1import errno
2import os
3import sys
4import time
5import traceback
6import types
7import warnings
9import eventlet
10from eventlet import greenio
11from eventlet import support
12from eventlet.corolocal import local
13from eventlet.green import BaseHTTPServer
14from eventlet.green import socket
15import six
16from six.moves import urllib
25# %(client_port)s is also available
26DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = ('%(client_ip)s - - [%(date_time)s] "%(request_line)s"'
27                      ' %(status_code)s %(body_length)s %(wall_seconds).6f')
28RESPONSE_414 = b'''HTTP/1.0 414 Request URI Too Long\r\n\
29Connection: close\r\n\
30Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n'''
31is_accepting = True
33STATE_IDLE = 'idle'
34STATE_REQUEST = 'request'
35STATE_CLOSE = 'close'
37__all__ = ['server', 'format_date_time']
39# Weekday and month names for HTTP date/time formatting; always English!
40_weekdayname = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
41_monthname = [None,  # Dummy so we can use 1-based month numbers
42              "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
43              "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
46def format_date_time(timestamp):
47    """Formats a unix timestamp into an HTTP standard string."""
48    year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, _y, _z = time.gmtime(timestamp)
49    return "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
50        _weekdayname[wd], day, _monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss
51    )
54def addr_to_host_port(addr):
55    host = 'unix'
56    port = ''
57    if isinstance(addr, tuple):
58        host = addr[0]
59        port = addr[1]
60    return (host, port)
63# Collections of error codes to compare against.  Not all attributes are set
64# on errno module on all platforms, so some are literals :(
65BAD_SOCK = set((errno.EBADF, 10053))
66BROKEN_SOCK = set((errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNRESET))
69class ChunkReadError(ValueError):
70    pass
73WSGI_LOCAL = local()
76class Input(object):
78    def __init__(self,
79                 rfile,
80                 content_length,
81                 sock,
82                 wfile=None,
83                 wfile_line=None,
84                 chunked_input=False):
86        self.rfile = rfile
87        self._sock = sock
88        if content_length is not None:
89            content_length = int(content_length)
90        self.content_length = content_length
92        self.wfile = wfile
93        self.wfile_line = wfile_line
95        self.position = 0
96        self.chunked_input = chunked_input
97        self.chunk_length = -1
99        # (optional) headers to send with a "100 Continue" response. Set by
100        # calling set_hundred_continue_respose_headers() on env['wsgi.input']
101        self.hundred_continue_headers = None
102        self.is_hundred_continue_response_sent = False
104        # handle_one_response should give us a ref to the response state so we
105        # know whether we can still send the 100 Continue; until then, though,
106        # we're flying blind
107        self.headers_sent = None
109    def send_hundred_continue_response(self):
110        if self.headers_sent:
111            # To late; application has already started sending data back
112            # to the client
113            # TODO: maybe log a warning if self.hundred_continue_headers
114            #       is not None?
115            return
117        towrite = []
119        # 100 Continue status line
120        towrite.append(self.wfile_line)
122        # Optional headers
123        if self.hundred_continue_headers is not None:
124            # 100 Continue headers
125            for header in self.hundred_continue_headers:
126                towrite.append(six.b('%s: %s\r\n' % header))
128        # Blank line
129        towrite.append(b'\r\n')
131        self.wfile.writelines(towrite)
132        self.wfile.flush()
134        # Reinitialize chunk_length (expect more data)
135        self.chunk_length = -1
137    @property
138    def should_send_hundred_continue(self):
139        return self.wfile is not None and not self.is_hundred_continue_response_sent
141    def _do_read(self, reader, length=None):
142        if self.should_send_hundred_continue:
143            # 100 Continue response
144            self.send_hundred_continue_response()
145            self.is_hundred_continue_response_sent = True
146        if (self.content_length is not None) and (
147                length is None or length > self.content_length - self.position):
148            length = self.content_length - self.position
149        if not length:
150            return b''
151        try:
152            read = reader(length)
153        except greenio.SSL.ZeroReturnError:
154            read = b''
155        self.position += len(read)
156        return read
158    def _chunked_read(self, rfile, length=None, use_readline=False):
159        if self.should_send_hundred_continue:
160            # 100 Continue response
161            self.send_hundred_continue_response()
162            self.is_hundred_continue_response_sent = True
163        try:
164            if length == 0:
165                return b""
167            if length and length < 0:
168                length = None
170            if use_readline:
171                reader = self.rfile.readline
172            else:
173                reader = self.rfile.read
175            response = []
176            while self.chunk_length != 0:
