1 // Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
2 //
3 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 #include <config.h>
9 #include <database/db_log.h>
10 #include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
11 #include <mysql/mysql_connection.h>
13 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <limits>
20 using namespace isc;
21 using namespace std;
23 namespace isc {
24 namespace db {
__anon6d6833570102null26 int MySqlHolder::atexit_ = [] {
27     return atexit([] { mysql_library_end(); });
28 }();
30 /// @todo: Migrate this default value to src/bin/dhcpX/simple_parserX.cc
31 const int MYSQL_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 5; // seconds
MySqlTransaction(MySqlConnection & conn)33 MySqlTransaction::MySqlTransaction(MySqlConnection& conn)
34     : conn_(conn), committed_(false) {
35     conn_.startTransaction();
36 }
~MySqlTransaction()38 MySqlTransaction::~MySqlTransaction() {
39     // Rollback if the MySqlTransaction::commit wasn't explicitly
40     // called.
41     if (!committed_) {
42         conn_.rollback();
43     }
44 }
46 void
commit()47 MySqlTransaction::commit() {
48     conn_.commit();
49     committed_ = true;
50 }
53 // Open the database using the parameters passed to the constructor.
55 void
openDatabase()56 MySqlConnection::openDatabase() {
57     // Set up the values of the parameters
58     const char* host = "localhost";
59     string shost;
60     try {
61         shost = getParameter("host");
62         host = shost.c_str();
63     } catch (...) {
64         // No host.  Fine, we'll use "localhost"
65     }
67     unsigned int port = 0;
68     string sport;
69     try {
70         sport = getParameter("port");
71     } catch (...) {
72         // No port parameter, we are going to use the default port.
73         sport = "";
74     }
76     if (sport.size() > 0) {
77         // Port was given, so try to convert it to an integer.
79         try {
80             port = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(sport);
81         } catch (...) {
82             // Port given but could not be converted to an unsigned int.
83             // Just fall back to the default value.
84             port = 0;
85         }
87         // The port is only valid when it is in the 0..65535 range.
88         // Again fall back to the default when the given value is invalid.
89         if (port > numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
90             port = 0;
91         }
92     }
94     const char* user = NULL;
95     string suser;
96     try {
97         suser = getParameter("user");
98         user = suser.c_str();
99     } catch (...) {
100         // No user.  Fine, we'll use NULL
101     }
103     const char* password = NULL;
104     string spassword;
105     try {
106         spassword = getParameter("password");
107         password = spassword.c_str();
108     } catch (...) {
109         // No password.  Fine, we'll use NULL
110     }
112     const char* name = NULL;
113     string sname;
114     try {
115         sname = getParameter("name");
116         name = sname.c_str();
117     } catch (...) {
118         // No database name.  Throw a "NoName" exception
119         isc_throw(NoDatabaseName, "must specify a name for the database");
120     }
122     unsigned int connect_timeout = MYSQL_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
123     string stimeout;
124     try {
125         stimeout = getParameter("connect-timeout");
126     } catch (...) {
127         // No timeout parameter, we are going to use the default timeout.
128         stimeout = "";
129     }
131     if (stimeout.size() > 0) {
132         // Timeout was given, so try to convert it to an integer.
134         try {
135             connect_timeout = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(stimeout);
136         } catch (...) {
137             // Timeout given but could not be converted to an unsigned int. Set
138             // the connection timeout to an invalid value to trigger throwing
139             // of an exception.
140             connect_timeout = 0;
141         }
143         // The timeout is only valid if greater than zero, as depending on the
144         // database, a zero timeout might signify something like "wait
145         // indefinitely".
146         //
147         // The check below also rejects a value greater than the maximum
148         // integer value.  The lexical_cast operation used to obtain a numeric
149         // value from a string can get confused if trying to convert a negative
150         // integer to an unsigned int: instead of throwing an exception, it may
151         // produce a large positive value.
