1 /* This file is part of the YAZ toolkit.
2  * Copyright (C) Index Data
3  * See the file LICENSE for details.
4  */
6 /**
7  * \file statserv.c
8  * \brief Implements GFS logic
9  */
12 #include <config.h>
13 #endif
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <string.h>
19 #ifdef WIN32
20 #include <process.h>
21 #include <winsock.h>
22 #include <direct.h>
23 #endif
25 #include <yaz/sc.h>
26 #include <yaz/tpath.h>
29 #include <sys/types.h>
30 #endif
32 #include <sys/wait.h>
33 #endif
35 #include <unistd.h>
36 #endif
37 #if HAVE_PWD_H
38 #include <pwd.h>
39 #endif
41 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
42 #include <libxml/parser.h>
43 #include <libxml/tree.h>
44 #include <libxml/xinclude.h>
45 #endif
48 #include <pthread.h>
49 #endif
51 #include <fcntl.h>
52 #include <signal.h>
53 #include <errno.h>
55 #include <yaz/comstack.h>
56 #include <yaz/tcpip.h>
57 #include <yaz/options.h>
58 #include <yaz/errno.h>
59 #ifdef USE_XTIMOSI
60 #include <yaz/xmosi.h>
61 #endif
62 #include <yaz/log.h>
63 #include "eventl.h"
64 #include "session.h"
65 #include <yaz/statserv.h>
66 #include <yaz/daemon.h>
67 #include <yaz/yaz-iconv.h>
69 static IOCHAN pListener = NULL;
71 static char gfs_root_dir[FILENAME_MAX+1];
72 static struct gfs_server *gfs_server_list = 0;
73 static struct gfs_listen *gfs_listen_list = 0;
74 static NMEM gfs_nmem = 0;
76 static char *me = "statserver"; /* log prefix */
77 static char *programname="statserver"; /* full program name */
78 #ifdef WIN32
79 DWORD current_control_tls;
80 static int init_control_tls = 0;
82 static pthread_key_t current_control_tls;
83 static int init_control_tls = 0;
84 #else
85 static statserv_options_block *current_control_block = 0;
86 #endif
88 /*
89  * default behavior.
90  */
91 #define STAT_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL "server,session,request"
93 int check_options(int argc, char **argv);
94 statserv_options_block control_block = {
95     1,                          /* dynamic mode */
96     0,                          /* threaded mode */
97     0,                          /* one shot (single session) */
98     "",                         /* no PDUs */
99     "",                         /* diagnostic output to stderr */
100     PROTO_Z3950,                /* default application protocol */
101     900,                        /* idle timeout (seconds) */
102     64*1024*1024,               /* maximum PDU size (approx.) to allow */
103     "default-config",           /* configuration name to pass to backend */
104     "",                         /* set user id */
105     0,                          /* bend_start handler */
106     0,                          /* bend_stop handler */
107     check_options,              /* Default routine, for checking the run-time arguments */
108     check_ip_tcpd,
109     "",
110     0,                          /* default value for inet deamon */
111     0,                          /* handle (for service, etc) */
112     0,                          /* bend_init handle */
113     0,                          /* bend_close handle */
114 #ifdef WIN32
115     "Z39.50 Server",            /* NT Service Name */
116     "Server",                   /* NT application Name */
117     "",                         /* NT Service Dependencies */
118     "Z39.50 Server",            /* NT Service Display Name */
119 #endif /* WIN32 */
120     "",                         /* PID fname */
121     0,                          /* background daemon */
122     "",                         /* SSL certificate filename */
123     "",                         /* XML config filename */
124     1                           /* keepalive */
125 };
127 static int max_sessions = 0;
129 static int logbits_set = 0;
130 static int log_session = 0; /* one-line logs for session */
131 static int log_sessiondetail = 0; /* more detailed stuff */
132 static int log_server = 0;
134 /** get_logbits sets global loglevel bits */
get_logbits(int force)135 static void get_logbits(int force)
136 { /* needs to be called after parsing cmd-line args that can set loglevels!*/
137     if (force || !logbits_set)
138     {
139         logbits_set = 1;
140         log_session = yaz_log_module_level("session");
141         log_sessiondetail = yaz_log_module_level("sessiondetail");
142         log_server = yaz_log_module_level("server");
143     }
144 }
147 static int add_listener(char *where, int listen_id);
149 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
150 static xmlDocPtr xml_config_doc = 0;
151 #endif
153 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
xml_config_get_root(void)154 static xmlNodePtr xml_config_get_root(void)
155 {
156     xmlNodePtr ptr = 0;
157     if (xml_config_doc)
158     {
159         ptr = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_config_doc);
160         if (!ptr || ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE ||
161             strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "yazgfs"))
162         {
163             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN, "Bad/missing root element for config %s",
164                     control_block.xml_config);
165             return 0;
166         }
167     }
168     return ptr;
169 }
170 #endif
172 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
nmem_dup_xml_content(NMEM n,xmlNodePtr ptr)173 static char *nmem_dup_xml_content(NMEM n, xmlNodePtr ptr)
174 {
175     unsigned char *cp;
176     xmlNodePtr p;
177     int len = 1;  /* start with 1, because of trailing 0 */
178     unsigned char *str;
179     int first = 1; /* whitespace lead flag .. */
180     /* determine length */
181     for (p = ptr; p; p = p->next)
182     {
183         if (p->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
184             len += xmlStrlen(p->content);
185     }
186     /* now allocate for the string */
187     str = (unsigned char *) nmem_malloc(n, len);
188     *str = '\0'; /* so we can use strcat */
189     for (p = ptr; p; p = p->next)
190     {
191         if (p->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
192         {
193             cp = p->content;
194             if (first)
195             {
196                 while(*cp && yaz_isspace(*cp))
197                     cp++;
198                 if (*cp)
199                     first = 0;  /* reset if we got non-whitespace out */
200             }
201             strcat((char *)str, (const char *)cp); /* append */
202         }
203     }
204     /* remove trailing whitespace */
205     cp = strlen((const char *)str) + str;
206     while (cp != str && yaz_isspace(cp[-1]))
207         cp--;
208     *cp = '\0';
209     /* return resulting string */
210     return (char *) str;
211 }
212 #endif
214 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
gfs_server_new(const char * id)215 static struct gfs_server * gfs_server_new(const char *id)
