1 /* $Id$ */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  */
19 #ifndef __PJSUA2_CALL_HPP__
20 #define __PJSUA2_CALL_HPP__
22 /**
23  * @file pjsua2/call.hpp
24  * @brief PJSUA2 Call manipulation
25  */
26 #include <pjsua-lib/pjsua.h>
27 #include <pjsua2/media.hpp>
29 /** PJSUA2 API is inside pj namespace */
30 namespace pj
31 {
33 /**
34  * @defgroup PJSUA2_CALL Call
35  * @ingroup PJSUA2_Ref
36  */
38 /**
39  * @defgroup PJSUA2_Call_Data_Structure Call Related Types
40  * @ingroup PJSUA2_DS
41  * @{
42  */
44 using std::string;
45 using std::vector;
47 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 /**
50  * Media stream, corresponds to pjmedia_stream
51  */
52 typedef void *MediaStream;
54 /**
55  * Media transport, corresponds to pjmedia_transport
56  */
57 typedef void *MediaTransport;
59 /**
60  * This structure describes statistics state.
61  */
62 struct MathStat
63 {
64     int n;      /**< number of samples  */
65     int max;    /**< maximum value      */
66     int min;    /**< minimum value      */
67     int last;   /**< last value         */
68     int mean;   /**< mean               */
70 public:
71     /**
72      * Default constructor
73      */
74     MathStat();
76     /**
77      * Convert from pjsip
78      */
79     void fromPj(const pj_math_stat &prm);
80 };
82 /**
83  * Types of loss detected.
84  */
85 struct LossType
86 {
87     unsigned        burst;	/**< Burst/sequential packet lost detected  */
88     unsigned        random;	/**< Random packet lost detected.	    */
89 };
91 /**
92  * Unidirectional RTP stream statistics.
93  */
94 struct RtcpStreamStat
95 {
96     TimeVal	    update;	/**< Time of last update.		    */
97     unsigned	    updateCount;/**< Number of updates (to calculate avg)   */
98     unsigned	    pkt;	/**< Total number of packets		    */
99     unsigned	    bytes;	/**< Total number of payload/bytes	    */
100     unsigned	    discard;	/**< Total number of discarded packets.	    */
101     unsigned	    loss;	/**< Total number of packets lost	    */
102     unsigned	    reorder;	/**< Total number of out of order packets   */
103     unsigned	    dup;	/**< Total number of duplicates packets	    */
105     MathStat        lossPeriodUsec; /**< Loss period statistics 	    */
107     LossType        lossType;   /**< Types of loss detected.                */
109     MathStat        jitterUsec;	/**< Jitter statistics                      */
111 public:
112     /**
113      * Convert from pjsip
114      */
115     void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stream_stat &prm);
116 };
118 /**
119  * RTCP SDES structure.
120  */
121 struct RtcpSdes
122 {
123     string	cname;		/**< RTCP SDES type CNAME.	*/
124     string	name;		/**< RTCP SDES type NAME.	*/
125     string	email;		/**< RTCP SDES type EMAIL.	*/
126     string	phone;		/**< RTCP SDES type PHONE.	*/
127     string	loc;		/**< RTCP SDES type LOC.	*/
128     string	tool;		/**< RTCP SDES type TOOL.	*/
129     string	note;		/**< RTCP SDES type NOTE.	*/
131 public:
132     /**
133      * Convert from pjsip
134      */
135     void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_sdes &prm);
136 };
138 /**
139  * Bidirectional RTP stream statistics.
140  */
141 struct RtcpStat
142 {
143     TimeVal		start;          /**< Time when session was created  */
145     RtcpStreamStat      txStat;         /**< Encoder stream statistics.	    */
146     RtcpStreamStat      rxStat;         /**< Decoder stream statistics.	    */
148     MathStat            rttUsec;        /**< Round trip delay statistic.    */
150     pj_uint32_t		rtpTxLastTs;    /**< Last TX RTP timestamp.         */
151     pj_uint16_t		rtpTxLastSeq;   /**< Last TX RTP sequence.          */
153     MathStat            rxIpdvUsec;     /**< Statistics of IP packet delay
154                                              variation in receiving
155                                              direction. It is only used when
156                                              PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_IPDV is
157                                              set to non-zero.               */
159     MathStat            rxRawJitterUsec;/**< Statistic of raw jitter in
160                                              receiving direction. It is only
161                                              used when
162                                              PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_RAW_JITTER
163                                              is set to non-zero.            */
165     RtcpSdes            peerSdes;       /**< Peer SDES.			    */
167 public:
168     /**
169      * Convert from pjsip
170      */
171     void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stat &prm);
172 };
174 /**
175  * This structure describes jitter buffer state.
176  */
177 struct JbufState
178 {
179     /* Setting */
180     unsigned	frameSize;	    /**< Individual frame size, in bytes.   */
181     unsigned	minPrefetch;	    /**< Minimum allowed prefetch, in frms. */
182     unsigned	maxPrefetch;	    /**< Maximum allowed prefetch, in frms. */
184     /* Status */
185     unsigned	burst;		    /**< Current burst level, in frames	    */
186     unsigned	prefetch;	    /**< Current prefetch value, in frames  */
187     unsigned	size;		    /**< Current buffer size, in frames.    */
189     /* Statistic */
190     unsigned	avgDelayMsec;	    /**< Average delay, in ms.		    */
191     unsigned	minDelayMsec;	    /**< Minimum delay, in ms.		    */
192     unsigned	maxDelayMsec;	    /**< Maximum delay, in ms.		    */
193     unsigned	devDelayMsec;	    /**< Standard deviation of delay, in ms.*/
194     unsigned	avgBurst;	    /**< Average burst, in frames.	    */
195     unsigned	lost;		    /**< Number of lost frames.		    */
196     unsigned	discard;	    /**< Number of discarded frames.	    */
197     unsigned	empty;		    /**< Number of empty on GET events.	    */
199 public:
200     /**
201      * Convert from pjsip
202      */
203     void fromPj(const pjmedia_jb_state &prm);
204 };
206 /**
207  * This structure describes SDP session description. It corresponds to the
208  * pjmedia_sdp_session structure.
209  */
210 struct SdpSession
211 {
212     /**
213      * The whole SDP as a string.
214      */
215     string  wholeSdp;
217     /**
218      * Pointer to its original pjmedia_sdp_session. Only valid when the struct
219      * is converted from PJSIP's pjmedia_sdp_session.
220      */
221     void   *pjSdpSession;
223 public:
224     /**
225      * Convert from pjsip
226      */
227     void fromPj(const pjmedia_sdp_session &sdp);
228 };
231 /**
232  * This structure describes media transport informations. It corresponds to the
233  * pjmedia_transport_info structure. The address name field can be empty string
234  * if the address in the pjmedia_transport_info is invalid.
235  */
236 struct MediaTransportInfo
237 {
238     /**
239      * Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTP socket,
240      * which does not need to be equal as the bound address (for example,
241      * this address can be the address resolved with STUN).
242      */
243     SocketAddress   localRtpName;
245     /**
246      * Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTCP socket,
247      * which does not need to be equal as the bound address (for example,
248      * this address can be the address resolved with STUN).
249      */
250     SocketAddress   localRtcpName;
252     /**
253      * Remote address where RTP originated from. This can be empty string if
254      * no data is received from the remote.
255      */
256     SocketAddress   srcRtpName;
258     /**
259      * Remote address where RTCP originated from. This can be empty string if
260      * no data is recevied from the remote.
261      */
262     SocketAddress   srcRtcpName;
264 public:
265     /**
266      * Convert from pjsip
267      */
268     void fromPj(const pjmedia_transport_info &info);
269 };
271 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
273 /**
274  * Call settings.
