1# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
2# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
3# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
5# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
6# Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com>
7# Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com>
8# Author: Ben Howard <ben.howard@canonical.com>
10# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
12import abc
13import os
14import re
15import stat
16import string
17import urllib.parse
18from io import StringIO
19from typing import Any, Mapping  # noqa: F401
21from cloudinit import importer
22from cloudinit import log as logging
23from cloudinit import net
24from cloudinit.net import activators
25from cloudinit.net import eni
26from cloudinit.net import network_state
27from cloudinit.net import renderers
28from cloudinit.net.network_state import parse_net_config_data
29from cloudinit import persistence
30from cloudinit import ssh_util
31from cloudinit import type_utils
32from cloudinit import subp
33from cloudinit import util
35from cloudinit.features import \
38from cloudinit.distros.parsers import hosts
39from .networking import LinuxNetworking
42# Used when a cloud-config module can be run on all cloud-init distibutions.
43# The value 'all' is surfaced in module documentation for distro support.
44ALL_DISTROS = 'all'
47    'alpine': ['alpine'],
48    'arch': ['arch'],
49    'debian': ['debian', 'ubuntu'],
50    'freebsd': ['freebsd'],
51    'gentoo': ['gentoo'],
52    'redhat': ['almalinux', 'amazon', 'centos', 'cloudlinux', 'eurolinux',
53               'fedora', 'openEuler', 'photon', 'rhel', 'rocky', 'virtuozzo'],
54    'suse': ['opensuse', 'sles'],
57LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
59# This is a best guess regex, based on current EC2 AZs on 2017-12-11.
60# It could break when Amazon adds new regions and new AZs.
61_EC2_AZ_RE = re.compile('^[a-z][a-z]-(?:[a-z]+-)+[0-9][a-z]$')
63# Default NTP Client Configurations
64PREFERRED_NTP_CLIENTS = ['chrony', 'systemd-timesyncd', 'ntp', 'ntpdate']
66# Letters/Digits/Hyphen characters, for use in domain name validation
67LDH_ASCII_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-"
70class Distro(persistence.CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
72    usr_lib_exec = "/usr/lib"
73    hosts_fn = "/etc/hosts"
74    ci_sudoers_fn = "/etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users"
75    hostname_conf_fn = "/etc/hostname"
76    tz_zone_dir = "/usr/share/zoneinfo"
77    init_cmd = ['service']  # systemctl, service etc
78    renderer_configs = {}  # type: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]
79    _preferred_ntp_clients = None
80    networking_cls = LinuxNetworking
81    # This is used by self.shutdown_command(), and can be overridden in
82    # subclasses
83    shutdown_options_map = {'halt': '-H', 'poweroff': '-P', 'reboot': '-r'}
85    _ci_pkl_version = 1
86    prefer_fqdn = False
87    resolve_conf_fn = "/etc/resolv.conf"
89    def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths):
90        self._paths = paths
91        self._cfg = cfg
92        self.name = name
93        self.networking = self.networking_cls()
95    def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
96        """Perform deserialization fixes for Distro."""
97        if "networking" not in self.__dict__ or not self.networking.__dict__:
98            # This is either a Distro pickle with no networking attribute OR
99            # this is a Distro pickle with a networking attribute but from
100            # before ``Networking`` had any state (meaning that
101            # Networking.__setstate__ will not be called).  In either case, we
102            # want to ensure that `self.networking` is freshly-instantiated:
103            # either because it isn't present at all, or because it will be
104            # missing expected instance state otherwise.
105            self.networking = self.networking_cls()
107    @abc.abstractmethod
108    def install_packages(self, pkglist):
109        raise NotImplementedError()
111    def _write_network(self, settings):
112        """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers."""
113        raise NotImplementedError(
114            "Legacy function '_write_network' was called in distro '%s'.\n"
115            "_write_network_config needs implementation.\n" % self.name)
117    def _write_network_state(self, network_state):
118        priority = util.get_cfg_by_path(
119            self._cfg, ('network', 'renderers'), None)
121        name, render_cls = renderers.select(priority=priority)
122        LOG.debug("Selected renderer '%s' from priority list: %s",
123                  name, priority)
124        renderer = render_cls(config=self.renderer_configs.get(name))
125        renderer.render_network_state(network_state)
127    def _find_tz_file(self, tz):
128        tz_file = os.path.join(self.tz_zone_dir, str(tz))
129        if not os.path.isfile(tz_file):
130            raise IOError(("Invalid timezone %s,"
131                           " no file found at %s") % (tz, tz_file))
132        return tz_file
134    def get_option(self, opt_name, default=None):
135        return self._cfg.get(opt_name, default)
137    def set_option(self, opt_name, value=None):
138        self._cfg[opt_name] = value
140    def set_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn=None):
141        writeable_hostname = self._select_hostname(hostname, fqdn)
142        self._write_hostname(writeable_hostname, self.hostname_conf_fn)
143        self._apply_hostname(writeable_hostname)
145    def uses_systemd(self):
146        """Wrapper to report whether this distro uses systemd or sysvinit."""
