1 /* $Id$ */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
4  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  */
20 #ifndef __PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TLS_H__
21 #define __PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TLS_H__
23 /**
24  * @file sip_transport_tls.h
25  * @brief SIP TLS Transport.
26  */
28 #include <pjsip/sip_transport.h>
29 #include <pj/pool.h>
30 #include <pj/ssl_sock.h>
31 #include <pj/string.h>
32 #include <pj/sock_qos.h>
37 /**
38  * @defgroup PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TLS TLS Transport
39  * @ingroup PJSIP_TRANSPORT
40  * @brief API to create and register TLS transport.
41  * @{
42  * The functions below are used to create TLS transport and register
43  * the transport to the framework.
44  */
46 /**
47  * The default SSL method to be used by PJSIP.
48  * Default is PJSIP_TLSV1_METHOD
49  */
52 #endif
55 /** SSL protocol method constants. */
56 typedef enum pjsip_ssl_method
57 {
58     PJSIP_SSL_UNSPECIFIED_METHOD = 0,	/**< Default protocol method.	*/
59     PJSIP_SSLV2_METHOD		 = 20,	/**< Use SSLv2 method.		*/
60     PJSIP_SSLV3_METHOD		 = 30,	/**< Use SSLv3 method.		*/
61     PJSIP_TLSV1_METHOD		 = 31,	/**< Use TLSv1 method.		*/
62     PJSIP_TLSV1_1_METHOD	 = 32,	/**< Use TLSv1_1 method.	*/
63     PJSIP_TLSV1_2_METHOD	 = 33,	/**< Use TLSv1_2 method.	*/
64     PJSIP_TLSV1_3_METHOD	 = 34,	/**< Use TLSv1_3 method.	*/
65     PJSIP_SSLV23_METHOD		 = 23,	/**< Use SSLv23 method.		*/
66 } pjsip_ssl_method;
68 /**
69  * The default enabled SSL proto to be used.
70  * Default is all protocol above TLSv1 (TLSv1 & TLS v1.1 & TLS v1.2).
71  */
74 				     PJ_SSL_SOCK_PROTO_TLS1_1 | \
75 				     PJ_SSL_SOCK_PROTO_TLS1_2)
76 #endif
79 /**
80  * This structure describe the parameter passed from #on_accept_fail_cb().
81  */
82 typedef struct pjsip_tls_on_accept_fail_param {
83     /**
84      * Local address of the fail accept operation of the TLS listener.
85      */
86     const pj_sockaddr_t *local_addr;
88     /**
89      * Remote address of the fail accept operation of the TLS listener.
90      */
91     const pj_sockaddr_t *remote_addr;
93     /**
94      * Error status of the fail accept operation of the TLS listener.
95      */
96     pj_status_t status;
98     /**
99      * Last error code returned by native SSL backend. Note that this may be
100      * zero, if the failure is not SSL related (e.g: accept rejection).
101      */
102     pj_status_t last_native_err;
104 } pjsip_tls_on_accept_fail_param;
107 /**
108  * TLS transport settings.
109  */
110 typedef struct pjsip_tls_setting
111 {
112     /**
113      * Certificate of Authority (CA) list file.
114      */
115     pj_str_t	ca_list_file;
117     /**
118      * Certificate of Authority (CA) list directory path.
119      */
120     pj_str_t	ca_list_path;
122     /**
123      * Public endpoint certificate file, which will be used as client-
124      * side  certificate for outgoing TLS connection, and server-side
125      * certificate for incoming TLS connection.
126      */
127     pj_str_t	cert_file;
129     /**
130      * Optional private key of the endpoint certificate to be used.
131      */
132     pj_str_t	privkey_file;
134     /**
135      * Certificate of Authority (CA) buffer. If ca_list_file, ca_list_path,
136      * cert_file or privkey_file are set, this setting will be ignored.
