1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <folly/ThreadLocal.h>
20 #include <folly/futures/SharedPromise.h>
21 #include <folly/io/async/DelayedDestruction.h>
22 #include <wangle/bootstrap/BaseClientBootstrap.h>
23 #include <wangle/bootstrap/ClientBootstrap.h>
24 #include <wangle/channel/Pipeline.h>
25 #include <wangle/channel/broadcast/BroadcastHandler.h>
27 namespace wangle {
29 template <typename R, typename P = DefaultPipeline>
30 class ServerPool {
31  public:
~ServerPool()32   virtual ~ServerPool() {}
34   /**
35    * Kick off an upstream connect request given the BaseClientBootstrap
36    * when a broadcast is not available locally.
37    */
38   virtual folly::Future<P*> connect(
39       BaseClientBootstrap<P>* client,
40       const R& routingData) noexcept = 0;
41 };
43 /**
44  * A pool of upstream broadcast pipelines. There is atmost one broadcast
45  * for any unique routing data. Creates and maintains upstream connections
46  * and broadcast pipeliens as necessary.
47  *
48  * Meant to be used as a thread-local instance.
49  */
50 template <typename T, typename R, typename P = DefaultPipeline>
51 class BroadcastPool {
52  public:
53   class BroadcastManager : public PipelineManager,
54                            public folly::DelayedDestruction {
55    public:
56     using UniquePtr = folly::DelayedDestructionUniquePtr<BroadcastManager>;
BroadcastManager(BroadcastPool<T,R,P> * broadcastPool,const R & routingData)58     BroadcastManager(
59         BroadcastPool<T, R, P>* broadcastPool,
60         const R& routingData)
61         : broadcastPool_(broadcastPool),
62           routingData_(routingData),
63           client_(broadcastPool_->clientBootstrapFactory_->newClient()) {
64       client_->pipelineFactory(broadcastPool_->broadcastPipelineFactory_);
65     }
~BroadcastManager()67     ~BroadcastManager() override {
68       if (client_->getPipeline()) {
69         client_->getPipeline()->setPipelineManager(nullptr);
70       }
71     }
73     folly::Future<BroadcastHandler<T, R>*> getHandler();
75     // PipelineManager implementation
76     void deletePipeline(PipelineBase* pipeline) override;
78    private:
79     void handleConnectError(const std::exception& ex) noexcept;
81     BroadcastPool<T, R, P>* broadcastPool_{nullptr};
82     R routingData_;
84     std::unique_ptr<BaseClientBootstrap<P>> client_;
86     bool connectStarted_{false};
87     bool deletingBroadcast_{false};
88     folly::SharedPromise<BroadcastHandler<T, R>*> sharedPromise_;
89   };
91   BroadcastPool(
92       std::shared_ptr<ServerPool<R, P>> serverPool,
93       std::shared_ptr<BroadcastPipelineFactory<T, R>> pipelineFactory,
94       std::shared_ptr<BaseClientBootstrapFactory<>> clientFactory =
95           std::make_shared<ClientBootstrapFactory>())
serverPool_(serverPool)96       : serverPool_(serverPool),
97         broadcastPipelineFactory_(pipelineFactory),
98         clientBootstrapFactory_(clientFactory) {}
~BroadcastPool()100   virtual ~BroadcastPool() {}
102   // Non-copyable
103   BroadcastPool(const BroadcastPool&) = delete;
104   BroadcastPool& operator=(const BroadcastPool&) = delete;
106   // Movable
107   BroadcastPool(BroadcastPool&&) = default;
108   BroadcastPool& operator=(BroadcastPool&&) = default;
110   /**
111    * Gets the BroadcastHandler, or creates one if it doesn't exist already,
112    * for the given routingData.
113    *
114    * If a broadcast is already available for the given routingData,
115    * returns the BroadcastHandler from the pipeline. If not, an upstream
116    * connection is created and stored along with a new broadcast pipeline
117    * for this routingData, and its BroadcastHandler is returned.
118    *
119    * Caller should immediately subscribe to the returned BroadcastHandler
120    * to prevent it from being garbage collected.
121    * Note that to ensure that this works correctly, the returned future
122    * completes on an InlineExecutor such that .then will be called inline with
123    * satisfaction of the underlying promise.
124    */
125   virtual folly::Future<BroadcastHandler<T, R>*> getHandler(
126       const R& routingData);
128   /**
129    * Checks if a broadcast is available locally for the given routingData.
130    */
isBroadcasting(const R & routingData)131   bool isBroadcasting(const R& routingData) {
132     return (broadcasts_.find(routingData) != broadcasts_.end());
133   }
deleteBroadcast(const R & routingData)135   virtual void deleteBroadcast(const R& routingData) {
136     broadcasts_.erase(routingData);
137   }
139  private:
140   std::shared_ptr<ServerPool<R, P>> serverPool_;
141   std::shared_ptr<BroadcastPipelineFactory<T, R>> broadcastPipelineFactory_;
142   std::shared_ptr<BaseClientBootstrapFactory<>> clientBootstrapFactory_;
143   std::map<R, typename BroadcastManager::UniquePtr> broadcasts_;
144 };
146 } // namespace wangle
148 #include <wangle/channel/broadcast/BroadcastPool-inl.h>