1<TS language="pam" version="2.1">
3    <name>AddressBookPage</name>
4    <message>
5        <source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
6        <translation>I-right click ban alilan ing address o libel</translation>
7    </message>
8    <message>
9        <source>Create a new address</source>
10        <translation>Maglalang kang bayung address</translation>
11    </message>
12    <message>
13        <source>&amp;New</source>
14        <translation>&amp;Bayu</translation>
15    </message>
16    <message>
17        <source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
18        <translation>Kopyan me ing salukuyan at makipiling address keng system clipboard</translation>
19    </message>
20    <message>
21        <source>&amp;Copy</source>
22        <translation>&amp;Kopyan</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <source>C&amp;lose</source>
26        <translation>I&amp;sara</translation>
27    </message>
28    <message>
29        <source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
30        <translation>Ilako ya ing kasalungsungan makapiling address keng listahan</translation>
31    </message>
32    <message>
33        <source>Enter address or label to search</source>
34        <translation>Magpalub kang address o label para pantunan</translation>
35    </message>
36    <message>
37        <source>&amp;Delete</source>
38        <translation>&amp;Ilako</translation>
39    </message>
40    </context>
42    <name>AddressTableModel</name>
43    </context>
45    <name>AskPassphraseDialog</name>
46    <message>
47        <source>Passphrase Dialog</source>
48        <translation>Dialogo ning Passphrase</translation>
49    </message>
50    <message>
51        <source>Enter passphrase</source>
52        <translation>Mamalub kang passphrase</translation>
53    </message>
54    <message>
55        <source>New passphrase</source>
56        <translation>Panibayung passphrase</translation>
57    </message>
58    <message>
59        <source>Repeat new passphrase</source>
60        <translation>Pasibayuan ya ing bayung passphrase</translation>
61    </message>
62    </context>
64    <name>BanTableModel</name>
65    </context>
67    <name>BitcoinGUI</name>
68    <message>
69        <source>Sign &amp;message...</source>
70        <translation>I-sign ing &amp;mensayi</translation>
71    </message>
72    <message>
73        <source>Synchronizing with network...</source>
74        <translation>Mag-sychronize ne king network...</translation>
75    </message>
76    <message>
77        <source>&amp;Overview</source>
78        <translation>&amp;Overview</translation>
79    </message>
80    <message>
81        <source>Show general overview of wallet</source>
82        <translation>Ipakit ing kabuuang lawe ning wallet</translation>
83    </message>
84    <message>
85        <source>&amp;Transactions</source>
86        <translation>&amp;Transaksion</translation>
87    </message>
88    <message>
89        <source>Browse transaction history</source>
90        <translation>Lawan ing kasalesayan ning transaksion</translation>
91    </message>
92    <message>
93        <source>E&amp;xit</source>
94        <translation>L&amp;umwal</translation>
95    </message>
96    <message>
97        <source>Quit application</source>
98        <translation>Tuknangan ing aplikasyon</translation>
99    </message>
100    <message>
101        <source>About &amp;Qt</source>
102        <translation>Tungkul &amp;Qt</translation>
103    </message>
104    <message>
105        <source>Show information about Qt</source>
106        <translation>Magpakit impormasion tungkul king Qt</translation>
107    </message>
108    <message>
109        <source>&amp;Options...</source>
110        <translation>&amp;Pipamilian...</translation>
111    </message>
112    <message>
113        <source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source>
114        <translation>I-&amp;Encrypt in Wallet...</translation>
115    </message>
116    <message>
117        <source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
118        <translation>I-&amp;Backup ing Wallet...</translation>
119    </message>
120    <message>
121        <source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
122        <translation>&amp;Alilan ing Passphrase...</translation>
123    </message>
124    <message>
125        <source>Send coins to a Litecoin address</source>
126        <translation>Magpadalang barya king Litecoin address</translation>
127    </message>
128    <message>
129        <source>Backup wallet to another location</source>
130        <translation>I-backup ing wallet king aliwang lugal</translation>
131    </message>
132    <message>
