2 * @file libyang.h
3 * @author Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
4 * @brief The main libyang public header.
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
7 *
8 * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
9 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
13 */
15#ifndef LY_LIBYANG_H_
16#define LY_LIBYANG_H_
18#include <stdio.h>
21 * @brief Whether to enable schema and data cache.
22 */
23#cmakedefine LY_ENABLED_CACHE
26 * @brief Whether to allow reusing latest revisions of schemas.
27 */
31 * @brief Whether to add priv pointer to struct lyd_node.
32 */
33#cmakedefine LY_ENABLED_LYD_PRIV
36 * @brief Compiler flag for packed data types.
37 */
40#include "tree_schema.h"
41#include "tree_data.h"
42#include "xml.h"
43#include "dict.h"
45#ifdef __cplusplus
46extern "C" {
49#define LY_VERSION_MAJOR @LIBYANG_MAJOR_SOVERSION@ /**< libyang major version number */
50#define LY_VERSION_MINOR @LIBYANG_MINOR_SOVERSION@ /**< libyang minor version number */
51#define LY_VERSION_MICRO @LIBYANG_MICRO_SOVERSION@ /**< libyang micro version number */
52#define LY_VERSION "@LIBYANG_SOVERSION_FULL@" /**< libyang version string */
55 * @mainpage About
56 *
57 * libyang is a library implementing processing of the YANG schemas and data modeled by the YANG language. The
58 * library is implemented in C for GNU/Linux and provides C API.
59 *
60 * @section about-features Main Features
61 *
62 * - [Parsing (and validating) schemas](@ref howtoschemasparsers) in YANG format.
63 * - [Parsing (and validating) schemas](@ref howtoschemasparsers) in YIN format.
64 * - [Parsing, validating and printing instance data](@ref howtodata) in XML format.
65 * - [Parsing, validating and printing instance data](@ref howtodata) in JSON format
66 *   ([RFC 7951](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951)).
67 * - [Manipulation with the instance data](@ref howtodatamanipulators).
68 * - Support for [default values in the instance data](@ref howtodatawd) ([RFC 6243](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243)).
69 * - Support for [YANG extensions and user types](@ref howtoschemaplugins).
70 * - Support for [YANG Metadata](@ref howtoschemametadata) ([RFC 7952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243)).
71 *
72 * The current implementation covers YANG 1.0 ([RFC 6020](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020)) as well as
73 * YANG 1.1 ([RFC 7950](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950)).
74 *
75 * @subsection about-features-others Extra (side-effect) Features
76 *
77 * - XML parser.
78 * - Optimized string storage (dictionary).
79 *
80 * @section about-license License
81 *
82 * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
83 *
84 * (The BSD 3-Clause License)
85 *
86 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
87 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
88 * are met:
89 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
90 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
91 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
92 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
93 *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
94 *    distribution.
95 * 3. Neither the name of the Company nor the names of its contributors
96 *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
97 *    software without specific prior written permission.
98 */
101 * @page howto How To ...
102 *
103 * - @subpage howtocontext
104 * - @subpage howtoschemas
105 * - @subpage howtodata
106 * - @subpage howtoxpath
107 * - @subpage howtoxml
108 * - @subpage howtothreads
109 * - @subpage howtologger
110 */
112/** @page howtocontext Context
113 *
114 * The context concept allows callers to work in environments with different sets of YANG schemas.
115 *
116 * The first step in libyang is to create a new context using ly_ctx_new(). It returns a handler
117 * used in the following work.
118 *
119 * When creating a new context, search dir can be specified (NULL is accepted) to provide directory
120 * where libyang will automatically search for schemas being imported or included. The search path
121 * can be later changed via ly_ctx_set_searchdir() and ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs() functions. Before the search dirs,
122 * also the current working directory is (non-recursively) searched. For the case of the explicitly set search
123 * dirs, also all their subdirectories (and symlinks) are taken into account. Searching in the current working
124 * directory can be avoided with context's #LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD option (or via ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd()).
125 * Searching in all the context's search dirs (without removing them) can be avoided with the context's
126 * #LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS option (or via ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs()). This automatic searching can be preceded
127 * by a custom  module searching callback (#ly_module_imp_clb) set via ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(). The algorithm of
128 * searching in search dirs is also available via API as lys_search_localfile() function.
129 *
130 * Schemas are added into the context using [parser functions](@ref howtoschemasparsers) - \b lys_parse_*().
131 * In case of schemas, also ly_ctx_load_module() can be used - in that case the #ly_module_imp_clb or automatic
132 * search in search dir and in the current working directory is used.
133 *
134 * Similarly, data trees can be parsed by \b lyd_parse_*() functions. Note, that functions for schemas have \b lys_
135 * prefix while functions for instance data have \b lyd_ prefix. It can happen during data parsing that a schema is
136 * required and __not found__ in the context or the schema is found, but is __only imported__, not implemented (so the
137 * data cannot actually be instantiated). In these cases, a callback is called, which should add this schema into
138 * the context or change its conformance to implemented. You can set the callback using ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb()
139 * (more in @ref howtodataparsers and @ref howtodatavalidation).
140 *
141 * Context can hold multiple revisions of the same schema, but only one of them can be implemented. The schema is not
142 * implemented in case it is automatically loaded as import for another module and it is not referenced in such
143 * a module (and no other) as target of leafref, augment or deviation. All modules with deviation definition are always
144 * marked as implemented. The imported (not implemented) module can be set implemented by lys_set_implemented(). But
145 * the implemented module cannot be changed back to just imported module. The imported modules are used only as a
146 * source of definitions for types and groupings for uses statements. The data in such modules are ignored - caller
147 * is not allowed to create the data (including instantiating identities) defined in the model via data parsers,
148 * the default nodes are not added into any data tree and mandatory nodes are not checked in the data trees. This
149 * can be changed by ly_ctx_set_allimplemented() function, which causes that all the imported modules are automatically
150 * set to be implemented.
151 *
152 * When loading/importing a module without revision, the latest revision of the required module is supposed to load.
153 * For a context, the first time the latest revision of a module is requested, it is properly searched for and loaded.
154 * However, when this module is requested (without revision) the second time, the one found previously is returned.
155 * This has the advantage of not searching for the module repeatedly but the drawback that if a later revision
156 * of the module is later made available, this context will not use it. If you are aware of a case when this
157 * optimization could cause problems, you can disable it using a cmake(1) build option (variable).
158 *
159 * Context holds all modules and their submodules internally. To get
160 * a specific module or submodule, use ly_ctx_get_module() and ly_ctx_get_submodule(). There are some additional
161 * alternatives to these functions (with different parameters). If you need to do something with all the modules or
162 * submodules in the context, it is advised to iterate over them using ly_ctx_get_module_iter(), it is
163 * the most efficient way. Alternatively, the ly_ctx_info() function can be used to get complex information
164 * about the schemas in the context in the form of data tree defined by
165 * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netconf-yang-library-04">ietf-yang-library</a> schema.
166 * To get a specific node defined in a module in the context, ly_ctx_find_path() or ly_ctx_get_node() can be used.
167 *
168 * Modules held by a context can be removed by ly_ctx_remove_module(). Besides removing the module, it is possible
169 * just to disable it with lys_set_disabled(). In this case the module is hidden in the context (disabled modules can
170 * be iterated via ly_ctx_get_disabled_module_iter()) and not used during the common work with the context. The module
171 * is enabled explicitly by calling lys_set_enabled() or implicitly by the request to load the schema (directly or
172 * indirectly via import of another module) into the context.
173 *
174 * To clean the context from all the loaded modules (except the [internal modules](@ref howtoschemasparsers)), the
175 * ly_ctx_clean() function can be used. To remove the context, there is ly_ctx_destroy() function.
176 *
177 * - @subpage howtocontextdict
178 *
179 * \note API for this group of functions is available in the [context module](@ref context).
180 *
181 * Functions List
182 * --------------
183 * - ly_ctx_new()
184 * - ly_ctx_set_searchdir()
185 * - ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs()
186 * - ly_ctx_get_searchdirs()
187 * - ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb()
188 * - ly_ctx_get_module_imp_clb()
189 * - ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb()
190 * - ly_ctx_get_module_data_clb()
191 * - ly_ctx_set_allimplemented()
192 * - ly_ctx_unset_allimplemented()
193 * - ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs()
194 * - ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdirs()
195 * - ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd()
196 * - ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdir_cwd()
197 * - ly_ctx_load_module()
198 * - ly_ctx_info()
199 * - ly_ctx_get_module_set_id()
200 * - ly_ctx_get_module_iter()
201 * - ly_ctx_get_disabled_module_iter()
202 * - ly_ctx_get_module()
203 * - ly_ctx_get_module_older()
204 * - ly_ctx_get_module_by_ns()
205 * - ly_ctx_get_submodule()
206 * - ly_ctx_get_submodule2()
207 * - ly_ctx_get_node()
208 * - ly_ctx_find_path()
209 * - ly_ctx_remove_module()
210 * - ly_ctx_clean()
211 * - ly_ctx_destroy()
212 * - lys_set_implemented()
213 * - lys_set_disabled()
214 * - lys_set_enabled()
215 * - lys_search_localfile()
216 */
219 * @page howtocontextdict Context Dictionary
220 *
221 * Context includes dictionary to store strings more effectively. The most of strings repeats quite often in schema
222 * as well as data trees. Therefore, instead of allocating those strings each time they appear, libyang stores them
223 * as records in the dictionary. The basic API to the context dictionary is public, so even a caller application can
224 * use the dictionary.
225 *
226 * To insert a string into the dictionary, caller can use lydict_insert() (adding a constant string) or
227 * lydict_insert_zc() (for dynamically allocated strings that won't be used by the caller after its insertion into
228 * the dictionary). Both functions return the pointer to the inserted string in the dictionary record.
229 *
230 * To remove (reference of the) string from the context dictionary, lydict_remove() is supposed to be used.
231 *
232 * \note Incorrect usage of the dictionary can break libyang functionality.
233 *
234 * \note API for this group of functions is described in the [XML Parser module](@ref dict).
235 *
236 * Functions List
237 * --------------
238 * - lydict_insert()
239 * - lydict_insert_zc()
240 * - lydict_remove()
241 */
244 * @page howtoschemas Schemas
245 *
246 *
247 * Schema is an internal libyang's representation of a YANG data model. Each schema is connected with
248 * its [context](@ref howtocontext) and loaded using [parser functions](@ref howtoschemasparsers). It means, that
249 * the schema cannot be created (nor changed) programmatically. In libyang, schemas are used only to
250 * access data model definitions.
251 *
252 * Schema tree nodes are able to hold private objects (via a pointer to a structure, function, variable, ...) used by
253 * a caller application. Such an object can be assigned to a specific node using lys_set_private() function.
254 * Note that the object is not freed by libyang when the context is being destroyed. So the caller is responsible
255 * for freeing the provided structure after the context is destroyed or the private pointer is set to NULL in
256 * appropriate schema nodes where the object was previously set. This can be automated via destructor function
257 * to free these private objects. The destructor is passed to the ly_ctx_destroy() function. On the other hand,
258 * freeing the object while the schema tree is still in use can lead to a segmentation fault.
259 *
260 * - @subpage howtoschemasparsers
261 * - @subpage howtoschemasfeatures
262 * - @subpage howtoschemaplugins
263 * - @subpage howtoschemasprinters
264 *
265 * \note There are many functions to access information from the schema trees. Details are available in
266 * the [Schema Tree module](@ref schematree).
267 *
268 * For information about difference between implemented and imported modules, see the
269 * [context description](@ref howtocontext).
270 *
271 * Functions List (not assigned to above subsections)
272 * --------------------------------------------------
273 * - lys_getnext()
274 * - lys_parent()
275 * - lys_module()
276 * - lys_node_module()
277 * - lys_set_private()
278 * - lys_set_implemented()
279 * - lys_set_disabled()
280 * - lys_set_enabled()
281 */
284 * @page howtoschemasparsers Parsing Schemas
285 *
286 * Schema parser allows to read schema from a specific format. libyang supports the following schema formats:
287 *
288 * - YANG
289 *
290 *   Basic YANG schemas format described in [RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020) and
291 *   [RFC 7951](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951) (so both YANG 1.0 and YANG 1.1 versions are supported).
