1#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
2# sysmon_convert: attempt to make a decent sysmon v 0.91 config file from
3# an old config file.
5# Last modified: Sat Dec 22 02:48:12 PST 2001 SWI
8$LASTNF = 0;
9$ROOT = 0;
10$ROOTDEP = "";
11%LABELS = ();
13print "config noheartbeat;\n";
15while (<>) {
16	if (/^[;#](.*)/) { print "#$1\n"; next; }
17	if (/^\s*config\s+/i) { print &mangle_config_line($_); next; }
18	if (/^\s+$/) { print; next; }
19	chomp;
20	$device = &parse_line($_);
21	&emit($device);
24#                /* ex: hostname tcp # desc "spawn" email { } */
25#                /* ex: hostname udp # desc "spawn" email { }*/
26#                /* ex: hostname ping desc "spawn" email { }*/
27#                /* ex: hostname nntp desc "spawn" email { }*/
28#                /* ex: hostname smtp desc "spawn" email { }*/
29#                /* ex: hostname sysmon desc "spawn" email { }*/
30#                /* ex: hostname ssh desc "spawn" email { }*/
31#                /* ex: hostname umichx500 desc "spawn" email { }*/
32#                /* ex: hostname imap user pw desc "spawn" email { }*/
33#                /* ex: hostname pop3 user pw desc "spawn" email { }*/
34#                /* ex: hostname pop2 user pw desc "spawn" email { }*/
35#                /* ex: hostname http /file text desc "spawn" email { }*/
36#		 /* ex: hostname radius user pw radsecret email { }*/
38sub mangle_config_line {
39	my $line = $_[0];
40	my ($type, $path);
42	$line =~ s/^\s+//;
43	if ($line =~ m/^config\s+statusfile/i) {
44		$line =~ m#^config\s+statusfile\s+(text|html)\s+(.*)#i;
45		return "config statusfile $1 \"$2\";\n";
46	} elsif ($line =~ m/^config\s+logging/i) {
47		$line =~ m#^config\s+logging\s+(.*)#i;
48		return "config logging syslog \"$1\";\n";
49	} elsif ($line =~ m/^config\s+numfailures/i) {
50		$line =~ m#^config\s+numfailures\s+(.*)#i;
51		if ($LASTNF != 0+$1) {
52			$LASTNF= $1;
53			return "config numfailures $1;\n";
54		} else {
55			return "\n"; # suppressing multiple config-NF
56		}
57	}
58	$line =~ s/$/;/;
59	return $line;
62sub parse_line {
63	my $line = $_[0];
64	my %params = ();
66	$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
67	$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
68	if ($line =~ /}$/) {
69		pop (@depstack); return \%params;
70	} else {
72	my @tokens = split(/[ \t]+/, $line);
73	if (@tokens) {
74		$params{'host'}	= shift(@tokens) || 'UNKNOWN';
75		$params{'type'}	= shift(@tokens) || 'UNKNOWN';
76		if ($params{'type'} eq 'tcp') {
77			$params{'port'}	= shift(@tokens);
78			$params{'desc'}	= shift(@tokens);
79			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
80			if ($params{'port'} eq "80") {
81				$params{'type'} = "http";
82				$params{'url'} = "/";
83				$params{'urltext'} = "<BODY>";
84			}
85		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'udp') {
86			$params{'port'}	= shift(@tokens);
87			$params{'desc'}	= shift(@tokens);
88			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
89		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'ping') {
90			$params{'desc'}	= shift(@tokens);
91			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
92		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'nntp') {
93			$params{'desc'}	= shift(@tokens);
94			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
95		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'smtp') {
96			$params{'desc'}	= shift(@tokens);
97			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
98		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'imap') {
99			$params{'user'}	= shift(@tokens);
100			$params{'pw'}	= shift(@tokens);
101			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
102		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'pop3') {
103			$params{'user'}	= shift(@tokens);
104			$params{'pw'}	= shift(@tokens);
105			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
106		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'radius') {
107			$params{'user'}	= shift(@tokens);
108			$params{'pw'}	= shift(@tokens);
109			$params{'radsecret'} = shift(@tokens);
110			$params{'email'} = shift(@tokens);
111		} else {
112			print "# UNKNOWN: $line\n";
113			%params = ();
114		}
115	}
116	}
117	#
118	# An attempt to make the object labels friendly.
119	#
121	if (defined ($params{'host'}) and defined($params{'type'})) {
122		my $label = "";
123		if (($params{'type'} eq "tcp") or
124			($params{'type'} eq "udp")) {
125			$label = $params{'desc'}."-".$params{'host'};
126			if (defined($LABELS{$label})) {
127				$label = $params{'type'}."-".$params{'port'}.
128					"-".$params{'host'};
129			}
130		} elsif ($params{'type'} eq "ping") {
131			$label = $params{'host'};
132			if (defined($LABELS{$label})) {
133				$label = $params{'type'}."-".$params{'host'};
134			}
135		} else {
136			$label = $params{'type'}."-".$params{'host'};
137		}
138		$params{'label'} = $label;
139		$LABELS{$label} = 1;
140	}
141	if (@depstack) {
142		$params{'depends'} = $depstack[0];
143	}
144	if ($line =~ m#\s+[{]$#) { push (@depstack, $params{'label'}); }
145	return \%params;
148sub emit {
149	my $href = $_[0];
150	if ($href && defined($href->{'label'})) {
151	if (!$ROOT) { print "\nroot=\"".$href->{'label'}."\";\n\n"; $ROOT=1;
152		$ROOTDEP = $href->{'label'};
153	}
154	print "object ",$href->{'label'}," {\n";
155	print "\t",'ip "',$href->{'host'},'";',"\n";
156	print "\t",'type ',$href->{'type'},';',"\n";
158	if ($href->{'type'} eq 'udp') {
159		print "\t",'port ',$href->{'port'},';',"\n";
160	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'tcp') {
161		print "\t",'port ',$href->{'port'},';',"\n";
162	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'imap') {
163		print "\t",'username "',$href->{'user'},'";',"\n";
164		print "\t",'password "',$href->{'pw'},'";',"\n";
165	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'pop3') {
166		print "\t",'username "',$href->{'user'},'";',"\n";
167		print "\t",'password "',$href->{'pw'},'";',"\n";
168	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'radius') {
169		print "\t",'username "',$href->{'user'},'";',"\n";
170		print "\t",'password "',$href->{'pw'},'";',"\n";
171		print "\t",'secret "',$href->{'radsecret'},'";',"\n";
172	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'http') {
173		print "\t",'url "',$href->{'url'},'";',"\n";
174		print "\t",'urltext "',$href->{'urltext'},'";',"\n";
175	} elsif ($href->{'type'} eq 'nntp') {
176		print "\tport 119;\n";
177	} else {
178		# defaults.
179	}
181	if (defined($href->{'depends'})) {
182		print "\t",'dep "',$href->{'depends'},'";',"\n";
183	} else {
184		print "\t",'dep "',$ROOTDEP,'";',"\n";
185	}
186	if (defined($href->{'desc'})) {
187		print "\t",'desc "',$href->{'desc'},'";',"\n";
188	}
189	if (defined($href->{'email'})) {
190		print "\t",'contact "',$href->{'email'},'";',"\n";
191	}
192	print "};\n";
193	}
196# EOF