133        <source>Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption</source>
134        <translation>Alilan ya ing passphrase a gagamitan para king wallet encryption</translation>
135    </message>
136    <message>
137        <source>&amp;Debug window</source>
138        <translation>I-&amp;Debug ing awang</translation>
139    </message>
140    <message>
141        <source>Open debugging and diagnostic console</source>
142        <translation>Ibuklat ing debugging at diagnostic console</translation>
143    </message>
144    <message>
145        <source>&amp;Verify message...</source>
146        <translation>&amp;Beripikan ing message...</translation>
147    </message>
148    <message>
149        <source>Litecoin</source>
150        <translation>Litecoin</translation>
151    </message>
152    <message>
153        <source>&amp;Show / Hide</source>
154        <translation>&amp;Ipalto / Isalikut</translation>
155    </message>
156    <message>
157        <source>Show or hide the main Window</source>
158        <translation>Ipalto o isalikut ing pun a awang</translation>
159    </message>
160    <message>
161        <source>&amp;File</source>
162        <translation>&amp;File</translation>
163    </message>
164    <message>
165        <source>&amp;Settings</source>
166        <translation>&amp;Pamag-ayus</translation>
167    </message>
168    <message>
169        <source>&amp;Help</source>
170        <translation>&amp;Saup</translation>
171    </message>
172    <message>
173        <source>Tabs toolbar</source>
174        <translation>Gamit para king Tabs</translation>
175    </message>
176    <message>
177        <source>&amp;Command-line options</source>
178        <translation>Pipamilian command-line</translation>
179    </message>
180    <message>
181        <source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source>
182        <translation>Ing tatauling block a metanggap,  me-generate ya %1 ing milabas</translation>
183    </message>
184    <message>
185        <source>Transactions after this will not yet be visible.</source>
186        <translation>Ing transaksion kaibat na nini ali yapa magsilbing ipakit.</translation>
187    </message>
188    <message>
189        <source>Error</source>
190        <translation>Mali</translation>
191    </message>
192    <message>
193        <source>Warning</source>
194        <translation>Kapabaluan</translation>
195    </message>
196    <message>
197        <source>Information</source>
198        <translation>&amp;Impormasion</translation>
199    </message>
200    <message>
201        <source>Up to date</source>
202        <translation>Makatuki ya king aldo</translation>
203    </message>
204    <message>
205        <source>&amp;Window</source>
206        <translation>&amp;Awang</translation>
207    </message>
208    <message>
209        <source>Catching up...</source>
210        <translation>Catching up...</translation>
211    </message>
212    <message>
213        <source>Sent transaction</source>
214        <translation>Mipadalang transaksion</translation>
215    </message>
216    <message>
217        <source>Incoming transaction</source>
218        <translation>Paparatang a transaksion</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;unlocked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
222        <translation>Maka-&lt;b&gt;encrypt&lt;/b&gt; ya ing wallet at kasalukuyan yang maka-&lt;b&gt;unlocked&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
223    </message>
224    <message>
225        <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;locked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
226        <translation>Maka-&lt;b&gt;encrypt&lt;/b&gt; ya ing wallet at kasalukuyan yang maka-&lt;b&gt;locked&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
227    </message>
228    </context>
230    <name>CoinControlDialog</name>
231    <message>
232        <source>Amount:</source>
233        <translation>Alaga:</translation>
234    </message>
235    <message>
236        <source>Amount</source>
237        <translation>Alaga</translation>
238    </message>
239    <message>
240        <source>Date</source>
241        <translation>Kaaldauan</translation>
242    </message>
243    <message>
244        <source>Confirmed</source>
245        <translation>Me-kumpirma</translation>
246    </message>
247    </context>
249    <name>EditAddressDialog</name>
250    <message>
251        <source>Edit Address</source>
252        <translation>Alilan ing Address</translation>
253    </message>
254    <message>
255        <source>&amp;Label</source>
256        <translation>&amp;Label</translation>
257    </message>
258    <message>
259        <source>&amp;Address</source>
