$perfkeys{$_->groupInfo->key.":".$_->nameInfo->key}=$_->key;
354			$perfkeys{$_->key} = $_->groupInfo->key.":".$_->nameInfo->key;
355		}
356	}
358sub getinterval() {
359	# We try to get the interval closest to 5min (the normal polling
360	# interval for MRTG)
361	print "Retrieving interval data...\n" if($DEBUG>1);
362	my $hi = $perfmgr->historicalInterval;
363	foreach (@$hi) {
364		$interval = $_->samplingPeriod if(!$interval);
365		if($_->samplingPeriod == 300) { $interval = 300; last; }
366	}
367	print "Selected interval is: $interval\n" if($DEBUG);
369sub makequery() {
370	@queries = ();
371	foreach my $e ( @$entity ) {
372		if($DEBUG) {
373			if( defined $e->{value} ) {
374				print "Creating query for MORef ".$e->{value}."\n" ;
375			} else {
376				print "Creating query for ".$e->name."\n" ;
377			}
378		}
379		my $perfquery;
380		my (@t) = gmtime(time-300); # 5 mins ago
381		my $start = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z",
382			(1900+$t[5]),(1+$t[4]),$t[3],$t[2],$t[1]);
383		@t = gmtime(time);
384		my $end   = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z",
385			(1900+$t[5]),(1+$t[4]),$t[3],$t[2],$t[1]);
386		print "Start time: $start\nEnd time  : $end\n" if($DEBUG);
387		$perfquery = PerfQuerySpec->new(entity => $e,
388			metricId => \@metricids, intervalId => $interval,
389			startTime => $start, endTime => $end );
390		push @queries,$perfquery;
391	}
393sub runquery() {
394	print "Retrieving data...\n" if($DEBUG);
395	eval { $perfdata = $perfmgr->QueryPerf(querySpec => \@queries); };
396	if ($@) {
397		if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') {
398			if (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidArgument') {
399				print "Error: $@\n" if($DEBUG);
400				print "Error: ".$@->detail."\n" if($DEBUG);
401				$MSG="Perf stats not available : Increase Perf logging level to 2 or higher.";
402				$STATUS=3;
403				return 1;
404        		}
405		}
406		my($msg) = $@; $msg =~ s/^[\n\s]*//; $msg =~ s/\n/$NEWLINE/g;
407		if($msg =~ /SOAP Fault/i) {
408			print "Error: $msg\n" if($DEBUG);
409#			dounknown("CPU Perf stats not available : Increase Perf logging level to 2 or higher.");
410			$MSG="Perf stats not available : Increase Perf logging level to 2 or higher.";
411			$STATUS=3;
412			return 1;
413		}
414#		dounknown("Error: $msg");
415		$MSG="Error: $msg";
416		$STATUS=3;
417		return 1;
418	}
419	if(! @$perfdata) {
420#		dounknown("Perf stats not available at required interval (300s) or invalid instance.");
421		$MSG="Perf stats not available at required interval (300s) or invalid instance.";
422		$STATUS=3;
423		return 1;
424	}
425	return 0;
429# Various reporting modes
431# CPU report: either for avg of hosts(s) or for a VM
432# For nagios mode, we check ready time as well as cpu.
433# For mrtg mode, we give percentage use and ready time
434# MRTG: vm :
435sub cpureport() {
436	my(%results) = ();
437	my(%rcount) = ();
438	my($mycpus) = 0;
440	print "Retrieving PerfMgr data\n" if($DEBUG);
441	$perfmgr = Vim::get_view(mo_ref =>$servicecontent->perfManager)
442		if(!$perfmgr);
444	getinterval();
446	# now we have the polling interval, we need to
447	# identify the things to retrieve
448	if($vm) {
449		$entity = $vm; # actually a list of refs
450	} elsif( Opts::option_is_set('host') ) {
451		$entity = $begin; # actually a list of refs
452	} else {
453		print "Retrieving list of hosts...\n" if($DEBUG);
454#		$entity = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'HostSystem',
455#			begin_entity => @$begin);
456		my @e = ();
457		my $view_type = 'HostSystem';
458		print "Making new propertyspec\n" if($DEBUG);
459		my $property_spec = PropertySpec->new(all => 0,
460			type => $view_type->get_backing_type(), pathSet => []
461		);
462		print "Making new filterspec from ".(ref $view_type)."\n" if($DEBUG);
463		my $property_filter_spec =
464			$view_type->get_search_filter_spec(@$begin, [$property_spec]);
465		print "Retrieving vim_service\n" if($DEBUG);
466		my $service = Vim::get_vim_service();
467		print "Retrieving properties from ".(ref $service)."\n" if($DEBUG);
468		my $obj_contents = $service->RetrieveProperties(
469				_this => $servicecontent->propertyCollector,
470				specSet => $property_filter_spec);
471		print "Checking faults on ".(ref $obj_contents)."\n" if($DEBUG);
472		my $result = Util::check_fault($obj_contents);
473		foreach ( @$result ) { push @e, $_->obj; }
474		$entity = \@e;
475	}
476	if($DEBUG) {
477		print "Processing entities:\n";
478		foreach my $ee ( @$entity ) {
479			if( defined $ee->{value} ) {
480				print " ".$ee->{value}."\n" ;
481			} else {
482				print "  ".$ee->name."\n" ;
483			}
484		}
485	}
487	# we need to identify which is the CPU usage counter.
488	getcounters('cpu|cluster|mem');
490	# now we know the counter numbers (although they may not be active!)
491	# which we retrieve depends on if we're monitoring hosts(s) or a VM
492	# hosts we get cpu:usage, cpu:usagemhz
493	# vms we get cpu:usage, cpu:{used,ready,system,wait}
494	# if in MRTG mode, we get other stats as well.
496	# we can probably optimise this in MRTG mode to only get the ones
497	# we want to graph this time
498	foreach ( qw/cpu:usage mem:usage cpu:usagemhz/ ) {
499		push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (counterId => $perfkeys{$_},
500			instance => '' )
501			if(defined $perfkeys{$_});
502	}
503	if($vm) {
504		foreach my $k ( qw/cpu:used cpu:ready cpu:system cpu:wait/ ) {
505			# We're asking for data for 4 vCPUs, although probably only
506			# 1 of them will actually be there and return data.
507			foreach my $vcpu ( 1..$MAXGUESTCPUS ) {
508				if(defined $perfkeys{$k}) {
509					push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (
510						counterId => $perfkeys{$k}, instance => ($vcpu-1)) ;
511				}
512			}
513		}
514	} else {
515		foreach ( qw/rescpu:actav5 clusterServices:cpufairness clusterServices:memfairness/ ) {
516			push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (counterId => $perfkeys{$_},
517				instance => '') if(defined $perfkeys{$_});
518		}
519	}
520	foreach ( @metricids ) {
521		print $_->counterId.": ".$perfkeys{$_->counterId}."("
522			.$_->instance.")\n" if($DEBUG>1);
523		$rcount{$_} = 0;
524		$results{$_} = 0;
525	}
527	makequery();
528	return if(runquery());
530	print "Perfstats retrieved...\n" if($DEBUG);
531	my($idx) = 0;
532	foreach my $pd (@$perfdata) {
533		if($DEBUG) {
534			if( defined $queries[$idx]->entity->{value} ) {
535				print "Results for ".$queries[$idx]->entity->{value}."\n"
536			} else {
537				print "Results for ".$queries[$idx]->entity->name."\n"
538			}
539		}
540		my $time_stamps = $pd->sampleInfo;
541		my $values = $pd->value;
542		next if(!$time_stamps or !$values);
543		my $nval = $#$time_stamps;
544		next if($nval<0);
545		print "Perfdata object: ".$time_stamps->[$nval]->timestamp."\n" if($DEBUG);
546		foreach my $v (@$values) {
547			print $perfkeys{$v->id->counterId}."=".$v->value->[$nval]."\n"
548				if($DEBUG>1);
549			$rcount{$v->id->counterId} += 1;
550			$results{$v->id->counterId} += $v->value->[$nval];
551		}
552		$idx+=1;
553	}
554	# Now, we have a total of the various statistics.  Some may need
555	# to be averages, some can remain totals.  Basically, the %ages
556	# need to be averaged and the rest can remain as totals.
