1## -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
3# python lib modules
4from __future__ import print_function
5import sys
6import shutil
7import types
8import optparse
9import os.path
10import re
11import shlex
12import subprocess
13import textwrap
14import fileinput
15import glob
17from utils import read_config_file
20# WAF modules
21from waflib import Utils, Scripting, Configure, Build, Options, TaskGen, Context, Task, Logs, Errors
22from waflib.Errors import WafError
25# local modules
26import wutils
29# By default, all modules will be enabled, examples will be disabled,
30# and tests will be disabled.
31modules_enabled  = ['all_modules']
32examples_enabled = False
33tests_enabled    = False
35# GCC minimum version requirements for C++17 support
36gcc_min_version = (7, 0, 0)
38# Bug 2181:  clang warnings about unused local typedefs and potentially
39# evaluated expressions affecting darwin clang/LLVM version 7.0.0 (Xcode 7)
40# or clang/LLVM version 3.6 or greater.  We must make this platform-specific.
41darwin_clang_version_warn_unused_local_typedefs = (7, 0, 0)
42darwin_clang_version_warn_potentially_evaluated = (7, 0, 0)
43clang_version_warn_unused_local_typedefs = (3, 6, 0)
44clang_version_warn_potentially_evaluated = (3, 6, 0)
46# Get the information out of the NS-3 configuration file.
47config_file_exists = False
48(config_file_exists, modules_enabled, examples_enabled, tests_enabled) = read_config_file()
50sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('waf-tools'))
52    import cflags # override the build profiles from waf
54    sys.path.pop(0)
56cflags.profiles = {
57    # profile name: [optimization_level, warnings_level, debug_level]
58    'debug':     [0, 2, 3],
59    'optimized': [3, 2, 1],
60    'release':   [3, 2, 0],
61    }
62cflags.default_profile = 'debug'
64Configure.autoconfig = 0
66# the following two variables are used by the target "waf dist"
67with open("VERSION", "rt") as f:
68    VERSION = f.read().strip()
69APPNAME = 'ns'
74# we don't use VNUM anymore (see bug #1327 for details)
75wutils.VNUM = None
77# these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically)
78top = '.'
79out = 'build'
81def load_env():
82    bld_cls = getattr(Utils.g_module, 'build_context', Utils.Context)
83    bld_ctx = bld_cls()
84    bld_ctx.load_dirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join (srcdir,'..')),
85                      os.path.abspath(os.path.join (srcdir,'..', blddir)))
86    bld_ctx.load_envs()
87    env = bld_ctx.get_env()
88    return env
90def get_files(base_dir):
91    retval = []
92    reference=os.path.dirname(base_dir)
93    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
94        if root.find('.hg') != -1:
95            continue
96        for file in files:
97            if file.find('.hg') != -1:
98                continue
99            fullname = os.path.join(root,file)
100            # we can't use os.path.relpath because it's new in python 2.6
101            relname = fullname.replace(reference + '/','')
102            retval.append([fullname,relname])
103    return retval
106def dist_hook():
107    import tarfile
108    shutil.rmtree("doc/html", True)
109    shutil.rmtree("doc/latex", True)
110    shutil.rmtree("nsc", True)
112# Print the sorted list of module names in columns.
113def print_module_names(names):
114    """Print the list of module names in 3 columns."""
115    for i, name in enumerate(sorted(names)):
116        if i % 3 == 2 or i == len(names) - 1:
117          print(name)
118        else:
119          print(name.ljust(25), end=' ')
121# return types of some APIs differ in Python 2/3 (type string vs class bytes)
122# This method will decode('utf-8') a byte object in Python 3,
123# and do nothing in Python 2
124def maybe_decode(input):
125    if sys.version_info < (3,):
126        return input
127    else:
128        try:
129            return input.decode('utf-8')
130        except:
131            sys.exc_clear()
132            return input
134def options(opt):
135    # options provided by the modules
136    opt.load('md5_tstamp')
137    opt.load('compiler_c')
138    opt.load('compiler_cxx')
139    opt.load('cflags')
140    opt.load('gnu_dirs')
141    opt.load('boost', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
143    opt.add_option('--check-config',
144                   help=('Print the current configuration.'),
145                   action="store_true", default=False,
146                   dest="check_config")
148    opt.add_option('--cwd',
149                   help=('Set the working directory for a program.'),
150                   action="store", type="string", default=None,
151                   dest='cwd_launch')
153    opt.add_option('--enable-gcov',
154                   help=('Enable code coverage analysis.'
155                         ' WARNING: this option only has effect '
156                         'with the configure command.'),
157                   action="store_true", default=False,
158                   dest='enable_gcov')
160    opt.add_option('--no-task-lines',
161                   help=("Don't print task lines, i.e. messages saying which tasks are being executed by WAF."
162                         "  Coupled with a single -v will cause WAF to output only the executed commands,"
163                         " just like 'make' does by default."),
164                   action="store_true", default=False,
165                   dest='no_task_lines')
167    opt.add_option('--lcov-report',
168                   help=('Generate a code coverage report '
169                         '(use this option after configuring with --enable-gcov and running a program)'),
170                   action="store_true", default=False,
171                   dest='lcov_report')
173    opt.add_option('--lcov-zerocounters',
174                   help=('Zero the lcov counters'
175                         '(use this option before rerunning a program, when generating repeated lcov reports)'),
176                   action="store_true", default=False,
177                   dest='lcov_zerocounters')
179    opt.add_option('--run',
180                   help=('Run a locally built program; argument can be a program name,'
181                         ' or a command starting with the program name.'),
182                   type="string", default='', dest='run')
183    opt.add_option('--run-no-build',
184                   help=('Run a locally built program without rebuilding the project; argument can be a program name,'
185                         ' or a command starting with the program name.'),
186                   type="string", default='', dest='run_no_build')
187    opt.add_option('--visualize',
188                   help=('Modify --run arguments to enable the visualizer'),
189                   action="store_true", default=False, dest='visualize')
190    opt.add_option('--command-template',
191                   help=('Template of the command used to run the program given by --run;'
192                         ' It should be a shell command string containing %s inside,'
193                         ' which will be replaced by the actual program.'),
194                   type="string", default=None, dest='command_template')
195    opt.add_option('--pyrun',
196                   help=('Run a python program using locally built ns3 python module;'
197                         ' argument is the path to the python program, optionally followed'
198                         ' by command-line options that are passed to the program.'),
199                   type="string", default='', dest='pyrun')
200    opt.add_option('--pyrun-no-build',
201                   help=('Run a python program using locally built ns3 python module without rebuilding the project;'
202                         ' argument is the path to the python program, optionally followed'
203                         ' by command-line options that are passed to the program.'),
204                   type="string", default='', dest='pyrun_no_build')
205    opt.add_option('--gdb',
206                   help=('Change the default command template to run programs and unit tests with gdb'),
207                   action="store_true", default=False,
208                   dest='gdb')
209    opt.add_option('--valgrind',
210                   help=('Change the default command template to run programs and unit tests with valgrind'),
211                   action="store_true", default=False,
212                   dest='valgrind')
213    opt.add_option('--shell',
214                   help=('DEPRECATED (run ./waf shell)'),
215                   action="store_true", default=False,
216                   dest='shell')
217    opt.add_option('--enable-sudo',
218                   help=('Use sudo to setup suid bits on ns3 executables.'),
219                   dest='enable_sudo', action='store_true',
220                   default=False)
221    opt.add_option('--enable-tests',
222                   help=('Build the ns-3 tests.'),
223                   dest='enable_tests', action='store_true',
224                   default=False)
225    opt.add_option('--disable-tests',
226                   help=('Do not build the ns-3 tests.'),
227                   dest='disable_tests', action='store_true',
228                   default=False)
229    opt.add_option('--enable-examples',
230                   help=('Build the ns-3 examples.'),
231                   dest='enable_examples', action='store_true',
232                   default=False)
233    opt.add_option('--disable-examples',
234                   help=('Do not build the ns-3 examples.'),
235                   dest='disable_examples', action='store_true',
236                   default=False)
237    opt.add_option('--check',
238                   help=('DEPRECATED (run ./test.py)'),
239                   default=False, dest='check', action="store_true")
240    opt.add_option('--enable-static',
241                   help=('Compile NS-3 statically: works only on linux, without python'),
242                   dest='enable_static', action='store_true',
243                   default=False)
244    opt.add_option('--enable-mpi',
245                   help=('Compile NS-3 with MPI and distributed simulation support'),
246                   dest='enable_mpi', action='store_true',
247                   default=False)
248    opt.add_option('--doxygen-no-build',
249                   help=('Run doxygen to generate html documentation from source comments, '
250                         'but do not wait for ns-3 to finish the full build.'),
251                   action="store_true", default=False,
252                   dest='doxygen_no_build')
253    opt.add_option('--docset',
254                   help=('Create Docset, without building. This requires the docsetutil tool from Xcode 9.2 or earlier. See Bugzilla 2196 for more details.'),
255                   action="store_true", default=False,
256                   dest="docset_build")
257    opt.add_option('--enable-des-metrics',
258                   help=('Log all events in a json file with the name of the executable (which must call CommandLine::Parse(argc, argv)'),
259                   action="store_true", default=False,
260                   dest='enable_desmetrics')
261    opt.add_option('--cxx-standard',
262                   help=('Compile NS-3 with the given C++ standard'),
263                   type='string', dest='cxx_standard')
264    opt.add_option('--enable-asserts',
265                   help=('Enable the asserts regardless of the compile mode'),
266                   action="store_true", default=False,
267                   dest='enable_asserts')
268    opt.add_option('--enable-logs',
269                   help=('Enable the logs regardless of the compile mode'),
270                   action="store_true", default=False,
271                   dest='enable_logs')
273    # options provided in subdirectories
274    opt.recurse('src')
275    opt.recurse('bindings/python')
276    opt.recurse('src/internet')
277    opt.recurse('contrib')
279def _check_compilation_flag(conf, flag, mode='cxx', linkflags=None):
280    """
281    Checks if the C++ compiler accepts a certain compilation flag or flags
282    flag: can be a string or a list of strings
283    """
284    l = []
285    if flag:
286        l.append(flag)
287    if isinstance(linkflags, list):
288        l.extend(linkflags)
289    else:
290        if linkflags:
291            l.append(linkflags)
292    if len(l) > 1:
293        flag_str = 'flags ' + ' '.join(l)
294    else:
295        flag_str = 'flag ' + ' '.join(l)
296    if len(flag_str) > 28:
297        flag_str = flag_str[:28] + "..."
