1 /*
2    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>
4    SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
7 #pragma once
9 #include "kpimtextedit_export.h"
10 #include <QFileInfo>
11 #include <QImage>
12 #include <QObject>
13 #include <QSharedPointer>
14 #include <QTextImageFormat>
15 namespace KPIMTextEdit
16 {
17 class RichTextComposer;
18 /**
19  * Holds information about an embedded HTML image that will be useful for mail clients.
20  * A list with all images can be retrieved with TextEdit::embeddedImages().
21  */
22 struct EmbeddedImage {
23     QByteArray image; ///< The image, encoded as PNG with base64 encoding
24     QString contentID; ///< The content id of the embedded image
25     QString imageName; ///< Name of the image as it is available as a resource in the editor
26 };
28 /**
29  * Holds information about an embedded HTML image that will be generally useful.
30  * A list with all images can be retrieved with TextEdit::imagesWithName().
31  *
32  * @since 4.4
33  */
34 struct ImageWithName {
35     QImage image; ///< The image
36     QString name; ///< The name of the image as it is available as a resource in the editor
37 };
39 typedef QSharedPointer<ImageWithName> ImageWithNamePtr;
40 typedef QVector<ImageWithNamePtr> ImageWithNameList;
41 typedef QVector<QSharedPointer<EmbeddedImage>> ImageList;
43 class KPIMTEXTEDIT_EXPORT RichTextComposerImages : public QObject
44 {
45     Q_OBJECT
46 public:
47     explicit RichTextComposerImages(RichTextComposer *composer, QObject *parent = nullptr);
48     ~RichTextComposerImages() override;
50     /**
51      * Adds an image. The image is loaded from file and then pasted to the current
52      * cursor position with the given @p width and @p height.
53      *
54      * @param url The URL of the file which contains the image
55      * @param width The width the inserted image will have.
56      * @param height The height the inserted image will have.
57      *
58      */
59     void addImage(const QUrl &url, int width = -1, int height = -1);
61     /**
62      * Loads an image into the textedit. The difference to addImage() is that this
63      * function expects that the image tag is already present in the HTML source.
64      *
65      * @param image the image to load
66      * @param matchName the name of tags to match image
67      * @param resourceName the resource name of image
68      * So what this message does is that it scans the HTML source for the image
69      * tag that matches the @p matchName, and then inserts the @p image as a
70      * resource, giving that resource the name @p resourceName.
71      *
72      */
73     void loadImage(const QImage &image, const QString &matchName, const QString &resourceName);
75     void addImageHelper(const QString &imageName, const QImage &image, int width = -1, int height = -1);
76     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT ImageWithNameList imagesWithName() const;
77     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QVector<QSharedPointer<EmbeddedImage>> embeddedImages() const;
78     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QVector<QTextImageFormat> embeddedImageFormats() const;
79     void addImageHelper(const QUrl &url, int width = -1, int height = -1);
80     void insertImage(const QImage &image, const QFileInfo &fileInfo);
82     /**
83      * For all given embedded images, this function replace the image name
84      * in the \<img\> tag of the HTML body with cid:content-id, so that the
85      * HTML references the image body parts, see RFC 2557.
86      *
87      * This is useful when building a MIME message with inline images.
88      *
89      * Note that this function works on encoded content already.
90      *
91      * @param htmlBody the HTML code in which the \<img\> tag will be modified.
92      *                 The HTML code here could come from toHtml(), for example.
93      *
94      * @param imageList the list of images of which the \<img\> tag will be modified.
95      *                  You can get such a list from the embeddedImages() function.
96      *
97      * @return a modified HTML code, where the \<img\> tags got replaced
98      */
99     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT static QByteArray imageNamesToContentIds(const QByteArray &htmlBody, const ImageList &imageList);
101     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QSharedPointer<EmbeddedImage> createEmbeddedImage(const QImage &img, const QString &imageName) const;
103 private:
104     class RichTextComposerImagesPrivate;
105     std::unique_ptr<RichTextComposerImagesPrivate> const d;
106 };
107 }