2Current cluster status:
3Node c001n02 (e9bdfde9-01b0-421f-acd8-8a65a53e775f): UNCLEAN (offline)
4Online: [ c001n01 c001n03 c001n08 ]
6 DcIPaddr	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n08
7 rsc_c001n08	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n08
8 rsc_c001n02	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n02 (UNCLEAN)
9 rsc_c001n03	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n03
10 rsc_c001n01	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n01
11 Clone Set: DoFencing [child_DoFencing] (unique)
12     child_DoFencing:0	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n02 (UNCLEAN)
13     child_DoFencing:1	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n03
14     child_DoFencing:2	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n01
15     child_DoFencing:3	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n08
17Transition Summary:
18 * Fence (reboot) c001n02 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
19 * Move       rsc_c001n02           ( c001n02 -> c001n01 )
20 * Stop    child_DoFencing:0	(c001n02)  	due to node availability
22Executing cluster transition:
23 * Resource action: DcIPaddr        monitor on c001n03
24 * Resource action: DcIPaddr        monitor on c001n01
25 * Resource action: rsc_c001n08     monitor on c001n03
26 * Resource action: rsc_c001n08     monitor on c001n01
27 * Resource action: rsc_c001n02     monitor on c001n08
28 * Resource action: rsc_c001n02     monitor on c001n03
29 * Resource action: rsc_c001n02     monitor on c001n01
30 * Resource action: rsc_c001n03     monitor on c001n08
31 * Resource action: rsc_c001n03     monitor on c001n01
32 * Resource action: rsc_c001n01     monitor on c001n08
33 * Resource action: rsc_c001n01     monitor on c001n03
34 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:0 monitor on c001n01
35 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:1 monitor on c001n01
36 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:2 monitor on c001n08
37 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:2 monitor on c001n03
38 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:3 monitor on c001n03
39 * Resource action: child_DoFencing:3 monitor on c001n01
40 * Fencing c001n02 (reboot)
41 * Pseudo action:   rsc_c001n02_stop_0
42 * Pseudo action:   DoFencing_stop_0
43 * Resource action: rsc_c001n02     start on c001n01
44 * Pseudo action:   child_DoFencing:0_stop_0
45 * Pseudo action:   DoFencing_stopped_0
46 * Resource action: rsc_c001n02     monitor=5000 on c001n01
48Revised cluster status:
49Online: [ c001n01 c001n03 c001n08 ]
50OFFLINE: [ c001n02 ]
52 DcIPaddr	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n08
53 rsc_c001n08	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n08
54 rsc_c001n02	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n01
55 rsc_c001n03	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n03
56 rsc_c001n01	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):	Started c001n01
57 Clone Set: DoFencing [child_DoFencing] (unique)
58     child_DoFencing:0	(stonith:ssh):	Stopped
59     child_DoFencing:1	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n03
60     child_DoFencing:2	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n01
61     child_DoFencing:3	(stonith:ssh):	Started c001n08