1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  *
7  */
9 #include <quic/congestion_control/QuicCubic.h>
11 #include <quic/congestion_control/CongestionControlFunctions.h>
12 #include <quic/logging/QLoggerConstants.h>
13 #include <quic/state/QuicStateFunctions.h>
15 #include <folly/Chrono.h>
17 namespace quic {
Cubic(QuicConnectionStateBase & conn,uint64_t initCwndBytes,uint64_t initSsthresh,bool tcpFriendly,bool ackTrain,bool spreadAcrossRtt)19 Cubic::Cubic(
20     QuicConnectionStateBase& conn,
21     uint64_t initCwndBytes,
22     uint64_t initSsthresh,
23     bool tcpFriendly,
24     bool ackTrain,
25     bool spreadAcrossRtt)
26     : conn_(conn), ssthresh_(initSsthresh), spreadAcrossRtt_(spreadAcrossRtt) {
27   cwndBytes_ = std::min(
28       conn.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss * conn.udpSendPacketLen,
29       std::max(
30           initCwndBytes,
31           conn.transportSettings.initCwndInMss * conn.udpSendPacketLen));
32   steadyState_.tcpFriendly = tcpFriendly;
33   steadyState_.estRenoCwnd = cwndBytes_;
34   hystartState_.ackTrain = ackTrain;
35   if (conn_.qLogger) {
36     conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
37         conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
38         cwndBytes_,
39         kCubicInit,
40         cubicStateToString(state_).str());
41   }
42 }
state() const44 CubicStates Cubic::state() const noexcept {
45   return state_;
46 }
getWritableBytes() const48 uint64_t Cubic::getWritableBytes() const noexcept {
49   return cwndBytes_ > conn_.lossState.inflightBytes
50       ? cwndBytes_ - conn_.lossState.inflightBytes
51       : 0;
52 }
handoff(uint64_t newCwnd,uint64_t newInflight)54 void Cubic::handoff(uint64_t newCwnd, uint64_t newInflight) noexcept {
55   cwndBytes_ = newCwnd;
56   // inflightBytes_ = newInflight;
57   conn_.lossState.inflightBytes = newInflight;
58   state_ = CubicStates::Steady;
59 }
getCongestionWindow() const61 uint64_t Cubic::getCongestionWindow() const noexcept {
62   return cwndBytes_;
63 }
65 /**
66  * TODO: onPersistentCongestion entirely depends on how long a loss period is,
67  * not how much a sender sends during that period. If the connection is app
68  * limited and loss happens after that, it looks like a long loss period but it
69  * may not really be a persistent congestion. However, to keep this code simple,
70  * we decide to just ignore app limited state right now.
71  */
onPersistentCongestion()72 void Cubic::onPersistentCongestion() {
73   auto minCwnd = conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss * conn_.udpSendPacketLen;
74   ssthresh_ = std::max(cwndBytes_ / 2, minCwnd);
75   cwndBytes_ = minCwnd;
76   if (steadyState_.tcpFriendly) {
77     steadyState_.estRenoCwnd = 0;
78   }
79   steadyState_.lastReductionTime = folly::none;
80   steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes = folly::none;
81   quiescenceStart_ = folly::none;
82   hystartState_.found = Cubic::HystartFound::No;
83   hystartState_.inRttRound = false;
85   state_ = CubicStates::Hystart;
87   if (conn_.qLogger) {
88     conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
89         conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
90         getCongestionWindow(),
91         kPersistentCongestion,
92         cubicStateToString(state_).str());
93   }
94 }
onPacketSent(const OutstandingPacket & packet)96 void Cubic::onPacketSent(const OutstandingPacket& packet) {
97   if (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - conn_.lossState.inflightBytes <
98       packet.metadata.encodedSize) {
99     throw QuicInternalException(
100         "Cubic: inflightBytes overflow",
101         LocalErrorCode::INFLIGHT_BYTES_OVERFLOW);
102   }
103   conn_.lossState.inflightBytes += packet.metadata.encodedSize;
104 }
onPacketLoss(const LossEvent & loss)106 void Cubic::onPacketLoss(const LossEvent& loss) {
107   quiescenceStart_ = folly::none;
108   DCHECK(
109       loss.largestLostPacketNum.has_value() &&
110       loss.largestLostSentTime.has_value());
111   onRemoveBytesFromInflight(loss.lostBytes);
112   // If the loss occurred past the endOfRecovery then we need to move the
113   // endOfRecovery back and invoke the state machine, otherwise ignore the loss
114   // as it was already accounted for in a recovery period.