147        return uses_systemd()
149    @abc.abstractmethod
150    def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None):
151        raise NotImplementedError()
153    @abc.abstractmethod
154    def update_package_sources(self):
155        raise NotImplementedError()
157    def get_primary_arch(self):
158        arch = os.uname()[4]
159        if arch in ("i386", "i486", "i586", "i686"):
160            return "i386"
161        return arch
163    def _get_arch_package_mirror_info(self, arch=None):
164        mirror_info = self.get_option("package_mirrors", [])
165        if not arch:
166            arch = self.get_primary_arch()
167        return _get_arch_package_mirror_info(mirror_info, arch)
169    def get_package_mirror_info(self, arch=None, data_source=None):
170        # This resolves the package_mirrors config option
171        # down to a single dict of {mirror_name: mirror_url}
172        arch_info = self._get_arch_package_mirror_info(arch)
173        return _get_package_mirror_info(data_source=data_source,
174                                        mirror_info=arch_info)
176    def apply_network(self, settings, bring_up=True):
177        """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers."""
178        # this applies network where 'settings' is interfaces(5) style
179        # it is obsolete compared to apply_network_config
180        # Write it out
182        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
183        # We have implementations in arch and gentoo still
184        dev_names = self._write_network(settings)
185        # pylint: enable=assignment-from-no-return
186        # Now try to bring them up
187        if bring_up:
188            return self._bring_up_interfaces(dev_names)
189        return False
191    def _apply_network_from_network_config(self, netconfig, bring_up=True):
192        """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers."""
193        distro = self.__class__
194        LOG.warning("apply_network_config is not currently implemented "
195                    "for distribution '%s'.  Attempting to use apply_network",
196                    distro)
197        header = '\n'.join([
198            "# Converted from network_config for distro %s" % distro,
199            "# Implementation of _write_network_config is needed."
200        ])
201        ns = network_state.parse_net_config_data(netconfig)
202        contents = eni.network_state_to_eni(
203            ns, header=header, render_hwaddress=True)
204        return self.apply_network(contents, bring_up=bring_up)
206    def generate_fallback_config(self):
207        return net.generate_fallback_config()
209    def apply_network_config(self, netconfig, bring_up=False) -> bool:
210        """Apply the network config.
212        If bring_up is True, attempt to bring up the passed in devices. If
213        devices is None, attempt to bring up devices returned by
214        _write_network_config.
216        Returns True if any devices failed to come up, otherwise False.
217        """
218        # This method is preferred to apply_network which only takes
219        # a much less complete network config format (interfaces(5)).
220        network_state = parse_net_config_data(netconfig)
221        try:
222            self._write_network_state(network_state)
223        except NotImplementedError:
224            # backwards compat until all distros have apply_network_config
225            return self._apply_network_from_network_config(
226                netconfig, bring_up=bring_up)
228        # Now try to bring them up
229        if bring_up:
230            LOG.debug('Bringing up newly configured network interfaces')
231            network_activator = activators.select_activator()
232            network_activator.bring_up_all_interfaces(network_state)
233        else:
234            LOG.debug("Not bringing up newly configured network interfaces")
235        return False
237    def apply_network_config_names(self, netconfig):
238        net.apply_network_config_names(netconfig)
240    @abc.abstractmethod
241    def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None):
242        raise NotImplementedError()
244    @abc.abstractmethod
245    def set_timezone(self, tz):
246        raise NotImplementedError()
248    def _get_localhost_ip(self):
249        return ""
251    def get_locale(self):
252        raise NotImplementedError()
254    @abc.abstractmethod
255    def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None):
256        raise NotImplementedError()
258    @abc.abstractmethod
259    def _write_hostname(self, hostname, filename):
260        raise NotImplementedError()
262    @abc.abstractmethod
263    def _read_system_hostname(self):
264        raise NotImplementedError()
266    def _apply_hostname(self, hostname):
267        # This really only sets the hostname
268        # temporarily (until reboot so it should
269        # not be depended on). Use the write
270        # hostname functions for 'permanent' adjustments.
