1from __future__ import absolute_import
3import atexit
4import copy
5import logging
6import socket
7import threading
8import time
9import weakref
11from kafka.vendor import six
13import kafka.errors as Errors
14from kafka.client_async import KafkaClient, selectors
15from kafka.codec import has_gzip, has_snappy, has_lz4
16from kafka.metrics import MetricConfig, Metrics
17from kafka.partitioner.default import DefaultPartitioner
18from kafka.producer.future import FutureRecordMetadata, FutureProduceResult
19from kafka.producer.record_accumulator import AtomicInteger, RecordAccumulator
20from kafka.producer.sender import Sender
21from kafka.record.default_records import DefaultRecordBatchBuilder
22from kafka.record.legacy_records import LegacyRecordBatchBuilder
23from kafka.serializer import Serializer
24from kafka.structs import TopicPartition
27log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
31class KafkaProducer(object):
32    """A Kafka client that publishes records to the Kafka cluster.
34    The producer is thread safe and sharing a single producer instance across
35    threads will generally be faster than having multiple instances.
37    The producer consists of a pool of buffer space that holds records that
38    haven't yet been transmitted to the server as well as a background I/O
39    thread that is responsible for turning these records into requests and
40    transmitting them to the cluster.
42    :meth:`~kafka.KafkaProducer.send` is asynchronous. When called it adds the
43    record to a buffer of pending record sends and immediately returns. This
44    allows the producer to batch together individual records for efficiency.
46    The 'acks' config controls the criteria under which requests are considered
47    complete. The "all" setting will result in blocking on the full commit of
48    the record, the slowest but most durable setting.
50    If the request fails, the producer can automatically retry, unless
51    'retries' is configured to 0. Enabling retries also opens up the
52    possibility of duplicates (see the documentation on message
53    delivery semantics for details:
54    https://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#semantics
55    ).
57    The producer maintains buffers of unsent records for each partition. These
58    buffers are of a size specified by the 'batch_size' config. Making this
59    larger can result in more batching, but requires more memory (since we will
60    generally have one of these buffers for each active partition).
62    By default a buffer is available to send immediately even if there is
63    additional unused space in the buffer. However if you want to reduce the
64    number of requests you can set 'linger_ms' to something greater than 0.
65    This will instruct the producer to wait up to that number of milliseconds
66    before sending a request in hope that more records will arrive to fill up
67    the same batch. This is analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP. Note that
68    records that arrive close together in time will generally batch together
69    even with linger_ms=0 so under heavy load batching will occur regardless of
70    the linger configuration; however setting this to something larger than 0
71    can lead to fewer, more efficient requests when not under maximal load at
72    the cost of a small amount of latency.
74    The buffer_memory controls the total amount of memory available to the
75    producer for buffering. If records are sent faster than they can be
76    transmitted to the server then this buffer space will be exhausted. When
77    the buffer space is exhausted additional send calls will block.
79    The key_serializer and value_serializer instruct how to turn the key and
80    value objects the user provides into bytes.
82    Keyword Arguments:
83        bootstrap_servers: 'host[:port]' string (or list of 'host[:port]'
84            strings) that the producer should contact to bootstrap initial
85            cluster metadata. This does not have to be the full node list.
86            It just needs to have at least one broker that will respond to a
87            Metadata API Request. Default port is 9092. If no servers are
88            specified, will default to localhost:9092.
89        client_id (str): a name for this client. This string is passed in
90            each request to servers and can be used to identify specific
91            server-side log entries that correspond to this client.
92            Default: 'kafka-python-producer-#' (appended with a unique number
93            per instance)
94        key_serializer (callable): used to convert user-supplied keys to bytes
95            If not None, called as f(key), should return bytes. Default: None.
96        value_serializer (callable): used to convert user-supplied message
97            values to bytes. If not None, called as f(value), should return
98            bytes. Default: None.
99        acks (0, 1, 'all'): The number of acknowledgments the producer requires
100            the leader to have received before considering a request complete.
101            This controls the durability of records that are sent. The
102            following settings are common:
104            0: Producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server.
