1// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
3// in the LICENSE file.
5// Package httprouter is a trie based high performance HTTP request router.
7// A trivial example is:
9//  package main
11//  import (
12//      "fmt"
13//      "github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter"
14//      "net/http"
15//      "log"
16//  )
18//  func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
19//      fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome!\n")
20//  }
22//  func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
23//      fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", ps.ByName("name"))
24//  }
26//  func main() {
27//      router := httprouter.New()
28//      router.GET("/", Index)
29//      router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
31//      log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
32//  }
34// The router matches incoming requests by the request method and the path.
35// If a handle is registered for this path and method, the router delegates the
36// request to that function.
37// For the methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE shortcut functions exist to
38// register handles, for all other methods router.Handle can be used.
40// The registered path, against which the router matches incoming requests, can
41// contain two types of parameters:
42//  Syntax    Type
43//  :name     named parameter
44//  *name     catch-all parameter
46// Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the
47// next '/' or the path end:
48//  Path: /blog/:category/:post
50//  Requests:
51//   /blog/go/request-routers            match: category="go", post="request-routers"
52//   /blog/go/request-routers/           no match, but the router would redirect
53//   /blog/go/                           no match
54//   /blog/go/request-routers/comments   no match
56// Catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the
57// directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything
58// until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element.
59//  Path: /files/*filepath
61//  Requests:
62//   /files/                             match: filepath="/"
63//   /files/LICENSE                      match: filepath="/LICENSE"
64//   /files/templates/article.html       match: filepath="/templates/article.html"
65//   /files                              no match, but the router would redirect
67// The value of parameters is saved as a slice of the Param struct, consisting
68// each of a key and a value. The slice is passed to the Handle func as a third
69// parameter.
70// There are two ways to retrieve the value of a parameter:
71//  // by the name of the parameter
72//  user := ps.ByName("user") // defined by :user or *user
74//  // by the index of the parameter. This way you can also get the name (key)
75//  thirdKey   := ps[2].Key   // the name of the 3rd parameter
76//  thirdValue := ps[2].Value // the value of the 3rd parameter
77package httprouter
79import (
80	"net/http"
83// Handle is a function that can be registered to a route to handle HTTP
84// requests. Like http.HandlerFunc, but has a third parameter for the values of
85// wildcards (variables).
86type Handle func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Params)
88// Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.
89type Param struct {
90	Key   string
91	Value string
94// Params is a Param-slice, as returned by the router.
95// The slice is ordered, the first URL parameter is also the first slice value.
96// It is therefore safe to read values by the index.
97type Params []Param
99// ByName returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name.
100// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.
101func (ps Params) ByName(name string) string {
102	for i := range ps {
103		if ps[i].Key == name {
104			return ps[i].Value
105		}
106	}
107	return ""
110// Router is a http.Handler which can be used to dispatch requests to different
111// handler functions via configurable routes
112type Router struct {
113	trees map[string]*node
115	// Enables automatic redirection if the current route can't be matched but a
116	// handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists.
117	// For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the
118	// client is redirected to /foo with http status code 301 for GET requests
119	// and 307 for all other request methods.
120	RedirectTrailingSlash bool
122	// If enabled, the router tries to fix the current request path, if no
123	// handle is registered for it.
124	// First superfluous path elements like ../ or // are removed.
125	// Afterwards the router does a case-insensitive lookup of the cleaned path.
126	// If a handle can be found for this route, the router makes a redirection
127	// to the corrected path with status code 301 for GET requests and 307 for
128	// all other request methods.
129	// For example /FOO and /..//Foo could be redirected to /foo.
130	// RedirectTrailingSlash is independent of this option.
131	RedirectFixedPath bool
133	// If enabled, the router checks if another method is allowed for the
134	// current route, if the current request can not be routed.
135	// If this is the case, the request is answered with 'Method Not Allowed'
136	// and HTTP status code 405.
