1 /*
2  * coap_debug.h -- debug utilities
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2010-2011,2014 Olaf Bergmann <bergmann@tzi.org>
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7  *
8  * This file is part of the CoAP library libcoap. Please see README for terms
9  * of use.
10  */
12 #ifndef COAP_DEBUG_H_
13 #define COAP_DEBUG_H_
15 /**
16  * @defgroup logging Logging Support
17  * API functions for logging support
18  * @{
19  */
21 #ifndef COAP_DEBUG_FD
22 /**
23  * Used for output for @c LOG_DEBUG to @c LOG_ERR.
24  */
25 #define COAP_DEBUG_FD stdout
26 #endif
28 #ifndef COAP_ERR_FD
29 /**
30  * Used for output for @c LOG_CRIT to @c LOG_EMERG.
31  */
32 #define COAP_ERR_FD stderr
33 #endif
35 #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H
36 #include <syslog.h>
37 /**
38  * Logging type.  One of LOG_* from @b syslog.
39  */
40 typedef short coap_log_t;
41 /*
42    LOG_DEBUG+2 gives ciphers in GnuTLS
43    Use COAP_LOG_CIPHERS to output Cipher Info in OpenSSL etc.
44  */
46 #else /* !HAVE_SYSLOG_H */
47 /** Pre-defined log levels akin to what is used in \b syslog
48     with LOG_CIPHERS added. */
50 #if !defined(RIOT_VERSION)
51 typedef enum {
52   LOG_EMERG=0, /**< Emergency */
53   LOG_ALERT,   /**< Alert */
54   LOG_CRIT,    /**< Critical */
55   LOG_ERR,     /**< Error */
56   LOG_WARNING, /**< Warning */
57   LOG_NOTICE,  /**< Notice */
58   LOG_INFO,    /**< Information */
59   LOG_DEBUG,   /**< Debug */
60   COAP_LOG_CIPHERS=LOG_DEBUG+2 /**< CipherInfo */
61 } coap_log_t;
62 #else /* RIOT_VERSION */
63 /* RIOT defines a subset of the syslog levels in log.h with different
64  * numeric values. The remaining levels are defined here. Note that
65  * output granularity differs from what would be expected when
66  * adhering to the syslog levels.
67  */
68 #include <log.h>
69 typedef short coap_log_t;
70 #define LOG_EMERG  (0)
71 #define LOG_ALERT  (1)
72 #define LOG_CRIT   (2)
73 #define LOG_ERR    (3)
74 /*  LOG_WARNING    (4) */
75 #define LOG_NOTICE (5)
76 /*  LOG_INFO       (6) */
77 /*  LOG_DEBUG      (7) */
78 #define COAP_LOG_CIPHERS (9)
79 #endif /* RIOT_VERSION */
81 #endif /* !HAVE_SYSLOG_H */
83 /**
84  * Get the current logging level.
85  *
86  * @return One of the LOG_* values.
87  */
88 coap_log_t coap_get_log_level(void);
90 /**
91  * Sets the log level to the specified value.
92  *
93  * @param level One of the LOG_* values.
94  */
95 void coap_set_log_level(coap_log_t level);
97 /**
98  * Logging callback handler definition.
99  *
100  * @param level One of the LOG_* values.
101  * @param message Zero-terminated string message to log.
102  */
103 typedef void (*coap_log_handler_t) (coap_log_t level, const char *message);
105 /**
106  * Add a custom log callback handler.
107  *
108  * @param handler The logging handler to use or @p NULL to use default handler.
109  */
110 void coap_set_log_handler(coap_log_handler_t handler);
112 /**
113  * Get the library package name.
114  *
115  * @return Zero-terminated string with the name of this library.
116  */
117 const char *coap_package_name(void);
119 /**
120  * Get the library package version.
121  *
122  * @return Zero-terminated string with the library version.