299    conf.start_msg('Checking for compilation %s support' % (flag_str,))
300    env = conf.env.derive()
302    retval = False
303    if mode == 'cc':
304        mode = 'c'
306    if mode == 'cxx':
307        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flag)
308    else:
309        env.append_value('CFLAGS', flag)
311    if linkflags is not None:
312        env.append_value("LINKFLAGS", linkflags)
314    try:
315        retval = conf.check(compiler=mode, fragment='int main() { return 0; }', features='c', env=env)
316    except Errors.ConfigurationError:
317        ok = False
318    else:
319        ok = (retval == True)
320    conf.end_msg(ok)
321    return ok
324def report_optional_feature(conf, name, caption, was_enabled, reason_not_enabled):
325    conf.env.append_value('NS3_OPTIONAL_FEATURES', [(name, caption, was_enabled, reason_not_enabled)])
328def check_optional_feature(conf, name):
329    for (name1, caption, was_enabled, reason_not_enabled) in conf.env.NS3_OPTIONAL_FEATURES:
330        if name1 == name:
331            return was_enabled
332    raise KeyError("Feature %r not declared yet" % (name,))
335# starting with waf 1.6, conf.check() becomes fatal by default if the
336# test fails, this alternative method makes the test non-fatal, as it
337# was in waf <= 1.5
338def _check_nonfatal(conf, *args, **kwargs):
339    try:
340        return conf.check(*args, **kwargs)
341    except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
342        return None
344# Write a summary of optional features status
345def print_config(env, phase='configure'):
346    if phase == 'configure':
347        profile = get_build_profile(env)
348    else:
349        profile = get_build_profile()
351    print("---- Summary of optional NS-3 features:")
352    print("%-30s: %s%s%s" % ("Build profile", Logs.colors('GREEN'),
353                             profile, Logs.colors('NORMAL')))
354    bld = wutils.bld
355    print("%-30s: %s%s%s" % ("Build directory", Logs.colors('GREEN'),
356                             Options.options.out, Logs.colors('NORMAL')))
359    for (name, caption, was_enabled, reason_not_enabled) in sorted(env['NS3_OPTIONAL_FEATURES'], key=lambda s : s[1]):
360        if was_enabled:
361            status = 'enabled'
362            color = 'GREEN'
363        else:
364            status = 'not enabled (%s)' % reason_not_enabled
365            color = 'RED'
366        print("%-30s: %s%s%s" % (caption, Logs.colors(color), status, Logs.colors('NORMAL')))
368#  Checking for boost headers and libraries
370#  There are four cases:
371#    A.  Only need headers, and they are required
372#    B.  Also need compiled libraries, and they are required
373#    C.  Only use headers, but they are not required
374#    D.  Use compiled libraries, but they are not required
376#  A.  If you only need includes there are just two steps:
378#    A1.  Add this in your module wscript configure function:
380#        if not conf.require_boost_incs('my-module', 'my module caption'):
381#            return
383#    A2.  Do step FINAL below.
385#  B.  If you also need some compiled boost libraries there are
386#      three steps (instead of the above):
388#    B1.  Declare the libraries you need by adding to your module wscript:
390#        REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS = ['lib1', 'lib2'...]
392#        def required_boost_libs(conf):
393#            conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'] += REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS
395#    B2.  Check that the libs are present in your module wscript configure function:
397#        if conf.missing_boost_libs('my-module', 'my module caption', REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS):
398#            return
400#    B3.  Do step FINAL below.
402#  Finally,
404#    FINAL.  Add boost to your module wscript build function:
406#        # Assuming you have
407#        #  module = bld.create_ns3_module('my-module')
408#        module.use.append('BOOST')
410#  If your use of boost is optional it's even simpler.
412#  C.  For optional headers only, the two steps above are modified a little:
414#    C1.  Add this to your module wscript configure function:
416#        conf.require_boost_incs('my-module', 'my module caption', required=False)
417#        # Continue with config, adjusting for missing boost
419#    C2.  Modify step FINAL as follows
421#        if bld.env['INCLUDES_BOOST']:
422#            module.use.append('BOOST')
424#  D.  For compiled boost libraries
426#    D1.  Do B1 above to declare the libraries you would like to use
428#    D2.  If you need to take action at configure time,
429#         add to your module wscript configure function:
431#        missing_boost_libs = conf.missing_boost_libs('my-module', 'my module caption', REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS, required=False)
432#        # Continue with config, adjusting for missing boost libs
434#         At this point you can inspect missing_boost_libs to see
435#         what libs were found and do the right thing.
436#         See below for preprocessor symbols which will be available
437#         in your source files.
439#    D3.  If any of your libraries are present add to your
440#         module wscript build function:
442#        missing_boost_libs = bld.missing_boost_libs('lib-opt', REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS)
443#        # Continue with build, adjusting for missing boost libs
445#         At this point you can inspect missing_boost_libs to see
446#         what libs were found and do the right thing.
448#  In all cases you can test for boost in your code with
450#      #ifdef HAVE_BOOST
452#  Each boost compiled library will be indicated with a 'HAVE_BOOST_<lib>'
453#  preprocessor symbol, which you can test.  For example, for the boost
454#  Signals2 library:
456#      #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_SIGNALS2
459def require_boost_incs(conf, module, caption, required=True):
461    conf.to_log('boost: %s wants incs, required: %s' % (module, required))
462    if conf.env['INCLUDES_BOOST']:
463        conf.to_log('boost: %s: have boost' % module)
464        return True
465    elif not required:
466        conf.to_log('boost: %s: no boost, but not required' % module)
467        return False
468    else:
469        conf.to_log('boost: %s: no boost, but required' % module)
470        conf.report_optional_feature(module, caption, False,
471                                     "boost headers required but not found")
473        # Add this module to the list of modules that won't be built
474        # if they are enabled.
