1 /**
2  * @file hash_table.h
3  * @author Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
4  * @author Michal Vasko <mvasko@cesnet.cz>
5  * @brief libyang hash table
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
8  *
9  * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
10  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12  *
13  *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
14  */
16 #ifndef LY_HASH_TABLE_H_
17 #define LY_HASH_TABLE_H_
19 #include <stdint.h>
20 #include <pthread.h>
22 #include "common.h"
23 #include "dict.h"
25 /**
26  * @brief Compute hash from (several) string(s).
27  *
28  * Usage:
29  * - init hash to 0
30  * - repeatedly call dict_hash_multi(), provide hash from the last call
31  * - call dict_hash_multi() with key_part = NULL to finish the hash
32  */
33 uint32_t dict_hash_multi(uint32_t hash, const char *key_part, size_t len);
35 /**
36  * @brief Callback for checking hash table values equivalence.
37  *
38  * @param[in] val1_p Pointer to the first value.
39  * @param[in] val2_p Pointer to the second value.
40  * @param[in] mod Whether the operation modifies the hash table (insert or remove) or not (find).
41  * @param[in] cb_data User callback data.
42  * @return 0 on non-equal, non-zero on equal.
43  */
44 typedef int (*values_equal_cb)(void *val1_p, void *val2_p, int mod, void *cb_data);
46 /** when the table is at least this much percent full, it is enlarged (double the size) */
49 /** only once the table is this much percent full, enable shrinking */
52 /** when the table is less than this much percent full, it is shrunk (half the size) */
55 /** when the table has less than this much percent empty records, it is rehashed to get rid of all the invalid records */
58 /** never shrink beyond this size */
59 #define LYHT_MIN_SIZE 8
61 /**
62  * @brief Generic hash table record.
63  */
64 struct ht_rec {
65     uint32_t hash;        /* hash of the value */
66     int32_t hits;         /* (collision/overflow value count - 1) (a filled entry has 1 hit),
67                            * special value (-1) means a deleted record) */
68     unsigned char val[1]; /* arbitrary-size value */
69 } _PACKED;
71 /**
72  * @brief (Very) generic hash table.
73  *
74  * Hash table with open addressing collision resolution and
75  * linear probing of interval 1 (next free record is used).
76  * Removal is lazy (removed records are only marked).
77  */
78 struct hash_table {
79     uint32_t used;        /* number of values stored in the hash table (filled records) */
80     uint32_t size;        /* always holds 2^x == size (is power of 2), actually number of records allocated */
81     uint32_t invalid;     /* number of invalid records in the hash table (deleted records) */
82     values_equal_cb val_equal; /* callback for testing value equivalence */
83     void *cb_data;        /* user data callback arbitrary value */
84     uint16_t resize;      /* 0 - resizing is disabled, *
85                            * 1 - enlarging is enabled, *
86                            * 2 - both shrinking and enlarging is enabled */
87     uint16_t rec_size;    /* real size (in bytes) of one record for accessing recs array */
88     unsigned char *recs;  /* pointer to the hash table itself (array of struct ht_rec) */
89 };
91 struct dict_rec {
92     char *value;
93     uint32_t refcount;
94 } _PACKED;
96 /**
97  * dictionary to store repeating strings
98  */
99 struct dict_table {
100     struct hash_table *hash_tab;
101     pthread_mutex_t lock;
102 };
104 /**
105  * @brief Initiate content (non-zero values) of the dictionary
106  *
107  * @param[in] dict Dictionary table to initiate
108  */
109 void lydict_init(struct dict_table *dict);
111 /**
112  * @brief Cleanup the dictionary content
113  *
114  * @param[in] dict Dictionary table to cleanup
115  */
116 void lydict_clean(struct dict_table *dict);
118 /**
119  * @brief Get a specific record from a hash table.
120  *
121  * @param[in] recs Hash table records.
122  * @param[in] rec_size Size of one hash table record.
123  * @param[in] idx Index of the record.
124  * @return Record from \p recs on index \p idx.
125  */
126 struct ht_rec *lyht_get_rec(unsigned char *recs, uint16_t rec_size, uint32_t idx);
128 /**
129  * @brief Create new hash table.
130  *
131  * @param[in] size Starting size of the hash table (capacity of values), must be power of 2.
132  * @param[in] val_size Size in bytes of value (the stored hashed item).
133  * @param[in] val_equal Callback for checking value equivalence.
134  * @param[in] cb_data User data always passed to \p val_equal.
135  * @param[in] resize Whether to resize the table on too few/too many records taken.
136  * @return Empty hash table, NULL on error.