275  */
276 struct CallSetting
277 {
278     /**
279      * Bitmask of pjsua_call_flag constants.
280      *
282      */
283     unsigned	    flag;
285     /**
286      * This flag controls what methods to request keyframe are allowed on
287      * the call. Value is bitmask of pjsua_vid_req_keyframe_method.
288      *
291      */
292     unsigned	    reqKeyframeMethod;
294     /**
295      * Number of simultaneous active audio streams for this call. Setting
296      * this to zero will disable audio in this call.
297      *
298      * Default: 1
299      */
300     unsigned        audioCount;
302     /**
303      * Number of simultaneous active video streams for this call. Setting
304      * this to zero will disable video in this call.
305      *
306      * Default: 1 (if video feature is enabled, otherwise it is zero)
307      */
308     unsigned        videoCount;
310 public:
311     /**
312      * Default constructor initializes with empty or default values.
313      */
314     CallSetting(bool useDefaultValues = false);
316     /**
317      * Check if the settings are set with empty values.
318      *
319      * @return      True if the settings are empty.
320      */
321     bool isEmpty() const;
323     /**
324      * Convert from pjsip
325      */
326     void fromPj(const pjsua_call_setting &prm);
328     /**
329      * Convert to pjsip
330      */
331     pjsua_call_setting toPj() const;
332 };
334 /**
335  * Call media information.
336  *
337  * Application can query conference bridge port of this media using
338  * Call::getAudioMedia() if the media type is audio,
339  * or Call::getEncodingVideoMedia()/Call::getDecodingVideoMedia()
340  * if the media type is video.
341  */
342 struct CallMediaInfo
343 {
344     /**
345      * Media index in SDP.
346      */
347     unsigned                index;
349     /**
350      * Media type.
351      */
352     pjmedia_type            type;
354     /**
355      * Media direction.
356      */
357     pjmedia_dir             dir;
359     /**
360      * Call media status.
361      */
362     pjsua_call_media_status status;
364     /**
365      * Warning: this is deprecated, application can query conference bridge
366      * port of this media using Call::getAudioMedia().
367      *
368      * The conference port number for the call. Only valid if the media type
369      * is audio.
370      */
371     int                     audioConfSlot;
373     /**
374      * The window id for incoming video, if any, or
375      * PJSUA_INVALID_ID. Only valid if the media type is video.
376      */
377     pjsua_vid_win_id	    videoIncomingWindowId;
379     /**
380      * The video window instance for incoming video. Only valid if
381      * videoIncomingWindowId is not PJSUA_INVALID_ID and
382      * the media type is video.
383      */
384     VideoWindow	    	    videoWindow;
386     /**
387      * The video capture device for outgoing transmission, if any,
388      * or PJMEDIA_VID_INVALID_DEV. Only valid if the media type is video.
389      */
390     pjmedia_vid_dev_index   videoCapDev;
392 public:
393     /**
394      * Default constructor
395      */
396     CallMediaInfo();
398     /**
399      * Convert from pjsip
400      */
401     void fromPj(const pjsua_call_media_info &prm);
402 };
404 /** Array of call media info */
405 typedef std::vector<CallMediaInfo> CallMediaInfoVector;
407 /**
408  * Call information. Application can query the call information
409  * by calling Call::getInfo().
410  */
411 struct CallInfo
412 {
413     /**
414      * Call identification.
415      */
416     pjsua_call_id	id;
418     /**
419      * Initial call role (UAC == caller)
420      */
421     pjsip_role_e	role;
423     /**
424      * The account ID where this call belongs.
425      */
426     pjsua_acc_id	accId;
428     /**
429      * Local URI
430      */
431     string		localUri;
433     /**
434      * Local Contact
435      */
436     string		localContact;
438     /**
439      * Remote URI
440      */
441     string		remoteUri;
443     /**
444      * Remote contact
445      */
446     string		remoteContact;
448     /**
449      * Dialog Call-ID string.
450      */
451     string		callIdString;
453     /**
454      * Call setting
455      */
456     CallSetting         setting;
458     /**
459      * Call state
460      */
461     pjsip_inv_state	state;
463     /**
464      * Text describing the state
465      */
466     string		stateText;
468     /**
469      * Last status code heard, which can be used as cause code
470      */
471     pjsip_status_code	lastStatusCode;
473     /**
474      * The reason phrase describing the last status.
475      */
476     string		lastReason;
478     /**
479      * Array of active media information.
480      */
481     CallMediaInfoVector media;
483     /**
484      * Array of provisional media information. This contains the media info
485      * in the provisioning state, that is when the media session is being
486      * created/updated (SDP offer/answer is on progress).
487      */
488     CallMediaInfoVector provMedia;
490     /**
491      * Up-to-date call connected duration (zero when call is not
492      * established)
493      */
494     TimeVal		connectDuration;
496     /**
497      * Total call duration, including set-up time
498      */
499     TimeVal		totalDuration;
501     /**
502      * Flag if remote was SDP offerer
503      */
504     bool		remOfferer;
506     /**
507      * Number of audio streams offered by remote
508      */
509     unsigned		remAudioCount;
511     /**
512      * Number of video streams offered by remote
513      */
514     unsigned		remVideoCount;
516 public:
517     /**
518      * Default constructor
519      */
CallInfopj::CallInfo520     CallInfo() : id(PJSUA_INVALID_ID),
521 		 role(PJSIP_ROLE_UAC),
522 		 state(PJSIP_INV_STATE_NULL),
523 		 lastStatusCode(PJSIP_SC_NULL)
524     {}
526     /**
527      * Convert from pjsip
528      */
529     void fromPj(const pjsua_call_info &pci);
530 };
532 /**
533  * Media stream info.
534  */
535 struct StreamInfo
536 {
537     /**
538      * Media type of this stream.
539      */
540     pjmedia_type        type;
542     /**
543      * Transport protocol (RTP/AVP, etc.)
544      */
545     pjmedia_tp_proto	proto;
547     /**
548      * Media direction.
549      */
550     pjmedia_dir		dir;
552     /**
553      * Remote RTP address
554      */
555     SocketAddress	remoteRtpAddress;
557     /**
558      * Optional remote RTCP address
559      */
560     SocketAddress	remoteRtcpAddress;
562     /**
563      * Outgoing codec payload type.
564      */
565     unsigned		txPt;
567     /**
568      * Incoming codec payload type.
569      */
570     unsigned		rxPt;
572     /**
573      * Codec name.
574      */
575     string              codecName;
577     /**
578      * Codec clock rate.
579      */
580     unsigned            codecClockRate;
582     /**
583      * Optional audio codec param.
584      */
585     CodecParam          audCodecParam;
587     /**
588      * Optional video codec param.
589      */
590     VidCodecParam       vidCodecParam;
592     /**
593      * Jitter buffer init delay in msec.
594      */
595     int                 jbInit;
597     /**
598      * Jitter buffer minimum prefetch delay in msec.
599      */
600     int                 jbMinPre;
602     /**
603      * Jitter buffer maximum prefetch delay in msec.
604      */
605     int                 jbMaxPre;
607     /**
608      * Jitter buffer max delay in msec.
609      */
610     int                 jbMax;
612     /**
613      * Jitter buffer discard algorithm.
614      */
615     pjmedia_jb_discard_algo jbDiscardAlgo;
618     /**
619      * Stream keep-alive and NAT hole punch (see #PJMEDIA_STREAM_ENABLE_KA) is
620      * enabled?