137      */
138     pj_ssl_cert_buffer ca_buf;
140     /**
141      * Public endpoint certificate buffer, which will be used as client-
142      * side  certificate for outgoing TLS connection, and server-side
143      * certificate for incoming TLS connection. If ca_list_file, ca_list_path,
144      * cert_file or privkey_file are set, this setting will be ignored.
145      */
146     pj_ssl_cert_buffer cert_buf;
148     /**
149      * Optional private key buffer of the endpoint certificate to be used.
150      * If ca_list_file, ca_list_path, cert_file or privkey_file are set,
151      * this setting will be ignored.
152      */
153     pj_ssl_cert_buffer privkey_buf;
155     /**
156      * Password to open private key.
157      */
158     pj_str_t	password;
160     /**
161      * TLS protocol method from #pjsip_ssl_method. In the future, this field
162      * might be deprecated in favor of <b>proto</b> field. For now, this field
163      * is only applicable only when <b>proto</b> field is set to zero.
164      *
165      * Default is PJSIP_SSL_UNSPECIFIED_METHOD (0), which in turn will
166      * use PJSIP_SSL_DEFAULT_METHOD, which default value is PJSIP_TLSV1_METHOD.
167      */
168     pjsip_ssl_method	method;
170     /**
171      * TLS protocol type from #pj_ssl_sock_proto. Use this field to enable
172      * specific protocol type. Use bitwise OR operation to combine the protocol
173      * type.
174      *
175      * Default is PJSIP_SSL_DEFAULT_PROTO.
176      */
177     pj_uint32_t	proto;
179     /**
180      * Number of ciphers contained in the specified cipher preference.
181      * If this is set to zero, then default cipher list of the backend
182      * will be used.
183      *
184      * Default: 0 (zero).
185      */
186     unsigned ciphers_num;
188     /**
189      * Ciphers and order preference. The #pj_ssl_cipher_get_availables()
190      * can be used to check the available ciphers supported by backend.
191      */
192     pj_ssl_cipher *ciphers;
194     /**
195      * Number of curves contained in the specified curve preference.
196      * If this is set to zero, then default curve list of the backend
197      * will be used.
198      *
199      * Default: 0 (zero).
200      */
201     unsigned curves_num;
203     /**
204      * Curves and order preference. The #pj_ssl_curve_get_availables()
205      * can be used to check the available curves supported by backend.
206      */
207     pj_ssl_curve *curves;
209     /**
210      * The supported signature algorithms. Set the sigalgs string
211      * using this form:
213      * Digests are: "RSA", "DSA" or "ECDSA"
214      * Algorithms are: "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512"
215      * Example: "ECDSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA256"
216      */
217     pj_str_t	sigalgs;
219     /**
220      * Reseed random number generator.
221      * For type #PJ_SSL_ENTROPY_FILE, parameter \a entropy_path
222      * must be set to a file.
223      * For type #PJ_SSL_ENTROPY_EGD, parameter \a entropy_path
224      * must be set to a socket.
225      *
226      * Default value is PJ_SSL_ENTROPY_NONE.
227     */
228     pj_ssl_entropy_t	entropy_type;
230     /**
231      * When using a file/socket for entropy #PJ_SSL_ENTROPY_EGD or
232      * #PJ_SSL_ENTROPY_FILE, \a entropy_path must contain the path
233      * to entropy socket/file.
234      *
235      * Default value is an empty string.
236      */
237     pj_str_t		entropy_path;
239     /**
240      * Specifies TLS transport behavior on the server TLS certificate
241      * verification result:
242      * - If \a verify_server is disabled (set to PJ_FALSE), TLS transport
243      *   will just notify the application via #pjsip_tp_state_callback with
244      *   state PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED regardless TLS verification result.
245      * - If \a verify_server is enabled (set to PJ_TRUE), TLS transport
246      *   will be shutdown and application will be notified with state
247      *   PJSIP_TP_STATE_DISCONNECTED whenever there is any TLS verification
248      *   error, otherwise PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED will be notified.