292 *
293 * - YIN
294 *
295 *   Alternative XML-based format to YANG - YANG Independent Notation. The details can be found in
296 *   [RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020#section-11) and
297 *   [RFC 7951](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951#section-13).
298 *
299 * When the [context](@ref howtocontext) is created, it already contains the following schemas, which
300 * are implemented internally by libyang:
301 * - ietf-yang-metadata@2016-08-05
302 * - yang@2017-02-20
303 * - ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15
304 * - ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15
305 * - ietf-yang-library@2016-06-21
306 *
307 * The `yang` schema is the libyang's internal module to provide namespace and definitions of for various YANG
308 * attributes described in [RFC 7951](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243) (such as `insert` attribute for
309 * edit-config's data).
310 *
311 * Other schemas can be added to the context manually as described in [context page](@ref howtocontext) by the functions
312 * listed below. Besides the schema parser functions, it is also possible to use ly_ctx_load_module() which tries to
313 * find the required schema automatically - using #ly_module_imp_clb or automatic search in working directory and in the
314 * context's searchpath.
315 *
316 * Functions List
317 * --------------
318 * - lys_parse_mem()
319 * - lys_parse_fd()
320 * - lys_parse_path()
321 * - lys_search_localfile()
322 * - ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb()
323 * - ly_ctx_load_module()
324 */
327 * @page howtoschemasfeatures YANG Features Manipulation
328 *
329 * The group of functions prefixed by \b lys_features_ are used to access and manipulate with the schema's
330 * features.
331 *
332 * The first two functions are used to access information about the features in the schema.
333 * lys_features_list() provides list of all features defined in the specific schema and its
334 * submodules. Optionally, it can also provide information about the state of all features.
335 * Alternatively, caller can use lys_features_state() function to get state of one specific
336 * feature.
337 *
338 * The remaining two functions, lys_features_enable() and lys_features_disable(), are used
339 * to enable and disable the specific feature (or all via the '`*`' value). By default, when the module
340 * is loaded by libyang parser, all features are disabled.
341 *
342 * To get know, if a specific schema node is currently disabled or enable, the lys_is_disabled() function can be used.
343 *
344 * Note, that the feature's state can affect some of the output formats (e.g. Tree format).
345 *
346 * Functions List
347 * --------------
348 * - lys_features_list()
349 * - lys_features_enable()
350 * - lys_features_disable()
351 * - lys_features_state()
352 * - lys_is_disabled()
353 */
356 * @page howtoschemaplugins YANG Extension and User Type Support
357 *
358 * Extensions and user types are supported in the form of **plugins**. These are loaded from the plugin directory
359 * (`LIBDIR/libyang/`) whenever a context is created. However, the list of plugins can be refreshed manually by ly_load_plugins().
360 * The extension plugin directory path (default `LIBDIR/libyang/extensions/`) can be change via the
361 * `LIBYANG_EXTENSIONS_PLUGINS_DIR` environment variable and similarly the user type directory (default `LIBDIR/libyang/user_types/`)
362 * via `LIBYANG_USER_TYPES_PLUGINS_DIR`. Note, that unavailable plugins are not removed, only
363 * any new plugins are loaded. Also note that the availability of new plugins does not affect the current schemas in the
364 * contexts, they are applied only to the newly parsed schemas.
365 *
366 * The plugins list can be cleaned by ly_clean_plugins(). However, since various contexts (respectively their
367 * schemas) can link to the plugins, the cleanup is successful only when there is no remaining context.
368 *
369 * For both plugin types, when a specific plugin is being loaded, libyang checks for the API version the plugin was compiled with.
370 * From the plugin side, this is done using `LYEXT_VERSION_CHECK` or `LYTYPE_VERSION_CHECK` which must be defined in the plugin code.
371 *
372 * @section extensions Extensions
373 *
374 * YANG provides extensions as a mechanism how to add new statements into the language. Since they are very generic -
375 * extension instance can appear anywhere, they can contain any other YANG statement including extension instances and
376 * their specification has a form of the description text, it is very challenging for libyang to provide working and
377 * useful implementation. Therefore, you can reach some limitation regarding the extensions support, but the common
378 * use cases should be covered and supported.
379 *
380 * Since libyang does not understand human text, it is not possible to get the complete definition of the extension from
381 * its description statement. Therefore, libyang allows the schema authors to provide @link extplugins extension
382 * plugin@endlink that provides information from the extension description to libyang.
383 *
384 * Here are some notes about the implementation of the particular YANG extensions features
385 *
386 * - Extension instance can appear anywhere
387 *   This is completely supported. In addition, the extension plugins are allowed to provide callback function to
388 *   check if the extension instance is actually allowed to be instantiated as a substatement of the particular node.
389 *   In some case the extension instance is not stored in the libyang structures inside the statement it is
390 *   instantiated since some statements (such as description, position and several others listed as #LYEXT_SUBSTMT) are
391 *   not stored as a structure, but directly as a value. The extension instances of such statements are then actually
392 *   stored besides the extension instances of the parent structure (e.g. in ::lys_type_bit in case of position's
393 *   extension instances). These extension instances are indicated by the ::lys_ext_instance#insubstmt value which
394 *   refers (sometimes in combination with ::lys_ext_instance#insubstmt_index) to the substatement where the particular
395 *   extension is actually instantiated.
396 *
397 * - Extension instance can contain any other YANG statement
398 *   This is supported with exceptions - the list of YANG statements is defined as #LY_STMT enumeration with the
399 *   description if the specific statement can appear as an extension instance substatement or if there is some
400 *   limitation regarding its cardinality. It also specifies how the specific statement is stored in the extension
401 *   instance (which data type or structure is used). In some cases, like `include` or `yang-version` statements, it
402 *   make no sense to have them inside an extension instance, so they are not supported by libyang.
403 *
404 *   The list of allowed substatement for the specific extension instances is provided by the extension plugin. Besides
405 *   the list of substatement, the plugin also specifies where the data are stored and the cardinality for each
406 *   substatement. Other extension instances as an extension instance substatements are always allowed. Note, that if
407 *   there is no extension plugin defined or if the list of the allowed substatements is empty, no substatement (except
408 *   extension instances) is allowed.
409 *
410 * There are several extension types (enumerated as #LYEXT_TYPE) according to their purpose and content:
411 *
412 * - #LYEXT_FLAG - simple extension with no content (no substatement is allowed). The extension instance serves just as
413 *   a flag with or without an argument and its value. The example of such an extension is NACM's __default-deny-write__
414 *   or __default-deny-all__. This is the default type of extension for the case there is no extension plugin available
415 *   for the specific extension. Extension instances of this type are represented as ::lys_ext_instance.
416 *
417 * - #LYEXT_COMPLEX - complex extension with content. The specific rules for the content and how it is stored in the
418 *   extension instance structure is specified by the plugin. Extension instances of this type are represented as
419 *   ::lys_ext_instance_complex.
420 *
421 * Note that the ::lys_ext_instance structure serves as a generic structure for all extension instances. In case the
422 * ::lys_ext_instance#ext_type is set to a different value than #LYEXT_FLAG, the structure can be cast to the particular
423 * extension instance structure to access the type-specific members.
424 *
425 * @subsection extplugins Extension Plugins
426 *
427 * Extension plugins provide more detailed information about the extension in a understandable form for libyang. These
428 * information is usually provided in a text form in the extension's description statement. libyang provides several
429 * plugins for the common IETF extensions (NACM, Metadata, ...) that can be used as a code examples for other
430 * extensions.
431 *
432 * There are several types of extension plugins which corresponds to the extension types:
433 *
434 * - ::lyext_plugin - the plugin for a simple extensions of type #LYEXT_FLAG. The plugin is supposed to provide
435 *   callbacks for:
436 *   + @link lyext_check_position_clb checking extension position @endlink (if the extension instance can be instantiated
437 *     in a particular parent)
438 *   + @link lyext_check_inherit_clb deciding if the extension is supposed to be inherited @endlink
439 *     (see #LYEXT_OPT_INHERIT). Note that the inherited extension instances are available in the libyang data
440 *     structures, but they are not part of the schema so they are not printed into the schema output formats.
441 *   + @link lyext_check_result_clb checking the result @endlink, the callback is called when the schema is completely
442 *     parsed and all the data are available for the final (possibly complex) checking (or modification)
443 * - ::lyext_plugin_complex - the plugin for the complex extension instances (#LYEXT_COMPLEX). The structure extends
444 *   the ::lyext_plugin structure by:
445 *   + instance_size - the overall size of the ::lyext_plugin_complex structure to allocate.
446 *     The substatement list is flexible array, so the size of the plugin structure depends on the content of the array.
447 *   + substmt - the list of the allowed substatements to the extension instance, besides the substatement id, it
448 *     also specifies its cardinality and the specific position in the ::lys_ext_instance_complex where the data are
449 *     stored (as offset to the ::lys_ext_instance_complex#content member). The way how the data are stored is
450 *     specified descriptions of #LY_STMT values.
451 *
452 * @subsection howtoschemametadata Metadata Support
453 *
454 * YANG Metadata annotations are defined in [RFC 7952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243) as YANG extension. In
455 * practice, it allows to have XML attributes (there is also a special encoding for JSON) in YANG modeled data.
456 * libyang does not allow to have any XML attribute without the appropriate annotation definition describing the
457 * data as it is done e.g. for leafs. When an attribute without a matching annotation definition is found in the
458 * input data, it is silently dropped (with warning) or an error is reported in case the #LYD_OPT_STRICT parser
459 * option is provided to the [parser function](@ref howtodataparsers).
460 *
461 * There are some XML attributes, described by [YANG](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951) and
462 * [NETCONF](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6241) specifications, which are not defined as annotations, but libyang
463 * implements them this way. In case of attributes in the YANG namespace (`insert`, `value` and `key` attributes
464 * for the NETCONF edit-config operation), they are defined in special libyang's internal module `yang`, which is
465 * available in each context and the content of this schema can be printed via
466 * [schema printers](@ref howtoschemasprinters).
467 *
468 * In case of the attributes described in [NETCONF specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6241), the libyang's
469 * annotations structures are hidden and cannot be printed despite, internally, they are part of the `ietf-netconf`'s
470 * schema structure. Therefore, these attributes are available only when the `ietf-netconf` schema is loaded in the
471 * context. The definitions of these annotations are as follows:
472 *
473 *     md:annotation operation {
474 *       type enumeration {
475 *         enum merge;
476 *         enum replace;
477 *         enum create;
478 *         enum delete;
479 *         enum remove;
480 *       }
481 *     }
482 *
483 *     md:annotation type {
484 *       type enumeration {
485 *         enum subtree;
486 *         enum xpath {
487 *           if-feature "nc:xpath";
488 *         }
489 *       }
490 *     }
491 *
492 *     md:annotation select {
493 *       type string;
494 *     }
495 *
496 * Note, that, following the specification,
497 * - the `type` and `select` XML attributes are supposed to be unqualified (without namespace) and that
498 * - the `select`'s content is XPath and it is internally transformed by libyang into the format where the
499 *   XML namespace prefixes are replaced by the YANG module names.
500 *
501 * @section usertypes User Types
502 *
503 * Using this plugin mechanism, it is also possible to define what can be called **user types**. Values are
504 * always stored as a string in addition to being in a #lyd_val union. It is possible to customize how
505 * the value is stored in the union using a #lytype_store_clb callback.
506 *
507 * Generally, it is meant for storing certain types more effectively. For instance, when working with **ipv4-address**
508 * from the *ietf-inet-types* model, an application will most likely use the address in a binary form, not as a string.
509 * So, in the callback the value is simply transformed into the desired format and saved into #lyd_val value. However,
510 * the callback is allowed to store anything in the union. Another example, if there are many strings being created and
511 * handled, is to store the string length instead having 2 pointers to the same string.
512 *
513 * Also, it is possible to perform some additional validation of the value except for the standard YANG one. Even if
514 * the value should only be validated, this callback can be defined and used, it will just keep the #lyd_val value
515 * unchanged.
516 *
517 * @subsection typeplugins User Type Plugins
518 *
519 * There are simple example user type plugins in `src/user_types`.