177                maxreadlen = self.chunk_length - self.position
178                if length is not None and length < maxreadlen:
179                    maxreadlen = length
181                if maxreadlen > 0:
182                    data = reader(maxreadlen)
183                    if not data:
184                        self.chunk_length = 0
185                        raise IOError("unexpected end of file while parsing chunked data")
187                    datalen = len(data)
188                    response.append(data)
190                    self.position += datalen
191                    if self.chunk_length == self.position:
192                        rfile.readline()
194                    if length is not None:
195                        length -= datalen
196                        if length == 0:
197                            break
198                    if use_readline and data[-1:] == b"\n":
199                        break
200                else:
201                    try:
202                        self.chunk_length = int(rfile.readline().split(b";", 1)[0], 16)
203                    except ValueError as err:
204                        raise ChunkReadError(err)
205                    self.position = 0
206                    if self.chunk_length == 0:
207                        rfile.readline()
208        except greenio.SSL.ZeroReturnError:
209            pass
210        return b''.join(response)
212    def read(self, length=None):
213        if self.chunked_input:
214            return self._chunked_read(self.rfile, length)
215        return self._do_read(self.rfile.read, length)
217    def readline(self, size=None):
218        if self.chunked_input:
219            return self._chunked_read(self.rfile, size, True)
220        else:
221            return self._do_read(self.rfile.readline, size)
223    def readlines(self, hint=None):
224        if self.chunked_input:
225            lines = []
226            for line in iter(self.readline, b''):
227                lines.append(line)
228                if hint and hint > 0:
229                    hint -= len(line)
230                    if hint <= 0:
231                        break
232            return lines
233        else:
234            return self._do_read(self.rfile.readlines, hint)
236    def __iter__(self):
237        return iter(self.read, b'')
239    def get_socket(self):
240        return self._sock
242    def set_hundred_continue_response_headers(self, headers,
243                                              capitalize_response_headers=True):
244        # Response headers capitalization (default)
245        # CONTent-TYpe: TExt/PlaiN -> Content-Type: TExt/PlaiN
246        # Per HTTP RFC standard, header name is case-insensitive.
247        # Please, fix your client to ignore header case if possible.
248        if capitalize_response_headers:
249            headers = [
250                ('-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in key.split('-')]), value)
251                for key, value in headers]
252        self.hundred_continue_headers = headers
254    def discard(self, buffer_size=16 << 10):
255        while self.read(buffer_size):
256            pass
259class HeaderLineTooLong(Exception):
260    pass
263class HeadersTooLarge(Exception):
264    pass
267def get_logger(log, debug):
268    if callable(getattr(log, 'info', None)) \
269       and callable(getattr(log, 'debug', None)):
270        return log
271    else:
272        return LoggerFileWrapper(log or sys.stderr, debug)
275class LoggerNull(object):
276    def __init__(self):
277        pass
279    def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
280        pass
282    def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
283        pass
285    def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
286        pass
288    def write(self, msg, *args):
289        pass
292class LoggerFileWrapper(LoggerNull):
293    def __init__(self, log, debug):
294        self.log = log
295        self._debug = debug
297    def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
298        self.write(msg, *args)
300    def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
301        self.write(msg, *args)
303    def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
304        if self._debug:
305            self.write(msg, *args)
307    def write(self, msg, *args):
308        msg = msg + '\n'
309        if args:
310            msg = msg % args
311        self.log.write(msg)
314class FileObjectForHeaders(object):
316    def __init__(self, fp):
317        self.fp = fp
318        self.total_header_size = 0
320    def readline(self, size=-1):
321        sz = size
322        if size < 0:
323            sz = MAX_HEADER_LINE
324        rv = self.fp.readline(sz)
325        if len(rv) >= MAX_HEADER_LINE:
326            raise HeaderLineTooLong()
327        self.total_header_size += len(rv)
328        if self.total_header_size > MAX_TOTAL_HEADER_SIZE:
329            raise HeadersTooLarge()
330        return rv
333class HttpProtocol(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
334    protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
335    minimum_chunk_size = MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE
336    capitalize_response_headers = True
338    # https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/295
339    # Stdlib default is 0 (unbuffered), but then `wfile.writelines()` looses data
340    # so before going back to unbuffered, remove any usage of `writelines`.