216 {
217     struct gfs_server *n = (struct gfs_server *)
218         nmem_malloc(gfs_nmem, sizeof(*n));
219     memcpy(&n->cb, &control_block, sizeof(control_block));
220     n->next = 0;
221     n->host = 0;
222     n->listen_ref = 0;
223     n->cql_transform = 0;
224     n->ccl_transform = 0;
225     n->server_node_ptr = 0;
226     n->directory = 0;
227     n->docpath = 0;
228     n->stylesheet = 0;
229     n->client_query_charset = 0;
230     n->id = nmem_strdup_null(gfs_nmem, id);
231     n->retrieval = yaz_retrieval_create();
232     return n;
233 }
234 #endif
236 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
gfs_listen_new(const char * id,const char * address)237 static struct gfs_listen * gfs_listen_new(const char *id,
238                                           const char *address)
239 {
240     struct gfs_listen *n = (struct gfs_listen *)
241         nmem_malloc(gfs_nmem, sizeof(*n));
242     if (id)
243         n->id = nmem_strdup(gfs_nmem, id);
244     else
245         n->id = 0;
246     n->next = 0;
247     n->address = nmem_strdup(gfs_nmem, address);
248     return n;
249 }
250 #endif
gfs_server_chdir(struct gfs_server * gfs)252 static void gfs_server_chdir(struct gfs_server *gfs)
253 {
254     if (gfs_root_dir[0])
255     {
256         if (chdir(gfs_root_dir))
257             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "chdir %s", gfs_root_dir);
258     }
259     if (gfs->directory)
260     {
261         if (chdir(gfs->directory))
262             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "chdir %s",
263                     gfs->directory);
264     }
265 }
control_association(association * assoc,const char * host,int force_open)267 int control_association(association *assoc, const char *host, int force_open)
268 {
269     char vhost[128], *cp;
270     if (host)
271     {
272         strncpy(vhost, host, 127);
273         vhost[127] = '\0';
274         cp = strchr(vhost, ':');
275         if (cp)
276             *cp = '\0';
277         host = vhost;
278     }
279     assoc->server = 0;
280     if (control_block.xml_config[0])
281     {
282         struct gfs_server *gfs;
283         for (gfs = gfs_server_list; gfs; gfs = gfs->next)
284         {
285             int listen_match = 0;
286             int host_match = 0;
287             if ( !gfs->host || (host && gfs->host && !strcmp(host, gfs->host)))
288                 host_match = 1;
289             if (!gfs->listen_ref)
290                 listen_match = 1;
291             else
292             {
293                 int i;
294                 for (i = 0; gfs->listen_ref[i] != -1; i++)
295                     if (gfs->listen_ref[i] == assoc->client_chan->chan_id)
296                         listen_match = 1;
297             }
298             if (listen_match && host_match)
299             {
300                 if (force_open ||
301                     (assoc->last_control != &gfs->cb && assoc->backend))
302                 {
303                     statserv_setcontrol(assoc->last_control);
304                     if (assoc->backend && assoc->init)
305                     {
306                         gfs_server_chdir(gfs);
307                         (assoc->last_control->bend_close)(assoc->backend);
308                     }
309                     assoc->backend = 0;
310                     xfree(assoc->init);
311                     assoc->init = 0;
312                 }
313                 assoc->server = gfs;
314                 assoc->last_control = &gfs->cb;
315                 statserv_setcontrol(&gfs->cb);
317                 gfs_server_chdir(gfs);
318                 break;
319             }
320         }
321         if (!gfs)
322         {
323             statserv_setcontrol(0);
324             assoc->last_control = 0;
325             return 0;
326         }
327     }
328     else
329     {
330         statserv_setcontrol(&control_block);
331         assoc->last_control = &control_block;
332     }
333     yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "server select: config=%s",
334             assoc->last_control->configname);
336     assoc->maximumRecordSize = assoc->last_control->maxrecordsize;
337     assoc->preferredMessageSize = assoc->last_control->maxrecordsize;
338     cs_set_max_recv_bytes(assoc->client_link, assoc->maximumRecordSize);
339     return 1;
340 }
342 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
xml_config_read(const char * base_path)343 static void xml_config_read(const char *base_path)
344 {
345     struct gfs_server **gfsp = &gfs_server_list;
346     struct gfs_listen **gfslp = &gfs_listen_list;
347     xmlNodePtr ptr = xml_config_get_root();
349     if (!ptr)
350         return;
351     for (ptr = ptr->children; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
352     {
353         struct _xmlAttr *attr;
354         if (ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
355             continue;
356         attr = ptr->properties;
357         if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "listen"))
358         {
359             /*
360               <listen id="listenerid">tcp:@:9999</listen>
361             */
362             const char *id = 0;
363             const char *address =
364                 nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
365             for ( ; attr; attr = attr->next)
366                 if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, BAD_CAST "id")
367                     && attr->children && attr->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
368                     id = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, attr->children);
369             if (address)
370             {
371                 *gfslp = gfs_listen_new(id, address);
372                 gfslp = &(*gfslp)->next;
373                 *gfslp = 0; /* make listener list consistent for search */
374             }
375         }
376         else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "server"))
377         {
378             xmlNodePtr ptr_server = ptr;
379             xmlNodePtr ptr;
380             const char *listenref = 0;
381             const char *id = 0;
382             struct gfs_server *gfs;
384             for ( ; attr; attr = attr->next)
385                 if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, BAD_CAST "listenref")
386                     && attr->children && attr->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
387                     listenref = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, attr->children);
388                 else if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, BAD_CAST "id")
389                          && attr->children
390                          && attr->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