621      */
622     bool                useKa;
623 #endif
625     /**
626      * Disable automatic sending of RTCP SDES and BYE.
627      */
628     bool                rtcpSdesByeDisabled;
630 public:
631     /**
632      * Default constructor
633      */
StreamInfopj::StreamInfo634     StreamInfo() : type(PJMEDIA_TYPE_NONE),
635 		   proto(PJMEDIA_TP_PROTO_NONE),
636 		   dir(PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE)
637     {}
639     /**
640      * Convert from pjsip
641      */
642     void fromPj(const pjsua_stream_info &info);
643 };
645 /**
646  * Media stream statistic.
647  */
648 struct StreamStat
649 {
650     /**
651      * RTCP statistic.
652      */
653     RtcpStat	rtcp;
655     /**
656      * Jitter buffer statistic.
657      */
658     JbufState	jbuf;
660 public:
661     /**
662      * Convert from pjsip
663      */
664     void fromPj(const pjsua_stream_stat &prm);
665 };
667 /**
668  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallState() callback.
669  */
670 struct OnCallStateParam
671 {
672     /**
673      * Event which causes the call state to change.
674      */
675     SipEvent    e;
676 };
678 /**
679  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTsxState() callback.
680  */
681 struct OnCallTsxStateParam
682 {
683     /**
684      * Transaction event that caused the state change.
685      */
686     SipEvent    e;
687 };
689 /**
690  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaState() callback.
691  */
692 struct OnCallMediaStateParam
693 {
694 };
696 /**
697  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallSdpCreated() callback.
698  */
699 struct OnCallSdpCreatedParam
700 {
701     /**
702      * The SDP has just been created.
703      */
704     SdpSession sdp;
706     /**
707      * The remote SDP, will be empty if local is SDP offerer.
708      */
709     SdpSession remSdp;
710 };
712 /**
713  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamPreCreate()
714  * callback.
715  */
716 struct OnStreamPreCreateParam
717 {
718     /**
719      * Stream index in the media session, read-only.
720      */
721     unsigned    streamIdx;
723     /**
724      * Parameters that the stream will be created from.
725      */
726     StreamInfo streamInfo;
727 };
729 /**
730  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamCreated()
731  * callback.
732  */
733 struct OnStreamCreatedParam
734 {
735     /**
736      * Audio media stream, read-only.
737      */
738     MediaStream stream;
740     /**
741      * Stream index in the audio media session, read-only.
742      */
743     unsigned    streamIdx;
745     /**
746      * Specify if PJSUA2 should take ownership of the port returned in
747      * the pPort parameter below. If set to PJ_TRUE,
748      * pjmedia_port_destroy() will be called on the port when it is
749      * no longer needed.
750      *
751      * Default: PJ_FALSE
752      */
753     bool 	destroyPort;
755     /**
756      * On input, it specifies the audio media port of the stream. Application
757      * may modify this pointer to point to different media port to be
758      * registered to the conference bridge.
759      */
760     MediaPort   pPort;
761 };
763 /**
764  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamDestroyed()
765  * callback.
766  */
767 struct OnStreamDestroyedParam
768 {
769     /**
770      * Audio media stream.
771      */
772     MediaStream stream;
774     /**
775      * Stream index in the audio media session.
776      */
777     unsigned    streamIdx;
778 };
780 /**
781  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onDtmfDigit()
782  * callback.
783  */
784 struct OnDtmfDigitParam
785 {
786     /**
787      * DTMF sending method.
788      */
789     pjsua_dtmf_method	method;
791     /**
792      * DTMF ASCII digit.
793      */
794     string		digit;
796     /**
797      * DTMF signal duration. If the duration is unknown, this value is set to
799      */
800     unsigned		duration;
801 };
803 /**
804  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onDtmfEvent()
805  * callback.
806  */
807 struct OnDtmfEventParam
808 {
809     /**
810      * DTMF sending method.
811      */
812     pjsua_dtmf_method   method;
814     /**
815      * The timestamp identifying the begin of the event. Timestamp units are
816      * expressed in milliseconds.
817      * Note that this value should only be used to compare multiple events
818      * received via the same method relatively to each other, as the time-base
819      * is randomized.
820      */
821     unsigned            timestamp;
823     /**
824      * DTMF ASCII digit.
825      */
826     string              digit;
828     /**
829      * DTMF signal duration in milliseconds. Interpretation of the duration
830      * depends on the flag PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END.
831      * depends on the method.
832      * If the method is PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_SIP_INFO, this contains the total
833      * duration of the DTMF signal or PJSUA_UNKNOWN_DTMF_DURATION if no signal
834      * duration was indicated.
835      * If the method is PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_RFC2833, this contains the total
836      * duration of the DTMF signal received up to this point in time.
837      */
838     unsigned            duration;
840     /**
841      * Flags indicating additional information about the DTMF event.
842      * If PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_UPDATE is set, the event was already
843      * indicated earlier. The new indication contains an updated event
844      * duration.
845      * If PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END is set, the event has ended and this
846      * indication contains the final event duration. Note that end
847      * indications might get lost. Hence it is not guaranteed to receive
848      * an event with PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END for every event.
849      */
850     unsigned            flags;
851 };
853 /**
854  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTransferRequest()
855  * callback.
856  */
857 struct OnCallTransferRequestParam
858 {
859     /**
860      * The destination where the call will be transferred to.
861      */
862     string               dstUri;
864     /**
865      * Status code to be returned for the call transfer request. On input,
866      * it contains status code 202.
867      */
868     pjsip_status_code    statusCode;
870     /**
871      * The current call setting, application can update this setting
872      * for the call being transferred.
873      */
874     CallSetting          opt;
876     /**
877      * New Call derived object instantiated by application when the call
878      * transfer is about to be accepted.
879      */
880     Call		*newCall;
881 };
883 /**
884  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTransferStatus()
885  * callback.
886  */
887 struct OnCallTransferStatusParam
888 {
889     /**
890      * Status progress of the transfer request.
891      */
892     pjsip_status_code   statusCode;
894     /**
895      * Status progress reason.
896      */
897     string              reason;
899     /**
900      * If true, no further notification will be reported. The statusCode
901      * specified in this callback is the final status.
902      */
903     bool                finalNotify;
905     /**
906      * Initially will be set to true, application can set this to false
907      * if it no longer wants to receive further notification (for example,
908      * after it hangs up the call).
909      */
910     bool                cont;
911 };
913 /**
914  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallReplaceRequest()
915  * callback.
916  */
917 struct OnCallReplaceRequestParam
918 {
919     /**
920      * The incoming INVITE request to replace the call.
921      */
922     SipRxData           rdata;
924     /**
925      * Status code to be set by application. Application should only
926      * return a final status (200-699)
927      */
928     pjsip_status_code   statusCode;
930     /**
931      * Optional status text to be set by application.
932      */
933     string              reason;
935     /**
936      * The current call setting, application can update this setting for
937      * the call being replaced.
938      */
939     CallSetting         opt;
940 };
942 /**
943  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallReplaced() callback.
944  */
945 struct OnCallReplacedParam
946 {
947     /**
948      * The new call id.
949      */
950     pjsua_call_id        newCallId;
952     /**
953      * New Call derived object instantiated by application.
954      */
955     Call		*newCall;
956 };
958 /**
959  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRxOffer() callback.
960  */
961 struct OnCallRxOfferParam
962 {
963     /**
964      * The new offer received.
965      */
966     SdpSession          offer;
968     /**
969      * Status code to be returned for answering the offer. On input,
970      * it contains status code 200. Currently, valid values are only
971      * 200 and 488.
