1// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package language
7import (
8	"bytes"
9	"strings"
10	"testing"
12	"golang.org/x/text/internal/tag"
15type scanTest struct {
16	ok  bool // true if scanning does not result in an error
17	in  string
18	tok []string // the expected tokens
21var tests = []scanTest{
22	{true, "", []string{}},
23	{true, "1", []string{"1"}},
24	{true, "en", []string{"en"}},
25	{true, "root", []string{"root"}},
26	{true, "maxchars", []string{"maxchars"}},
27	{false, "bad/", []string{}},
28	{false, "morethan8", []string{}},
29	{false, "-", []string{}},
30	{false, "----", []string{}},
31	{false, "_", []string{}},
32	{true, "en-US", []string{"en", "US"}},
33	{true, "en_US", []string{"en", "US"}},
34	{false, "en-US-", []string{"en", "US"}},
35	{false, "en-US--", []string{"en", "US"}},
36	{false, "en-US---", []string{"en", "US"}},
37	{false, "en--US", []string{"en", "US"}},
38	{false, "-en-US", []string{"en", "US"}},
39	{false, "-en--US-", []string{"en", "US"}},
40	{false, "-en--US-", []string{"en", "US"}},
41	{false, "en-.-US", []string{"en", "US"}},
42	{false, ".-en--US-.", []string{"en", "US"}},
43	{false, "en-u.-US", []string{"en", "US"}},
44	{true, "en-u1-US", []string{"en", "u1", "US"}},
45	{true, "maxchar1_maxchar2-maxchar3", []string{"maxchar1", "maxchar2", "maxchar3"}},
46	{false, "moreThan8-moreThan8-e", []string{"e"}},
49func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
50	for i, tt := range tests {
51		scan := makeScannerString(tt.in)
52		for j := 0; !scan.done; j++ {
53			if j >= len(tt.tok) {
54				t.Errorf("%d: extra token %q", i, scan.token)
55			} else if tag.Compare(tt.tok[j], scan.token) != 0 {
56				t.Errorf("%d: token %d: found %q; want %q", i, j, scan.token, tt.tok[j])
57				break
58			}
59			scan.scan()
60		}
61		if s := strings.Join(tt.tok, "-"); tag.Compare(s, bytes.Replace(scan.b, b("_"), b("-"), -1)) != 0 {
62			t.Errorf("%d: input: found %q; want %q", i, scan.b, s)
63		}
64		if (scan.err == nil) != tt.ok {
65			t.Errorf("%d: ok: found %v; want %v", i, scan.err == nil, tt.ok)
66		}
67	}
70func TestAcceptMinSize(t *testing.T) {
71	for i, tt := range tests {
72		// count number of successive tokens with a minimum size.
73		for sz := 1; sz <= 8; sz++ {
74			scan := makeScannerString(tt.in)
75			scan.end, scan.next = 0, 0
76			end := scan.acceptMinSize(sz)
77			n := 0
78			for i := 0; i < len(tt.tok) && len(tt.tok[i]) >= sz; i++ {
79				n += len(tt.tok[i])
80				if i > 0 {
81					n++
82				}
83			}
84			if end != n {
85				t.Errorf("%d:%d: found len %d; want %d", i, sz, end, n)
86			}
87		}
88	}
91type parseTest struct {
92	i                    int // the index of this test
93	in                   string
94	lang, script, region string
95	variants, ext        string
96	extList              []string // only used when more than one extension is present
97	invalid              bool
98	rewrite              bool // special rewrite not handled by parseTag
99	changed              bool // string needed to be reformatted
102func parseTests() []parseTest {
103	tests := []parseTest{
104		{in: "root", lang: "und"},
105		{in: "und", lang: "und"},
106		{in: "en", lang: "en"},
107		{in: "xy", lang: "und", invalid: true},
108		{in: "en-ZY", lang: "en", invalid: true},
109		{in: "gsw", lang: "gsw"},
110		{in: "sr_Latn", lang: "sr", script: "Latn"},
111		{in: "af-Arab", lang: "af", script: "Arab"},
112		{in: "nl-BE", lang: "nl", region: "BE"},
113		{in: "es-419", lang: "es", region: "419"},
114		{in: "und-001", lang: "und", region: "001"},
115		{in: "de-latn-be", lang: "de", script: "Latn", region: "BE"},
116		// Variants
117		{in: "de-1901", lang: "de", variants: "1901"},
118		// Accept with unsuppressed script.
