1 /* column-utils.h
2  * Definitions for column utility structures and routines
3  *
4  * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
5  * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
6  * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
7  *
8  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9  */
11 #ifndef __COLUMN_UTILS_H__
12 #define __COLUMN_UTILS_H__
14 #include <glib.h>
16 #include "packet_info.h"
17 #include "ws_symbol_export.h"
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif /* __cplusplus */
23 struct epan_dissect;
25 /**
26  *  Helper routines for column utility structures and routines.
27  */
29 struct epan_column_info;
30 typedef struct epan_column_info column_info;
32 /**
33  * All of the possible columns in summary listing.
34  *
35  * NOTE1: The entries MUST remain in this order, or else you need to reorder
36  *        the slist[] and dlist[] arrays in column.c to match!
37  *
38  * NOTE2: Please add the COL_XYZ entry in the appropriate spot, such that the
39  *        dlist[] array remains in alphabetical order!
40  */
41 enum {
42   COL_8021Q_VLAN_ID,  /**< 0) 802.1Q vlan ID */
43   COL_ABS_YMD_TIME,   /**< 1) Absolute date, as YYYY-MM-DD, and time */
44   COL_ABS_YDOY_TIME,  /**< 2) Absolute date, as YYYY/DOY, and time */
45   COL_ABS_TIME,       /**< 3) Absolute time */
46   COL_VSAN,           /**< 4) VSAN - Cisco MDS-specific */
47   COL_CUMULATIVE_BYTES, /**< 5) Cumulative number of bytes */
48   COL_CUSTOM,         /**< 6) Custom column (any filter name's contents) */
49   COL_DCE_CALL,       /**< 7) DCE/RPC connection oriented call id OR datagram sequence number */
50   COL_DELTA_TIME,     /**< 8) Delta time */
51   COL_DELTA_TIME_DIS, /**< 9) Delta time displayed*/
52   COL_RES_DST,        /**< 10) Resolved dest */
53   COL_UNRES_DST,      /**< 11) Unresolved dest */
54   COL_RES_DST_PORT,   /**< 12) Resolved dest port */
55   COL_UNRES_DST_PORT, /**< 13) Unresolved dest port */
56   COL_DEF_DST,        /**< 14) Destination address */
57   COL_DEF_DST_PORT,   /**< 15) Destination port */
58   COL_EXPERT,         /**< 16) Expert Info */
59   COL_IF_DIR,         /**< 17) FW-1 monitor interface/direction */
60   COL_FREQ_CHAN,      /**< 18) IEEE 802.11 (and WiMax?) - Channel */
61   COL_DEF_DL_DST,     /**< 19) Data link layer dest address */
62   COL_DEF_DL_SRC,     /**< 20) Data link layer source address */
63   COL_RES_DL_DST,     /**< 21) Resolved DL dest */
64   COL_UNRES_DL_DST,   /**< 22) Unresolved DL dest */
65   COL_RES_DL_SRC,     /**< 23) Resolved DL source */
66   COL_UNRES_DL_SRC,   /**< 24) Unresolved DL source */
67   COL_RSSI,           /**< 25) IEEE 802.11 - received signal strength */
68   COL_TX_RATE,        /**< 26) IEEE 802.11 - TX rate in Mbps */
69   COL_DSCP_VALUE,     /**< 27) IP DSCP Value */
70   COL_INFO,           /**< 28) Description */
71   COL_RES_NET_DST,    /**< 29) Resolved net dest */
72   COL_UNRES_NET_DST,  /**< 30) Unresolved net dest */
73   COL_RES_NET_SRC,    /**< 31) Resolved net source */
74   COL_UNRES_NET_SRC,  /**< 32) Unresolved net source */
75   COL_DEF_NET_DST,    /**< 33) Network layer dest address */
76   COL_DEF_NET_SRC,    /**< 34) Network layer source address */
77   COL_NUMBER,         /**< 35) Packet list item number */
78   COL_PACKET_LENGTH,  /**< 36) Packet length in bytes */
79   COL_PROTOCOL,       /**< 37) Protocol */
80   COL_REL_TIME,       /**< 38) Relative time */
81   COL_DEF_SRC,        /**< 39) Source address */
82   COL_DEF_SRC_PORT,   /**< 40) Source port */
83   COL_RES_SRC,        /**< 41) Resolved source */
84   COL_UNRES_SRC,      /**< 42) Unresolved source */
85   COL_RES_SRC_PORT,   /**< 43) Resolved source port */
86   COL_UNRES_SRC_PORT, /**< 44) Unresolved source port */
87   COL_TEI,            /**< 45) Q.921 TEI */
88   COL_UTC_YMD_TIME,   /**< 46) UTC date, as YYYY-MM-DD, and time */
89   COL_UTC_YDOY_TIME,  /**< 47) UTC date, as YYYY/DOY, and time */
90   COL_UTC_TIME,       /**< 48) UTC time */
91   COL_CLS_TIME,       /**< 49) Command line-specified time (default relative) */
92   NUM_COL_FMTS        /**< 50) Should always be last */
93 };
95 /** Allocate all the data structures for constructing column data, given
96  * the number of columns.