475        conf.env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT'].append(module)
476        return False
478#  Report any required boost libs which are missing
479#  Return values of truthy are bad; falsey is good:
480#    If all are present return False (non missing)
481#    If boost not present, or no libs return True
482#    If some libs present, return the list of missing libs
483def conf_missing_boost_libs(conf, module, caption, libs, required= True):
484    conf.to_log('boost: %s wants %s, required: %s' % (module, libs, required))
486    if not conf.require_boost_incs(module, caption, required):
487        # No headers found, so the libs aren't there either
488        return libs
490    missing_boost_libs = [lib for lib in libs if lib not in conf.boost_libs]
492    if required and missing_boost_libs:
493        if not conf.env['LIB_BOOST']:
494            conf.to_log('boost: %s requires libs, but none found' % module)
495            conf.report_optional_feature(module, caption, False,
496                                         "No boost libraries were found")
497        else:
498            conf.to_log('boost: %s requires libs, but missing %s' % (module, missing_boost_libs))
499            conf.report_optional_feature(module, caption, False,
500                                         "Required boost libraries not found, missing: %s" % missing_boost_libs)
502        # Add this module to the list of modules that won't be built
503        # if they are enabled.
504        conf.env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT'].append(module)
505        return missing_boost_libs
507    # Required libraries were found, or are not required
508    return missing_boost_libs
510def get_boost_libs(libs):
511    names = set()
512    for lib in libs:
513        if lib.startswith("boost_"):
514            lib = lib[6:]
515        if lib.endswith("-mt"):
516            lib = lib[:-3]
517        names.add(lib)
518    return names
520def configure_boost(conf):
521    conf.to_log('boost: loading conf')
522    conf.load('boost')
524    # Find Boost libraries by modules
525    conf.to_log('boost: scanning for required libs')
526    conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'] = []
527    for modules_dir in ['src', 'contrib']:
528        conf.recurse (modules_dir, name="get_required_boost_libs", mandatory=False)
529    # Check for any required boost libraries
530    if conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'] is not []:
531        conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'] = list(set(conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS']))
532        conf.to_log("boost: libs required: %s" % conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'])
533        conf.check_boost(lib=' '.join (conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS']), mandatory=False, required=False)
534        if not conf.env['LIB_BOOST']:
535            conf.env['LIB_BOOST'] = []
536    else:
537        # Check with no libs, so we find the includes
538        conf.check_boost(mandatory=False, required=False)
540    conf.to_log('boost: checking if we should define HAVE_BOOST')
541    if conf.env['INCLUDES_BOOST']:
542        conf.to_log('boost: defining HAVE_BOOST')
543        conf.env.append_value ('CPPFLAGS', '-DHAVE_BOOST')
545    # Some boost libraries may have been found.
546    # Add preprocessor symbols for them
547    conf.to_log('boost: checking which libs are present')
548    if conf.env['LIB_BOOST']:
549        conf.boost_libs = get_boost_libs(conf.env['LIB_BOOST'])
550        for lib in conf.boost_libs:
551            msg='boost: lib present: ' + lib
552            if lib in conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS']:
553                have = '-DHAVE_BOOST_' + lib.upper()
554                conf.to_log('%s, requested, adding %s' % (msg, have))
555                conf.env.append_value('CPPFLAGS', have)
556            else:
557                conf.to_log('%s, not required, ignoring' % msg)
559    boost_libs_missing = [lib for lib in conf.env['REQUIRED_BOOST_LIBS'] if lib not in conf.boost_libs]
560    for lib in boost_libs_missing:
561        conf.to_log('boost: lib missing: %s' % lib)
563def bld_missing_boost_libs (bld, module, libs):
564    missing_boost_libs = [lib for lib in libs if lib not in bld.boost_libs]
565    return missing_boost_libs
567def configure(conf):
568    # Waf does not work correctly if the absolute path contains whitespaces
569    if (re.search(r"\s", os.getcwd ())):
570        conf.fatal('Waf does not support whitespace in the path to current working directory: %s' % os.getcwd())
572    conf.load('relocation', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
574    # attach some extra methods
575    conf.check_nonfatal = types.MethodType(_check_nonfatal, conf)
576    conf.check_compilation_flag = types.MethodType(_check_compilation_flag, conf)
577    conf.report_optional_feature = types.MethodType(report_optional_feature, conf)
578    conf.check_optional_feature = types.MethodType(check_optional_feature, conf)
579    conf.require_boost_incs = types.MethodType(require_boost_incs, conf)
580    conf.missing_boost_libs = types.MethodType(conf_missing_boost_libs, conf)
581    conf.boost_libs = set()
582    conf.env['NS3_OPTIONAL_FEATURES'] = []
584    conf.load('compiler_c')
585    cc_string = '.'.join(conf.env['CC_VERSION'])
586    conf.msg('Checking for cc version',cc_string,'GREEN')
587    conf.load('compiler_cxx')
588    conf.load('cflags', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
589    conf.load('command', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
590    conf.load('gnu_dirs')
591    conf.load('clang_compilation_database', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
593    env = conf.env
595    if Options.options.enable_gcov:
596        env['GCOV_ENABLED'] = True
597        env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-fprofile-arcs')
598        env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-ftest-coverage')
599        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-fprofile-arcs')
600        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-ftest-coverage')
601        env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-lgcov')
602        env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-coverage')
604    if Options.options.build_profile == 'debug':
605        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_BUILD_PROFILE_DEBUG')
606        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_ASSERT_ENABLE')
607        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_LOG_ENABLE')
609    if Options.options.build_profile == 'release':
610        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_BUILD_PROFILE_RELEASE')
612    if Options.options.build_profile == 'optimized':
613        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_BUILD_PROFILE_OPTIMIZED')
615    if Options.options.enable_logs:
616        env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'NS3_LOG_ENABLE')
617    if Options.options.enable_asserts:
618        env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'NS3_ASSERT_ENABLE')
620    env['PLATFORM'] = sys.platform
621    env['BUILD_PROFILE'] = Options.options.build_profile
622    if Options.options.build_profile == "release":
623        env['BUILD_SUFFIX'] = ''
624    else:
625        env['BUILD_SUFFIX'] = '-'+Options.options.build_profile
627    env['APPNAME'] = wutils.APPNAME
628    env['VERSION'] = wutils.VERSION
630    if conf.env['CXX_NAME'] in ['gcc']:
631        if tuple(map(int, conf.env['CC_VERSION'])) < gcc_min_version:
632            conf.fatal('gcc version %s older than minimum supported version %s' %
633                       ('.'.join(conf.env['CC_VERSION']), '.'.join(map(str, gcc_min_version))))
635    if conf.env['CXX_NAME'] in ['gcc', 'icc']:
636        if Options.options.build_profile == 'release':
637            env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-fomit-frame-pointer')
638        if Options.options.build_profile == 'optimized':
639            if conf.check_compilation_flag('-march=native'):
640                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-march=native')
641            env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-fstrict-overflow')
642            if conf.env['CXX_NAME'] in ['gcc']:
643                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Wstrict-overflow=2')
645        if sys.platform == 'win32':
646            env.append_value("LINKFLAGS", "-Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc")
647        elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
648            env.append_value("LINKFLAGS", "-Wl,--enable-auto-import")
650        cxx = env['CXX']
651        cxx_check_libstdcxx = cxx + ['-print-file-name=libstdc++.so']
652        p = subprocess.Popen(cxx_check_libstdcxx, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
653        libstdcxx_output = maybe_decode(p.stdout.read().strip())
654        libstdcxx_location = os.path.dirname(libstdcxx_output)
655        p.wait()
656        if libstdcxx_location:
657            conf.env.append_value('NS3_MODULE_PATH', libstdcxx_location)
659        if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() in ['linux']:
660            if conf.check_compilation_flag('-Wl,--soname=foo'):
661                env['WL_SONAME_SUPPORTED'] = True
663    # bug 2181 on clang warning suppressions
664    if conf.env['CXX_NAME'] in ['clang']:
665        if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'darwin':
666            if tuple(map(int, conf.env['CC_VERSION'])) >= darwin_clang_version_warn_unused_local_typedefs:
667                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Wno-unused-local-typedefs')
669            if tuple(map(int, conf.env['CC_VERSION'])) >= darwin_clang_version_warn_potentially_evaluated:
671                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Wno-potentially-evaluated-expression')
673        else:
674            if tuple(map(int, conf.env['CC_VERSION'])) >= clang_version_warn_unused_local_typedefs:
676                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Wno-unused-local-typedefs')
678            if tuple(map(int, conf.env['CC_VERSION'])) >= clang_version_warn_potentially_evaluated:
679                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Wno-potentially-evaluated-expression')
681    env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3'] = False
682    if Options.options.enable_static:
683        if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'darwin':
684            if conf.check_compilation_flag(flag=[], linkflags=['-Wl,-all_load']):
685                conf.report_optional_feature("static", "Static build", True, '')
686                env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3'] = True
687            else:
688                conf.report_optional_feature("static", "Static build", False,
689                                             "Link flag -Wl,-all_load does not work")
690        else:
691            if conf.check_compilation_flag(flag=[], linkflags=['-Wl,--whole-archive,-Bstatic', '-Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive']):
692                conf.report_optional_feature("static", "Static build", True, '')
693                env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3'] = True
694            else:
695                conf.report_optional_feature("static", "Static build", False,
696                                             "Link flag -Wl,--whole-archive,-Bstatic does not work")
698    # Checks if environment variable specifies the C++ language standard and/or
699    # if the user has specified the standard via the -cxx-standard argument
700    # to 'waf configure'.  The following precedence and behavior is implemented:
701    # 1) if user does not specify anything, Waf will use the default standard
702    #    configured for ns-3, which is configured below
703    # 2) if user specifies the '-cxx-standard' option, it will be used instead
704    #    of the default.