119		{in: "de-Latn-1901", lang: "de", script: "Latn", variants: "1901"},
120		// Specialized.
121		{in: "sl-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj"},
122		{in: "sl-rozaj-lipaw", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-lipaw"},
123		{in: "sl-rozaj-biske", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske"},
124		{in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994"},
125		{in: "sl-rozaj-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-1994"},
126		// Maximum number of variants while adhering to prefix rules.
127		{in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp"},
129		// Sorting.
130		{in: "sl-1994-biske-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994", changed: true},
131		{in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonupa-fonipa-fonxsamp", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", changed: true},
132		{in: "nl-fonxsamp-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa", lang: "nl", variants: "alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", changed: true},
134		// Duplicates variants are removed, but not an error.
135		{in: "nl-fonupa-fonupa", lang: "nl", variants: "fonupa"},
137		// Variants that do not have correct prefixes. We still accept these.
138		{in: "de-Cyrl-1901", lang: "de", script: "Cyrl", variants: "1901"},
139		{in: "sl-rozaj-lipaw-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-lipaw-1994"},
140		{in: "sl-1994-biske-rozaj-1994-biske-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994", changed: true},
141		{in: "de-Cyrl-1901", lang: "de", script: "Cyrl", variants: "1901"},
143		// Invalid variant.
144		{in: "de-1902", lang: "de", variants: "", invalid: true},
146		{in: "EN_CYRL", lang: "en", script: "Cyrl"},
147		// private use and extensions
148		{in: "x-a-b-c-d", ext: "x-a-b-c-d"},
149		{in: "x_A.-B-C_D", ext: "x-b-c-d", invalid: true, changed: true},
150		{in: "x-aa-bbbb-cccccccc-d", ext: "x-aa-bbbb-cccccccc-d"},
151		{in: "en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", lang: "en", changed: true, extList: []string{"a-aaa", "b-bbb", "c-cc"}},
152		{in: "en-x_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", lang: "en", ext: "x-cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", changed: true},
153		{in: "en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa-x-x", lang: "en", changed: true, extList: []string{"a-aaa", "b-bbb", "c-cc", "x-x"}},
154		{in: "en-v-c", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true},
155		{in: "en-v-abcdefghi", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true},
156		{in: "en-v-abc-x", lang: "en", ext: "v-abc", invalid: true},
157		{in: "en-v-abc-x-", lang: "en", ext: "v-abc", invalid: true},
158		{in: "en-v-abc-w-x-xx", lang: "en", extList: []string{"v-abc", "x-xx"}, invalid: true, changed: true},
159		{in: "en-v-abc-w-y-yx", lang: "en", extList: []string{"v-abc", "y-yx"}, invalid: true, changed: true},
160		{in: "en-v-c-abc", lang: "en", ext: "c-abc", invalid: true, changed: true},
161		{in: "en-v-w-abc", lang: "en", ext: "w-abc", invalid: true, changed: true},
162		{in: "en-v-x-abc", lang: "en", ext: "x-abc", invalid: true, changed: true},
163		{in: "en-v-x-a", lang: "en", ext: "x-a", invalid: true, changed: true},
164		{in: "en-9-aa-0-aa-z-bb-x-a", lang: "en", extList: []string{"0-aa", "9-aa", "z-bb", "x-a"}, changed: true},
165		{in: "en-u-c", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true},
166		{in: "en-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk"},
167		{in: "en-u-co-phonebk-ca", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk", invalid: true},
168		{in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true},
169		{in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-x", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true},
170		{in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-s", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true},
171		{in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-a12345678", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true},
172		{in: "en-u-co-phonebook", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true},
173		{in: "en-u-co-phonebook-cu-xau", lang: "en", ext: "u-cu-xau", invalid: true, changed: true},
174		{in: "en-Cyrl-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", script: "Cyrl", ext: "u-co-phonebk"},
175		{in: "en-US-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-co-phonebk"},
176		{in: "en-US-u-co-phonebk-cu-xau", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xau"},
177		{in: "en-scotland-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", variants: "scotland", ext: "u-co-phonebk"},
178		{in: "en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xua", changed: true},
179		{in: "en-u-def-abc-cu-xua-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-abc-def-co-phonebk-cu-xua", changed: true},
180		{in: "en-u-def-abc", lang: "en", ext: "u-abc-def", changed: true},
181		{in: "en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk-a-cd", lang: "en", extList: []string{"a-cd", "u-co-phonebk-cu-xua"}, changed: true},
182		// Invalid "u" extension. Drop invalid parts.