105                The message will immediately be added to the socket
106                buffer and considered sent. No guarantee can be made that the
107                server has received the record in this case, and the retries
108                configuration will not take effect (as the client won't
109                generally know of any failures). The offset given back for each
110                record will always be set to -1.
111            1: Wait for leader to write the record to its local log only.
112                Broker will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from
113                all followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately
114                after acknowledging the record but before the followers have
115                replicated it then the record will be lost.
116            all: Wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to write the record.
117                This guarantees that the record will not be lost as long as at
118                least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is the strongest
119                available guarantee.
120            If unset, defaults to acks=1.
121        compression_type (str): The compression type for all data generated by
122            the producer. Valid values are 'gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4', or None.
123            Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching
124            will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better
125            compression). Default: None.
126        retries (int): Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client
127            to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient
128            error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client
129            resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries
130            without setting max_in_flight_requests_per_connection to 1 will
131            potentially change the ordering of records because if two batches
132            are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried
133            but the second succeeds, then the records in the second batch may
134            appear first.
135            Default: 0.
136        batch_size (int): Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple
137            batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.
138            A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce
139            throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely).
140            Default: 16384
141        linger_ms (int): The producer groups together any records that arrive
142            in between request transmissions into a single batched request.
143            Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster
144            than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client
145            may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load.
146            This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of
147            artificial delay; that is, rather than immediately sending out a
148            record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow
149            other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together.
150            This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP.
151            This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once
152            we get batch_size worth of records for a partition it will be sent
153            immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer
154            than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will
155            'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show
156            up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting linger_ms=5
157            would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but
158            would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of
159            load. Default: 0.
160        partitioner (callable): Callable used to determine which partition
161            each message is assigned to. Called (after key serialization):
162            partitioner(key_bytes, all_partitions, available_partitions).
163            The default partitioner implementation hashes each non-None key
164            using the same murmur2 algorithm as the java client so that
165            messages with the same key are assigned to the same partition.
166            When a key is None, the message is delivered to a random partition
167            (filtered to partitions with available leaders only, if possible).
168        buffer_memory (int): The total bytes of memory the producer should use
169            to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are
170            sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer
171            will block up to max_block_ms, raising an exception on timeout.
172            In the current implementation, this setting is an approximation.
173            Default: 33554432 (32MB)
174        connections_max_idle_ms: Close idle connections after the number of
175            milliseconds specified by this config. The broker closes idle
176            connections after connections.max.idle.ms, so this avoids hitting
177            unexpected socket disconnected errors on the client.
178            Default: 540000
179        max_block_ms (int): Number of milliseconds to block during
180            :meth:`~kafka.KafkaProducer.send` and
181            :meth:`~kafka.KafkaProducer.partitions_for`. These methods can be
182            blocked either because the buffer is full or metadata unavailable.
183            Blocking in the user-supplied serializers or partitioner will not be
184            counted against this timeout. Default: 60000.
185        max_request_size (int): The maximum size of a request. This is also
186            effectively a cap on the maximum record size. Note that the server
187            has its own cap on record size which may be different from this.
188            This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer
189            will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests.
190            Default: 1048576.
191        metadata_max_age_ms (int): The period of time in milliseconds after
192            which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven't seen any
193            partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new
194            brokers or partitions. Default: 300000
195        retry_backoff_ms (int): Milliseconds to backoff when retrying on
196            errors. Default: 100.
197        request_timeout_ms (int): Client request timeout in milliseconds.
198            Default: 30000.
199        receive_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP receive buffer
200            (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. Default: None (relies on
201            system defaults). Java client defaults to 32768.
202        send_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP send buffer
203            (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. Default: None (relies on
204            system defaults). Java client defaults to 131072.
205        socket_options (list): List of tuple-arguments to socket.setsockopt
206            to apply to broker connection sockets. Default:
207            [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
208        reconnect_backoff_ms (int): The amount of time in milliseconds to
209            wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host.