705    #    Example:  ./waf configure --cxx-standard=-std=c++14
706    # 3) if user specifies the C++ standard via the CXXFLAGS environment
707    #    variable, it will be used instead of the default.
708    #    Example: CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14" ./waf configure
709    # 4) if user specifies both the CXXFLAGS environment variable and the
710    #    -cxx-standard argument, the latter will take precedence and a warning
711    #    will be emitted in the configure output if there were conflicting
712    #    standards between the two.
713    #    Example: CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14" ./waf configure --cxx-standard=-std=c++17
714    #    (in the above scenario, Waf will use c++17 but warn about it)
715    # Note: If the C++ standard is not recognized, configuration will error exit
716    cxx_standard = ""
717    cxx_standard_env = ""
718    for flag in env['CXXFLAGS']:
719        if flag[:5] == "-std=":
720            cxx_standard_env = flag
722    if not cxx_standard_env and Options.options.cxx_standard:
723        cxx_standard = Options.options.cxx_standard
724        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', cxx_standard)
725    elif cxx_standard_env and not Options.options.cxx_standard:
726        cxx_standard = cxx_standard_env
727        # No need to change CXXFLAGS
728    elif cxx_standard_env and Options.options.cxx_standard and cxx_standard_env != Options.options.cxx_standard:
729        Logs.warn("user-specified --cxx-standard (" +
730            Options.options.cxx_standard + ") does not match the value in CXXFLAGS (" + cxx_standard_env + "); Waf will use the --cxx-standard value")
731        cxx_standard = Options.options.cxx_standard
732        env['CXXFLAGS'].remove(cxx_standard_env)
733        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', cxx_standard)
734    elif cxx_standard_env and Options.options.cxx_standard and cxx_standard_env == Options.options.cxx_standard:
735        cxx_standard = Options.options.cxx_standard
736        # No need to change CXXFLAGS
737    elif not cxx_standard and not Options.options.cxx_standard:
738        cxx_standard = "-std=c++17"
739        env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', cxx_standard)
741    if not conf.check_compilation_flag(cxx_standard):
742        raise Errors.ConfigurationError("Exiting because C++ standard value " + cxx_standard + " is not recognized")
744    # Handle boost
745    configure_boost(conf)
747    # Set this so that the lists won't be printed at the end of this
748    # configure command.
749    conf.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = False
751    conf.env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT'] = []
753    conf.recurse('bindings/python')
755    conf.recurse('src')
756    conf.recurse('contrib')
758    # Set the list of enabled modules.
759    if Options.options.enable_modules:
760        # Use the modules explicitly enabled.
761        _enabled_mods = []
762        _enabled_contrib_mods = []
763        for mod in Options.options.enable_modules.split(','):
764            if mod in conf.env['NS3_MODULES'] and mod.startswith('ns3-'):
765                _enabled_mods.append(mod)
766            elif 'ns3-' + mod in conf.env['NS3_MODULES']:
767                _enabled_mods.append('ns3-' + mod)
768            elif mod in conf.env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] and mod.startswith('ns3-'):
769                _enabled_contrib_mods.append(mod)
770            elif 'ns3-' + mod in conf.env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
771                _enabled_contrib_mods.append('ns3-' + mod)
772        conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] = _enabled_mods
773        conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] = _enabled_contrib_mods
775    else:
776        # Use the enabled modules list from the ns3 configuration file.
777        if modules_enabled[0] == 'all_modules':
778            # Enable all modules if requested.
779            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] = conf.env['NS3_MODULES']
780            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] = conf.env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']
781        else:
782            # Enable the modules from the list.
783            _enabled_mods = []
784            _enabled_contrib_mods = []
785            for mod in modules_enabled:
786                if mod in conf.env['NS3_MODULES'] and mod.startswith('ns3-'):
787                    _enabled_mods.append(mod)
788                elif 'ns3-' + mod in conf.env['NS3_MODULES']:
789                    _enabled_mods.append('ns3-' + mod)
790                elif mod in conf.env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] and mod.startswith('ns3-'):
791                    _enabled_contrib_mods.append(mod)
792                elif 'ns3-' + mod in conf.env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
793                    _enabled_contrib_mods.append('ns3-' + mod)
794            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] = _enabled_mods
795            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] = _enabled_contrib_mods
797    # Add the template module to the list of enabled modules that
798    # should not be built if this is a static build on Darwin.  They
799    # don't work there for the template module, and this is probably
800    # because the template module has no source files.
801    if conf.env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3'] and sys.platform == 'darwin':
802        conf.env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT'].append('template')
804    # Remove these modules from the list of enabled modules.
805    for not_built in conf.env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT']:
806        not_built_name = 'ns3-' + not_built
807        if not_built_name in conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES']:
808            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'].remove(not_built_name)
809            if not conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES']:
810                raise WafError('Exiting because the ' + not_built + ' module can not be built and it was the only one enabled.')
811        elif not_built_name in conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
812            conf.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'].remove(not_built_name)
814    # for suid bits
815    try:
816        conf.find_program('sudo', var='SUDO')
817    except WafError:
818        pass
820    why_not_sudo = "because we like it"
821    if Options.options.enable_sudo and conf.env['SUDO']:
822        env['ENABLE_SUDO'] = True
823    else:
824        env['ENABLE_SUDO'] = False
825        if Options.options.enable_sudo:
826            why_not_sudo = "program sudo not found"
827        else:
828            why_not_sudo = "option --enable-sudo not selected"
830    conf.report_optional_feature("ENABLE_SUDO", "Use sudo to set suid bit", env['ENABLE_SUDO'], why_not_sudo)
832    # Decide if tests will be built or not.
833    if Options.options.enable_tests:
834        # Tests were explicitly enabled.
835        env['ENABLE_TESTS'] = True
836        why_not_tests = "option --enable-tests selected"
837    elif Options.options.disable_tests:
838        # Tests were explicitly disabled.
839        env['ENABLE_TESTS'] = False
840        why_not_tests = "option --disable-tests selected"
841    else:
842        # Enable tests based on the ns3 configuration file.
843        env['ENABLE_TESTS'] = tests_enabled
844        if config_file_exists:
845            why_not_tests = "based on configuration file"
846        elif tests_enabled:
847            why_not_tests = "defaults to enabled"
848        else:
849            why_not_tests = "defaults to disabled"
851    conf.report_optional_feature("ENABLE_TESTS", "Tests", env['ENABLE_TESTS'], why_not_tests)
853    # Decide if examples will be built or not.
854    if Options.options.enable_examples:
855        # Examples were explicitly enabled.
856        env['ENABLE_EXAMPLES'] = True
857        why_not_examples = "option --enable-examples selected"
858    elif Options.options.disable_examples:
859        # Examples were explicitly disabled.
860        env['ENABLE_EXAMPLES'] = False
861        why_not_examples = "option --disable-examples selected"
862    else:
863        # Enable examples based on the ns3 configuration file.
864        env['ENABLE_EXAMPLES'] = examples_enabled
865        if config_file_exists:
866            why_not_examples = "based on configuration file"
867        elif examples_enabled:
868            why_not_examples = "defaults to enabled"
869        else:
870            why_not_examples = "defaults to disabled"
872    conf.report_optional_feature("ENABLE_EXAMPLES", "Examples", env['ENABLE_EXAMPLES'],
873                                 why_not_examples)
874    try:
875        for dir in os.listdir('examples'):
876            if dir.startswith('.') or dir == 'CVS':
877                continue
878            conf.env.append_value('EXAMPLE_DIRECTORIES', dir)
879    except OSError:
880        return
882    env['VALGRIND_FOUND'] = False
883    try:
884        conf.find_program('valgrind', var='VALGRIND')
885        env['VALGRIND_FOUND'] = True
886    except WafError:
887        pass
889    # These flags are used for the implicitly dependent modules.