137  */
138 struct hash_table *lyht_new(uint32_t size, uint16_t val_size, values_equal_cb val_equal, void *cb_data, int resize);
140 /**
141  * @brief Set hash table value equal callback.
142  *
143  * @param[in] ht Hash table to modify.
144  * @param[in] new_val_equal New callback for checking value equivalence.
145  * @return Previous callback for checking value equivalence.
146  */
147 values_equal_cb lyht_set_cb(struct hash_table *ht, values_equal_cb new_val_equal);
149 /**
150  * @brief Set hash table value equal callback user data.
151  *
152  * @param[in] ht Hash table to modify.
153  * @param[in] new_cb_data New data for values callback.
154  * @return Previous data for values callback.
155  */
156 void *lyht_set_cb_data(struct hash_table *ht, void *new_cb_data);
158 /**
159  * @brief Make a duplicate of an existing hash table.
160  *
161  * @param[in] orig Original hash table to duplicate.
162  * @return Duplicated hash table \p orig, NULL on error.
163  */
164 struct hash_table *lyht_dup(const struct hash_table *orig);
166 /**
167  * @brief Free a hash table.
168  *
169  * @param[in] ht Hash table to be freed.
170  */
171 void lyht_free(struct hash_table *ht);
173 /**
174  * @brief Find a value in a hash table.
175  *
176  * @param[in] ht Hash table to search in.
177  * @param[in] val_p Pointer to the value to find.
178  * @param[in] hash Hash of the stored value.
179  * @param[out] match_p Pointer to the matching value, optional.
180  * @return 0 on success, 1 on not found.
181  */
182 int lyht_find(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash, void **match_p);
184 /**
185  * @brief Find another equal value in the hash table.
186  *
187  * @param[in] ht Hash table to search in.
188  * @param[in] val_p Pointer to the previously found value in \p ht.
189  * @param[in] hash Hash of the previously found value.
190  * @param[out] match_p Pointer to the matching value, optional.
191  * @return 0 on success, 1 on not found.
192  */
193 int lyht_find_next(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash, void **match_p);
195 /**
196  * @brief Insert a value into a hash table.
197  *
198  * @param[in] ht Hash table to insert into.
199  * @param[in] val_p Pointer to the value to insert. Be careful, if the values stored in the hash table
200  * are pointers, \p val_p must be a pointer to a pointer.
201  * @param[in] hash Hash of the stored value.
202  * @param[out] match_p Pointer to the stored value, optional
203  * @return 0 on success, 1 if already inserted, -1 on error.
204  */
205 int lyht_insert(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash, void **match_p);
207 /**
208  * @brief Insert a value into hash table. Same functionality as lyht_insert()
209  * but allows to specify a temporary val equal callback to be used in case the hash table
210  * will be resized after successful insertion.
211  *
212  * @param[in] ht Hash table to insert into.
213  * @param[in] val_p Pointer to the value to insert. Be careful, if the values stored in the hash table
214  * are pointers, \p val_p must be a pointer to a pointer.
215  * @param[in] hash Hash of the stored value.
216  * @param[in] resize_val_equal Val equal callback to use for resizing.
217  * @param[out] match_p Pointer to the stored value, optional
218  * @return 0 on success, 1 if already inserted, -1 on error.
219  */
220 int lyht_insert_with_resize_cb(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash, values_equal_cb resize_val_equal,
221                                void **match_p);
223 /**
224  * @brief Remove a value from a hash table.
225  *
226  * @param[in] ht Hash table to remove from.
227  * @param[in] value_p Pointer to value to be removed. Be careful, if the values stored in the hash table
228  * are pointers, \p value_p must be a pointer to a pointer.
229  * @param[in] hash Hash of the stored value.
230  * @return 0 on success, 1 if value was not found, -1 on error.
231  */
232 int lyht_remove(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash);
234 /**
235  * @brief Remove a value from a hash table. Same functionality as lyht_remove()
236  * but allows to specify a temporary val equal callback to be used in case the hash table
237  * will be resized after successful removal.
238  *
239  * @param[in] ht Hash table to remove from.
240  * @param[in] value_p Pointer to value to be removed. Be careful, if the values stored in the hash table
241  * are pointers, \p value_p must be a pointer to a pointer.
242  * @param[in] hash Hash of the stored value.
243  * @param[in] resize_val_equal Val equal callback to use for resizing.
244  * @return 0 on success, 1 if value was not found, -1 on error.
245  */
246 int lyht_remove_with_resize_cb(struct hash_table *ht, void *val_p, uint32_t hash, values_equal_cb resize_val_equal);
248 #endif /* LY_HASH_TABLE_H_ */