210            Default: 50.
211        reconnect_backoff_max_ms (int): The maximum amount of time in
212            milliseconds to wait when reconnecting to a broker that has
213            repeatedly failed to connect. If provided, the backoff per host
214            will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection
215            failure, up to this maximum. To avoid connection storms, a
216            randomization factor of 0.2 will be applied to the backoff
217            resulting in a random range between 20% below and 20% above
218            the computed value. Default: 1000.
219        max_in_flight_requests_per_connection (int): Requests are pipelined
220            to kafka brokers up to this number of maximum requests per
221            broker connection. Note that if this setting is set to be greater
222            than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message
223            re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled).
224            Default: 5.
225        security_protocol (str): Protocol used to communicate with brokers.
226            Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL.
227            Default: PLAINTEXT.
228        ssl_context (ssl.SSLContext): pre-configured SSLContext for wrapping
229            socket connections. If provided, all other ssl_* configurations
230            will be ignored. Default: None.
231        ssl_check_hostname (bool): flag to configure whether ssl handshake
232            should verify that the certificate matches the brokers hostname.
233            default: true.
234        ssl_cafile (str): optional filename of ca file to use in certificate
235            veriication. default: none.
236        ssl_certfile (str): optional filename of file in pem format containing
237            the client certificate, as well as any ca certificates needed to
238            establish the certificate's authenticity. default: none.
239        ssl_keyfile (str): optional filename containing the client private key.
240            default: none.
241        ssl_password (str): optional password to be used when loading the
242            certificate chain. default: none.
243        ssl_crlfile (str): optional filename containing the CRL to check for
244            certificate expiration. By default, no CRL check is done. When
245            providing a file, only the leaf certificate will be checked against
246            this CRL. The CRL can only be checked with Python 3.4+ or 2.7.9+.
247            default: none.
248        api_version (tuple): Specify which Kafka API version to use. If set to
249            None, the client will attempt to infer the broker version by probing
250            various APIs. Example: (0, 10, 2). Default: None
251        api_version_auto_timeout_ms (int): number of milliseconds to throw a
252            timeout exception from the constructor when checking the broker
253            api version. Only applies if api_version set to 'auto'
254        metric_reporters (list): A list of classes to use as metrics reporters.
255            Implementing the AbstractMetricsReporter interface allows plugging
256            in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. Default: []
257        metrics_num_samples (int): The number of samples maintained to compute
258            metrics. Default: 2
259        metrics_sample_window_ms (int): The maximum age in milliseconds of
260            samples used to compute metrics. Default: 30000
261        selector (selectors.BaseSelector): Provide a specific selector
262            implementation to use for I/O multiplexing.
263            Default: selectors.DefaultSelector
264        sasl_mechanism (str): string picking sasl mechanism when security_protocol
265            is SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. Currently only PLAIN is supported.
266            Default: None
267        sasl_plain_username (str): username for sasl PLAIN authentication.
268            Default: None
269        sasl_plain_password (str): password for sasl PLAIN authentication.