260        <translation>&amp;Address</translation>
261    </message>
262    </context>
264    <name>FreespaceChecker</name>
265    </context>
267    <name>HelpMessageDialog</name>
268    <message>
269        <source>version</source>
270        <translation>bersion</translation>
271    </message>
272    <message>
273        <source>Command-line options</source>
274        <translation>Pipamilian command-line</translation>
275    </message>
278    <name>Intro</name>
279    <message>
280        <source>Welcome</source>
281        <translation>Malaus ka</translation>
282    </message>
283    <message>
284        <source>Litecoin</source>
285        <translation>Litecoin</translation>
286    </message>
287    <message>
288        <source>Error</source>
289        <translation>Mali</translation>
290    </message>
291    </context>
293    <name>ModalOverlay</name>
294    <message>
295        <source>Form</source>
296        <translation>Form</translation>
297    </message>
298    <message>
299        <source>Last block time</source>
300        <translation>Tatauling oras na ning block</translation>
301    </message>
302    </context>
304    <name>OpenURIDialog</name>
305    </context>
307    <name>OptionsDialog</name>
308    <message>
309        <source>Options</source>
310        <translation>Pipamilian</translation>
311    </message>
312    <message>
313        <source>&amp;Main</source>
314        <translation>&amp;Pun</translation>
315    </message>
316    <message>
317        <source>&amp;Network</source>
318        <translation>&amp;Network</translation>
319    </message>
320    <message>
321        <source>Automatically open the Litecoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source>
322        <translation>Ibuklat yang antimanu ing Litecoin client port king router. Gagana yamu ini istung ing router mu susuporta yang UPnP at magsilbi ya.</translation>
323    </message>
324    <message>
325        <source>Map port using &amp;UPnP</source>
326        <translation>Mapa ng ning port gamit ing &amp;UPnP</translation>
327    </message>
328    <message>
329        <source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source>
330        <translation>Proxy &amp;IP:</translation>
331    </message>
332    <message>
333        <source>&amp;Port:</source>
334        <translation>&amp;Port:</translation>
335    </message>
336    <message>
337        <source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source>
338        <translation>Port na ning proxy(e.g. 9050)</translation>
339    </message>
340    <message>
341        <source>&amp;Window</source>
342        <translation>&amp;Awang</translation>
343    </message>
344    <message>
345        <source>Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window.</source>
346        <translation>Ipakit mu ing tray icon kaibat meng pelatian ing awang.</translation>
347    </message>
348    <message>
349        <source>&amp;Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar</source>
350        <translation>&amp;Latian ya ing tray kesa king taskbar</translation>
351    </message>
352    <message>
353        <source>M&amp;inimize on close</source>
354        <translation>P&amp;alatian istung isara</translation>
355    </message>
356    <message>
357        <source>&amp;Display</source>
358        <translation>&amp;Ipalto</translation>
359    </message>
360    <message>
361        <source>User Interface &amp;language:</source>
362        <translation>Amanu na ning user interface:</translation>
363    </message>
364    <message>
365        <source>&amp;Unit to show amounts in:</source>
366        <translation>Ing &amp;Unit a ipakit king alaga ning:</translation>
367    </message>
368    <message>
369        <source>Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins.</source>
370        <translation>Pilinan ing default subdivision unit a ipalto o ipakit king interface at istung magpadala kang barya.</translation>
371    </message>
372    <message>
373        <source>&amp;OK</source>
374        <translation>&amp;OK</translation>
375    </message>
376    <message>
377        <source>&amp;Cancel</source>
378        <translation>I-&amp;Cancel</translation>
379    </message>
380    <message>
381        <source>default</source>
382        <translation>default</translation>
383    </message>
384    <message>
385        <source>Error</source>
386        <translation>Mali</translation>
387    </message>
388    <message>
389        <source>The supplied proxy address is invalid.</source>
390        <translation>Ing milageng proxy address eya katanggap-tanggap.</translation>
391    </message>
394    <name>OverviewPage</name>
395    <message>
396        <source>Form</source>
397        <translation>Form</translation>