557	foreach ( qw/rescpu:actav5 clusterServices:cpufairness clusterServices:memfairness mem:usage cpu:usage/ ) {
558		next if(!defined $results{$perfkeys{$_}});
559		$results{$perfkeys{$_}} /= $rcount{$perfkeys{$_}}
560			if($rcount{$perfkeys{$_}});
561	}
562	# also, usage is a special case
563	$results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}} /= 100
564		if(defined $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}});
565	$results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}} /= 100
566		if(defined $results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}});
567	if($vm) {
568		# These are in milliseconds total per interval
569		# we also divide by the number of CPUs to get the percentage...
570		# we convert to percentages by % = value/ncpus/interval/1000*100%
571		# sys + wait + ready + used = 100%
572		foreach ( qw/cpu:used cpu:ready cpu:system cpu:wait/ ) {
573			next if(!defined $results{$perfkeys{$_}});
574			print "Perf $_ = ".$results{$perfkeys{$_}}
575				." interval=".($interval*10)
576				." count=".$rcount{$perfkeys{$_}}."\n" if($DEBUG>1);
577			$results{$perfkeys{$_}} /= ($interval*10);
578			$results{$perfkeys{$_}} /= $rcount{$perfkeys{$_}}
579				if($rcount{$perfkeys{$_}});
580		}
581		$mycpus = $rcount{$perfkeys{'cpu:used'}}
582			if($rcount{$perfkeys{'cpu:used'}});
583	}
585	# Finally, we have all the results!  Now we have to do some thresholding
586	# for Nagios, or get the correct values for MRTG
587	# At this point, we could be looking at data for a host, a group of hosts,
588	# or a guest.
589	if($isnagios) {
590		my($cpuavg) = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}};
591		if(defined $cpuavg) {
592			$PERF .= "cpu=$cpuavg\%;$WARNCPU;$CRITCPU;0;100 ";
593		} else {
594			$PERF .= "cpu=;$WARNCPU;$CRITCPU;0;100 ";
595		}
596		if(!defined $cpuavg) {
597			$STATUS = 3;
598			$MSG = "CPU usage is unknown?";
599		} elsif($cpuavg > $CRITCPU) {
600			$STATUS = 2;
601			$MSG = "CRIT: CPU usage at ".(int($cpuavg*100)/100)."\% (need more CPU allocation?)";
602		} elsif($cpuavg > $WARNCPU) {
603			$STATUS = 1;
604			$MSG = "WARN: CPU usage at ".(int($cpuavg*100)/100)."\%";
605		} else {
606			$STATUS = 0;
607			$MSG = "CPU usage at ".(int($cpuavg*100)/100)."\%";
608		}
609		if($vm) {
610			$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Guest CPUs: $mycpus" if($mycpus);
611			if( defined $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:used'}} ) {
612				my $cpuu = int($results{$perfkeys{'cpu:used'}}*100)/100;
613				my $cpur = int($results{$perfkeys{'cpu:ready'}}*100)/100;
614				my $cpus = int($results{$perfkeys{'cpu:system'}}*100)/100;
615				$PERF .= "ready=$cpur\%;$WARNREADY;$CRITREADY;0;100 ";
616				$PERF .= "user=$cpuu\%;;;0;100 ";
617				$PERF .= "sys=$cpus\%;;;0;100 ";
618				if( $cpur > $CRITREADY ) {
619					$STATUS = 2;
620					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE CRIT: Ready time is $cpur\% (Cluster is overloaded, or guest has too much I/O)";
621				} elsif( $cpur > $WARNREADY ) {
622					$STATUS = 1 if($STATUS < 1);
623					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE WARN: Ready time is $cpur\%";
624#				} else {
625				}
626					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE CPU stats: Used/System/Ready = $cpuu\%/$cpus\%/$cpur\%";
627			} else {
628				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE No detailed CPU statistics available (raise logging level to 2)";
629			}
630		} else {
631			my $cpufair = int($results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:cpufairness'}}*100)/100;
632			$PERF .= "fair=$cpufair;$WARNFAIR;$CRITFAIR;0; " if($cpufair);
633			if( !$cpufair ) {
634				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE (No CPU fairness data)";
635			} elsif( $cpufair < $CRITFAIR ) {
636				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE CRIT: CPU Fairness at $cpufair\% (check DRS or rebalance guest allocation in cluster)";
637				$STATUS = 2;
638			} elsif( $cpufair < $WARNFAIR ) {
639				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE WARN: CPU Fairness at $cpufair\%";
640				$STATUS = 1 if($STATUS < 1);
641			} else { $MSG .= "$NEWLINE CPU Fairness at $cpufair\%"; }
642			if($#$entity>0) {
643				# multiple hosts
644				my(@f) = (); my($avgf)=0;
645				my($sdf) = 0;
646				foreach ( @$entity ) {
647					next if(defined $_->{value}); # its a moref
648					$avgf += $_->summary->quickStats->distributedCpuFairness;
649					push @f,$_->summary->quickStats->distributedCpuFairness;
650				}
651				if($#f > -1) {
652					$avgf /= ( $#f + 1 );
653					foreach (@f) { $sdf += ($_-$avgf)*($_-$avgf); }
654					$sdf = sqrt($sdf)/1000;
655					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Distributed fairness SD is ".(int($sdf*100)/100);
656				}
657			}
658		}
659	} else {
660		$A = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}};
661		$B = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}};
662		$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
663		$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
664		$MSG = "Avg CPU usage: ".(int($A*100)/100)
665			."\%, Avg Memory usage: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
666		if($mode == 1) {
667			if($vm) {
668				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:used'}};
669				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:ready'}};
670				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
671				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
672				$MSG = "CPU Used: ".(int($A*100)/100)
673					."\%, Ready: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
674			} else {
675				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:cpufairness'}};
676				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:memfairness'}};
677				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
678				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
679				$MSG = "CPU fairness: ".(int($A*100)/100)
680					."\%, MEM fairness: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
681			}
682		} elsif($mode == 2) {
683			if($vm) {
684				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:system'}};
685				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:wait'}};
686				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
687				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
688				$MSG = "CPU System: ".(int($A*100)/100)
689					."\%, Wait: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
690			}
691		}
692	}
696# Memory report: either for hosts(s) or for a VM
697sub memreport() {
698	my(%results) = ();
699	my(%rcount) = ();
701	print "Running memory report\n" if($DEBUG);
702	print "Retrieving PerfMgr data\n" if($DEBUG);
703	$perfmgr = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $servicecontent->perfManager)
704		if(!$perfmgr);
706	getinterval();
708	# now we have the polling interval, we need to
709	# identify the things to retrieve
710	if($vm) {
711		$entity = $vm; # actually a list of refs
712	} elsif( Opts::option_is_set('host') ) {
713		$entity = $begin; # actually a list of refs
714	} else {
715		print "Retrieving list of hosts...\n" if($DEBUG);
716#		$entity = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'HostSystem',
717#			begin_entity => @$begin);
718		my @e = ();
719		my $view_type = 'HostSystem';
720		print "Making new propertyspec\n" if($DEBUG);
721		my $property_spec = PropertySpec->new(all => 0,
722			type => $view_type->get_backing_type(), pathSet => []
723		);
724		print "Making new filterspec from ".(ref $view_type)."\n" if($DEBUG);
725		my $property_filter_spec =
726			$view_type->get_search_filter_spec(@$begin, [$property_spec]);
727		print "Retrieving vim_service\n" if($DEBUG);
728		my $service = Vim::get_vim_service();
729		print "Retrieving properties from ".(ref $service)."\n" if($DEBUG);
730		my $obj_contents = $service->RetrieveProperties(
731				_this => $servicecontent->propertyCollector,
732				specSet => $property_filter_spec);
733		print "Checking faults on ".(ref $obj_contents)."\n" if($DEBUG);
734		my $result = Util::check_fault($obj_contents);
735		foreach ( @$result ) { push @e, $_->obj; }
736		$entity = \@e;
737	}
738	if($DEBUG) {
739		print "Processing entities:\n";
740		foreach my $ee ( @$entity ) {
741			if( defined $ee->{value} ) {
742				print " ".$ee->{value}."\n" ;
743			} else {
744				print "  ".$ee->name."\n" ;
745			}
746		}
747	}
749	getcounters('mem|cluster|cpu');
751	# now we know the counter numbers (although they may not be active!)
