1 /*
2  *      $Id: policy.h 1038 2009-01-07 17:33:42Z aaron $
3  */
4 /************************************************************************
5  *                                                                      *
6  *                             Copyright (C)  2003                      *
7  *                                Internet2                             *
8  *                             All Rights Reserved                      *
9  *                                                                      *
10  ************************************************************************/
11 /*
12  *        File:         policy.h
13  *
14  *        Author:       Jeff W. Boote
15  *                      Internet2
16  *
17  *        Date:         Sat Jan 11 00:15:45 MST 2003
18  *
19  *        Description:
20  *                      This file declares the types needed by applications
21  *                      to use the "default"
22  *
23  */
24 #ifndef _OWP_DEFAULTS_H
25 #define _OWP_DEFAULTS_H
27 #include <I2util/util.h>
28 #include <owamp/owamp.h>
30 #ifndef OWP_PFS_FILE
31 #define OWP_PFS_FILE    "owampd.pfs"
32 #endif
34 #ifndef OWP_LIMITS_FILE
35 #define OWP_LIMITS_FILE "owampd.limits"
36 #endif
38 /*
39  * Defines for path elements of the server datastore:
40  *         datadir/
41  *                 catalog/
42  *                         (symlinks named by SID pointing to real files
43  *                         in datadir/nodes.)
44  *                 nodes/
45  *                         (dir hier based on user classification hier.)
46  *                         This allows filesystem based limits to be used
47  *                         by mounting a particular filesystem into this
48  *                         hierarchy.
49  */
50 #ifndef OWP_CATALOG_DIR
51 #define OWP_CATALOG_DIR "catalog"
52 #endif
53 #ifndef OWP_HIER_DIR
54 #define OWP_HIER_DIR    "hierarchy"
55 #endif
57 /*
58  * Holds the policy record that was parsed and contains all the "limits"
59  * and identity information.
60  *
61  * type: (owp_policy_data*) - defined in access.h
62  * location: Context Config
63  */
66 /*
67  * Holds the identifying "node" from the policy tree that contains the
68  * class and limits information for the given control connection.
69  *
70  * type: (owp_tree_node_ptr) - defined in access.h
71  * location: Control Config
72  */
75 /*
76  * Types used by policy functions
77  */
78 #define OWPDMAXCLASSLEN (80)
80 typedef struct OWPDPolicyRec OWPDPolicyRec, *OWPDPolicy;
81 typedef struct OWPDPolicyNodeRec OWPDPolicyNodeRec, *OWPDPolicyNode;
82 typedef struct OWPDPolicyKeyRec OWPDPolicyKeyRec, *OWPDPolicyKey;
84 struct OWPDPolicyRec{
85     OWPContext      ctx;
87     double          diskfudge;
89     int             fd;        /* socket to parent. */
90     char            *datadir;
92     OWPDPolicyNode  root;
94     /* limits:
95      *         key = char* (classname from "limit" lines)
96      *         val = OWPDPolicyNode
97      */
98     I2Table         limits;
100     /* idents:
101      *         key = OWPDPid
102      *         val = OWPDPolicyNode
103      */
104     I2Table         idents;
106     /* pfs:
107      *         key = OWPUserID (uint8_t[80])    (username from owamp protocol)
108      *         val = uint8_t *
109      */
110     I2Table         pfs;
112 };
114 typedef I2numT      OWPDLimitT;                /* values */
115 typedef uint32_t    OWPDMesgT;
117 typedef struct OWPDLimRec{
118     OWPDMesgT   limit;
119     OWPDLimitT  value;
120 } OWPDLimRec;
122 /* parent           cname           */
123 /* bandwidth        uint (bits/sec) */
124 /* disk             uint (bytes)    */
125 /* delete_on_fetch  on/(off)        */
126 /* allow_open_mode  (on)/off        */
128 #define OWPDLimParent           0
129 #define OWPDLimBandwidth        1
130 #define OWPDLimDisk             3
131 #define OWPDLimDeleteOnFetch    4
132 #define OWPDLimAllowOpenMode    5
134 struct OWPDPolicyNodeRec{
135     OWPDPolicy      policy;
136     char            *nodename;
137     OWPDPolicyNode  parent;
138     size_t          ilim;
139     OWPDLimRec      *limits;
140     OWPDLimRec      *used;
141     off_t           initdisk;
142 };
144 typedef enum{
145     OWPDPidInvalid=0,
146     OWPDPidDefaultType,
147     OWPDPidNetmaskType,
148     OWPDPidUserType
149 } OWPDPidType;
151 typedef struct{
152     OWPDPidType id_type;
153     uint8_t     mask_len;
154     size_t      addrsize;
155     uint8_t     addrval[16];
156 } OWPDPidNetmask;
158 typedef struct{
159     OWPDPidType id_type;
160     OWPUserID   userid;
161 } OWPDPidUser;
163 typedef union OWPDPidUnion{
164     OWPDPidType     id_type;
165     OWPDPidNetmask  net;