115   if (*loss.largestLostSentTime >=
116       recoveryState_.endOfRecovery.value_or(*loss.largestLostSentTime)) {
117     recoveryState_.endOfRecovery = Clock::now();
118     cubicReduction(loss.lossTime);
119     if (state_ == CubicStates::Hystart || state_ == CubicStates::Steady) {
120       state_ = CubicStates::FastRecovery;
121     }
122     ssthresh_ = cwndBytes_;
123     if (conn_.pacer) {
124       conn_.pacer->refreshPacingRate(
125           cwndBytes_ * pacingGain(), conn_.lossState.srtt);
126     }
127     if (conn_.qLogger) {
128       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
129           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
130           getCongestionWindow(),
131           kCubicLoss,
132           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
133     }
135   } else {
136     if (conn_.qLogger) {
137       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
138           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
139           getCongestionWindow(),
140           kCubicSkipLoss,
141           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
142     }
143   }
145   if (loss.persistentCongestion) {
146     onPersistentCongestion();
147   }
148 }
onRemoveBytesFromInflight(uint64_t bytes)150 void Cubic::onRemoveBytesFromInflight(uint64_t bytes) {
151   DCHECK_LE(bytes, conn_.lossState.inflightBytes);
152   conn_.lossState.inflightBytes -= bytes;
153   if (conn_.qLogger) {
154     conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
155         conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
156         getCongestionWindow(),
157         kRemoveInflight,
158         cubicStateToString(state_).str());
159   }
160 }
setAppIdle(bool idle,TimePoint eventTime)162 void Cubic::setAppIdle(bool idle, TimePoint eventTime) noexcept {
163   if (conn_.qLogger) {
164     conn_.qLogger->addAppIdleUpdate(kAppIdle, idle);
165   }
166   bool currentAppIdle = isAppIdle();
167   if (!currentAppIdle && idle) {
168     quiescenceStart_ = eventTime;
169   }
170   if (!idle && currentAppIdle && *quiescenceStart_ <= eventTime &&
171       steadyState_.lastReductionTime) {
172     *steadyState_.lastReductionTime +=
173         folly::chrono::ceil<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
174             eventTime - *quiescenceStart_);
175   }
176   if (!idle) {
177     quiescenceStart_ = folly::none;
178   }
179 }
setAppLimited()181 void Cubic::setAppLimited() {
182   // we use app-idle for Cubic
183 }
isAppLimited() const185 bool Cubic::isAppLimited() const noexcept {
186   // Or maybe always false. This doesn't really matter for Cubic. Channeling
187   // isAppIdle() makes testing easier.
188   return isAppIdle();
189 }
isAppIdle() const191 bool Cubic::isAppIdle() const noexcept {
192   return quiescenceStart_.has_value();
193 }
updateTimeToOrigin()195 void Cubic::updateTimeToOrigin() noexcept {
196   // TODO: is there a faster way to do cbrt? We should benchmark a few
197   // alternatives.
198   // TODO: there is a tradeoff between precalculate and cache the result of
199   // kDefaultCubicReductionFactor / kTimeScalingFactor, and calculate it every
200   // time, as multiplication before division may be a little more accurate.
201   // TODO: both kDefaultCubicReductionFactor and kTimeScalingFactor are <1.
202   // The following calculation can be converted to pure integer calculation if
203   // we change the equation a bit to remove all decimals. It's also possible
204   // to remove the cbrt calculation by changing the equation.
205   if (conn_.qLogger) {
206     conn_.qLogger->addTransportStateUpdate(kRecalculateTimeToOrigin);
207   }
208   if (*steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes <= cwndBytes_) {
209     steadyState_.timeToOrigin = 0.0;
210     steadyState_.originPoint = steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes;
211     return;
212   }
213   // TODO: instead of multiplying by 1000 three times, Chromium shifts by 30
214   // for this calculation, which loss a little bit of precision. We probably
215   // should also consider that tradeoff.
