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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


.gitignoreH A D15-Dec-201844 98

LICENSEH A D15-Dec-20181.5 KiB2622

README.mdH A D15-Dec-2018595 1310

mmap.goH A D15-Dec-20183.6 KiB11863

mmap_test.goH A D15-Dec-20183.2 KiB153119

mmap_unix.goH A D15-Dec-20181,019 5238

mmap_windows.goH A D15-Dec-20184 KiB14498


4mmap-go is a portable mmap package for the [Go programming language](http://golang.org).
5It has been tested on Linux (386, amd64), OS X, and Windows (386). It should also
6work on other Unix-like platforms, but hasn't been tested with them. I'm interested
7to hear about the results.
9I haven't been able to add more features without adding significant complexity,
10so mmap-go doesn't support mprotect, mincore, and maybe a few other things.
11If you're running on a Unix-like platform and need some of these features,
12I suggest Gustavo Niemeyer's [gommap](http://labix.org/gommap).