152         if ((connect_timeout == 0) ||
153             (connect_timeout > numeric_limits<int>::max())) {
154             isc_throw(DbInvalidTimeout, "database connection timeout (" <<
155                       stimeout << ") must be an integer greater than 0");
156         }
157     }
159     // Set options for the connection:
160     //
161     // Set options for the connection:
162     // Make sure auto_reconnect is OFF! Enabling it leaves us with an unusable
163     // connection after a reconnect as among other things, it drops all our
164     // pre-compiled statements.
165     my_bool auto_reconnect = MLM_FALSE;
166     int result = mysql_options(mysql_, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &auto_reconnect);
167     if (result != 0) {
168         isc_throw(DbOpenError, "unable to set auto-reconnect option: " <<
169                   mysql_error(mysql_));
170     }
172     // Make sure we have a large idle time window ... say 30 days...
173     const char *wait_time = "SET SESSION wait_timeout = 30 * 86400";
174     result = mysql_options(mysql_, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, wait_time);
175     if (result != 0) {
176         isc_throw(DbOpenError, "unable to set wait_timeout " <<
177                   mysql_error(mysql_));
178     }
180     // Set SQL mode options for the connection:  SQL mode governs how what
181     // constitutes insertable data for a given column, and how to handle
182     // invalid data.  We want to ensure we get the strictest behavior and
183     // to reject invalid data with an error.
184     const char *sql_mode = "SET SESSION sql_mode ='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'";
185     result = mysql_options(mysql_, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, sql_mode);
186     if (result != 0) {
187         isc_throw(DbOpenError, "unable to set SQL mode options: " <<
188                   mysql_error(mysql_));
189     }
191     // Connection timeout, the amount of time taken for the client to drop
192     // the connection if the server is not responding.
193     result = mysql_options(mysql_, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &connect_timeout);
194     if (result != 0) {
195         isc_throw(DbOpenError, "unable to set database connection timeout: " <<
196                   mysql_error(mysql_));
197     }
199     // Open the database.
200     //
201     // The option CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS is specified so that in an UPDATE,
202     // the affected rows are the number of rows found that match the
203     // WHERE clause of the SQL statement, not the rows changed.  The reason
204     // here is that MySQL apparently does not update a row if data has not
205     // changed and so the "affected rows" (retrievable from MySQL) is zero.
206     // This makes it hard to distinguish whether the UPDATE changed no rows
207     // because no row matching the WHERE clause was found, or because a
208     // row was found but no data was altered.
209     MYSQL* status = mysql_real_connect(mysql_, host, user, password, name,
210                                        port, NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS);
211     if (status != mysql_) {
212         isc_throw(DbOpenError, mysql_error(mysql_));
213     }
215     // Enable autocommit. In case transaction is explicitly used, this
216     // setting will be overwritten for the transaction. However, there are
217     // cases when lack of autocommit could cause transactions to hang
218     // until commit or rollback is explicitly called. This already
219     // caused issues for some unit tests which were unable to cleanup
220     // the database after the test because of pending transactions.
221     // Use of autocommit will eliminate this problem.
222     my_bool autocommit_result = mysql_autocommit(mysql_, 1);
223     if (autocommit_result != 0) {
224         isc_throw(DbOperationError, mysql_error(mysql_));
225     }
227     // To avoid a flush to disk on every commit, the global parameter
228     // innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit should be set to 2. This will cause the
229     // changes to be written to the log, but flushed to disk in the background
230     // every second. Setting the parameter to that value will speed up the
231     // system, but at the risk of losing data if the system crashes.
232 }
234 // Get schema version.
236 std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>
getVersion(const ParameterMap & parameters)237 MySqlConnection::getVersion(const ParameterMap& parameters) {
238     // Get a connection.
239     MySqlConnection conn(parameters);
241     // Open the database.
242     conn.openDatabase();
244     // Allocate a new statement.
