1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2006 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7 // published by the Free Software Foundation;
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17 //
18 // Author: Rajib Bhattacharjea<raj.b@gatech.edu>
19 //
21 // Georgia Tech Network Simulator - Round Trip Time Estimation Class
22 // George F. Riley.  Georgia Tech, Spring 2002
25 #ifndef RTT_ESTIMATOR_H
26 #define RTT_ESTIMATOR_H
28 #include "ns3/nstime.h"
29 #include "ns3/object.h"
31 namespace ns3 {
33 /**
34  * \ingroup tcp
35  *
36  * \brief Base class for all RTT Estimators
37  *
38  * The RTT Estimator class computes an estimate of the round trip time
39  * observed in a series of Time measurements.  The estimate is provided in
40  * the form of an estimate and a sample variation.  Subclasses can implement
41  * different algorithms to provide values for the estimate and variation.
42  */
43 class RttEstimator : public Object {
44 public:
45   /**
46    * \brief Get the type ID.
47    * \return the object TypeId
48    */
49   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
51   RttEstimator();
52   /**
53    * \brief Copy constructor
54    * \param r the object to copy
55    */
56   RttEstimator (const RttEstimator& r);
58   virtual ~RttEstimator();
60   virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const;
62   /**
63    * \brief Add a new measurement to the estimator. Pure virtual function.
64    * \param t the new RTT measure.
65    */
66   virtual void  Measurement (Time t) = 0;
68   /**
69    * \brief Copy object (including current internal state)
70    * \returns a copy of itself
71    */
72   virtual Ptr<RttEstimator> Copy () const = 0;
74   /**
75    * \brief Resets the estimation to its initial state.
76    */
77   virtual void Reset ();
79   /**
80    * \brief gets the RTT estimate.
81    * \return The RTT estimate.
82    */
83   Time GetEstimate (void) const;
85   /**
86    * Note that this is not a formal statistical variance; it has the
87    * the same units as the estimate.  Mean deviation or standard deviation
88    * are example quantities that could be provided here.
89    *
90    * \brief gets the RTT estimate variation.
91    * \return The RTT estimate variation.
92    */
93   Time GetVariation (void) const;
95   /**
96    * \brief gets the number of samples used in the estimates
97    * \return the number of samples used in the estimates
98    */
99   uint32_t GetNSamples (void) const;
101 private:
102   Time m_initialEstimatedRtt; //!< Initial RTT estimation
104 protected:
105   Time         m_estimatedRtt;            //!< Current estimate
106   Time         m_estimatedVariation;   //!< Current estimate variation
107   uint32_t     m_nSamples;                //!< Number of samples
108 };
110 /**
111  * \ingroup tcp
112  *
113  * \brief The "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed by Van Jacobson
114  *
115  * This class implements the "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed
116  * by Van Jacobson and Michael J. Karels, in
117  * "Congestion Avoidance and Control", SIGCOMM 88, Appendix A
118  *
119  * The default values for the gain (alpha and beta) are set as documented
120  * in RFC 6298.
121  *
122  */
123 class RttMeanDeviation : public RttEstimator {
124 public:
125   /**
126    * \brief Get the type ID.
127    * \return the object TypeId
128    */
129   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
131   RttMeanDeviation ();
133   /**
134    * \brief Copy constructor
135    * \param r the object to copy
136    */
137   RttMeanDeviation (const RttMeanDeviation& r);
139   virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const;
141   /**
142    * \brief Add a new measurement to the estimator.
143    * \param measure the new RTT measure.
144    */
145   void Measurement (Time measure);
147   Ptr<RttEstimator> Copy () const;
149   /**
150    * \brief Resets the estimator.
151    */
152   void Reset ();
154 private:
155   /**
156    * Utility function to check for possible conversion
157    * of a double value (0 < value < 1) to a reciprocal power of two
158    *
159    * Values of 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 (i.e., within the possible
160    * range of experimentation for this estimator) are supported.
161    *
162    * \param val value to check
163    * \return log base 2 (1/val) if reciprocal power of 2, or zero if not
164    */
165   uint32_t CheckForReciprocalPowerOfTwo (double val) const;
166   /**
167    * Method to update the rtt and variation estimates using integer
168    * arithmetic, used when the values of Alpha and Beta support the
169    * integer conversion.
170    *
171    * \param m time measurement
172    * \param rttShift value corresponding to log base 2 (1/alpha)
173    * \param variationShift value corresponding to log base 2 (1/beta)
174    */
175   void IntegerUpdate (Time m, uint32_t rttShift, uint32_t variationShift);
176   /**
177    * Method to update the rtt and variation estimates using floating
178    * point arithmetic, used when the values of Alpha and Beta are not
179    * both a reciprocal power of two.
180    *
181    * \param m time measurement
182    */
183   void FloatingPointUpdate (Time m);
184   double       m_alpha;       //!< Filter gain for average
185   double       m_beta;        //!< Filter gain for variation
187 };
189 } // namespace ns3
191 #endif /* RTT_ESTIMATOR_H */