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README.mdH A D07-Oct-2021910 105

auth.goH A D07-Oct-20211 KiB5038

bank.goH A D07-Oct-20217 KiB238207

bank.pb.goH A D07-Oct-202159 KiB1,7021,444

bank.protoH A D07-Oct-20213.6 KiB126111

chat.goH A D07-Oct-20219.8 KiB466408

db.goH A D07-Oct-20214.8 KiB185154

main.goH A D07-Oct-20214 KiB169136

support.pb.goH A D07-Oct-202139 KiB1,255990

support.protoH A D07-Oct-20214.3 KiB119105


1# bankdemo
3The `bankdemo` program is an example gRPC server that was used to demo `grpcurl` at Gophercon 2018.
5It demonstrates interesting concepts for building a gRPC server, including chat functionality (that relies on full-duplex bidirectional streams). This code was written specifically to provide an interesting concrete demonstration and, as such, should not be considered in any way production-worthy.
7The demo app tracks user accounts, transactions, and balances completely in memory. Every few seconds, as well as on graceful shutdown (like when the server receives a SIGTERM or SIGINT signal), this state is saved to a file named `accounts.json`, so that the data can be restored if the process restarts.
9In addition to bank account data, the server also tracks "chat sessions", for demonstrating bidirectional streams in the form of an application where customers can chat with support agents.