1# In the interest of reliability and performance, please avoid installing
2# external dependencies here, e.g. via tools/*-setup.sh, apt, dnf, or yum.
3# Do so in the appropriate Dockerfile at
4# https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/ instead.
5# The resulting images can be found at
6# https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/container_registry
9  - build
10  - analysis
11  - test
12  - fuzz-asan
13  - fuzz-randpkt
14  - fuzz-valgrind
17  # Ensure that checkouts are a) fast and b) have a reachable tag. In a
18  # brighter, more glorious future we might be able to use --shallow-since:
19  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/3460
20  # In the mean time, fetching the last 5000 commits does the job.
21  GIT_DEPTH: "1"
22  GIT_FETCH_EXTRA_FLAGS: "--depth=5000"
23  CCACHE_DIR: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache"
24  # Preferred version of clang available on wireshark-ubuntu-dev
26  # Enable color output in CMake, Ninja, and other tools. https://bixense.com/clicolors/
29# Common rule stanzas
30# These must currently be including using "!reference tags". "extends:" and
31# YAML anchors won't work:
32# https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/322992
34# Commits that have been approved and merged. Run automatically in the main
35# repo and allow manual runs in the web UI and in forks.
37  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "release-3.6" && $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ /.*gitlab.com\/wireshark\/wireshark/'
38    when: always
39  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web"'
40    when: always
41  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_PROJECT_URL !~ /.*gitlab.com\/wireshark\/wireshark/'
42    when: manual
43# Merged commits for runners which are only available in
44# wireshark/wireshark, e.g. wireshark-windows-*. Run automatically in
45# the main repo and allow manual runs in the web UI.
47  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ /.*gitlab.com\/wireshark\/wireshark/'
48    when: always
49  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web"'
50    when: always
51# Incoming merge requests.
53  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
54    when: always
55# Incoming non-detached merge requests. Must be used for runners which are only
56# available in wireshark/wireshark, e.g. wireshark-windows-*
58  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" && $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ /.*gitlab.com\/wireshark\/wireshark/'
59    when: always
60# Fuzz jobs. Care should be taken when changing this since the scheduler
61# often doesn't report errors.
63  - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $SCHEDULE_TYPE == "fuzz"'
64    when: always
67  stage: build
68  tags:
69    - docker
70  after_script:
71    - for builddir in build/packaging/rpm/BUILD/wireshark-*/build build/packaging/rpm/BUILD/wireshark-* build obj-*; do [ ! -d "$builddir/run" ] || break; done
72    - if [[ "$CI_JOB_NAME" == "build:rpm-opensuse-"* ]]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$builddir/run; fi
73    - if [ -f $builddir/run/tshark ]; then $builddir/run/tshark --version; fi
74  needs: []
77  stage: test
78  tags:
79    - docker
80  variables:
81    GIT_STRATEGY: none
84  extends: .build-linux
85  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/ubuntu-dev
86  retry: 1
87  # https://gould.cx/ted/blog/2017/06/10/ccache-for-Gitlab-CI/
88  cache:
90    key: ${CI_JOB_NAME}-release-3.6
91    paths:
92      - ccache/
93  before_script:
94    - useradd user
95    - export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
96    - export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--skip-missing-programs=dumpcap,rawshark
97    - mkdir -p ccache
98    - ccache --show-stats
99    - export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck,parallel=$(( $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 2 ))
100    - export DH_QUIET=1
101    - export MAKEFLAGS=--silent
102    - mkdir build
103    - cd build
104  after_script:
105    # The cache should be large enough to be useful but it shouldn't take
106    # too long to restore+save each run.
107    - ccache --max-size $( du --summarize --block-size=1M "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/build" | awk '{printf ("%dM", $1 * 1.5)}' )
108  script:
109    # setcap restricts our library paths
110    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
111    - CFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=$(pwd)/run CXXFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=$(pwd)/run cmake -GNinja $CMAKE_ARGS ..
112    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
113    - ninja
114    - ninja install
115    - ninja shellcheck
116    - ninja test-programs
117    - chown -R user .
