1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation.
5  *
6  * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com>
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
11  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21  * 02110-1301 USA
22  *
23  */
25 #ifndef HTABLE_H
26 /** Defined when <sofia-sip/htable.h> has been included. */
27 #define HTABLE_H
29 /**@ingroup su_htable
30  * @file sofia-sip/htable.h
31  *
32  * Hash tables templates.
33  *
34  * This file contain a hash table template for C.  The hash tables are
35  * resizeable, and they usually contain pointers to entries.  The
36  * declaration for template datatypes is instantiated with macro
37  * HTABLE_DECLARE().  The prototypes for hashing functions are instantiated
38  * with macro HTABLE_PROTOS().  The implementation is instantiated with
39  * macro HTABLE_BODIES().
40  *
41  * The hash table template is most efficient when the hash value is
42  * precalculated and stored in each entry.  The hash "function" given to the
43  * HTABLE_BODIES() would then be something like macro
44  * @code
45  * #define HTABLE_ENTRY_HASH(e) ((e)->e_hash_value)
46  * @endcode
47  *
48  * When a entry with new identical hash key is added to the table, it can be
49  * either @e inserted (before any other entry with same key value) or
50  * @e appended.
51  *
52  * Example code can be found from <htable_test.c>.
53  *
54  * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>
55  *
56  * @date Created: Tue Sep 25 17:42:40 2001 ppessi
57  */
59 typedef unsigned long hash_value_t;
61 /** Minimum size of hash table */
62 #define HTABLE_MIN_SIZE 31
64 /** Declare hash table structure type.
65  *
66  * The macro HTABLE_DECLARE() expands to a declaration for hash table
67  * structure.  The its typedef will be <em>prefix</em><code>_t</code>, the
68  * field names start withb @a pr.  The entry type is @a entry_t.
69  *
70  * @param prefix  hash table type and function prefix
71  * @param pr      hash table field prefix
72  * @param entry_t entry type
73  */
74 #define HTABLE_DECLARE(prefix, pr, entry_t)		\
75   HTABLE_DECLARE_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, unsigned, hash_value_t)
77 #define HTABLE_DECLARE_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, size_t, hash_value_t)	\
78   typedef struct prefix##_s {						\
79     size_t pr##_size;							\
80     size_t pr##_used;							\
81     entry_t**pr##_table; /**< Hash table itself */			\
82   } prefix##_t
84 #ifndef HTABLE_SCOPE
85 /** Default scope for hash table functions. */
86 #define HTABLE_SCOPE su_inline
87 #endif
89 /** Prototypes for hash table
90  *
91  * The macro HTABLE_PROTOS() expands to the prototypes of hash table
92  * functions.  The function and type names start with @a prefix, the field
93  * names start with @a pr.  The entry type is @a entry_t.
94  *
95  * @param prefix  hash table type and function prefix
96  * @param pr      hash table field prefix
97  * @param entry_t entry type
98  */
99 #define HTABLE_PROTOS(prefix, pr, entry_t) \
100   HTABLE_PROTOS_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, unsigned, hash_value_t)
102 #define HTABLE_PROTOS_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, size_t, hash_value_t)	\
103 HTABLE_SCOPE int prefix##_resize(su_home_t *, prefix##_t pr[1], size_t); \
104 HTABLE_SCOPE int prefix##_is_full(prefix##_t const *); \
105 HTABLE_SCOPE entry_t **prefix##_hash(prefix##_t const *, hash_value_t hv); \
106 HTABLE_SCOPE entry_t **prefix##_next(prefix##_t const *, entry_t * const *ee); \
107 HTABLE_SCOPE void prefix##_append(prefix##_t *pr, entry_t const *e); \
108 HTABLE_SCOPE void prefix##_insert(prefix##_t *pr, entry_t const *e); \
109 HTABLE_SCOPE int prefix##_remove(prefix##_t *, entry_t const *e)
111 /** Hash table implementation.
112  *
113  * The macro HTABLE_BODIES() expands the hash table functions.  The function
114  * and type names start with @a prefix, the field names start with @a pr.
115  * The entry type is @a entry_t.  The function (or macro) name returning
116  * hash value of each entry is given as @a hfun.