391                     id = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, attr->children);
392                 else
393                     yaz_log(YLOG_WARN, "Unknown attribute '%s' for server",
394                             attr->name);
395             gfs = *gfsp = gfs_server_new(id);
396             gfs->server_node_ptr = ptr_server;
397             if (listenref)
398             {
399                 char **refs;
400                 int num, i;
401                 nmem_strsplit(gfs_nmem, ",", listenref, &refs, &num);
402                 gfs->listen_ref = (int*) nmem_malloc(gfs_nmem,
403                                                      sizeof(int) * (num + 1));
404                 for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
405                 {
406                     int id_no;
407                     struct gfs_listen *gl = gfs_listen_list;
408                     gfs->listen_ref[i] = 0;
409                     for (id_no = 1; gl; gl = gl->next, id_no++)
410                         if (gl->id && !strcmp(gl->id, refs[i]))
411                         {
412                             gfs->listen_ref[i] = id_no;
413                             break;
414                         }
415                     if (!gl)
416                         yaz_log(YLOG_WARN, "Non-existent listenref '%s' "
417                                 "in server config element", refs[i]);
418                 }
419                 gfs->listen_ref[i] = -1;
420             }
421             for (ptr = ptr_server->children; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
422             {
423                 if (ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
424                     continue;
425                 if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "host"))
426                 {
427                     gfs->host = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem,
428                                                      ptr->children);
429                 }
430                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "config"))
431                 {
432                     char fpath[1024];
433                     strcpy(gfs->cb.configname,
434                            nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children));
436                     if (yaz_filepath_resolve(gfs->cb.configname,
437                                              base_path, 0, fpath))
438                         strcpy(gfs->cb.configname, fpath);
439                 }
440                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "cql2rpn"))
441                 {
442                     char fpath[1024];
443                     char *fname = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
444                     if (yaz_filepath_resolve(fname, base_path, 0, fpath))
445                         fname = fpath;
447                     gfs->cql_transform = cql_transform_open_fname(fname);
448                     if (!gfs->cql_transform)
449                     {
450                         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO,
451                                 "open CQL transform file '%s'", fname);
452                         exit(1);
453                     }
454                 }
455                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "ccl2rpn"))
456                 {
457                     char *fname, fpath[1024];
458                     FILE *f;
460                     fname = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
461                     if (yaz_filepath_resolve(fname, base_path, 0, fpath))
462                         fname = fpath;
464                     if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == 0) {
465                         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "can't open CCL file '%s'", fname);
466                         exit(1);
467                     }
468                     gfs->ccl_transform = ccl_qual_mk();
469                     ccl_qual_file (gfs->ccl_transform, f);
470                     fclose(f);
471                 }
472                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "directory"))
473                 {
474                     gfs->directory =
475                         nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
476                 }
477                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "docpath"))
478                 {
479                     gfs->docpath =
480                         nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
481                 }
482                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "maximumrecordsize"))
483                 {
484                     gfs->cb.maxrecordsize = atoi(
485                         nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children));
486                 }
487                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "stylesheet"))
488                 {
489                     char *s = nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
490                     gfs->stylesheet = (char *)
491                         nmem_malloc(gfs_nmem, strlen(s) + 2);
492                     sprintf(gfs->stylesheet, "/%s", s);
493                 }
494                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name,
495                                  "client_query_charset"))
496                 {
497                     gfs->client_query_charset =
498                         nmem_dup_xml_content(gfs_nmem, ptr->children);
499                 }
500                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "explain"))
501                 {
502                     ; /* being processed separately */
503                 }
504                 else if (!strcmp((const char *) ptr->name, "retrievalinfo"))
505                 {
506                     if (base_path)
507                         yaz_retrieval_set_path(gfs->retrieval, base_path);
508                     if (yaz_retrieval_configure(gfs->retrieval, ptr))
509                     {
510                         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "%s in config %s",
511                                 yaz_retrieval_get_error(gfs->retrieval),
512                                 control_block.xml_config);
513                         exit(1);
514                     }
515                 }
516                 else
517                 {
518                     yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Unknown element '%s' in config %s",
519                             ptr->name, control_block.xml_config);
520                     exit(1);
521                 }
522             }
523             gfsp = &(*gfsp)->next;
524         }
525     }
526     *gfsp = 0;
527 }
528 #endif
xml_config_open(void)530 static int xml_config_open(void)