118    - if [ -f run/dumpcap ]; then setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip run/dumpcap; fi
119    - if [ -f run/dumpcap ]; then su user -c "run/dumpcap -D" ; fi
120    - su user -c pytest-3
123  extends: .build-linux
124  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
125  before_script:
126    # It might make sense to set "GIT_STRATEGY: none" and build from
127    # the tarball.
128    - git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
129    - git config --global user.name "Your Name"
130    - mkdir build
131    - cd build
132    - perl ../tools/make-version.pl --set-release
133    - mv -v ../wireshark-*.tar.* .
134  artifacts:
135    paths:
136      - build/packaging/rpm/RPMS
137    expire_in: 3 days
138  needs:
139    - 'Source Package'
142  extends: .test-linux
143  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
146  stage: build
147  retry: 1
148  before_script:
149    - if (-Not (Test-Path C:\Development)) { New-Item -Path C:\Development -ItemType "directory" }
150    - $env:WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR = "C:\Development"
151    - $env:Configuration = "RelWithDebInfo"
152    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"
153    - $env:Path += ";C:\Strawberry\c\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin"
154    - $env:Path += ";C:\qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin"
155    # https://help.appveyor.com/discussions/questions/18777-how-to-use-vcvars64bat-from-powershell
156    - cmd.exe /c "call `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat`" && set > %temp%\vcvars.txt"
157    - Get-Content "$env:temp\vcvars.txt" | Foreach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") { Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2] } }
158    # Testing / debugging only.
159    # - cmd.exe /c "set CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE"
160    # - cmd.exe /c "set CI_PROJECT_URL"
161    #- dir c:\
162    #- dir c:\qt
163    #- $env:path.split(";")
164    #- cmd.exe /c "set"
165    #- Get-Location
166    - mkdir build
167    - cd build
168  needs: []
170# Rely on fedora:latest and debian-stable jobs for testing a recent GCC version.
171Latest Clang:
172  extends: .build-ubuntu
173  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
174  variables:
175    CC: "clang-$CLANG_VERSION"
176    CXX: "clang++-$CLANG_VERSION"
178Source Package:
179  extends: .build-ubuntu
180  stage: .pre
181  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
182  script:
183    - perl ../tools/make-version.pl --set-release || ../perl make-version.pl --set-release
184    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
185    - cmake -G Ninja $CMAKE_ARGS -DENABLE_CCACHE=ON ..
186    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
187    - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR
188    - build/packaging/source/git-export-release.sh -d .
189  after_script:
190    # - ccache --max-size $( du --summarize --block-size=1M "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/build" | awk '{printf ("%dM", $1 * 1.5)}' )
191    - stat --format="%n %s bytes" wireshark-*.tar.*
192    - for digest in sha256 rmd160 sha1 ; do openssl $digest wireshark-*.tar.* ; done
193    # This will break if we produce multiple tarballs, which is arguably a good thing.
194    - if [ -n "$S3_DESTINATION_DIST" ] ; then aws s3 cp wireshark-*.tar.* "$S3_DESTINATION_DIST/" ; fi
195  artifacts:
196    paths:
197      - wireshark-*.tar.*
199CentOS 7 RPM Package:
200  extends: .build-rpm
201  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/centos-7-dev
202  script:
203    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
204    - cmake3 -GNinja ..
205    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
206    - ninja-build rpm-package
207CentOS 7 RPM Test:
208  extends: .test-rpm
209  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/centos-7-dev
210  script:
211    - yum --nogpgcheck localinstall -y build/packaging/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm
212    - tshark --version
213  needs: [ 'CentOS 7 RPM Package' ]
215CentOS 8 RPM Package:
216  extends: .build-rpm
217  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/centos-8-dev
218  script:
219    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
220    - cmake -GNinja ..
221    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
222    - ninja-build rpm-package
223CentOS 8 RPM Test:
224  extends: .test-rpm
225  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/centos-8-dev
226  script:
227    - dnf --nogpgcheck localinstall -y build/packaging/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm
228    - tshark --version
229  needs: [ 'CentOS 8 RPM Package' ]
231openSUSE 15.2 RPM Package:
232  extends: .build-rpm
233  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/opensuse-15.2-dev
234  script:
235    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
236    - cmake -GNinja ..