117  *
118  * @param prefix  hash table type and function prefix
119  * @param pr      hash table field prefix
120  * @param entry_t entry type
121  * @param hfun    function or macro returning hash value of entry
122  */
123 #define HTABLE_BODIES(prefix, pr, entry_t, hfun) \
124   HTABLE_BODIES_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, hfun, unsigned, hash_value_t)
126 #define HTABLE_BODIES_WITH(prefix, pr, entry_t, hfun, size_t, hash_value_t) \
127 /** Reallocate new hash table */ \
129 int prefix##_resize(su_home_t *home, \
130                     prefix##_t pr[], \
131 		    size_t new_size) \
132 { \
133   entry_t **new_hash; \
134   entry_t **old_hash = pr->pr##_table; \
135   size_t old_size; \
136   size_t i, j, i0; \
137   unsigned again = 0; \
138   size_t used = 0, collisions = 0; \
139 \
140   if (new_size == 0) \
141     new_size = 2 * pr->pr##_size + 1; \
142   if (new_size < HTABLE_MIN_SIZE) \
143     new_size = HTABLE_MIN_SIZE; \
144   if (new_size < 5 * pr->pr##_used / 4) \
145     new_size = 5 * pr->pr##_used / 4; \
146 \
147   if (!(new_hash = su_zalloc(home, sizeof(*new_hash) * new_size))) \
148     return -1; \
149 \
150   old_size = pr->pr##_size; \
151 \
152   do for (j = 0; j < old_size; j++) { \
153     if (!old_hash[j]) \
154       continue; \
155 \
156     if (again < 2 && hfun(old_hash[j]) % old_size > j) { \
157       /* Wrapped, leave entry for second pass */ \
158       again = 1; continue; \
159     } \
160 \
161     i0 = hfun(old_hash[j]) % new_size; \
162 \
163     for (i = i0; new_hash[i]; i = (i + 1) % new_size, assert(i != i0)) \
164       collisions++; \
165 \
166     new_hash[i] = old_hash[j], old_hash[j] = NULL; \
167     used++; \
168   } \
169   while (again++ == 1); \
170 \
171   pr->pr##_table = new_hash, pr->pr##_size = new_size; \
172 \
173   assert(pr->pr##_used == used); \
174 \
175   su_free(home, old_hash); \
176 \
177   return 0; \
178 } \
179 \
181 int prefix##_is_full(prefix##_t const *pr) \
182 { \
183   return pr->pr##_table == NULL || 3 * pr->pr##_used > 2 * pr->pr##_size; \
184 } \
185 \
187 entry_t **prefix##_hash(prefix##_t const *pr, hash_value_t hv) \
188 { \
189   return pr->pr##_table + hv % pr->pr##_size; \
190 } \
191 \
193 entry_t **prefix##_next(prefix##_t const *pr, entry_t * const *ee) \
194 { \
195   if (++ee < pr->pr##_table + pr->pr##_size && ee >= pr->pr##_table) \
196     return (entry_t **)ee; \
197   else \
198     return pr->pr##_table; \
199 }  \
200 \
202 void prefix##_append(prefix##_t *pr, entry_t const *e) \
203 { \
204   entry_t **ee; \
205 \
206   pr->pr##_used++; \
207   for (ee = prefix##_hash(pr, hfun(e)); *ee; ee = prefix##_next(pr, ee)) \
208    ; \
209   *ee = (entry_t *)e; \
210 } \
211 \
213 void prefix##_insert(prefix##_t *pr, entry_t const *e) \
214 { \
215   entry_t *e0, **ee; \
216 \
217   pr->pr##_used++; \
218   /* Insert entry into hash table (before other entries with same hash) */ \
219   for (ee = prefix##_hash(pr, hfun(e));  \
220        (e0 = *ee); \
221        ee = prefix##_next(pr, ee)) \
222     *ee = (entry_t *)e, e = e0; \
223   *ee = (entry_t *)e; \
224 } \
225 \
227 int prefix##_remove(prefix##_t *pr, entry_t const *e) \
228 { \
229   size_t i, j, k; \
230   size_t size = pr->pr##_size; \
231   entry_t **htable = pr->pr##_table; \
232 \
233   if (!e) return -1; \
234 \
235   /* Search for entry */ \
236   for (i = hfun(e) % size; htable[i]; i = (i + 1) % size) \
237     if (e == htable[i]) \
238       break; \
239 \
240   /* Entry is not in table? */ \
241   if (!htable[i]) return -1; \
242 \
243   /* Move table entries towards their primary place  */ \
244   for (j = (i + 1) % size; htable[j]; j = (j + 1) % size) { \
245     /* k is primary place for entry */ \
246     k = hfun(htable[j]) % size; \
247     if (k == j)			/* entry is in its primary place? */ \
248       continue; \
249     /* primary place is between i and j - do not move this to i */ \
250     if (j > i ? (i < k && k < j) : (i < k || k < j)) \
251       continue; \
252 \
253     htable[i] = htable[j], i = j; \
254   } \
255 \
256   pr->pr##_used--; \
257 \
258   htable[i] = NULL; \
259 \
260   return 0; \
261 } \
262 extern int prefix##_dummy
264 #endif /** !defined(HTABLE_H) */