531 {
532     const char *last_p;
533     const char *fname = control_block.xml_config;
534     if (!getcwd(gfs_root_dir, FILENAME_MAX))
535     {
536         yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "getcwd failed");
537         gfs_root_dir[0] = '\0';
538     }
539 #ifdef WIN32
540     init_control_tls = 1;
541     current_control_tls = TlsAlloc();
543     init_control_tls = 1;
544     pthread_key_create(&current_control_tls, 0);
545 #endif
547     gfs_nmem = nmem_create();
548 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
549     if (fname[0] == '\0')
550         return 0;
552     if (!xml_config_doc)
553     {
554         xml_config_doc = xmlParseFile(fname);
555         if (!xml_config_doc)
556         {
557             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Could not parse %s", fname);
558             return -1;
559         }
560         else
561         {
562             int noSubstitutions = xmlXIncludeProcess(xml_config_doc);
563             if (noSubstitutions == -1)
564             {
565                 yaz_log(YLOG_WARN, "XInclude processing failed for config %s",
566                         fname);
567                 return -1;
568             }
569         }
570     }
571     last_p = strrchr(fname,
572 #ifdef WIN32
573                      '\\'
574 #else
575                      '/'
576 #endif
577         );
578     if (last_p)
579     {
580         WRBUF base_path = wrbuf_alloc();
581         wrbuf_write(base_path, fname, last_p - fname);
582         xml_config_read(wrbuf_cstr(base_path));
583         wrbuf_destroy(base_path);
584     }
585     else
586         xml_config_read(0);
587 #endif
588     return 0;
589 }
xml_config_close(void)591 static void xml_config_close(void)
592 {
593 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
594     if (xml_config_doc)
595     {
596         xmlFreeDoc(xml_config_doc);
597         xml_config_doc = 0;
598     }
599 #endif
600     gfs_server_list = 0;
601     nmem_destroy(gfs_nmem);
602 #ifdef WIN32
603     if (init_control_tls)
604         TlsFree(current_control_tls);
606     if (init_control_tls)
607         pthread_key_delete(current_control_tls);
608 #endif
609 }
xml_config_add_listeners(void)611 static int xml_config_add_listeners(void)
612 {
613     struct gfs_listen *gfs = gfs_listen_list;
614     int id_no;
615     int ret = 0;
617     for (id_no = 1; gfs; gfs = gfs->next, id_no++)
618     {
619         if (!ret && gfs->address)
620             ret = add_listener(gfs->address, id_no);
621     }
622     return ret;
623 }
xml_config_bend_start(void)625 static void xml_config_bend_start(void)
626 {
627     if (control_block.xml_config[0])
628     {
629         struct gfs_server *gfs = gfs_server_list;
630         for (; gfs; gfs = gfs->next)
631         {
632             yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "xml_config_bend_start config=%s",
633                     gfs->cb.configname);
634             statserv_setcontrol(&gfs->cb);
635             if (control_block.bend_start)
636             {
637                 gfs_server_chdir(gfs);
638                 (control_block.bend_start)(&gfs->cb);
639             }
640         }
641     }
642     else
643     {
644         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "xml_config_bend_start default config");
645         statserv_setcontrol(&control_block);
646         if (control_block.bend_start)
647             (*control_block.bend_start)(&control_block);
648     }
649 }
xml_config_bend_stop(void)651 static void xml_config_bend_stop(void)
652 {
653     if (control_block.xml_config[0])
654     {
655         struct gfs_server *gfs = gfs_server_list;
656         for (; gfs; gfs = gfs->next)
657         {
658             yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "xml_config_bend_stop config=%s",
659                     gfs->cb.configname);
660             statserv_setcontrol(&gfs->cb);
661             if (control_block.bend_stop)
662                 (control_block.bend_stop)(&gfs->cb);
663         }
664     }
665     else
666     {
667         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "xml_config_bend_stop default config");
668         statserv_setcontrol(&control_block);
669         if (control_block.bend_stop)
670             (*control_block.bend_stop)(&control_block);
671     }
672 }
674 static void remove_listeners(void);
676 /*
677  * handle incoming connect requests.
678  * The dynamic mode is a bit tricky mostly because we want to avoid
679  * doing all of the listening and accepting in the parent - it's
680  * safer that way.
681  */
682 #ifdef WIN32
684 typedef struct _ThreadList ThreadList;
686 struct _ThreadList
687 {
688     HANDLE hThread;
689     IOCHAN pIOChannel;
690     ThreadList *pNext;
691 };
693 static ThreadList *pFirstThread;
694 static CRITICAL_SECTION Thread_CritSect;
695 static BOOL bInitialized = FALSE;
ThreadList_Initialize()697 static void ThreadList_Initialize()
698 {
699     /* Initialize the critical Sections */
700     InitializeCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
702     /* Set the first thraed */
703     pFirstThread = NULL;
705     /* we have been initialized */
706     bInitialized = TRUE;
707 }
statserv_add(HANDLE hThread,IOCHAN pIOChannel)709 static void statserv_add(HANDLE hThread, IOCHAN pIOChannel)
710 {
711     /* Only one thread can go through this section at a time */
712     EnterCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
714     {
715         /* Lets create our new object */
716         ThreadList *pNewThread = (ThreadList *)malloc(sizeof(ThreadList));
717         pNewThread->hThread = hThread;
718         pNewThread->pIOChannel = pIOChannel;
719         pNewThread->pNext = pFirstThread;
720         pFirstThread = pNewThread;
722         /* Lets let somebody else create a new object now */
723         LeaveCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
724     }
725 }
statserv_remove(IOCHAN pIOChannel)727 void statserv_remove(IOCHAN pIOChannel)
728 {
729     /* Only one thread can go through this section at a time */
730     EnterCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
732     {
733         ThreadList *pCurrentThread = pFirstThread;
734         ThreadList *pNextThread;
735         ThreadList *pPrevThread =NULL;
737         /* Step through all the threads */
738         for (; pCurrentThread != NULL; pCurrentThread = pNextThread)
739         {
740             /* We only need to compare on the IO Channel */
741             if (pCurrentThread->pIOChannel == pIOChannel)
742             {
743                 /* We have found the thread we want to delete */
744                 /* First of all reset the next pointers */
745                 if (pPrevThread == NULL)
746                     pFirstThread = pCurrentThread->pNext;
747                 else
