1# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
2# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
3# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
5# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
6# Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com>
7# Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com>
9# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
11from time import time
13import contextlib
14import os
15from configparser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError, RawConfigParser
16from io import StringIO
18from cloudinit.settings import (PER_INSTANCE, PER_ALWAYS, PER_ONCE,
19                                CFG_ENV_NAME)
21from cloudinit import log as logging
22from cloudinit import type_utils
23from cloudinit import persistence
24from cloudinit import util
26LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
29class LockFailure(Exception):
30    pass
33class DummyLock(object):
34    pass
37class DummySemaphores(object):
38    def __init__(self):
39        pass
41    @contextlib.contextmanager
42    def lock(self, _name, _freq, _clear_on_fail=False):
43        yield DummyLock()
45    def has_run(self, _name, _freq):
46        return False
48    def clear(self, _name, _freq):
49        return True
51    def clear_all(self):
52        pass
55class FileLock(object):
56    def __init__(self, fn):
57        self.fn = fn
59    def __str__(self):
60        return "<%s using file %r>" % (type_utils.obj_name(self), self.fn)
63def canon_sem_name(name):
64    return name.replace("-", "_")
67class FileSemaphores(object):
68    def __init__(self, sem_path):
69        self.sem_path = sem_path
71    @contextlib.contextmanager
72    def lock(self, name, freq, clear_on_fail=False):
73        name = canon_sem_name(name)
74        try:
75            yield self._acquire(name, freq)
76        except Exception:
77            if clear_on_fail:
78                self.clear(name, freq)
79            raise
81    def clear(self, name, freq):
82        name = canon_sem_name(name)
83        sem_file = self._get_path(name, freq)
84        try:
85            util.del_file(sem_file)
86        except (IOError, OSError):
87            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed deleting semaphore %s", sem_file)
88            return False
89        return True
91    def clear_all(self):
92        try:
93            util.del_dir(self.sem_path)
94        except (IOError, OSError):
95            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed deleting semaphore directory %s",
96                        self.sem_path)
98    def _acquire(self, name, freq):
99        # Check again if its been already gotten
100        if self.has_run(name, freq):
101            return None
102        # This is a race condition since nothing atomic is happening
103        # here, but this should be ok due to the nature of when
104        # and where cloud-init runs... (file writing is not a lock...)
105        sem_file = self._get_path(name, freq)
106        contents = "%s: %s\n" % (os.getpid(), time())
107        try:
108            util.write_file(sem_file, contents)
109        except (IOError, OSError):
110            util.logexc(LOG, "Failed writing semaphore file %s", sem_file)
111            return None
112        return FileLock(sem_file)
114    def has_run(self, name, freq):
115        if not freq or freq == PER_ALWAYS:
116            return False
118        cname = canon_sem_name(name)
119        sem_file = self._get_path(cname, freq)
120        # This isn't really a good atomic check
121        # but it suffices for where and when cloudinit runs
122        if os.path.exists(sem_file):
123            return True
125        # this case could happen if the migrator module hadn't run yet
126        # but the item had run before we did canon_sem_name.
127        if cname != name and os.path.exists(self._get_path(name, freq)):
128            LOG.warning("%s has run without canonicalized name [%s].\n"
129                        "likely the migrator has not yet run. "
130                        "It will run next boot.\n"
131                        "run manually with: cloud-init single --name=migrator",
132                        name, cname)
133            return True
135        return False
137    def _get_path(self, name, freq):
138        sem_path = self.sem_path
139        if not freq or freq == PER_INSTANCE:
140            return os.path.join(sem_path, name)
141        else:
142            return os.path.join(sem_path, "%s.%s" % (name, freq))
145class Runners(object):
146    def __init__(self, paths):
147        self.paths = paths
148        self.sems = {}
150    def _get_sem(self, freq):
151        if freq == PER_ALWAYS or not freq:
152            return None
153        sem_path = None
154        if freq == PER_INSTANCE:
155            # This may not exist,
156            # so thats why we still check for none
157            # below if say the paths object
158            # doesn't have a datasource that can
159            # provide this instance path...