137	// If no other Method is allowed, the request is delegated to the NotFound
138	// handler.
139	HandleMethodNotAllowed bool
141	// If enabled, the router automatically replies to OPTIONS requests.
142	// Custom OPTIONS handlers take priority over automatic replies.
143	HandleOPTIONS bool
145	// Configurable http.Handler which is called when no matching route is
146	// found. If it is not set, http.NotFound is used.
147	NotFound http.Handler
149	// Configurable http.Handler which is called when a request
150	// cannot be routed and HandleMethodNotAllowed is true.
151	// If it is not set, http.Error with http.StatusMethodNotAllowed is used.
152	// The "Allow" header with allowed request methods is set before the handler
153	// is called.
154	MethodNotAllowed http.Handler
156	// Function to handle panics recovered from http handlers.
157	// It should be used to generate a error page and return the http error code
158	// 500 (Internal Server Error).
159	// The handler can be used to keep your server from crashing because of
160	// unrecovered panics.
161	PanicHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, interface{})
164// Make sure the Router conforms with the http.Handler interface
165var _ http.Handler = New()
167// New returns a new initialized Router.
168// Path auto-correction, including trailing slashes, is enabled by default.
169func New() *Router {
170	return &Router{
171		RedirectTrailingSlash:  true,
172		RedirectFixedPath:      true,
173		HandleMethodNotAllowed: true,
174		HandleOPTIONS:          true,
175	}
178// GET is a shortcut for router.Handle("GET", path, handle)
179func (r *Router) GET(path string, handle Handle) {
180	r.Handle("GET", path, handle)
183// HEAD is a shortcut for router.Handle("HEAD", path, handle)
184func (r *Router) HEAD(path string, handle Handle) {
185	r.Handle("HEAD", path, handle)
188// OPTIONS is a shortcut for router.Handle("OPTIONS", path, handle)
189func (r *Router) OPTIONS(path string, handle Handle) {
190	r.Handle("OPTIONS", path, handle)
193// POST is a shortcut for router.Handle("POST", path, handle)
194func (r *Router) POST(path string, handle Handle) {
195	r.Handle("POST", path, handle)
198// PUT is a shortcut for router.Handle("PUT", path, handle)
199func (r *Router) PUT(path string, handle Handle) {
200	r.Handle("PUT", path, handle)
203// PATCH is a shortcut for router.Handle("PATCH", path, handle)
204func (r *Router) PATCH(path string, handle Handle) {
205	r.Handle("PATCH", path, handle)
208// DELETE is a shortcut for router.Handle("DELETE", path, handle)
209func (r *Router) DELETE(path string, handle Handle) {
210	r.Handle("DELETE", path, handle)
213// Handle registers a new request handle with the given path and method.
215// For GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests the respective shortcut
216// functions can be used.
218// This function is intended for bulk loading and to allow the usage of less
219// frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal
220// communication with a proxy).
221func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handle Handle) {
222	if path[0] != '/' {
223		panic("path must begin with '/' in path '" + path + "'")
224	}
226	if r.trees == nil {
227		r.trees = make(map[string]*node)
228	}
230	root := r.trees[method]
231	if root == nil {
232		root = new(node)
233		r.trees[method] = root
234	}
236	root.addRoute(path, handle)
239// HandlerFunc is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.HandlerFunc as a
240// request handle.
241func (r *Router) HandlerFunc(method, path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
242	r.Handler(method, path, handler)
245// ServeFiles serves files from the given file system root.
246// The path must end with "/*filepath", files are then served from the local
247// path /defined/root/dir/*filepath.
248// For example if root is "/etc" and *filepath is "passwd", the local file
249// "/etc/passwd" would be served.
250// Internally a http.FileServer is used, therefore http.NotFound is used instead
251// of the Router's NotFound handler.