890    if env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3']:
891        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
892            env.STLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,-all_load'
893        else:
894            env.STLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,--whole-archive,-Bstatic'
895            env.SHLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive'
898    have_gsl = conf.check_cfg(package='gsl', args=['--cflags', '--libs'],
899                              uselib_store='GSL', mandatory=False)
900    conf.env['ENABLE_GSL'] = have_gsl
901    conf.report_optional_feature("GSL", "GNU Scientific Library (GSL)",
902                                 conf.env['ENABLE_GSL'],
903                                 "GSL not found")
905    conf.find_program('libgcrypt-config', var='LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG', msg="libgcrypt-config", mandatory=False)
906    if env.LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG:
907        conf.check_cfg(path=env.LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG, msg="Checking for libgcrypt", args='--cflags --libs', package='',
908                                     define_name="HAVE_GCRYPT", global_define=True, uselib_store='GCRYPT', mandatory=False)
909    conf.report_optional_feature("libgcrypt", "Gcrypt library",
910                                 conf.env.HAVE_GCRYPT, "libgcrypt not found: you can use libgcrypt-config to find its location.")
912    why_not_desmetrics = "defaults to disabled"
913    if Options.options.enable_desmetrics:
914        conf.env['ENABLE_DES_METRICS'] = True
915        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'ENABLE_DES_METRICS')
916        why_not_desmetrics = "option --enable-des-metrics selected"
917    conf.report_optional_feature("DES Metrics", "DES Metrics event collection", conf.env['ENABLE_DES_METRICS'], why_not_desmetrics)
920    # for compiling C code, copy over the CXX* flags
921    conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', conf.env['CXXFLAGS'])
923    def add_gcc_flag(flag):
924        if env['COMPILER_CXX'] == 'g++' and 'CXXFLAGS' not in os.environ:
925            if conf.check_compilation_flag(flag, mode='cxx'):
926                env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flag)
927        if env['COMPILER_CC'] == 'gcc' and 'CCFLAGS' not in os.environ:
928            if conf.check_compilation_flag(flag, mode='cc'):
929                env.append_value('CCFLAGS', flag)
931    add_gcc_flag('-fstrict-aliasing')
932    add_gcc_flag('-Wstrict-aliasing')
934    try:
935        conf.find_program('doxygen', var='DOXYGEN')
936    except WafError:
937        pass
939    # append user defined flags after all our ones
940    for (confvar, envvar) in [['CCFLAGS', 'CCFLAGS_EXTRA'],
941                              ['CXXFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS_EXTRA'],
942                              ['LINKFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS_EXTRA'],
943                              ['LINKFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS_EXTRA']]:
944        if envvar in os.environ:
945            value = shlex.split(os.environ[envvar])
946            conf.env.append_value(confvar, value)
948    print_config(env)
951class SuidBuild_task(Task.Task):
952    """task that makes a binary Suid
953    """
954    after = ['cxxprogram', 'cxxshlib', 'cxxstlib']
955    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
956        super(SuidBuild_task, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
957        self.m_display = 'build-suid'
958        try:
959            program_obj = wutils.find_program(self.generator.name, self.generator.env)
960        except ValueError as ex:
961            raise WafError(str(ex))
962        program_node = program_obj.path.find_or_declare(program_obj.target)
963        self.filename = program_node.get_bld().abspath()
966    def run(self):
967        print('setting suid bit on executable ' + self.filename, file=sys.stderr)
968        if subprocess.Popen(['sudo', 'chown', 'root', self.filename]).wait():
969            return 1
970        if subprocess.Popen(['sudo', 'chmod', 'u+s', self.filename]).wait():
971            return 1
972        return 0
974    def runnable_status(self):
975        "RUN_ME SKIP_ME or ASK_LATER"
976        try:
977            st = os.stat(self.filename)
978        except OSError:
979            return Task.ASK_LATER
980        if st.st_uid == 0:
981            return Task.SKIP_ME
982        else:
983            return Task.RUN_ME
985def create_suid_program(bld, name):
986    grp = bld.current_group
987    bld.add_group() # this to make sure no two sudo tasks run at the same time
988    program = bld(features='cxx cxxprogram')
989    program.is_ns3_program = True
990    program.module_deps = list()
991    program.name = name
992    program.target = "%s%s-%s%s" % (wutils.APPNAME, wutils.VERSION, name, bld.env.BUILD_SUFFIX)
994    if bld.env['ENABLE_SUDO']:
995        program.create_task("SuidBuild_task")
997    bld.set_group(grp)
999    return program
1001def create_ns3_program(bld, name, dependencies=('core',)):
1002    program = bld(features='cxx cxxprogram')
1004    program.is_ns3_program = True
1005    program.name = name
1006    program.target = "%s%s-%s%s" % (wutils.APPNAME, wutils.VERSION, name, bld.env.BUILD_SUFFIX)
1007    # Each of the modules this program depends on has its own library.
1008    program.ns3_module_dependencies = ['ns3-'+dep for dep in dependencies]
1009    program.includes = Context.out_dir
1010    #make a copy here to prevent additions to program.use from polluting program.ns3_module_dependencies
1011    program.use = program.ns3_module_dependencies.copy()
1012    if program.env['ENABLE_STATIC_NS3']:
1013        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
1014            program.env.STLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,-all_load'
1015        else:
1016            program.env.STLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive'
1017            program.env.SHLIB_MARKER = '-Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive'
1018    else:
1019        if program.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'elf':
1020            # All ELF platforms are impacted but only the gcc compiler has a flag to fix it.
1021            if 'gcc' in (program.env.CXX_NAME, program.env.CC_NAME):
1022                program.env.append_value ('SHLIB_MARKER', '-Wl,--no-as-needed')
1024    return program
1026def register_ns3_script(bld, name, dependencies=('core',)):
1027    ns3_module_dependencies = ['ns3-'+dep for dep in dependencies]
1028    bld.env.append_value('NS3_SCRIPT_DEPENDENCIES', [(name, ns3_module_dependencies)])
1030def add_examples_programs(bld):
1031    env = bld.env
1032    if env['ENABLE_EXAMPLES']:
1033        # Add a define, so this is testable from code
1034        env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NS3_ENABLE_EXAMPLES')
1036        try:
1037            for dir in os.listdir('examples'):
1038                if dir.startswith('.') or dir == 'CVS':
1039                    continue
1040                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('examples', dir)):
1041                    bld.recurse(os.path.join('examples', dir))
1042        except OSError:
1043            return
1045def add_scratch_programs(bld):
1046    all_modules = [mod[len("ns3-"):] for mod in bld.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] + bld.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']]
1048    try:
1049        for filename in os.listdir("scratch"):
1050            if filename.startswith('.') or filename == 'CVS':
1051                continue
1052            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("scratch", filename)):
1053                obj = bld.create_ns3_program(filename, all_modules)
1054                obj.path = obj.path.find_dir('scratch').find_dir(filename)
1055                obj.source = obj.path.ant_glob('*.cc')
1056                obj.target = filename
1057                obj.name = obj.target
1058                obj.install_path = None
1059            elif filename.endswith(".cc"):
1060                name = filename[:-len(".cc")]
1061                obj = bld.create_ns3_program(name, all_modules)
1062                obj.path = obj.path.find_dir('scratch')
1063                obj.source = filename
1064                obj.target = name
1065                obj.name = obj.target
1066                obj.install_path = None
1067    except OSError:
1068        return
1070def _get_all_task_gen(self):
1071    for group in self.groups:
1072        for taskgen in group:
1073            yield taskgen
1076# ok, so WAF does not provide an API to prevent an
1077# arbitrary taskgen from running; we have to muck around with
1078# WAF internal state, something that might stop working if
1079# WAF is upgraded...