341    wbufsize = 16 << 10
343    def __init__(self, conn_state, server):
344        self.request = conn_state[1]
345        self.client_address = conn_state[0]
346        self.conn_state = conn_state
347        self.server = server
348        self.setup()
349        try:
350            self.handle()
351        finally:
352            self.finish()
354    def setup(self):
355        # overriding SocketServer.setup to correctly handle SSL.Connection objects
356        conn = self.connection = self.request
358        # TCP_QUICKACK is a better alternative to disabling Nagle's algorithm
359        # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10607422
360        if getattr(socket, 'TCP_QUICKACK', None):
361            try:
362                conn.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_QUICKACK, True)
363            except socket.error:
364                pass
366        try:
367            self.rfile = conn.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)
368            self.wfile = conn.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)
369        except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
370            if hasattr(conn, 'send') and hasattr(conn, 'recv'):
371                # it's an SSL.Connection
372                self.rfile = socket._fileobject(conn, "rb", self.rbufsize)
373                self.wfile = socket._fileobject(conn, "wb", self.wbufsize)
374            else:
375                # it's a SSLObject, or a martian
376                raise NotImplementedError(
377                    '''eventlet.wsgi doesn't support sockets of type {0}'''.format(type(conn)))
379    def handle(self):
380        self.close_connection = True
382        while True:
383            self.handle_one_request()
384            if self.conn_state[2] == STATE_CLOSE:
385                self.close_connection = 1
386            if self.close_connection:
387                break
389    def _read_request_line(self):
390        if self.rfile.closed:
391            self.close_connection = 1
392            return ''
394        try:
395            return self.rfile.readline(self.server.url_length_limit)
396        except greenio.SSL.ZeroReturnError:
397            pass
398        except socket.error as e:
399            last_errno = support.get_errno(e)
400            if last_errno in BROKEN_SOCK:
401                self.server.log.debug('({0}) connection reset by peer {1!r}'.format(
402                    self.server.pid,
403                    self.client_address))
404            elif last_errno not in BAD_SOCK:
405                raise
406        return ''
408    def handle_one_request(self):
409        if self.server.max_http_version:
410            self.protocol_version = self.server.max_http_version
412        self.raw_requestline = self._read_request_line()
413        if not self.raw_requestline:
414            self.close_connection = 1
415            return
416        if len(self.raw_requestline) >= self.server.url_length_limit:
417            self.wfile.write(RESPONSE_414)
418            self.close_connection = 1
419            return
421        orig_rfile = self.rfile
422        try:
423            self.rfile = FileObjectForHeaders(self.rfile)
424            if not self.parse_request():
425                return
426        except HeaderLineTooLong:
427            self.wfile.write(
428                b"HTTP/1.0 400 Header Line Too Long\r\n"
429                b"Connection: close\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n")
430            self.close_connection = 1
431            return
432        except HeadersTooLarge:
433            self.wfile.write(
434                b"HTTP/1.0 400 Headers Too Large\r\n"
435                b"Connection: close\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n")
436            self.close_connection = 1
437            return
438        finally:
439            self.rfile = orig_rfile
441        content_length = self.headers.get('content-length')
442        if content_length is not None:
443            try:
444                if int(content_length) < 0:
445                    raise ValueError
446            except ValueError:
447                # Negative, or not an int at all
448                self.wfile.write(
449                    b"HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n"
450                    b"Connection: close\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\n")
451                self.close_connection = 1
452                return
454        self.environ = self.get_environ()
455        self.application = self.server.app
456        try:
457            self.server.outstanding_requests += 1
458            try:
459                self.handle_one_response()
460            except socket.error as e:
461                # Broken pipe, connection reset by peer
462                if support.get_errno(e) not in BROKEN_SOCK:
463                    raise
464        finally:
465            self.server.outstanding_requests -= 1
467    def handle_one_response(self):
468        start = time.time()
469        headers_set = []
470        headers_sent = []
471        # Grab the request input now; app may try to replace it in the environ
472        request_input = self.environ['eventlet.input']
473        # Push the headers-sent state into the Input so it won't send a
474        # 100 Continue response if we've already started a response.
