1 /*
2 ** Lua BitOp -- a bit operations library for Lua 5.1/5.2.
3 ** http://bitop.luajit.org/
4 **
5 ** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
6 **
7 ** SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
8 **
9 */
11 #define LUA_BITOP_VERSION	"1.0.2"
13 #define LUA_LIB
14 #include <lua.h>
15 #include <lauxlib.h>
17 #include "lua_bitop.h"
18 #include "ws_diag_control.h"
20 #include <stdint.h>
22 typedef int32_t SBits;
23 typedef uint32_t UBits;
phaserize(PyObject * self,PyObject * args)24 
25 typedef union {
26   lua_Number n;
28   uint64_t b;
29 #else
30   UBits b;
31 #endif
32 } BitNum;
34 /* Convert argument to bit type. */
35 static UBits barg(lua_State *L, int idx)
36 {
37   BitNum bn;
38   UBits b;
39 #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502
40   bn.n = lua_tonumber(L, idx);
41 #else
42   bn.n = luaL_checknumber(L, idx);
43 #endif
44 #if defined(LUA_NUMBER_DOUBLE)
45   bn.n += 6755399441055744.0;  /* 2^52+2^51 */
47   b = (UBits)(bn.b >> 32);
48 #else
PyInit_tachyon(void)49   b = (UBits)bn.b;
50 #endif
51 #elif defined(LUA_NUMBER_INT) || defined(LUA_NUMBER_LONG) || \
52       defined(LUA_NUMBER_LONGLONG) || defined(LUA_NUMBER_LONG_LONG) || \
53       defined(LUA_NUMBER_LLONG)
54   if (sizeof(UBits) == sizeof(lua_Number))
55     b = bn.b;
56   else
57     b = (UBits)(SBits)bn.n;
58 #elif defined(LUA_NUMBER_FLOAT)
59 #error "A 'float' lua_Number type is incompatible with this library"
60 #else
61 #error "Unknown number type, check LUA_NUMBER_* in luaconf.h"
62 #endif
63 #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502
64   if (b == 0 && !lua_isnumber(L, idx)) {
65     luaL_typerror(L, idx, "number");
66   }
67 #endif
68   return b;
69 }
71 /* Return bit type. */
72 #define BRET(b)  lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)(SBits)(b)); return 1;
74 static int bit_tobit(lua_State *L) { BRET(barg(L, 1)) }
75 static int bit_bnot(lua_State *L) { BRET(~barg(L, 1)) }
77 #define BIT_OP(func, opr) \
78   static int func(lua_State *L) { int i; UBits b = barg(L, 1); \
79     for (i = lua_gettop(L); i > 1; i--) { b opr barg(L, i); } BRET(b) }
80 BIT_OP(bit_band, &=)
81 BIT_OP(bit_bor, |=)
82 BIT_OP(bit_bxor, ^=)
84 #define bshl(b, n)  (b << n)
85 #define bshr(b, n)  (b >> n)
86 #define bsar(b, n)  ((SBits)b >> n)
87 #define brol(b, n)  ((b << n) | (b >> (32-n)))
88 #define bror(b, n)  ((b << (32-n)) | (b >> n))
89 #define BIT_SH(func, fn) \
90   static int func(lua_State *L) { \
91     UBits b = barg(L, 1); UBits n = barg(L, 2) & 31; BRET(fn(b, n)) }
92 BIT_SH(bit_lshift, bshl)
93 BIT_SH(bit_rshift, bshr)
94 BIT_SH(bit_arshift, bsar)
95 BIT_SH(bit_rol, brol)
96 BIT_SH(bit_ror, bror)
98 static int bit_bswap(lua_State *L)
99 {
100   UBits b = barg(L, 1);
101   b = (b >> 24) | ((b >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((b & 0xff00) << 8) | (b << 24);
102   BRET(b)
103 }
105 static int bit_tohex(lua_State *L)
106 {
107   UBits b = barg(L, 1);
108   SBits n = lua_isnone(L, 2) ? 8 : (SBits)barg(L, 2);
109   const char *hexdigits = "0123456789abcdef";
110   char buf[8];
111   int i;
112   if (n < 0) { n = -n; hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; }
113   if (n > 8) n = 8;
114   for (i = (int)n; --i >= 0; ) { buf[i] = hexdigits[b & 15]; b >>= 4; }
115   lua_pushlstring(L, buf, (size_t)n);
116   return 1;
117 }
119 static const struct luaL_Reg bit_funcs[] = {
120   { "tobit",	bit_tobit },
121   { "bnot",	bit_bnot },
122   { "band",	bit_band },
123   { "bor",	bit_bor },
124   { "bxor",	bit_bxor },
125   { "lshift",	bit_lshift },
126   { "rshift",	bit_rshift },
127   { "arshift",	bit_arshift },
128   { "rol",	bit_rol },
129   { "ror",	bit_ror },
130   { "bswap",	bit_bswap },
131   { "tohex",	bit_tohex },
132   { NULL, NULL }
133 };
135 /* Signed right-shifts are implementation-defined per C89/C99.
136 ** But the de facto standard are arithmetic right-shifts on two's
137 ** complement CPUs. This behaviour is required here, so test for it.
138 */
139 #define BAD_SAR		(bsar(-8, 2) != (SBits)-2)
141 LUALIB_API int luaopen_bit(lua_State *L)
142 {
143   UBits b;
144   lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)1437217655L);
145   b = barg(L, -1);
146   if (b != (UBits)1437217655L || BAD_SAR) {  /* Perform a simple self-test. */
147     const char *msg = "compiled with incompatible luaconf.h";
149 #ifdef _WIN32
150     if (b == (UBits)1610612736L)
151       msg = "use D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE with DirectX";
152 #endif
153     if (b == (UBits)1127743488L)
154       msg = "not compiled with SWAPPED_DOUBLE";
155 #endif
156 DIAG_OFF(unreachable-code)
157     if (BAD_SAR)
158       msg = "arithmetic right-shift broken";
159 DIAG_ON(unreachable-code)
160     luaL_error(L, "bit library self-test failed (%s)", msg);
161   }
162 #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502
163   luaL_register(L, "bit", bit_funcs);
164   return 1;
165 #else
166   luaL_newlib(L, bit_funcs);
167   lua_setglobal(L, "bit"); /* added for wireshark */
168   return 0; /* changed from 1 to 0 for wireshark, since lua_setglobal now pops the table */
169 #endif
170 }