1080def _exclude_taskgen(self, taskgen):
1081    for group in self.groups:
1082        for tg1 in group:
1083            if tg1 is taskgen:
1084                group.remove(tg1)
1085                break
1086        else:
1087            continue
1088        break
1091def _find_ns3_module(self, name):
1092    for obj in _get_all_task_gen(self):
1093        # disable the modules themselves
1094        if hasattr(obj, "is_ns3_module") and obj.name == name:
1095            return obj
1096    raise KeyError(name)
1098# Parse the waf lockfile generated by latest 'configure' operation
1099def get_build_profile(env=None):
1100    if env:
1101        return Options.options.build_profile
1103    lockfile = os.environ.get('WAFLOCK', '.lock-waf_%s_build' % sys.platform)
1104    with open(lockfile, "r") as f:
1105        for line in f:
1106            if line.startswith("options ="):
1107                _, val = line.split('=', 1)
1108                for x in val.split(','):
1109                    optkey, optval = x.split(':')
1110                    if (optkey.lstrip() == '\'build_profile\''):
1111                        return str(optval.lstrip()).replace("'","")
1113    return "not found"
1115def build(bld):
1116    env = bld.env
1118    if Options.options.check_config:
1119        print_config(env, 'build')
1120    else:
1121        if Options.options.check_profile:
1122            profile = get_build_profile()
1123            print("Build profile: %s" % profile)
1125    if Options.options.check_profile or Options.options.check_config:
1126        raise SystemExit(0)
1127        return
1129    # If --enabled-modules option was given, then print a warning
1130    # message and exit this function.
1131    if Options.options.enable_modules:
1132        Logs.warn("No modules were built.  Use waf configure --enable-modules to enable modules.")
1133        return
1135    bld.env['NS3_MODULES_WITH_TEST_LIBRARIES'] = []
1136    bld.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULE_TEST_LIBRARIES'] = []
1137    bld.env['NS3_SCRIPT_DEPENDENCIES'] = []
1138    bld.env['NS3_RUNNABLE_PROGRAMS'] = []
1139    bld.env['NS3_RUNNABLE_SCRIPTS'] = []
1141    wutils.bld = bld
1142    if Options.options.no_task_lines:
1143        from waflib import Runner
1144        def null_printout(s):
1145            pass
1146        Runner.printout = null_printout
1148    Options.cwd_launch = bld.path.abspath()
1149    bld.create_ns3_program = types.MethodType(create_ns3_program, bld)
1150    bld.register_ns3_script = types.MethodType(register_ns3_script, bld)
1151    bld.create_suid_program = types.MethodType(create_suid_program, bld)
1152    bld.__class__.all_task_gen = property(_get_all_task_gen)
1153    bld.exclude_taskgen = types.MethodType(_exclude_taskgen, bld)
1154    bld.find_ns3_module = types.MethodType(_find_ns3_module, bld)
1155    bld.missing_boost_libs = types.MethodType(bld_missing_boost_libs, bld)
1157    # Clean documentation build directories; other cleaning happens later
1158    if bld.cmd == 'clean':
1159        _cleandocs()
1161    # Cache available boost lib names
1162    bld.boost_libs = set()
1163    if bld.env['LIB_BOOST']:
1164        bld.boost_libs = get_boost_libs(bld.env['LIB_BOOST'])
1167    # process subfolders from here
1168    bld.recurse('src')
1169    bld.recurse('contrib')
1171    # If modules have been enabled, then set lists of enabled modules
1172    # and enabled module test libraries.
1175        modules = env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES']
1176        contribModules = env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']
1178        # Find out about additional modules that need to be enabled
1179        # due to dependency constraints.
1180        changed = True
1181        while changed:
1182            changed = False
1183            for module in modules + contribModules:
1184                module_obj = bld.get_tgen_by_name(module)
1185                if module_obj is None:
1186                    raise ValueError("module %s not found" % module)
1187                # Each enabled module has its own library.
1188                for dep in module_obj.use:
1189                    if not dep.startswith('ns3-'):
1190                        continue
1191                    if dep not in modules and dep not in contribModules:
1192                        if dep in env['NS3_MODULES']:
1193                            modules.append(dep)
1194                            changed = True
1195                        elif dep in env['NS3_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
1196                            contribModules.append(dep)
1197                            changed = True
1198                        else:
1199                            Logs.error("Error:  Cannot find dependency \'" + dep[4:] + "\' of module \'"
1200                                       + module[4:] + "\'; check the module wscript for errors.")
1201                            raise SystemExit(1)
1203        env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] = modules
1205        env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] = contribModules
1207        # If tests are being built, then set the list of the enabled
1208        # module test libraries.
1209        if env['ENABLE_TESTS']:
1210            for (mod, testlib) in bld.env['NS3_MODULES_WITH_TEST_LIBRARIES']:
1211                if mod in bld.env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] or mod in bld.env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
1212                    bld.env.append_value('NS3_ENABLED_MODULE_TEST_LIBRARIES', testlib)
1214    add_examples_programs(bld)
1215    add_scratch_programs(bld)
1218        modules = env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES']
1219        contribModules = env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']
1221        # Exclude the programs other misc task gens that depend on disabled modules
1222        for obj in list(bld.all_task_gen):
1224            # check for ns3moduleheader_taskgen
1225            if 'ns3moduleheader' in getattr(obj, "features", []):
1226                if ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in modules and ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in contribModules:
1227                    obj.mode = 'remove' # tell it to remove headers instead of installing
1229            # check for programs
1230            if hasattr(obj, 'ns3_module_dependencies'):
1231                # this is an NS-3 program (bld.create_ns3_program)
1232                program_built = True
1233                for dep in obj.ns3_module_dependencies:
1234                    if dep not in modules and dep not in contribModules: # prog. depends on a module that isn't enabled?
1235                        bld.exclude_taskgen(obj)
1236                        program_built = False
1237                        break
1239                # Add this program to the list if all of its
1240                # dependencies will be built.
1241                if program_built:
1242                    object_name = "%s%s-%s%s" % (wutils.APPNAME, wutils.VERSION,
1243                                                  obj.name, bld.env.BUILD_SUFFIX)
1245                    # Get the relative path to the program from the
1246                    # launch directory.
1247                    launch_dir = os.path.abspath(Context.launch_dir)
1248                    object_relative_path = os.path.join(
1249                        wutils.relpath(obj.path.get_bld().abspath(), launch_dir),
1250                        object_name)
1252                    bld.env.append_value('NS3_RUNNABLE_PROGRAMS', object_relative_path)
1254            # disable the modules themselves
1255            if hasattr(obj, "is_ns3_module") and obj.name not in modules and obj.name not in contribModules:
1256                bld.exclude_taskgen(obj) # kill the module
1258            # disable the module test libraries
1259            if hasattr(obj, "is_ns3_module_test_library"):
1260                if not env['ENABLE_TESTS'] or ((obj.module_name not in modules) and (obj.module_name not in contribModules)) :
1261                    bld.exclude_taskgen(obj) # kill the module test library
1263            # disable the ns3header_taskgen
1264            if 'ns3header' in getattr(obj, "features", []):
1265                if ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in modules and ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in contribModules:
1266                    obj.mode = 'remove' # tell it to remove headers instead of installing
1268            # disable the ns3privateheader_taskgen
1269            if 'ns3privateheader' in getattr(obj, "features", []):
1270                if ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in modules and ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in contribModules:
1272                    obj.mode = 'remove' # tell it to remove headers instead of installing
1274            # disable pcfile taskgens for disabled modules
1275            if 'ns3pcfile' in getattr(obj, "features", []):
1276                if obj.module not in bld.env.NS3_ENABLED_MODULES and obj.module not in bld.env.NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES:
1277                    bld.exclude_taskgen(obj)
1279            # disable python bindings for disabled modules
1280            if 'pybindgen' in obj.name:
1281                if ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in modules and ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in contribModules:
1282                    bld.exclude_taskgen(obj)
1283            if 'pyext' in getattr(obj, "features", []):
1284                if ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in modules and ("ns3-%s" % obj.module) not in contribModules:
1285                    bld.exclude_taskgen(obj)
1288    if env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES']:
1289        env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] = list(modules)
1292        env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES'] = list(contribModules)
1294    # Determine which scripts will be runnable.
1295    for (script, dependencies) in bld.env['NS3_SCRIPT_DEPENDENCIES']:
1296        script_runnable = True
1297        for dep in dependencies:
1298            if dep not in modules and dep not in contribModules:
1299                script_runnable = False
1300                break
1302        # Add this script to the list if all of its dependencies will
1303        # be built.
1304        if script_runnable:
1305            bld.env.append_value('NS3_RUNNABLE_SCRIPTS', script)
1307    bld.recurse('bindings/python')
1309    # Process this subfolder here after the lists of enabled modules
1310    # and module test libraries have been set.
1311    bld.recurse('utils')
1313    # Set this so that the lists will be printed at the end of this
1314    # build command.