237    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
238    - ninja rpm-package
239openSUSE 15.2 RPM Test:
240  extends: .test-rpm
241  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/opensuse-15.2-dev
242  script:
243    - zypper --no-gpg-checks --no-remote install -y build/packaging/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm
244    - tshark --version
245  needs: [ 'openSUSE 15.2 RPM Package' ]
247Fedora RPM Package:
248  extends: .build-rpm
249  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/fedora-dev
250  script:
251    # Shared GitLab runners limit the log size to 4M, so reduce verbosity. See
252    # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum/issues/2790
254    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
255    - cmake3 -GNinja ..
256    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
257    - ninja rpm-package
258# Fedora RPM Test:
259#   extends: .test-rpm
260#   image: fedora
261#   script:
262#     - dnf install -y build/packaging/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm
263#     - tshark --version
264#  needs: [ 'Fedora RPM Package' ]
266# Job to generate packages for Debian stable
267Debian Stable APT Package:
268  extends: .build-linux
269  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
270  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/debian-stable-dev
271  script:
272    - perl tools/make-version.pl --set-release
273    # Shared GitLab runners limit the log size to 4M, so reduce verbosity. See
274    # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum/issues/2790
275    - export DH_QUIET=1
276    - export MAKEFLAGS=--silent
277    - dpkg-buildpackage -b --no-sign -jauto
278    - mkdir debian-packages
279    - mv ../*.deb debian-packages/
280  artifacts:
281    paths:
282      - debian-packages/*.deb
283    expire_in: 3 days
284Debian Stable APT Test:
285  extends: .test-linux
286  rules: !reference [.if-merged]
287  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/debian-stable-dev
288  stage: test
289  script:
290    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install ./debian-packages/*.deb -y
291    - tshark --version
292  after_script:
293    # Used for https://www.wireshark.org/docs/dfref/
294    - TSHARK_VERSION=$( tshark --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/.*(v//' -e 's/)$//' -e 's/-0-g.*//' )
295    - tshark -G fields > dfilter-list-${TSHARK_VERSION}.txt
296  artifacts:
297    paths:
298      - dfilter-list-*.txt
299  variables:
300    GIT_STRATEGY: none
301  needs: [ 'Debian Stable APT Package' ]
303Win64 Package:
304  extends: .build-windows
305  rules: !reference [.if-w-w-only-merged]
306  tags:
307    - wireshark-win64-package
308  before_script:
309    - $env:WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR = "C:\Development"
310    - $env:Configuration = "RelWithDebInfo"
311    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"
312    - $env:Path += ";C:\Strawberry\c\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin"
313    - $env:Path += ";C:\qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin"
314    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS"
315    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin"
316    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2"
317    # https://help.appveyor.com/discussions/questions/18777-how-to-use-vcvars64bat-from-powershell
318    - cmd.exe /c "call `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat`" && set > %temp%\vcvars.txt"
319    - Get-Content "$env:temp\vcvars.txt" | Foreach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") { Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2] } }
320    - mkdir build
321    - cd build
322  script:
323    - perl ../tools/make-version.pl --set-release
324    - cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DDISABLE_WERROR=OFF -DTEST_EXTRA_ARGS=--enable-release -DENABLE_LTO=off ..