271        LOG.debug("Non-persistently setting the system hostname to %s",
272                  hostname)
273        try:
274            subp.subp(['hostname', hostname])
275        except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
276            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to non-persistently adjust the system "
277                        "hostname to %s", hostname)
279    def _select_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn):
280        # Prefer the short hostname over the long
281        # fully qualified domain name
282        if util.get_cfg_option_bool(self._cfg, "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname",
283                                    self.prefer_fqdn) and fqdn:
284            return fqdn
285        if not hostname:
286            return fqdn
287        return hostname
289    @staticmethod
290    def expand_osfamily(family_list):
291        distros = []
292        for family in family_list:
293            if family not in OSFAMILIES:
294                raise ValueError(
295                    "No distributions found for osfamily {}".format(family)
296                )
297            distros.extend(OSFAMILIES[family])
298        return distros
300    def update_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn, prev_hostname_fn):
301        applying_hostname = hostname
303        # Determine what the actual written hostname should be
304        hostname = self._select_hostname(hostname, fqdn)
306        # If the previous hostname file exists lets see if we
307        # can get a hostname from it
308        if prev_hostname_fn and os.path.exists(prev_hostname_fn):
309            prev_hostname = self._read_hostname(prev_hostname_fn)
310        else:
311            prev_hostname = None
313        # Lets get where we should write the system hostname
314        # and what the system hostname is
315        (sys_fn, sys_hostname) = self._read_system_hostname()
316        update_files = []
318        # If there is no previous hostname or it differs
319        # from what we want, lets update it or create the
320        # file in the first place
321        if not prev_hostname or prev_hostname != hostname:
322            update_files.append(prev_hostname_fn)
324        # If the system hostname is different than the previous
325        # one or the desired one lets update it as well
326        if ((not sys_hostname) or (sys_hostname == prev_hostname and
327           sys_hostname != hostname)):
328            update_files.append(sys_fn)
330        # If something else has changed the hostname after we set it
331        # initially, we should not overwrite those changes (we should
332        # only be setting the hostname once per instance)
333        if (sys_hostname and prev_hostname and
334                sys_hostname != prev_hostname):
335            LOG.info("%s differs from %s, assuming user maintained hostname.",
336                     prev_hostname_fn, sys_fn)
337            return
339        # Remove duplicates (incase the previous config filename)
340        # is the same as the system config filename, don't bother
341        # doing it twice
342        update_files = set([f for f in update_files if f])
343        LOG.debug("Attempting to update hostname to %s in %s files",
344                  hostname, len(update_files))
346        for fn in update_files:
347            try:
348                self._write_hostname(hostname, fn)
349            except IOError:
350                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to write hostname %s to %s", hostname,
351                            fn)
353        # If the system hostname file name was provided set the
354        # non-fqdn as the transient hostname.
355        if sys_fn in update_files:
356            self._apply_hostname(applying_hostname)
358    def update_etc_hosts(self, hostname, fqdn):
359        header = ''
360        if os.path.exists(self.hosts_fn):
361            eh = hosts.HostsConf(util.load_file(self.hosts_fn))
362        else:
363            eh = hosts.HostsConf('')
364            header = util.make_header(base="added")
365        local_ip = self._get_localhost_ip()
366        prev_info = eh.get_entry(local_ip)
367        need_change = False
368        if not prev_info:
369            eh.add_entry(local_ip, fqdn, hostname)
370            need_change = True
371        else:
372            need_change = True
373            for entry in prev_info:
374                entry_fqdn = None
375                entry_aliases = []
376                if len(entry) >= 1:
377                    entry_fqdn = entry[0]
378                if len(entry) >= 2:
379                    entry_aliases = entry[1:]
380                if entry_fqdn is not None and entry_fqdn == fqdn:
381                    if hostname in entry_aliases:
382                        # Exists already, leave it be
383                        need_change = False
384            if need_change:
385                # Doesn't exist, add that entry in...