216   /**
217    * The unit of timeToOrigin result from the the Cubic paper is in seconds.
218    * We want milliseconds, thus multiply by 1000 ^ 3 before take cbrt.
219    * We tweak Cubic a bit here. In this code, timeToOrigin is defined as time it
220    * takes to grow cwnd from backoffTarget to lastMaxCwndBytes * reductionFactor
221    */
222   // 2500 = kTimeScalingFactor * 1000
223   auto bytesToOrigin = *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes - cwndBytes_;
224   if (bytesToOrigin * 1000 * 1000 / conn_.udpSendPacketLen * 2500 >
225       std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
226     LOG(WARNING) << "Quic Cubic: timeToOrigin calculation overflow";
227     steadyState_.timeToOrigin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
228   } else {
229     steadyState_.timeToOrigin =
230         ::cbrt(bytesToOrigin * 1000 * 1000 / conn_.udpSendPacketLen * 2500);
231   }
232   steadyState_.originPoint = *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes;
233 }
calculateCubicCwndDelta(TimePoint ackTime)235 int64_t Cubic::calculateCubicCwndDelta(TimePoint ackTime) noexcept {
236   // TODO: should we also add a rttMin to timeElapsed?
237   if (ackTime < *steadyState_.lastReductionTime) {
238     LOG(WARNING) << "Cubic ackTime earlier than reduction time";
239     return 0;
240   }
241   auto timeElapsed = folly::chrono::ceil<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
242       ackTime - *steadyState_.lastReductionTime);
243   int64_t delta = 0;
244   double timeElapsedCount = static_cast<double>(timeElapsed.count());
245   if (std::pow((timeElapsedCount - steadyState_.timeToOrigin), 3) >
246       std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
247     // (timeElapsed - timeToOrigin) ^ 3 will overflow/underflow, cut delta
248     // to numeric_limit
249     LOG(WARNING) << "Quic Cubic: (t-K) ^ 3 overflows";
250     delta = timeElapsedCount > steadyState_.timeToOrigin
251         ? std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()
252         : std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min();
253   } else {
254     delta = static_cast<int64_t>(std::floor(
255         conn_.udpSendPacketLen * kTimeScalingFactor *
256         std::pow((timeElapsedCount - steadyState_.timeToOrigin), 3.0) / 1000 /
257         1000 / 1000));
258   }
259   VLOG(15) << "Cubic steady cwnd increase: current cwnd=" << cwndBytes_
260            << ", timeElapsed=" << timeElapsed.count()
261            << ", timeToOrigin=" << steadyState_.timeToOrigin
262            << ", origin=" << *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes
263            << ", cwnd delta=" << delta;
264   if (conn_.qLogger) {
265     conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
266         conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
267         getCongestionWindow(),
268         kCubicSteadyCwnd,
269         cubicStateToString(state_).str());
270   }
271   return delta;
272 }
calculateCubicCwnd(int64_t delta)274 uint64_t Cubic::calculateCubicCwnd(int64_t delta) noexcept {
275   // TODO: chromium has a limit on targetCwnd to be no larger than half of acked
276   // packet size. Linux also has a limit the cwnd increase to 1 MSS per 2 ACKs.
277   if (delta > 0 &&
278       (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes <
279        folly::to<uint64_t>(delta))) {
280     LOG(WARNING) << "Quic Cubic: overflow cwnd cut at uint64_t max";
281     return conn_.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss * conn_.udpSendPacketLen;
282   } else if (
283       delta < 0 &&
284       (folly::to<uint64_t>(std::abs(delta)) > *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes)) {
285     LOG(WARNING) << "Quic Cubic: underflow cwnd cut at minCwndBytes_ " << conn_;
286     return conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss * conn_.udpSendPacketLen;
287   } else {
288     return boundedCwnd(
289         delta + *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes,
290         conn_.udpSendPacketLen,
291         conn_.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss,
292         conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss);
293   }
294 }
cubicReduction(TimePoint lossTime)296 void Cubic::cubicReduction(TimePoint lossTime) noexcept {
297   if (cwndBytes_ >= steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes.value_or(cwndBytes_)) {
298     steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes = cwndBytes_;
299   } else {
300     // We need to reduce cwnd before it goes back to previous reduction point.