475        request_input.headers_sent = headers_sent
477        wfile = self.wfile
478        result = None
479        use_chunked = [False]
480        length = [0]
481        status_code = [200]
483        def write(data):
484            towrite = []
485            if not headers_set:
486                raise AssertionError("write() before start_response()")
487            elif not headers_sent:
488                status, response_headers = headers_set
489                headers_sent.append(1)
490                header_list = [header[0].lower() for header in response_headers]
491                towrite.append(six.b('%s %s\r\n' % (self.protocol_version, status)))
492                for header in response_headers:
493                    towrite.append(six.b('%s: %s\r\n' % header))
495                # send Date header?
496                if 'date' not in header_list:
497                    towrite.append(six.b('Date: %s\r\n' % (format_date_time(time.time()),)))
499                client_conn = self.headers.get('Connection', '').lower()
500                send_keep_alive = False
501                if self.close_connection == 0 and \
502                   self.server.keepalive and (client_conn == 'keep-alive' or
503                                              (self.request_version == 'HTTP/1.1' and
504                                               not client_conn == 'close')):
505                        # only send keep-alives back to clients that sent them,
506                        # it's redundant for 1.1 connections
507                    send_keep_alive = (client_conn == 'keep-alive')
508                    self.close_connection = 0
509                else:
510                    self.close_connection = 1
512                if 'content-length' not in header_list:
513                    if self.request_version == 'HTTP/1.1':
514                        use_chunked[0] = True
515                        towrite.append(b'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n')
516                    elif 'content-length' not in header_list:
517                        # client is 1.0 and therefore must read to EOF
518                        self.close_connection = 1
520                if self.close_connection:
521                    towrite.append(b'Connection: close\r\n')
522                elif send_keep_alive:
523                    towrite.append(b'Connection: keep-alive\r\n')
524                towrite.append(b'\r\n')
525                # end of header writing
527            if use_chunked[0]:
528                # Write the chunked encoding
529                towrite.append(six.b("%x" % (len(data),)) + b"\r\n" + data + b"\r\n")
530            else:
531                towrite.append(data)
532            wfile.writelines(towrite)
533            wfile.flush()
534            length[0] = length[0] + sum(map(len, towrite))
536        def start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
537            status_code[0] = status.split()[0]
538            if exc_info:
539                try:
540                    if headers_sent:
541                        # Re-raise original exception if headers sent
542                        six.reraise(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
543                finally:
544                    # Avoid dangling circular ref
545                    exc_info = None
547            # Response headers capitalization
548            # CONTent-TYpe: TExt/PlaiN -> Content-Type: TExt/PlaiN
549            # Per HTTP RFC standard, header name is case-insensitive.
550            # Please, fix your client to ignore header case if possible.
551            if self.capitalize_response_headers:
552                if six.PY2:
553                    def cap(x):
554                        return x.capitalize()
555                else:
556                    def cap(x):
557                        return x.encode('latin1').capitalize().decode('latin1')
559                response_headers = [
560                    ('-'.join([cap(x) for x in key.split('-')]), value)
561                    for key, value in response_headers]
563            headers_set[:] = [status, response_headers]
564            return write
566        try:
567            try:
568                WSGI_LOCAL.already_handled = False
569                result = self.application(self.environ, start_response)
571                # Set content-length if possible
572                if headers_set and not headers_sent and hasattr(result, '__len__'):
573                    # We've got a complete final response
574                    if 'Content-Length' not in [h for h, _v in headers_set[1]]:
575                        headers_set[1].append(('Content-Length', str(sum(map(len, result)))))
576                    if request_input.should_send_hundred_continue:
577                        # We've got a complete final response, and never sent a 100 Continue.