520 *
521 * - ::lytype_plugin_list - plugin is supposed to provide callbacks for:
522 *   + @link lytype_store_clb storing the value itself @endlink
523 *   + freeing the stored value (optionally, if the store callback allocates memory)
524 *
525 * Functions List
526 * --------------
527 * - lys_ext_instance_presence()
528 * - lys_ext_instance_substmt()
529 * - ly_load_plugins()
530 * - ly_clean_plugins()
531 */
534 * @page howtoschemasprinters Printing Schemas
535 *
536 * Schema printers allows to serialize internal representation of a schema module in a specific format. libyang
537 * supports the following schema formats for printing:
538 *
539 * - YANG
540 *
541 *   Basic YANG schemas format described in [RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020) and
542 *   [RFC 7951](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951) (so both YANG 1.0 and YANG 1.1 versions are supported).
543 *
544 * - YIN
545 *
546 *   Alternative XML-based format to YANG - YANG Independent Notation. The details can be found in
547 *   [RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020#section-11) and
548 *   [RFC 7951](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951#section-13).
549 *
550 * - Tree
551 *
552 *   Simple tree structure of the module where each node is printed as:
553 *
554 *       <status> <flags> <name> <opts> <type> <if-features>
555 *
556 *   - `<status>` is one of:
557 *     - `+` for current
558 *     - `x` for deprecated
559 *     - `o` for obsolete
560 *
561 *   - `<flags>` is one of:
562 *     - `rw` for configuration data
563 *     - `ro` for status data
564 *     - `-x` for RPCs
565 *     - `-n` for Notification
566 *
567 *   - `<name>` is the name of the node
568 *     - `(<name>)` means that the node is a choice node
569 *     - `:(<name>)` means that the node is a case node
570 *     - if the node is augmented into the tree from another module, it is printed with the module name as
571 *     `<module-name>:<name>`.
572 *
573 *   - `<opts>` is one of:
574 *     - `?` for an optional leaf or choice
575 *     - `!` for a presence container
576 *     - `*` for a leaf-list or list
577 *     - `[<keys>]` for a list's keys
578 *
579 *   - `<type>` is the name of the type for leafs and leaf-lists
580 *     - if there is a default value defined, it is printed within angle brackets `<default-value>`
581 *     - if the type is a leafref, the type is printed as -> TARGET`
582 *
583 *   - `<if-features>` is the list of features this node depends on, printed within curly brackets and
584 *     a question mark `{...}?`
585 *
586 *
587 * - Info
588 *
589 *   Detailed information about the specific node in the schema tree.
590 *   It allows to print information not only about a specific module, but also about its specific part:
591 *
592 *   - absolute-schema-nodeid
593 *
594 *     e.g. \a `/modules/module-set-id`  in \a `ietf-yang-library` module
595 *
596 *   - <b>typedef/</b>typedef-name
597 *
598 *     e.g. \a `typedef/revision-identifier` in \a `ietf-yang-library` module
599 *
600 *   - <b>feature/</b>feature-name
601 *
602 *     e.g. \a `feature/ssh` in \a `ietf-netconf-server` module
603 *
604 *   - <b>grouping/</b>grouping-name/descendant-schema-nodeid
605 *
606 *     e.g. \a `grouping/module` or \a `grouping/module/module/submodules` in \a `ietf-yang-library` module
607 *
608 *   - <b>type/</b>leaf-or-leaflist
609 *
610 *     e.g. \a `type/modules/module-set-id` in \a `ietf-yang-library` module
611 *
612 * Printer functions allow to print to the different outputs including a callback function which allows caller
613 * to have a full control of the output data - libyang passes to the callback a private argument (some internal
614 * data provided by a caller of lys_print_clb()), string buffer and number of characters to print. Note that the
615 * callback is supposed to be called multiple times during the lys_print_clb() execution.
616 *
617 * Functions List
618 * --------------
619 * - lys_print_mem()
620 * - lys_print_fd()
621 * - lys_print_file()
622 * - lys_print_path()
623 * - lys_print_clb()
624 */
627 * @page howtodata Data Instances
628 *
629 * All data nodes in data trees are connected with their schema node - libyang is not able to represent data of an
630 * unknown schema.
631 *
632 * Connected to the aforementioned, it is important to mention that there are several kinds of data trees libyang
633 * can work with. Except for a standard full data tree and configuration data tree, there are trees specific for use
634 * in NETCONF, which are \<get\> or \<get-config\> replies, \<edit-config\> input content, generic RPC/action request,
635 * RPC/action reply, or a notification.
636 *
637 * Special care is needed when working with action input and RPC/action output, because in these cases the libyang data
638 * tree does not match the actual data tree NETCONF expects.
639 *
640 * <b>Action input</b> differentiates from a standard RPC that the child of \<rpc\> element is not the specific RPC
641 * request being sent, but a special \<action\> element in the base YANG namespace. It is expected to be present when
642 * parsing an action input and can optionally be included when the action is printed.
643 *
644 * As for <b>RPC output</b>, NETCONF expects the output parameters as direct children of the \<rpc-reply\> element.
645 * However, libyang encapsulates these parameters in the specific RPC request container. Same as before, it is expected
646 * to be without this container when parsing and can be printed out.
647 *
648 * Lastly, <b>action output</b> is almost similar to RPC output and in NETCONF you actually cannot distinguish them,
649 * but in case of action output, libyang puts all the output parameters under the action container, which is also
650 * just a child to all the schema tree ancestors up to the schema top-level, just like in an action input. Same applies
651 * even in this case, parsed data should be only the output parameters, you can decide how to print it.
652 *
653 * So, you do not have to use any special flag when you want to print the data tree the way libyang internally stores
654 * it, although you will not be able to parse it back, as was mentioned in the paragraphs above. To print data in the
655 * way NETCONF and libyang expects them to be, use #LYP_NETCONF flag for any printing function.
656 *
657 * Please, continue reading a specific subsection or go through all the subsections if you are a new user of libyang.
658 *
659 * - @subpage howtodataparsers
660 * - @subpage howtodatamanipulators
661 * - @subpage howtodatavalidation
662 * - @subpage howtodatawd
663 * - @subpage howtodataprinters
664 *
665 * \note API for this group of functions is described in the [Data Instances module](@ref datatree).
666 *
667 * Functions List (not assigned to above subsections)
668 * --------------------------------------------------
669 * - lyd_find_instance()
670 * - lyd_find_xpath()
671 * - lyd_leaf_type()
672 */
675 * @page howtodataparsers Parsing Data
676 *
677 * Data parser allows to read instances from a specific format. libyang supports the following data formats:
678 *
679 * - XML
680 *
681 *   Original data format used in NETCONF protocol. XML mapping is part of the YANG specification
682 *   ([RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020)).
683 *
684 * - JSON
685 *
686 *   The alternative data format available in RESTCONF protocol. Specification of JSON encoding of data modeled by YANG
687 *   can be found in [RFC 7951](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951).
688 *
689 * Besides the format of input data, the parser functions accepts additional [options](@ref parseroptions) to specify
690 * how the input data should be processed.
691 *
692 * In contrast to the schema parser, data parser also accepts empty input data if such an empty data tree is valid
693 * according to the schemas in the libyang context.
694 *
695 * If a node from a schema, which is not present in the context or is not implemented, is parsed, a callback set by
696 * ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb() is called and this way the application is given the opportunity to add this schema into
697 * the context or change its conformance before the parsing would fail.
698 *
699 * In case of XML input data, there is one additional way to parse input data. Besides parsing the data from a string
700 * in memory or a file, caller is able to build an XML tree using [libyang XML parser](@ref howtoxml) and then use
701 * this tree (or a part of it) as input to the lyd_parse_xml() function.
702 *
703 * Functions List
704 * --------------
705 * - lyd_parse_mem()
706 * - lyd_parse_fd()
707 * - lyd_parse_path()
708 * - lyd_parse_xml()
709 */
712 * @page howtodatamanipulators Manipulating Data
713 *
714 * There are many functions to create or modify an existing data tree. You can add new nodes, reconnect nodes from
715 * one tree to another (or e.g. from one list instance to another) or remove nodes. The functions doesn't allow you
716 * to put a node to a wrong place (by checking the module), but not all validation checks can be made directly
717 * (or you have to make a valid change by multiple tree modifications) when the tree is being changed. Therefore,
718 * there is lyd_validate() function supposed to be called to make sure that the current data tree is valid. If
719 * working with RPCs, they are invalid also in case the data nodes are not ordered according to the schema, which
720 * you can fix easily with lyd_schema_sort(). Note, that not performing validation after some data tree changes
721 * can cause failure of various libyang functions later. All functions performing data tree changes are marked
722 * with the __PARTIAL CHANGE__ flag in their documentation meaning they leave at least partly non-validated data tree.
723 *
724 * Creating data is generally possible in two ways, they can be combined. You can add nodes one-by-one based on
725 * the node name and/or its parent (lyd_new(), \b lyd_new_anydata_*(), lyd_new_leaf(), and their output variants) or
726 * address the nodes using a simple XPath addressing (lyd_new_path()). The latter enables to create a whole path
727 * of nodes, requires less information about the modified data, and is generally simpler to use. The path format
728 * specifics can be found [here](@ref howtoxpath).
729 *
730 * Working with two data subtrees can also be performed two ways. Usually, you would use lyd_insert*() functions.
731 * They are generally meant for simple inserts of a node into a data tree. For more complicated inserts and when
732 * merging 2 trees use lyd_merge(). It offers additional options and is basically a more powerful insert.
733 *
734 * Also remember, that when you are creating/inserting a node, all the objects in that operation must belong to the
735 * same context.
736 *
737 * Modifying the single data tree in multiple threads is not safe.
738 *
739 * Functions List
740 * --------------
741 * - lyd_dup()
742 * - lyd_dup_to_ctx()
743 * - lyd_change_leaf()
744 * - lyd_insert()
745 * - lyd_insert_sibling()
746 * - lyd_insert_before()
747 * - lyd_insert_after()
748 * - lyd_insert_attr()
749 * - lyd_merge()
750 * - lyd_merge_to_ctx()
751 * - lyd_new()
752 * - lyd_new_anydata()
753 * - lyd_new_leaf()
754 * - lyd_new_path()
755 * - lyd_new_output()
756 * - lyd_new_output_anydata()
757 * - lyd_new_output_leaf()
758 * - lyd_list_pos()
759 * - lyd_schema_sort()
760 * - lyd_unlink()
761 * - lyd_free()
762 * - lyd_free_attr()
763 * - lyd_free_withsiblings()
764 */
767 * @page howtodatavalidation Validating Data
768 *
769 * By default, the represented data are supposed to represent a full YANG datastore content. So if a schema declares
770 * some mandatory nodes, despite configuration or status, the data are supposed to be present in the data tree being
771 * loaded or validated. However, it is possible to specify other kinds of data (see @ref parseroptions) allowing some
772 * exceptions to the validation process.
773 *
774 * Data validation is performed implicitly to the input data processed by the parser (\b lyd_parse_*() functions) and
775 * on demand via the lyd_validate() function. The lyd_validate() is supposed to be used when a (complex or simple)
776 * change is done on the data tree (via a combination of \b lyd_change_*(), \b lyd_insert*(), \b lyd_new*(),
777 * lyd_unlink() and lyd_free() functions).
778 *
779 * Part of data validation is resolving leafrefs and instance-identifiers. Leafrefs are resolved only when a change occurred
780 * in the data tree that could have broken the link. However, as instance-identifiers can point to any node whatsoever
781 * without an import, it would not be effective to store metadata as in the case of leafrefs. That is why they are resolved
782 * during every validation. Also, for the same reason, it can easily happen that when parsing/validating data with
783 * an instance-identifier, it will target a remote node, whose schema is not currently present in the context. To handle
784 * this case, a callback should be set using ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb(), which can load the schema when required.
785 *
786 * Must And When Conditions Accessible Tree
787 * ----------------------------------------
788 *
789 * In YANG 1.1, there can be \b must and/or \b when expressions in RPC/action input or output, or in notifications that
790 * require access to the configuration datastore and/or state data. Normally, when working with any of the aforementioned
791 * data trees, they must contain only the RPC/action/notification itself, without any additional configuration or state
792 * data. So how can then these conditions be verified during validation?