270            Default: None
271        sasl_kerberos_service_name (str): Service name to include in GSSAPI
272            sasl mechanism handshake. Default: 'kafka'
273        sasl_kerberos_domain_name (str): kerberos domain name to use in GSSAPI
274            sasl mechanism handshake. Default: one of bootstrap servers
276    Note:
277        Configuration parameters are described in more detail at
278        https://kafka.apache.org/0100/configuration.html#producerconfigs
279    """
281        'bootstrap_servers': 'localhost',
282        'client_id': None,
283        'key_serializer': None,
284        'value_serializer': None,
285        'acks': 1,
286        'bootstrap_topics_filter': set(),
287        'compression_type': None,
288        'retries': 0,
289        'batch_size': 16384,
290        'linger_ms': 0,
291        'partitioner': DefaultPartitioner(),
292        'buffer_memory': 33554432,
293        'connections_max_idle_ms': 9 * 60 * 1000,
294        'max_block_ms': 60000,
295        'max_request_size': 1048576,
296        'metadata_max_age_ms': 300000,
297        'retry_backoff_ms': 100,
298        'request_timeout_ms': 30000,
299        'receive_buffer_bytes': None,
300        'send_buffer_bytes': None,
301        'socket_options': [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)],
302        'sock_chunk_bytes': 4096,  # undocumented experimental option
303        'sock_chunk_buffer_count': 1000,  # undocumented experimental option
304        'reconnect_backoff_ms': 50,
305        'reconnect_backoff_max_ms': 1000,
306        'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5,
307        'security_protocol': 'PLAINTEXT',
308        'ssl_context': None,
309        'ssl_check_hostname': True,
310        'ssl_cafile': None,
311        'ssl_certfile': None,
312        'ssl_keyfile': None,
313        'ssl_crlfile': None,
314        'ssl_password': None,
315        'api_version': None,
316        'api_version_auto_timeout_ms': 2000,
317        'metric_reporters': [],
318        'metrics_num_samples': 2,
319        'metrics_sample_window_ms': 30000,
320        'selector': selectors.DefaultSelector,
321        'sasl_mechanism': None,
322        'sasl_plain_username': None,
323        'sasl_plain_password': None,
324        'sasl_kerberos_service_name': 'kafka',
325        'sasl_kerberos_domain_name': None
326    }
328    _COMPRESSORS = {
329        'gzip': (has_gzip, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_GZIP),
330        'snappy': (has_snappy, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_SNAPPY),
331        'lz4': (has_lz4, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_LZ4),
332        None: (lambda: True, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_NONE),
333    }
335    def __init__(self, **configs):
336        log.debug("Starting the Kafka producer")  # trace
337        self.config = copy.copy(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
338        for key in self.config:
339            if key in configs:
340                self.config[key] = configs.pop(key)
342        # Only check for extra config keys in top-level class
343        assert not configs, 'Unrecognized configs: %s' % (configs,)
345        if self.config['client_id'] is None:
346            self.config['client_id'] = 'kafka-python-producer-%s' % \
347                                       (PRODUCER_CLIENT_ID_SEQUENCE.increment(),)
349        if self.config['acks'] == 'all':
350            self.config['acks'] = -1
352        # api_version was previously a str. accept old format for now
353        if isinstance(self.config['api_version'], str):
354            deprecated = self.config['api_version']
355            if deprecated == 'auto':
356                self.config['api_version'] = None
357            else:
358                self.config['api_version'] = tuple(map(int, deprecated.split('.')))
359            log.warning('use api_version=%s [tuple] -- "%s" as str is deprecated',
360                        str(self.config['api_version']), deprecated)
362        # Configure metrics
363        metrics_tags = {'client-id': self.config['client_id']}
364        metric_config = MetricConfig(samples=self.config['metrics_num_samples'],
365                                     time_window_ms=self.config['metrics_sample_window_ms'],
366                                     tags=metrics_tags)
367        reporters = [reporter() for reporter in self.config['metric_reporters']]
368        self._metrics = Metrics(metric_config, reporters)
370        client = KafkaClient(metrics=self._metrics, metric_group_prefix='producer',
371                             wakeup_timeout_ms=self.config['max_block_ms'],
372                             **self.config)
374        # Get auto-discovered version from client if necessary
375        if self.config['api_version'] is None:
376            self.config['api_version'] = client.config['api_version']
378        if self.config['compression_type'] == 'lz4':
379            assert self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 8, 2), 'LZ4 Requires >= Kafka 0.8.2 Brokers'
381        # Check compression_type for library support
382        ct = self.config['compression_type']
383        if ct not in self._COMPRESSORS:
384            raise ValueError("Not supported codec: {}".format(ct))
385        else:
386            checker, compression_attrs = self._COMPRESSORS[ct]
387            assert checker(), "Libraries for {} compression codec not found".format(ct)
388            self.config['compression_attrs'] = compression_attrs
390        message_version = self._max_usable_produce_magic()
391        self._accumulator = RecordAccumulator(message_version=message_version, metrics=self._metrics, **self.config)
392        self._metadata = client.cluster
393        guarantee_message_order = bool(self.config['max_in_flight_requests_per_connection'] == 1)
394        self._sender = Sender(client, self._metadata,
395                              self._accumulator, self._metrics,
396                              guarantee_message_order=guarantee_message_order,
397                              **self.config)
398        self._sender.daemon = True
399        self._sender.start()
400        self._closed = False
402        self._cleanup = self._cleanup_factory()
403        atexit.register(self._cleanup)
404        log.debug("Kafka producer started")
406    def _cleanup_factory(self):
407        """Build a cleanup clojure that doesn't increase our ref count"""
408        _self = weakref.proxy(self)
409        def wrapper():
410            try:
411                _self.close(timeout=0)
412            except (ReferenceError, AttributeError):
413                pass
414        return wrapper
416    def _unregister_cleanup(self):
417        if getattr(self, '_cleanup', None):
418            if hasattr(atexit, 'unregister'):
419                atexit.unregister(self._cleanup)  # pylint: disable=no-member
421            # py2 requires removing from private attribute...