386                new_entries = list(prev_info)
387                new_entries.append([fqdn, hostname])
388                eh.del_entries(local_ip)
389                for entry in new_entries:
390                    if len(entry) == 1:
391                        eh.add_entry(local_ip, entry[0])
392                    elif len(entry) >= 2:
393                        eh.add_entry(local_ip, *entry)
394        if need_change:
395            contents = StringIO()
396            if header:
397                contents.write("%s\n" % (header))
398            contents.write("%s\n" % (eh))
399            util.write_file(self.hosts_fn, contents.getvalue(), mode=0o644)
401    @property
402    def preferred_ntp_clients(self):
403        """Allow distro to determine the preferred ntp client list"""
404        if not self._preferred_ntp_clients:
405            self._preferred_ntp_clients = list(PREFERRED_NTP_CLIENTS)
407        return self._preferred_ntp_clients
409    def _bring_up_interface(self, device_name):
410        """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers."""
411        raise NotImplementedError
413    def _bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names):
414        """Deprecated. Remove if/when arch and gentoo support renderers."""
415        am_failed = 0
416        for d in device_names:
417            if not self._bring_up_interface(d):
418                am_failed += 1
419        if am_failed == 0:
420            return True
421        return False
423    def get_default_user(self):
424        return self.get_option('default_user')
426    def add_user(self, name, **kwargs):
427        """
428        Add a user to the system using standard GNU tools
430        This should be overriden on distros where useradd is not desirable or
431        not available.
432        """
433        # XXX need to make add_user idempotent somehow as we
434        # still want to add groups or modify SSH keys on pre-existing
435        # users in the image.
436        if util.is_user(name):
437            LOG.info("User %s already exists, skipping.", name)
438            return
440        if 'create_groups' in kwargs:
441            create_groups = kwargs.pop('create_groups')
442        else:
443            create_groups = True
445        useradd_cmd = ['useradd', name]
446        log_useradd_cmd = ['useradd', name]
447        if util.system_is_snappy():
448            useradd_cmd.append('--extrausers')
449            log_useradd_cmd.append('--extrausers')
451        # Since we are creating users, we want to carefully validate the
452        # inputs. If something goes wrong, we can end up with a system
453        # that nobody can login to.
454        useradd_opts = {
455            "gecos": '--comment',
456            "homedir": '--home',
457            "primary_group": '--gid',
458            "uid": '--uid',
459            "groups": '--groups',
460            "passwd": '--password',
461            "shell": '--shell',
462            "expiredate": '--expiredate',
463            "inactive": '--inactive',
464            "selinux_user": '--selinux-user',
465        }
467        useradd_flags = {
468            "no_user_group": '--no-user-group',
469            "system": '--system',
470            "no_log_init": '--no-log-init',
471        }
473        redact_opts = ['passwd']
475        # support kwargs having groups=[list] or groups="g1,g2"
476        groups = kwargs.get('groups')
477        if groups:
478            if isinstance(groups, str):
479                groups = groups.split(",")
481            # remove any white spaces in group names, most likely
482            # that came in as a string like: groups: group1, group2
483            groups = [g.strip() for g in groups]
485            # kwargs.items loop below wants a comma delimeted string
486            # that can go right through to the command.
487            kwargs['groups'] = ",".join(groups)
489            primary_group = kwargs.get('primary_group')
490            if primary_group:
491                groups.append(primary_group)
493        if create_groups and groups:
494            for group in groups:
495                if not util.is_group(group):
496                    self.create_group(group)
497                    LOG.debug("created group '%s' for user '%s'", group, name)
499        # Check the values and create the command
500        for key, val in sorted(kwargs.items()):
502            if key in useradd_opts and val and isinstance(val, str):
503                useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], val])
505                # Redact certain fields from the logs
506                if key in redact_opts:
507                    log_useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], 'REDACTED'])
508                else:
509                    log_useradd_cmd.extend([useradd_opts[key], val])
511            elif key in useradd_flags and val:
512                useradd_cmd.append(useradd_flags[key])
513                log_useradd_cmd.append(useradd_flags[key])
515        # Don't create the home directory if directed so or if the user is a
516        # system user
517        if kwargs.get('no_create_home') or kwargs.get('system'):
518            useradd_cmd.append('-M')
519            log_useradd_cmd.append('-M')
520        else:
521            useradd_cmd.append('-m')
522            log_useradd_cmd.append('-m')
524        # Run the command
525        LOG.debug("Adding user %s", name)
526        try:
527            subp.subp(useradd_cmd, logstring=log_useradd_cmd)
528        except Exception as e:
529            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create user %s", name)
530            raise e
532    def add_snap_user(self, name, **kwargs):
533        """
534        Add a snappy user to the system using snappy tools
535        """
537        snapuser = kwargs.get('snapuser')
538        known = kwargs.get('known', False)
539        create_user_cmd = ["snap", "create-user", "--sudoer", "--json"]
540        if known:
541            create_user_cmd.append("--known")
542        create_user_cmd.append(snapuser)
544        # Run the command
545        LOG.debug("Adding snap user %s", name)
546        try:
547            (out, err) = subp.subp(create_user_cmd, logstring=create_user_cmd,
548                                   capture=True)
549            LOG.debug("snap create-user returned: %s:%s", out, err)
550            jobj = util.load_json(out)
551            username = jobj.get('username', None)
552        except Exception as e:
553            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create snap user %s", name)
554            raise e
556        return username
558    def create_user(self, name, **kwargs):
559        """