793 *
794 * There is an option to pass this additional data tree to all the functions that perform \b must and \b when condition
795 * checking (\b lyd_parse_*() and lyd_validate()). Also, there are 3 flags of \b struct lys_node that
796 * mark schema nodes that include paths that require foreign nodes (outside their subtree) for their evaluation.
797 * #LYS_XPCONF_DEP marks nodes with such must and/or when expressions that require some configuration data,
798 * #LYS_XPSTATE_DEP that require some state data, and #LYS_LEAFREF_DEP with such a leafref.
799 * The subtree root is always the particular operation data node (for RPC it is the RPC data node and all
800 * the input or output nodes as its children and similarly for action and notification). Note that for action and
801 * not-top-level notification this means that all their parents are not considered as belonging to their subtree even though
802 * they are included in their data tree and must be present for the operation validation to pass. The reason for this is that if
803 * there are any lists in those parents, we cannot know if there are not some other instances of them in the standard
804 * data tree in addition to the one used in the action/notification invocation.
805 *
806 * There were 2 ways of using this mechanism envisioned (explained below), but you can combine or modify them.
807 *
808 * ### Fine-grained Data Retrieval ###
809 *
810 * This approach is recommended when you do not maintain a full configuration data tree with state data at all times.
811 *
812 * Firstly, you should somehow learn that the operation data tree you are currently working with includes some schema
813 * node instances that have conditions that require foreign data. You can either know this about every operation beforehand
814 * or you go through all the schema nodes looking for the flags #LYS_XPCONF_DEP, #LYS_XPSTATE_DEP, and #LYS_LEAFREF_DEP.
815 * Then you should use lys_node_xpath_atomize()
816 * to retrieve all XPath condition dependencies (in the form of schema nodes) outside the operation subtree. You will likely
817 * want to use the flag #LYXP_NO_LOCAL to get rid of all the nodes from inside the subtree (you should already have those).
818 * The last thing to do is to build a data tree that includes at least all the instances of the nodes obtained from lys_node_xpath_atomize()
819 * (it will be expected). Then you pass this tree to the validation and it should now have access to all the nodes that
820 * can potentially affect the XPath evaluation and no other.
821 *
822 * ### Maintaining Configuration And State Data Tree ###
823 *
824 * If you have a full data tree with state data available for the validation process then it is quite simple (compared
825 * to the first approach). You can simply always pass it to validation of these operations and in cases it is not required
826 * (no nodes with conditions traversing foreign nodes) only a negligible amount of redundant work is performed and you can
827 * skip the process of learning whether it is required or not.
828 *
829 * Functions List
830 * --------------
831 * - lyd_validate()
832 */
835 * @page howtodatawd Default Values
836 *
837 * libyang provides support for work with default values as defined in [RFC 6243](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243).
838 * This document defines 4 modes for handling default nodes in a data tree, libyang adds the fifth mode:
839 * - \b explicit - Only the explicitly set configuration data. But in the case of status data, missing default
840 *                 data are added into the tree. In libyang, this mode is represented by #LYP_WD_EXPLICIT option.
841 * - \b trim - Data nodes containing the schema default value are removed. This mode is applied using #LYP_WD_TRIM option.
842 * - \b report-all - All the missing default data are added into the data tree. This mode is represented by
843 *                 #LYP_WD_ALL option.
844 * - \b report-all-tagged - In this case, all the missing default data are added as in case of the `report-all` mode,
845 *                 but additionally all the nodes (existing as well as added) containing the schema default value
846 *                 are tagged (see the note below). libyang uses #LYP_WD_ALL_TAG option for this mode.
847 * - \b report-implicit-tagged - The last mode is similar to the previous one, except only the added nodes are tagged.
848 *                 This is the libyang's extension and it is represented by #LYP_WD_IMPL_TAG option.
849 *
850 * libyang automatically adds/maintain the default nodes when a data tree is being parsed or validated. Note, that in a
851 * modified data tree (via e.g. lyd_insert() or lyd_free()), some of the default nodes can be missing or they can be
852 * present by mistake. Such a data tree is again corrected during the next lyd_validate() call.
853 *
854 * The implicit (default) nodes, created by libyang, are marked with the ::lyd_node#dflt flag which applies to the
855 * leafs and leaf-lists. In case of containers, the flag means that the container holds only a default node(s) or it
856 * is an empty container (according to YANG 1.1 spec, all such containers are part of the accessible data tree).
857 *
858 * The presence of the default nodes during the data tree lifetime is affected by the LYD_OPT_ flag used to
859 * parse/validate the tree:
860 * - #LYD_OPT_DATA - all the default nodes are present despite they are configuration or status nodes
861 * - #LYD_OPT_CONFIG - only the configuration data nodes are added into the tree
862 * - #LYD_OPT_GET, #LYD_OPT_GETCONFIG, #LYD_OPT_EDIT - no default nodes are added
863 * - #LYD_OPT_RPC, #LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY, #LYD_OPT_NOTIF - the default nodes from the particular subtree are added
864 *
865 * The with-default modes described above are supported when the data tree is being printed with the
866 * [LYP_WD_ printer flags](@ref printerflags). Note, that in case of #LYP_WD_ALL_TAG and #LYP_WD_IMPL_TAG modes,
867 * the XML/JSON attributes are printed only if the context includes the ietf-netconf-with-defaults schema. Otherwise,
868 * these modes have the same result as #LYP_WD_ALL. The presence of empty containers (despite they were added explicitly
869 * or implicitly as part of accessible data tree) depends on #LYP_KEEPEMPTYCONT option.
870 *
871 * To get know if the particular leaf or leaf-list node contains default value (despite implicit or explicit), you can
872 * use lyd_wd_default() function.
873 *
874 * Functions List
875 * --------------
876 * - lyd_wd_default()
877 *
878 * - lyd_parse_mem()
879 * - lyd_parse_fd()
880 * - lyd_parse_path()
881 * - lyd_parse_xml()
882 * - lyd_validate()
883 * - lyd_print_mem()
884 * - lyd_print_fd()
885 * - lyd_print_file()
886 * - lyd_print_path()
887 * - lyd_print_clb()
888 */
891 * @page howtodataprinters Printing Data
892 *
893 * Data printers allows to serialize internal representation of a data tree in a specific format. libyang
894 * supports the following data formats for printing:
895 *
896 * - XML
897 *
898 *   Basic format as specified in rules of mapping YANG modeled data to XML in
899 *   [RFC 6020](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020). It is possible to specify if
900 *   the indentation (formatting) will be used (by #LYP_FORMAT @ref printerflags "printer option").
901 *
902 * - JSON
903 *
904 *   The alternative data format available in RESTCONF protocol. Specification of JSON encoding of data modeled by YANG
905 *   can be found in [this draft](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json-05).It is possible to specify
906 *   if the indentation (formatting) will be used (by #LYP_FORMAT @ref printerflags "printer option").
907 *
908 * Printer functions allow to print to the different outputs including a callback function which allows caller
909 * to have a full control of the output data - libyang passes to the callback a private argument (some internal
910 * data provided by a caller of lyd_print_clb()), string buffer and number of characters to print. Note that the
911 * callback is supposed to be called multiple times during the lyd_print_clb() execution.
912 *
913 * To print the data tree with default nodes according to the with-defaults capability defined in
914 * [RFC 6243](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6243), check the [page about the default values](@ref howtodatawd).
915 *
916 * Also, to print the data in NETCONF format, use the #LYP_NETCONF flag. More information can be found on the page
917 * @ref howtodata.
918 *
919 * Functions List
920 * --------------
921 * - lyd_print_mem()
922 * - lyd_print_fd()
923 * - lyd_print_file()
924 * - lyd_print_clb()
925 */
928 * @page howtoxpath XPath Addressing
929 *
930 * Internally, XPath evaluation is performed on __when__ and __must__ conditions in the schema. For that almost
931 * a full XPath 1.0 evaluator was implemented. In YANG models you can also find paths identifying __augment__
932 * targets, __leafref__ targets, and trivial paths in __choice default__ and __unique__ statements argument.
933 * The exact format of all those paths can be found in the relevant RFCs. Further will only be discussed
934 * paths that are used directly in libyang API functions.
935 *
936 * Schema
937 * ======
938 *
939 * Regarding identifying schema nodes, we use a slightly modified version of YANG __augment__ target path:
940 *   - strictly speaking, most XPath expressions are not accepted, only simple paths (no predicates,
941 *     numbers, literals, operators, ...),
942 *   - whenever a prefix is used for a node, it is not the import prefix, but the __module name__ itself,
943 *   - __current module__ is specified separately for _absolute_ paths and is the module of the start
944 *     (current) node for _relative_ paths,
945 *   - unprefixed nodes all use the prefix of the __current module__ so all nodes from other modules than
946 *     the __current module__ _MUST_ have prefixes,
947 *   - nodes from the __current module__ _MAY_ have prefixes,
948 *
949 * Examples
950 * --------
951 *
952 * - get all top-level nodes of the __module-name__
953 *
954 *       /module-name:*
955 *
956 * - get all the descendants of __container__ (excluding __container__)
957 *
958 *       /module-name:container//\asterisk
959 *
960 * - get __aug-leaf__, which was added to __module-name__ from an augment module __augment-module__
961 *
962 *       /module-name:container/container2/augment-module:aug-cont/augment-module:aug-leaf
963 *
964 * Functions List
965 * --------------
966 * - lys_find_path()
967 * - lys_path()
968 * - ly_path_data2schema()
969 *
970 *
971 * Data
972 * ====
973 *
974 * As for paths evaluated on YANG data, we opted for standardized JSON paths ([RFC 7951](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7951#section-6.11)). Summarized, it follows these conventions:
975 *   - generally, you can use almost a full XPath in these paths where it makes sense, but only data nodes (node sets)
976 *     will always be returned (except for paths, predicates are mostly used),
977 *   - as per the specification, prefixes are actually __module names__,
978 *   - also in the specification, for _absolute_ paths, the first (leftmost) node _MUST_ have a prefix,
979 *   - for _relative_ paths, you specify the __context node__, which then acts as a parent for the first node in the path,
980 *   - nodes always inherit their module (prefix) from their __parent node__ so whenever a node is from a different
981 *     module than its parent, it _MUST_ have a prefix,
982 *   - nodes from the same module as their __parent__ _MUST NOT_ have a prefix,
983 *   - different from schema paths, non-data nodes (choice, case, uses, input, output) are skipped and not included
984 *     in the path.
985 *
986 * Examples
987 * --------
988 *
989 * - get __list__ instance with __key1__ of value __1__ and __key2__ of value __2__ (this can return more __list__ instances if there are more keys than __key1__ and __key2__)
990 *
991 *       /module-name:container/list[key1='1'][key2='2']
992 *
993 * - get __leaf-list__ instance with the value __val__
994 *
995 *       /module-name:container/leaf-list[.='val']
996 *
997 * - get __aug-list__ with __aug-list-key__, which was added to __module-name__ from an augment module __augment-module__
998 *
999 *       /module-name:container/container2/augment-module:aug-cont/aug-list[aug-list-key='value']
1000 *
1001 * Functions List
1002 * --------------
1003 * - lyd_find_path()
1004 * - lyd_new_path()
1005 * - lyd_path()
1006 * - lys_data_path()
1007 * - ly_ctx_get_node()
1008 * - ly_ctx_find_path()
1009 *
1010 */
1013 * @page howtoxml libyang XML Support
1014 *
1015 * libyang XML parser is able to parse XML documents. The main purpose is to load data modeled by YANG. However, it can
1016 * be used as a standalone XML parser with the following limitations in comparison to a full-featured XML parsers:
1017 * - comments are ignored
1018 * - Doctype declaration is ignored
1019 * - CData sections are ignored
1020 * - Process Instructions (PI) are ignored
1021 *
1022 * The API is designed to almost only read-only access. You can simply load XML document, go through the tree as
1023 * you wish and dump the tree to an output. The only "write" functions are lyxml_free() and lyxml_unlink() to remove
1024 * part of the tree or to unlink (separate) a subtree.
1025 *
1026 * XML parser is used internally by libyang for parsing YIN schemas and data instances in XML format.