752	# which we retrieve depends on if we're monitoring hosts(s) or a VM
753	# we can probably optimise this in MRTG mode to only get the ones
754	# we want to graph this time
755	foreach ( qw/cpu:usage mem:usage/ ) {
756		push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (counterId => $perfkeys{$_},
757			instance => '' )
758			if(defined $perfkeys{$_});
759	}
760	if($vm) {
761		foreach ( qw/mem:granted mem:vmmemctl mem:active mem:shared mem:swapped mem:overhead mem:consumed mem:zero/ ) {
762			push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (counterId => $perfkeys{$_},
763				instance => '' )
764				if(defined $perfkeys{$_});
765		}
766	} else {
767		foreach ( qw/clusterServices:memfairness clusterServices:cpufairness mem:swapused/ ) {
768			push @metricids, PerfMetricId->new (counterId => $perfkeys{$_},
769				instance => '' )
770				if(defined $perfkeys{$_});
771		}
772	}
773	foreach ( @metricids ) {
774		print $_->counterId.": ".$perfkeys{$_->counterId}."("
775			.$_->instance.")\n" if($DEBUG>1);
776		$rcount{$_} = 0;
777		$results{$_} = 0;
778	}
780	makequery();
781	return if(runquery());
783	print "Perfstats retrieved...\n" if($DEBUG);
784	my($idx) = 0;
785	foreach my $pd (@$perfdata) {
786		if($DEBUG) {
787			if(defined $queries[$idx]->entity->{value}) {
788				print "Results for ".$queries[$idx]->entity->{value}."\n";
789			} else {
790				print "Results for ".$queries[$idx]->entity->name."\n";
791			}
792		}
793		my $time_stamps = $pd->sampleInfo;
794		my $values = $pd->value;
795		next if(!$time_stamps or !$values);
796		my $nval = $#$time_stamps;
797		next if($nval<0);
798		print "Perfdata object: ".$time_stamps->[$nval]->timestamp."\n" if($DEBUG);
799		foreach my $v (@$values) {
800			print $perfkeys{$v->id->counterId}."=".$v->value->[$nval]."\n"
801				if($DEBUG>1);
802			$rcount{$v->id->counterId} += 1;
803			$results{$v->id->counterId} += $v->value->[$nval];
804		}
805		$idx+=1;
806	}
807	# Now, we have a total of the various statistics.  Some may need
808	# to be averages, some can remain totals.  Basically, the %ages
809	# need to be averaged and the rest can remain as totals.
810	foreach ( qw/clusterServices:cpufairness clusterServices:memfairness cpu:usage mem:usage/ ) {
811		next if(!defined $results{$perfkeys{$_}});
812		$results{$perfkeys{$_}} /= $rcount{$perfkeys{$_}}
813			if($rcount{$perfkeys{$_}});
814	}
815	# also, usage is a special case as it is in hundredths of a %
816	$results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}} /= 100
817		if(defined $results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}});
818	$results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}} /= 100
819		if(defined $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}});
820	foreach ( qw/mem:granted mem:vmmemctl mem:active mem:shared mem:swapped mem:overhead mem:consumed/ ) {
821		next if(!defined $results{$perfkeys{$_}});
822		$results{$perfkeys{$_}} *=  1024;
823	}
825	# Finally, we have all the results!  Now we have to do some thresholding
826	# for Nagios, or get the correct values for MRTG
827	# At this point, we could be looking at data for a host, a group of hosts,
828	# or a guest.