560        Creates or partially updates the ``name`` user in the system.
562        This defers the actual user creation to ``self.add_user`` or
563        ``self.add_snap_user``, and most of the keys in ``kwargs`` will be
564        processed there if and only if the user does not already exist.
566        Once the existence of the ``name`` user has been ensured, this method
567        then processes these keys (for both just-created and pre-existing
568        users):
570        * ``plain_text_passwd``
571        * ``hashed_passwd``
572        * ``lock_passwd``
573        * ``sudo``
574        * ``ssh_authorized_keys``
575        * ``ssh_redirect_user``
576        """
578        # Add a snap user, if requested
579        if 'snapuser' in kwargs:
580            return self.add_snap_user(name, **kwargs)
582        # Add the user
583        self.add_user(name, **kwargs)
585        # Set password if plain-text password provided and non-empty
586        if 'plain_text_passwd' in kwargs and kwargs['plain_text_passwd']:
587            self.set_passwd(name, kwargs['plain_text_passwd'])
589        # Set password if hashed password is provided and non-empty
590        if 'hashed_passwd' in kwargs and kwargs['hashed_passwd']:
591            self.set_passwd(name, kwargs['hashed_passwd'], hashed=True)
593        # Default locking down the account.  'lock_passwd' defaults to True.
594        # lock account unless lock_password is False.
595        if kwargs.get('lock_passwd', True):
596            self.lock_passwd(name)
598        # Configure sudo access
599        if 'sudo' in kwargs and kwargs['sudo'] is not False:
600            self.write_sudo_rules(name, kwargs['sudo'])
602        # Import SSH keys
603        if 'ssh_authorized_keys' in kwargs:
604            # Try to handle this in a smart manner.
605            keys = kwargs['ssh_authorized_keys']
606            if isinstance(keys, str):
607                keys = [keys]
608            elif isinstance(keys, dict):
609                keys = list(keys.values())
610            if keys is not None:
611                if not isinstance(keys, (tuple, list, set)):
612                    LOG.warning("Invalid type '%s' detected for"
613                                " 'ssh_authorized_keys', expected list,"
614                                " string, dict, or set.", type(keys))
615                    keys = []
616                else:
617                    keys = set(keys) or []
618            ssh_util.setup_user_keys(set(keys), name)
619        if 'ssh_redirect_user' in kwargs:
620            cloud_keys = kwargs.get('cloud_public_ssh_keys', [])
621            if not cloud_keys:
622                LOG.warning(
623                    'Unable to disable SSH logins for %s given'
624                    ' ssh_redirect_user: %s. No cloud public-keys present.',
625                    name, kwargs['ssh_redirect_user'])
626            else:
627                redirect_user = kwargs['ssh_redirect_user']
628                disable_option = ssh_util.DISABLE_USER_OPTS
629                disable_option = disable_option.replace('$USER', redirect_user)
630                disable_option = disable_option.replace('$DISABLE_USER', name)
631                ssh_util.setup_user_keys(
632                    set(cloud_keys), name, options=disable_option)
633        return True
635    def lock_passwd(self, name):
636        """
637        Lock the password of a user, i.e., disable password logins
638        """
639        # passwd must use short '-l' due to SLES11 lacking long form '--lock'
640        lock_tools = (['passwd', '-l', name], ['usermod', '--lock', name])
641        try:
642            cmd = next(tool for tool in lock_tools if subp.which(tool[0]))
643        except StopIteration as e:
644            raise RuntimeError((
645                "Unable to lock user account '%s'. No tools available. "
646                "  Tried: %s.") % (name, [c[0] for c in lock_tools])
647            ) from e
648        try:
649            subp.subp(cmd)
650        except Exception as e:
651            util.logexc(LOG, 'Failed to disable password for user %s', name)
652            raise e
654    def expire_passwd(self, user):
655        try:
656            subp.subp(['passwd', '--expire', user])
657        except Exception as e:
658            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to set 'expire' for %s", user)
659            raise e
661    def set_passwd(self, user, passwd, hashed=False):
662        pass_string = '%s:%s' % (user, passwd)
663        cmd = ['chpasswd']
665        if hashed:
666            # Need to use the short option name '-e' instead of '--encrypted'
667            # (which would be more descriptive) since SLES 11 doesn't know
668            # about long names.
