2 class LATSession
3 {
4  public:
LATSession(class LATConnection & p,unsigned char remid,unsigned char localid,bool _clean)5     LATSession(class LATConnection &p,
6 	       unsigned char remid, unsigned char localid, bool _clean):
7 	pid(-1),
8 	parent(p),
9 	remote_session(remid),
10 	local_session(localid),
11 	max_read_size(250),
12 	clean(_clean),
13 	credit(0),
14 	request_id(0),
15 	stopped(false),
16 	remote_credit(0),
17 	master_conn(NULL)
18       {}
19     virtual ~LATSession();
21     int  send_data_to_process(unsigned char *buf, int len);
22     int  read_pty();
23     void remove_session();
24     void send_disabled_message();
25     void add_credit(signed short c);
26     void set_port(unsigned char *inbuf);
get_remote_credit()27     int  get_remote_credit() { return remote_credit; }
inc_remote_credit(int inc)28     void inc_remote_credit(int inc) { remote_credit+=inc; }
29     void got_connection(unsigned char _remid);
isConnected()30     bool isConnected() { return connected; }
waiting_start()31     bool waiting_start() { return state == STARTING; }
33     virtual void disconnect_session(int reason);
34     virtual int new_session(unsigned char *_remote_node,
35 			    char *service, char *port, unsigned char c)=0;
do_read()36     virtual void do_read() {}
37     virtual void connect();
39     // These two are for queuedsession really, but we don't
40     // know what type of session we have in the connection dtor
set_master_conn(LATConnection ** master)41     void set_master_conn(LATConnection **master)
42 	{
43 	    master_conn = master;
44 	}
get_master_conn()45     LATConnection *get_master_conn()
46 	{
47 	    if (master_conn)
48 	        return *master_conn;
49 	    else
50 		return NULL;
51 	}
53  protected:
54     enum {NEW, STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPED} state;
55     char           remote_node[32]; // Node name
56     char           remote_service[32]; // Service name
57     char           remote_port[32];
58     char           ptyname[256];
59     int            master_fd;
60     pid_t          pid;
61     bool           echo_expected;
62     bool           connected;
63     class LATConnection &parent;
64     unsigned char  remote_session;
65     unsigned char  local_session;
66     int            max_read_size;
67     bool           clean; // Connection should be 8bit clean
68     char           ltaname[255];
69     unsigned short request_id;
71     // Flow control
72     int            credit;
73     bool           stopped;
74     int            remote_credit;
75     LATConnection  **master_conn;
78  protected:
79     int  send_data(unsigned char *buf, int msglen, int );
80     void send_issue();
81     int  send_break();
82     void add_slot(unsigned char *buf, int &ptr, int slotcmd, unsigned char *slotdata, int len);
83     void crlf_to_lf(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *newbuf, int *newlen);
84     int  writeall(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int len);
85 };