301     // In this case, reduce the steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes as well:
302     steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes =
303         cwndBytes_ * steadyState_.lastMaxReductionFactor;
304   }
305   steadyState_.lastReductionTime = lossTime;
306   lossCwndBytes_ = cwndBytes_;
307   lossSsthresh_ = ssthresh_;
308   cwndBytes_ = boundedCwnd(
309       cwndBytes_ * steadyState_.reductionFactor,
310       conn_.udpSendPacketLen,
311       conn_.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss,
312       conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss);
313   if (steadyState_.tcpFriendly) {
314     steadyState_.estRenoCwnd = cwndBytes_;
315   }
316 }
onPacketAckOrLoss(folly::Optional<AckEvent> ackEvent,folly::Optional<LossEvent> lossEvent)318 void Cubic::onPacketAckOrLoss(
319     folly::Optional<AckEvent> ackEvent,
320     folly::Optional<LossEvent> lossEvent) {
321   // TODO: current code in detectLossPackets only gives back a loss event when
322   // largestLostPacketNum isn't a folly::none. But we should probably also check
323   // against it here anyway just in case the loss code is changed in the
324   // furture.
325   if (lossEvent) {
326     onPacketLoss(*lossEvent);
327     if (conn_.pacer) {
328       conn_.pacer->onPacketsLoss();
329     }
330   }
331   if (ackEvent && ackEvent->largestAckedPacket.has_value()) {
332     CHECK(!ackEvent->ackedPackets.empty());
333     onPacketAcked(*ackEvent);
334   }
335 }
onPacketAcked(const AckEvent & ack)337 void Cubic::onPacketAcked(const AckEvent& ack) {
338   auto currentCwnd = cwndBytes_;
339   DCHECK_LE(ack.ackedBytes, conn_.lossState.inflightBytes);
340   conn_.lossState.inflightBytes -= ack.ackedBytes;
341   if (recoveryState_.endOfRecovery.has_value() &&
342       *recoveryState_.endOfRecovery >= ack.largestAckedPacketSentTime) {
343     if (conn_.qLogger) {
344       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
345           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
346           getCongestionWindow(),
347           kCubicSkipAck,
348           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
349     }
350     return;
351   }
352   switch (state_) {
353     case CubicStates::Hystart:
354       onPacketAckedInHystart(ack);
355       break;
356     case CubicStates::Steady:
357       onPacketAckedInSteady(ack);
358       break;
359     case CubicStates::FastRecovery:
360       onPacketAckedInRecovery(ack);
361       break;
362   }
363   if (conn_.pacer) {
364     conn_.pacer->refreshPacingRate(
365         cwndBytes_ * pacingGain(), conn_.lossState.srtt);
366   }
367   if (cwndBytes_ == currentCwnd) {
368     if (conn_.qLogger) {
369       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
370           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
371           getCongestionWindow(),
372           kCwndNoChange,
373           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
374     }
375   }
376   if (conn_.qLogger) {
377     conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
378         conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
379         getCongestionWindow(),
380         kCongestionPacketAck,
381         cubicStateToString(state_).str());
382   }
383 }
startHystartRttRound(TimePoint time)385 void Cubic::startHystartRttRound(TimePoint time) noexcept {
386   VLOG(20) << "Cubic Hystart: Start a new RTT round";
387   hystartState_.roundStart = hystartState_.lastJiffy = time;
388   hystartState_.ackCount = 0;
389   hystartState_.lastSampledRtt = hystartState_.currSampledRtt;
390   hystartState_.currSampledRtt = folly::none;
391   hystartState_.rttRoundEndTarget = Clock::now();
392   hystartState_.inRttRound = true;
393   hystartState_.found = HystartFound::No;
394 }
isRecovered(TimePoint packetSentTime)396 bool Cubic::isRecovered(TimePoint packetSentTime) noexcept {
397   CHECK(recoveryState_.endOfRecovery.has_value());
398   return packetSentTime > *recoveryState_.endOfRecovery;
399 }
type() const401 CongestionControlType Cubic::type() const noexcept {
402   return CongestionControlType::Cubic;
403 }
pacingGain() const405 float Cubic::pacingGain() const noexcept {
406   double pacingGain = 1.0f;
407   if (state_ == CubicStates::Hystart) {
408     pacingGain = kCubicHystartPacingGain;
409   } else if (state_ == CubicStates::FastRecovery) {
410     pacingGain = kCubicRecoveryPacingGain;
411   }
412   return pacingGain;
413 }
onPacketAckedInHystart(const AckEvent & ack)415 void Cubic::onPacketAckedInHystart(const AckEvent& ack) {
416   if (!hystartState_.inRttRound) {
417     startHystartRttRound(ack.ackTime);
418   }
420   // TODO: Should we not increase cwnd if inflight is less than half of cwnd?