252// To use the operating system's file system implementation,
253// use http.Dir:
254//     router.ServeFiles("/src/*filepath", http.Dir("/var/www"))
255func (r *Router) ServeFiles(path string, root http.FileSystem) {
256	if len(path) < 10 || path[len(path)-10:] != "/*filepath" {
257		panic("path must end with /*filepath in path '" + path + "'")
258	}
260	fileServer := http.FileServer(root)
262	r.GET(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps Params) {
263		req.URL.Path = ps.ByName("filepath")
264		fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, req)
265	})
268func (r *Router) recv(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
269	if rcv := recover(); rcv != nil {
270		r.PanicHandler(w, req, rcv)
271	}
274// Lookup allows the manual lookup of a method + path combo.
275// This is e.g. useful to build a framework around this router.
276// If the path was found, it returns the handle function and the path parameter
277// values. Otherwise the third return value indicates whether a redirection to
278// the same path with an extra / without the trailing slash should be performed.
279func (r *Router) Lookup(method, path string) (Handle, Params, bool) {
280	if root := r.trees[method]; root != nil {
281		return root.getValue(path)
282	}
283	return nil, nil, false
286func (r *Router) allowed(path, reqMethod string) (allow string) {
287	if path == "*" { // server-wide
288		for method := range r.trees {
289			if method == "OPTIONS" {
290				continue
291			}
293			// add request method to list of allowed methods
294			if len(allow) == 0 {
295				allow = method
296			} else {
297				allow += ", " + method
298			}
299		}
300	} else { // specific path
301		for method := range r.trees {
302			// Skip the requested method - we already tried this one
303			if method == reqMethod || method == "OPTIONS" {
304				continue
305			}
307			handle, _, _ := r.trees[method].getValue(path)
308			if handle != nil {
309				// add request method to list of allowed methods
310				if len(allow) == 0 {
311					allow = method
312				} else {
313					allow += ", " + method
314				}
315			}
316		}
317	}
318	if len(allow) > 0 {
319		allow += ", OPTIONS"
320	}
321	return
324// ServeHTTP makes the router implement the http.Handler interface.
325func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
326	if r.PanicHandler != nil {
327		defer r.recv(w, req)
328	}
330	path := req.URL.Path
332	if root := r.trees[req.Method]; root != nil {
333		if handle, ps, tsr := root.getValue(path); handle != nil {
334			handle(w, req, ps)
335			return
336		} else if req.Method != "CONNECT" && path != "/" {
337			code := 301 // Permanent redirect, request with GET method
338			if req.Method != "GET" {
339				// Temporary redirect, request with same method
340				// As of Go 1.3, Go does not support status code 308.
341				code = 307
342			}
344			if tsr && r.RedirectTrailingSlash {
345				if len(path) > 1 && path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
346					req.URL.Path = path[:len(path)-1]
347				} else {
348					req.URL.Path = path + "/"
349				}
350				http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
351				return
352			}
354			// Try to fix the request path
355			if r.RedirectFixedPath {
356				fixedPath, found := root.findCaseInsensitivePath(
357					CleanPath(path),
358					r.RedirectTrailingSlash,
359				)
360				if found {
361					req.URL.Path = string(fixedPath)
362					http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
363					return
364				}
365			}
366		}
367	}
369	if req.Method == "OPTIONS" && r.HandleOPTIONS {
370		// Handle OPTIONS requests
371		if allow := r.allowed(path, req.Method); len(allow) > 0 {
372			w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
373			return
374		}
375	} else {
376		// Handle 405
377		if r.HandleMethodNotAllowed {
378			if allow := r.allowed(path, req.Method); len(allow) > 0 {
379				w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
380				if r.MethodNotAllowed != nil {
381					r.MethodNotAllowed.ServeHTTP(w, req)
382				} else {
383					http.Error(w,
384						http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed),
385						http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
386					)
387				}
388				return
389			}
390		}
391	}
393	// Handle 404
394	if r.NotFound != nil {
395		r.NotFound.ServeHTTP(w, req)
396	} else {
397		http.NotFound(w, req)
398	}