669            cmd.append('-e')
671        try:
672            subp.subp(cmd, pass_string, logstring="chpasswd for %s" % user)
673        except Exception as e:
674            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to set password for %s", user)
675            raise e
677        return True
679    def ensure_sudo_dir(self, path, sudo_base='/etc/sudoers'):
680        # Ensure the dir is included and that
681        # it actually exists as a directory
682        sudoers_contents = ''
683        base_exists = False
684        if os.path.exists(sudo_base):
685            sudoers_contents = util.load_file(sudo_base)
686            base_exists = True
687        found_include = False
688        for line in sudoers_contents.splitlines():
689            line = line.strip()
690            include_match = re.search(r"^[#|@]includedir\s+(.*)$", line)
691            if not include_match:
692                continue
693            included_dir = include_match.group(1).strip()
694            if not included_dir:
695                continue
696            included_dir = os.path.abspath(included_dir)
697            if included_dir == path:
698                found_include = True
699                break
700        if not found_include:
701            try:
702                if not base_exists:
703                    lines = [('# See sudoers(5) for more information'
704                              ' on "#include" directives:'), '',
705                             util.make_header(base="added"),
706                             "#includedir %s" % (path), '']
707                    sudoers_contents = "\n".join(lines)
708                    util.write_file(sudo_base, sudoers_contents, 0o440)
709                else:
710                    lines = ['', util.make_header(base="added"),
711                             "#includedir %s" % (path), '']
712                    sudoers_contents = "\n".join(lines)
713                    util.append_file(sudo_base, sudoers_contents)
714                LOG.debug("Added '#includedir %s' to %s", path, sudo_base)
715            except IOError as e:
716                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to write %s", sudo_base)
717                raise e
718        util.ensure_dir(path, 0o750)
720    def write_sudo_rules(self, user, rules, sudo_file=None):
721        if not sudo_file:
722            sudo_file = self.ci_sudoers_fn
724        lines = [
725            '',
726            "# User rules for %s" % user,
727        ]
728        if isinstance(rules, (list, tuple)):
729            for rule in rules:
730                lines.append("%s %s" % (user, rule))
731        elif isinstance(rules, str):
732            lines.append("%s %s" % (user, rules))
733        else:
734            msg = "Can not create sudoers rule addition with type %r"
735            raise TypeError(msg % (type_utils.obj_name(rules)))
736        content = "\n".join(lines)
737        content += "\n"  # trailing newline
739        self.ensure_sudo_dir(os.path.dirname(sudo_file))
740        if not os.path.exists(sudo_file):
741            contents = [
742                util.make_header(),
743                content,
744            ]
745            try:
746                util.write_file(sudo_file, "\n".join(contents), 0o440)
747            except IOError as e:
748                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to write sudoers file %s", sudo_file)
749                raise e
750        else:
751            try:
752                util.append_file(sudo_file, content)
753            except IOError as e:
754                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to append sudoers file %s", sudo_file)
755                raise e
757    def create_group(self, name, members=None):
758        group_add_cmd = ['groupadd', name]
759        if util.system_is_snappy():
760            group_add_cmd.append('--extrausers')
761        if not members:
762            members = []
764        # Check if group exists, and then add it doesn't
765        if util.is_group(name):
766            LOG.warning("Skipping creation of existing group '%s'", name)
767        else:
768            try:
769                subp.subp(group_add_cmd)
770                LOG.info("Created new group %s", name)
771            except Exception:
772                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create group %s", name)
774        # Add members to the group, if so defined
775        if len(members) > 0:
776            for member in members:
777                if not util.is_user(member):
778                    LOG.warning("Unable to add group member '%s' to group '%s'"
779                                "; user does not exist.", member, name)
780                    continue
782                subp.subp(['usermod', '-a', '-G', name, member])
783                LOG.info("Added user '%s' to group '%s'", member, name)
785    def shutdown_command(self, *, mode, delay, message):
786        # called from cc_power_state_change.load_power_state
787        command = ["shutdown", self.shutdown_options_map[mode]]
788        try:
789            if delay != "now":
790                delay = "+%d" % int(delay)
791        except ValueError as e:
792            raise TypeError(
793                "power_state[delay] must be 'now' or '+m' (minutes)."