398    </message>
399    <message>
400        <source>The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Litecoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.</source>
401        <translation>Ing makaltong impormasion mapalyaring luma ne. Ing kekang wallet otomatiku yang mag-synchronize keng Litecoin network istung mekakonekta ne king network, oneng ing prosesung ini ali ya pa kumpletu.</translation>
402    </message>
403    <message>
404        <source>Your current spendable balance</source>
405        <translation>Ing kekang kasalungsungan balanse a malyari mung gastusan</translation>
406    </message>
407    <message>
408        <source>Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance</source>
409        <translation>Ing kabuuan dareng transaksion a kasalungsungan ali pa me-kumpirma, at kasalungsungan ali pa mebilang kareng kekang balanseng malyari mung gastusan</translation>
410    </message>
411    <message>
412        <source>Immature:</source>
413        <translation>Immature:</translation>
414    </message>
415    <message>
416        <source>Mined balance that has not yet matured</source>
417        <translation>Reng me-minang balanse a epa meg-matured</translation>
418    </message>
419    <message>
420        <source>Total:</source>
421        <translation>Kabuuan:</translation>
422    </message>
423    <message>
424        <source>Your current total balance</source>
425        <translation>Ing kekang kasalungsungan kabuuang balanse</translation>
426    </message>
427    </context>
429    <name>PaymentServer</name>
430    </context>
432    <name>PeerTableModel</name>
433    </context>
435    <name>QObject</name>
436    <message>
437        <source>Amount</source>
438        <translation>Alaga</translation>
439    </message>
440    <message>
441        <source>N/A</source>
442        <translation>N/A</translation>
443    </message>
444    <message>
445        <source>unknown</source>
446        <translation>e miya balu</translation>
447    </message>
450    <name>QObject::QObject</name>
451    </context>
453    <name>QRImageWidget</name>
454    </context>
456    <name>RPCConsole</name>
457    <message>
458        <source>N/A</source>
459        <translation>N/A</translation>
460    </message>
461    <message>
462        <source>Client version</source>
463        <translation>Bersion ning Cliente</translation>
464    </message>
465    <message>
466        <source>&amp;Information</source>
467        <translation>&amp;Impormasion</translation>
468    </message>
469    <message>
470        <source>Debug window</source>
471        <translation>I-Debug ing awang</translation>
472    </message>
473    <message>
474        <source>Startup time</source>
475        <translation>Oras ning umpisa</translation>
476    </message>
477    <message>
478        <source>Network</source>
479        <translation>Network</translation>
480    </message>
481    <message>
482        <source>Number of connections</source>
483        <translation>Bilang dareng koneksion</translation>
484    </message>
485    <message>
486        <source>Block chain</source>
487        <translation>Block chain</translation>
488    </message>
489    <message>
490        <source>Current number of blocks</source>
491        <translation>Kasalungsungan bilang dareng blocks</translation>
492    </message>
493    <message>
494        <source>Last block time</source>
495        <translation>Tatauling oras na ning block</translation>
496    </message>
497    <message>
498        <source>&amp;Open</source>
499        <translation>&amp;Ibuklat</translation>
500    </message>
501    <message>
502        <source>&amp;Console</source>
503        <translation>&amp;Console</translation>
504    </message>
505    <message>
506        <source>Totals</source>
507        <translation>Kabuuan:</translation>
508    </message>
509    <message>
510        <source>Debug log file</source>
511        <translation>Debug log file</translation>
512    </message>
513    <message>
514        <source>Clear console</source>
515        <translation>I-Clear ing console</translation>
516    </message>
517    </context>
519    <name>ReceiveCoinsDialog</name>
520    <message>
521        <source>&amp;Label:</source>
522        <translation>&amp;Label:</translation>
523    </message>
524    </context>
526    <name>ReceiveRequestDialog</name>
527    <message>
528        <source>Copy &amp;Address</source>
529        <translation>&amp;Kopyan ing address</translation>
530    </message>
531    <message>
532        <source>Wallet</source>
533        <translation>Wallet</translation>
534    </message>
535    </context>
537    <name>RecentRequestsTableModel</name>