325    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal "/consoleloggerparameters:PerformanceSummary;NoSummary" /maxcpucount Wireshark.sln
326    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount test-programs.vcxproj
327    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount nsis_package_prep.vcxproj
328    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount wix_package_prep.vcxproj
329    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Recurse -Path run\RelWithDebInfo
330    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal nsis_package.vcxproj
331    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\nsis
332    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal wix_package.vcxproj
333    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\wix
334    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal portableapps_package.vcxproj
335    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\portableapps
336    - $plugins = Get-ChildItem run\RelWithDebInfo\plugins\*\*.dll ; signtool verify /v /pa /all run\RelWithDebInfo\*.exe run\RelWithDebInfo\extcap\*.exe $plugins run\RelWithDebInfo\libwireshark.dll run\RelWithDebInfo\libwiretap.dll run\RelWithDebInfo\libwsutil.dll packaging\nsis\Wireshark-win??-*.exe packaging\wix\Wireshark-win??-*.msi packaging\portableapps\WiresharkPortable??_*.paf.exe
337    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal pdb_zip_package.vcxproj
338    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\mse-scan.ps1
339    - $packages = Get-ChildItem "packaging\nsis\Wireshark-win??-*.exe", "packaging\wix\Wireshark-win??-*.msi", "packaging\portableapps\WiresharkPortable??_*.paf.exe", "Wireshark-pdb-win??-*.zip"
340    - foreach ($package in $packages) { Write-Host $package.name $package.length "bytes" }
341    - foreach ($package in $packages) { certutil -hashfile $package SHA256 }
342    - |
343      if (Test-Path env:S3_DESTINATION_WIN64) {
344        foreach ($package in $packages) {
345          aws s3 cp "$package" "$env:S3_DESTINATION_WIN64/"
346        }
347      }
348    - ctest -C RelWithDebInfo --parallel 3 --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure
350Win32 Package:
351  extends: .build-windows
352  rules: !reference [.if-w-w-only-merged]
353  tags:
354    - wireshark-win32-package
355  before_script:
356    - $env:WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR = "C:\Development"
357    - $env:Configuration = "RelWithDebInfo"
358    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"
359    - $env:Path += ";C:\Strawberry\c\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin"
360    - $env:Path += ";C:\qt\5.15.2\msvc2019\bin"
361    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS"
362    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin"
363    - $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2"
364    # https://help.appveyor.com/discussions/questions/18777-how-to-use-vcvars64bat-from-powershell
365    - cmd.exe /c "call `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat`" && set > %temp%\vcvars.txt"
366    - Get-Content "$env:temp\vcvars.txt" | Foreach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") { Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2] } }
367    - $env:Platform = "Win32"
368    - mkdir build
369    - cd build
370  script:
371    - perl ../tools/make-version.pl --set-release
372    - cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -DDISABLE_WERROR=OFF -DTEST_EXTRA_ARGS=--enable-release -DENABLE_LTO=off ..
373    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal "/consoleloggerparameters:PerformanceSummary;NoSummary" /maxcpucount Wireshark.sln
374    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount test-programs.vcxproj
375    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount nsis_package_prep.vcxproj
376    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount wix_package_prep.vcxproj
377    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Recurse -Path run\RelWithDebInfo
378    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal nsis_package.vcxproj
379    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\nsis
380    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal wix_package.vcxproj
381    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\wix
382    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal portableapps_package.vcxproj
383    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\sign-files.ps1 -Path packaging\portableapps
384    - $plugins = Get-ChildItem run\RelWithDebInfo\plugins\*\*.dll ; signtool verify /v /pa /all run\RelWithDebInfo\*.exe run\RelWithDebInfo\extcap\*.exe $plugins run\RelWithDebInfo\libwireshark.dll run\RelWithDebInfo\libwiretap.dll run\RelWithDebInfo\libwsutil.dll packaging\nsis\Wireshark-win??-*.exe packaging\wix\Wireshark-win??-*.msi packaging\portableapps\WiresharkPortable??_*.paf.exe
385    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal pdb_zip_package.vcxproj
386    - C:\gitlab-builds\bin\mse-scan.ps1
387    - $packages = Get-ChildItem "packaging\nsis\Wireshark-win??-*.exe", "packaging\wix\Wireshark-win??-*.msi", "packaging\portableapps\WiresharkPortable??_*.paf.exe", "Wireshark-pdb-win??-*.zip"
388    - foreach ($package in $packages) { Write-Host $package.name $package.length "bytes" }
389    - foreach ($package in $packages) { certutil -hashfile $package SHA256 }
390    - |
391      if (Test-Path env:S3_DESTINATION_WIN32) {
392        foreach ($package in $packages) {
393          aws s3 cp "$package" "$env:S3_DESTINATION_WIN32/"
394        }
395      }
396    - ctest -C RelWithDebInfo --parallel 3 --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure
398macOS Arm Package:
399  stage: build
400  rules: !reference [.if-w-w-only-merged]
401  variables:
402    CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: "Wireshark Foundation, Inc."
403  tags:
404    - wireshark-macos-arm-package
405  retry: 1
406  before_script:
407    - mkdir build
408    - cd build
409  script:
410    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
411    # XXX - Move this to a separate DENABLE_PCAP=OFF job?