794                " found '%s'." % (delay,)
795            ) from e
796        args = command + [delay]
797        if message:
798            args.append(message)
799        return args
801    def manage_service(self, action, service):
802        """
803        Perform the requested action on a service. This handles the common
804        'systemctl' and 'service' cases and may be overridden in subclasses
805        as necessary.
806        May raise ProcessExecutionError
807        """
808        init_cmd = self.init_cmd
809        if self.uses_systemd() or 'systemctl' in init_cmd:
810            init_cmd = ['systemctl']
811            cmds = {'stop': ['stop', service],
812                    'start': ['start', service],
813                    'enable': ['enable', service],
814                    'restart': ['restart', service],
815                    'reload': ['reload-or-restart', service],
816                    'try-reload': ['reload-or-try-restart', service],
817                    }
818        else:
819            cmds = {'stop': [service, 'stop'],
820                    'start': [service, 'start'],
821                    'enable': [service, 'start'],
822                    'restart': [service, 'restart'],
823                    'reload': [service, 'restart'],
824                    'try-reload': [service, 'restart'],
825                    }
826        cmd = list(init_cmd) + list(cmds[action])
827        return subp.subp(cmd, capture=True)
830def _apply_hostname_transformations_to_url(url: str, transformations: list):
831    """
832    Apply transformations to a URL's hostname, return transformed URL.
834    This is a separate function because unwrapping and rewrapping only the
835    hostname portion of a URL is complex.
837    :param url:
838        The URL to operate on.
839    :param transformations:
840        A list of ``(str) -> Optional[str]`` functions, which will be applied
841        in order to the hostname portion of the URL.  If any function
842        (regardless of ordering) returns None, ``url`` will be returned without
843        any modification.
845    :return:
846        A string whose value is ``url`` with the hostname ``transformations``
847        applied, or ``None`` if ``url`` is unparseable.
848    """
849    try:
850        parts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
851    except ValueError:
852        # If we can't even parse the URL, we shouldn't use it for anything
853        return None
854    new_hostname = parts.hostname
855    if new_hostname is None:
856        # The URL given doesn't have a hostname component, so (a) we can't
857        # transform it, and (b) it won't work as a mirror; return None.
858        return None
860    for transformation in transformations:
861        new_hostname = transformation(new_hostname)
862        if new_hostname is None:
863            # If a transformation returns None, that indicates we should abort
864            # processing and return `url` unmodified
865            return url
867    new_netloc = new_hostname
868    if parts.port is not None:
869        new_netloc = "{}:{}".format(new_netloc, parts.port)
870    return urllib.parse.urlunsplit(parts._replace(netloc=new_netloc))
873def _sanitize_mirror_url(url: str):
874    """
875    Given a mirror URL, replace or remove any invalid URI characters.
877    This performs the following actions on the URL's hostname:
878      * Checks if it is an IP address, returning the URL immediately if it is
879      * Converts it to its IDN form (see below for details)
880      * Replaces any non-Letters/Digits/Hyphen (LDH) characters in it with
881        hyphens
882      * Removes any leading/trailing hyphens from each domain name label
884    Before we replace any invalid domain name characters, we first need to
885    ensure that any valid non-ASCII characters in the hostname will not be
886    replaced, by ensuring the hostname is in its Internationalized domain name
887    (IDN) representation (see RFC 5890).  This conversion has to be applied to
888    the whole hostname (rather than just the substitution variables), because
889    the Punycode algorithm used by IDNA transcodes each part of the hostname as
890    a whole string (rather than encoding individual characters).  It cannot be
891    applied to the whole URL, because (a) the Punycode algorithm expects to
892    operate on domain names so doesn't output a valid URL, and (b) non-ASCII
893    characters in non-hostname parts of the URL aren't encoded via Punycode.
895    To put this in RFC 5890's terminology: before we remove or replace any
896    characters from our domain name (which we do to ensure that each label is a
897    valid LDH Label), we first ensure each label is in its A-label form.