578                        # There's no chance we'll need to read the body as we stream out the
579                        # response, so we can be nice and send a Connection: close header.
580                        self.close_connection = 1
582                towrite = []
583                towrite_size = 0
584                just_written_size = 0
585                minimum_write_chunk_size = int(self.environ.get(
586                    'eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size', self.minimum_chunk_size))
587                for data in result:
588                    if len(data) == 0:
589                        continue
590                    if isinstance(data, six.text_type):
591                        data = data.encode('ascii')
593                    towrite.append(data)
594                    towrite_size += len(data)
595                    if towrite_size >= minimum_write_chunk_size:
596                        write(b''.join(towrite))
597                        towrite = []
598                        just_written_size = towrite_size
599                        towrite_size = 0
600                if WSGI_LOCAL.already_handled:
601                    self.close_connection = 1
602                    return
603                if towrite:
604                    just_written_size = towrite_size
605                    write(b''.join(towrite))
606                if not headers_sent or (use_chunked[0] and just_written_size):
607                    write(b'')
608            except Exception:
609                self.close_connection = 1
610                tb = traceback.format_exc()
611                self.server.log.info(tb)
612                if not headers_sent:
613                    err_body = six.b(tb) if self.server.debug else b''
614                    start_response("500 Internal Server Error",
615                                   [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
616                                    ('Content-length', len(err_body))])
617                    write(err_body)
618        finally:
619            if hasattr(result, 'close'):
620                result.close()
621            if request_input.should_send_hundred_continue:
622                # We just sent the final response, no 100 Continue. Client may or
623                # may not have started to send a body, and if we keep the connection
624                # open we've seen clients either
625                #   * send a body, then start a new request
626                #   * skip the body and go straight to a new request
627                # Looks like the most broadly compatible option is to close the
628                # connection and let the client retry.
629                # https://curl.se/mail/lib-2004-08/0002.html
630                # Note that we likely *won't* send a Connection: close header at this point
631                self.close_connection = 1
633            if (request_input.chunked_input or
634                    request_input.position < (request_input.content_length or 0)):
635                # Read and discard body if connection is going to be reused
636                if self.close_connection == 0:
637                    try:
638                        request_input.discard()
639                    except ChunkReadError as e:
640                        self.close_connection = 1
641                        self.server.log.error((
642                            'chunked encoding error while discarding request body.'
643                            + ' client={0} request="{1}" error="{2}"').format(
644                                self.get_client_address()[0], self.requestline, e,
645                        ))
646                    except IOError as e:
647                        self.close_connection = 1
648                        self.server.log.error((
649                            'I/O error while discarding request body.'
650                            + ' client={0} request="{1}" error="{2}"').format(
651                                self.get_client_address()[0], self.requestline, e,
652                        ))
653            finish = time.time()
655            for hook, args, kwargs in self.environ['eventlet.posthooks']:
656                hook(self.environ, *args, **kwargs)
658            if self.server.log_output:
659                client_host, client_port = self.get_client_address()
661                self.server.log.info(self.server.log_format % {
662                    'client_ip': client_host,
663                    'client_port': client_port,
664                    'date_time': self.log_date_time_string(),
665                    'request_line': self.requestline,
666                    'status_code': status_code[0],
667                    'body_length': length[0],
668                    'wall_seconds': finish - start,
669                })
671    def get_client_address(self):
672        host, port = addr_to_host_port(self.client_address)
674        if self.server.log_x_forwarded_for:
675            forward = self.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', '').replace(' ', '')
676            if forward:
677                host = forward + ',' + host
678        return (host, port)
680    def get_environ(self):
681        env = self.server.get_environ()
682        env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = self.command
683        env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = ''
685        pq = self.path.split('?', 1)
686        env['RAW_PATH_INFO'] = pq[0]
687        if six.PY2:
688            env['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.parse.unquote(pq[0])
689        else:
690            env['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.parse.unquote(pq[0], encoding='latin1')
691        if len(pq) > 1:
692            env['QUERY_STRING'] = pq[1]
694        ct = self.headers.get('content-type')
695        if ct is None:
696            try:
697                ct = self.headers.type
698            except AttributeError:
699                ct = self.headers.get_content_type()
700        env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = ct
702        length = self.headers.get('content-length')