1315    bld.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = True
1317    # Do not print the modules built if build command was "clean"
1318    if bld.cmd == 'clean':
1319        bld.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = False
1321    if Options.options.run:
1322        # Check that the requested program name is valid
1323        program_name, dummy_program_argv = wutils.get_run_program(Options.options.run, wutils.get_command_template(env))
1325        # When --run'ing a program, tell WAF to only build that program,
1326        # nothing more; this greatly speeds up compilation when all you
1327        # want to do is run a test program.
1328        Options.options.targets += ',' + os.path.basename(program_name)
1329        if getattr(Options.options, "visualize", False):
1330            program_obj = wutils.find_program(program_name, bld.env)
1331            program_obj.use.append('ns3-visualizer')
1332        for gen in bld.all_task_gen:
1333            if type(gen).__name__ in ['ns3header_taskgen', 'ns3privateheader_taskgen', 'ns3moduleheader_taskgen']:
1334                gen.post()
1336    if Options.options.run or Options.options.pyrun:
1337        bld.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = False
1339    if Options.options.doxygen_no_build:
1340        _doxygen(bld, skip_pid=True)
1341        raise SystemExit(0)
1343    if Options.options.run_no_build:
1344        # Check that the requested program name is valid
1345        program_name, dummy_program_argv = wutils.get_run_program(Options.options.run_no_build, wutils.get_command_template(bld.env))
1346        # Run the program
1347        wutils.run_program(Options.options.run_no_build, bld.env, wutils.get_command_template(bld.env), visualize=Options.options.visualize)
1348        raise SystemExit(0)
1350    if Options.options.pyrun_no_build:
1351        wutils.run_python_program(Options.options.pyrun_no_build, bld.env,
1352                                  visualize=Options.options.visualize)
1353        raise SystemExit(0)
1355def _cleandir(name):
1356    try:
1357        shutil.rmtree(name)
1358    except:
1359        pass
1361def _cleandocs():
1362    _cleandir('doc/html')
1363    _cleandir('doc/html-warn')
1364    _cleandir('doc/manual/build')
1365    _cleandir('doc/manual/source-temp')
1366    _cleandir('doc/tutorial/build')
1367    _cleandir('doc/models/build')
1368    _cleandir('doc/models/source-temp')
1370# 'distclean' typically only cleans out build/ directory
1371# Here we clean out any build or documentation artifacts not in build/
1372def distclean(ctx):
1373    _cleandocs()
1374    # Now call waf's normal distclean
1375    Scripting.distclean(ctx)
1377def shutdown(ctx):
1378    bld = wutils.bld
1379    if wutils.bld is None:
1380        return
1381    env = bld.env
1383    # Only print the lists if a build was done.
1384    if (env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END']):
1386        # Print the list of built modules.
1387        print()
1388        print('Modules built:')
1389        names_without_prefix = []
1390        for name in env['NS3_ENABLED_MODULES'] + env['NS3_ENABLED_CONTRIBUTED_MODULES']:
1391            name1 = name[len('ns3-'):]
1392            if name not in env.MODULAR_BINDINGS_MODULES:
1393                name1 += " (no Python)"
1394            names_without_prefix.append(name1)
1395        print_module_names(names_without_prefix)
1396        print()
1398        # Print the list of enabled modules that were not built.
1399        if env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT']:
1400            print('Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):')
1401            print_module_names(env['MODULES_NOT_BUILT'])
1402            print()
1404        # Set this so that the lists won't be printed until the next
1405        # build is done.
1406        bld.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = False
1408    # Write the build status file.
1409    build_status_file = os.path.join(bld.out_dir, 'build-status.py')
1410    with open(build_status_file, 'w') as out:
1411        out.write('#! /usr/bin/env python3\n')
1412        out.write('\n')
1413        out.write('# Programs that are runnable.\n')
1414        out.write('ns3_runnable_programs = ' + str(env['NS3_RUNNABLE_PROGRAMS']) + '\n')
1415        out.write('\n')
1416        out.write('# Scripts that are runnable.\n')
1417        out.write('ns3_runnable_scripts = ' + str(env['NS3_RUNNABLE_SCRIPTS']) + '\n')
1418        out.write('\n')
1420    if Options.options.lcov_report:
1421        lcov_report(bld)
1423    if Options.options.lcov_zerocounters:
1424        lcov_zerocounters(bld)
1426    if Options.options.run:
1427        wutils.run_program(Options.options.run, env, wutils.get_command_template(env),
1428                           visualize=Options.options.visualize)
1429        raise SystemExit(0)
1431    if Options.options.pyrun:
1432        wutils.run_python_program(Options.options.pyrun, env,
1433                                  visualize=Options.options.visualize)
1434        raise SystemExit(0)
1436    if Options.options.shell:
1437        raise WafError("Please run `./waf shell' now, instead of `./waf --shell'")
1439    if Options.options.check:
1440        raise WafError("Please run `./test.py' now, instead of `./waf --check'")
1442    check_shell(bld)
1446class CheckContext(Context.Context):
1447    """run the equivalent of the old ns-3 unit tests using test.py"""
1448    cmd = 'check'
1449    def execute(self):
1450        # first we execute the build
1451        bld = Context.create_context("build")
1452        bld.options = Options.options # provided for convenience
1453        bld.cmd = "build"
1454        bld.execute()
1456        wutils.bld = bld
1457        wutils.run_python_program("test.py -n -c core", bld.env)
1459def check_shell(bld):
1460    if ('NS3_MODULE_PATH' not in os.environ) or ('NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH' not in os.environ):
1461        return
1462    env = bld.env
1463    correct_modpath = os.pathsep.join(env['NS3_MODULE_PATH'])
1464    found_modpath = os.environ['NS3_MODULE_PATH']
1465    correct_execpath = os.pathsep.join(env['NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH'])
1466    found_execpath = os.environ['NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH']
1467    if (found_modpath != correct_modpath) or (correct_execpath != found_execpath):
1468        msg = ("Detected shell (./waf shell) with incorrect configuration\n"
1469               "=========================================================\n"
1470               "Possible reasons for this problem:\n"
1471               "  1. You switched to another ns-3 tree from inside this shell\n"
1472               "  2. You switched ns-3 debug level (waf configure --debug)\n"
1473               "  3. You modified the list of built ns-3 modules\n"
1474               "You should correct this situation before running any program.  Possible solutions:\n"
1475               "  1. Exit this shell, and start a new one\n"
1476               "  2. Run a new nested shell")
1477        raise WafError(msg)
1480class Ns3ShellContext(Context.Context):
1481    """run a shell with an environment suitably modified to run locally built programs"""
1482    cmd = 'shell'
1484    def execute(self):
1485        # first we execute the build
1486        bld = Context.create_context("build")
1487        bld.options = Options.options # provided for convenience
1488        bld.cmd = "build"
1489        bld.execute()
1491        # Set this so that the lists won't be printed when the user
1492        # exits the shell.
1493        bld.env['PRINT_BUILT_MODULES_AT_END'] = False
1495        if sys.platform == 'win32':
1496            shell = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe")
1497        else:
1498            shell = os.environ.get("SHELL", "/bin/sh")
1500        env = bld.env
1501        os_env = {
1502            'NS3_MODULE_PATH': os.pathsep.join(env['NS3_MODULE_PATH']),
1503            'NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH': os.pathsep.join(env['NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH']),
1504            }
1505        wutils.run_argv([shell], env, os_env)
1508def _print_introspected_doxygen(bld):
1509    env = wutils.bld.env
1510    proc_env = wutils.get_proc_env()
1511    try:
1512        program_obj = wutils.find_program('print-introspected-doxygen', env)
1513    except ValueError:
1514        Logs.warn("print-introspected-doxygen does not exist")
1515        raise SystemExit(1)
1516        return
1518    prog = program_obj.path.find_or_declare(program_obj.target).get_bld().abspath()
1520    if not os.path.exists(prog):
1521        Logs.error("print-introspected-doxygen has not been built yet."
1522                   " You need to build ns-3 at least once before "
1523                   "generating doxygen docs...")
1524        raise SystemExit(1)
1526    Logs.info("Running print-introspected-doxygen")
1528    # Create a header file with the introspected information.
1529    with open(os.path.join('doc', 'introspected-doxygen.h'), 'w') as doxygen_out:
1530        if subprocess.Popen([prog], stdout=doxygen_out, env=proc_env).wait():
1531            raise SystemExit(1)
1533    # Create a text file with the introspected information.