972      */
973     pjsip_status_code   statusCode;
975     /**
976      * The current call setting, application can update this setting for
977      * answering the offer.
978      */
979     CallSetting         opt;
980 };
982 /**
983  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRxReinvite() callback.
984  */
985 struct OnCallRxReinviteParam
986 {
987     /**
988      * The new offer received.
989      */
990     SdpSession          offer;
992     /**
993      * The incoming re-INVITE.
994      */
995     SipRxData           rdata;
997     /**
998      * On input, it is false. Set to true if app wants to manually answer
999      * the re-INVITE.
1000      */
1001     bool		isAsync;
1003     /**
1004      * Status code to be returned for answering the offer. On input,
1005      * it contains status code 200. Currently, valid values are only
1006      * 200 and 488.
1007      */
1008     pjsip_status_code   statusCode;
1010     /**
1011      * The current call setting, application can update this setting for
1012      * answering the offer.
1013      */
1014     CallSetting         opt;
1015 };
1017 /**
1018  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTxOffer() callback.
1019  */
1020 struct OnCallTxOfferParam
1021 {
1022     /**
1023      * The current call setting, application can update this setting for
1024      * generating the offer. Note that application should maintain any
1025      * active media to avoid the need for the peer to reject the offer.
1026      */
1027     CallSetting         opt;
1028 };
1030 /**
1031  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRedirected() callback.
1032  */
1033 struct OnCallRedirectedParam
1034 {
1035     /**
1036      * The current target to be tried.
1037      */
1038     string          targetUri;
1040     /**
1041      * The event that caused this callback to be called.
1042      * This could be the receipt of 3xx response, or 4xx/5xx response
1043      * received for the INVITE sent to subsequent targets, or empty
1044      * (e.type == PJSIP_EVENT_UNKNOWN)
1045      * if this callback is called from within Call::processRedirect()
1046      * context.
1047      */
1048     SipEvent        e;
1049 };
1051 /**
1052  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaEvent() callback.
1053  */
1054 struct OnCallMediaEventParam
1055 {
1056     /**
1057      * The media stream index.
1058      */
1059     unsigned        medIdx;
1061     /**
1062      * The media event.
1063      */
1064     MediaEvent      ev;
1065 };
1067 /**
1068  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaTransportState()
1069  * callback.
1070  */
1071 struct OnCallMediaTransportStateParam
1072 {
1073     /**
1074      * The media index.
1075      */
1076     unsigned        medIdx;
1078     /**
1079      * The media transport state
1080      */
1081     pjsua_med_tp_st state;
1083     /**
1084      * The last error code related to the media transport state.
1085      */
1086     pj_status_t     status;
1088     /**
1089      * Optional SIP error code.
1090      */
1091     int             sipErrorCode;
1092 };
1094 /**
1095  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCreateMediaTransport()
1096  * callback.
1097  */
1098 struct OnCreateMediaTransportParam
1099 {
1100     /**
1101      * The media index in the SDP for which this media transport will be used.
1102      */
1103     unsigned        mediaIdx;
1105     /**
1106      * The media transport which otherwise will be used by the call has this
1107      * callback not been implemented. Application can change this to its own
1108      * instance of media transport to be used by the call.
1109      */
1110     MediaTransport  mediaTp;
1112     /**
1113      * Bitmask from pjsua_create_media_transport_flag.
1114      */
1115     unsigned        flags;
1116 };
1118 /**
1119  * This structure contains parameters for Call::onCreateMediaTransportSrtp()
1120  * callback.
1121  */
1122 struct OnCreateMediaTransportSrtpParam
1123 {
1124     /**
1125      * The media index in the SDP for which the SRTP media transport
1126      * will be used.
1127      */
1128     unsigned        		mediaIdx;
1130     /**
1131      * Specify whether secure media transport should be used. Application
1132      * can modify this only for initial INVITE.
1133      * Valid values are PJMEDIA_SRTP_DISABLED, PJMEDIA_SRTP_OPTIONAL, and
1135      */
1136     pjmedia_srtp_use		srtpUse;
1138     /**
1139      * Application can modify this to specify the cryptos and keys
1140      * which are going to be used.
1141      */
1142     SrtpCryptoVector		cryptos;
1143 };
1145 /**
1146  * @}  // PJSUA2_Call_Data_Structure
1147  */
1149 /**
1150  * @addtogroup PJSUA2_CALL
1151  * @{
1152  */
1154 /**
1155  * This structure contains parameters for Call::answer(), Call::hangup(),
1156  * Call::reinvite(), Call::update(), Call::xfer(), Call::xferReplaces(),
1157  * Call::setHold().
1158  */
1159 struct CallOpParam
1160 {
1161     /**
1162      * The call setting.
1163      */
1164     CallSetting         opt;
1166     /**
1167      * Status code.
1168      */
1169     pjsip_status_code   statusCode;
1171     /**
1172      * Reason phrase.
1173      */
1174     string              reason;
1176     /**
1177      * Options.
1178      */
1179     unsigned            options;
1181     /**
1182      * List of headers etc to be added to outgoing response message.
1183      * Note that this message data will be persistent in all next
1184      * answers/responses for this INVITE request.
1185      */
1186     SipTxOption         txOption;
1188     /**
1189      * SDP answer. Currently only used for Call::answer().
1190      */
1191     SdpSession		sdp;
1193 public:
1194     /**
1195      * Default constructor initializes with zero/empty values.
1196      * Setting useDefaultCallSetting to true will initialize opt with default
1197      * call setting values.
1198      */
1199     CallOpParam(bool useDefaultCallSetting = false);
1200 };
1202 /**
1203  * This structure contains parameters for Call::sendRequest()
1204  */
1205 struct CallSendRequestParam
1206 {
1207     /**
1208      * SIP method of the request.
1209      */
1210     string       method;
1212     /**
1213      * Message body and/or list of headers etc to be included in
1214      * outgoing request.
1215      */
1216     SipTxOption  txOption;
1218 public:
1219     /**
1220      * Default constructor initializes with zero/empty values.
1221      */
1222     CallSendRequestParam();
1223 };
1225 /**
1226  * This structure contains parameters for Call::vidSetStream()
1227  */
1228 struct CallVidSetStreamParam
1229 {
1230     /**
1231      * Specify the media stream index. This can be set to -1 to denote
1232      * the default video stream in the call, which is the first active
1233      * video stream or any first video stream if none is active.
1234      *
1235      * This field is valid for all video stream operations, except
1237      *
1238      * Default: -1 (first active video stream, or any first video stream
1239      *              if none is active)
1240      */
1241     int                     medIdx;
1243     /**
1244      * Specify the media stream direction.
1245      *
1246      * This field is valid for the following video stream operations:
1248      *
1250      */
1251     pjmedia_dir             dir;
1253     /**
1254      * Specify the video capture device ID. This can be set to
1255      * PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DEV to specify the default capture
1256      * device as configured in the account.
1257      *
1258      * This field is valid for the following video stream operations:
1260      *
1262      */
1263     pjmedia_vid_dev_index   capDev;
1265 public:
1266     /**
1267      * Default constructor
1268      */
1269     CallVidSetStreamParam();
1270 };
1272 /**
1273  * This structure contains parameters for Call::sendDtmf()
1274  */
1275 struct CallSendDtmfParam
1276 {
1277     /**
1278      * The method used to send DTMF.
1279      *
1280      * Default: PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_RFC2833
1281      */
1282     pjsua_dtmf_method method;
1284     /**
1285      * The signal duration used for the DTMF.
1286      *
1288      */
1289     unsigned duration;
1291     /**
1292      * The DTMF digits to be sent.