249      *
250      * In any cases, application can inspect #pjsip_tls_state_info in the
251      * callback to see the verification detail.
252      *
253      * Default value is PJ_FALSE.
254      */
255     pj_bool_t	verify_server;
257     /**
258      * Specifies TLS transport behavior on the client TLS certificate
259      * verification result:
260      * - If \a verify_client is disabled (set to PJ_FALSE), TLS transport
261      *   will just notify the application via #pjsip_tp_state_callback with
262      *   state PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED regardless TLS verification result.
263      * - If \a verify_client is enabled (set to PJ_TRUE), TLS transport
264      *   will be shutdown and application will be notified with state
265      *   PJSIP_TP_STATE_DISCONNECTED whenever there is any TLS verification
266      *   error, otherwise PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED will be notified.
267      *
268      * In any cases, application can inspect #pjsip_tls_state_info in the
269      * callback to see the verification detail.
270      *
271      * Default value is PJ_FALSE.
272      */
273     pj_bool_t	verify_client;
275     /**
276      * When acting as server (incoming TLS connections), reject inocming
277      * connection if client doesn't supply a TLS certificate.
278      *
279      * This setting corresponds to SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT flag.
280      * Default value is PJ_FALSE.
281      */
282     pj_bool_t	require_client_cert;
284     /**
285      * TLS negotiation timeout to be applied for both outgoing and
286      * incoming connection. If both sec and msec member is set to zero,
287      * the SSL negotiation doesn't have a timeout.
288      */
289     pj_time_val	timeout;
291     /**
292      * Should SO_REUSEADDR be used for the listener socket.
293      * Default value is PJSIP_TLS_TRANSPORT_REUSEADDR.
294      */
295     pj_bool_t reuse_addr;
297     /**
298      * QoS traffic type to be set on this transport. When application wants
299      * to apply QoS tagging to the transport, it's preferable to set this
300      * field rather than \a qos_param fields since this is more portable.
301      *
302      * Default value is PJ_QOS_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT.
303      */
304     pj_qos_type qos_type;
306     /**
307      * Set the low level QoS parameters to the transport. This is a lower
308      * level operation than setting the \a qos_type field and may not be
309      * supported on all platforms.
310      *
311      * By default all settings in this structure are disabled.
312      */
313     pj_qos_params qos_params;
315     /**
316      * Specify if the transport should ignore any errors when setting the QoS
317      * traffic type/parameters.
318      *
319      * Default: PJ_TRUE
320      */
321     pj_bool_t qos_ignore_error;
323     /**
324      * Specify options to be set on the transport.
325      *
326      * By default there is no options.
327      *
328      */
329     pj_sockopt_params sockopt_params;
331     /**
332      * Specify if the transport should ignore any errors when setting the
333      * sockopt parameters.
334      *
335      * Default: PJ_TRUE
336      *
337      */
338     pj_bool_t sockopt_ignore_error;
340     /**
341      * Callback to be called when a accept operation of the TLS listener fails.
342      *
343      * @param param         The parameter to the callback.
344      */
345     void(*on_accept_fail_cb)(const pjsip_tls_on_accept_fail_param *param);
347 } pjsip_tls_setting;
350 /**
351  * This structure defines TLS transport extended info in <tt>ext_info</tt>
352  * field of #pjsip_transport_state_info for the transport state notification
353  * callback #pjsip_tp_state_callback.
354  */
355 typedef struct pjsip_tls_state_info
356 {
357     /**
358      * SSL socket info.
359      */
360     pj_ssl_sock_info	*ssl_sock_info;
362 } pjsip_tls_state_info;
365 /**
366  * Initialize TLS setting with default values.
367  *
368  * @param tls_opt   The TLS setting to be initialized.