829	if($isnagios) {
830		my($memavg) = int($results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}}*100)/100;
831		if(defined $memavg) {
832			$PERF.="mem=$memavg\%;$WARNMEM;$CRITMEM;0;100 ";
833		} else {
834			$PERF.="mem=;$WARNMEM;$CRITMEM;0;100 ";
835		}
836		if(!defined $memavg) {
837			$STATUS = 3;
838			$MSG = "Memory usage is unknown?";
839		} elsif($memavg > $CRITMEM) {
840			$STATUS = 2;
841			$MSG = "CRIT: Memory usage at $memavg\% (Insufficient memory for ESX server or Guest)";
842		} elsif($memavg > $WARNMEM) {
843			$STATUS = 1;
844			$MSG = "WARN: Memory usage at $memavg\%";
845		} else {
846			$STATUS = 0;
847			$MSG = "Memory usage at $memavg\%";
848		}
849		if($vm) {
850			# here we check for swap activity, vmmemctl and swapped too high
851			my($actvpc,$pvtpc,$shrpc,$balloonpc,$swappc) = (0,0,0,0,0);
852			my($configmem) = 0;
853			foreach my $v ( @$vm ) {
854				$configmem += $v->runtime->maxMemoryUsage;
855			}
856			$MSG .= "$NEWLINE GuestMemory: $configmem MB" if($configmem);
857			$configmem *= 1024*1024;
858			if($configmem) {
859				$balloonpc = int($results{$perfkeys{'mem:vmmemctl'}}/$configmem*10000)/100;
860				$swappc = int($results{$perfkeys{'mem:swapped'}}/$configmem*10000)/100;
861				$pvtpc = int(($configmem-$results{$perfkeys{'mem:vmmemctl'}}-$results{$perfkeys{'mem:swapped'}}-$results{$perfkeys{'mem:shared'}})/$configmem*10000)/100;
862				$pvtpc = 0 if($pvtpc<0);
863				$shrpc = int($results{$perfkeys{'mem:shared'}}/$configmem*10000)/100;
864				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Memory split pvt/shr/bal/swp = $pvtpc\%/$shrpc\%/$balloonpc\%/$swappc\%";
865#				$actvpc = int($results{$perfkeys{'mem:active'}}/$configmem*10000)/100;
866				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Maybe guest has too much memory?" if($balloonpc>5 and $memavg<25);
867				$PERF.="balloon=$balloonpc\%;;;0;100 ";
868				$PERF.="swap=$swappc\%;;;0;100 ";
869				$PERF.="private=$pvtpc\%;;;0;100 ";
870				$PERF.="shared=$shrpc\%;;;0;100 ";
871# usage = active/total x 100% so we already have this
872#				$PERF.="active=$actvpc\%;$WARNACTIVE;$CRITACTIVE;0;100 ";
873#				if($actvpc > $CRITACTIVE) {
874#					$STATUS = 2;
875#					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE CRIT: Memory activity at $actvpc\% (need more memory in guest)";
876#				} elsif	($actvpc > $WARNACTIVE) {
877#					$STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<1);
878#					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE WARN: Memory activity at $actvpc\%";
879#				} else {
880#					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Memory activity at $actvpc\%";
881#				}
882			} else {
883				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE No detailed Memory stats available (raise logging level to 2)";
884			}
885		} else {
886			my $memfair = int($results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:memfairness'}}*100)/100;
887			$PERF.="fair=$memfair;$WARNFAIR;$CRITFAIR;0; " if($memfair);
888			if( !$memfair ) {
889				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE (No MEM fairness data)";
890			} elsif( $memfair < $CRITFAIR ) {
891				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE CRIT: MEM Fairness at $memfair\% (Check DRS or manually rebalance cluster)";
892				$STATUS = 2;
893			} elsif( $memfair < $WARNFAIR ) {
894				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE WARN: MEM Fairness at $memfair\%";
895				$STATUS = 1 if($STATUS < 1);
896			} else { $MSG .= "$NEWLINE MEM Fairness at $memfair\%"; }
897			if($#$entity>0) {
898				# multiple hosts
899				my(@f) = (); my($avgf)=0;
900				my($sdf) = 0;
901				foreach ( @$entity ) {
902					next if(defined $_->{value}); # its a moref
903					$avgf += $_->summary->quickStats->distributedMemoryFairness;
904					push @f,$_->summary->quickStats->distributedMemoryFairness;
905				}
906				if($#f > -1) {
907					$avgf /= ( $#f + 1 );
908					foreach (@f) { $sdf += ($_-$avgf)*($_-$avgf); }
909					$sdf = sqrt($sdf)/1000;
910					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE Distributed fairness SD is ".(int($sdf*100)/100);
911				}
912			}
913		}
914	} else { ###  MRTG mode...
915		$B = $results{$perfkeys{'cpu:usage'}};
916		$A = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:usage'}};
917		$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
918		$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
919		$MSG = "Avg Memory usage: ".(int($A*100)/100)
920			."\%, Avg CPU usage: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
921		if($mode == 1) {
922			if($vm) {
923				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:active'}};
924				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}};
925				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
926				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
927				$MSG = "Memory active: ".(int($A/1024000))
928					."MB, from granted: ".(int($B/1024000))."MB";
929			} else {
930				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:cpufairness'}};
931				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'clusterServices:memfairness'}};
932				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
933				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
934				$MSG = "CPU fairness: ".(int($A*100)/100)
935					."\%, MEM fairness: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
936			}
937		} elsif($mode == 2) {
938			if($vm) {
939				$A = $B = "UNKNOWN";
940				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:consumed'}}/$results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}}*100 if($results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}});
941				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:shared'}}/$results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}}*100 if($results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}});
942				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
943				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
944				$MSG = "Memory private: ".(int($A*100)/100)
945					."\%, shared: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
946			}
947		} elsif($mode == 3) {
948			if($vm) {
949				$A = $B = "UNKNOWN";
950				$A = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:vmmemctl'}}/$results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}}*100 if($results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}});
951				$B = $results{$perfkeys{'mem:swapped'}}/$results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}}*100 if($results{$perfkeys{'mem:granted'}});
952				$A = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $A);
953				$B = "UNKNOWN" if(!defined $B);
954				$MSG = "Memory balloon: ".(int($A*100)/100)
955					."\%, swapped: ".(int($B*100)/100)."\%";
956			}
957		}
958	}
961# Disk space report
962sub diskreport() {
963	my($totspace,$freespace);
964	my($disks);
965	my(@dsa) = ();
966	my($instance,$include,$exclude) = ('','','');
967	my($cnt) = 0;
969	print "Running disk report\n" if($DEBUG);
970	$instance = Opts::get_option('instance')
971		if(Opts::option_is_set('instance'));
972	$include  = Opts::get_option('include')
973		if(Opts::option_is_set('include'));
974	$exclude  = Opts::get_option('exclude')
975		if(Opts::option_is_set('exclude'));
976	print "Identifying datastores...\n" if($DEBUG);
977	foreach(@$begin) {
978		print "N=".$_->name."\n" if($DEBUG);
979		eval {
980			push @dsa,@{$_->datastore} if(defined $_->datastore);
981		};
982		if($@) {
983			my $children;
984			my( $r ) = $_->childEntity;
985			print "Identifying children for ".$_->name."\n" if($DEBUG);
986			$children = Vim::get_views( mo_ref_array => $r );
987			foreach  (@$children) {
988				print " N=".$_->name."\n" if($DEBUG);
989				push @dsa,@{$_->datastore} if(defined $_->datastore);
990			}
991		}
992	}
993	print "Extracting disks\n" if($DEBUG);
994	$disks = Vim::get_views( mo_ref_array => \@dsa );
995	if(!@$disks) {
996		if($instance) {
997			dounknown("Disk instance $instance not found.");
998		} elsif($include or $exclude) {
999			dounknown("No matching disk instances found.");
1000		} else {
1001			dounknown("No datastores found.");
1002		}
1003	}
1004	$MSG = ""; $STATUS = 0; $totspace = $freespace = 0;
1005	foreach my $ds ( @$disks ) {
1006		print "Checking ".$ds->info->name."\n" if($DEBUG>1);
1007		next if($instance and $ds->info->name ne $instance);
1008		next if($include and $ds->info->name !~ /$include/);
1009		next if($exclude and $ds->info->name =~ /$exclude/);
1010		$cnt+=1;
1011		if($isnagios) {
1012			$totspace = $ds->summary->capacity;
1013			$freespace = $ds->summary->freeSpace;
1014			if($freespace < $CRITSPACE*1024000000) {
1015				$STATUS = 2;
1016				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE " if($MSG);
1017				$MSG .= "[C] ".$ds->info->name.": ".int($freespace/1024000)
1018					.($totspace?
1019					("MB (".(int($freespace/$totspace*1000)/10)."\%) free")
1020					:"");
1021			} elsif($freespace < $WARNSPACE*1024000000) {
1022				$STATUS = 1 if($STATUS<2);
1023				$MSG .= "$NEWLINE " if($MSG);
1024				$MSG .= "[W] ".$ds->info->name.": ".int($freespace/1024000)
1025					.($totspace?