421   // Note that we take bytes out of inflightBytes before invoke the state
422   // machine. So the inflightBytes here is already reduced.
423   if (std::numeric_limits<decltype(cwndBytes_)>::max() - cwndBytes_ <
424       ack.ackedBytes) {
425     throw QuicInternalException(
426         "Cubic Hystart: cwnd overflow", LocalErrorCode::CWND_OVERFLOW);
427   }
428   VLOG(15) << "Cubic Hystart increase cwnd=" << cwndBytes_ << ", by "
429            << ack.ackedBytes;
430   cwndBytes_ = boundedCwnd(
431       cwndBytes_ + ack.ackedBytes,
432       conn_.udpSendPacketLen,
433       conn_.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss,
434       conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss);
436   folly::Optional<Cubic::ExitReason> exitReason;
437   SCOPE_EXIT {
438     if (hystartState_.found != Cubic::HystartFound::No &&
439         cwndBytes_ >= kLowSsthreshInMss * conn_.udpSendPacketLen) {
440       exitReason = Cubic::ExitReason::EXITPOINT;
441     }
442     if (exitReason.has_value()) {
443       VLOG(15) << "Cubic exit slow start, reason = "
444                << (*exitReason == Cubic::ExitReason::SSTHRESH
445                        ? "cwnd > ssthresh"
446                        : "found exit point");
447       hystartState_.inRttRound = false;
448       ssthresh_ = cwndBytes_;
449       /* Now we exit slow start, reset currSampledRtt to be maximal value so
450        * that next time we go back to slow start, we won't be using a very old
451        * sampled RTT as the lastSampledRtt:
452        */
453       hystartState_.currSampledRtt = folly::none;
454       steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes = folly::none;
455       steadyState_.lastReductionTime = folly::none;
456       quiescenceStart_ = folly::none;
457       state_ = CubicStates::Steady;
458     } else {
459       // No exit yet, but we may still need to end this RTT round
460       VLOG(20) << "Cubic Hystart, mayEndHystartRttRound, largestAckedPacketNum="
461                << *ack.largestAckedPacket << ", rttRoundEndTarget="
462                << hystartState_.rttRoundEndTarget.time_since_epoch().count();
463       if (ack.largestAckedPacketSentTime > hystartState_.rttRoundEndTarget) {
464         hystartState_.inRttRound = false;
465       }
466     }
467   };
469   if (cwndBytes_ >= ssthresh_) {
470     exitReason = Cubic::ExitReason::SSTHRESH;
471     return;
472   }
474   DCHECK_LE(cwndBytes_, ssthresh_);
475   if (hystartState_.found != Cubic::HystartFound::No) {
476     return;
477   }
478   if (hystartState_.ackTrain) {
479     hystartState_.delayMin = std::min(
480         hystartState_.delayMin.value_or(conn_.lossState.srtt),
481         conn_.lossState.srtt);
482     // Within kAckCountingGap since lastJiffy:
483     // TODO: we should experiment with subtract ackdelay from
484     // (ackTime - lastJiffy) as well
485     if (ack.ackTime - hystartState_.lastJiffy <= kAckCountingGap) {
486       hystartState_.lastJiffy = ack.ackTime;
487       if ((ack.ackTime - hystartState_.roundStart) * 2 >=
488           hystartState_.delayMin.value()) {
489         hystartState_.found = Cubic::HystartFound::FoundByAckTrainMethod;
490       }
491     }
492   }
493   // If AckTrain wasn't used or didn't find the exit point, continue with
494   // DelayIncrease.