166     OWPDPidUser     user;
167 } OWPDPidRec, *OWPDPid;
169 /*
170  * The following section defines the message tags used to communicate
171  * from the children processes to the parent to request/release
172  * resources on a global basis.
173  *
174  * All message "type" defines will be of type OWPDMesgT.
175  */
176 #define OWPDMESGMARK        0xfefefefe
177 #define OWPDMESGCLASS       0xcdef
178 #define OWPDMESGRESOURCE    0xbeef
179 #define OWPDMESGREQUEST     0xfeed
180 #define OWPDMESGRELEASE     0xdead
181 #define OWPDMESGCLAIM       0x1feed1
183 /*
184  * "parent" response messages will be one of:
185  */
186 #define OWPDMESGINVALID 0x0
187 #define OWPDMESGOK      0x1
188 #define OWPDMESGDENIED  0x2
190 /*
191  * After forking, the new "server" process (called "child" in the following)
192  * should determine the "usage class" the given connection should belong to.
193  * The first message to the "parent" master process should communicate this
194  * information so that all further resource requests/releases are relative
195  * to that "usage class". The format of this message should be as follows:
196  *
197  * (All integers are in host order since this is expected to be ipc
198  * communication on a single host. It could be a future enhancement to
199  * allow a "single" distributed owampd OWAMP-Control server to manage
200  * multiple test  endpoints at which time it might be worth the overhead
201  * to deal with byte ordering issues.)
202  *
203  * Initial child->parent message:
204  *
205  *            0                   1                   2                   3
206  *            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
207  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
208  *        00|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
209  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
210  *        04|                      OWPDMESGCLASS                            |
211  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
212  *                    [nul terminated ascii string of classname]
213  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
214  *        00|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
215  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
216  *
217  * There is one other child message format. This message is used to either
218  * request or release resources. (The parent should release all "temporary"
219  * resources (i.e. bandwidth) on exit of the child if the child does not
220  * explicitly release the resource. More "permenent" resources should only
221  * be released explicitly (i.e. disk-space).
222  *
223  *            0                   1                   2                   3
224  *            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
225  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
226  *        00|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
227  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
228  *        04|                     OWPDMESGRESOURCE                          |
229  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
230  *        08|                OWPDMESGWANT|OWPDMESGRELEASE                   |
231  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
232  *        12|                      OWPDMesgT(limit name)                    |
233  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
234  *        16|                        OWPDLimitT                             |
235  *        20|                                                               |
236  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
237  *        24|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
238  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
239  *
240  * Parent responses are all of the format:
241  *
242  *            0                   1                   2                   3
243  *            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
244  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
245  *        00|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
246  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
247  *        04|                OWPDMESGOK|OWPDMESGDENIED                      |
248  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
249  *        08|                      OWPDMESGMARK                             |
250  *          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
251  *
252  */
254 /*
255  * The following api convienence functions are defined to make the child/parent
256  * communication easier. (These are the functions needed by the parent in
257  * the master owampd "resource broker" process.)