1027 *
1028 * \note API for this group of functions is described in the [XML Parser module](@ref xmlparser).
1029 *
1030 * Functions List
1031 * --------------
1032 * - lyxml_parse_mem()
1033 * - lyxml_parse_path()
1034 * - lyxml_get_attr()
1035 * - lyxml_get_ns()
1036 * - lyxml_print_mem()
1037 * - lyxml_print_fd()
1038 * - lyxml_print_file()
1039 * - lyxml_print_clb()
1040 * - lyxml_unlink()
1041 * - lyxml_free()
1042 */
1045 * @page howtothreads libyang in Threads
1046 *
1047 * libyang can be used in multithreaded applications keeping in mind the following rules:
1048 * - libyang context manipulation (adding new schemas, removing schemas or even printing schemas) is not thread safe
1049 *   and it is supposed to be done in a main thread before any other work with context, schemas or data instances.
1050 *   Destroying the context is supposed to be done when no other thread accesses context, schemas nor data trees,
1051 * - data parser (\b lyd_parse*() functions) can be used simultaneously in multiple threads (also the returned
1052 *   #ly_errno is thread safe),
1053 * - data manipulation (lyd_new(), lyd_insert(), lyd_unlink(), lyd_free() and many other
1054 *   functions) a single data tree is not thread safe,
1055 * - data printing of a single data tree is thread-safe.
1056 */
1059 * @page howtologger Logger
1060 *
1061 * There are 4 verbosity levels defined as ::LY_LOG_LEVEL. The level can be
1062 * changed by the ly_verb() function. By default, the verbosity level is
1063 * set to #LY_LLERR value.
1064 *
1065 * All the logging operations are tied to the specific **thread** and **context**.
1066 * The default behaviour is that the last message (error or warning, verbose and debug
1067 * messages are never stored) is always stored and can be accessed using ly_errmsg(). On error,
1068 * #ly_errno is set. If that was a validation error (#ly_errno is set to #LY_EVALID),
1069 * also validation error code (via ly_vecode()) and path to the error node (via ly_errpath()) are available.
1070 *
1071 * For some specific cases, a YANG schema can define error message and/or error tag (mainly for
1072 * use in NETCONF). If a message is set, it is provided via ly_errmsg(). If a tag is set in schema,
1073 * it is available via ly_errapptag() (if not set, the returned string is empty).
1074 *
1075 * By default, all libyang messages are printed to `stderr`. However, the caller is able to set their own logging
1076 * callback function. In that case, instead of printing messages, libyang passes error level, message and path
1077 * (if any) to the caller's callback function. In case of error level, the message and path are still
1078 * automatically stored and available via the functions and macros described above.
1079 *
1080 * This is the basic way of working with errors but another, more sophisticated is also available. With ly_log_options()
1081 * you can modify what is done with all the messages. Default flags are #LY_LOLOG and #LY_LOSTORE_LAST so that messages
1082 * are logged and the last one is stored. If you set the flag #LY_LOSTORE, all the messages will be stored. Be careful
1083 * because unless you regularly clean them, the error list will grow indefinitely. With ly_err_first() you can retrieve
1084 * the first generated error structure ly_err_item. It is a linked-list so you can get next errors using the **next** pointer.
1085 * Being processed (for instance printed with ly_err_print()), you can then free them with ly_err_clean().
1086 *
1087 * \note API for this group of functions is described in the [logger module](@ref logger).
1088 *
1089 * Functions List
1090 * --------------
1091 * - ly_verb()
1092 * - ly_set_log_clb()
1093 * - ly_get_log_clb()
1094 * - ly_log_options()
1095 * - #ly_errno
1096 * - ly_vecode()
1097 * - ly_errmsg()
1098 * - ly_errpath()
1099 * - ly_errapptag()
1100 * - ly_err_first()
1101 * - ly_err_print()
1102 * - ly_err_clean()
1103 */
1106 * @defgroup context Context
1107 * @{
1108 *
1109 * Structures and functions to manipulate with the libyang "containers". The \em context concept allows callers
1110 * to work in environments with different sets of YANG schemas. More detailed information can be found at
1111 * @ref howtocontext page.
1112 */
1115 * @struct ly_ctx
1116 * @brief libyang context handler.
1117 */
1118struct ly_ctx;
1121 * @defgroup contextoptions Context options
1122 * @ingroup context
1123 *
1124 * Options to change context behavior.
1125 * @{
1126 */
1128#define LY_CTX_ALLIMPLEMENTED 0x01 /**< All the imports of the schema being parsed are treated implemented. */
1129#define LY_CTX_TRUSTED        0x02 /**< Handle the schema being parsed as trusted and skip its validation
1130                                        tests. Note that while this option improves performance, it can
1131                                        lead to an undefined behavior if the schema is not correct. */
1132#define LY_CTX_NOYANGLIBRARY  0x04 /**< Do not internally implement ietf-yang-library module. The option
1133                                        causes that function ly_ctx_info() does not work (returns NULL) until
1134                                        the ietf-yang-library module is loaded manually. While any revision
1135                                        of this schema can be loaded with this option, note that the only
1136                                        revisions implemented by ly_ctx_info() are 2016-04-09 and 2018-01-17.
1137                                        This option cannot be used with ly_ctx_new_yl*() functions. */
1138#define LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS 0x08  /**< Do not search for schemas in context's searchdirs neither in current
1139                                        working directory. It is entirely skipped and the only way to get
1140                                        schema data for imports or for ly_ctx_load_module() is to use the
1141                                        callbacks provided by caller via ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb() */
1142#define LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD 0x10 /**< Do not automatically search for schemas in current working
1143                                        directory, which is by default searched automatically (despite not
1144                                        recursively). */
1145#define LY_CTX_PREFER_SEARCHDIRS 0x20 /**< When searching for schema, prefer searchdirs instead of user callback. */
1146/**@} contextoptions */
1149 * @brief Create libyang context
1150 *
1151 * Context is used to hold all information about schemas. Usually, the application is supposed
1152 * to work with a single context in which libyang is holding all schemas (and other internal
1153 * information) according to which the data trees will be processed and validated. So, the schema
1154 * trees are tightly connected with the specific context and they are held by the context internally
1155 * - caller does not need to keep pointers to the schemas returned by lys_parse(), context knows
1156 * about them. The data trees created with lyd_parse() are still connected with the specific context,
1157 * but they are not internally held by the context. The data tree just points and lean on some data
1158 * held by the context (schema tree, string dictionary, etc.). Therefore, in case of data trees, caller
1159 * is supposed to keep pointers returned by the lyd_parse() and manage the data tree on its own. This
1160 * also affects the number of instances of both tree types. While you can have only one instance of
1161 * specific schema connected with a single context, number of data tree instances is not connected.
1162 *
1163 * @param[in] search_dir Directory where libyang will search for the imported or included modules
1164 * and submodules. If no such directory is available, NULL is accepted.
1165 * @param[in] options Context options, see @ref contextoptions.
1166 *
1167 * @return Pointer to the created libyang context, NULL in case of error.
1168 */
1169struct ly_ctx *ly_ctx_new(const char *search_dir, int options);
1172 * @brief Create libyang context according to the content of the given yang-library data.
1173 *
1174 * This function loads the yang-library data from the file at the given path. If you need
1175 * to pass the data as string, use ly_ctx_new_ylmem(). Both functions extend functionality of
1176 * ly_ctx_new() by loading modules specified in the ietf-yang-library form into the context
1177 * being created.
1178 *
1179 * The preferred tree model revision is 2018-01-17. However, only the first module-set is processed
1180 * and loaded into the context. If there are no matching nodes from this tree, the legacy tree
1181 * (originally from model revision 2016-04-09) is processed.
1182 *
1183 * Note, that the modules are loaded the same way as in case of ly_ctx_load_module(), so the schema
1184 * paths in the yang-library data are ignored and the modules are loaded from the context's search
1185 * locations. On the other hand, YANG features of the modules are set as specified in the yang-library
1186 * data.
1187 *
1188 * To get yang library data from a libyang context, use ly_ctx_info().
1189 *
1190 * @param[in] search_dir Directory where libyang will search for the imported or included modules
1191 * and submodules. If no such directory is available, NULL is accepted.
1192 * @param[in] path Path to the file containing yang-library data in the specified \p format.
1193 * @param[in] format Format of the data in the provided file.
1194 * @param[in] options Context options, see @ref contextoptions.
1195 * @return Pointer to the created libyang context, NULL in case of error.
1196 */
1197struct ly_ctx *ly_ctx_new_ylpath(const char *search_dir, const char *path, LYD_FORMAT format, int options);
1200 * @brief Create libyang context according to the content of the given yang-library data.
1201 *
1202 * This function loads the yang-library data from the given string. If you need to pass the data
1203 * as path to a file holding the data, use ly_ctx_new_ylpath(). Both functions extend functionality of
1204 * ly_ctx_new() by loading modules specified in the ietf-yang-library form into the context
1205 * being created.
1206 *
1207 * The preferred tree model revision is 2018-01-17. However, only the first module-set is processed
1208 * and loaded into the context. If there are no matching nodes from this tree, the legacy tree
1209 * (originally from model revision 2016-04-09) is processed.
1210 *
1211 * Note, that the modules are loaded the same way as in case of ly_ctx_load_module(), so the schema
1212 * paths in the yang-library data are ignored and the modules are loaded from the context's search
1213 * locations. On the other hand, YANG features of the modules are set as specified in the yang-library
1214 * data.
1215 *
1216 * To get yang library data from a libyang context, use ly_ctx_info().
1217 *
1218 * @param[in] search_dir Directory where libyang will search for the imported or included modules
1219 * and submodules. If no such directory is available, NULL is accepted.
1220 * @param[in] data String containing yang-library data in the specified \p format.
1221 * @param[in] format Format of the data in the provided file.
1222 * @param[in] options Context options, see @ref contextoptions.
1223 * @return Pointer to the created libyang context, NULL in case of error.
1224 */
1225struct ly_ctx *ly_ctx_new_ylmem(const char *search_dir, const char *data, LYD_FORMAT format, int options);
1228 * @brief Number of internal modules, which are in the context and cannot be removed nor disabled.
1229 * @param[in] ctx Context to investigate.
1230 * @return Number of internal modules, 0 in case of invalid parameter.
1231 */
1232unsigned int ly_ctx_internal_modules_count(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1235 * @brief Add the search path into libyang context
1236 *
1237 * To reset search paths set in the context, use ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs() and then
1238 * set search paths again.
1239 *
1240 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1241 * @param[in] search_dir New search path to add to the current paths previously set in ctx.
1243 */
1244int ly_ctx_set_searchdir(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *search_dir);
1247 * @brief Clean the search path(s) from the libyang context
1248 *
1249 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1250 * @param[in] index Index of the search path to be removed, use negative value to remove them all.
1251 *            Correct index value can be checked via ly_ctx_get_searchdirs().
1252 */
1253void ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs(struct ly_ctx *ctx, int index);
1256 * @brief Get the NULL-terminated list of the search paths in libyang context.
1257 *
1258 * @param[in] ctx Context to query.
1259 * @return NULL-terminated list (array) of the search paths, NULL if no searchpath was set.
1260 */
1261const char * const *ly_ctx_get_searchdirs(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1264 * @brief Get the currently set context's options.
1265 *
1266 * @param[in] ctx Context to query.
1267 * @return Combination of all the currently set context's options, see @ref contextoptions.
1268 */
1269int ly_ctx_get_options(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1272 * @brief Make context to stop searching for schemas (imported, included or requested via ly_ctx_load_module())
1273 * in searchdirs set via ly_ctx_set_searchdir() functions. Searchdirs are still stored in the context, so by
1274 * unsetting the option by ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdirs() searching in all previously searchdirs is restored.
1275 *
1276 * The same effect is achieved by using #LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS option when creating new context or parsing
1277 * a specific schema.
1278 *
1279 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1280 */
1281void ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1284 * @brief Reverse function to ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs().
1285 *
1286 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1287 */
1288void ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdirs(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1291 * @brief Make context to stop implicitly searching for schemas (imported, included or requested via ly_ctx_load_module())
1292 * in current working directory. This flag can be unset by ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdir_cwd().