413    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
414    - arch -arch arm64 ninja
415    - cd ..
416    - git clean -d --force --force -x
417    - perl tools/make-version.pl --set-release
418    - mkdir build
419    - cd build
420    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
422    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
423    - arch -arch arm64 ninja
424    - package-prep
425    - arch -arch arm64 ninja dmg_package
426    - cd run
427    - notarize-build
428    - stat -f "%N %z bytes" Wireshark*Arm*.dmg
429    - for digest in sha256 rmd160 sha1 ; do openssl $digest Wireshark*Arm*.dmg ; done
430    - |
431      if [ -n "$S3_DESTINATION_MACOS_ARM64" ] ; then
432        aws s3 cp Wireshark*Arm*.dmg "$S3_DESTINATION_MACOS_ARM64/"
433      fi
434    - cd ..
435    - arch -arch arm64 ninja test-programs
436    - arch -arch arm64 ctest --parallel 4 --output-on-failure
437  needs: []
439macOS Intel Package:
440  stage: build
441  rules: !reference [.if-w-w-only-merged]
442  variables:
443    CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: "Wireshark Foundation, Inc."
444  tags:
445    - wireshark-macos-intel-package
446  retry: 1
447  script:
448    - export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.15.3/lib/cmake
449    - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
450    - perl tools/make-version.pl --set-release
451    - mkdir build
452    - cd build
453    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
454    - cmake -DENABLE_CCACHE=ON -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13 -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=macosx10.15 -DTEST_EXTRA_ARGS=--enable-release -G Ninja ..
455    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
456    - ninja
457    - package-prep
458    - ninja dmg_package
459    - cd run
460    - notarize-build
461    - stat -f "%N %z bytes" Wireshark*Intel*.dmg
462    - for digest in sha256 rmd160 sha1 ; do openssl $digest Wireshark*Intel*.dmg ; done
463    - |
464      if [ -n "$S3_DESTINATION_MACOS_INTEL64" ] ; then
465        aws s3 cp Wireshark*Intel*.dmg "$S3_DESTINATION_MACOS_INTEL64/"
466      fi
467    - cd ..
468    - ninja test-programs
469    - ctest --parallel 4 --output-on-failure
470  needs: []
472# Build the User's Guide and Developer's Guide
474  extends: .build-linux
475  image: registry.gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark-containers/ubuntu-dev
476  rules:
477    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ /.*gitlab.com\/wireshark\/wireshark/'
478      changes:
479        - "docbook/**"
480        - "epan/wslua/**"
481      when: always
482    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"'
483      changes:
484        - "docbook/**"
485        - "epan/wslua/**"
486      when: manual
487  script:
488    # XXX We might want to move this to wireshark-ubuntu-dev or debian-setup.sh.
489    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update
490    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install ruby-coderay ruby-asciidoctor-pdf
491    - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=1 gem install asciidoctor-epub3
492    - mkdir build
493    - cd build
494    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
495    - cmake -GNinja ..
496    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
497    - ninja all_guides
498    - cd docbook
499    - for HTML_DIR in wsug_html wsug_html_chunked wsdg_html wsdg_html_chunked ; do zip -9 -r "$HTML_DIR.zip" "$HTML_DIR" ; done
500  after_script:
501    - mv -v build/docbook/ws[ud]g_html{,_chunked}.zip .
502    - mv -v build/docbook/Wireshark*Guide.{epub,pdf} .
503    - |
504      if [ -n "$S3_DESTINATION_DOCS" ] ; then
505        for DOC_FILE in ws[ud]g_html{,_chunked}.zip Wireshark*Guide.{epub,pdf} ; do
506          aws s3 cp "$DOC_FILE" "$S3_DESTINATION_DOCS/"
507        done
508      fi
509  artifacts:
510    paths:
511      - wsug_html.zip
512      - wsug_html_chunked.zip
513      - wsdg_html.zip
514      - wsdg_html_chunked.zip
515      - "Wireshark User's Guide.pdf"
516      - "Wireshark Developer's Guide.pdf"
517      - "Wireshark User's Guide.epub"
518      - "Wireshark Developer's Guide.epub"
519  needs: []
522# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/gitlab_com/index.html#linux-shared-runners
524Commit Check:
525  extends: .build-ubuntu
526  rules: !reference [.if-merge-request]
527  script:
528    # build-ubuntu puts us in `build`.