422            else:
424                # ValueError on list.remove() if the exithandler no longer exists
425                # but that is fine here
426                try:
427                    atexit._exithandlers.remove(  # pylint: disable=no-member
428                        (self._cleanup, (), {}))
429                except ValueError:
430                    pass
431        self._cleanup = None
433    def __del__(self):
434        self.close(timeout=0)
436    def close(self, timeout=None):
437        """Close this producer.
439        Arguments:
440            timeout (float, optional): timeout in seconds to wait for completion.
441        """
443        # drop our atexit handler now to avoid leaks
444        self._unregister_cleanup()
446        if not hasattr(self, '_closed') or self._closed:
447            log.info('Kafka producer closed')
448            return
449        if timeout is None:
450            # threading.TIMEOUT_MAX is available in Python3.3+
451            timeout = getattr(threading, 'TIMEOUT_MAX', float('inf'))
452        if getattr(threading, 'TIMEOUT_MAX', False):
453            assert 0 <= timeout <= getattr(threading, 'TIMEOUT_MAX')
454        else:
455            assert timeout >= 0
457        log.info("Closing the Kafka producer with %s secs timeout.", timeout)
458        #first_exception = AtomicReference() # this will keep track of the first encountered exception
459        invoked_from_callback = bool(threading.current_thread() is self._sender)
460        if timeout > 0:
461            if invoked_from_callback:
462                log.warning("Overriding close timeout %s secs to 0 in order to"
463                            " prevent useless blocking due to self-join. This"
464                            " means you have incorrectly invoked close with a"
465                            " non-zero timeout from the producer call-back.",
466                            timeout)
467            else:
468                # Try to close gracefully.
469                if self._sender is not None:
470                    self._sender.initiate_close()
471                    self._sender.join(timeout)
473        if self._sender is not None and self._sender.is_alive():
475            log.info("Proceeding to force close the producer since pending"
476                     " requests could not be completed within timeout %s.",
477                     timeout)
478            self._sender.force_close()
479            # Only join the sender thread when not calling from callback.
480            if not invoked_from_callback:
481                self._sender.join()
483        self._metrics.close()
484        try:
485            self.config['key_serializer'].close()
486        except AttributeError:
487            pass
488        try:
489            self.config['value_serializer'].close()
490        except AttributeError:
491            pass
492        self._closed = True
493        log.debug("The Kafka producer has closed.")
495    def partitions_for(self, topic):
496        """Returns set of all known partitions for the topic."""
497        max_wait = self.config['max_block_ms'] / 1000.0
498        return self._wait_on_metadata(topic, max_wait)
500    def _max_usable_produce_magic(self):
501        if self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 11):
502            return 2
503        elif self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10):
504            return 1
505        else:
506            return 0
508    def _estimate_size_in_bytes(self, key, value, headers=[]):
509        magic = self._max_usable_produce_magic()
510        if magic == 2:
511            return DefaultRecordBatchBuilder.estimate_size_in_bytes(
512                key, value, headers)
513        else:
514            return LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.estimate_size_in_bytes(
515                magic, self.config['compression_type'], key, value)
517    def send(self, topic, value=None, key=None, headers=None, partition=None, timestamp_ms=None):
518        """Publish a message to a topic.