1293 *
1294 * The same effect is achieved by using #LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD option when creating new context or parsing
1295 * a specific schema.
1296 *
1297 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1298 */
1299void ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1302 * @brief Reverse function to ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd().
1303 *
1304 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1305 */
1306void ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdir_cwd(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1309 * @brief Prefer context's searchdirs before the user callback (ly_module_imp_clb) provided via ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb()).
1310 *
1311 * The same effect is achieved by using #LY_CTX_PREFER_SEARCHDIRS option when creating new context or parsing
1312 * a specific schema.
1313 *
1314 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1315 */
1316void ly_ctx_set_prefer_searchdirs(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1319 * @brief Reverse function to ly_ctx_set_prefer_searchdirs().
1320 *
1321 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1322 */
1323void ly_ctx_unset_prefer_searchdirs(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1326 * @brief Make context to set all the imported modules to be implemented. By default,
1327 * if the imported module is not used in leafref's path, augment or deviation, it is
1328 * imported and its data tree is not taken into account.
1329 *
1330 * The same effect is achieved by using #LY_CTX_ALLIMPLEMENTED option when creating new context or parsing
1331 * a specific schema.
1332 *
1333 * Note, that function does not make the currently loaded modules, it just change the
1334 * schema parser behavior for the future parsing. This flag can be unset by ly_ctx_unset_allimplemented().
1335 *
1336 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1337 */
1338void ly_ctx_set_allimplemented(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1341 * @brief Reverse function to ly_ctx_set_allimplemented().
1342 *
1343 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1344 */
1345void ly_ctx_unset_allimplemented(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1348 * @brief Change the schema parser behavior when parsing new schemas forcing it to skip some of the schema
1349 * validation checks to improve performance. Note that parsing invalid schemas this way may lead to an
1350 * undefined behavior later, e.g. when working with data trees.
1351 *
1352 * The same effect is achieved by using #LY_CTX_TRUSTED option when creating new context or parsing
1353 * a specific schema.
1354 *
1355 * This flag can be unset by ly_ctx_unset_trusted().
1356 *
1357 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1358 */
1359void ly_ctx_set_trusted(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1362 * @brief Reverse function to ly_ctx_set_trusted().
1363 *
1364 * @param[in] ctx Context to be modified.
1365 */
1366void ly_ctx_unset_trusted(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1369 * @brief Get current ID of the modules set. The value is available also
1370 * as module-set-id in ly_ctx_info() result.
1371 *
1372 * @param[in] ctx Context to be examined.
1373 * @return Numeric identifier of the current context's modules set.
1374 */
1375uint16_t ly_ctx_get_module_set_id(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1378 * @brief Get data of an internal ietf-yang-library module.
1379 *
1380 * @param[in] ctx Context with the modules.
1381 * @return Root data node corresponding to the model, NULL on error.
1382 * Caller is responsible for freeing the returned data tree using lyd_free().
1383 */
1384struct lyd_node *ly_ctx_info(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
1387 * @brief Iterate over all (enabled) modules in a context.
1388 *
1389 * @param[in] ctx Context with the modules.
1390 * @param[in,out] idx Index of the next module to be returned. Value of 0 starts from the beginning.
1391 * @return Next context module, NULL if the last was already returned.
1392 */
1393const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_get_module_iter(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *idx);
1396 * @brief Iterate over the disabled modules in a context.
1397 *
1398 * @param[in] ctx Context with the modules.
1399 * @param[in,out] idx Index of the next module to be returned. Value of 0 starts from the beginning.
1400 * @return Next context module, NULL if the last was already returned.
1401 */
1402const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_get_disabled_module_iter(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *idx);
1405 * @brief Get pointer to the schema tree of the module of the specified name.
1406 *
1407 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1408 * @param[in] name Name of the YANG module to get.
1409 * @param[in] revision Optional revision date of the YANG module to get. If not specified,
1410 * the schema in the newest/implemented revision (see \p implemented parameter) is returned if any.
1411 * @param[in] implemented In case the revision is not specified, require the implemented module
1412 * instead of the newest revision of the module.
1413 * @return Pointer to the data model structure, NULL if no schema following the name and
1414 * revision requirements is present in the context.
1415 */
1416const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_get_module(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *name, const char *revision, int implemented);
1419 * @brief Get pointer to the older schema tree to the specified one in the provided context.
1420 *
1421 * The module is not necessarily from the provided \p ctx. If there are multiple schemas older than the
1422 * provided one, the newest of them is returned.
1423 *
1424 * The function can be used in combination with ly_ctx_get_module() to get all revisions of a module in a context:
1425 * \code{.c}
1426 * for (mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, name, NULL); mod; mod = ly_ctx_get_module_older(ctx, mod)) {
1427 *     ...
1428 * }
1429 * \endcode
1430 *
1431 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1432 * @param[in] module YANG module to compare with
1433 * @return Pointer to the data model structure, NULL if no older schema is present in the context.
1434 */
1435const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_get_module_older(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lys_module *module);
1438 * @brief Try to find the model in the searchpath of \p ctx and load it into it. If custom missing
1439 * module callback is set, it is used instead.
1440 *
1441 * If there is a possibility that the requested module is already in the context, you should call
1442 * the ly_ctx_get_module() first to avoid a lot of work performed by ly_ctx_load_module().
1443 *
1444 * @param[in] ctx Context to add to.
1445 * @param[in] name Name of the module to load.
1446 * @param[in] revision Optional revision date of the module. If not specified, it is
1447 * assumed that there is only one model revision in the searchpath (the first matching file
1448 * is parsed).
1449 * @return Pointer to the data model structure, NULL if not found or some error occurred.
1450 */
1451const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_load_module(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *name, const char *revision);
1454 * @brief Callback for retrieving missing included or imported models in a custom way.
1455 *
1456 * @param[in] mod_name Missing module name.
1457 * @param[in] mod_rev Optional missing module revision.
1458 * @param[in] submod_name Optional missing submodule name.
1459 * @param[in] submod_rev Optional missing submodule revision.
1460 * @param[in] user_data User-supplied callback data.
1461 * @param[out] format Format of the returned module data.
1462 * @param[out] free_module_data Callback for freeing the returned module data. If not set, the data will be left untouched.
1463 * @return Requested module data, NULL if the module is supposed to be loaded
1464 * using standard mechanisms (searched for in the filesystem), NULL and #ly_errno set if
1465 * the callback failed resulting in the module failing to load.
1466 * If an @arg free_module_data callback is provided, it will be used to free the allegedly const data
1467 * which were returned by this callback.
1468 */
1469typedef const char *(*ly_module_imp_clb)(const char *mod_name, const char *mod_rev, const char *submod_name, const char *sub_rev,
1470                                   void *user_data, LYS_INFORMAT *format, void (**free_module_data)(void *model_data, void *user_data));
1473 * @brief Set missing include or import module callback. It is meant to be used when the models
1474 * are not locally available (such as when downloading modules from a NETCONF server), it should
1475 * not be required in other cases.
1476 *
1477 * @param[in] ctx Context that will use this callback.
1478 * @param[in] clb Callback responsible for returning the missing model.
1479 * @param[in] user_data Arbitrary data that will always be passed to the callback \p clb.
1480 */
1481void ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(struct ly_ctx *ctx, ly_module_imp_clb clb, void *user_data);
1484 * @brief Get the custom callback for missing import/include module retrieval.
1485 *
1486 * @param[in] ctx Context to read from.
1487 * @param[in] user_data Optional pointer for getting the user-supplied callback data.
1488 * @return Callback or NULL if not set.
1489 */
1490ly_module_imp_clb ly_ctx_get_module_imp_clb(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, void **user_data);
1493 * @brief Callback for retrieving missing modules in the context, for which some data was found.
1494 *
1495 * Either \p name or \p ns is ALWAYS set, but both can also be set.
1496 *
1497 * @param[in,out] ctx Context with the missing module.
1498 * @param[in] name Missing module name.
1499 * @param[in] ns Missing module namespace.
1500 * @param[in] options Bitmask of LY_MODCLB_* values or 0.
1501 * @param[in] user_data User-supplied callback data.
1502 * @return Newly added or modified module, NULL on failure.
1503 */
1504typedef const struct lys_module *(*ly_module_data_clb)(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *name, const char *ns,
1505                                                       int options, void *user_data);
1507/* Module is in the context, but is not implemented, so to continue with the data operation, it must be implemented. */
1511 * @brief Set the missing data module callback. It will be called when some data is parsed or searched for and their module
1512 * is not found in the context or is not implemented.
1513 *
1514 * @param[in] ctx Context that will use this callback.
1515 * @param[in] clb Callback responsible for returning the missing model.
1516 * @param[in] user_data Arbitrary data that will always be passed to the callback \p clb.
1517 */
1518void ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb(struct ly_ctx *ctx, ly_module_data_clb clb, void *user_data);
1521 * @brief Get the missing data module calback.
1522 *
1523 * @param[in] ctx Context to read from.
1524 * @param[in] user_data Optional pointer for getting the user-supplied callback data.
1525 * @return Callback or NULL if not set.
1526 */
1527ly_module_data_clb ly_ctx_get_module_data_clb(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, void **user_data);
1531void ly_ctx_set_priv_dup_clb(struct ly_ctx *ctx, void *(*priv_dup_clb)(const void *priv));
1536 * @brief Get pointer to the schema tree of the module of the specified namespace
1537 *
1538 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1539 * @param[in] ns Namespace of the YANG module to get.
1540 * @param[in] revision Optional revision date of the YANG module to get. If not specified,
1541 * the schema in the newest/implemented revision (see \p implemented parameter) is returned if any.
1542 * @param[in] implemented In case the revision is not specified, require the implemented module
1543 * instead of the newest revision of the module.
1544 * @return Pointer to the data model structure, NULL if no schema following the namespace and
1545 * revision requirements is present in the context.
1546 */
1547const struct lys_module *ly_ctx_get_module_by_ns(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *ns, const char *revision, int implemented);
1550 * @brief Get submodule of a main module.
1551 *
1552 * If you already have the pointer to the submodule's main module, use ly_ctx_get_submodule2() instead.
1553 *
1554 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1555 * @param[in] module Name of the main (belongs-to) module. If NULL, all module submodules are searched.
1556 * @param[in] revision Optional revision date of \p module. If NULL, all revisions of \p module
1557 * are searched. If set, \p module must also be set.
1558 * @param[in] submodule Name of the submodule to get.
1559 * @param[in] sub_revision Optional revision date of \p submodule. If NULL, the newest revision of \p submodule
1560 * is returned.
1561 * @return Pointer to the data model structure.
1562 */
1563const struct lys_submodule *ly_ctx_get_submodule(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *module, const char *revision,
1564                                                 const char *submodule, const char *sub_revision);
1567 * @brief Get submodule of a main module.
1568 *
1569 * If you have only the name (and optionally revision) of the submodule's main module, use ly_ctx_get_submodule()
1570 * instead.
1571 *
1572 * @param[in] main_module Main module (belongs to) of the searched submodule.
1573 * @param[in] submodule Name of the submodule to get.
1574 * @return Pointer to the data model structure.
1575 */
1576const struct lys_submodule *ly_ctx_get_submodule2(const struct lys_module *main_module, const char *submodule);
1579 * @brief Get schema node according to the given data path (JSON format, see @ref howtoxpath).
1580 *
1581 * This function is meant as a utility function to ease getting a specific schema node
1582 * directly from context having \p data_path a const immutable string. Generally,
1583 * it is better to use lyd_find_path(), lys_find_path(), or ly_ctx_find_path(). Also,
1584 * it is possible to transform data paths into schema paths using ly_path_data2schema().
1585 *
1586 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in. Must be set if \p start is NULL.
1587 * @param[in] start Starting node for a relative data node identifier, in which
1588 * case it is mandatory and \p ctx can be NULL.
1589 * @param[in] data_path JSON data path of the node to get.
1590 * @param[in] output Search operation output instead input.
1591 * @return Resolved schema node or NULL.
1592 */
1593const struct lys_node *ly_ctx_get_node(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lys_node *start, const char *data_path, int output);
1596 * @brief Get schema node according to the given schema path (see @ref howtoxpath).
1597 *
1598 * Note that the given path must be absolute and fully prefixed (which is the default output
1599 * of lys_path() function). To get node specified by a relative path, use lys_find_path() instead.