748                     pPrevThread->pNext = pCurrentThread->pNext;
750                 /* All we need todo now is delete the memory */
751                 free(pCurrentThread);
753                 /* No need to look at any more threads */
754                 pNextThread = NULL;
755             }
756             else
757             {
758                 /* We need to look at another thread */
759                 pNextThread = pCurrentThread->pNext;
760                 pPrevThread = pCurrentThread;
761             }
762         }
764         /* Lets let somebody else remove an object now */
765         LeaveCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
766     }
767 }
769 /* WIN32 statserv_closedown */
statserv_closedown()770 static void statserv_closedown()
771 {
772     /* Shouldn't do anything if we are not initialized */
773     if (bInitialized)
774     {
775         int iHandles = 0;
776         HANDLE *pThreadHandles = NULL;
778         /* We need to stop threads adding and removing while we */
779         /* start the closedown process */
780         EnterCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
782         {
783             /* We have exclusive access to the thread stuff now */
784             /* Y didn't i use a semaphore - Oh well never mind */
785             ThreadList *pCurrentThread = pFirstThread;
787             /* Before we do anything else, we need to shutdown the listener */
788             if (pListener != NULL)
789                 iochan_destroy(pListener);
791             for (; pCurrentThread != NULL; pCurrentThread = pCurrentThread->pNext)
792             {
793                 /* Just destroy the IOCHAN, that should do the trick */
794                 iochan_destroy(pCurrentThread->pIOChannel);
795                 closesocket(pCurrentThread->pIOChannel->fd);
797                 /* Keep a running count of our handles */
798                 iHandles++;
799             }
801             if (iHandles > 0)
802             {
803                 HANDLE *pCurrentHandle ;
805                 /* Allocate the thread handle array */
806                 pThreadHandles = (HANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(HANDLE) * iHandles);
807                 pCurrentHandle = pThreadHandles;
809                 for (pCurrentThread = pFirstThread;
810                      pCurrentThread != NULL;
811                      pCurrentThread = pCurrentThread->pNext, pCurrentHandle++)
812                 {
813                     /* Just the handle */
814                     *pCurrentHandle = pCurrentThread->hThread;
815                 }
816             }
818             /* We can now leave the critical section */
819             LeaveCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
820         }
822         /* Now we can really do something */
823         if (iHandles > 0)
824         {
825             yaz_log(log_server, "waiting for %d to die", iHandles);
826             /* This will now wait, until all the threads close */
827             WaitForMultipleObjects(iHandles, pThreadHandles, TRUE, INFINITE);
829             /* Free the memory we allocated for the handle array */
830             free(pThreadHandles);
831         }
833         xml_config_bend_stop();
834         /* No longer require the critical section, since all threads are dead */
835         DeleteCriticalSection(&Thread_CritSect);
836     }
837     xml_config_close();
838 }
event_loop_thread(IOCHAN iochan)840 void __cdecl event_loop_thread(IOCHAN iochan)
841 {
842     iochan_event_loop(&iochan, 0);
843 }
845 /* WIN32 listener */
listener(IOCHAN h,int event)846 static void listener(IOCHAN h, int event)
847 {
848     COMSTACK line = (COMSTACK) iochan_getdata(h);
849     IOCHAN parent_chan = line->user;
850     association *newas;
851     int res;
852     HANDLE newHandle;
854     if (event == EVENT_INPUT)
855     {
856         COMSTACK new_line;
857         IOCHAN new_chan;
859         if ((res = cs_listen(line, 0, 0)) < 0)
860         {
861             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO, "cs_listen failed");
862             return;
863         }
864         else if (res == 1)
865             return; /* incomplete */
866         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "listen ok");
867         new_line = cs_accept(line);
868 	if (!new_line)
869         {
870             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Accept failed.");
871             return;
872         }
873         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "Accept ok");
875         if (!(new_chan = iochan_create(cs_fileno(new_line), ir_session,
876                                        EVENT_INPUT, parent_chan->chan_id)))
877         {
878             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create iochan");
879             iochan_destroy(h);
880             return;
881         }
883         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "Creating association");
884         if (!(newas = create_association(new_chan, new_line,
885                                          control_block.apdufile)))
886         {
887             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create new assoc.");
888             iochan_destroy(h);
889             return;
890         }
891         newas->cs_get_mask = EVENT_INPUT;
892         newas->cs_put_mask = 0;
893         newas->cs_accept_mask = 0;
895         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "Setting timeout %d", control_block.idle_timeout);
896         iochan_setdata(new_chan, newas);
897         iochan_settimeout(new_chan, 60);
899         /* Now what we need todo is create a new thread with this iochan as
900            the parameter */
901         newHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthread(event_loop_thread, 0, new_chan);
902         if (newHandle == (HANDLE) -1)
903         {
905             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO, "Failed to create new thread.");
906             iochan_destroy(h);
907             return;
908         }
909         /* We successfully created the thread, so add it to the list */
910         statserv_add(newHandle, new_chan);
912         yaz_log(YLOG_DEBUG, "Created new thread, id = %ld iochan %p",(long) newHandle, new_chan);
913         iochan_setflags(h, EVENT_INPUT | EVENT_EXCEPT); /* reset listener */
914     }
915     else
916     {
917         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Bad event on listener.");
918         iochan_destroy(h);
919         return;
920     }
921 }
923 #else /* ! WIN32 */
925 /* To save having an #ifdef in event_loop we need to
926    define this empty function
927 */
statserv_remove(IOCHAN pIOChannel)928 void statserv_remove(IOCHAN pIOChannel)
929 {
930 }
statserv_closedown(void)932 static void statserv_closedown(void)
933 {
934     IOCHAN p;