97  *
98  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
99  */
100 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_setup(column_info *cinfo, const gint num_cols);
102 /** Cleanup all the data structures for constructing column data;
103  * undoes the alocations that col_setup() does.
104  *
105  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
106  */
107 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_cleanup(column_info *cinfo);
109 /** Initialize the data structures for constructing column data.
110  *
111  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
112  */
113 extern void col_init(column_info *cinfo, const struct epan_session *epan);
115 /** Fill in all columns of the given packet which are based on values from frame_data.
116  *
117  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
118  */
119 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_fill_in_frame_data(const frame_data *fd, column_info *cinfo, const gint col, gboolean const fill_col_exprs);
121 /** Fill in all columns of the given packet.
122  *
123  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
124  */
125 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_fill_in(packet_info *pinfo, const gboolean fill_col_exprs, const gboolean fill_fd_colums);
127 /** Fill in columns if we got an error reading the packet.
128  * We set most columns to "???", and set the Info column to an error
129  * message.
130  *
131  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
132  */
133 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_fill_in_error(column_info *cinfo, frame_data *fdata, const gboolean fill_col_exprs, const gboolean fill_fd_colums);
135 /** Check to see if our column data has changed, e.g. we have new request/response info.
136  *
137  * Internal, don't use this in dissectors!
138  */
139 WS_DLL_PUBLIC gboolean	col_data_changed(void);
141 /* Utility routines used by packet*.c */
143 /** Are the columns writable?
144  *
145  * @param cinfo the current packet row
146  * @param col the writable column, -1 for checking the state of all columns
147  * @return TRUE if it's writable, FALSE if not
148  */
149 WS_DLL_PUBLIC gboolean	col_get_writable(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
151 /** Set the columns writable.
152  *
153  * @param cinfo the current packet row
154  * @param col the column to set, -1 for all
155  * @param writable TRUE if it's writable, FALSE if not
156  */
157 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_set_writable(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gboolean writable);
159 /** Sets a fence for the current column content,
160  * so this content won't be affected by further col_... function calls.
161  *
162  * This can be useful if a protocol is more than once in a single packet,
163  * e.g. multiple HTTP calls in a single TCP packet.
164  *
165  * @param cinfo the current packet row
166  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
167  */
168 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_set_fence(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
170 /** Clears a fence for the current column content
171  *
172  * This can be useful if a protocol wants to remove whatever
173  * a previous protocol has added to the column.
174  *
175  * @param cinfo the current packet row
176  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
177  */
178 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_clear_fence(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
180 /** Gets the text of a column element.
181  *
182  * @param cinfo the current packet row
183  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
184  *
185  * @return the text string
186  */
187 WS_DLL_PUBLIC const gchar *col_get_text(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
189 /** Clears the text of a column element.
190  *
191  * @param cinfo the current packet row
192  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
193  */
194 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_clear(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
196 /** Set (replace) the text of a column element, the text won't be copied.
197  *
198  * Usually used to set const strings!
199  *
200  * @param cinfo the current packet row
201  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
202  * @param str the string to set
203  */
204 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_set_str(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar * str);
206 /** Add (replace) the text of a column element, the text will be copied.
207  *
208  * @param cinfo the current packet row
209  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
210  * @param str the string to add
211  */
212 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_add_str(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *str);
214 /* terminator argument for col_add_lstr() function */
215 #define COL_ADD_LSTR_TERMINATOR (const char *) -1
216 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_add_lstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint el, const gchar *str, ...);
218 /** Add (replace) the text of a column element, the text will be formatted and copied.
219  *
220  * Same function as col_add_str() but using a printf-like format string.
221  *
222  * @param cinfo the current packet row
223  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
224  * @param format the format string
225  * @param ... the variable number of parameters
226  */
227 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_add_fstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *format, ...)
