1// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package datastore
17import (
18	"fmt"
19	"reflect"
20	"strings"
21	"unicode"
23	"cloud.google.com/go/internal/fields"
26// Entities with more than this many indexed properties will not be saved.
27const maxIndexedProperties = 20000
29// Property is a name/value pair plus some metadata. A datastore entity's
30// contents are loaded and saved as a sequence of Properties. Each property
31// name must be unique within an entity.
32type Property struct {
33	// Name is the property name.
34	Name string
35	// Value is the property value. The valid types are:
36	//	- int64
37	//	- bool
38	//	- string
39	//	- float64
40	//	- *Key
41	//	- time.Time (retrieved as local time)
42	//	- GeoPoint
43	//	- []byte (up to 1 megabyte in length)
44	//	- *Entity (representing a nested struct)
45	// Value can also be:
46	//	- []interface{} where each element is one of the above types
47	// This set is smaller than the set of valid struct field types that the
48	// datastore can load and save. A Value's type must be explicitly on
49	// the list above; it is not sufficient for the underlying type to be
50	// on that list. For example, a Value of "type myInt64 int64" is
51	// invalid. Smaller-width integers and floats are also invalid. Again,
52	// this is more restrictive than the set of valid struct field types.
53	//
54	// A Value will have an opaque type when loading entities from an index,
55	// such as via a projection query. Load entities into a struct instead
56	// of a PropertyLoadSaver when using a projection query.
57	//
58	// A Value may also be the nil interface value; this is equivalent to
59	// Python's None but not directly representable by a Go struct. Loading
60	// a nil-valued property into a struct will set that field to the zero
61	// value.
62	Value interface{}
63	// NoIndex is whether the datastore cannot index this property.
64	// If NoIndex is set to false, []byte and string values are limited to
65	// 1500 bytes.
66	NoIndex bool
69// An Entity is the value type for a nested struct.
70// This type is only used for a Property's Value.
71type Entity struct {
72	Key        *Key
73	Properties []Property
76// PropertyLoadSaver can be converted from and to a slice of Properties.
77type PropertyLoadSaver interface {
78	Load([]Property) error
79	Save() ([]Property, error)
82// KeyLoader can store a Key.
83type KeyLoader interface {
84	// PropertyLoadSaver is embedded because a KeyLoader
85	// must also always implement PropertyLoadSaver.
86	PropertyLoadSaver
87	LoadKey(k *Key) error
90// PropertyList converts a []Property to implement PropertyLoadSaver.
91type PropertyList []Property
93var (
94	typeOfPropertyLoadSaver = reflect.TypeOf((*PropertyLoadSaver)(nil)).Elem()
95	typeOfPropertyList      = reflect.TypeOf(PropertyList(nil))
98// Load loads all of the provided properties into l.
99// It does not first reset *l to an empty slice.
100func (l *PropertyList) Load(p []Property) error {
101	*l = append(*l, p...)
102	return nil
105// Save saves all of l's properties as a slice of Properties.
106func (l *PropertyList) Save() ([]Property, error) {
107	return *l, nil
110// validPropertyName returns whether name consists of one or more valid Go
111// identifiers joined by ".".
112func validPropertyName(name string) bool {
113	if name == "" {
114		return false
115	}
116	for _, s := range strings.Split(name, ".") {
117		if s == "" {
118			return false
119		}
120		first := true
121		for _, c := range s {
122			if first {
123				first = false
124				if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) {
125					return false
126				}
127			} else {
128				if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
129					return false
130				}
131			}
132		}
133	}
134	return true
137// parseTag interprets datastore struct field tags
138func parseTag(t reflect.StructTag) (name string, keep bool, other interface{}, err error) {
139	s := t.Get("datastore")
140	parts := strings.Split(s, ",")
141	if parts[0] == "-" && len(parts) == 1 {
142		return "", false, nil, nil
143	}
144	if parts[0] != "" && !validPropertyName(parts[0]) {
145		err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: struct tag has invalid property name: %q", parts[0])
146		return "", false, nil, err
147	}
149	var opts saveOpts
150	if len(parts) > 1 {
151		for _, p := range parts[1:] {
152			switch p {
153			case "flatten":
154				opts.flatten = true
155			case "omitempty":
156				opts.omitEmpty = true
157			case "noindex":
158				opts.noIndex = true
159			default:
160				err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: struct tag has invalid option: %q", p)
161				return "", false, nil, err
162			}
163		}
164		other = opts
165	}
166	return parts[0], true, other, nil
169func validateType(t reflect.Type) error {
170	if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
171		return fmt.Errorf("datastore: validate called with non-struct type %s", t)
172	}
174	return validateChildType(t, "", false, false, map[reflect.Type]bool{})
177// validateChildType is a recursion helper func for validateType
178func validateChildType(t reflect.Type, fieldName string, flatten, prevSlice bool, prevTypes map[reflect.Type]bool) error {
179	if prevTypes[t] {
180		return nil
181	}
182	prevTypes[t] = true
184	switch t.Kind() {
185	case reflect.Slice:
186		if flatten && prevSlice {
187			return fmt.Errorf("datastore: flattening nested structs leads to a slice of slices: field %q", fieldName)
188		}
189		return validateChildType(t.Elem(), fieldName, flatten, true, prevTypes)
190	case reflect.Struct:
191		if t == typeOfTime || t == typeOfGeoPoint {
192			return nil
193		}
195		for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
196			f := t.Field(i)
198			// If a named field is unexported, ignore it. An anonymous
199			// unexported field is processed, because it may contain
200			// exported fields, which are visible.