1026					("MB (".(int($freespace/$totspace*1000)/10)."\%) free")
1027					:"");
1028			}
1029		} else {
1030			$totspace += $ds->summary->capacity;
1031			$freespace += $ds->summary->freeSpace;
1032			print "So far: ".int($totspace/1024000000)."GB ".$ds->info->name."\n" if($DEBUG);
1033		}
1034	}
1035	if(!$cnt) {
1036		if($instance) { dounknown("Disk instance $instance not found."); }
1037		dounknown("No matching disk instances found.");
1038	}
1039	if($isnagios) {
1040		$MSG = "All filesystems within parameters" if(!$MSG);
1041		$PERF .= "free=$freespace;;;0; total=$totspace;;;0; ";
1042	} else {
1043		# For MRTG, we show space used, so that the peak is more meaningful
1044		($A,$B) = (($totspace-$freespace),$totspace);
1045		$MSG = "All datastores: ".int($A/1024000000)."GB used from ".int($totspace/1024000000)."GB";
1046	}
1049# Network interface report
1050sub netreport() {
1053# State report
1054sub statereport() {
1055	my($numup) = 0;
1056	my($totvms) = 0;
1057	my(@errs) = ();
1058	my(@statobj) = ();
1059	print "Running state report\n" if($DEBUG);
1060	if(!$vm) {
1061		if(!$isnagios) {
1062			print "Extracting VMs\n" if($DEBUG);
1063			$vm = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1064				begin_entity => @$begin);
1065		}
1066		push @statobj,@$begin;
1067	} else {
1068		push @statobj,@$vm;
1069	}
1070	$STATUS = 0;
1071	if($isnagios) {
1072		if($vm) {
1073			# we're checking a VM, so need to check if it is up
1074			foreach my $v (@$vm) {
1075				if( $v->runtime->powerState->val ne 'poweredOn' ) {
1076					$MSG .= "$NEWLINE " if($MSG);
1077					$MSG .= "Guest ".$v->name." is "
1078						.$v->runtime->powerState->val;
1079					$STATUS = 2;
1080				}
1081			}
1082		}
1083		print "Checking alarms...\n" if($DEBUG);
1084		foreach ( @statobj ) {
1085			my($s,$rv) = getalarms($_);
1086			$STATUS = $s if($s>$STATUS);
1087 			if($rv) { $MSG.="$NEWLINE " if($MSG); $MSG.=$rv; }
1088		}
1089		if(!$MSG) { $MSG = "No alarms detected."; }
1090	} else {
1091		print "Processing...\n" if($DEBUG);
1092		foreach my $v ( @$vm ) {
1093			print "\rProcessing ".$v->name if ($DEBUG);
1094			$totvms += 1;
1095			$numup += 1 if( $v->runtime->powerState->val eq 'poweredOn' );
1096		}
1097		print "\rDone.                        \n" if($DEBUG);
1098		($A,$B)=($numup,$totvms);
1099		$MSG = "$numup guests from $totvms are running";
1100	}
1101	print "$MSG\n" if($DEBUG);
1104# Generate appropriate configuration files?
1105sub makenagioscfg() {
1106	my($cmdopt) = "";
1107	my($hostobj) = "VMWARE";
1108	my($address) = "put your VirtualCentre IP address in here";
1109	my($alias) = "";
1111	print <<_END_
1112# This is an autogenerated Nagios configuration file
1113# You may wish to modify it before using!
1115# This is an example of the required checkcommand definition:
1116#define command {
1117#	command_name check_vmware
1118#	command_line \$USER1\$/check_vmware --mode=nagios --config=\$USER1\$/vmware.cfg \$ARG1\$
1121# You also need to have a service template called 'generic-service'
1123# The vmware.cfg file must contain the necessary lines to define your
1124# VirtualCentre server and authentication parameters:
1132	# Now, if we have a guest defined, then we output a guest
1133	# configuration. Similarly for host and farm.
1134	if ( Opts::option_is_set('guest') ) {
1135		$cmdopt .= "--guest=\"".Opts::get_option('guest')."\" ";
1136		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('guest');
1137	}
1138	if ( Opts::option_is_set('datacenter') ) {
1139		$cmdopt .= "--datacenter=\"".Opts::get_option('datacenter')."\" ";
1140		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('datacenter');
1141		$alias = "VMWare datacentre ".Opts::get_option('datacenter');
1142	}
1143	if ( Opts::option_is_set('cluster') ) {
1144		$cmdopt .= "--cluster=\"".Opts::get_option('cluster')."\" ";
1145		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('cluster');
1146		$alias = "VMWare cluster ".Opts::get_option('cluster');
1147	}
1148	if ( Opts::option_is_set('host') ) {
1149		$cmdopt .= "--host=\"".Opts::get_option('host')."\" ";
1150		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('host');
1151		$alias = "VMWare server ".Opts::get_option('host');
1152		$address = Opts::get_option('host');
1153	}
1155	if ( Opts::option_is_set('guest') ) {
1156		print <<_END_
1157# Check guest status
1158define service {
1159    use                  generic-service
1160    host_name            $hostobj
1161    service_description  VMWare: Status
1162    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=status
1164# Check guest memory
1165define service {
1166    use                  generic-service
1167    host_name            $hostobj
1168    service_description  VMWare: Memory
1169    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=memory
1171# Check guest CPU
1172define service {
1173    use                  generic-service
1174    host_name            $hostobj
1175    service_description  VMWare: CPU
1176    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=cpu
1180	} else {
1181		print <<_END_
1182# Dummy Host object for the datacenter/cluster, or ESX server host object
1183define host {
1184    use                  generic-host
1185    host_name            $hostobj
1186	alias                $alias
1187    address              $address
1189# Check host/cluster/datacenter status
1190define service {
1191    use                  generic-service
1192    host_name            $hostobj
1193    service_description  VMWare: Status
1194    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=status
1196# Check host/cluster/datacenter memory
1197define service {
1198    use                  generic-service
1199    host_name            $hostobj
1200    service_description  VMWare: Memory
1201    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=memory
1203# Check host/cluster/datacenter CPU
1204define service {
1205    use                  generic-service
1206    host_name            $hostobj
1207    service_description  VMWare: CPU
1208    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=cpu
1210# Check host/cluster/datacenter disk space
1211define service {
1212    use                  generic-service
1213    host_name            $hostobj
1214    service_description  VMWare: Datastores
1215    check_command        check_vmware!$cmdopt --report=disk
1219	}
1221sub makemrtgcfg() {
1222	my($cmdopt) = "";
1223	my($hostobj);
1225	print <<_END_
1226# This is an autogenerated MRTG configuration file
1227# You may wish to modify it before using!
1229# The vmware.cfg file must contain the necessary lines to define your
1230# VirtualCentre server and authentication parameters:
1237	$cmdopt = "--config=/usr/local/etc/vmware.cfg ";
1239	# Now, if we have a guest defined, then we output a guest
1240	# configuration. Similarly for host and farm.