520        Arguments:
521            topic (str): topic where the message will be published
522            value (optional): message value. Must be type bytes, or be
523                serializable to bytes via configured value_serializer. If value
524                is None, key is required and message acts as a 'delete'.
525                See kafka compaction documentation for more details:
526                https://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#compaction
527                (compaction requires kafka >= 0.8.1)
528            partition (int, optional): optionally specify a partition. If not
529                set, the partition will be selected using the configured
530                'partitioner'.
531            key (optional): a key to associate with the message. Can be used to
532                determine which partition to send the message to. If partition
533                is None (and producer's partitioner config is left as default),
534                then messages with the same key will be delivered to the same
535                partition (but if key is None, partition is chosen randomly).
536                Must be type bytes, or be serializable to bytes via configured
537                key_serializer.
538            headers (optional): a list of header key value pairs. List items
539                are tuples of str key and bytes value.
540            timestamp_ms (int, optional): epoch milliseconds (from Jan 1 1970 UTC)
541                to use as the message timestamp. Defaults to current time.
543        Returns:
544            FutureRecordMetadata: resolves to RecordMetadata
546        Raises:
547            KafkaTimeoutError: if unable to fetch topic metadata, or unable
548                to obtain memory buffer prior to configured max_block_ms
549        """
550        assert value is not None or self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 8, 1), (
551            'Null messages require kafka >= 0.8.1')
552        assert not (value is None and key is None), 'Need at least one: key or value'
553        key_bytes = value_bytes = None
554        try:
555            self._wait_on_metadata(topic, self.config['max_block_ms'] / 1000.0)
557            key_bytes = self._serialize(
558                self.config['key_serializer'],
559                topic, key)
560            value_bytes = self._serialize(
561                self.config['value_serializer'],
562                topic, value)
563            assert type(key_bytes) in (bytes, bytearray, memoryview, type(None))
564            assert type(value_bytes) in (bytes, bytearray, memoryview, type(None))
566            partition = self._partition(topic, partition, key, value,
567                                        key_bytes, value_bytes)
569            if headers is None:
570                headers = []
571            assert type(headers) == list
572            assert all(type(item) == tuple and len(item) == 2 and type(item[0]) == str and type(item[1]) == bytes for item in headers)
574            message_size = self._estimate_size_in_bytes(key_bytes, value_bytes, headers)
575            self._ensure_valid_record_size(message_size)
577            tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
578            log.debug("Sending (key=%r value=%r headers=%r) to %s", key, value, headers, tp)
579            result = self._accumulator.append(tp, timestamp_ms,
580                                              key_bytes, value_bytes, headers,
581                                              self.config['max_block_ms'],
582                                              estimated_size=message_size)
583            future, batch_is_full, new_batch_created = result
584            if batch_is_full or new_batch_created:
585                log.debug("Waking up the sender since %s is either full or"
586                          " getting a new batch", tp)
587                self._sender.wakeup()
589            return future
590            # handling exceptions and record the errors;
591            # for API exceptions return them in the future,
592            # for other exceptions raise directly
593        except Errors.BrokerResponseError as e:
594            log.debug("Exception occurred during message send: %s", e)
595            return FutureRecordMetadata(
596                FutureProduceResult(TopicPartition(topic, partition)),
597                -1, None, None,
598                len(key_bytes) if key_bytes is not None else -1,
599                len(value_bytes) if value_bytes is not None else -1,
600                sum(len(h_key.encode("utf-8")) + len(h_value) for h_key, h_value in headers) if headers else -1,
601            ).failure(e)
603    def flush(self, timeout=None):
604        """
605        Invoking this method makes all buffered records immediately available
606        to send (even if linger_ms is greater than 0) and blocks on the
607        completion of the requests associated with these records. The
608        post-condition of :meth:`~kafka.KafkaProducer.flush` is that any
609        previously sent record will have completed
610        (e.g. Future.is_done() == True). A request is considered completed when
611        either it is successfully acknowledged according to the 'acks'
612        configuration for the producer, or it results in an error.