228     G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
230 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
231 void col_custom_set_edt(struct epan_dissect *edt, column_info *cinfo);
233 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
235 void col_custom_prime_edt(struct epan_dissect *edt, column_info *cinfo);
237 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
239 gboolean have_custom_cols(column_info *cinfo);
241 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
243 gboolean have_field_extractors(void);
245 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
247 gboolean col_has_time_fmt(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
248 /** For internal Wireshark use only.  Not to be called from dissectors. */
250 gboolean col_based_on_frame_data(column_info *cinfo, const gint col);
252 /** Append the given text to a column element, the text will be copied.
253  *
254  * @param cinfo the current packet row
255  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
256  * @param str the string to append
257  */
258 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_str(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *str);
260 /** Append <abbrev>=<val> to a column element, the text will be copied.
261  *
262  * @param cinfo the current packet row
263  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
264  * @param abbrev the string to append
265  * @param val the value to append
266  * @param sep an optional separator to _prepend_ to abbrev
267  */
268 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_str_uint(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *abbrev, guint32 val, const gchar *sep);
270 /** Append a transport port pair to a column element, the text will be copied.
271  *
272  * @param cinfo the current packet row
273  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
274  * @param typ the port type to resolve, e.g. PT_UDP
275  * @param src the source port value to append
276  * @param dst the destination port value to append
277  */
278 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_ports(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, port_type typ, guint16 src, guint16 dst);
280 /** Append a frame number and signal that we have updated
281  * column information.
282  *
283  * @param pinfo the current packet info
284  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
285  * @param fmt_str format string, e.g. "reassembled in %u".
286  * @param frame_num frame number
287  */
288 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_frame_number(packet_info *pinfo, const gint col, const gchar *fmt_str, guint frame_num);
290 /* Append the given strings (terminated by COL_ADD_LSTR_TERMINATOR) to a column element,
291  *
292  * Same result as col_append_str() called for every string element.
293  */
294 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_lstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint el, const gchar *str, ...);
296 /** Append the given text to a column element, the text will be formatted and copied.
297  *
298  * Same function as col_append_str() but using a printf-like format string.
299  *
300  * @param cinfo the current packet row
301  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
302  * @param format the format string
303  * @param ... the variable number of parameters
304  */
305 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_fstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *format, ...)
306     G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
308 /** Prepend the given text to a column element, the text will be formatted and copied.
309  *
310  * @param cinfo the current packet row
311  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
312  * @param format the format string
313  * @param ... the variable number of parameters
314  */
315 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_prepend_fstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *format, ...)
316     G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
318 /**Prepend the given text to a column element, the text will be formatted and copied.
319  * This function is similar to col_prepend_fstr() but this function will
320  * unconditionally set a fence to the end of the prepended data even if there
321  * were no fence before.
322  * The col_prepend_fstr() will only prepend the data before the fence IF
323  * there is already a fence created. This function will create a fence in case
324  * it does not yet exist.
325  */
326 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_prepend_fence_fstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *format, ...)
327     G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
329 /** Append the given text (prepended by a separator) to a column element.
330  *
331  * Much like col_append_str() but will prepend the given separator if the column isn't empty.
332  *
333  * @param cinfo the current packet row
334  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
335  * @param sep the separator string or NULL for default: ", "
336  * @param str the string to append
337  */
338 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_sep_str(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *sep,
339 		const gchar *str);
341 /** Append the given text (prepended by a separator) to a column element.
342  *
343  * Much like col_append_fstr() but will prepend the given separator if the column isn't empty.
344  *
345  * @param cinfo the current packet row
346  * @param col the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
347  * @param sep the separator string or NULL for default: ", "
348  * @param format the format string
349  * @param ... the variable number of parameters
350  */
351 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void col_append_sep_fstr(column_info *cinfo, const gint col, const gchar *sep,
352 		const gchar *format, ...)
353     G_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5);
355 /** Set the given (relative) time to a column element.
356  *
357  * Used by dissectors to set the time in a column
358  *
359  * @param cinfo		the current packet row
360  * @param col		the column to use, e.g. COL_INFO
361  * @param ts		the time to set in the column
362  * @param fieldname	the fieldname to use for creating a filter (when
363  *			  applying/preparing/copying as filter)
364  */
365 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void 	col_set_time(column_info *cinfo, const int col,
366 			const nstime_t *ts, const char *fieldname);
368 WS_DLL_PUBLIC void set_fd_time(const struct epan_session *epan, frame_data *fd, gchar *buf);
370 #ifdef __cplusplus
371 }
372 #endif /* __cplusplus */
374 #endif /* __COLUMN_UTILS_H__ */