245     MYSQL_STMT *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn.mysql_);
246     if (stmt == NULL) {
247         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to allocate MySQL prepared "
248                 "statement structure, reason: " << mysql_error(conn.mysql_));
249     }
251     try {
253         // Prepare the statement from SQL text.
254         const char* version_sql = "SELECT version, minor FROM schema_version";
255         int status = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, version_sql, strlen(version_sql));
256         if (status != 0) {
257             isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to prepare MySQL statement <"
258                       << version_sql << ">, reason: "
259                       << mysql_error(conn.mysql_));
260         }
262         // Execute the prepared statement.
263         if (MysqlExecuteStatement(stmt) != 0) {
264             isc_throw(DbOperationError, "cannot execute schema version query <"
265                       << version_sql << ">, reason: "
266                       << mysql_errno(conn.mysql_));
267         }
269         // Bind the output of the statement to the appropriate variables.
270         MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
271         memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
273         uint32_t version;
274         bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
275         bind[0].is_unsigned = 1;
276         bind[0].buffer = &version;
277         bind[0].buffer_length = sizeof(version);
279         uint32_t minor;
280         bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
281         bind[1].is_unsigned = 1;
282         bind[1].buffer = &minor;
283         bind[1].buffer_length = sizeof(minor);
285         if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind)) {
286             isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to bind result set for <"
287                       << version_sql << ">, reason: "
288                       << mysql_errno(conn.mysql_));
289         }
291         // Fetch the data.
292         if (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt)) {
293             isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to bind result set for <"
294                       << version_sql << ">, reason: "
295                       << mysql_errno(conn.mysql_));
296         }
298         // Discard the statement and its resources
299         mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
301         return (std::make_pair(version, minor));
303     } catch (const std::exception&) {
304         // Avoid a memory leak on error.
305         mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
307         // Send the exception to the caller.
308         throw;
309     }
310 }
312 // Prepared statement setup.  The textual form of an SQL statement is stored
313 // in a vector of strings (text_statements_) and is used in the output of
314 // error messages.  The SQL statement is also compiled into a "prepared
315 // statement" (stored in statements_), which avoids the overhead of compilation
316 // during use.  As prepared statements have resources allocated to them, the
317 // class destructor explicitly destroys them.
319 void
prepareStatement(uint32_t index,const char * text)320 MySqlConnection::prepareStatement(uint32_t index, const char* text) {
321     // Validate that there is space for the statement in the statements array
322     // and that nothing has been placed there before.
323     if ((index >= statements_.size()) || (statements_[index] != NULL)) {
324         isc_throw(InvalidParameter, "invalid prepared statement index (" <<
325                   static_cast<int>(index) << ") or indexed prepared " <<
326                   "statement is not null");
327     }
329     // All OK, so prepare the statement
330     text_statements_[index] = std::string(text);
331     statements_[index] = mysql_stmt_init(mysql_);
332     if (statements_[index] == NULL) {
333         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to allocate MySQL prepared "
334                   "statement structure, reason: " << mysql_error(mysql_));
335     }
337     int status = mysql_stmt_prepare(statements_[index], text, strlen(text));
338     if (status != 0) {
339         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to prepare MySQL statement <" <<
340                   text << ">, reason: " << mysql_error(mysql_));
341     }
342 }
344 void
prepareStatements(const TaggedStatement * start_statement,const TaggedStatement * end_statement)345 MySqlConnection::prepareStatements(const TaggedStatement* start_statement,
346                                    const TaggedStatement* end_statement) {
347     // Created the MySQL prepared statements for each DML statement.
348     for (const TaggedStatement* tagged_statement = start_statement;
349          tagged_statement != end_statement; ++tagged_statement) {
350         if (tagged_statement->index >= statements_.size()) {
351             statements_.resize(tagged_statement->index + 1, NULL);
352             text_statements_.resize(tagged_statement->index + 1,
353                                     std::string(""));
354         }
355         prepareStatement(tagged_statement->index,
356                          tagged_statement->text);
357     }
358 }
clearStatements()360 void MySqlConnection::clearStatements() {
361     statements_.clear();
362     text_statements_.clear();
363 }
365 /// @brief Destructor
~MySqlConnection()366 MySqlConnection::~MySqlConnection() {
367     // Free up the prepared statements, ignoring errors. (What would we do
368     // about them? We're destroying this object and are not really concerned
369     // with errors on a database connection that is about to go away.)