1600 *
1601 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1602 * @param[in] path Schema path of the node to find.
1603 * @return Set of found schema nodes. If no nodes are matching \p path the returned set is empty.
1604 * In case of an error, NULL is returned.
1605 */
1606struct ly_set *ly_ctx_find_path(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *path);
1609 * @brief Remove the specified module from its context.
1610 *
1611 * Beside the selected module, also all other modules depending on all the modules being removed
1612 * will be removed as well.
1613 *
1614 * libyang internal modules (those present when the context is created) cannot be removed.
1615 *
1616 * @param[in] module Module to be removed.
1617 * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
1618 * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
1619 * @return EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE (in case of invalid parameter).
1620 */
1621int ly_ctx_remove_module(const struct lys_module *module,
1622                         void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
1625 * @brief Remove all the modules from the context except the internal modules. Also the addition data in
1626 * dictionary are kept.
1627 *
1628 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1629 * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
1630 * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
1631 */
1632void ly_ctx_clean(struct ly_ctx *ctx, void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
1635 * @brief Free all internal structures of the specified context.
1636 *
1637 * The function should be used before terminating the application to destroy
1638 * and free all structures internally used by libyang. If the caller uses
1639 * multiple contexts, the function should be called for each used context.
1640 *
1641 * All instance data are supposed to be freed before destroying the context.
1642 * Data models are destroyed automatically as part of ly_ctx_destroy() call.
1643 *
1644 * @param[in] ctx libyang context to destroy
1645 * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
1646 * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
1647 * Remember the differences between the structures derived from ::lys_node and always check
1648 * ::lys_node#nodetype.
1649 */
1650void ly_ctx_destroy(struct ly_ctx *ctx, void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
1653 * @brief Transform a data path in XML format (node prefixes are XML namespace prefixes of module namespaces)
1654 * to JSON format (node prefixes are module names directly).
1655 *
1656 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1657 * @param[in] xml_path Path in XML format to transform.
1658 * @param[in] xml XML tree to be used for XML namespace prefix resolution.
1659 * @return Transformed JSON data path, needs to be freed. NULL on error.
1660 */
1661char *ly_path_xml2json(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *xml_path, struct lyxml_elem *xml);
1664 * @brief Transform a data path into schema path (see @ref howtoxpath).
1665 *
1666 * Some XPath tokens such as "*" or "//" should not be used because they cannot be properly
1667 * transformed into schema path. If used, any following nodes will not be transformed and simply copied,
1668 * so use at your own risk! It causes no problems if the path ends with the aforementioned tokens.
1669 *
1670 * @param[in] ctx Context to work in.
1671 * @param[in] data_path Data path to be transformed.
1672 * @return Created schema path, NULL on error.
1673 */
1674char *ly_path_data2schema(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *data_path);
1676/** @} context */
1679 * @defgroup nodeset Tree nodes set
1680 * @ingroup datatree
1681 * @ingroup schematree
1682 * @{
1683 *
1684 * Structure and functions to hold and manipulate with sets of nodes from schema or data trees.
1685 */
1688 * @brief set array of ::ly_set
1689 * It is kept in union to keep ::ly_set generic for data as well as schema trees
1690 */
1691union ly_set_set {
1692    struct lys_node **s;         /**< array of pointers to a ::lys_node objects */
1693    struct lyd_node **d;         /**< array of pointers to a ::lyd_node objects */
1694    void **g;                    /**< dummy array for generic work */
1698 * @brief Structure to hold a set of (not necessary somehow connected) ::lyd_node or ::lys_node objects.
1699 * Caller is supposed to not mix the type of objects added to the set and according to its knowledge about
1700 * the set content, it is supposed to access the set via the sset, dset or set members of the structure.
1701 *
1702 * Until ly_set_rm() or ly_set_rm_index() is used, the set keeps the order of the inserted items as they
1703 * were added into the set, so the first added item is on array index 0.
1704 *
1705 * To free the structure, use ly_set_free() function, to manipulate with the structure, use other
1706 * ly_set_* functions.
1707 */
1708struct ly_set {
1709    unsigned int size;               /**< allocated size of the set array */
1710    unsigned int number;             /**< number of elements in (used size of) the set array */
1711    union ly_set_set set;            /**< set array - union to keep ::ly_set generic for data as well as schema trees */
1715 * @brief Option for ly_set_add() to allow duplicities in the ly_set structure so the
1716 * set is not used as a set, but as a list of (container for) items.
1717 */
1718#define LY_SET_OPT_USEASLIST 0x01
1721 * @brief Create and initiate new ::ly_set structure.
1722 *
1723 * @return Created ::ly_set structure or NULL in case of error.
1724 */
1725struct ly_set *ly_set_new(void);
1728 * @brief Duplicate the existing set.
1729 *
1730 * @param[in] set Original set to duplicate
1731 * @return Duplication of the original set.
1732 */
1733struct ly_set *ly_set_dup(const struct ly_set *set);
1736 * @brief Add a ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object into the set
1737 *
1738 * Since it is a set, the function checks for duplicity and if the
1739 * node is already in the set, the index of the previously added
1740 * node is returned.
1741 *
1742 * @param[in] set Set where the \p node will be added.
1743 * @param[in] node The ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object to be added into the \p set;
1744 * @param[in] options Options to change behavior of the function. Accepted options are:
1745 * - #LY_SET_OPT_USEASLIST - do not check for duplicities
1746 * @return -1 on failure, index of the \p node in the set on success
1747 */
1748int ly_set_add(struct ly_set *set, void *node, int options);
1751 * @brief Add all objects from \p src to \p trg.
1752 *
1753 * Since it is a set, the function checks for duplicities.
1754 * After success, \p src is completely freed.
1755 *
1756 * @param[in] trg Target (result) set.
1757 * @param[in] src Source set.
1758 * @param[in] options Options to change behavior of the function. Accepted options are:
1759 * - #LY_SET_OPT_USEASLIST - do not check for duplicities
1760 * @return -1 on failure, number of objects added into \p trg on success.
1761 */
1762int ly_set_merge(struct ly_set *trg, struct ly_set *src, int options);
1765 * @brief Get know if the set contains the specified object.
1766 * @param[in] set Set to explore.
1767 * @param[in] node Object to be found in the set.
1768 * @return Index of the object in the set or -1 if the object is not present in the set.
1769 */
1770int ly_set_contains(const struct ly_set *set, void *node);
1773 * @brief Remove all objects from the set, but keep the set container for further use.
1774 *
1775 * @param[in] set Set to clean.
1776 * @return 0 on success
1777 */
1778int ly_set_clean(struct ly_set *set);
1781 * @brief Remove a ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object from the set.
1782 *
1783 * Note that after removing a node from a set, indexes of other nodes in the set can change
1784 * (the last object is placed instead of the removed object).
1785 *
1786 * @param[in] set Set from which the \p node will be removed.
1787 * @param[in] node The ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object to be removed from the \p set;
1788 * @return 0 on success
1789 */
1790int ly_set_rm(struct ly_set *set, void *node);
1793 * @brief Remove a ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object from the set index.
1794 *
1795 * Note that after removing a node from a set, indexes of other nodes in the set can change
1796 * (the last object is placed instead of the removed object).
1797 *
1798 * @param[in] set Set from which a node will be removed.
1799 * @param[in] index Index of the ::lyd_node or ::lys_node object in the \p set to be removed from the \p set;
1800 * @return 0 on success
1801 */
1802int ly_set_rm_index(struct ly_set *set, unsigned int index);
1805 * @brief Free the ::ly_set data. Frees only the set structure content, not the referred data.
1806 *
1807 * @param[in] set The set to be freed.
1808 */
1809void ly_set_free(struct ly_set *set);
1811/**@} nodeset */
1814 * @defgroup printerflags Printer flags
1815 * @ingroup datatree
1816 *
1817 * Validity flags for data nodes.
1818 *
1819 * @{
1820 */
1821#define LYP_WITHSIBLINGS  0x01  /**< Flag for printing also the (following) sibling nodes of the data node. */
1822#define LYP_FORMAT        0x02  /**< Flag for formatted output. */
1823#define LYP_KEEPEMPTYCONT 0x04  /**< Preserve empty non-presence containers */
1824#define LYP_WD_MASK       0xF0  /**< Mask for with-defaults modes */
1825#define LYP_WD_EXPLICIT   0x00  /**< Explicit mode - print only data explicitly being present in the data tree.
1826                                     Note that this is the default value when no WD option is specified. */
1827#define LYP_WD_TRIM       0x10  /**< Do not print the nodes with the value equal to their default value */
1828#define LYP_WD_ALL        0x20  /**< Include implicit default nodes */
1829#define LYP_WD_ALL_TAG    0x40  /**< Same as #LYP_WD_ALL but also adds attribute 'default' with value 'true' to
1830                                     all nodes that has its default value. The 'default' attribute has namespace:
1831                                     urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:default:1.0 and thus the attributes are
1832                                     printed only when the ietf-netconf-with-defaults module is present in libyang
1833                                     context (but in that case this namespace is always printed). */
1834#define LYP_WD_IMPL_TAG   0x80  /**< Same as LYP_WD_ALL_TAG but the attributes are added only to the nodes that
1835                                     are not explicitly present in the original data tree despite their
1836                                     value is equal to their default value.  There is the same limitation regarding
1837                                     the presence of ietf-netconf-with-defaults module in libyang context. */
1838#define LYP_NETCONF       0x100 /**< Print the data tree for use in NETCONF meaning:
1839                                     - for RPC output - skip the top-level RPC node,
1840                                     - for action output - skip all the parents of and the action node itself,
1841                                     - for action input - enclose the data in an action element in the base YANG namespace,
1842                                     - for all other data - print the whole data tree normally. */
1845 * @}
1846 */
1849 * @defgroup logger Logger
1850 * @{
1851 *
1852 * Publicly visible functions and values of the libyang logger. For more
1853 * information, see \ref howtologger.
1854 */
1857 * @typedef LY_LOG_LEVEL
1858 * @brief Verbosity levels of the libyang logger.
1859 */
1860typedef enum {
1861    LY_LLERR = 0,     /**< Print only error messages, default value. */
1862    LY_LLWRN = 1,     /**< Print error and warning messages. */
1863    LY_LLVRB = 2,     /**< Besides errors and warnings, print some other verbose messages. */
1864    LY_LLDBG = 3      /**< Print all messages including some development debug messages (be careful,
1865                           without subsequently calling ly_verb_dbg() no debug messages will be printed!). */
1869 * @brief Set logger verbosity level.
1870 * @param[in] level Verbosity level.
1871 * @return Previous verbosity level.
1872 */
1873LY_LOG_LEVEL ly_verb(LY_LOG_LEVEL level);
1876 * @defgroup logopts Logging options
1877 * @ingroup logger
1878 *
1879 * Logging option bits of libyang.
1880 *
1881 * @{
1882 */
1883#define LY_LOLOG        0x01 /**< Log messages normally, using callback if set. If not set, messages will
1884                                  not be printed by libyang. */
1885#define LY_LOSTORE      0x02 /**< Store any generated errors or warnings, never verbose or debug messages.
1886                                  Note that if #LY_LOLOG is not set then verbose and debug messages are always lost. */
1887#define LY_LOSTORE_LAST 0x06 /**< Store any generated errors or warnings but only the last message, always overwrite
1888                                  the previous one. */
1891 * @}
1892 */
1895 * @brief Set additional logger options. Default is #LY_LOLOG | #LY_LOSTORE_LAST.
1896 *
1897 * @param[in] opts Bitfield of @ref logopts.
1898 * @return Previous logger options.
1899 */
1900int ly_log_options(int opts);
1902#ifndef NDEBUG
1905 * @defgroup dbggroup Debug message groups
1906 * @ingroup logger
1907 *
1908 * Selected displayed debug message groups.