936     xml_config_bend_stop();
937     for (p = pListener; p; p = p->next)
938     {
939         iochan_destroy(p);
940     }
941     xml_config_close();
942 }
944 static void *new_session(void *vp);
945 static int no_sessions = 0;
947 /* UNIX listener */
listener(IOCHAN h,int event)948 static void listener(IOCHAN h, int event)
949 {
950     COMSTACK line = (COMSTACK) iochan_getdata(h);
951     int res;
953     if (event == EVENT_INPUT)
954     {
955         COMSTACK new_line;
956         if ((res = cs_listen_check(line, 0, 0, control_block.check_ip,
957                                    control_block.daemon_name)) < 0)
958         {
959             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "cs_listen failed");
960             return;
961         }
962         else if (res == 1)
963         {
964             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN, "cs_listen incomplete");
965             return;
966         }
967         new_line = cs_accept(line);
968         if (!new_line)
969         {
970             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Accept failed.");
971             iochan_setflags(h, EVENT_INPUT | EVENT_EXCEPT); /* reset listener */
972             return;
973         }
975         if (control_block.one_shot)
976             remove_listeners();
978         yaz_log(log_sessiondetail, "Connect from %s", cs_addrstr(new_line));
980         no_sessions++;
981         if (control_block.dynamic)
982         {
983             if ((res = fork()) < 0)
984             {
985                 yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO, "fork");
986                 iochan_destroy(h);
987                 return;
988             }
989             else if (res == 0) /* child */
990             {
991                 char nbuf[100];
992                 IOCHAN pp;
994                 for (pp = pListener; pp; pp = iochan_getnext(pp))
995                 {
996                     COMSTACK l = (COMSTACK)iochan_getdata(pp);
997                     cs_close(l);
998                     iochan_destroy(pp);
999                 }
1000                 sprintf(nbuf, "%s(%d)", me, no_sessions);
1001                 yaz_log_init_prefix(nbuf);
1002                 /* ensure that bend_stop is not called when each child exits -
1003                    only for the main process ..  */
1004                 control_block.bend_stop = 0;
1005             }
1006             else /* parent */
1007             {
1008                 cs_close(new_line);
1009                 return;
1010             }
1011         }
1013         if (control_block.threads)
1014         {
1016             pthread_t child_thread;
1017             pthread_create(&child_thread, 0, new_session, new_line);
1018             pthread_detach(child_thread);
1019 #else
1020             new_session(new_line);
1021 #endif
1022         }
1023         else
1024             new_session(new_line);
1025     }
1026     else if (event == EVENT_TIMEOUT)
1027     {
1028         yaz_log(log_server, "Shutting down listener.");
1029         iochan_destroy(h);
1030     }
1031     else
1032     {
1033         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Bad event on listener.");
1034         iochan_destroy(h);
1035     }
1036 }
new_session(void * vp)1038 static void *new_session(void *vp)
1039 {
1040     const char *a;
1041     association *newas;
1042     IOCHAN new_chan;
1043     COMSTACK new_line = (COMSTACK) vp;
1044     IOCHAN parent_chan = (IOCHAN) new_line->user;
1046     unsigned cs_get_mask, cs_accept_mask, mask =
1047         ((new_line->io_pending & CS_WANT_WRITE) ? EVENT_OUTPUT : 0) |
1048         ((new_line->io_pending & CS_WANT_READ) ? EVENT_INPUT : 0);
1050     if (mask)
1051     {
1052         cs_accept_mask = mask;  /* accept didn't complete */
1053         cs_get_mask = 0;
1054     }
1055     else
1056     {
1057         cs_accept_mask = 0;     /* accept completed.  */
1058         cs_get_mask = mask = EVENT_INPUT;
1059     }
1061     if (!(new_chan = iochan_create(cs_fileno(new_line), ir_session, mask,
1062                                    parent_chan->chan_id)))
1063     {
1064         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create iochan");
1065         return 0;
1066     }
1067     if (!(newas = create_association(new_chan, new_line,
1068                                      control_block.apdufile)))
1069     {
1070         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create new assoc.");
1071         return 0;
1072     }
1073     newas->cs_accept_mask = cs_accept_mask;
1074     newas->cs_get_mask = cs_get_mask;
1076     iochan_setdata(new_chan, newas);
1077     iochan_settimeout(new_chan, 60);
1078 #if 1
1079     a = cs_addrstr(new_line);
1080 #else
1081     a = 0;
1082 #endif
1083     yaz_log_xml_errors(0, YLOG_WARN);
1084     yaz_log(log_session, "Session - OK %d %s PID=%ld",
1085             no_sessions, a ? a : "[Unknown]", (long) getpid());
1086     if (max_sessions && no_sessions >= max_sessions)
1087         control_block.one_shot = 1;
1088     if (control_block.threads)
1089     {
1090         iochan_event_loop(&new_chan, 0);
1091     }
1092     else
1093     {
1094         new_chan->next = pListener;
1095         pListener = new_chan;
1096     }
1097     return 0;
1098 }
1100 /* UNIX */
1101 #endif
inetd_connection(int what)1103 static void inetd_connection(int what)
1104 {
1105     COMSTACK line;
1106     IOCHAN chan;
1107     association *assoc;
1108     const char *addr;
1110     if ((line = cs_createbysocket(0, tcpip_type, 0, what)))
1111     {
1112         if ((chan = iochan_create(cs_fileno(line), ir_session, EVENT_INPUT,
1113                                   0)))
1114         {
1115             if ((assoc = create_association(chan, line,
1116                                             control_block.apdufile)))
1117             {
1118                 iochan_setdata(chan, assoc);
1119                 iochan_settimeout(chan, 60);
1120                 addr = cs_addrstr(line);
1121                 yaz_log(log_sessiondetail, "Inetd association from %s",
1122                         addr ? addr : "[UNKNOWN]");
1123                 assoc->cs_get_mask = EVENT_INPUT;
1124             }
1125             else
1126             {
1127                 yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create association structure");
1128             }
1129             chan->next = pListener;
1130             pListener = chan;
1131         }
1132         else
1133         {
1134             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create iochan");
1135         }
1136     }
1137     else
1138     {
1139         yaz_log(YLOG_ERRNO|YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to create comstack on socket 0");
1140     }
1141 }
1143 /*
1144  * Set up a listening endpoint, and give it to the event-handler.