538    </context>
540    <name>SendCoinsDialog</name>
541    <message>
542        <source>Send Coins</source>
543        <translation>Magpadalang Barya</translation>
544    </message>
545    <message>
546        <source>Insufficient funds!</source>
547        <translation>Kulang a pondo</translation>
548    </message>
549    <message>
550        <source>Amount:</source>
551        <translation>Alaga:</translation>
552    </message>
553    <message>
554        <source>Transaction Fee:</source>
555        <translation>Bayad king Transaksion:</translation>
556    </message>
557    <message>
558        <source>Send to multiple recipients at once</source>
559        <translation>Misanang magpadala kareng alialiuang tumanggap</translation>
560    </message>
561    <message>
562        <source>Add &amp;Recipient</source>
563        <translation>Maglage &amp;Tumanggap</translation>
564    </message>
565    <message>
566        <source>Clear &amp;All</source>
567        <translation>I-Clear &amp;Eganagana</translation>
568    </message>
569    <message>
570        <source>Balance:</source>
571        <translation>Balanse:</translation>
572    </message>
573    <message>
574        <source>Confirm the send action</source>
575        <translation>Kumpirman ing aksion king pamagpadala</translation>
576    </message>
577    <message>
578        <source>S&amp;end</source>
579        <translation>Ipadala</translation>
580    </message>
581    <message>
582        <source>Transaction fee</source>
583        <translation>Bayad king Transaksion</translation>
584    </message>
585    </context>
587    <name>SendCoinsEntry</name>
588    <message>
589        <source>A&amp;mount:</source>
590        <translation>A&amp;laga:</translation>
591    </message>
592    <message>
593        <source>Pay &amp;To:</source>
594        <translation>Ibayad &amp;kang:</translation>
595    </message>
596    <message>
597        <source>&amp;Label:</source>
598        <translation>&amp;Label:</translation>
599    </message>
600    <message>
601        <source>Alt+A</source>
602        <translation>Alt+A</translation>
603    </message>
604    <message>
605        <source>Paste address from clipboard</source>
606        <translation>Idikit ing address menibat king clipboard</translation>
607    </message>
608    <message>
609        <source>Alt+P</source>
610        <translation>Alt+P</translation>
611    </message>
612    <message>
613        <source>Message:</source>
614        <translation>Mensayi:</translation>
615    </message>
616    <message>
617        <source>Pay To:</source>
618        <translation>Ibayad kang:</translation>
619    </message>
620    </context>
622    <name>SendConfirmationDialog</name>
623    </context>
625    <name>ShutdownWindow</name>
626    </context>
628    <name>SignVerifyMessageDialog</name>
629    <message>
630        <source>Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message</source>
631        <translation>Pirma - Pirman / I-beripika ing mensayi</translation>
632    </message>
633    <message>
634        <source>&amp;Sign Message</source>
635        <translation>&amp;Pirman ing Mensayi</translation>
636    </message>
637    <message>
638        <source>Alt+A</source>
639        <translation>Alt+A</translation>
640    </message>
641    <message>
642        <source>Paste address from clipboard</source>
643        <translation>Idikit ing address menibat king clipboard</translation>
644    </message>
645    <message>
646        <source>Alt+P</source>
647        <translation>Alt+P</translation>
648    </message>
649    <message>
650        <source>Enter the message you want to sign here</source>
651        <translation>Ipalub ing mensayi a buri mung pirman keni</translation>
652    </message>
653    <message>
654        <source>Signature</source>
655        <translation>Pirma</translation>
656    </message>
657    <message>
658        <source>Copy the current signature to the system clipboard</source>
659        <translation>Kopyan ing kasalungsungan pirma king system clipboard</translation>
660    </message>
661    <message>
662        <source>Sign the message to prove you own this Litecoin address</source>
663        <translation>Pirman ing mensayi ban patune na keka ya ining Litecoin address</translation>
664    </message>
665    <message>
666        <source>Sign &amp;Message</source>
667        <translation>Pirman ing &amp;Mensayi</translation>
668    </message>
669    <message>
670        <source>Reset all sign message fields</source>
671        <translation>Ibalik keng dati reng ngan fields keng pamamirmang mensayi</translation>
672    </message>
673    <message>
674        <source>Clear &amp;All</source>