1241	if ( Opts::option_is_set('guest') ) {
1242		$cmdopt .= "--guest=\"".Opts::get_option('guest')."\" ";
1243		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('guest');
1244	}
1245	if ( Opts::option_is_set('datacenter') ) {
1246		$cmdopt .= "--datacenter=\"".Opts::get_option('datacenter')."\" ";
1247		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('datacenter');
1248	}
1249	if ( Opts::option_is_set('cluster') ) {
1250		$cmdopt .= "--cluster=\"".Opts::get_option('cluster')."\" ";
1251		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('cluster');
1252	}
1253	if ( Opts::option_is_set('host') ) {
1254		$cmdopt .= "--host=\"".Opts::get_option('host')."\" ";
1255		$hostobj = Opts::get_option('host');
1256	}
1258	if ( Opts::option_is_set('guest') ) {
1259		print <<_END_
1260# VMWare guest
1261# graph the CPU and Memory usage figures, plus detailed memory breakdown
1262# You may wish to add a --config= option to the check_vmware.pl call
1263# Resources graph
1264Target[$hostobj-res-vm]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=cpu $cmdopt`
1265Title[$hostobj-res-vm]: $hostobj Resource Usage
1266MaxBytes[$hostobj-res-vm]: 100
1267PageTop[$hostobj-res-vm]: null
1268LegendI[$hostobj-res-vm]: cpu:
1269LegendO[$hostobj-res-vm]: mem:
1270Options[$hostobj-res-vm]: gauge growright
1271Ylegend[$hostobj-res-vm]: percent
1272ShortLegend[$hostobj-res-vm]: %
1273Legend1[$hostobj-res-vm]: CPU utilisation
1274Legend2[$hostobj-res-vm]: Memory utilisation
1275Legend3[$hostobj-res-vm]: Peak CPU utilisation
1276Legend4[$hostobj-res-vm]: Peak memory utilisation
1277routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-res-vm]: VM: Resources
1278routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj-res-vm]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1279routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-res-vm]: chip-sm.gif
1280routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-res-vm]: yes
1281routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj-res-vm]: yes
1282routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-res-vm]: yes
1283# Detail CPU graph
1284Target[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=cpu1 $cmdopt`
1285Title[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: $hostobj CPU Usage
1286MaxBytes[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: 100
1287PageTop[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: null
1288LegendI[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: used:
1289LegendO[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: ready:
1290Options[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: gauge growright
1291Ylegend[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: percent
1292ShortLegend[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: %
1293Legend1[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: Used time
1294Legend2[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: Ready time
1295Legend3[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: Peak used
1296Legend4[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: Peak ready
1297routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: VM: CPU
1298routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1299routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: chip-sm.gif
1300routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: yes
1301routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: yes
1302routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-cpu-vm]: yes
1304# Memory active graph
1305Target[$hostobj-mem-active]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=memory1 $cmdopt`
1306Title[$hostobj-mem-active]: $hostobj Active Memory
1307MaxBytes[$hostobj-mem-active]: 100000000000
1308PageTop[$hostobj-mem-active]: null
1309LegendI[$hostobj-mem-active]: active:
1310LegendO[$hostobj-mem-active]: memory:
1311Options[$hostobj-mem-active]: gauge growright dorelpercent
1312Ylegend[$hostobj-mem-active]: percent
1313ShortLegend[$hostobj-mem-active]: %
1314Legend1[$hostobj-mem-active]: Active memory
1315Legend2[$hostobj-mem-active]: Total memory
1316Legend3[$hostobj-mem-active]: Peak active memory
1317Legend4[$hostobj-mem-active]: Peak total memory
1318routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-mem-active]: VM: Act Mem
1319routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj-mem-active]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1320routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-mem-active]: chip-sm.gif
1321routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-mem-active]: yes
1322routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj-mem-active]: yes
1323routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-mem-active]: yes
1325# Detailed Memory graph
1326Target[$hostobj-mem-ps]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=memory2 $cmdopt`
1327Title[$hostobj-mem-ps]: $hostobj Memory Usage
1328MaxBytes[$hostobj-mem-ps]: 100
1329PageTop[$hostobj-mem-ps]: null
1330LegendI[$hostobj-mem-ps]: pvt:
1331LegendO[$hostobj-mem-ps]: shr:
1332Options[$hostobj-mem-ps]: gauge growright
1333Ylegend[$hostobj-mem-ps]: percent
1334ShortLegend[$hostobj-mem-ps]: %
1335Legend1[$hostobj-mem-ps]: Private memory
1336Legend2[$hostobj-mem-ps]: Shared memory
1337Legend3[$hostobj-mem-ps]: Peak private memory
1338Legend4[$hostobj-mem-ps]: Peak shared memory
1339routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-mem-ps]: VM: Memory (pvt/shr)
1340routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj-mem-ps]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1341routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-mem-ps]: chip-sm.gif
1342routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-mem-ps]: no
1343routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj-mem-ps]: yes
1344routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-mem-ps]: no
1345routers.cgi*Graph[$hostobj-mem-ps]: $hostobj-vmem
1347Target[$hostobj-mem-bs]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=memory3 $cmdopt`
1348Title[$hostobj-mem-bs]: $hostobj Memory Usage
1349MaxBytes[$hostobj-mem-bs]: 100
1350PageTop[$hostobj-mem-bs]: null
1351LegendI[$hostobj-mem-bs]: bal:
1352LegendO[$hostobj-mem-bs]: swp:
1353Options[$hostobj-mem-bs]: gauge growright
1354Ylegend[$hostobj-mem-bs]: percent
1355ShortLegend[$hostobj-mem-bs]: %
1356Legend1[$hostobj-mem-bs]: Balloon memory
1357Legend2[$hostobj-mem-bs]: Swapped memory
1358Legend3[$hostobj-mem-bs]: Peak balloon memory
1359Legend4[$hostobj-mem-bs]: Peak swapped memory
1360routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-mem-bs]: VM: Memory (bal/swp)
1361routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj-mem-bs]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1362routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-mem-bs]: chip-sm.gif
1363routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-mem-bs]: no
1364routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj-mem-bs]: yes
1365routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-mem-bs]: no
1366routers.cgi*Graph[$hostobj-mem-bs]: $hostobj-vmem
1368routers.cgi*Desc[$hostobj-vmem]: $hostobj Memory Usage
1369routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj-vmem]: VM: Memory
1370routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj-vmem]: chip-sm.gif
1371routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj-vmem]: yes
1372routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj-vmem]: yes
1373routers.cgi*GraphStyle[$hostobj-vmem]: stack
1376	} else {
1377		# For now we do the default, but really we should set up some
1378		# combined graphs for all hosts if datacenter or cluster is set
1379		print <<_END_
1380# VMWare datacenter/cluster/host
1381# You may wish to add a --config= directive to the command
