1import os
3from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd
6class Backup(BotPlugin):
7    """Backup related commands."""
9    @botcmd(admin_only=True)
10    def backup(self, msg, args):
11        """Backup everything.
12        Makes a backup script called backup.py in the data bot directory.
13        You can restore the backup from the command line with errbot --restore
14        """
15        filename = os.path.join(self.bot_config.BOT_DATA_DIR, "backup.py")
16        with open(filename, "w") as f:
17            f.write(
18                "## This file is not executable on its own. use errbot -r FILE to restore your bot.\n\n"
19            )
20            f.write('log.info("Restoring repo_manager.")\n')
21            for key, value in self._bot.repo_manager.items():
22                f.write('bot.repo_manager["' + key + '"] = ' + repr(value) + "\n")
23            f.write('log.info("Restoring plugin_manager.")\n')
24            for (
25                key,
26                value,
27            ) in (
28                self._bot.plugin_manager.items()
29            ):  # don't mimic that in real plugins, this is core only.
30                f.write('bot.plugin_manager["' + key + '"] = ' + repr(value) + "\n")
32            f.write('log.info("Installing plugins.")\n')
33            f.write('if "installed_repos" in bot.repo_manager:\n')
34            f.write('  for repo in bot.repo_manager["installed_repos"]:\n')
35            f.write("    log.error(bot.repo_manager.install_repo(repo))\n")
37            f.write('log.info("Restoring plugins data.")\n')
38            f.write(
39                "bot.plugin_manager.update_plugin_places(bot.repo_manager.get_all_repos_paths())\n"
40            )
41            for plugin in self._bot.plugin_manager.plugins.values():
42                if plugin._store:
43                    f.write(
44                        'pobj = bot.plugin_manager.plugins["' + plugin.name + '"]\n'
45                    )
46                    f.write("pobj.init_storage()\n")
48                    for key, value in plugin.items():
49                        f.write('pobj["' + key + '"] = ' + repr(value) + "\n")
50                    f.write("pobj.close_storage()\n")
52        return f'The backup file has been written in "{filename}".'