201			exported := (f.PkgPath == "")
202			if !exported && !f.Anonymous {
203				continue
204			}
206			_, keep, other, err := parseTag(f.Tag)
207			// Handle error from parseTag now instead of later (in cache.Fields call).
208			if err != nil {
209				return err
210			}
211			if !keep {
212				continue
213			}
214			if other != nil {
215				opts := other.(saveOpts)
216				flatten = flatten || opts.flatten
217			}
218			if err := validateChildType(f.Type, f.Name, flatten, prevSlice, prevTypes); err != nil {
219				return err
220			}
221		}
222	case reflect.Ptr:
223		if t == typeOfKeyPtr {
224			return nil
225		}
226		return validateChildType(t.Elem(), fieldName, flatten, prevSlice, prevTypes)
227	}
228	return nil
231// isLeafType determines whether or not a type is a 'leaf type'
232// and should not be recursed into, but considered one field.
233func isLeafType(t reflect.Type) bool {
234	return t == typeOfTime || t == typeOfGeoPoint
237// structCache collects the structs whose fields have already been calculated.
238var structCache = fields.NewCache(parseTag, validateType, isLeafType)
240// structPLS adapts a struct to be a PropertyLoadSaver.
241type structPLS struct {
242	v     reflect.Value
243	codec fields.List
246// newStructPLS returns a structPLS, which implements the
247// PropertyLoadSaver interface, for the struct pointer p.
248func newStructPLS(p interface{}) (*structPLS, error) {
249	v := reflect.ValueOf(p)
250	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
251		return nil, ErrInvalidEntityType
252	}
253	v = v.Elem()
254	f, err := structCache.Fields(v.Type())
255	if err != nil {
256		return nil, err
257	}
258	return &structPLS{v, f}, nil
261// LoadStruct loads the properties from p to dst.
262// dst must be a struct pointer.
264// The values of dst's unmatched struct fields are not modified,
265// and matching slice-typed fields are not reset before appending to
266// them. In particular, it is recommended to pass a pointer to a zero
267// valued struct on each LoadStruct call.
268func LoadStruct(dst interface{}, p []Property) error {
269	x, err := newStructPLS(dst)
270	if err != nil {
271		return err
272	}
273	return x.Load(p)
276// SaveStruct returns the properties from src as a slice of Properties.
277// src must be a struct pointer.
278func SaveStruct(src interface{}) ([]Property, error) {
279	x, err := newStructPLS(src)
280	if err != nil {
281		return nil, err
282	}
283	return x.Save()
286// plsForLoad tries to convert v to a PropertyLoadSaver.
287// If successful, plsForLoad returns a settable v as a PropertyLoadSaver.
289// plsForLoad is intended to be used with nested struct fields which
290// may implement PropertyLoadSaver.
292// v must be settable.
293func plsForLoad(v reflect.Value) (PropertyLoadSaver, error) {
294	var nilPtr bool
295	if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
296		nilPtr = true
297		v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()))
298	}
300	vpls, err := pls(v)
301	if nilPtr && (vpls == nil || err != nil) {
302		// unset v
303		v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
304	}
306	return vpls, err
309// plsForSave tries to convert v to a PropertyLoadSaver.
310// If successful, plsForSave returns v as a PropertyLoadSaver.
312// plsForSave is intended to be used with nested struct fields which
313// may implement PropertyLoadSaver.
315// v must be settable.
316func plsForSave(v reflect.Value) (PropertyLoadSaver, error) {
317	switch v.Kind() {
318	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Interface, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
319		// If v is nil, return early. v contains no data to save.
320		if v.IsNil() {
321			return nil, nil
322		}
323	}
325	return pls(v)
328func pls(v reflect.Value) (PropertyLoadSaver, error) {
329	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
330		if _, ok := v.Interface().(PropertyLoadSaver); ok {
331			return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: PropertyLoadSaver methods must be implemented on a pointer to %T", v.Interface())
332		}
334		v = v.Addr()
335	}
337	vpls, _ := v.Interface().(PropertyLoadSaver)
338	return vpls, nil