1534    with open(os.path.join('doc', 'ns3-object.txt'), 'w') as text_out:
1535        if subprocess.Popen([prog, '--output-text'], stdout=text_out, env=proc_env).wait():
1536            raise SystemExit(1)
1538    # Gather the CommandLine doxy
1539    # test.py appears not to create or keep the output directory
1540    # if no real tests are run, so we just stuff all the
1541    # .command-line output files into testpy-output/
1542    # NS_COMMANDLINE_INTROSPECTION=".." test.py --nowaf --constrain=example
1543    Logs.info("Running CommandLine introspection")
1544    proc_env['NS_COMMANDLINE_INTROSPECTION'] = '..'
1545    subprocess.run(["./test.py", "--nowaf", "--constrain=example"],
1546                   env=proc_env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
1548    doxygen_out = os.path.join('doc', 'introspected-command-line.h')
1549    try:
1550        os.remove(doxygen_out)
1551    except OSError as e:
1552        pass
1554    with open(doxygen_out, 'w') as out_file:
1555        lines="""
1556/* This file is automatically generated by
1557CommandLine::PrintDoxygenUsage() from the CommandLine configuration
1558in various example programs.  Do not edit this file!  Edit the
1559CommandLine configuration in those files instead.
1562        out_file.write(lines)
1564    with open(doxygen_out,'a') as outfile:
1565        for in_file in glob.glob('testpy-output/*.command-line'):
1566            with open(in_file,'r') as infile:
1567                outfile.write(infile.read())
1569def _doxygen(bld, skip_pid=False):
1570    env = wutils.bld.env
1571    proc_env = wutils.get_proc_env()
1573    if not env['DOXYGEN']:
1574        Logs.error("waf configure did not detect doxygen in the system -> cannot build api docs.")
1575        raise SystemExit(1)
1576        return
1578    if not skip_pid:
1579        _print_introspected_doxygen(bld)
1581    _getVersion()
1582    doxygen_config = os.path.join('doc', 'doxygen.conf')
1583    if subprocess.Popen(env['DOXYGEN'] + [doxygen_config]).wait():
1584        Logs.error("Doxygen build returned an error.")
1585        raise SystemExit(1)
1587def _docset(bld):
1588    # Get the doxygen config
1589    doxyfile = os.path.join('doc', 'doxygen.conf')
1590    Logs.info("docset: reading " + doxyfile)
1591    with open(doxyfile, 'r') as doxygen_config:
1592        doxygen_config_contents = doxygen_config.read()
1594    # Create the output directory
1595    docset_path = os.path.join('doc', 'docset')
1596    Logs.info("docset: checking for output directory " + docset_path)
1597    if not os.path.exists(docset_path):
1598        Logs.info("docset: creating output directory " + docset_path)
1599        os.mkdir(docset_path)
1601    doxyfile = os.path.join('doc', 'doxygen.docset.conf')
1602    with open(doxyfile, 'w') as doxygen_config:
1603        Logs.info("docset: writing doxygen conf " + doxyfile)
1604        doxygen_config.write(doxygen_config_contents)
1605        doxygen_config.write(
1606            """
1607            HAVE_DOT = NO
1608            GENERATE_DOCSET = YES
1609            DISABLE_INDEX = YES
1610            SEARCHENGINE = NO
1611            GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO
1612            OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=""" + docset_path + "\n"
1613            )
1615    # Run Doxygen manually, so as to avoid build
1616    Logs.info("docset: running doxygen")
1617    env = wutils.bld.env
1618    _getVersion()
1619    if subprocess.Popen(env['DOXYGEN'] + [doxyfile]).wait():
1620        Logs.error("Doxygen docset build returned an error.")
1621        raise SystemExit(1)
1623    # Build docset
1624    docset_path = os.path.join(docset_path, 'html')
1625    Logs.info("docset: Running docset Make")
1626    if subprocess.Popen(["make"], cwd=docset_path).wait():
1627        Logs.error("Docset make returned and error.")
1628        raise SystemExit(1)
1630    # Additional steps from
1631    #   https://github.com/Kapeli/Dash-User-Contributions/tree/master/docsets/ns-3
1632    docset_out = os.path.join(docset_path, 'org.nsnam.ns3.docset')
1633    icons = os.path.join('doc', 'ns3_html_theme', 'static')
1634    shutil.copy(os.path.join(icons, 'ns-3-bars-16x16.png'),
1635                os.path.join(docset_out, 'icon.png'))
1636    shutil.copy(os.path.join(icons, 'ns-3-bars-32x32.png'),
1637                os.path.join(docset_out, 'icon@x2.png'))
1638    shutil.copy(os.path.join(docset_path, 'Info.plist'),
1639                os.path.join(docset_out, 'Contents'))
1640    shutil.move(docset_out, os.path.join('doc', 'ns-3.docset'))
1642    print("Docset built successfully.")
1645def _getVersion():
1646    """update the ns3_version.js file, when building documentation"""
1648    prog = "doc/ns3_html_theme/get_version.sh"
1649    if subprocess.Popen([prog]).wait() :
1650        Logs.error(prog + " returned an error")
1651        raise SystemExit(1)
1653class Ns3DoxygenContext(Context.Context):
1654    """do a full build, generate the introspected doxygen and then the doxygen"""
1655    cmd = 'doxygen'
1656    def execute(self):
1657        # first we execute the build
1658        bld = Context.create_context("build")
1659        bld.options = Options.options # provided for convenience
1660        bld.cmd = "build"
1661        bld.execute()
1662        _doxygen(bld)
1664class Ns3SphinxContext(Context.Context):
1665    """build the Sphinx documentation: manual, tutorial, models"""
1667    cmd = 'sphinx'
1669    def sphinx_build(self, path):
1670        print()
1671        print("[waf] Building sphinx docs for " + path)
1672        if subprocess.Popen(["make", "SPHINXOPTS=-N", "-k",
1673                             "html", "singlehtml", "latexpdf" ],
1674                            cwd=path).wait() :
1675            Logs.error("Sphinx build of " + path + " returned an error.")
1676            raise SystemExit(1)
1678    def execute(self):
1679        _getVersion()
1680        for sphinxdir in ["manual", "models", "tutorial"] :
1681            self.sphinx_build(os.path.join("doc", sphinxdir))
1684class Ns3DocContext(Context.Context):
1685    """build all the documentation: doxygen, manual, tutorial, models"""
1687    cmd = 'docs'
1689    def execute(self):
1690        steps = ['doxygen', 'sphinx']
1691        Options.commands = steps + Options.commands
1694def lcov_report(bld):
1695    env = bld.env
1697    if not env['GCOV_ENABLED']:
1698        raise WafError("project not configured for code coverage;"
1699                       " reconfigure with --enable-gcov")
1700    try:
1701        subprocess.call(["lcov", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
1702    except OSError as e:
1703        if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:
1704            raise WafError("Error: lcov program not found")
1705        else:
1706            raise
1707    try:
1708        subprocess.call(["genhtml", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
1709    except OSError as e:
1710        if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:
1711            raise WafError("Error: genhtml program not found")
1712        else:
1713            raise
1714    os.chdir(out)
1715    try:
1716        lcov_report_dir = 'lcov-report'
1717        create_dir_command = "rm -rf " + lcov_report_dir
1718        create_dir_command += " && mkdir " + lcov_report_dir + ";"
1720        if subprocess.Popen(create_dir_command, shell=True).wait():
1721            raise SystemExit(1)
1723        info_file = os.path.join(lcov_report_dir, 'report.info')
1724        lcov_command = "lcov -c -d . -o " + info_file
1725        lcov_command += " -b " + os.getcwd()
1726        if subprocess.Popen(lcov_command, shell=True).wait():
1727            raise SystemExit(1)
1729        genhtml_command = "genhtml -o " + lcov_report_dir
1730        genhtml_command += " " + info_file
1731        if subprocess.Popen(genhtml_command, shell=True).wait():
1732            raise SystemExit(1)
1733    finally:
1734        os.chdir("..")
1736def lcov_zerocounters(bld):
1737    env = bld.env
1739    if not env['GCOV_ENABLED']:
1740        raise WafError("project not configured for code coverage;"
1741                       " reconfigure with --enable-gcov")
1742    try:
1743        subprocess.call(["lcov", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
1744    except OSError as e:
1745        if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:
1746            raise WafError("Error: lcov program not found")
1747        else:
1748            raise
1750    os.chdir(out)
1751    lcov_clear_command = "lcov -d . --zerocounters"
1752    if subprocess.Popen(lcov_clear_command, shell=True).wait():
1753        raise SystemExit(1)
1754    os.chdir("..")