529    - cd ..
530    - bash ./tools/pre-commit 'HEAD^1'
531    - tools/validate-commit.py
533Ubuntu .dpkg:
534  extends: .build-ubuntu
535  rules: !reference [.if-merge-request]
536  script:
537    # build-ubuntu puts us in `build`.
538    - cd ..
539    - CC=/usr/lib/ccache/gcc CXX=/usr/lib/ccache/g++ MAKE=ninja dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -jauto -Zgzip -zfast
540    - lintian --suppress-tags library-not-linked-against-libc,copyright-excludes-files-in-native-package --display-experimental --display-info --pedantic --profile debian
541  after_script:
542    # dpkg-buildpackage builds in obj-<triplet>, so we need to override
543    # .build-ubuntu. We also build more stuff, so decrease our multiplier.
544    - ccache --max-size $( du --summarize --block-size=1M --total "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/obj-* | awk '/total$/ {printf ("%dM", $1 * 1.25)}' )
546GCC Warnings:
547  extends: .build-ubuntu
548  rules: !reference [.if-merge-request]
549  script:
550    # build-ubuntu puts us in `build`.
551    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
553    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
554    - script --command ninja --flush --quiet --return ../gcc_report.txt
555    - ansi2html < ../gcc_report.txt > ../gcc_report.html
556    - ninja test-programs
557    - chown -R user .
558    - su user -c "ctest --parallel $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure"
559  artifacts:
560    paths:
561      - gcc_report.html
563Code Checks + Clang Warnings:
564  extends: .build-ubuntu
565  rules: !reference [.if-merge-request]
566  variables:
567    CC: "clang-$CLANG_VERSION"
568    CXX: "clang++-$CLANG_VERSION"
569  script:
570    # build-ubuntu puts us in `build`.
571    - cd ..
572    - python3 tools/checklicenses.py
573    - mkdir cppcheck
574    - ./tools/cppcheck/cppcheck.sh -l 1 | tee cppcheck/cppcheck_report.txt
575    - if [[ -s "cppcheck/cppcheck_report.txt" ]]; then ./tools/cppcheck/cppcheck.sh -l 1 -x > cppcheck/cppcheck_report.xml ; fi
576    - if [[ -s "cppcheck/cppcheck_report.txt" ]]; then cppcheck-htmlreport --file cppcheck/cppcheck_report.xml  --report-dir cppcheck ; fi
577    - ./tools/check_typed_item_calls.py --commits 1 | tee item_calls_check.txt
578    - ./tools/check_tfs.py --commits 1 | tee tfs_check.txt
579    - cd build
580    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
582    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
583    - mkdir ../html
584    - script --command ninja --flush --quiet --return ../tmp_clang_report.txt
585    - ansi2txt < ../tmp_clang_report.txt > ../clang_report.txt
586    - ansi2html < ../tmp_clang_report.txt > ../html/clang_report.html
587    - ./run/tshark -v 2> >(tee ../checkhf_conflict.txt)
588    - ../tools/validate-clang-check.sh -c $CLANG_VERSION 2> >(tee ../tmp_clang_analyzer_check.txt)
589    - ansi2txt < ../tmp_clang_analyzer_check.txt > ../clang_analyzer_check.txt
590    - ansi2html < ../tmp_clang_analyzer_check.txt > ../html/clang_analyzer_check.html
591    - ninja checkAPI
592  artifacts:
593    paths:
594      - clang_report.txt
595      - clang_analyzer_check.txt
596      - cppcheck
597      - item_calls_check.txt
598      - tfs_check.txt
599      - checkhf_conflict.txt
600      - html/
602# Windows runners are still beta, at least technically:
603# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/gitlab_com/index.html#windows-shared-runners-beta
604Windows Build:
605  extends: .build-windows
606  rules: !reference [.if-w-w-only-merge-request]
607  tags:
608    - wireshark-windows-merge-req
609  script:
610    - cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DDISABLE_WERROR=OFF -DTEST_EXTRA_ARGS=--enable-release -DENABLE_LTO=off ..