1293      */
1294     string digits;
1296 public:
1297     /**
1298      * Default constructor initialize with default value.
1299      */
1300     CallSendDtmfParam();
1302     /**
1303      * Convert to pjsip.
1304      */
1305     pjsua_call_send_dtmf_param toPj() const;
1307     /**
1308      * Convert from pjsip.
1309      */
1310     void fromPj(const pjsua_call_send_dtmf_param &param);
1311 };
1313 /**
1314  * Call.
1315  */
1316 class Call
1317 {
1318 public:
1319     /**
1320      * Constructor.
1321      */
1322     Call(Account& acc, int call_id = PJSUA_INVALID_ID);
1324     /**
1325      * Destructor.
1326      */
1327     virtual ~Call();
1329     /**
1330      * Obtain detail information about this call.
1331      *
1332      * @return              Call info.
1333      */
1334     CallInfo getInfo() const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1336     /**
1337      * Check if this call has active INVITE session and the INVITE
1338      * session has not been disconnected.
1339      *
1340      * @return              True if call is active.
1341      */
1342     bool isActive() const;
1344     /**
1345      * Get PJSUA-LIB call ID or index associated with this call.
1346      *
1347      * @return              Integer greater than or equal to zero.
1348      */
1349     int getId() const;
1351     /**
1352      * Get the Call class for the specified call Id.
1353      *
1354      * @param call_id       The call ID to lookup
1355      *
1356      * @return              The Call instance or NULL if not found.
1357      */
1358     static Call *lookup(int call_id);
1360     /**
1361      * Check if call has an active media session.
1362      *
1363      * @return              True if yes.
1364      */
1365     bool hasMedia() const;
1367     /**
1368      * Warning: deprecated, use getAudioMedia() instead. This function is not
1369      * safe in multithreaded environment.
1370      *
1371      * Get media for the specified media index.
1372      *
1373      * @param med_idx       Media index.
1374      *
1375      * @return              The media or NULL if invalid or inactive.
1376      */
1377     Media *getMedia(unsigned med_idx) const;
1379     /**
1380      * Get audio media for the specified media index. If the specified media
1381      * index is not audio or invalid or inactive, exception will be thrown.
1382      *
1383      * @param med_idx       Media index, or -1 to specify any first audio
1384      *                      media registered in the conference bridge.
1385      *
1386      * @return              The audio media.
1387      */
1388     AudioMedia getAudioMedia(int med_idx) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1390     /**
1391      * Get video media in encoding direction for the specified media index.
1392      * If the specified media index is not video or invalid or the direction
1393      * is receive only, exception will be thrown.
1394      *
1395      * @param med_idx       Media index, or -1 to specify any first video
1396      *			    media with encoding direction registered in the
1397      *			    conference bridge.
1398      *
1399      * @return              The video media.
1400      */
1401     VideoMedia getEncodingVideoMedia(int med_idx) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1403     /**
1404      * Get video media in decoding direction for the specified media index.
1405      * If the specified media index is not video or invalid or the direction
1406      * is send only, exception will be thrown.
1407      *
1408      * @param med_idx       Media index, or -1 to specify any first video
1409      *			    media with decoding direction registered in the
1410      *			    conference bridge.
1411      *
1412      * @return              The video media.
1413      */
1414     VideoMedia getDecodingVideoMedia(int med_idx) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1416     /**
1417      * Check if remote peer support the specified capability.
1418      *
1419      * @param htype         The header type (pjsip_hdr_e) to be checked, which
1420      *                      value may be:
1421      *                      - PJSIP_H_ACCEPT
1422      *                      - PJSIP_H_ALLOW
1423      *                      - PJSIP_H_SUPPORTED
1424      * @param hname         If htype specifies PJSIP_H_OTHER, then the header
1425      *                      name must be supplied in this argument. Otherwise
1426      *                      the value must be set to empty string ("").
1427      * @param token         The capability token to check. For example, if \a
1428      *                      htype is PJSIP_H_ALLOW, then \a token specifies the
1429      *                      method names; if \a htype is PJSIP_H_SUPPORTED, then
1430      *                      \a token specifies the extension names such as
1431      *                      "100rel".
1432      *
1433      * @return              PJSIP_DIALOG_CAP_SUPPORTED if the specified
1434      *                      capability is explicitly supported, see
1435      *                      pjsip_dialog_cap_status for more info.
1436      */
1437     pjsip_dialog_cap_status remoteHasCap(int htype,
1438                                          const string &hname,
1439                                          const string &token) const;
1441     /**
1442      * Attach application specific data to the call. Application can then
1443      * inspect this data by calling getUserData().
1444      *
1445      * @param user_data     Arbitrary data to be attached to the call.
1446      */
1447     void setUserData(Token user_data);
1449     /**
1450      * Get user data attached to the call, which has been previously set with
1451      * setUserData().
1452      *
1453      * @return              The user data.
1454      */
1455     Token getUserData() const;
1457     /**
1458      * Get the NAT type of remote's endpoint. This is a proprietary feature
1459      * of PJSUA-LIB which sends its NAT type in the SDP when \a natTypeInSdp
1460      * is set in UaConfig.
1461      *
1462      * This function can only be called after SDP has been received from remote,
1463      * which means for incoming call, this function can be called as soon as
1464      * call is received as long as incoming call contains SDP, and for outgoing
1465      * call, this function can be called only after SDP is received (normally in
1466      * 200/OK response to INVITE). As a general case, application should call
1467      * this function after or in \a onCallMediaState() callback.
1468      *
1469      * @return              The NAT type.
1470      *
1471      * @see Endpoint::natGetType(), natTypeInSdp
1472      */
1473     pj_stun_nat_type getRemNatType() PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1475     /**
1476      * Make outgoing call to the specified URI.
1477      *
1478      * @param dst_uri       URI to be put in the To header (normally is the same
1479      *                      as the target URI).
1480      * @param prm.opt       Optional call setting.
1481      * @param prm.txOption  Optional headers etc to be added to outgoing INVITE
1482      *                      request.
1483      */
1484     void makeCall(const string &dst_uri, const CallOpParam &prm)
1485 		  PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1487     /**
1488      * Send response to incoming INVITE request with call setting param.
1489      * Depending on the status code specified as parameter, this function may
1490      * send provisional response, establish the call, or terminate the call.
1491      * Notes about call setting:
1492      *  - if call setting is changed in the subsequent call to this function,
1493      *    only the first call setting supplied will applied. So normally
1494      *    application will not supply call setting before getting confirmation
1495      *    from the user.
1496      *  - if no call setting is supplied when SDP has to be sent, i.e: answer
1497      *    with status code 183 or 2xx, the default call setting will be used,
1498      *    check CallSetting for its default values.
1499      *
1500      * @param prm.opt       Optional call setting.
1501      * @param prm.statusCode   Status code, (100-699).
1502      * @param prm.reason    Optional reason phrase. If empty, default text
1503      *                      will be used.
1504      * @param prm.txOption  Optional list of headers etc to be added to outgoing
1505      *                      response message. Note that this message data will
1506      *                      be persistent in all next answers/responses for this
1507      *                      INVITE request.
1508      */
1509     void answer(const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1511     /**
1512      * Hangup call by using method that is appropriate according to the
1513      * call state. This function is different than answering the call with
1514      * 3xx-6xx response (with answer()), in that this function
1515      * will hangup the call regardless of the state and role of the call,
1516      * while answer() only works with incoming calls on EARLY
1517      * state.
1518      *
1519      * @param prm.statusCode
1520      *                      Optional status code to be sent when we're rejecting
1521      *                      incoming call. If the value is zero, "603/Decline"
1522      *                      will be sent.