675        <translation>I-Clear &amp;Eganagana</translation>
676    </message>
677    <message>
678        <source>&amp;Verify Message</source>
679        <translation>&amp;Beripikan ing Mensayi</translation>
680    </message>
681    <message>
682        <source>Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Litecoin address</source>
683        <translation>Beripikan ing mensayi ban asiguradu a me pirma ya ini gamit ing mepiling Litecoin address</translation>
684    </message>
685    <message>
686        <source>Verify &amp;Message</source>
687        <translation>Beripikan ing &amp;Mensayi</translation>
688    </message>
689    <message>
690        <source>Reset all verify message fields</source>
691        <translation>Ibalik king dati reng ngan fields na ning pamag beripikang mensayi</translation>
692    </message>
693    </context>
695    <name>SplashScreen</name>
696    <message>
697        <source>[testnet]</source>
698        <translation>[testnet]</translation>
699    </message>
702    <name>TrafficGraphWidget</name>
703    </context>
705    <name>TransactionDesc</name>
706    </context>
708    <name>TransactionDescDialog</name>
709    <message>
710        <source>This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction</source>
711        <translation>Ining pane a ini magpakit yang detalyadung description ning transaksion</translation>
712    </message>
713    </context>
715    <name>TransactionTableModel</name>
716    </context>
718    <name>TransactionView</name>
719    </context>
721    <name>UnitDisplayStatusBarControl</name>
722    </context>
724    <name>WalletController</name>
725    </context>
727    <name>WalletFrame</name>
728    </context>
730    <name>WalletModel</name>
731    </context>
733    <name>WalletView</name>
734    </context>
736    <name>bitcoin-core</name>
737    <message>
738        <source>Litecoin Core</source>
739        <translation>Kapilubluban ning Litecoin</translation>
740    </message>
741    <message>
742        <source>Corrupted block database detected</source>
743        <translation>Mekapansin lang me-corrupt a block database</translation>
744    </message>
745    <message>
746        <source>Do you want to rebuild the block database now?</source>
747        <translation>Buri meng buuan pasibayu ing block database ngene?</translation>
748    </message>
749    <message>
750        <source>Error initializing block database</source>
751        <translation>Kamalian king pamag-initialize king block na ning database</translation>
752    </message>
753    <message>
754        <source>Error opening block database</source>
755        <translation>Kamalian king pamag buklat king block database</translation>
756    </message>
757    <message>
758        <source>Error: Disk space is low!</source>
759        <translation>Kamalian: Mababa ne ing espasyu king disk!</translation>
760    </message>
761    <message>
762        <source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source>
763        <translation>Memali ya ing pamakiramdam kareng gang nanung port. Gamita me ini -listen=0 nung buri me ini.</translation>
764    </message>
765    <message>
766        <source>Information</source>
767        <translation>&amp;Impormasion</translation>
768    </message>
769    <message>
770        <source>Transaction too large</source>
771        <translation>Maragul yang masiadu ing transaksion</translation>
772    </message>
773    <message>
774        <source>Warning</source>
775        <translation>Kapabaluan</translation>
776    </message>
777    <message>
778        <source>Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'</source>
779        <translation>E kilalang network ing mepili king -onlynet: '%s'</translation>
780    </message>
781    <message>
782        <source>Insufficient funds</source>
783        <translation>Kulang a pondo</translation>
784    </message>
785    <message>
786        <source>Loading block index...</source>
787        <translation>Lo-load dane ing block index...</translation>
788    </message>
789    <message>
790        <source>Loading wallet...</source>
791        <translation>Lo-load dane ing wallet...</translation>
792    </message>
793    <message>
794        <source>Cannot downgrade wallet</source>
795        <translation>Ali ya magsilbing i-downgrade ing wallet</translation>
796    </message>
797    <message>
798        <source>Rescanning...</source>
799        <translation>I-scan deng pasibayu...</translation>
800    </message>
801    <message>
802        <source>Done loading</source>
803        <translation>Yari ne ing pamag-load</translation>
804    </message>
805    <message>
806        <source>Error</source>
807        <translation>Mali</translation>
808    </message>