3 * Simple filter to handle matching of boolean values
4 *
5 * Definition items:
6 * - label: (REQUIRED) The label for the checkbox.
7 * - type: For basic 'true false' types, an item can specify the following:
8 *    - true-false: True/false (this is the default)
9 *    - yes-no: Yes/No
10 *    - on-off: On/Off
11 * - accept null: Treat a NULL value as false.
12 */
13class views_handler_filter_boolean_operator extends views_handler_filter {
14  // exposed filter options
15  var $no_single = TRUE;
16  // Don't display empty space where the operator would be.
17  var $no_operator = TRUE;
18  // Whether to accept NULL as a false value or not
19  var $accept_null = FALSE;
21  function construct() {
22    $this->value_value = t('True');
23    if (isset($this->definition['label'])) {
24      $this->value_value = $this->definition['label'];
25    }
26    if (isset($this->definition['accept null'])) {
27      $this->accept_null = (bool) $this->definition['accept null'];
28    }
29    else if (isset($this->definition['accept_null'])) {
30      $this->accept_null = (bool) $this->definition['accept_null'];
31    }
32    $this->value_options = NULL;
33    parent::construct();
34  }
36  /**
37   * Return the possible options for this filter.
38   *
39   * Child classes should override this function to set the possible values
40   * for the filter.  Since this is a boolean filter, the array should have
41   * two possible keys: 1 for "True" and 0 for "False", although the labels
42   * can be whatever makes sense for the filter.  These values are used for
43   * configuring the filter, when the filter is exposed, and in the admin
44   * summary of the filter.  Normally, this should be static data, but if it's
45   * dynamic for some reason, child classes should use a guard to reduce
46   * database hits as much as possible.
47   */
48  function get_value_options() {
49    if (isset($this->definition['type'])) {
50      if ($this->definition['type'] == 'yes-no') {
51        $this->value_options = array(1 => t('Yes'), 0 => t('No'));
52      }
53      if ($this->definition['type'] == 'on-off') {
54        $this->value_options = array(1 => t('On'), 0 => t('Off'));
55      }
56    }
58    // Provide a fallback if the above didn't set anything.
59    if (!isset($this->value_options)) {
60      $this->value_options = array(1 => t('True'), 0 => t('False'));
61    }
62  }
64  function option_definition() {
65    $options = parent::option_definition();
67    $options['value']['default'] = FALSE;
69    return $options;
70  }
72  function operator_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
73    $form['operator'] = array();
74  }
76  function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
77    if (empty($this->value_options)) {
78      // Initialize the array of possible values for this filter.
79      $this->get_value_options();
80    }
81    if (!empty($form_state['exposed'])) {
82      // Exposed filter: use a select box to save space.
83      $filter_form_type = 'select';
84    }
85    else {
86      // Configuring a filter: use radios for clarity.
87      $filter_form_type = 'radios';
88    }
89    $form['value'] = array(
90      '#type' => $filter_form_type,
91      '#title' => $this->value_value,
92      '#options' => $this->value_options,
93      '#default_value' => $this->value,
94    );
95    if (!empty($this->options['exposed'])) {
96      $identifier = $this->options['expose']['identifier'];
97      if (!isset($form_state['input'][$identifier])) {
98        $form_state['input'][$identifier] = $this->value;
99      }
100      // If we're configuring an exposed filter, add an <Any> option.
101      if (empty($form_state['exposed']) || !empty($this->options['optional'])) {
102        $any_label = variable_get('views_exposed_filter_any_label', 'old_any') == 'old_any' ? '<Any>' : t('- Any -');
103        if ($form['value']['#type'] != 'select') {
104          $any_label = check_plain($any_label);
105        }
106        $form['value']['#options'] = array('All' => $any_label) + $form['value']['#options'];
107      }
108    }
109  }
111  function value_validate($form, &$form_state) {
112    if ($form_state['values']['options']['value'] == 'All' && empty($form_state['values']['options']['expose']['optional'])) {
113      form_set_error('value', t('You must select a value unless this is an optional exposed filter.'));
114    }
115  }
117  function admin_summary() {
118    if (!empty($this->options['exposed'])) {
119      return t('exposed');
120    }
121    if (empty($this->value_options)) {
122      $this->get_value_options();
123    }
124    // Now that we have the valid options for this filter, just return the
125    // human-readable label based on the current value.  The value_options
126    // array is keyed with either 0 or 1, so if the current value is not
127    // empty, use the label for 1, and if it's empty, use the label for 0.
128    return $this->value_options[!empty($this->value)];
129  }
131  function expose_options() {
132    parent::expose_options();
133    $this->options['expose']['operator'] = '';
134    $this->options['expose']['label'] = $this->value_value;
135    $this->options['expose']['optional'] = FALSE;
136  }
138  function query() {
139    $this->ensure_my_table();
141    $where = "$this->table_alias.$this->real_field ";
143    if (empty($this->value)) {
144      $where .= '= 0';
145      if ($this->accept_null) {
146        $where = '(' . $where . " OR $this->table_alias.$this->real_field IS NULL)";
147      }
148    }
149    else {
150      if (!empty($this->definition['use equal'])) {
151        $where .= '= 1';
152      }
153      else {
154        $where .= '<> 0';
155      }
156    }
157    $this->query->add_where($this->options['group'], $where);
158  }