1523      * @param prm.reason    Optional reason phrase to be sent when we're
1524      *                      rejecting incoming call. If empty, default text
1525      *                      will be used.
1526      * @param prm.txOption  Optional list of headers etc to be added to outgoing
1527      *                      request/response message.
1528      */
1529     void hangup(const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1531     /**
1532      * Put the specified call on hold. This will send re-INVITE with the
1533      * appropriate SDP to inform remote that the call is being put on hold.
1534      * The final status of the request itself will be reported on the
1535      * \a onCallMediaState() callback, which inform the application that
1536      * the media state of the call has changed.
1537      *
1538      * @param prm.options   Bitmask of pjsua_call_flag constants. Currently,
1539      *                      only the flag PJSUA_CALL_UPDATE_CONTACT can be used.
1540      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message components to be sent with
1541      *                      the request.
1542      */
1543     void setHold(const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1545     /**
1546      * Send re-INVITE.
1547      * The final status of the request itself will be reported on the
1548      * \a onCallMediaState() callback, which inform the application that
1549      * the media state of the call has changed.
1550      *
1551      * @param prm.opt       Optional call setting, if empty, the current call
1552      *                      setting will remain unchanged.
1553      * @param prm.opt.flag  Bitmask of pjsua_call_flag constants. Specifying
1554      *                      PJSUA_CALL_UNHOLD here will release call hold.
1555      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message components to be sent with
1556      *                      the request.
1557      */
1558     void reinvite(const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1560     /**
1561      * Send UPDATE request.
1562      *
1563      * @param prm.opt       Optional call setting, if empty, the current call
1564      *                      setting will remain unchanged.
1565      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message components to be sent with
1566      *                      the request.
1567      */
1568     void update(const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1570     /**
1571      * Initiate call transfer to the specified address. This function will send
1572      * REFER request to instruct remote call party to initiate a new INVITE
1573      * session to the specified destination/target.
1574      *
1575      * If application is interested to monitor the successfulness and
1576      * the progress of the transfer request, it can implement
1577      * \a onCallTransferStatus() callback which will report the progress
1578      * of the call transfer request.
1579      *
1580      * @param dest          URI of new target to be contacted. The URI may be
1581      *                      in name address or addr-spec format.
1582      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message components to be sent with
1583      *                      the request.
1584      */
1585     void xfer(const string &dest, const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1587     /**
1588      * Initiate attended call transfer. This function will send REFER request
1589      * to instruct remote call party to initiate new INVITE session to the URL
1590      * of \a destCall. The party at \a dest_call then should "replace"
1591      * the call with us with the new call from the REFER recipient.
1592      *
1593      * @param dest_call     The call to be replaced.
1594      * @param prm.options   Application may specify
1595      *                      PJSUA_XFER_NO_REQUIRE_REPLACES to suppress the
1596      *                      inclusion of "Require: replaces" in
1597      *                      the outgoing INVITE request created by the REFER
1598      *                      request.
1599      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message components to be sent with
1600      *                      the request.
1601      */
1602     void xferReplaces(const Call& dest_call,
1603                       const CallOpParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1605     /**
1606      * Accept or reject redirection response. Application MUST call this
1607      * function after it signaled PJSIP_REDIRECT_PENDING in the
1608      * \a onCallRedirected() callback,
1609      * to notify the call whether to accept or reject the redirection
1610      * to the current target. Application can use the combination of
1611      * PJSIP_REDIRECT_PENDING command in \a onCallRedirected() callback and
1612      * this function to ask for user permission before redirecting the call.
1613      *
1614      * Note that if the application chooses to reject or stop redirection (by
1615      * using PJSIP_REDIRECT_REJECT or PJSIP_REDIRECT_STOP respectively), the
1616      * call disconnection callback will be called before this function returns.
1617      * And if the application rejects the target, the \a onCallRedirected()
1618      * callback may also be called before this function returns if there is
1619      * another target to try.
1620      *
1621      * @param cmd           Redirection operation to be applied to the current
1622      *                      target. The semantic of this argument is similar
1623      *                      to the description in the \a onCallRedirected()
1624      *                      callback, except that the PJSIP_REDIRECT_PENDING is
1625      *                      not accepted here.
1626      */
1627     void processRedirect(pjsip_redirect_op cmd) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1629     /**
1630      * Send DTMF digits to remote using RFC 2833 payload formats.
1631      *
1632      * @param digits        DTMF string digits to be sent.
1633      */
1634     void dialDtmf(const string &digits) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1636     /**
1637      * Send DTMF digits to remote.
1638      *
1639      * @param param	The send DTMF parameter.
1640      */
1641     void sendDtmf(const CallSendDtmfParam &param) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1643     /**
1644      * Send instant messaging inside INVITE session.
1645      *
1646      * @param prm.contentType
1647      *                      MIME type.
1648      * @param prm.content   The message content.
1649      * @param prm.txOption  Optional list of headers etc to be included in
1650      *                      outgoing request. The body descriptor in the
1651      *                      txOption is ignored.
1652      * @param prm.userData  Optional user data, which will be given back when
1653      *                      the IM callback is called.
1654      */
1655     void sendInstantMessage(const SendInstantMessageParam& prm)
1656 			    PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1658     /**
1659      * Send IM typing indication inside INVITE session.
1660      *
1661      * @param prm.isTyping  True to indicate to remote that local person is
1662      *                      currently typing an IM.
1663      * @param prm.txOption  Optional list of headers etc to be included in
1664      *                      outgoing request.
1665      */
1666     void sendTypingIndication(const SendTypingIndicationParam &prm)
1667          PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1669     /**
1670      * Send arbitrary request with the call. This is useful for example to send
1671      * INFO request. Note that application should not use this function to send
1672      * requests which would change the invite session's state, such as
1673      * re-INVITE, UPDATE, PRACK, and BYE.
1674      *
1675      * @param prm.method    SIP method of the request.
1676      * @param prm.txOption  Optional message body and/or list of headers to be
1677      *                      included in outgoing request.
1678      */
1679     void sendRequest(const CallSendRequestParam &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1681     /**
1682      * Dump call and media statistics to string.
1683      *
1684      * @param with_media    True to include media information too.
1685      * @param indent        Spaces for left indentation.
1686      *
1687      * @return              Call dump and media statistics string.
1688      */
1689     string dump(bool with_media, const string indent) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1691     /**
1692      * Get the media stream index of the default video stream in the call.
1693      * Typically this will just retrieve the stream index of the first
1694      * activated video stream in the call. If none is active, it will return
1695      * the first inactive video stream.
1696      *
1697      * @return              The media stream index or -1 if no video stream
1698      *                      is present in the call.
1699      */
1700     int vidGetStreamIdx() const;
1702     /**
1703      * Determine if video stream for the specified call is currently running
1704      * (i.e. has been created, started, and not being paused) for the specified
1705      * direction.
1706      *
1707      * @param med_idx       Media stream index, or -1 to specify default video
1708      *                      media.
1709      * @param dir           The direction to be checked.
1710      *
1711      * @return              True if stream is currently running for the
1712      *                      specified direction.
1713      */
1714     bool vidStreamIsRunning(int med_idx, pjmedia_dir dir) const;
1716     /**
1717      * Add, remove, modify, and/or manipulate video media stream for the
1718      * specified call. This may trigger a re-INVITE or UPDATE to be sent
1719      * for the call.
1720      *
1721      * @param op            The video stream operation to be performed,
1722      *                      possible values are pjsua_call_vid_strm_op.
1723      * @param param         The parameters for the video stream operation
1724      *                      (see CallVidSetStreamParam).