123  */
124 const char *coap_package_version(void);
126 /**
127  * Writes the given text to @c COAP_ERR_FD (for @p level <= @c LOG_CRIT) or @c
128  * COAP_DEBUG_FD (for @p level >= @c LOG_ERR). The text is output only when
129  * @p level is below or equal to the log level that set by coap_set_log_level().
130  *
131  * Internal function.
132  *
133  * @param level One of the LOG_* values.
134  & @param format The format string to use.
135  */
136 #if (defined(__GNUC__))
137 void coap_log_impl(coap_log_t level,
138               const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)));
139 #else
140 void coap_log_impl(coap_log_t level, const char *format, ...);
141 #endif
143 #ifndef coap_log
144 /**
145  * Logging function.
146  * Writes the given text to @c COAP_ERR_FD (for @p level <= @c LOG_CRIT) or @c
147  * COAP_DEBUG_FD (for @p level >= @c LOG_ERR). The text is output only when
148  * @p level is below or equal to the log level that set by coap_set_log_level().
149  *
150  * @param level One of the LOG_* values.
151  */
152 #define coap_log(level, ...) do { \
153   if ((int)((level))<=(int)coap_get_log_level()) \
154      coap_log_impl((level), __VA_ARGS__); \
155 } while(0)
156 #endif
158 #include "pdu.h"
160 /**
161  * Defines the output mode for the coap_show_pdu() function.
162  *
163  * @param use_fprintf @p 1 if the output is to use fprintf() (the default)
164  *                    @p 0 if the output is to use coap_log().
165  */
166 void coap_set_show_pdu_output(int use_fprintf);
168 /**
169  * Display the contents of the specified @p pdu.
170  * Note: The output method of coap_show_pdu() is dependent on the setting of
171  * coap_set_show_pdu_output().
172  *
173  * @param level The required minimum logging level.
174  * @param pdu The PDU to decode.
175  */
176 void coap_show_pdu(coap_log_t level, const coap_pdu_t *pdu);
178 /**
179  * Display the current (D)TLS library linked with and built for version.
180  *
181  * @param level The required minimum logging level.
182  */
183 void coap_show_tls_version(coap_log_t level);
185 /**
186  * Build a string containing the current (D)TLS library linked with and
187  * built for version.
188  *
189  * @param buffer The buffer to put the string into.
190  * @param bufsize The size of the buffer to put the string into.
191  *
192  * @return A pointer to the provided buffer.
193  */
194 char *coap_string_tls_version(char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
196 /**
197  * Build a string containing the current (D)TLS library support
198  *
199  * @param buffer The buffer to put the string into.
200  * @param bufsize The size of the buffer to put the string into.
201  *
202  * @return A pointer to the provided buffer.
203  */
204 char *coap_string_tls_support(char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
206 /**
207  * Print the address into the defined buffer.
208  *
209  * Internal Function.
210  *
211  * @param address The address to print.
212  * @param buffer The buffer to print into.
213  * @param size The size of the buffer to print into.
214  *
215  * @return The amount written into the buffer.
216  */
217 size_t coap_print_addr(const coap_address_t *address,
218                        unsigned char *buffer, size_t size);
220 /** @} */
222 /**
223  * Set the packet loss level for testing.  This can be in one of two forms.
224  *
225  * Percentage : 0% to 100%.  Use the specified probability.
226  * 0% is send all packets, 100% is drop all packets.
227  *
228  * List: A comma separated list of numbers or number ranges that are the
229  * packets to drop.
230  *
231  * @param loss_level The defined loss level (percentage or list).
232  *
233  * @return @c 1 If loss level set, @c 0 if there is an error.
234  */
235 int coap_debug_set_packet_loss(const char *loss_level);
237 /**
238  * Check to see whether a packet should be sent or not.
239  *
240  * Internal function
241  *
242  * @return @c 1 if packet is to be sent, @c 0 if packet is to be dropped.
243  */
244 int coap_debug_send_packet(void);
247 #endif /* COAP_DEBUG_H_ */