1909 *
1910 * @{
1911 */
1913#define LY_LDGDICT  0x01 /**< Dictionary additions and deletions. */
1914#define LY_LDGYANG  0x02 /**< YANG parser messages. */
1915#define LY_LDGYIN   0x04 /**< YIN parser messages. */
1916#define LY_LDGXPATH 0x08 /**< XPath parsing end evaluation. */
1917#define LY_LDGDIFF  0x10 /**< Diff processing and creation. */
1918#define LY_LDGAPI   0x20 /**< API tracing. */
1919#define LY_LDGHASH  0x40 /**< Hash table modifications. */
1922 * @}
1923 */
1926 * @brief Enable specific debugging messages (independent of log level).
1927 * @param[in] dbg_groups Bitfield of enabled debug message groups (see @ref dbggroup).
1928 */
1929void ly_verb_dbg(int dbg_groups);
1934 * @brief Set logger callback.
1935 *
1936 * !IMPORTANT! If an error has a specific error-app-tag defined in the model, it will NOT be set
1937 *             at the time of calling this callback. It will be set right after, so to retrieve it
1938 *             it must be checked afterwards with ly_errapptag().
1939 *
1940 * @param[in] clb Logging callback.
1941 * @param[in] path flag to resolve and provide path as the third parameter of the callback function. In case of
1942 *            validation and some other errors, it can be useful to get the path to the problematic element. Note,
1943 *            that according to the tree type and the specific situation, the path can slightly differs (keys
1944 *            presence) or it can be NULL, so consider it as an optional parameter. If the flag is 0, libyang will
1945 *            not bother with resolving the path.
1946 */
1947void ly_set_log_clb(void (*clb)(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path), int path);
1950 * @brief Get logger callback.
1951 * @return Logger callback (can be NULL).
1952 */
1953void (*ly_get_log_clb(void))(LY_LOG_LEVEL, const char *, const char *);
1956 * @typedef LY_ERR
1957 * @brief libyang's error codes available via ly_errno extern variable.
1958 * @ingroup logger
1959 */
1960typedef enum {
1961    LY_SUCCESS = 0, /**< no error, not set by functions, included just to complete #LY_ERR enumeration */
1962    LY_EMEM,        /**< Memory allocation failure */
1963    LY_ESYS,        /**< System call failure */
1964    LY_EINVAL,      /**< Invalid value */
1965    LY_EINT,        /**< Internal error */
1966    LY_EVALID,      /**< Validation failure */
1967    LY_EPLUGIN      /**< Error reported by a plugin */
1968} LY_ERR;
1971 * @typedef LY_VECODE
1972 * @brief libyang's codes of validation error. Whenever ly_errno is set to LY_EVALID, the ly_vecode is also set
1973 * to the appropriate LY_VECODE value.
1974 * @ingroup logger
1975 */
1976typedef enum {
1977    LYVE_SUCCESS = 0,  /**< no error */
1979    LYVE_XML_MISS,     /**< missing XML object */
1980    LYVE_XML_INVAL,    /**< invalid XML object */
1981    LYVE_XML_INCHAR,   /**< invalid XML character */
1983    LYVE_EOF,          /**< unexpected end of input data */
1984    LYVE_INSTMT,       /**< invalid statement (schema) */
1985    /* */
1986    LYVE_INPAR,        /**< invalid (in)direct parent (schema) */
1987    LYVE_INID,         /**< invalid identifier (schema) */
1988    LYVE_INDATE,       /**< invalid date format */
1989    LYVE_INARG,        /**< invalid value of a statement argument (schema) */
1990    LYVE_MISSSTMT,     /**< missing required statement (schema) */
1991    /* */
1992    LYVE_MISSARG,      /**< missing required statement argument (schema) */
1993    LYVE_TOOMANY,      /**< too many instances of some object */
1994    LYVE_DUPID,        /**< duplicated identifier (schema) */
1995    LYVE_DUPLEAFLIST,  /**< multiple instances of leaf-list */
1996    LYVE_DUPLIST,      /**< multiple instances of list */
1997    LYVE_NOUNIQ,       /**< unique leaves match on 2 list instances (data) */
1998    LYVE_ENUM_INVAL,   /**< invalid enum value (schema) */
1999    LYVE_ENUM_INNAME,  /**< invalid enum name (schema) */
2000    /* */
2001    /* */
2002    LYVE_ENUM_WS,      /**< enum name with leading/trailing whitespaces (schema) */
2003    LYVE_BITS_INVAL,   /**< invalid bits value (schema) */
2004    LYVE_BITS_INNAME,  /**< invalid bits name (schema) */
2005    /* */
2006    /* */
2007    LYVE_INMOD,        /**< invalid module name */
2008    /* */
2009    LYVE_KEY_NLEAF,    /**< list key is not a leaf (schema) */
2010    LYVE_KEY_TYPE,     /**< invalid list key type (schema) */
2011    LYVE_KEY_CONFIG,   /**< key config value differs from the list config value */
2012    LYVE_KEY_MISS,     /**< list key not found (schema) */
2013    LYVE_KEY_DUP,      /**< duplicated key identifier (schema) */
2014    LYVE_INREGEX,      /**< invalid regular expression (schema) */
2015    LYVE_INRESOLV,     /**< no resolvents found (schema) */
2016    LYVE_INSTATUS,     /**< invalid derivation because of status (schema) */
2017    LYVE_CIRC_LEAFREFS,/**< circular chain of leafrefs detected (schema) */
2018    LYVE_CIRC_FEATURES,/**< circular chain of features detected (schema) */
2019    LYVE_CIRC_IMPORTS, /**< circular chain of imports detected (schema) */
2020    LYVE_CIRC_INCLUDES,/**< circular chain of includes detected (schema) */
2021    LYVE_INVER,        /**< non-matching YANG versions of module and its submodules (schema) */
2022    LYVE_SUBMODULE,    /**< submodule given instead of a module */
2024    LYVE_OBSDATA,      /**< obsolete data instantiation (data) */
2025    /* */
2026    LYVE_NORESOLV,     /**< no resolvents found for an expression (data) */
2027    LYVE_INELEM,       /**< invalid element (data) */
2028    /* */
2029    LYVE_MISSELEM,     /**< missing required element (data) */
2030    LYVE_INVAL,        /**< invalid value of an element (data) */
2031    LYVE_INMETA,       /**< invalid metadata (attribute) value (data) */
2032    LYVE_INATTR,       /**< invalid attribute in an element (data) */
2033    LYVE_MISSATTR,     /**< missing attribute in an element (data) */
2034    LYVE_NOCONSTR,     /**< value out of range/length/pattern (data) */
2035    LYVE_INCHAR,       /**< unexpected characters (data) */
2036    LYVE_INPRED,       /**< predicate resolution fail (data) */
2037    LYVE_MCASEDATA,    /**< data for more cases of a choice (data) */
2038    LYVE_NOMUST,       /**< unsatisfied must condition (data) */
2039    LYVE_NOWHEN,       /**< unsatisfied when condition (data) */
2040    LYVE_INORDER,      /**< invalid order of elements (data) */
2041    LYVE_INWHEN,       /**< irresolvable when condition (data) */
2042    LYVE_NOMIN,        /**< min-elements constraint not honored (data) */
2043    LYVE_NOMAX,        /**< max-elements constraint not honored (data) */
2044    LYVE_NOREQINS,     /**< required instance does not exits (data) */
2045    LYVE_NOLEAFREF,    /**< leaf pointed to by leafref does not exist (data) */
2046    LYVE_NOMANDCHOICE, /**< no mandatory choice case branch exists (data) */
2048    LYVE_XPATH_INTOK,  /**< unexpected XPath token */
2049    LYVE_XPATH_EOF,    /**< unexpected end of an XPath expression */
2050    LYVE_XPATH_INOP,   /**< invalid XPath operation operands */
2051    /* */
2052    LYVE_XPATH_INCTX,  /**< invalid XPath context type */
2053    LYVE_XPATH_INMOD,  /**< invalid module name */
2054    LYVE_XPATH_INFUNC, /**< invalid XPath function name */
2055    LYVE_XPATH_INARGCOUNT, /**< invalid number of arguments for an XPath function */
2056    LYVE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, /**< invalid type of arguments for an XPath function */
2057    LYVE_XPATH_DUMMY,  /**< invalid use of the XPath dummy node */
2058    LYVE_XPATH_NOEND,  /**< unterminated string */
2060    LYVE_PATH_INCHAR,  /**< invalid characters (path) */
2061    LYVE_PATH_INMOD,   /**< invalid module name (path) */
2062    LYVE_PATH_MISSMOD, /**< missing module name (path) */
2063    LYVE_PATH_INNODE,  /**< invalid node name (path) */
2064    LYVE_PATH_INKEY,   /**< invalid key name (path) */
2065    LYVE_PATH_MISSKEY, /**< missing some list keys (path) */
2066    LYVE_PATH_INIDENTREF, /**< missing module name prefix in identityref predicate value (path) */
2067    LYVE_PATH_EXISTS,  /**< target node already exists (path) */
2068    LYVE_PATH_MISSPAR, /**< some parent of the target node is missing (path) */
2069    LYVE_PATH_PREDTOOMANY, /**< too many predicates specified (path) */
2070} LY_VECODE;
2073 * @cond INTERNAL
2074 * Get address of (thread-specific) `ly_errno' variable.
2075 */
2076LY_ERR *ly_errno_glob_address(void);
2079 * @endcond INTERNAL
2080 * @brief libyang specific (thread-safe) errno (see #LY_ERR for the list of possible values and their meaning).
2081 */
2082#define ly_errno (*ly_errno_glob_address())
2085 * @brief Get the last (thread, context-specific) validation error code.
2086 *
2087 * This value is set only if ly_errno is #LY_EVALID.
2088 *
2089 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2090 * @return Validation error code.
2091 */
2092LY_VECODE ly_vecode(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
2095 * @brief Get the last (thread, context-specific) error message. If the corresponding module defined
2096 * a specific error message, it will be used instead the default one.
2097 *
2098 * Sometimes, the error message is extended with path of the element where the problem is.
2099 * The path is available via ly_errpath().
2100 *
2101 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2102 * @return Text of the last error message, empty string if there is no error.
2103 */
2104const char *ly_errmsg(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
2107 * @brief Get the last (thread, context-specific) path of the element where was an error.
2108 *
2109 * The path always corresponds to the error message available via ly_errmsg(), so
2110 * whenever a subsequent error message is printed, the path is erased or rewritten.
2111 * The path reflects the type of the processed tree - data path for data tree functions
2112 * and schema path in case of schema tree functions. In case of processing YIN schema
2113 * or XML data, the path can be just XML path. In such a case, the corresponding
2114 * ly_vecode (value 1-3) is set.
2115 *
2116 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2117 * @return Path of the error element, empty string if error path does not apply to the last error.
2118 */
2119const char *ly_errpath(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
2122 * @brief Get the last (thread, context-specific) error-app-tag if there was a specific one defined
2123 * in the module for the last error.
2124 *
2125 * The app-tag always corresponds to the error message available via ly_errmsg(), so
2126 * whenever a subsequent error message is printed, the app-tag is erased or rewritten.
2127 *
2128 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2129 * @return Error-app-tag of the last error, empty string if the error-app-tag does not apply to the last error.
2130 */
2131const char *ly_errapptag(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
2134 * @brief Libyang full error structure.
2135 */
2136struct ly_err_item {
2137    LY_LOG_LEVEL level;
2138    LY_ERR no;
2139    LY_VECODE vecode;
2140    char *msg;
2141    char *path;
2142    char *apptag;
2143    struct ly_err_item *next;
2144    struct ly_err_item *prev; /* first item's prev points to the last item */
2148 * @brief Get the first (thread, context-specific) generated error structure.
2149 *
2150 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2151 * @return First error structure (can be NULL), do not modify!
2152 */
2153struct ly_err_item *ly_err_first(const struct ly_ctx *ctx);
2156 * @brief Print the error structure as if just generated.
2157 *
2158 * @param[in] eitem Error item structure to print.
2159 */
2160void ly_err_print(struct ly_err_item *eitem);
2163 * @brief Free error structures from a context.
2164 *
2165 * If \p eitem is not set, free all the error structures.
2166 *
2167 * @param[in] ctx Relative context.
2168 * @param[in] eitem Oldest error structure to remove, optional.
2169 */
2170void ly_err_clean(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_err_item *eitem);
2173 * @} logger
2174 */
2176#ifdef __cplusplus
2180#endif /* LY_LIBYANG_H_ */