370     for (int i = 0; i < statements_.size(); ++i) {
371         if (statements_[i] != NULL) {
372             (void) mysql_stmt_close(statements_[i]);
373             statements_[i] = NULL;
374         }
375     }
376     statements_.clear();
377     text_statements_.clear();
378 }
380 // Time conversion methods.
381 //
382 // Note that the MySQL TIMESTAMP data type (used for "expire") converts data
383 // from the current timezone to UTC for storage, and from UTC to the current
384 // timezone for retrieval.
385 //
386 // This causes no problems providing that:
387 // a) cltt is given in local time
388 // b) We let the system take care of timezone conversion when converting
389 //    from a time read from the database into a local time.
390 void
convertToDatabaseTime(const time_t input_time,MYSQL_TIME & output_time)391 MySqlConnection::convertToDatabaseTime(const time_t input_time,
392                                        MYSQL_TIME& output_time) {
393     MySqlBinding::convertToDatabaseTime(input_time, output_time);
394 }
396 void
convertToDatabaseTime(const time_t cltt,const uint32_t valid_lifetime,MYSQL_TIME & expire)397 MySqlConnection::convertToDatabaseTime(const time_t cltt,
398                                        const uint32_t valid_lifetime,
399                                        MYSQL_TIME& expire) {
400     MySqlBinding::convertToDatabaseTime(cltt, valid_lifetime, expire);
401 }
403 void
convertFromDatabaseTime(const MYSQL_TIME & expire,uint32_t valid_lifetime,time_t & cltt)404 MySqlConnection::convertFromDatabaseTime(const MYSQL_TIME& expire,
405                                          uint32_t valid_lifetime, time_t& cltt) {
406     MySqlBinding::convertFromDatabaseTime(expire, valid_lifetime, cltt);
407 }
409 void
startTransaction()410 MySqlConnection::startTransaction() {
411     // If it is nested transaction, do nothing.
412     if (++transaction_ref_count_ > 1) {
413         return;
414     }
417     checkUnusable();
418     // We create prepared statements for all other queries, but MySQL
419     // don't support prepared statements for START TRANSACTION.
420     int status = mysql_query(mysql_, "START TRANSACTION");
421     if (status != 0) {
422         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "unable to start transaction, "
423                   "reason: " << mysql_error(mysql_));
424     }
425 }
427 bool
isTransactionStarted() const428 MySqlConnection::isTransactionStarted() const {
429     return (transaction_ref_count_ > 0);
430 }
432 void
commit()433 MySqlConnection::commit() {
434     if (transaction_ref_count_ <= 0) {
435         isc_throw(Unexpected, "commit called for not started transaction - coding error");
436     }
438     // When committing nested transaction, do nothing.
439     if (--transaction_ref_count_ > 0) {
440         return;
441     }
443     checkUnusable();
444     if (mysql_commit(mysql_) != 0) {
445         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "commit failed: "
446                   << mysql_error(mysql_));
447     }
448 }
450 void
rollback()451 MySqlConnection::rollback() {
452     if (transaction_ref_count_ <= 0) {
453         isc_throw(Unexpected, "rollback called for not started transaction - coding error");
454     }
456     // When rolling back nested transaction, do nothing.
457     if (--transaction_ref_count_ > 0) {
458         return;
459     }
461     checkUnusable();
462     if (mysql_rollback(mysql_) != 0) {
463         isc_throw(DbOperationError, "rollback failed: "
464                   << mysql_error(mysql_));
465     }
466 }
468 } // namespace db
469 } // namespace isc