1725      */
1726     void vidSetStream(pjsua_call_vid_strm_op op,
1727                       const CallVidSetStreamParam &param) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1729     /**
1730      * Get media stream info for the specified media index.
1731      *
1732      * @param med_idx       Media stream index.
1733      *
1734      * @return              The stream info.
1735      */
1736     StreamInfo getStreamInfo(unsigned med_idx) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1738     /**
1739      * Get media stream statistic for the specified media index.
1740      *
1741      * @param med_idx       Media stream index.
1742      *
1743      * @return              The stream statistic.
1744      */
1745     StreamStat getStreamStat(unsigned med_idx) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1747     /**
1748      * Get media transport info for the specified media index.
1749      *
1750      * @param med_idx       Media stream index.
1751      *
1752      * @return              The transport info.
1753      */
1754     MediaTransportInfo getMedTransportInfo(unsigned med_idx) const
1755 					   PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
1757     /**
1758      * Internal function (callled by Endpoint( to process update to call
1759      * medias when call media state changes.
1760      */
1761     void processMediaUpdate(OnCallMediaStateParam &prm);
1763     /**
1764      * Internal function (called by Endpoint) to process call state change.
1765      */
1766     void processStateChange(OnCallStateParam &prm);
1768 public:
1769     /*
1770      * Callbacks
1771      */
1772     /**
1773      * Notify application when call state has changed.
1774      * Application may then query the call info to get the
1775      * detail call states by calling getInfo() function.
1776      *
1777      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1778      */
onCallState(OnCallStateParam & prm)1779     virtual void onCallState(OnCallStateParam &prm)
1780     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1782     /**
1783      * This is a general notification callback which is called whenever
1784      * a transaction within the call has changed state. Application can
1785      * implement this callback for example to monitor the state of
1786      * outgoing requests, or to answer unhandled incoming requests
1787      * (such as INFO) with a final response.
1788      *
1789      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1790      */
onCallTsxState(OnCallTsxStateParam & prm)1791     virtual void onCallTsxState(OnCallTsxStateParam &prm)
1792     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1794     /**
1795      * Notify application when media state in the call has changed.
1796      * Normal application would need to implement this callback, e.g.
1797      * to connect the call's media to sound device. When ICE is used,
1798      * this callback will also be called to report ICE negotiation
1799      * failure.
1800      *
1801      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1802      */
onCallMediaState(OnCallMediaStateParam & prm)1803     virtual void onCallMediaState(OnCallMediaStateParam &prm)
1804     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1806     /**
1807      * Notify application when a call has just created a local SDP (for
1808      * initial or subsequent SDP offer/answer). Application can implement
1809      * this callback to modify the SDP, before it is being sent and/or
1810      * negotiated with remote SDP, for example to apply per account/call
1811      * basis codecs priority or to add custom/proprietary SDP attributes.
1812      *
1813      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1814      */
onCallSdpCreated(OnCallSdpCreatedParam & prm)1815     virtual void onCallSdpCreated(OnCallSdpCreatedParam &prm)
1816     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1818     /**
1819      * Notify application when an audio media session is about to be created
1820      * (as opposed to #on_stream_created() and #on_stream_created2() which are
1821      * called *after* the session has been created). The application may change
1822      * stream parameters like the jitter buffer size.
1823      *
1824      * @param prm       Callback parameter.
1825      */
onStreamPreCreate(OnStreamPreCreateParam & prm)1826     virtual void onStreamPreCreate(OnStreamPreCreateParam &prm)
1827     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1829     /**
1830      * Notify application when audio media session is created and before it is
1831      * registered to the conference bridge. Application may return different
1832      * audio media port if it has added media processing port to the stream.
1833      * This media port then will be added to the conference bridge instead.
1834      *
1835      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1836      */
onStreamCreated(OnStreamCreatedParam & prm)1837     virtual void onStreamCreated(OnStreamCreatedParam &prm)
1838     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1840     /**
1841      * Notify application when audio media session has been unregistered from
1842      * the conference bridge and about to be destroyed.
1843      *
1844      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1845      */
onStreamDestroyed(OnStreamDestroyedParam & prm)1846     virtual void onStreamDestroyed(OnStreamDestroyedParam &prm)
1847     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1849     /**
1850      * Notify application upon incoming DTMF digits.
1851      *
1852      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1853      */
onDtmfDigit(OnDtmfDigitParam & prm)1854     virtual void onDtmfDigit(OnDtmfDigitParam &prm)
1855     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1857     /**
1858      * Notify application upon incoming DTMF events.
1859      *
1860      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1861      */
onDtmfEvent(OnDtmfEventParam & prm)1862     virtual void onDtmfEvent(OnDtmfEventParam &prm)
1863     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1865     /**
1866      * Notify application on call being transferred (i.e. REFER is received).
1867      * Application can decide to accept/reject transfer request by setting
1868      * the code (default is 202). When this callback is not implemented,
1869      * the default behavior is to accept the transfer.
1870      *
1871      * If application decides to accept the transfer request, it must also
1872      * instantiate the new Call object for the transfer operation and return
1873      * this new Call object to prm.newCall.
1874      *
1875      * If application does not specify new Call object, library will reuse the
1876      * existing Call object for initiating the new call (to the transfer
1877      * destination). In this case, any events from both calls (transferred and
1878      * transferring) will be delivered to the same Call object, where the call
1879      * ID will be switched back and forth between callbacks. Application must
1880      * be careful to not destroy the Call object when receiving disconnection
1881      * event of the transferred call after the transfer process is completed.
1882      *
1883      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1884      */
onCallTransferRequest(OnCallTransferRequestParam & prm)1885     virtual void onCallTransferRequest(OnCallTransferRequestParam &prm)
1886     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1888     /**
1889      * Notify application of the status of previously sent call
1890      * transfer request. Application can monitor the status of the
1891      * call transfer request, for example to decide whether to
1892      * terminate existing call.
1893      *
1894      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1895      */
onCallTransferStatus(OnCallTransferStatusParam & prm)1896     virtual void onCallTransferStatus(OnCallTransferStatusParam &prm)
1897     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1899     /**
1900      * Notify application about incoming INVITE with Replaces header.
1901      * Application may reject the request by setting non-2xx code.
1902      *
1903      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1904      */
onCallReplaceRequest(OnCallReplaceRequestParam & prm)1905     virtual void onCallReplaceRequest(OnCallReplaceRequestParam &prm)
1906     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1908     /**
1909      * Notify application that an existing call has been replaced with
1910      * a new call. This happens when PJSUA-API receives incoming INVITE
1911      * request with Replaces header.
1912      *
1913      * After this callback is called, normally PJSUA-API will disconnect
1914      * this call and establish a new call. To be able to control the call,
1915      * e.g: hold, transfer, change media parameters, application must
1916      * instantiate a new Call object for the new call using call ID
1917      * specified in prm.newCallId, and return the Call object via
1918      * prm.newCall.
1919      *
1920      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1921      */
onCallReplaced(OnCallReplacedParam & prm)1922     virtual void onCallReplaced(OnCallReplacedParam &prm)
1923     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1925     /**
1926      * Notify application when call has received new offer from remote
1927      * (i.e. re-INVITE/UPDATE with SDP is received). Application can
1928      * decide to accept/reject the offer by setting the code (default
1929      * is 200). If the offer is accepted, application can update the
1930      * call setting to be applied in the answer. When this callback is
1931      * not implemented, the default behavior is to accept the offer using
1932      * current call setting.