369  */
pjsip_tls_setting_default(pjsip_tls_setting * tls_opt)370 PJ_INLINE(void) pjsip_tls_setting_default(pjsip_tls_setting *tls_opt)
371 {
372     pj_memset(tls_opt, 0, sizeof(*tls_opt));
373     tls_opt->reuse_addr = PJSIP_TLS_TRANSPORT_REUSEADDR;
374     tls_opt->qos_type = PJ_QOS_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT;
375     tls_opt->qos_ignore_error = PJ_TRUE;
376     tls_opt->sockopt_ignore_error = PJ_TRUE;
377     tls_opt->proto = PJSIP_SSL_DEFAULT_PROTO;
378 }
381 /**
382  * Copy TLS setting.
383  *
384  * @param pool	    The pool to duplicate strings etc.
385  * @param dst	    Destination structure.
386  * @param src	    Source structure.
387  */
pjsip_tls_setting_copy(pj_pool_t * pool,pjsip_tls_setting * dst,const pjsip_tls_setting * src)388 PJ_INLINE(void) pjsip_tls_setting_copy(pj_pool_t *pool,
389 				       pjsip_tls_setting *dst,
390 				       const pjsip_tls_setting *src)
391 {
392     pj_memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst));
393     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->ca_list_file, &src->ca_list_file);
394     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->ca_list_path, &src->ca_list_path);
395     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->cert_file, &src->cert_file);
396     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->privkey_file, &src->privkey_file);
397     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->password, &src->password);
398     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->sigalgs, &src->sigalgs);
399     pj_strdup_with_null(pool, &dst->entropy_path, &src->entropy_path);
401     pj_strdup(pool, &dst->ca_buf, &src->ca_buf);
402     pj_strdup(pool, &dst->cert_buf, &src->cert_buf);
403     pj_strdup(pool, &dst->privkey_buf, &src->privkey_buf);
405     if (src->ciphers_num) {
406 	unsigned i;
407 	dst->ciphers = (pj_ssl_cipher*) pj_pool_calloc(pool, src->ciphers_num,
408 						       sizeof(pj_ssl_cipher));
409 	for (i=0; i<src->ciphers_num; ++i)
410 	    dst->ciphers[i] = src->ciphers[i];
411     }
413     if (src->curves_num) {
414 	unsigned i;
415 	dst->curves = (pj_ssl_curve*) pj_pool_calloc(pool, src->curves_num,
416 						     sizeof(pj_ssl_curve));
417 	for (i=0; i<src->curves_num; ++i)
418 	    dst->curves[i] = src->curves[i];
419     }
420 }
423 /**
424  * Wipe out certificates and keys in the TLS setting buffer.
425  *
426  * @param opt	    TLS setting.
427  */
428 PJ_DECL(void) pjsip_tls_setting_wipe_keys(pjsip_tls_setting *opt);
431 /**
432  * Register support for SIP TLS transport by creating TLS listener on
433  * the specified address and port. This function will create an
434  * instance of SIP TLS transport factory and register it to the
435  * transport manager.
436  *
437  * See also #pjsip_tls_transport_start2() which supports IPv6.
438  *
439  * @param endpt		The SIP endpoint.
440  * @param opt		Optional TLS settings.
441  * @param local		Optional local address to bind, or specify the
442  *			address to bind the server socket to. Both IP
443  *			interface address and port fields are optional.
444  *			If IP interface address is not specified, socket
445  *			will be bound to PJ_INADDR_ANY. If port is not
446  *			specified, socket will be bound to any port
447  *			selected by the operating system.
448  * @param a_name	Optional published address, which is the address to be
449  *			advertised as the address of this SIP transport.
450  *			If this argument is NULL, then the bound address
451  *			will be used as the published address.
452  * @param async_cnt	Number of simultaneous asynchronous accept()
453  *			operations to be supported. It is recommended that
454  *			the number here corresponds to the number of
455  *			processors in the system (or the number of SIP
456  *			worker threads).
457  * @param p_factory	Optional pointer to receive the instance of the
458  *			SIP TLS transport factory just created.