160            sem_path = self.paths.get_ipath("sem")
161        elif freq == PER_ONCE:
162            sem_path = self.paths.get_cpath("sem")
163        if not sem_path:
164            return None
165        if sem_path not in self.sems:
166            self.sems[sem_path] = FileSemaphores(sem_path)
167        return self.sems[sem_path]
169    def run(self, name, functor, args, freq=None, clear_on_fail=False):
170        sem = self._get_sem(freq)
171        if not sem:
172            sem = DummySemaphores()
173        if not args:
174            args = []
175        if sem.has_run(name, freq):
176            LOG.debug("%s already ran (freq=%s)", name, freq)
177            return (False, None)
178        with sem.lock(name, freq, clear_on_fail) as lk:
179            if not lk:
180                raise LockFailure("Failed to acquire lock for %s" % name)
181            else:
182                LOG.debug("Running %s using lock (%s)", name, lk)
183                if isinstance(args, (dict)):
184                    results = functor(**args)
185                else:
186                    results = functor(*args)
187                return (True, results)
190class ConfigMerger(object):
191    def __init__(self, paths=None, datasource=None,
192                 additional_fns=None, base_cfg=None,
193                 include_vendor=True):
194        self._paths = paths
195        self._ds = datasource
196        self._fns = additional_fns
197        self._base_cfg = base_cfg
198        self._include_vendor = include_vendor
199        # Created on first use
200        self._cfg = None
202    def _get_datasource_configs(self):
203        d_cfgs = []
204        if self._ds:
205            try:
206                ds_cfg = self._ds.get_config_obj()
207                if ds_cfg and isinstance(ds_cfg, (dict)):
208                    d_cfgs.append(ds_cfg)
209            except Exception:
210                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed loading of datasource config object "
211                            "from %s", self._ds)
212        return d_cfgs
214    def _get_env_configs(self):
215        e_cfgs = []
216        if CFG_ENV_NAME in os.environ:
217            e_fn = os.environ[CFG_ENV_NAME]
218            try:
219                e_cfgs.append(util.read_conf(e_fn))
220            except Exception:
221                util.logexc(LOG, 'Failed loading of env. config from %s',
222                            e_fn)
223        return e_cfgs
225    def _get_instance_configs(self):
226        i_cfgs = []
227        # If cloud-config was written, pick it up as
228        # a configuration file to use when running...
229        if not self._paths:
230            return i_cfgs
232        cc_paths = ['cloud_config']
233        if self._include_vendor:
234            # the order is important here: we want vendor2
235            #  (dynamic vendor data from OpenStack)
236            #  to override vendor (static data from OpenStack)
237            cc_paths.append('vendor2_cloud_config')
238            cc_paths.append('vendor_cloud_config')
240        for cc_p in cc_paths:
241            cc_fn = self._paths.get_ipath_cur(cc_p)
242            if cc_fn and os.path.isfile(cc_fn):
243                try:
244                    i_cfgs.append(util.read_conf(cc_fn))
245                except PermissionError:
246                    LOG.debug(
247                        'Skipped loading cloud-config from %s due to'
248                        ' non-root.', cc_fn)
249                except Exception:
250                    util.logexc(LOG, 'Failed loading of cloud-config from %s',
251                                cc_fn)
252        return i_cfgs
254    def _read_cfg(self):
255        # Input config files override
256        # env config files which
257        # override instance configs
258        # which override datasource
259        # configs which override
260        # base configuration
261        cfgs = []
262        if self._fns:
263            for c_fn in self._fns:
264                try:
265                    cfgs.append(util.read_conf(c_fn))
266                except Exception:
267                    util.logexc(LOG, "Failed loading of configuration from %s",
268                                c_fn)
270        cfgs.extend(self._get_env_configs())
271        cfgs.extend(self._get_instance_configs())
272        cfgs.extend(self._get_datasource_configs())
273        if self._base_cfg:
274            cfgs.append(self._base_cfg)
275        return util.mergemanydict(cfgs)
277    @property
278    def cfg(self):
279        # None check to avoid empty case causing re-reading
280        if self._cfg is None:
281            self._cfg = self._read_cfg()
282        return self._cfg
285class ContentHandlers(object):
287    def __init__(self):
288        self.registered = {}
289        self.initialized = []
291    def __contains__(self, item):
292        return self.is_registered(item)
294    def __getitem__(self, key):
295        return self._get_handler(key)
297    def is_registered(self, content_type):
298        return content_type in self.registered
300    def register(self, mod, initialized=False, overwrite=True):
301        types = set()
302        for t in mod.list_types():
303            if overwrite:
304                types.add(t)
305            else:
306                if not self.is_registered(t):
307                    types.add(t)
308        for t in types:
309            self.registered[t] = mod
310        if initialized and mod not in self.initialized:
311            self.initialized.append(mod)
312        return types
314    def _get_handler(self, content_type):
315        return self.registered[content_type]
317    def items(self):
318        return list(self.registered.items())
321class Paths(persistence.CloudInitPickleMixin):
322    _ci_pkl_version = 1
324    def __init__(self, path_cfgs, ds=None):
325        self.cfgs = path_cfgs
326        # Populate all the initial paths
327        self.cloud_dir = path_cfgs.get('cloud_dir', '/var/lib/cloud')
328        self.run_dir = path_cfgs.get('run_dir', '/run/cloud-init')
329        self.instance_link = os.path.join(self.cloud_dir, 'instance')
330        self.boot_finished = os.path.join(self.instance_link, "boot-finished")
331        self.upstart_conf_d = path_cfgs.get('upstart_dir')
332        self.seed_dir = os.path.join(self.cloud_dir, 'seed')
333        # This one isn't joined, since it should just be read-only
334        template_dir = path_cfgs.get('templates_dir', '/etc/cloud/templates/')
335        self.template_tpl = os.path.join(template_dir, '%s.tmpl')
336        self.lookups = {
337            "handlers": "handlers",
338            "scripts": "scripts",
339            "vendor_scripts": "scripts/vendor",
340            "sem": "sem",
341            "boothooks": "boothooks",
342            "userdata_raw": "user-data.txt",
343            "userdata": "user-data.txt.i",
344            "obj_pkl": "obj.pkl",
345            "cloud_config": "cloud-config.txt",
346            "vendor_cloud_config": "vendor-cloud-config.txt",
347            "vendor2_cloud_config": "vendor2-cloud-config.txt",
348            "data": "data",
349            "vendordata_raw": "vendor-data.txt",
350            "vendordata2_raw": "vendor-data2.txt",
351            "vendordata": "vendor-data.txt.i",
352            "vendordata2": "vendor-data2.txt.i",
353            "instance_id": ".instance-id",
354            "manual_clean_marker": "manual-clean",
355            "warnings": "warnings",
356        }
357        # Set when a datasource becomes active
358        self.datasource = ds
360    def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
361        """Perform deserialization fixes for Paths."""