1145  */
add_listener(char * where,int listen_id)1146 static int add_listener(char *where, int listen_id)
1147 {
1148     COMSTACK l;
1149     void *ap;
1150     IOCHAN lst = NULL;
1151     const char *mode;
1153     if (control_block.dynamic)
1154         mode = "dynamic";
1155     else if (control_block.threads)
1156         mode = "threaded";
1157     else
1158         mode = "static";
1160     yaz_log(log_server, "Adding %s listener on %s id=%d PID=%ld", mode, where,
1161             listen_id, (long) getpid());
1163     l = cs_create_host(where, 2, &ap);
1164     if (!l)
1165     {
1166         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to listen on %s", where);
1167         return -1;
1168     }
1169     if (*control_block.cert_fname)
1170         cs_set_ssl_certificate_file(l, control_block.cert_fname);
1172     if (cs_bind(l, ap, CS_SERVER) < 0)
1173     {
1174         if (cs_errno(l) == CSYSERR)
1175             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO, "Failed to bind to %s", where);
1176         else
1177             yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "Failed to bind to %s: %s", where,
1178                     cs_strerror(l));
1179         cs_close(l);
1180         return -1;
1181     }
1182     if (!(lst = iochan_create(cs_fileno(l), listener, EVENT_INPUT |
1183                               EVENT_EXCEPT, listen_id)))
1184     {
1185         yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL|YLOG_ERRNO, "Failed to create IOCHAN-type");
1186         cs_close(l);
1187         return -1;
1188     }
1189     iochan_setdata(lst, l); /* user-defined data for listener is COMSTACK */
1190     l->user = lst;  /* user-defined data for COMSTACK is listener chan */
1192     /* Add listener to chain */
1193     lst->next = pListener;
1194     pListener = lst;
1195     return 0; /* OK */
1196 }
remove_listeners(void)1198 static void remove_listeners(void)
1199 {
1200     IOCHAN l = pListener;
1201     for (; l; l = l->next)
1202         iochan_destroy(l);
1203 }
1205 #ifndef WIN32
1206 /* UNIX only (for windows we don't need to catch the signals) */
catchchld(int num)1207 static void catchchld(int num)
1208 {
1209     while (waitpid(-1, 0, WNOHANG) > 0)
1210         ;
1211     signal(SIGCHLD, catchchld);
1212 }
1213 #endif
statserv_getcontrol(void)1215 statserv_options_block *statserv_getcontrol(void)
1216 {
1217 #ifdef WIN32
1218     if (init_control_tls)
1219         return (statserv_options_block *) TlsGetValue(current_control_tls);
1220     else
1221         return &control_block;
1223     if (init_control_tls)
1224         return (statserv_options_block *)
1225             pthread_getspecific(current_control_tls);
1226     else
1227         return &control_block;
1228 #else
1229     if (current_control_block)
1230         return current_control_block;
1231     return &control_block;
1232 #endif
1233 }
statserv_setcontrol(statserv_options_block * block)1235 void statserv_setcontrol(statserv_options_block *block)
1236 {
1237     if (gfs_root_dir[0])
1238     {
1239         if (chdir(gfs_root_dir))
1240             yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "chdir %s", gfs_root_dir);
1241     }
1242 #ifdef WIN32
1243     if (init_control_tls)
1244         TlsSetValue(current_control_tls, block);
1246     if (init_control_tls)
1247         pthread_setspecific(current_control_tls, block);
1248 #else
1249     current_control_block = block;
1250 #endif
1251 }
statserv_reset(void)1253 static void statserv_reset(void)
1254 {
1255 }
1257 static int sig_received = 0;
1259 #ifndef WIN32
normal_stop_handler(int num)1260 static void normal_stop_handler(int num)
1261 {
1262     sig_received = num;
1263 }
1264 #endif
daemon_handler(void * data)1266 static void daemon_handler(void *data)
1267 {
1268     IOCHAN *pListener = data;
1269     iochan_event_loop(pListener, &sig_received);
1270 }
show_version(void)1272 static void show_version(void)
1273 {
1274     char vstr[20], sha1_str[41];
1276     yaz_version(vstr, sha1_str);
1277     printf("YAZ version: %s %s\n", YAZ_VERSION, YAZ_VERSION_SHA1);
1278     if (strcmp(sha1_str, YAZ_VERSION_SHA1))
1279         printf("YAZ DLL/SO: %s %s\n", vstr, sha1_str);
1280     exit(0);
1281 }
statserv_sc_main(yaz_sc_t s,int argc,char ** argv)1283 static int statserv_sc_main(yaz_sc_t s, int argc, char **argv)
1284 {
1285     char sep;
1286 #ifdef WIN32
1287     /* We need to initialize the thread list */
1288     ThreadList_Initialize();
1289 /* WIN32 */
1290 #endif
1293 #ifdef WIN32
1294     sep = '\\';
1295 #else
1296     sep = '/';
1297 #endif
1298     if ((me = strrchr(argv[0], sep)))
1299         me++; /* get the basename */
1300     else
1301         me = argv[0];
1302     programname = argv[0];
1304     if (control_block.options_func(argc, argv))
1305         return 1;
1307     if (xml_config_open())
1308         return 1;
1310     xml_config_bend_start();
1312     if (control_block.inetd)
1313     {
1314 #ifdef WIN32
1315         ; /* no inetd on Windows */
1316 #else
1317         inetd_connection(control_block.default_proto);
1318 #endif
1319     }
1320     else
1321     {
1322         if (xml_config_add_listeners())
1323             return 1;
1325         if (!pListener)
1326             add_listener("tcp:@:9999", 0);
1328 #ifndef WIN32
1329         if (control_block.dynamic)
1330             signal(SIGCHLD, catchchld);
1331 #endif
1332     }
1333     if (pListener == NULL)
1334         return 1;
1335     if (s)
1336         yaz_sc_running(s);
1338 #ifndef WIN32
1339     signal(SIGTERM, normal_stop_handler);
1340 #endif
1341     yaz_daemon(programname,
1342                (control_block.background ? YAZ_DAEMON_FORK : 0),
1343                daemon_handler, &pListener,
1344                *control_block.pid_fname ? control_block.pid_fname : 0,
1345                *control_block.setuid ? control_block.setuid : 0);
1346 #ifndef WIN32
1347     if (sig_received)
1348         yaz_log(YLOG_LOG, "Received SIGTERM PID=%ld", (long) getpid());
1349 #endif
1350     return 0;
1351 }
option_copy(char * dst,const char * src)1353 static void option_copy(char *dst, const char *src)
1354 {
1355     strncpy(dst, src ? src : "", BEND_NAME_MAX-1);
1356     dst[BEND_NAME_MAX-1] = '\0';