459  *
460  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS when the transport has been successfully
461  *			started and registered to transport manager, or
462  *			the appropriate error code.
463  */
464 PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjsip_tls_transport_start(pjsip_endpoint *endpt,
465 					       const pjsip_tls_setting *opt,
466 					       const pj_sockaddr_in *local,
467 					       const pjsip_host_port *a_name,
468 					       unsigned async_cnt,
469 					       pjsip_tpfactory **p_factory);
471 /**
472  * Variant of #pjsip_tls_transport_start() that supports IPv6. To instantiate
473  * IPv6 listener, set the address family of the "local" argument to IPv6
474  * (the host and port part may be left unspecified if not desired, i.e. by
475  * filling them with zeroes).
476  *
477  * @param endpt		The SIP endpoint.
478  * @param opt		Optional TLS settings.
479  * @param local		Optional local address to bind, or specify the
480  *			address to bind the server socket to. Both IP
481  *			interface address and port fields are optional.
482  *			If IP interface address is not specified, socket
483  *			will be bound to any address. If port is not
484  *			specified, socket will be bound to any port
485  *			selected by the operating system.
486  * @param a_name	Optional published address, which is the address to be
487  *			advertised as the address of this SIP transport.
488  *			If this argument is NULL, then the bound address
489  *			will be used as the published address.
490  * @param async_cnt	Number of simultaneous asynchronous accept()
491  *			operations to be supported. It is recommended that
492  *			the number here corresponds to the number of
493  *			processors in the system (or the number of SIP
494  *			worker threads).
495  * @param p_factory	Optional pointer to receive the instance of the
496  *			SIP TLS transport factory just created.
497  *
498  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS when the transport has been successfully
499  *			started and registered to transport manager, or
500  *			the appropriate error code.
501  */
502 PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjsip_tls_transport_start2(pjsip_endpoint *endpt,
503 						const pjsip_tls_setting *opt,
504 						const pj_sockaddr *local,
505 						const pjsip_host_port *a_name,
506 						unsigned async_cnt,
507 						pjsip_tpfactory **p_factory);
509 /**
510  * Start the TLS listener, if the listener is not started yet. This is useful
511  * to start the listener manually, if listener was not started when
513  *
514  * @param factory	The SIP TLS transport factory.
515  *
516  * @param local		The address where the listener should be bound to.
517  *			Both IP interface address and port fields are optional.
518  *			If IP interface address is not specified, socket
519  *			will be bound to PJ_INADDR_ANY. If port is not
520  *			specified, socket will be bound to any port
521  *			selected by the operating system.
522  *
523  * @param a_name	The published address for the listener.
524  *			If this argument is NULL, then the bound address will
525  *			be used as the published address.
526  *
527  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS when the listener has been successfully
528  *			started.
529  */
530 PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjsip_tls_transport_lis_start(pjsip_tpfactory *factory,
531 						const pj_sockaddr *local,
532 						const pjsip_host_port *a_name);
535 /**
536  * Restart the TLS listener. This will close the listener socket and recreate
537  * the socket based on the config used when starting the transport.
538  *
539  * @param factory	The SIP TLS transport factory.
540  *
541  * @param local		The address where the listener should be bound to.
542  *			Both IP interface address and port fields are optional.
543  *			If IP interface address is not specified, socket
544  *			will be bound to PJ_INADDR_ANY. If port is not
545  *			specified, socket will be bound to any port
546  *			selected by the operating system.
547  *
548  * @param a_name	The published address for the listener.
549  *			If this argument is NULL, then the bound address will
550  *			be used as the published address.
551  *
552  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS when the listener has been successfully
553  *			restarted.
554  *
555  */
556 PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjsip_tls_transport_restart(pjsip_tpfactory *factory,
557 						const pj_sockaddr *local,
558 						const pjsip_host_port *a_name);
562 /**
563  * @}
564  */
566 #endif	/* __PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TLS_H__ */