495   if (hystartState_.found == Cubic::HystartFound::No) {
496     if (hystartState_.ackCount < kAckSampling) {
497       hystartState_.currSampledRtt = std::min(
498           conn_.lossState.srtt,
499           hystartState_.currSampledRtt.value_or(conn_.lossState.srtt));
500       // We can return early if ++ackCount not meeting kAckSampling:
501       if (++hystartState_.ackCount < kAckSampling) {
502         VLOG(20) << "Cubic, AckTrain didn't find exit point. ackCount also "
503                  << "smaller than kAckSampling. Return early";
504         return;
505       }
506     }
508     if (!hystartState_.lastSampledRtt.has_value() ||
509         (*hystartState_.lastSampledRtt >=
510          std::chrono::microseconds::max() - kDelayIncreaseLowerBound)) {
511       return;
512     }
513     auto eta = std::min(
514         kDelayIncreaseUpperBound,
515         std::max(
516             kDelayIncreaseLowerBound,
517             std::chrono::microseconds(
518                 hystartState_.lastSampledRtt.value().count() >> 4)));
519     // lastSampledRtt + eta may overflow:
520     if (*hystartState_.lastSampledRtt >
521         std::chrono::microseconds::max() - eta) {
522       // No way currSampledRtt can top this either, return
523       // TODO: so our rtt is within 8us (kDelayIncreaseUpperBound) of the
524       // microseconds::max(), should we just shut down the connection?
525       return;
526     }
527     VLOG(20) << "Cubic Hystart: looking for DelayIncrease, with eta="
528              << eta.count() << "us, currSampledRtt="
529              << hystartState_.currSampledRtt.value().count()
530              << "us, lastSampledRtt="
531              << hystartState_.lastSampledRtt.value().count()
532              << "us, ackCount=" << (uint32_t)hystartState_.ackCount;
533     if (hystartState_.ackCount >= kAckSampling &&
534         *hystartState_.currSampledRtt >= *hystartState_.lastSampledRtt + eta) {
535       hystartState_.found = Cubic::HystartFound::FoundByDelayIncreaseMethod;
536     }
537   }
538 }
540 /**
541  * Note: The Cubic paper, and linux/chromium implementation differ on the
542  * definition of "time to origin", or the variable K in the paper. In the paper,
543  * K represents how much time it takes to grow an empty cwnd to Wmax. In Linux
544  * implementation, to follow Linux's congestion control interface used by other
545  * algorithm as well, "time to origin" is the time it takes to grow cwnd back to
546  * Wmax from its current value. Chromium follows Linux implementation. It
547  * affects timeElapsed as well. If we want to follow the Linux/Chromium
548  * implemetation, then
549  *    timeElapsed = now() - time of the first Ack since last window reduction.
550  * Alternatively, the paper's definition,
551  *    timeElapsed = now() - time of last window reduction.
552  * Theoretically, both paper and Linux/Chromium should result to the same cwnd.
553  */
onPacketAckedInSteady(const AckEvent & ack)554 void Cubic::onPacketAckedInSteady(const AckEvent& ack) {
555   if (isAppLimited()) {
556     if (conn_.qLogger) {
557       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
558           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
559           getCongestionWindow(),
560           kAckInQuiescence,
561           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
562     }
563     return;
564   }
565   // TODO: There is a tradeoff between getting an accurate Cwnd by frequently
566   // calculating it, and the CPU usage cost. This is worth experimenting. E.g.,
567   // Chromium has an option to skips the cwnd calculation if it's configured to
568   // NOT to update cwnd after every ack, and cwnd hasn't changed since last ack,
569   // and time elapsed is smaller than 30ms since last Ack.
570   // TODO: It's worth experimenting to use the larger one between cwndBytes_ and
571   // lastMaxCwndBytes as the W_max, i.e., always refresh Wmax = cwnd during max
572   // probing
573   if (!steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes) {
574     // lastMaxCwndBytes won't be set when we transit from Hybrid to Steady. In
575     // that case, we are at the "origin" already.