183		{in: "en-u-cu-co-phonebk", lang: "en", extList: []string{"u-co-phonebk"}, invalid: true, changed: true},
184		{in: "en-u-cu-xau-co", lang: "en", extList: []string{"u-cu-xau"}, invalid: true},
185		// LDML spec is not specific about it, but remove duplicates and return an error if the values differ.
186		{in: "en-u-cu-xau-co-phonebk-cu-xau", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xau", changed: true},
187		// No change as the result is a substring of the original!
188		{in: "en-US-u-cu-xau-cu-eur", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-cu-xau", invalid: true, changed: false},
189		{in: "en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-fonipa", lang: "en", ext: "t-en-cyrl-nl-fonipa", changed: true},
190		{in: "en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-fonipa-t0-abc-def", lang: "en", ext: "t-en-cyrl-nl-fonipa-t0-abc-def", changed: true},
191		{in: "en-t-t0-abcd", lang: "en", ext: "t-t0-abcd"},
192		// Not necessary to have changed here.
193		{in: "en-t-nl-abcd", lang: "en", ext: "t-nl", invalid: true},
194		{in: "en-t-nl-latn", lang: "en", ext: "t-nl-latn"},
195		{in: "en-t-t0-abcd-x-a", lang: "en", extList: []string{"t-t0-abcd", "x-a"}},
196		// invalid
197		{in: "", lang: "und", invalid: true},
198		{in: "-", lang: "und", invalid: true},
199		{in: "x", lang: "und", invalid: true},
200		{in: "x-", lang: "und", invalid: true},
201		{in: "x--", lang: "und", invalid: true},
202		{in: "a-a-b-c-d", lang: "und", invalid: true},
203		{in: "en-", lang: "en", invalid: true},
204		{in: "enne-", lang: "und", invalid: true},
205		{in: "en.", lang: "und", invalid: true},
206		{in: "en.-latn", lang: "und", invalid: true},
207		{in: "en.-en", lang: "en", invalid: true},
208		{in: "x-a-tooManyChars-c-d", ext: "x-a-c-d", invalid: true, changed: true},
209		{in: "a-tooManyChars-c-d", lang: "und", invalid: true},
210		// TODO: check key-value validity
211		// { in: "en-u-cu-xd", lang: "en", ext: "u-cu-xd", invalid: true },
212		{in: "en-t-abcd", lang: "en", invalid: true},
213		{in: "en-Latn-US-en", lang: "en", script: "Latn", region: "US", invalid: true},
214		// rewrites (more tests in TestGrandfathered)
215		{in: "zh-min-nan", lang: "nan"},
216		{in: "zh-yue", lang: "yue"},
217		{in: "zh-xiang", lang: "hsn", rewrite: true},
218		{in: "zh-guoyu", lang: "cmn", rewrite: true},
219		{in: "iw", lang: "iw"},
220		{in: "sgn-BE-FR", lang: "sfb", rewrite: true},
221		{in: "i-klingon", lang: "tlh", rewrite: true},
222	}
223	for i, tt := range tests {
224		tests[i].i = i
225		if tt.extList != nil {
226			tests[i].ext = strings.Join(tt.extList, "-")
227		}
228		if tt.ext != "" && tt.extList == nil {
229			tests[i].extList = []string{tt.ext}
230		}
231	}
232	return tests
235func TestParseExtensions(t *testing.T) {
236	for i, tt := range parseTests() {
237		if tt.ext == "" || tt.rewrite {
238			continue
239		}
240		scan := makeScannerString(tt.in)
241		if len(scan.b) > 1 && scan.b[1] != '-' {
242			scan.end = nextExtension(string(scan.b), 0)
243			scan.next = scan.end + 1
244			scan.scan()
245		}
246		start := scan.start
247		scan.toLower(start, len(scan.b))
248		parseExtensions(&scan)
249		ext := string(scan.b[start:])
250		if ext != tt.ext {
251			t.Errorf("%d(%s): ext was %v; want %v", i, tt.in, ext, tt.ext)
252		}
253		if changed := !strings.HasPrefix(tt.in[start:], ext); changed != tt.changed {
254			t.Errorf("%d(%s): changed was %v; want %v", i, tt.in, changed, tt.changed)
255		}
256	}
259// partChecks runs checks for each part by calling the function returned by f.