703        if length:
704            env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = length
705        env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = 'HTTP/1.0'
707        sockname = self.request.getsockname()
708        server_addr = addr_to_host_port(sockname)
709        env['SERVER_NAME'] = server_addr[0]
710        env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(server_addr[1])
711        client_addr = addr_to_host_port(self.client_address)
712        env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = client_addr[0]
713        env['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(client_addr[1])
714        env['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] = 'CGI/1.1'
716        try:
717            headers = self.headers.headers
718        except AttributeError:
719            headers = self.headers._headers
720        else:
721            headers = [h.split(':', 1) for h in headers]
723        env['headers_raw'] = headers_raw = tuple((k, v.strip(' \t\n\r')) for k, v in headers)
724        for k, v in headers_raw:
725            k = k.replace('-', '_').upper()
726            if k in ('CONTENT_TYPE', 'CONTENT_LENGTH'):
727                # These do not get the HTTP_ prefix and were handled above
728                continue
729            envk = 'HTTP_' + k
730            if envk in env:
731                env[envk] += ',' + v
732            else:
733                env[envk] = v
735        if env.get('HTTP_EXPECT', '').lower() == '100-continue':
736            wfile = self.wfile
737            wfile_line = b'HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n'
738        else:
739            wfile = None
740            wfile_line = None
741        chunked = env.get('HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING', '').lower() == 'chunked'
742        env['wsgi.input'] = env['eventlet.input'] = Input(
743            self.rfile, length, self.connection, wfile=wfile, wfile_line=wfile_line,
744            chunked_input=chunked)
745        env['eventlet.posthooks'] = []
747        return env
749    def finish(self):
750        try:
751            BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.finish(self)
752        except socket.error as e:
753            # Broken pipe, connection reset by peer
754            if support.get_errno(e) not in BROKEN_SOCK:
755                raise
756        greenio.shutdown_safe(self.connection)
757        self.connection.close()
759    def handle_expect_100(self):
760        return True
763class Server(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
765    def __init__(self,
766                 socket,
767                 address,
768                 app,
769                 log=None,
770                 environ=None,
771                 max_http_version=None,
772                 protocol=HttpProtocol,
773                 minimum_chunk_size=None,
774                 log_x_forwarded_for=True,
775                 keepalive=True,
776                 log_output=True,
777                 log_format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT,
778                 url_length_limit=MAX_REQUEST_LINE,
779                 debug=True,
780                 socket_timeout=None,
781                 capitalize_response_headers=True):
783        self.outstanding_requests = 0
784        self.socket = socket
785        self.address = address
786        self.log = LoggerNull()
787        if log_output:
788            self.log = get_logger(log, debug)
789        self.app = app
790        self.keepalive = keepalive
791        self.environ = environ
792        self.max_http_version = max_http_version
793        self.protocol = protocol
794        self.pid = os.getpid()
795        self.minimum_chunk_size = minimum_chunk_size
796        self.log_x_forwarded_for = log_x_forwarded_for
797        self.log_output = log_output
798        self.log_format = log_format
799        self.url_length_limit = url_length_limit
800        self.debug = debug
801        self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout
802        self.capitalize_response_headers = capitalize_response_headers
804        if not self.capitalize_response_headers:
805            warnings.warn("""capitalize_response_headers is disabled.
806 Please, make sure you know what you are doing.
807 HTTP headers names are case-insensitive per RFC standard.
808 Most likely, you need to fix HTTP parsing in your client software.""",
809                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
811    def get_environ(self):
812        d = {
813            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
814            'wsgi.version': (1, 0),
815            'wsgi.multithread': True,
816            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
817            'wsgi.run_once': False,
818            'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
819        }
820        # detect secure socket
821        if hasattr(self.socket, 'do_handshake'):
822            d['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
823            d['HTTPS'] = 'on'
824        if self.environ is not None:
825            d.update(self.environ)
826        return d
828    def process_request(self, conn_state):
829        # The actual request handling takes place in __init__, so we need to
830        # set minimum_chunk_size before __init__ executes and we don't want to modify
831        # class variable
832        proto = new(self.protocol)
833        if self.minimum_chunk_size is not None:
834            proto.minimum_chunk_size = self.minimum_chunk_size
835        proto.capitalize_response_headers = self.capitalize_response_headers
836        try:
837            proto.__init__(conn_state, self)
838        except socket.timeout:
839            # Expected exceptions are not exceptional
840            conn_state[1].close()
841            # similar to logging "accepted" in server()
842            self.log.debug('({0}) timed out {1!r}'.format(self.pid, conn_state[0]))
844    def log_message(self, message):
845        raise AttributeError('''\
846eventlet.wsgi.server.log_message was deprecated and deleted.