611    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount Wireshark.sln
612    - msbuild /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount test-programs.vcxproj
613    - ctest -C RelWithDebInfo --parallel 3 --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure
615# Fuzz TShark using ASAN and valgrind.
617  extends: .build-ubuntu
618  rules: !reference [.if-fuzz-schedule]
619  tags:
620    - wireshark-ubuntu-fuzz
621  resource_group: fuzz-release-3.6
622  variables:
623    CC: "clang-$CLANG_VERSION"
624    CXX: "clang++-$CLANG_VERSION"
626    MIN_PLUGINS: 10
627    MAX_PASSES: 15
628  before_script:
629    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update
630    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install llvm-$CLANG_VERSION
631    - mkdir -p ccache
632    # Signal after_script, which runs in its own shell.
633    - echo "export FUZZ_PASSED=true" > /tmp/fuzz_result.sh
634    - mkdir /tmp/fuzz
635    - mkdir build
636    - cd build
637  after_script:
638    - . /tmp/fuzz_result.sh
639    - if $FUZZ_PASSED ; then exit 0 ; fi
640    - echo Fuzzing failed. Generating report.
641    - FUZZ_CAPTURE=$( ls /tmp/fuzz/fuzz-*.pcap | head -n 1 )
642    - FUZZ_ERRORS="/tmp/fuzz/$( basename "$FUZZ_CAPTURE" .pcap ).err"
643    - printf "\nfuzz-test.sh stderr:\n" >> "$FUZZ_ERRORS"
644    - cat fuzz-test.err >> "$FUZZ_ERRORS"
645    - |
646      if [ -n "$S3_DESTINATION_FUZZ" ] ; then
647        aws s3 cp "$FUZZ_CAPTURE" "$S3_DESTINATION_FUZZ/"
648        aws s3 cp "$FUZZ_ERRORS" "$S3_DESTINATION_FUZZ/"
649      fi
650    # The cache should be large enough to be useful but it shouldn't take
651    # too long to restore+save each run.
652    - ccache --max-size $( du --summarize --block-size=1M "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/build" | awk '{printf ("%dM", $1 * 1.5)}' )
654ASan Menagerie Fuzz:
655  extends: .fuzz-ubuntu
656  stage: fuzz-asan
657  script:
658    - MAX_SECONDS=$(( 4 * 60 * 60 ))
659    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
661    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
662    - ninja
663    - ninja install
664    - cd ..
665    # /var/menagerie contains captures harvested from wireshark.org's mailing list, wiki, issues, etc.
666    # We have more captures than we can fuzz in $MAX_SECONDS, so we shuffle them each run.
667    - ./tools/fuzz-test.sh -a -2 -P $MIN_PLUGINS -b $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin -d /tmp/fuzz -t $MAX_SECONDS $( shuf -e /var/menagerie/*/* ) 2> fuzz-test.err || echo "export FUZZ_PASSED=false" > /tmp/fuzz_result.sh
669ASan randpkt Fuzz:
670  extends: .fuzz-ubuntu
671  stage: fuzz-randpkt
672  script:
673    # XXX Reuse fuzz-asan?
674    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
676    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
677    - ninja
678    - ninja install
679    - cd ..
680    - ./tools/randpkt-test.sh -a -b $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin -d /tmp/fuzz -p $MAX_PASSES 2> fuzz-test.err || echo "export FUZZ_PASSED=false" > /tmp/fuzz_result.sh
681  needs: [ 'ASan Menagerie Fuzz' ]
683Valgrind Menagerie Fuzz:
684  extends: .fuzz-ubuntu
685  stage: fuzz-valgrind
686  script:
687    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update
688    - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install valgrind
689    - MAX_SECONDS=$(( 3 * 60 * 60 ))
690    - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
692    - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
693    - ninja
694    - ninja install
695    - cd ..
696    - ./tools/fuzz-test.sh -g -P $MIN_PLUGINS -b $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin -d /tmp/fuzz -t $MAX_SECONDS $( shuf -e /var/menagerie/*/* ) 2> fuzz-test.err || echo "export FUZZ_PASSED=false" > /tmp/fuzz_result.sh
697  needs: [ 'ASan randpkt Fuzz' ]