260func partChecks(t *testing.T, f func(*testing.T, *parseTest) (Tag, bool)) {
261	for i, tt := range parseTests() {
262		t.Run(tt.in, func(t *testing.T) {
263			tag, skip := f(t, &tt)
264			if skip {
265				return
266			}
267			if l, _ := getLangID(b(tt.lang)); l != tag.LangID {
268				t.Errorf("%d: lang was %q; want %q", i, tag.LangID, l)
269			}
270			if sc, _ := getScriptID(script, b(tt.script)); sc != tag.ScriptID {
271				t.Errorf("%d: script was %q; want %q", i, tag.ScriptID, sc)
272			}
273			if r, _ := getRegionID(b(tt.region)); r != tag.RegionID {
274				t.Errorf("%d: region was %q; want %q", i, tag.RegionID, r)
275			}
276			if tag.str == "" {
277				return
278			}
279			p := int(tag.pVariant)
280			if p < int(tag.pExt) {
281				p++
282			}
283			if s, g := tag.str[p:tag.pExt], tt.variants; s != g {
284				t.Errorf("%d: variants was %q; want %q", i, s, g)
285			}
286			p = int(tag.pExt)
287			if p > 0 && p < len(tag.str) {
288				p++
289			}
290			if s, g := (tag.str)[p:], tt.ext; s != g {
291				t.Errorf("%d: extensions were %q; want %q", i, s, g)
292			}
293		})
294	}
297func TestParseTag(t *testing.T) {
298	partChecks(t, func(t *testing.T, tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
299		if strings.HasPrefix(tt.in, "x-") || tt.rewrite {
300			return Tag{}, true
301		}
302		scan := makeScannerString(tt.in)
303		id, end := parseTag(&scan)
304		id.str = string(scan.b[:end])
305		tt.ext = ""
306		tt.extList = []string{}
307		return id, false
308	})
311func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
312	partChecks(t, func(t *testing.T, tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) {
313		id, err := Parse(tt.in)
314		ext := ""
315		if id.str != "" {
316			if strings.HasPrefix(id.str, "x-") {
317				ext = id.str
318			} else if int(id.pExt) < len(id.str) && id.pExt > 0 {
319				ext = id.str[id.pExt+1:]
320			}
321		}
322		if tag, _ := Parse(id.String()); tag.String() != id.String() {
323			t.Errorf("%d:%s: reparse was %q; want %q", tt.i, tt.in, id.String(), tag.String())
324		}
325		if ext != tt.ext {
326			t.Errorf("%d:%s: ext was %q; want %q", tt.i, tt.in, ext, tt.ext)
327		}
328		changed := id.str != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(tt.in, id.str)
329		if changed != tt.changed {
330			t.Errorf("%d:%s: changed was %v; want %v", tt.i, tt.in, changed, tt.changed)
331		}
332		if (err != nil) != tt.invalid {
333			t.Errorf("%d:%s: invalid was %v; want %v. Error: %v", tt.i, tt.in, err != nil, tt.invalid, err)
334		}
335		return id, false
336	})
339func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
340	mkInvalid := func(s string) error {
341		return NewValueError([]byte(s))
342	}
343	tests := []struct {
344		in  string
345		out error
346	}{
347		// invalid subtags.
348		{"ac", mkInvalid("ac")},
349		{"AC", mkInvalid("ac")},
350		{"aa-Uuuu", mkInvalid("Uuuu")},
351		{"aa-AB", mkInvalid("AB")},
352		// ill-formed wins over invalid.
353		{"ac-u", ErrSyntax},
354		{"ac-u-ca", ErrSyntax},
355		{"ac-u-ca-co-pinyin", ErrSyntax},
356		{"noob", ErrSyntax},
357	}
358	for _, tt := range tests {
359		_, err := Parse(tt.in)
360		if err != tt.out {
361			t.Errorf("%s: was %q; want %q", tt.in, err, tt.out)
362		}
363	}