614        Other threads can continue sending messages while one thread is blocked
615        waiting for a flush call to complete; however, no guarantee is made
616        about the completion of messages sent after the flush call begins.
618        Arguments:
619            timeout (float, optional): timeout in seconds to wait for completion.
621        Raises:
622            KafkaTimeoutError: failure to flush buffered records within the
623                provided timeout
624        """
625        log.debug("Flushing accumulated records in producer.")  # trace
626        self._accumulator.begin_flush()
627        self._sender.wakeup()
628        self._accumulator.await_flush_completion(timeout=timeout)
630    def _ensure_valid_record_size(self, size):
631        """Validate that the record size isn't too large."""
632        if size > self.config['max_request_size']:
633            raise Errors.MessageSizeTooLargeError(
634                "The message is %d bytes when serialized which is larger than"
635                " the maximum request size you have configured with the"
636                " max_request_size configuration" % (size,))
637        if size > self.config['buffer_memory']:
638            raise Errors.MessageSizeTooLargeError(
639                "The message is %d bytes when serialized which is larger than"
640                " the total memory buffer you have configured with the"
641                " buffer_memory configuration." % (size,))
643    def _wait_on_metadata(self, topic, max_wait):
644        """
645        Wait for cluster metadata including partitions for the given topic to
646        be available.
648        Arguments:
649            topic (str): topic we want metadata for
650            max_wait (float): maximum time in secs for waiting on the metadata
652        Returns:
653            set: partition ids for the topic
655        Raises:
656            KafkaTimeoutError: if partitions for topic were not obtained before
657                specified max_wait timeout
658        """
659        # add topic to metadata topic list if it is not there already.
660        self._sender.add_topic(topic)
661        begin = time.time()
662        elapsed = 0.0
663        metadata_event = None
664        while True:
665            partitions = self._metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic)
666            if partitions is not None:
667                return partitions
669            if not metadata_event:
670                metadata_event = threading.Event()
672            log.debug("Requesting metadata update for topic %s", topic)
674            metadata_event.clear()
675            future = self._metadata.request_update()
676            future.add_both(lambda e, *args: e.set(), metadata_event)
677            self._sender.wakeup()
678            metadata_event.wait(max_wait - elapsed)
679            elapsed = time.time() - begin
680            if not metadata_event.is_set():
681                raise Errors.KafkaTimeoutError(
682                    "Failed to update metadata after %.1f secs." % (max_wait,))
683            elif topic in self._metadata.unauthorized_topics:
684                raise Errors.TopicAuthorizationFailedError(topic)
685            else:
686                log.debug("_wait_on_metadata woke after %s secs.", elapsed)
688    def _serialize(self, f, topic, data):
689        if not f:
690            return data
691        if isinstance(f, Serializer):
692            return f.serialize(topic, data)
693        return f(data)
695    def _partition(self, topic, partition, key, value,
696                   serialized_key, serialized_value):
697        if partition is not None:
698            assert partition >= 0
699            assert partition in self._metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic), 'Unrecognized partition'
700            return partition
702        all_partitions = sorted(self._metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic))
703        available = list(self._metadata.available_partitions_for_topic(topic))
704        return self.config['partitioner'](serialized_key,
705                                          all_partitions,
706                                          available)
708    def metrics(self, raw=False):
709        """Get metrics on producer performance.
711        This is ported from the Java Producer, for details see:
712        https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producer_monitoring
714        Warning:
715            This is an unstable interface. It may change in future
716            releases without warning.
717        """
718        if raw:
719            return self._metrics.metrics.copy()
721        metrics = {}
722        for k, v in six.iteritems(self._metrics.metrics.copy()):
723            if k.group not in metrics:
724                metrics[k.group] = {}
725            if k.name not in metrics[k.group]:
726                metrics[k.group][k.name] = {}
727            metrics[k.group][k.name] = v.value()
728        return metrics