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Makefile.inH A D25-Oct-20211.3 KiB4721

READMEH A D25-Oct-2021763 2516

SampleLDAP.pmH A D25-Oct-20213.3 KiB172100

add.cH A D25-Oct-20211.4 KiB6332

asperl_undefs.hH A D25-Oct-20211.1 KiB3910

bind.cH A D25-Oct-20211.8 KiB8137

close.cH A D25-Oct-20211.3 KiB6030

compare.cH A D25-Oct-20211.8 KiB8139

config.cH A D25-Oct-20216.3 KiB257199

delete.cH A D25-Oct-20211.3 KiB6029

init.cH A D25-Oct-20213.9 KiB177111

modify.cH A D25-Oct-20212.2 KiB9857

modrdn.cH A D25-Oct-20211.6 KiB6434

perl_back.hH A D25-Oct-20212 KiB8343

proto-perl.hH A D25-Oct-20211.2 KiB4419

search.cH A D25-Oct-20212.9 KiB12370


1Differences from 2.0 Perl API:
3- Perl 5.6 is supported
5- backend methods return actual LDAP result codes, not
6  true/false; this gives the Perl module finer control
7  of the error returned to the client
9- a filterSearchResults configuration file directive was
10  added to tell the backend glue that the results returned
11  from the Perl module are candidates only
13- the "init" method is called after the backend has been
14  initialized - this lets you do some initialization after
15  *all* configuration file directives have been read
17- the interface for the search method is improved to
18  pass the scope, dereferencing policy, size limit, etc.
19  See SampleLDAP.pm for details.
21These changes were sponsored by myinternet Limited.
23Luke Howard <lukeh@padl.com>