1; $Id: uk__asc.chs,v 1.2 2005/05/05 07:40:41 stas_degteff Exp $
3; This file is a charset conversion module in text form.
5; This module converts the UK set to ASCII.
6; You can use it as a basis for a level 1 converter.
8; Format: ID, version, level,
9;         from charset, to charset,
10;         128 entries: first & second byte
11;	  "END"
12; Lines beginning with a ";" or a ";" after the entries are comments
14; Unknown characters are mapped to the "?" character.
16; cedilla = ,   ; dieresis = ..       ; acute = '
17; grave = `     ; circumflex = ^      ; ring = o
18; tilde = ~     ; caron = v
19; All of these are above the character, apart from the cedilla which is below.
21; \ is the escape character: \0 means decimal zero,
22; \dnnn where nnn is a decimal number is the ordinal value of the character
23; \xnn where nn is a hexadecimal number
24; e.g.: \x32 is the ASCII space character
25; Two \\ is the character "\" itself.
270		; ID number
280		; version number
301		; level number
32UK		; from set
33ASCII		; to set
35\0 \0		; NUL
36\0 \x1		; SOH
37\0 \x2		; STX
38\0 \x3		; ETX
39\0 \x4		; EOT
40\0 \x5		; ENQ
41\0 \x6		; ACK
42\0 \x7		; BEL
43\0 \x8		; BS
44\0 \x9		; HT
45\0 \xA		; LF
46\0 \xB		; VT
47\0 \xC		; FF
48\0 \xD		; CR
49\0 \xE		; SO
50\0 \xF		; SI
51\0 \x10		; DLE
52\0 \x11		; DC1
53\0 \x12		; DC2
54\0 \x13		; DC3
55\0 \x14		; DC4
56\0 \x15		; NAK
57\0 \x16		; SYN
58\0 \x17		; ETB
59\0 \x18		; CAN
60\0 \x19		; EM
61\0 \x1a		; SUB
62\0 \x1b		; ESC
63\0 \x1c		; FS
64\0 \x1d		; GS
65\0 \x1e		; RS
66\0 \x1f		; US
67\0 \x20		; space
68\0 !            ; exclam
69\0 "		; double quotes
70\0 #		; pound / number -> pound sterling
71\0 $		; dollar
72\0 %		; percent
73\0 &		; ampersand
74\0 '		; quote right
75\0 (		; parenthesis left
76\0 )		; parenthesis right
77\0 *		; asterisk
78\0 +		; plus
79\0 ,		; comma
80\0 -		; minus
81\0 .		; period
82\0 /		; slash
83\0 0		; zero
84\0 1		; one
85\0 2		; two
86\0 3		; three
87\0 4		; four
88\0 5		; five
89\0 6		; six
90\0 7		; seven
91\0 8		; eight
92\0 9		; nine
93\0 :		; colon
94\0 \d59         ; semicolon
95\0 <		; less than
96\0 =		; equals
97\0 >		; greater than
98\0 ?		; question
99\0 @		; at
100\0 A		;
101\0 B		;
102\0 C		;
103\0 D		;
104\0 E		;
105\0 F		;
106\0 G		;
107\0 H		;
108\0 I		;
109\0 J		;
110\0 K		;
111\0 L		;
112\0 M		;
113\0 N		;
114\0 O		;
115\0 P		;
116\0 Q		;
117\0 R		;
118\0 S		;
119\0 T		;
120\0 U		;
121\0 V		;
122\0 W		;
123\0 X		;
124\0 Y		;
125\0 Z		;
126\0 [		; bracket left
127\0 \\		; backslash
128\0 ]		; bracket right
129\0 ^		; circum
130\0 _		; underscore
131\0 `		; quote left
132\0 a		;
133\0 b		;
134\0 c		;
135\0 d		;
136\0 e		;
137\0 f		;
138\0 g		;
139\0 h		;
140\0 i		;
141\0 j		;
142\0 k		;
143\0 l		;
144\0 m		;
145\0 n		;
146\0 o		;
147\0 p		;
148\0 q		;
149\0 r		;
150\0 s		;
151\0 t		;
152\0 u		;
153\0 v		;
154\0 w		;
155\0 x		;
156\0 y		;
157\0 z		;
158\0 {		; brace left
159\0 |		; bar
160\0 }		; brace right
161\0 ~		; tilde
162\0 \x7F		; DEL