1357 }
check_options(int argc,char ** argv)1359 int check_options(int argc, char **argv)
1360 {
1361     int ret = 0, r;
1362     char *arg;
1364     yaz_log_init_level(yaz_log_mask_str(STAT_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL));
1366     get_logbits(1);
1368     while ((ret = options("1a:iszSTl:v:u:c:w:t:k:Kd:A:p:DC:f:m:r:V",
1369                           argv, argc, &arg)) != -2)
1370     {
1371         switch (ret)
1372         {
1373         case 0:
1374             if (add_listener(arg, 0))
1375                 return 1;  /* failed to create listener */
1376             break;
1377         case '1':
1378             control_block.one_shot = 1;
1379             control_block.dynamic = 0;
1380             break;
1381         case 'z':
1382             control_block.default_proto = PROTO_Z3950;
1383             break;
1384         case 's':
1385             fprintf(stderr, "%s: SR protocol no longer supported\n", me);
1386             exit(1);
1387             break;
1388         case 'S':
1389             control_block.dynamic = 0;
1390             break;
1391         case 'T':
1393             control_block.dynamic = 0;
1394             control_block.threads = 1;
1395 #else
1396             fprintf(stderr, "%s: Threaded mode not available.\n", me);
1397             return 1;
1398 #endif
1399             break;
1400         case 'l':
1401             option_copy(control_block.logfile, arg);
1402             yaz_log_init_file(control_block.logfile);
1403             break;
1404         case 'm':
1405             if (!arg) {
1406                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Specify time format for log file.\n", me);
1407                 return(1);
1408             }
1409             yaz_log_time_format(arg);
1410             break;
1411         case 'v':
1412             yaz_log_init_level(yaz_log_mask_str(arg));
1413             get_logbits(1);
1414             break;
1415         case 'a':
1416             option_copy(control_block.apdufile, arg);
1417             break;
1418         case 'u':
1419             option_copy(control_block.setuid, arg);
1420             break;
1421         case 'c':
1422             option_copy(control_block.configname, arg);
1423             break;
1424         case 'C':
1425             option_copy(control_block.cert_fname, arg);
1426             break;
1427         case 'd':
1428             option_copy(control_block.daemon_name, arg);
1429             break;
1430         case 't':
1431             if (!arg || !(r = atoi(arg)))
1432             {
1433                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Specify positive timeout for -t.\n", me);
1434                 return(1);
1435             }
1436             control_block.idle_timeout = strchr(arg, 's') ? r : 60 * r;
1437             break;
1438         case  'k':
1439             if (!arg || !(r = atoi(arg)))
1440             {
1441                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Specify positive size for -k.\n", me);
1442                 return(1);
1443             }
1444             control_block.maxrecordsize = r * 1024;
1445             break;
1446         case 'K':
1447             control_block.keepalive = 0;
1448             break;
1449         case 'i':
1450             control_block.inetd = 1;
1451             break;
1452         case 'w':
1453             if (chdir(arg))
1454             {
1455                 perror(arg);
1456                 return 1;
1457             }
1458             break;
1459         case 'A':
1460             max_sessions = atoi(arg);
1461             break;
1462         case 'p':
1463             option_copy(control_block.pid_fname, arg);
1464             break;
1465         case 'f':
1466 #if YAZ_HAVE_XML2
1467             option_copy(control_block.xml_config, arg);
1468 #else
1469             fprintf(stderr, "%s: Option -f unsupported since YAZ is compiled without Libxml2 support\n", me);
1470             exit(1);
1471 #endif
1472             break;
1473         case 'D':
1474             control_block.background = 1;
1475             break;
1476         case 'r':
1477             if (!arg || !(r = atoi(arg)))
1478             {
1479                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Specify positive size for -r.\n", me);
1480                 return(1);
1481             }
1482             yaz_log_init_max_size(r * 1024);
1483             break;
1484         case 'V':
1485             show_version();
1486             break;
1487         default:
1488             fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -a <pdufile> -v <loglevel>"
1489                     " -l <logfile> -u <user> -c <config> -t <minutes>"
1490                     " -k <kilobytes> -d <daemon> -p <pidfile> -C certfile"
1491                     " -zKiDSTV1 -m <time-format> -w <directory> <listener-addr>... ]\n", me);
1492             return 1;
1493         }
1494     }
1495     return 0;
1496 }
statserv_sc_stop(yaz_sc_t s)1498 void statserv_sc_stop(yaz_sc_t s)
1499 {
1500     statserv_closedown();
1501     statserv_reset();
1502 }
statserv_main(int argc,char ** argv,bend_initresult * (* bend_init)(bend_initrequest * r),void (* bend_close)(void * handle))1504 int statserv_main(int argc, char **argv,
1505                   bend_initresult *(*bend_init)(bend_initrequest *r),
1506                   void (*bend_close)(void *handle))
1507 {
1508     int ret;
1509     struct statserv_options_block *cb = &control_block;
1511     /* control block does not have service_name member on Unix */
1512     yaz_sc_t s = yaz_sc_create(
1513 #ifdef WIN32
1514         cb->service_name, cb->service_display_name
1515 #else
1516         0, 0
1517 #endif
1518         );
1520     cb->bend_init = bend_init;
1521     cb->bend_close = bend_close;
1523     ret = yaz_sc_program(s, argc, argv, statserv_sc_main, statserv_sc_stop);
1524     yaz_sc_destroy(&s);
1525     return ret;
1526 }
1528 /*
1529  * Local variables:
1530  * c-basic-offset: 4
1531  * c-file-style: "Stroustrup"
1532  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
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1534  * vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab
1535  */