362        if not hasattr(self, "run_dir"):
363            # On older versions of cloud-init the Paths class do not
364            # have the run_dir attribute. This is problematic because
365            # when loading the pickle object on newer versions of cloud-init
366            # we will rely on this attribute. To fix that, we are now
367            # manually adding that attribute here.
368            self.run_dir = Paths(
369                path_cfgs=self.cfgs,
370                ds=self.datasource).run_dir
372    # get_ipath_cur: get the current instance path for an item
373    def get_ipath_cur(self, name=None):
374        return self._get_path(self.instance_link, name)
376    # get_cpath : get the "clouddir" (/var/lib/cloud/<name>)
377    # for a name in dirmap
378    def get_cpath(self, name=None):
379        return self._get_path(self.cloud_dir, name)
381    # _get_ipath : get the instance path for a name in pathmap
382    # (/var/lib/cloud/instances/<instance>/<name>)
383    def _get_ipath(self, name=None):
384        if not self.datasource:
385            return None
386        iid = self.datasource.get_instance_id()
387        if iid is None:
388            return None
389        path_safe_iid = str(iid).replace(os.sep, '_')
390        ipath = os.path.join(self.cloud_dir, 'instances', path_safe_iid)
391        add_on = self.lookups.get(name)
392        if add_on:
393            ipath = os.path.join(ipath, add_on)
394        return ipath
396    # get_ipath : get the instance path for a name in pathmap
397    # (/var/lib/cloud/instances/<instance>/<name>)
398    # returns None + warns if no active datasource....
399    def get_ipath(self, name=None):
400        ipath = self._get_ipath(name)
401        if not ipath:
402            LOG.warning(("No per instance data available, "
403                         "is there an datasource/iid set?"))
404            return None
405        else:
406            return ipath
408    def _get_path(self, base, name=None):
409        if name is None:
410            return base
411        return os.path.join(base, self.lookups[name])
413    def get_runpath(self, name=None):
414        return self._get_path(self.run_dir, name)
417# This config parser will not throw when sections don't exist
418# and you are setting values on those sections which is useful
419# when writing to new options that may not have corresponding
420# sections. Also it can default other values when doing gets
421# so that if those sections/options do not exist you will
422# get a default instead of an error. Another useful case where
423# you can avoid catching exceptions that you typically don't
424# care about...
426class DefaultingConfigParser(RawConfigParser):
427    DEF_INT = 0
428    DEF_FLOAT = 0.0
429    DEF_BOOLEAN = False
430    DEF_BASE = None
432    def get(self, section, option):
433        value = self.DEF_BASE
434        try:
435            value = RawConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
436        except NoSectionError:
437            pass
438        except NoOptionError:
439            pass
440        return value
442    def set(self, section, option, value=None):
443        if not self.has_section(section) and section.lower() != 'default':
444            self.add_section(section)
445        RawConfigParser.set(self, section, option, value)
447    def remove_option(self, section, option):
448        if self.has_option(section, option):
449            RawConfigParser.remove_option(self, section, option)
451    def getboolean(self, section, option):
452        if not self.has_option(section, option):
453            return self.DEF_BOOLEAN
454        return RawConfigParser.getboolean(self, section, option)
456    def getfloat(self, section, option):
457        if not self.has_option(section, option):
458            return self.DEF_FLOAT
459        return RawConfigParser.getfloat(self, section, option)
461    def getint(self, section, option):
462        if not self.has_option(section, option):
463            return self.DEF_INT
464        return RawConfigParser.getint(self, section, option)
466    def stringify(self, header=None):
467        contents = ''
468        outputstream = StringIO()
469        self.write(outputstream)
470        outputstream.flush()
471        contents = outputstream.getvalue()
472        if header:
473            contents = '\n'.join([header, contents, ''])
474        return contents
476# vi: ts=4 expandtab