847Please use server.log.info instead.''')
851    new = types.InstanceType
852except AttributeError:
853    new = lambda cls: cls.__new__(cls)
857    import ssl
858    ACCEPT_EXCEPTIONS = (socket.error, ssl.SSLError)
859    ACCEPT_ERRNO = set((errno.EPIPE, errno.EBADF, errno.ECONNRESET,
860                        ssl.SSL_ERROR_EOF, ssl.SSL_ERROR_SSL))
861except ImportError:
862    ACCEPT_EXCEPTIONS = (socket.error,)
863    ACCEPT_ERRNO = set((errno.EPIPE, errno.EBADF, errno.ECONNRESET))
866def socket_repr(sock):
867    scheme = 'http'
868    if hasattr(sock, 'do_handshake'):
869        scheme = 'https'
871    name = sock.getsockname()
872    if sock.family == socket.AF_INET:
873        hier_part = '//{0}:{1}'.format(*name)
874    elif sock.family == socket.AF_INET6:
875        hier_part = '//[{0}]:{1}'.format(*name[:2])
876    elif sock.family == socket.AF_UNIX:
877        hier_part = name
878    else:
879        hier_part = repr(name)
881    return scheme + ':' + hier_part
884def server(sock, site,
885           log=None,
886           environ=None,
887           max_size=None,
888           max_http_version=DEFAULT_MAX_HTTP_VERSION,
889           protocol=HttpProtocol,
890           server_event=None,
891           minimum_chunk_size=None,
892           log_x_forwarded_for=True,
893           custom_pool=None,
894           keepalive=True,
895           log_output=True,
896           log_format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT,
897           url_length_limit=MAX_REQUEST_LINE,
898           debug=True,
899           socket_timeout=None,
900           capitalize_response_headers=True):
901    """Start up a WSGI server handling requests from the supplied server
902    socket.  This function loops forever.  The *sock* object will be
903    closed after server exits, but the underlying file descriptor will
904    remain open, so if you have a dup() of *sock*, it will remain usable.
906    .. warning::
908        At the moment :func:`server` will always wait for active connections to finish before
909        exiting, even if there's an exception raised inside it
910        (*all* exceptions are handled the same way, including :class:`greenlet.GreenletExit`
911        and those inheriting from `BaseException`).
913        While this may not be an issue normally, when it comes to long running HTTP connections
914        (like :mod:`eventlet.websocket`) it will become problematic and calling
915        :meth:`~eventlet.greenthread.GreenThread.wait` on a thread that runs the server may hang,
916        even after using :meth:`~eventlet.greenthread.GreenThread.kill`, as long
917        as there are active connections.
919    :param sock: Server socket, must be already bound to a port and listening.
920    :param site: WSGI application function.
921    :param log: logging.Logger instance or file-like object that logs should be written to.
922                If a Logger instance is supplied, messages are sent to the INFO log level.
923                If not specified, sys.stderr is used.
924    :param environ: Additional parameters that go into the environ dictionary of every request.
925    :param max_size: Maximum number of client connections opened at any time by this server.
926                Default is 1024.
927    :param max_http_version: Set to "HTTP/1.0" to make the server pretend it only supports HTTP 1.0.
928                This can help with applications or clients that don't behave properly using HTTP 1.1.
929    :param protocol: Protocol class.  Deprecated.
930    :param server_event: Used to collect the Server object.  Deprecated.
931    :param minimum_chunk_size: Minimum size in bytes for http chunks.  This can be used to improve
932                performance of applications which yield many small strings, though
933                using it technically violates the WSGI spec. This can be overridden
934                on a per request basis by setting environ['eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size'].