899    (Note that Python's builtin idna encoding is actually IDNA2003, not
900    IDNA2008.  This changes the specifics of how some characters are encoded to
901    ASCII, but doesn't affect the logic here.)
903    :param url:
904        The URL to operate on.
906    :return:
907        A sanitized version of the URL, which will have been IDNA encoded if
908        necessary, or ``None`` if the generated string is not a parseable URL.
909    """
910    # Acceptable characters are LDH characters, plus "." to separate each label
911    acceptable_chars = LDH_ASCII_CHARS + "."
912    transformations = [
913        # This is an IP address, not a hostname, so no need to apply the
914        # transformations
915        lambda hostname: None if net.is_ip_address(hostname) else hostname,
917        # Encode with IDNA to get the correct characters (as `bytes`), then
918        # decode with ASCII so we return a `str`
919        lambda hostname: hostname.encode('idna').decode('ascii'),
921        # Replace any unacceptable characters with "-"
922        lambda hostname: ''.join(
923            c if c in acceptable_chars else "-" for c in hostname
924        ),
926        # Drop leading/trailing hyphens from each part of the hostname
927        lambda hostname: '.'.join(
928            part.strip('-') for part in hostname.split('.')
929        ),
930    ]
932    return _apply_hostname_transformations_to_url(url, transformations)
935def _get_package_mirror_info(mirror_info, data_source=None,
936                             mirror_filter=util.search_for_mirror):
937    # given a arch specific 'mirror_info' entry (from package_mirrors)
938    # search through the 'search' entries, and fallback appropriately
939    # return a dict with only {name: mirror} entries.
940    if not mirror_info:
941        mirror_info = {}
943    subst = {}
944    if data_source and data_source.availability_zone:
945        subst['availability_zone'] = data_source.availability_zone
947        # ec2 availability zones are named cc-direction-[0-9][a-d] (us-east-1b)
948        # the region is us-east-1. so region = az[0:-1]
949        if _EC2_AZ_RE.match(data_source.availability_zone):
950            ec2_region = data_source.availability_zone[0:-1]
953                subst['ec2_region'] = "%s" % ec2_region
954            elif data_source.platform_type == "ec2":
955                subst['ec2_region'] = "%s" % ec2_region
957    if data_source and data_source.region:
958        subst['region'] = data_source.region
960    results = {}
961    for (name, mirror) in mirror_info.get('failsafe', {}).items():
962        results[name] = mirror
964    for (name, searchlist) in mirror_info.get('search', {}).items():
965        mirrors = []
966        for tmpl in searchlist:
967            try:
968                mirror = tmpl % subst
969            except KeyError:
970                continue
972            mirror = _sanitize_mirror_url(mirror)
973            if mirror is not None:
974                mirrors.append(mirror)
976        found = mirror_filter(mirrors)
977        if found:
978            results[name] = found
980    LOG.debug("filtered distro mirror info: %s", results)
982    return results
985def _get_arch_package_mirror_info(package_mirrors, arch):
986    # pull out the specific arch from a 'package_mirrors' config option
987    default = None
988    for item in package_mirrors:
989        arches = item.get("arches")
990        if arch in arches:
991            return item
992        if "default" in arches:
993            default = item
994    return default
997def fetch(name):
998    locs, looked_locs = importer.find_module(name, ['', __name__], ['Distro'])
999    if not locs:
1000        raise ImportError("No distribution found for distro %s (searched %s)"
1001                          % (name, looked_locs))
1002    mod = importer.import_module(locs[0])
1003    cls = getattr(mod, 'Distro')
1004    return cls
1007def set_etc_timezone(tz, tz_file=None, tz_conf="/etc/timezone",
1008                     tz_local="/etc/localtime"):
1009    util.write_file(tz_conf, str(tz).rstrip() + "\n")
1010    # This ensures that the correct tz will be used for the system
1011    if tz_local and tz_file:
1012        # use a symlink if there exists a symlink or tz_local is not present
1013        islink = os.path.islink(tz_local)
1014        if islink or not os.path.exists(tz_local):
1015            if islink:
1016                util.del_file(tz_local)
1017            os.symlink(tz_file, tz_local)
1018        else:
1019            util.copy(tz_file, tz_local)
1020    return
1023def uses_systemd():
1024    try:
1025        res = os.lstat('/run/systemd/system')
1026        return stat.S_ISDIR(res.st_mode)
1027    except Exception:
1028        return False
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