Name |
Date |
Size |
#Lines |
| .. | | 03-May-2022 | - |
| .builds/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 35 | 34 |
| .github/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 415 | 363 |
| artwork/ | H | 03-May-2022 | - | | |
| cmake/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 1,899 | 1,564 |
| conan/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 49 | 39 |
| config/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 2,103 | 1,764 |
| doc/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 7,906 | 5,144 |
| gerbera-web/ | H | 03-May-2022 | - | 31,186 | 31,103 |
| scripts/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 720 | 536 |
| src/ | H | 30-Sep-2021 | - | 46,742 | 31,279 |
| test/ | H | 03-May-2022 | - | 6,750 | 5,122 |
| web/ | H | 03-May-2022 | - | 21,011 | 19,385 |
| .clang-format | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 60 | 4 | 3 |
| .dockerignore | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 351 | 38 | 31 |
| .editorconfig | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 24 | 3 | 2 |
| .gitignore | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 340 | 33 | 25 |
| AUTHORS | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 109 | 4 | 3 |
| CONTRIBUTING.md | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 962 | 30 | 17 |
| ChangeLog.md | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 37.6 KiB | 966 | 921 |
| Dockerfile | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 1.8 KiB | 53 | 43 |
| LICENSE.md | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 15 KiB | 269 | 221 |
| README.Docker.md | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 2.6 KiB | 65 | 52 |
| README.md | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 6.4 KiB | 99 | 80 |
| conanfile.py | H A D | 30-Sep-2021 | 5.8 KiB | 190 | 159 |
1<img src="https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera/blob/master/artwork/logo-horiz.png?raw=true" />
3# Gerbera - UPnP Media Server
5 [![Current Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/gerbera/gerbera.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera/releases/latest) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/gerbera/gerbera/CI%20validation?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera/actions?query=workflow%3A%22CI+validation%22+branch%3Amaster) [![Docker Version](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/gerbera/gerbera?color=teal&label=docker&logoColor=white&sort=semver&style=for-the-badge)](https://hub.docker.com/r/gerbera/gerbera/tags?name=v) [![Documentation Status](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/gerbera?style=for-the-badge)](http://docs.gerbera.io/en/stable/?badge=stable) [![IRC](https://img.shields.io/badge/IRC-on%20libera.chat-orange.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#gerbera)
7Gerbera is a UPnP media server which allows you to stream your digital media through your home network and consume it on a variety of UPnP compatible devices.
9**Pull requests are very welcome and reporting issues is encouraged.**
11## Documentation
12View our documentation online at [https://docs.gerbera.io](https://docs.gerbera.io).
14## Features
15* Browse and playback your media via your network on all kinds of devices.
16* Web UI with a tree view of the database and the file system, allowing to add/remove/edit/browse your media
17* Metadata extraction from MP3, OGG, AAC, M4A, FLAC, JPG (and many more!) files.
18* Media thumbnail support
19* Highly flexible media format transcoding via plugins / scripts
20* Automatic directory rescans (timed, inotify)
21* User defined server layout based on extracted metadata
22* Supports last.fm scrobbing
23* On the fly video thumbnail generation
24* Support for external URLs (create links to internet content and serve them via UPnP to your renderer)
25* Runs on Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and more!
26* Runs on x86, ARM, MIPS, and more!
28## Installing
29Head over to the docs page on [Installing Gerbera](https://docs.gerbera.io/en/stable/install.html) for instructions on
30how to install Gerbera.
32## Building
33Visit our docs for instructions to [Compile Gerbera](https://docs.gerbera.io/en/stable/compile.html).
35### Quick start build instructions:
37git clone https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera.git
38mkdir build
39cd build
40cmake ../gerbera -DWITH_DEBUG=YES
41make -j4
42sudo make install
45## Dependencies
47| Library | Min Version | Required? | Note | Compile-time option | Default | Script |
49| libupnp | 1.14.0 | XOR libnpupnp | [pupnp] | | | install-pupnp.sh |
50| libnpupnp | 4.1.2 | XOR libupnp | [npupnp] | WITH_NPUPNP | Disabled | |
51| libuuid | | Depends on OS | Not required on \*BSD | | | |
52| [pugixml] | | Required | XML file and data support | | | install-pugixml.sh |
53| libiconv | | Required | Charset conversion | | | |
54| sqlite3 | 3.7.0 | Required | Database storage | | | |
55| zlib | | Required | Data compression | | | |
56| [fmtlib] | 7.1.3 | Required | Fast string formatting | | | install-fmt.sh |
57| [spdlog] | 1.8.5 | Required | Runtime logging | | | install-spdlog.sh |
58| [duktape] | 2.1.0 | Optional | Scripting Support | WITH_JS | Enabled | install-duktape.sh |
59| mysql | | Optional | Alternate database storage | WITH_MYSQL | Disabled | |
60| curl | | Optional | Enables web services | WITH_CURL | Enabled | |
61| [taglib] | 1.11.1 | Optional | Audio tag support | WITH_TAGLIB | Enabled | install-taglib.sh |
62| libmagic | | Optional | File type detection | WITH_MAGIC | Enabled | |
63| libmatroska | | Optional | MKV metadata | WITH_MATROSKA | Enabled | |
64| ffmpeg/libav | | Optional | File metadata | WITH_AVCODEC | Disabled | |
65| libexif | | Optional | JPEG Exif metadata | WITH_EXIF | Enabled | |
66| libexiv2 | | Optional | Exif, IPTC, XMP metadata | WITH_EXIV2 | Disabled | |
67| [lastfmlib] | 0.4.0 | Optional | Enables scrobbling | WITH_LASTFM | Disabled | install-lastfm.sh |
68| [ffmpegthumbnailer] | | Optional | Generate video thumbnails | WITH_FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER | Disabled | |
69| inotify | | Optional | Efficient file monitoring | WITH_INOTIFY | Enabled | |
71Scripts for installation of (build) dependencies from source can be found under `scripts`.
73## Licence
75 GPLv2
77 Copyright (C) 2005
78 Gena Batyan <bgeradz at mediatomb dot cc>
79 Sergey Bostandzhyan <jin at mediatomb dot cc>
81 Copyright (C) 2006-2008
82 Gena Batyan <bgeradz at mediatomb dot cc>
83 Sergey Bostandzhyan <jin at mediatomb dot cc>
84 Leonhard Wimmer <leo at mediatomb dot cc>
86 Copyright (C) 2016-2021
87 Gerbera Contributors
89[Docker Hub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/gerbera/gerbera
90[duktape]: http://duktape.org
91[ffmpegthumbnailer]: https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer
92[fmtlib]: https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
93[lastfmlib]: https://github.com/dirkvdb/lastfmlib
94[npupnp]: https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/npupnp-doc/libnpupnp.html
95[pugixml]: https://github.com/zeux/pugixml
96[pupnp]: https://github.com/pupnp/pupnp
97[spdlog]: https://github.com/gabime/spdlog
98[taglib]: http://taglib.org/