1933      *
1934      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1935      */
onCallRxOffer(OnCallRxOfferParam & prm)1936     virtual void onCallRxOffer(OnCallRxOfferParam &prm)
1937     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1939     /**
1940      * Notify application when call has received a re-INVITE offer from
1941      * the peer. It allows more fine-grained control over the response to
1942      * a re-INVITE. If application sets async to PJ_TRUE, it can send
1943      * the reply manually using the function #Call::answer() and setting
1944      * the SDP answer. Otherwise, by default the re-INVITE will be
1945      * answered automatically after the callback returns.
1946      *
1947      * Currently, this callback is only called for re-INVITE with
1948      * SDP, but app should be prepared to handle the case of re-INVITE
1949      * without SDP.
1950      *
1951      * Remarks: If manually answering at a later timing, application may
1952      * need to monitor onCallTsxState() callback to check whether
1953      * the re-INVITE is already answered automatically with 487 due to
1954      * being cancelled.
1955      *
1956      * Note: onCallRxOffer() will still be called after this callback,
1957      * but only if prm.async is false and prm.code is 200.
1958      */
onCallRxReinvite(OnCallRxReinviteParam & prm)1959     virtual void onCallRxReinvite(OnCallRxReinviteParam &prm)
1960     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1963     /**
1964      * Notify application when call has received INVITE with no SDP offer.
1965      * Application can update the call setting (e.g: add audio/video), or
1966      * enable/disable codecs, or update other media session settings from
1967      * within the callback, however, as mandated by the standard (RFC3261
1968      * section 14.2), it must ensure that the update overlaps with the
1969      * existing media session (in codecs, transports, or other parameters)
1970      * that require support from the peer, this is to avoid the need for
1971      * the peer to reject the offer.
1972      *
1973      * When this callback is not implemented, the default behavior is to send
1974      * SDP offer using current active media session (with all enabled codecs
1975      * on each media type).
1976      *
1977      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1978      */
onCallTxOffer(OnCallTxOfferParam & prm)1979     virtual void onCallTxOffer(OnCallTxOfferParam &prm)
1980     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1982     /**
1983      * Notify application on incoming MESSAGE request.
1984      *
1985      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1986      */
onInstantMessage(OnInstantMessageParam & prm)1987     virtual void onInstantMessage(OnInstantMessageParam &prm)
1988     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1990     /**
1991      * Notify application about the delivery status of outgoing MESSAGE
1992      * request.
1993      *
1994      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
1995      */
onInstantMessageStatus(OnInstantMessageStatusParam & prm)1996     virtual void onInstantMessageStatus(OnInstantMessageStatusParam &prm)
1997     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
1999     /**
2000      * Notify application about typing indication.
2001      *
2002      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2003      */
onTypingIndication(OnTypingIndicationParam & prm)2004     virtual void onTypingIndication(OnTypingIndicationParam &prm)
2005     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
2007     /**
2008      * This callback is called when the call is about to resend the
2009      * INVITE request to the specified target, following the previously
2010      * received redirection response.
2011      *
2012      * Application may accept the redirection to the specified target,
2013      * reject this target only and make the session continue to try the next
2014      * target in the list if such target exists, stop the whole
2015      * redirection process altogether and cause the session to be
2016      * disconnected, or defer the decision to ask for user confirmation.
2017      *
2018      * This callback is optional,
2019      * the default behavior is to NOT follow the redirection response.
2020      *
2021      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2022      *
2023      * @return		Action to be performed for the target. Set this
2024      *			parameter to one of the value below:
2025      *			- PJSIP_REDIRECT_ACCEPT: immediately accept the
2026      *			  redirection. When set, the call will immediately
2027      *			  resend INVITE request to the target.
2028      *			- PJSIP_REDIRECT_ACCEPT_REPLACE: immediately accept
2029      *			  the redirection and replace the To header with the
2030      *			  current target. When set, the call will immediately
2031      *			  resend INVITE request to the target.
2032      *			- PJSIP_REDIRECT_REJECT: immediately reject this
2033      *			  target. The call will continue retrying with
2034      *			  next target if present, or disconnect the call
2035      *			  if there is no more target to try.
2036      *			- PJSIP_REDIRECT_STOP: stop the whole redirection
2037      *			  process and immediately disconnect the call. The
2038      *			  onCallState() callback will be called with
2039      *			  PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED state immediately
2040      *			  after this callback returns.
2041      *			- PJSIP_REDIRECT_PENDING: set to this value if
2042      *			  no decision can be made immediately (for example
2043      *			  to request confirmation from user). Application
2044      *			  then MUST call processRedirect()
2045      *			  to either accept or reject the redirection upon
2046      *			  getting user decision.
2047      */
onCallRedirected(OnCallRedirectedParam & prm)2048     virtual pjsip_redirect_op onCallRedirected(OnCallRedirectedParam &prm)
2049     {
2050 	PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm);
2051         return PJSIP_REDIRECT_STOP;
2052     }
2054     /**
2055      * This callback is called when media transport state is changed.
2056      *
2057      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2058      */
onCallMediaTransportState(OnCallMediaTransportStateParam & prm)2059     virtual void onCallMediaTransportState(OnCallMediaTransportStateParam &prm)
2060     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
2062     /**
2063      * Notification about media events such as video notifications. This
2064      * callback will most likely be called from media threads, thus
2065      * application must not perform heavy processing in this callback.
2066      * Especially, application must not destroy the call or media in this
2067      * callback. If application needs to perform more complex tasks to
2068      * handle the event, it should post the task to another thread.
2069      *
2070      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2071      */
onCallMediaEvent(OnCallMediaEventParam & prm)2072     virtual void onCallMediaEvent(OnCallMediaEventParam &prm)
2073     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
2075     /**
2076      * This callback can be used by application to implement custom media
2077      * transport adapter for the call, or to replace the media transport
2078      * with something completely new altogether.
2079      *
2080      * This callback is called when a new call is created. The library has
2081      * created a media transport for the call, and it is provided as the
2082      * \a mediaTp argument of this callback. The callback may change it
2083      * with the instance of media transport to be used by the call.
2084      *
2085      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2086      */
2087     virtual void
onCreateMediaTransport(OnCreateMediaTransportParam & prm)2088     onCreateMediaTransport(OnCreateMediaTransportParam &prm)
2089     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
2091     /**
2092      * Warning: deprecated and may be removed in future release.
2093      * Application can set SRTP crypto settings (including keys) and
2094      * keying methods via AccountConfig.mediaConfig.srtpOpt.
2095      * See also ticket #2100.
2096      *
2097      * This callback is called when SRTP media transport is created.
2098      * Application can modify the SRTP setting \a srtpOpt to specify
2099      * the cryptos and keys which are going to be used. Note that
2100      * application should not modify the field
2101      * \a pjmedia_srtp_setting.close_member_tp and can only modify
2102      * the field \a pjmedia_srtp_setting.use for initial INVITE.
2103      *
2104      * @param prm	Callback parameter.
2105      */
2106     virtual void
onCreateMediaTransportSrtp(OnCreateMediaTransportSrtpParam & prm)2107     onCreateMediaTransportSrtp(OnCreateMediaTransportSrtpParam &prm)
2108     { PJ_UNUSED_ARG(prm); }
2110 private:
2111     friend class Endpoint;
2113     Account             &acc;
2114     pjsua_call_id 	 id;
2115     Token                userData;
2116     std::vector<Media *> medias;
2117     pj_pool_t		*sdp_pool;
2118     Call		*child;	    /* New outgoing call in call transfer.  */
2119 };
2121 /**
2122  * @}  // PJSUA2_CALL
2123  */
2125 } // namespace pj
2127 #endif	/* __PJSUA2_CALL_HPP__ */