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CONTRIBUTORSH A D13-Nov-2019594 1715

README.mdH A D13-Nov-20192.8 KiB7152

btcdextcmds.goH A D13-Nov-20194.2 KiB13965

btcdextcmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-20197.8 KiB258230

btcdextresults.goH A D13-Nov-2019722 219

btcdextresults_test.goH A D13-Nov-20191.3 KiB5642

btcwalletextcmds.goH A D13-Nov-20193 KiB10766

btcwalletextcmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-20196 KiB210183

chainsvrcmds.goH A D13-Nov-201926 KiB841487

chainsvrcmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-201938 KiB1,2101,173

chainsvrresults.goH A D13-Nov-201920.8 KiB587444

chainsvrresults_test.goH A D13-Nov-20192.1 KiB8976

chainsvrwscmds.goH A D13-Nov-20197.6 KiB242119

chainsvrwscmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-201910 KiB298270

chainsvrwsntfns.goH A D13-Nov-201910 KiB305148

chainsvrwsntfns_test.goH A D13-Nov-20199 KiB297268

chainsvrwsresults.goH A D13-Nov-2019645 228

chainsvrwsresults_test.goH A D13-Nov-20191.1 KiB5138

cmdinfo.goH A D13-Nov-20197.8 KiB250157

cmdinfo_test.goH A D13-Nov-20199.7 KiB431390

cmdparse.goH A D13-Nov-201917.7 KiB551362

cmdparse_test.goH A D13-Nov-201912.3 KiB520489

doc.goH A D13-Nov-20196.4 KiB1471

error.goH A D13-Nov-20193.6 KiB11250

error_test.goH A D13-Nov-20192.1 KiB8164

example_test.goH A D13-Nov-20194.8 KiB14972

export_test.goH A D13-Nov-20191.7 KiB4912

help.goH A D13-Nov-201918.3 KiB561340

help_test.goH A D13-Nov-201918.7 KiB738691

helpers.goH A D13-Nov-20192.1 KiB7846

helpers_test.goH A D13-Nov-20192 KiB116104

jsonrpc.goH A D13-Nov-20195.1 KiB15187

jsonrpc_test.goH A D13-Nov-20194.1 KiB162131

jsonrpcerr.goH A D13-Nov-20192.6 KiB8970

register.goH A D13-Nov-20198.7 KiB293187

register_test.goH A D13-Nov-20196.7 KiB264231

walletsvrcmds.goH A D13-Nov-201922.4 KiB700431

walletsvrcmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-201940.4 KiB1,2751,247

walletsvrresults.goH A D13-Nov-20196.6 KiB162123

walletsvrwscmds.goH A D13-Nov-20194.3 KiB12969

walletsvrwscmds_test.goH A D13-Nov-20197.9 KiB260233

walletsvrwsntfns.goH A D13-Nov-20192.9 KiB9652

walletsvrwsntfns_test.goH A D13-Nov-20195.9 KiB188160


4[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/btcsuite/btcd.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/btcsuite/btcd)
5[![ISC License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-ISC-blue.svg)](http://copyfree.org)
8Package btcjson implements concrete types for marshalling to and from the
9bitcoin JSON-RPC API.  A comprehensive suite of tests is provided to ensure
10proper functionality.
12Although this package was primarily written for the btcsuite, it has
13intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any
14projects needing to marshal to and from bitcoin JSON-RPC requests and responses.
16Note that although it's possible to use this package directly to implement an
17RPC client, it is not recommended since it is only intended as an infrastructure
18package.  Instead, RPC clients should use the
19[btcrpcclient](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcrpcclient) package which provides
20a full blown RPC client with many features such as automatic connection
21management, websocket support, automatic notification re-registration on
22reconnect, and conversion from the raw underlying RPC types (strings, floats,
23ints, etc) to higher-level types with many nice and useful properties.
25## Installation and Updating
28$ go get -u github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson
31## Examples
33* [Marshal Command](http://godoc.org/github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson#example-MarshalCmd)
34  Demonstrates how to create and marshal a command into a JSON-RPC request.
36* [Unmarshal Command](http://godoc.org/github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson#example-UnmarshalCmd)
37  Demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC request and then unmarshal the
38  concrete request into a concrete command.
40* [Marshal Response](http://godoc.org/github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson#example-MarshalResponse)
41  Demonstrates how to marshal a JSON-RPC response.
43* [Unmarshal Response](http://godoc.org/github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson#example-package--UnmarshalResponse)
44  Demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC response and then unmarshal the
45  result field in the response to a concrete type.
47## GPG Verification Key
49All official release tags are signed by Conformal so users can ensure the code
50has not been tampered with and is coming from the btcsuite developers.  To
51verify the signature perform the following:
53- Download the public key from the Conformal website at
54  https://opensource.conformal.com/GIT-GPG-KEY-conformal.txt
56- Import the public key into your GPG keyring:
57  ```bash
58  gpg --import GIT-GPG-KEY-conformal.txt
59  ```
61- Verify the release tag with the following command where `TAG_NAME` is a
62  placeholder for the specific tag:
63  ```bash
64  git tag -v TAG_NAME
65  ```
67## License
69Package btcjson is licensed under the [copyfree](http://copyfree.org) ISC