1382# Graph CPU and Memory usage figures
1383# plus fairness figures
1384# And datastore (disk) space figures
1385# And count of active guests
1387# Resources graph
1388Target[$hostobj--res-cl]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=cpu $cmdopt`
1389Title[$hostobj--res-cl]: $hostobj Resource Usage
1390MaxBytes[$hostobj--res-cl]: 100
1391PageTop[$hostobj--res-cl]: null
1392LegendI[$hostobj--res-cl]: cpu:
1393LegendO[$hostobj--res-cl]: mem:
1394Options[$hostobj--res-cl]: gauge growright
1395Ylegend[$hostobj--res-cl]: percent
1396ShortLegend[$hostobj--res-cl]: %
1397Legend1[$hostobj--res-cl]: CPU utilisation
1398Legend2[$hostobj--res-cl]: Memory utilisation
1399Legend3[$hostobj--res-cl]: Peak CPU utilisation
1400Legend4[$hostobj--res-cl]: Peak memory utilisation
1401routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj--res-cl]: VM: Resources
1402routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj--res-cl]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1403routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj--res-cl]: chip-sm.gif
1404routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj--res-cl]: yes
1405routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj--res-cl]: yes
1406routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj--res-cl]: yes
1408# VMs active
1409Target[$hostobj--vm-actv]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=status $cmdopt`
1410Title[$hostobj--vm-actv]: $hostobj Active Guests
1411MaxBytes[$hostobj--vm-actv]: 100000
1412PageTop[$hostobj--vm-actv]: null
1413LegendI[$hostobj--vm-actv]: active :
1414LegendO[$hostobj--vm-actv]: defined:
1415Options[$hostobj--vm-actv]: gauge growright integer
1416Ylegend[$hostobj--vm-actv]: Guests
1417ShortLegend[$hostobj--vm-actv]: &nbsp;
1418Legend1[$hostobj--vm-actv]: Active guests
1419Legend2[$hostobj--vm-actv]: Defined guests
1420Legend3[$hostobj--vm-actv]: Peak active guests
1421Legend4[$hostobj--vm-actv]: Peak defined guests
1422routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj--vm-actv]: VM: Guests
1423routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj--vm-actv]: fixunit nototal nopercent nomax
1424routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj--vm-actv]: server-sm.gif
1425routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj--vm-actv]: yes
1426routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj--vm-actv]: yes
1427routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj--vm-actv]: yes
1429# Datastores
1430Target[$hostobj--vm-ds]: `check_vmware.pl --mode=mrtg --report=disk $cmdopt`
1431Title[$hostobj--vm-ds]: $hostobj Datastores
1432MaxBytes[$hostobj--vm-ds]: 1000000000000000
1433PageTop[$hostobj--vm-ds]: null
1434LegendI[$hostobj--vm-ds]: used :
1435LegendO[$hostobj--vm-ds]: total:
1436Options[$hostobj--vm-ds]: gauge growright dorelpercent
1437Ylegend[$hostobj--vm-ds]: Percent
1438ShortLegend[$hostobj--vm-ds]: %
1439Legend1[$hostobj--vm-ds]: Space used
1440Legend2[$hostobj--vm-ds]: Space available
1441Legend3[$hostobj--vm-ds]: Peak space used
1442Legend4[$hostobj--vm-ds]: Peak space available
1443routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostobj--vm-ds]: VM: Datastores
1444routers.cgi*Options[$hostobj--vm-ds]: fixunit nototal nopercent
1445routers.cgi*Icon[$hostobj--vm-ds]: disk-sm.gif
1446routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostobj--vm-ds]: yes
1447routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostobj--vm-ds]: yes
1448routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostobj--vm-ds]: yes
1452	}
1455# MAIN
1459if( Opts::option_is_set('debug') ) {
1460	$DEBUG=Opts::get_option('debug');
1461	$DEBUG=1 if(!$DEBUG);
1463$mode = 0;
1464if( Opts::option_is_set('mode') ) {
1465	if( Opts::get_option('mode') =~ /mrtg/i ) {
1466		$isnagios = 0;
1467		$mode = $1 if( Opts::get_option('mode') =~ /(\d+)/i ); # historical
1468	}
1471print "Starting.\n" if($DEBUG);
1472$report = Opts::get_option('report');
1473$mode = $1 if( $report =~ /(\d+)/i );
1475if( Opts::option_is_set('generate') ) {
1476	# generate config mode!
1477	if($isnagios) { makenagioscfg(); } else { makemrtgcfg(); }
1478	exit 0;
1482#if( Opts::option_is_set('warnactive') ) {
1483#	$WARNACTIVE = Opts::get_option('warnactive');
1484#	if($WARNACTIVE<1 or $WARNACTIVE>99) {
1485#		print "Usage: 0<warnactive<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1487#if( Opts::option_is_set('critactive') ) {
1488#	$CRITACTIVE = Opts::get_option('critactive');
1490#		print "Usage: warnactive<critactive<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1492if( Opts::option_is_set('warnready') ) {
1493	$WARNREADY = Opts::get_option('warnready');
1494	if($WARNREADY<1 or $WARNREADY>99) {
1495		print "Usage: 0<warnready<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1497if( Opts::option_is_set('critready') ) {
1498	$CRITREADY = Opts::get_option('critready');
1500		print "Usage: warnready<critready<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1502if( Opts::option_is_set('warn') ) {
1503	if($report =~ /cpu/) {
1504		$WARNCPU = Opts::get_option('warn');
1505		if($WARNCPU<1 or $WARNCPU>99) {
1506			print "Usage: 0<warn<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1507	} elsif($report =~ /mem/ ) {
1508		$WARNMEM = Opts::get_option('warn');
1509		if($WARNMEM<1 or $WARNMEM>99) {
1510			print "Usage: 0<warn<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1511	} elsif($report =~ /disk|data/ ) {
1512		$WARNSPACE = Opts::get_option('warn');
1513		if($WARNSPACE<0) { print "Usage: warn >= 0GB\n"; exit 3; }
1514	}
1516if( Opts::option_is_set('crit') ) {
1517	if($report =~ /cpu/) {
1518		$CRITCPU = Opts::get_option('crit');
1519		if($CRITCPU<$WARNCPU or $CRITCPU>99) {
1520			print "Usage: warn<crit<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1521	} elsif($report =~ /mem/ ) {
1522		$CRITMEM = Opts::get_option('crit');
1523		if($CRITMEM<$WARNMEM or $CRITMEM>99) {
1524			print "Usage: warn<crit<100\%\n"; exit 3; }
1525	} elsif($report =~ /disk|data/ ) {
1526		$CRITSPACE= Opts::get_option('crit');
1528			print "Usage: warn > crit >= 0GB\n"; exit 3; }
1529	}
1533if(Opts::option_is_set('savesessionfile')) {
1534	$SESSIONFILE=Opts::get_option('savesessionfile');
1536if(Opts::option_is_set('sessionfile')) {
1537	$SESSIONFILE=Opts::get_option('sessionfile');
1540	and ( ! -w $SESSIONFILE or ! -r $SESSIONFILE ) ) {
1541	dounknown("Unable to read/write session file $SESSIONFILE");
1544# First, connect to VI
1546	my(@s) = stat $SESSIONFILE;
1547	if( (time-$s[9])>1200 ) {
1548		# session file is >20mins old, lets reconnect
1549		unlink $SESSIONFILE;
1550		print "Expiring old session file\n" if($DEBUG);
1551	}
1554	# load the saved session instead
1555	print "Loading session file\n" if($DEBUG);
1556	Vim::load_session(session_file=>$SESSIONFILE);
1557} else {
1558	print "Connecting\n" if($DEBUG);
1559	eval {
1560		$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die('TIMEOUT'); };
1561		alarm($TIMEOUT);
1562		Util::connect();
1563		alarm(0);
1564	};
1565	if($@) {
1566		dounknown("No response from VirtualCentre server") if($@ =~ /TIMEOUT/);
1567		dounknown("You need to upgrade HTTP::Message!") if($@ =~ /HTTP::Message/);
1568		dounknown("Login to VirtualCentre server failed: $@.");
1569	}
1570	print "Connected\n" if($DEBUG);
1572if($DEBUG) {
1573	my $si_moref = ManagedObjectReference->new(type => 'ServiceInstance',
1574                                              value => 'ServiceInstance');
1575	my $si_view = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $si_moref);
1576	print "Server Time : ". $si_view->CurrentTime()."\n";
1579$servicecontent = Vim::get_service_content();
1581# Now, try and work out the 'begin' entity - host>cluster>datacenter>top
1582# @$begin is a list of the base to search in.