576     if (conn_.qLogger) {
577       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
578           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
579           getCongestionWindow(),
580           kResetTimeToOrigin,
581           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
582     }
583     steadyState_.timeToOrigin = 0.0;
584     steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes = cwndBytes_;
585     steadyState_.originPoint = cwndBytes_;
586     if (steadyState_.tcpFriendly) {
587       steadyState_.estRenoCwnd = cwndBytes_;
588     }
589   } else if (
590       !steadyState_.originPoint ||
591       *steadyState_.originPoint != *steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes) {
592     updateTimeToOrigin();
593   }
594   if (!steadyState_.lastReductionTime) {
595     steadyState_.lastReductionTime = ack.ackTime;
596     if (conn_.qLogger) {
597       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
598           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
599           getCongestionWindow(),
600           kResetLastReductionTime,
601           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
602     }
603   }
604   uint64_t newCwnd = calculateCubicCwnd(calculateCubicCwndDelta(ack.ackTime));
606   if (newCwnd < cwndBytes_) {
607     VLOG(10) << "Cubic steady state calculates a smaller cwnd than last round"
608              << ", new cnwd = " << newCwnd << ", current cwnd = " << cwndBytes_;
609   } else {
610     cwndBytes_ = newCwnd;
611   }
612   // Reno cwnd estimation for TCP friendly.
613   if (steadyState_.tcpFriendly && ack.ackedBytes) {
614     /* If tcpFriendly is false, we don't keep track of estRenoCwnd. Right now we
615        don't provide an API to change tcpFriendly in the middle of a connection.
616        If you change that and start to provide an API to mutate tcpFriendly, you
617        should calculate estRenoCwnd even when tcpFriendly is false. */
618     steadyState_.estRenoCwnd += steadyState_.tcpEstimationIncreaseFactor *
619         ack.ackedBytes * conn_.udpSendPacketLen / steadyState_.estRenoCwnd;
620     steadyState_.estRenoCwnd = boundedCwnd(
621         steadyState_.estRenoCwnd,
622         conn_.udpSendPacketLen,
623         conn_.transportSettings.maxCwndInMss,
624         conn_.transportSettings.minCwndInMss);
625     cwndBytes_ = std::max(cwndBytes_, steadyState_.estRenoCwnd);
626     if (conn_.qLogger) {
627       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
628           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
629           getCongestionWindow(),
630           kRenoCwndEstimation,
631           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
632     }
633   }
634 }
onPacketAckedInRecovery(const AckEvent & ack)636 void Cubic::onPacketAckedInRecovery(const AckEvent& ack) {
637   CHECK_EQ(cwndBytes_, ssthresh_);
638   if (isRecovered(ack.largestAckedPacketSentTime)) {
639     state_ = CubicStates::Steady;
641     // We do a Cubic cwnd pre-calculation here so that all Ack events from
642     // this point on in the Steady state will only increase cwnd. We can check
643     // this invariant in the Steady handler easily with this extra calculation.
644     // Note that we don't to the tcpFriendly calculation here.
645     // lastMaxCwndBytes and lastReductionTime are only cleared when Hystart
646     // transits to Steady. For state machine to be in FastRecovery, a Loss
647     // should have happened, and set values to them.
648     DCHECK(steadyState_.lastMaxCwndBytes.has_value());
649     DCHECK(steadyState_.lastReductionTime.has_value());
650     updateTimeToOrigin();
651     cwndBytes_ = calculateCubicCwnd(calculateCubicCwndDelta(ack.ackTime));
652     if (conn_.qLogger) {
653       conn_.qLogger->addCongestionMetricUpdate(
654           conn_.lossState.inflightBytes,
655           getCongestionWindow(),
656           kPacketAckedInRecovery,
657           cubicStateToString(state_).str());
658     }
659   }
660 }
getStats(CongestionControllerStats & stats) const662 void Cubic::getStats(CongestionControllerStats& stats) const {
663   stats.cubicStats.state = static_cast<uint8_t>(state_);
664   stats.cubicStats.ssthresh = ssthresh_;
665 }
cubicStateToString(CubicStates state)667 folly::StringPiece cubicStateToString(CubicStates state) {
668   switch (state) {
669     case CubicStates::Steady:
670       return "Steady";
671     case CubicStates::Hystart:
672       return "Hystart";
673     case CubicStates::FastRecovery:
674       return "Recovery";
675   }
676   folly::assume_unreachable();
677 }
679 } // namespace quic