935    :param log_x_forwarded_for: If True (the default), logs the contents of the x-forwarded-for
936                header in addition to the actual client ip address in the 'client_ip' field of the
937                log line.
938    :param custom_pool: A custom GreenPool instance which is used to spawn client green threads.
939                If this is supplied, max_size is ignored.
940    :param keepalive: If set to False, disables keepalives on the server; all connections will be
941                closed after serving one request.
942    :param log_output: A Boolean indicating if the server will log data or not.
943    :param log_format: A python format string that is used as the template to generate log lines.
944                The following values can be formatted into it: client_ip, date_time, request_line,
945                status_code, body_length, wall_seconds.  The default is a good example of how to
946                use it.
947    :param url_length_limit: A maximum allowed length of the request url. If exceeded, 414 error
948                is returned.
949    :param debug: True if the server should send exception tracebacks to the clients on 500 errors.
950                If False, the server will respond with empty bodies.
951    :param socket_timeout: Timeout for client connections' socket operations. Default None means
952                wait forever.
953    :param capitalize_response_headers: Normalize response headers' names to Foo-Bar.
954                Default is True.
955    """
956    serv = Server(
957        sock, sock.getsockname(),
958        site, log,
959        environ=environ,
960        max_http_version=max_http_version,
961        protocol=protocol,
962        minimum_chunk_size=minimum_chunk_size,
963        log_x_forwarded_for=log_x_forwarded_for,
964        keepalive=keepalive,
965        log_output=log_output,
966        log_format=log_format,
967        url_length_limit=url_length_limit,
968        debug=debug,
969        socket_timeout=socket_timeout,
970        capitalize_response_headers=capitalize_response_headers,
971    )
972    if server_event is not None:
973        warnings.warn(
974            'eventlet.wsgi.Server() server_event kwarg is deprecated and will be removed soon',
975            DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
976        server_event.send(serv)
977    if max_size is None:
979    if custom_pool is not None:
980        pool = custom_pool
981    else:
982        pool = eventlet.GreenPool(max_size)
984    if not (hasattr(pool, 'spawn') and hasattr(pool, 'waitall')):
985        raise AttributeError('''\
986eventlet.wsgi.Server pool must provide methods: `spawn`, `waitall`.
987If unsure, use eventlet.GreenPool.''')
989    # [addr, socket, state]
990    connections = {}
992    def _clean_connection(_, conn):
993        connections.pop(conn[0], None)
994        conn[2] = STATE_CLOSE
995        greenio.shutdown_safe(conn[1])
996        conn[1].close()
998    try:
999        serv.log.info('({0}) wsgi starting up on {1}'.format(serv.pid, socket_repr(sock)))
1000        while is_accepting:
1001            try:
1002                client_socket, client_addr = sock.accept()
1003                client_socket.settimeout(serv.socket_timeout)
1004                serv.log.debug('({0}) accepted {1!r}'.format(serv.pid, client_addr))
1005                connections[client_addr] = connection = [client_addr, client_socket, STATE_IDLE]
1006                (pool.spawn(serv.process_request, connection)
1007                    .link(_clean_connection, connection))
1008            except ACCEPT_EXCEPTIONS as e:
1009                if support.get_errno(e) not in ACCEPT_ERRNO:
1010                    raise
1011            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
1012                serv.log.info('wsgi exiting')
1013                break
1014    finally:
1015        for cs in six.itervalues(connections):
1016            prev_state = cs[2]
1017            cs[2] = STATE_CLOSE
1018            if prev_state == STATE_IDLE:
1019                greenio.shutdown_safe(cs[1])
1020        pool.waitall()
1021        serv.log.info('({0}) wsgi exited, is_accepting={1}'.format(serv.pid, is_accepting))
1022        try:
1023            # NOTE: It's not clear whether we want this to leave the
1024            # socket open or close it.  Use cases like Spawning want
1025            # the underlying fd to remain open, but if we're going
1026            # that far we might as well not bother closing sock at
1027            # all.
1028            sock.close()
1029        except socket.error as e:
1030            if support.get_errno(e) not in BROKEN_SOCK:
1031                traceback.print_exc()