1583if ( Opts::option_is_set('datacenter') ) {
1584	my($dc) = Opts::get_option('datacenter');
1585	$begin = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'Datacenter',
1586		filter => {name => $dc });
1587	unless (@$begin) { dounknown("Datacenter '$dc' not found."); }
1588#	if ($#{$begin} != 0) { doerror("Datacenter <$dc> not unique."); }
1589} else {
1590#	@$begin = ( $servicecontent->rootFolder );
1591	@$begin = ( Vim::get_view( mo_ref=>$servicecontent->rootFolder ));
1593if(!@$begin) {
1594	dounknown("Unable to obtain root folder");
1596if ( Opts::option_is_set('cluster') ) {
1597	my($cl) = Opts::get_option('cluster');
1598	$begin = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'ClusterComputeResource',
1599		begin_entity => @$begin,
1600		filter => {name => $cl });
1601	unless (@$begin) { dounknown("Cluster '$cl' not found."); }
1602#	if ($#{$begin} != 0) { doerror("Cluster <$cl> not unique."); }
1604if ( Opts::option_is_set('host') ) {
1605	my($ho) = Opts::get_option('host');
1606	$begin = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'HostSystem',
1607		begin_entity => @$begin,
1608		filter => {name => $ho });
1609	unless (@$begin) { dounknown("Host system '$ho' not found."); }
1610#	if ($#{$begin} != 0) { doerror("Host system <$ho> not unique."); }
1613# Do we need to identify a VM?
1614if ( Opts::option_is_set('guest') ) {
1615	my($gu) = Opts::get_option('guest');
1616	print "Trying to locate $gu\n" if($DEBUG);
1617	$vm = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1618		begin_entity => @$begin,
1619		filter => {name => $gu });
1620	unless(@$vm) {
1621		print "Now trying as hostname...\n" if($DEBUG);
1622		$vm = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1623			begin_entity => @$begin,
1624			filter => { 'guest.hostName' => qr/$gu/i });
1625		foreach ( @$vm ) { # we may have several with same hostname
1626			print "Guest is ".$_->runtime->powerState->val."\n" if($DEBUG);
1627			if($_->runtime->powerState->val eq 'poweredOn') {
1628				@$vm = ( $_ ); # Just keep the active one
1629				last;
1630			}
1631		}
1632	}
1633	unless(@$vm) {
1634		print "Now trying as IP address...\n" if($DEBUG);
1635		$vm = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1636			begin_entity => @$begin,
1637			filter => { 'guest.ipAddress' => $gu });
1638#			filter => { 'guest.net[0].ipAddress' => $gu });
1639		foreach ( @$vm ) { # we may have several with same IP address
1640			print "Guest is ".$_->runtime->powerState->val."\n" if($DEBUG);
1641			if($_->runtime->powerState->val eq 'poweredOn') {
1642				@$vm = ( $_ ); # Just keep the active one
1643				last;
1644			}
1645		}
1646	}
1647	unless(@$vm) {
1648		if(!$report or $report =~ /state/i) {
1649			doerror("Guest '$gu' not found.");
1650		}
1651		dounknown("Guest '$gu' not found.");
1652	}
1655# Right, now we know where to start from.  Possibly this is identifying
1656# a unique host, but not necessarily. We may also have a VM but not
1657# necessarily.
1659print "Report type requested is [$report]\n" if($DEBUG);
1660print "Base is ".$begin->[0]->name."\n"  if($DEBUG);
1661#foreach ( keys %{$begin->[0]} ) {
1662#	print $_." = ".$begin->[0]{$_}."\n";
1664#exit 0;
1666# Now, if we DONT have a guest set, but DO have nsca set, and are using
1667# Nagios mode plus a report type of CPU or MEM then we're going to query
1668# ALL the guests and feed the results back in via NSCA
1672# Now, depending on what we're asking for, call a different function
1673if($report =~ /cpu/i) {
1674	if($isnagios and !$vm and Opts::option_is_set('nsca')) {
1675		my($guestname,$glist);
1676		# loop through ALL guests in this host/farm
1677		print "Finding full list of guests\n" if($DEBUG);
1678		$glist = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1679			begin_entity => @$begin );
1680		foreach my $v ( @$glist ) {
1681			next if( $v->runtime->powerState->val ne 'poweredOn' );
1682			@$vm = ( $v );
1683			$MSG = ""; $STATUS=0;
1684			$guestname = $v->guest->hostName;
1685			$guestname = $v->name if(!$guestname);
1686			$guestname =~ s/^\s+//;
1687			$guestname =~ s/\s+.*$//; next if(!$guestname);
1688			$guestname = canonical($guestname);
1690			print "Looping for $guestname\n" if($DEBUG);
1692			cpureport();
1694			$MSG = "All OK" if(!$MSG);
1695			print "\n$guestname is [$STATUS] $MSG\n\n" if($DEBUG);
1696			sendnsca($guestname,"VMware: Resources: CPU",$STATUS,$MSG) if($STATUS<3);
1697			%perfkeys = (); @metricids = (); @queries = ();
1698		}
1699		$PERF = "|"; $MSG = ""; $STATUS=0; $vm = 0;
1700		print "*** Now running the real report...\n" if($DEBUG);
1701	}
1702	cpureport();
1703} elsif($report =~ /mem/i) {
1704	if($isnagios and !$vm and Opts::option_is_set('nsca')) {
1705		my($guestname,$glist);
1706		# loop through ALL guests in this host/farm
1707		print "Finding full list of guests\n" if($DEBUG);
1708		$glist = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
1709			begin_entity => @$begin );
1710		foreach my $v ( @$glist ) {
1711			next if( $v->runtime->powerState->val ne 'poweredOn' );
1712			@$vm = ( $v );
1713			$MSG = ""; $STATUS=0;
1714			$guestname = $v->guest->hostName;
1715			$guestname = $v->name if(!$guestname);
1716			$guestname =~ s/^\s+//;
1717			$guestname =~ s/\s+.*$//; next if(!$guestname);
1718			$guestname = canonical($guestname);
1720			print "Looping for $guestname\n" if($DEBUG);
1722			memreport();
1724			$MSG = "All OK" if(!$MSG);
1725			print "\n$guestname is [$STATUS] $MSG\n\n" if($DEBUG);
1726			sendnsca($guestname,"VMware: Resources: Memory",$STATUS,$MSG) if($STATUS<3);
1727			%perfkeys = (); @metricids = (); @queries = ();
1728		}
1729		$PERF = "|"; $MSG = ""; $STATUS=0; $vm = 0;
1730		print "*** Now running the real report...\n" if($DEBUG);
1731	}
1732	memreport();
1733} elsif($report =~ /dis[ck]|datastore/i) {
1734	diskreport();
1735} elsif($report =~ /net/i) {
1736	netreport();
1737} else { # state
1738	statereport();
1741# Now disconnect from VI
1742if(Opts::option_is_set('savesessionfile')) {
1743	Vim::save_session(session_file=>Opts::get_option('savesessionfile'));
1744} else {
1745	print "Disconnecting...\n" if($DEBUG);
1746	Util::disconnect();
1749# clean up
1750if($havensca) { print "Closing NSCA connection\n" if($DEBUG); close NSCAPROC; }
1751$PERF="" if($PERF eq '|'); # no perf stats
1753# And output the status
1754if($isnagios) {
1755	print "Exiting with status ($STATUS)\n" if($DEBUG);
1756	print "$MSG$PERF\n";
1757	exit($STATUS);
1760print "$A\n$B\n\n$MSG\n";
1761exit 0;