258  */
260 extern OWPDPolicyNode
261 OWPDReadClass(
262         OWPDPolicy  policy,
263         int         fd,
264         int         *err
265         );
267 /*
268  * returns True on success - query/lim_ret will contain request
269  * err will be non-zero on error. 0 on empty read.
270  */
271 extern OWPBoolean
272 OWPDReadQuery(
273         int         fd,
274         OWPDMesgT   *query,
275         OWPDLimRec  *lim_ret,
276         int         *err
277         );
279 extern int
280 OWPDSendResponse(
281         int         fd,
282         OWPDMesgT   mesg
283         );
285 /*
286  * This function is used to add/subtract resource allocations from the
287  * current tree of resource usage. It is only used in the resource
288  * broker process.
289  */
290 extern OWPBoolean
291 OWPDResourceDemand(
292         OWPDPolicyNode  node,
293         OWPDMesgT       query,
294         OWPDLimRec      lim
295         );
296 /*
297  * Functions called directly from owampd regarding "policy" decisions
298  * (If false, check err_ret to determine if it is an "error" condition,
299  * or if open_mode is simply denied.)
300  */
301 extern OWPBoolean
302 OWPDAllowOpenMode(
303         OWPDPolicy      policy,
304         struct sockaddr *peer_addr,
305         OWPErrSeverity  *err_ret
306         );
308 /*
309  * Functions actually used to install policy hooks into libowamp.
310  */
311 extern OWPBoolean
312 OWPDGetPF(
313         OWPContext      ctx,
314         const OWPUserID userid,
315         uint8_t         **pf,
316         size_t          *pf_len,
317         void            **pf_free,
318         OWPErrSeverity  *err_ret
319         );
321 extern OWPBoolean
322 OWPDCheckControlPolicy(
323         OWPControl      cntrl,
324         OWPSessionMode  mode,
325         const OWPUserID userid,
326         struct sockaddr *local_saddr,
327         struct sockaddr *remote_saddr,
328         OWPErrSeverity  *err_ret
329         );
331 extern OWPBoolean
332 OWPDCheckTestPolicy(
333         OWPControl      cntrl,
334         OWPBoolean      local_sender,
335         struct sockaddr *local_saddr,
336         struct sockaddr *remote_saddr,
337         socklen_t       sa_len,
338         OWPTestSpec     *test_spec,
339         void            **closure,
340         OWPErrSeverity  *err_ret
341         );
343 extern OWPBoolean
344 OWPDCheckFetchPolicy(
345         OWPControl      cntrl,
346         struct sockaddr *local_saddr,
347         struct sockaddr *remote_saddr,
348         socklen_t       sa_len,
349         uint32_t        begin,
350         uint32_t        end,
351         OWPSID          sid,
352         void            **closure,
353         OWPErrSeverity  *err_ret
354         );
356 extern void
357 OWPDTestComplete(
358         OWPControl      cntrl,
359         void            *closure,
360         OWPAcceptType   aval
361         );
363 extern FILE*
364 OWPDOpenFile(
365         OWPControl      cntrl,
366         void            *closure,
367         OWPSID          sid,
368         char            fname_ret[PATH_MAX+1]
369         );
371 extern void
372 OWPDCloseFile(
373         OWPControl      cntrl,
374         void            *closure,
375         FILE            *fp,
376         OWPAcceptType   aval
377         );
379 extern OWPDPolicy
380 OWPDPolicyInstall(
381         OWPContext      ctx,
382         char            *datadir,   /* root dir for datafiles   */
383         char            *confdir,   /* conf dir for policy      */
384         double          diskfudge,
385         char            **lbuf,
386         size_t          *lbuf_max
387         );
389 extern OWPBoolean
390 OWPDPolicyPostInstall(
391         OWPDPolicy  policy
392         );
394 #endif        /*        _OWP_DEFAULTS_H        */